What Mini PC is best for you?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @ajka-ok3nf
    @ajka-ok3nf 25 дней назад +9

    saw the 15 mini pc's and decided this would be the first video i would watch for mini pc's.

  • @invisimine
    @invisimine 5 месяцев назад +19

    You sir earned a subscribe. I’m in the market for a mini pc and needed a quick explanation to know what to look for.

  • @chrislaneDivo
    @chrislaneDivo 7 месяцев назад +9

    Thanks bro 🙂 I didn't even know they had many PCs until I checked on Amazon today for a computer

  • @amirriahi529
    @amirriahi529 4 месяца назад +12

    PLEASE, are these mini PC's capable of streaming 4K movies from them to the TV without any problems?
    From a Plex multimedia server and the movies copies onto the m.2 of the mini pc.

  • @dale1468
    @dale1468 6 месяцев назад +90

    Ace magic with pre installed malware 😢

    • @lukaLondaridze
      @lukaLondaridze 5 месяцев назад


    • @buenogoodlive
      @buenogoodlive 5 месяцев назад +48

      They all come with pre-installed malware: Windows 11

    • @stefanogandino9192
      @stefanogandino9192 4 месяца назад +27

      ​​​​@@buenogoodliveyou sounds like the guy who would uninstall his windows os to download an os that has less compatible programs, less games, more problems to solve that need googling and pasting random line of codes (like that the os does not recognize the graphic card) to be ultimately able to change the color of the file folders

      @PANDORAZTOYBOKZ 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@stefanogandino9192Less games is a bit egregious when almost every game that doesn't have DRM blocks will run basically 1:1 through proton.

    • @stefanogandino9192
      @stefanogandino9192 4 месяца назад +17

      @@PANDORAZTOYBOKZ such a convoluted way to say i'm right

  • @DeeBeesvideochannel
    @DeeBeesvideochannel 7 месяцев назад +9

    It appears, from reviews, that the GMKtec Mini PC N100 does not carry audio through the HDMI connection. Are there any mini-PCs you know of that do?

    • @tip00former1
      @tip00former1 5 месяцев назад +4

      Get the nucbox G2, not the G3 or G5. It has an display-port which is always superior to hdmi and in your case will carry the audio. Also the G2 is better than the other two as it uses both ddr5 and wifi6. The price varies but the base version G2 is currently on sale for $128.
      Your monitor needs to have a dp of course 🙂

    • @mmxcix
      @mmxcix 2 месяца назад +1

      Lenovo Thinkcentre Tiny PC

    • @Vikiati
      @Vikiati Месяц назад

      I have a KinHank MP100 Mini PC (designed for retro gaming). It works with an older Samsung monitor, which has only an HDMI port, no Display Port. I can hear the sounds on it loud and clear. Actually very loud! :)

  • @SteeloTooTrill
    @SteeloTooTrill 21 день назад +1

    Which Would Be good for Streaming my Gaming PC, i want to connect a elgato and use it to stream my main PC

  • @kgf.o.e4129
    @kgf.o.e4129 3 месяца назад +2

    My rocking with the Lenovo thinkcentre! It gets the job done

    • @davescom
      @davescom 23 дня назад

      Yes fantastic but you still need to carry extra power brick lol

  • @VictorJulianGonzalez
    @VictorJulianGonzalez Месяц назад +1

    What would you recommend for someone who runs a marketing agency. Anywhere from 3-7 tabs open at any time, some canva work, lots of zoom calls and live streaming etc.

  • @XP_Karting
    @XP_Karting 5 месяцев назад +8

    I am looking for a mini pc that’s mainly for gaming but my computer runs on 144hz and has 32GB of ram so it’s usually fine in most games but in games like beaming drive or gorilla tag on steam vr I need that extra tiny FPS boost. Does anyone know any good mini pc’s for this?

  • @lingster7777
    @lingster7777 7 месяцев назад +3

    Hello! Which one of these Mini PCs would you recommend for a Game Dev?
    We aren't trying to create high graphical games. Maybe something between NES - PS2 era graphics.

