I feel it's important to keep pointing out that, after a child drowned in his cult compound "theme park", Kent's public response was to say that "Anyway, the kids had a blast here, and the dad wants to bring all the kids back and loves the place." That was it. No remorse, no empathy of any kind, no expression of sadness for the family or the young life lost. No indication of anything he or the park might do to try and improve safety. He followed this up by an attack on the person who publicised the death on twitter, Robert Baty. Kent is, to put it mildly, not a good person. He's also publically bragged about how severely he beat his child. Knowing this, the interviewer's seeming hero worship is deeply out of place.
Chances are he actually got some pushback from his cult after his clear and present lack of emotional response to the child's death, so that's why he got the idea to do an interview, so as to make a distraction, basically jingle his keys, for his sheep. He probably was in control of everything in that interview, from the location chosen, the camera, the lighting, to even the poor woman. He probably handpicked her because she was seemingly a "loyalist", so he knew he could change/get rid of interview questions that he didn't like (aka questions that reminded his sheep of the dead kid and his lack of emotional reaction), and he probably also, disgustingly so - considering his tendencies, thought she was "cute".
@tyemaddog Nothing you just claimed is actually taught. And no, we don't need taught moronic "alternatives". We are taught what science knows, and how science works, and the most accurate information at that time. "Space wizard used magic" isn't an alternative.
@@tyemaddogThe fundamentals of experimental science. The Bible is literature, and as such, I have no problem teaching children about the Bible as long as the emphasis is placed clearly on the word “literature.”
Professor Dave is the Kent Hovind of the secular science world. He's every bit as insufferable, arrogant, fanatical, and smug, and he's just as unqualified to call himself a professor as Kent is. Although at least Dave usually knows what he's talking about when it comes to science, though, so I guess he has that over Hovind.
His “phd thesis” starts with “Hello, my name is Kent Hovind”. I’m not kidding. It’s available online. Hilarious. The guy never read a scientific paper or a thesis in his life.
That someone calls themselves a Christian doesn’t mean they are one. Kent’s insecurity about the age of our planet in defiance of objective evidence is clearly far more important to him than the guidance of the new testament to love fellow human beings in an altruistic manner (paraphrased but consistent with the original language’s meaning). What he’s decided his faith is about is him and his insecure peers telling ’God’ what their holy book says and avoiding the uncomfortable consequences of living by the relatively hard standards altruistic love of strangers calls for. I can tell when I am in the presence of a genuine Christian because they are aware of the hard standard they face and they aren’t giving me crap for not being a believer. I respect those people, the minority of religious Christians, and despise the cowardly majority of christians who use their theology as an excuse to bully others politically.
Or she's part of the disinformation network that platforms ignorance and mysticism to try and pull us back to the feudal age. Valeria Goroshko, of Belarus (now NY), is, at minimum, a fundamentalist nutter that can't keep her Jesus-loving to herself.
Perhaps you missed that english is not her first language. This places a bit more stress, and interviewers are not all on the same level of expertise, or of the same age, not as experienced. Allow her to grow and improve over time. Think before you judge.
@@jcgadfly6200 According to the Bible, he just has to marry her AFTER he rapes her. Oh wait! She is not a virgin! He has to kill her! Unless he rejects the Bible!
"Goddidit" is always the right answer, so Goddidit that he won every debate. Even Dinesh D'Souza said "The Bible is true, no matter what is says" (not so literal, but in a debate he conceded multiple times that that what is in be Bible might not be really accurate at times, but the Bible remains the prime Source of Truth)
@@paradoxzee6834 Yes. I find it actually quite hard to find someone who either acknowledges their bias, or can judge debaters unbiasedly. For me, I try to look at both sides with logic, and see which argument holds more water. Doesn't mean I have to agree with that side, but it shows who is more capable at presenting their line of reasoning. I don't think SciManDan did a very good job in this video, but there are also problems with Hovind's reasoning too, often because he's holding onto things he found out 20+ years ago, and science and knowledge have increased/changed since then.
for the peeps outside the US of A..."I taught science in Texas..." is a red flag that can be seen from space. Teaching is hard, spewing lies is easy as pie.
