There's any way to diagnostic the sensor? I'm already validate the connector and the energy continuity and its working. But i don't know how to validate the sensor with a multimeter. Anyways the scanner says that is the "radio from the passenger" and there's an error in the car panel. Also all the other sensors stopped working, seems that everything works at the same time or nothing of the system of automatic opener.
Last step looks a bit tricky, but much easier than disassembly of entire door. THANK YOU!
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Werde es die Tage an meinem AUDI S5 V8 4.2 durchführen !
There's any way to diagnostic the sensor? I'm already validate the connector and the energy continuity and its working. But i don't know how to validate the sensor with a multimeter. Anyways the scanner says that is the "radio from the passenger" and there's an error in the car panel. Also all the other sensors stopped working, seems that everything works at the same time or nothing of the system of automatic opener.
What's the part number for the sensor?