  • @bosho3r
    @bosho3r 14 дней назад

    Great video!
    Thank you very much :)

  • @ryannavarro8865
    @ryannavarro8865 7 месяцев назад +3

    Do you guys think that these mini pieces would be able to handle running five monitors?

    • @syth545
      @syth545 5 месяцев назад

      It depends on the amount of ports on yhe back but I think most support 2-4

    • @marcd7332
      @marcd7332 4 месяца назад +6

      If you can afford 5 monitors you can afford a real pc

  • @moenibus
    @moenibus 23 дня назад +5

    and in the end, just a bunch of products, no real, specific advise, marketing disguised as review

  • @andrebradley1924
    @andrebradley1924 27 дней назад

    I need a mini pc that I can use for streaming movies, iptv gaming and retro games. That's upgradable. Dolby vision and dolby atmos

  • @JasonRacine-q2b
    @JasonRacine-q2b 4 месяца назад +2

    Can you know anything about the fy3 mini PC by funyet? I'm looking at that and thinking about buying that one but I can't find a proper review? Do you know anything about that one?

    • @GoTechGeek
      @GoTechGeek  4 месяца назад

      Have not tried one but I looked it up on Amazon. Great price for what you get! Not fast but would work as a basic PC for browsing or consuming media.

    • @JasonRacine-q2b
      @JasonRacine-q2b 4 месяца назад

      @@GoTechGeek 🤔 I've had currently the chuwi larkbox from back 2016 (I got that in 2019 I believe) and ITS been a good mini PC cube 😜 hopefully this one is just as good?

  • @Dr_Monitor
    @Dr_Monitor 2 месяца назад

    Just bought a TopGro K2 today, getting it next Monday.

  • @MrsGSXR11
    @MrsGSXR11 23 дня назад

    Can you share which mini you have for your laser engraver?

  • @alexaw.2256
    @alexaw.2256 23 дня назад

    I'm currently in the market for a mini-PC to run a nextcloud-server on. Are there any recommendations you might have for my usecase? (Preferably one thats under 300€?)
    Hope you have a great week =)

  • @GigaStinkerino
    @GigaStinkerino 3 месяца назад +11

    This aged like milk and in way too short of a time. Basically all of the brands you mentioned are notoriously infected with malware. Im disappointed that it's not even covered in the video, I feel like that's definitely a topic you should have touched upon.

    • @GoTechGeek
      @GoTechGeek  3 месяца назад +7

      I check EVERY computer I get for malware before I do anything with it and I have yet to come across a single mini PC with malware on it. I suspect I know what you are referring to though. There was a video about a batch of Ace Magician mini pcs with malware on it. If you know another instance of that happening I would love to know so I can look into it more. Thanks.

    • @NipplesOfDestiny
      @NipplesOfDestiny 2 месяца назад +4

      Malware is a thing of the past unless you are downloading and executing scripts on your PC. Windows installs what is arguably malware from it's core repositories, always run a debloat tool. EG LeDragoX for win 10, Raphire for Win 11

    • @Batwam0
      @Batwam0 Месяц назад

      I think that the malware he is referring to is Windows but you can safely replace the OS with Linux

  • @FactorKoo-s9l
    @FactorKoo-s9l 3 месяца назад

    may i ask which one supports HDCP 2.2? seems it is required for Netflix and some other platform streaming... otherwise no 4k uhd.

  • @jrbailey3208
    @jrbailey3208 2 месяца назад +5

    Sadly, you didn't raise one of the Key Aspects in prospective purchases from different companies: the Warranty.
    The Beelink is a prime example: when 'getting down in the weeds' of the Amazon Prime Star system, the Comments from 1 Star and 2 Star Verified Purchasers indicated that IF something goes wrong with the hardware past the 30 Day Return, you are REQUIRED to ship the unit BACK TO the P.R.C. (China). The shipping costs can ADD up rapidly, making the 'affordable' Beelink systems very UNAFFORDABLE.
    There are SEVERAL 'no name' systems from the P.R.C., which match the Beelink problem: NO USA Service Centers for repair/replacement.
    YT Reviewers are KEEN on reviewing the Hardware, but as we all know, hardware can FAIL, and that is the moment where the 'rubber meets the road', cost wise.
    Please take the time to review the Warranty Requirements from several companies, so that your viewers can make informed decisions.
    Cheers from the Oil Patch in Central WY

  • @instaworldplace5049
    @instaworldplace5049 Месяц назад

    may I buy a windows 11 on usb to repair my windows 10 on HP DEsktop?

  • @axelmartinez58
    @axelmartinez58 Месяц назад +2

    Fake recommendations he has affiliate links and gets payed a % for every mini pc we buy

  • @drjust2011
    @drjust2011 Месяц назад

    video n gaming ... which has the most drive storage

  • @ThatPinkPanther
    @ThatPinkPanther 4 месяца назад +2

    The best is the miniest

  • @aightboom3186
    @aightboom3186 Месяц назад

    Im looking for a mini pc that can handle coding...which one would you really recommend?

  • @treemanchris
    @treemanchris Месяц назад +1

    Thank you

  • @d200678
    @d200678 3 месяца назад +1

    Is ace magic really good

    • @SSpees
      @SSpees 2 месяца назад +3

      some reported to have malware.

  • @ayana_gabrielle
    @ayana_gabrielle 4 месяца назад

    What is the best one for AutoCAD use?

    • @SeanPalmer62
      @SeanPalmer62 3 месяца назад +1

      I got the Trigkey S5, very happy with it, runs solidworks great way faster than my old desktop.

  • @Alexeiiii
    @Alexeiiii 3 дня назад

    Why do I get the feeling that Ace is your sponsor ?? 😂

  • @In5an1tyB
    @In5an1tyB Месяц назад

    I feel like I should wait a few months more, maybe we‘ll get some snapdragon mini pcs.

  • @tubejim101
    @tubejim101 6 месяцев назад

    Great video.

  • @olly2120
    @olly2120 2 месяца назад +3

    Recommendations without even having it in hand?!?
    Oh wait…you have affiliate links though… 🤔 😂😂😂😂

  • @moenibus
    @moenibus 23 дня назад

    what's the point of hoarding?

  • @hentaklag
    @hentaklag 10 месяцев назад +1

    hey, u have some >=4 Core mini pc, u dont need ?

    • @mikepxg6406
      @mikepxg6406 7 месяцев назад

      I have 4 I never use.

  • @UCcdTp7XpCkVLkaRCsDcifFg
    @UCcdTp7XpCkVLkaRCsDcifFg 2 месяца назад

    me to

  • @ishaanboodhoo3759
    @ishaanboodhoo3759 2 месяца назад +5

    Can i have one

  • @PoeJanice
    @PoeJanice 4 месяца назад

    Thomas Lisa Jackson Robert Moore Kimberly

  • @velvetvideo
    @velvetvideo 28 дней назад +1

    ace magician had a bad malware issue...buyer beware

  • @m0thematicz
    @m0thematicz 3 дня назад

    only choosing ace magician pcs knowing theyre full of viruses seems like youre either biased or aponsored. such a shit video

  • @Aarron-io3pm
    @Aarron-io3pm 5 месяцев назад

    I wish I had a mini PC. Please can you send me a mininPC

  • @marcelocarmo513
    @marcelocarmo513 Месяц назад +1

    So much for no real concrete advice...

  • @mikepxg6406
    @mikepxg6406 7 месяцев назад +1

    The best is a Mac Mini 😄

    • @akshayreddy9485
      @akshayreddy9485 5 месяцев назад +1

      Get real bro

    • @mikepxg6406
      @mikepxg6406 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@akshayreddy9485 I am not your "bro" Very far from it.

    • @akshayreddy9485
      @akshayreddy9485 5 месяцев назад

      @@mikepxg6406 naah

    • @ThatPinkPanther
      @ThatPinkPanther 4 месяца назад


      @ALCLCFVIS 5 дней назад

      ofc you are not a "bro", just someone that likes to burn cash...

  • @Chronically_ChiII
    @Chronically_ChiII 6 месяцев назад +1

    I've heard Minisforum UM790pro is very unreliable and often sent back.

  • @delliscool4924
    @delliscool4924 6 месяцев назад