It's a red flag because you need a degree from a accredited collage to teach in texas (texan here) unless it's for a church then all you need is approval from the chruch. Which was where he taught while using a fake PhD.
except there is evidence of him having taught. And you're just spreading lies in your ignorance and hate. It's incumbent upon you to provide evidence he's lying if you so wish to call him such.
@@weazz he taught in chruch without a accredited collage degree. His proof for his degree is a unsigned email saying he got a degree. Texan here claiming you taught in texas without a accredited degree is infact a red flag, illegal red flag. it wasn't even a state apporved school at the very least to make it simi legal then the government can't say he lied on purpose. He could have made up anything and claim it was real during these "classes". Even substitutes needs a 2 year accredited collage degree in education to get hired as a sub for a class. It's a literal red flag knowing Christians don't exactly teach real science, their book say we came from dirt and it jusy so happened randomly humans share the mass majority of every ape DNA, and the earth is set in its place unmoving. Also the 3 day revived jesus who somehow kept all his brain cells alive while dead and nit being a immediate potato the moment he was brought back if it even happened.
@@spud13x13 The fact you think providing no evidence is evidence of itself shows how stupid you are. Stop posting on the internet with your backward brain. Disagree with him all you want, but spreading lies only shows how much of a loser you are.
@@rockumk Because the few times that he is on here, Dan cuts his arguments to the quick. I know from other channels that Kent gets downright flustered over Dan’s response to his verbal diarrhea…..
@@andrewn7365 Kent was convicted and imprisoned for 10 years in '07 on 58 felony counts of financial fraud, etc... and that's not the end of his list, he's also been found guilty of domestic violence/abuse/assault against his third wife.
I watched a video on another channel. They dealt with a science teacher in one of the bible belt states who pretended to be straddling a line between teaching evolution and creationism. In every clip of him in class, he was preaching creationism, not challenging creationist assertions from the class. He was straddling the line by not bothering to acknowledge evolution existed. (From what the clips showed). The excuses seem to be "the state tells me what I can teach" "the local board says we have to teach this".
When all your bachelors, masters and doctorate are in Christian education (and (sacred) music), this should not work - but when you teach in christian schools, it obviously does not matter. I'd say in about any country not the US a studied teacher should have spent a few semesters of studying the topics he specializes in in order to have a reliable basis for teaching and not to have to say with the first question out of order "I'm not prepared for that".
@@TheBaggyTI’ll wait for you to write your paper explaining why evolution is wrong. Until then all you are is another delusional fool. Who lacks education.
"What is your evidence for evolution?" Is the most disengeneous question a young earth creationist can ask, when you literally have ZERO evidence to back your nonsense
How can a material being reach the conclusion it's a material being? Material cosmology says a material being is that being which doesn't know it's a material being.
@@bEverCurious Seriously? That's too funny if true. Idiots like Hovind always seem to find a bigger idiot who happens to be rich. If he had to depend upon donations or selling stuff, he'd be living under a bridge.
I struggle to understand how he can on the one hand say "where is your evidence for evolution" yet be unable to present zero evidence of creationism outside of his religious beliefs. To paraphrase Rivky Gervais, if they destroyed all the science books in the world, in a thousand years we'd have rediscovered the theory of evolution. If we destroyed all the religious texts, in a thousand years there wouldn't be a single person who believed god created the world in six days and all the other Christian nonsense.
The videos mainly involve them talking directly to the camera, claiming that x, y, or z isn't actual evidence or that they don't believe in the evidence presented. As for evidence, they'll pull some quotes from the Bible to support their assertion. They're very well-practised in choosing their audience and being able to squirm around demands for proof. Their grift is based on targeting the right people and pumping them full of misinformation.
Here in Germany we have 10 years of religious education in shool (2 classes/week, either catholic, protestant or ethics) None here ever took the Bible literally. And especially, no one here ever even remotely heard about the Bible being 6,000 years old, and that is a dogma you MUST believe. Can it be that the reason for the popularity of that nonsense in the US is that the origins of the christian belief in the US is from people that came (often because they wanted to live out their religion) from Britain, and it was the BRITISH bishop Ussher that calculated this 6,000 years in the 1600s? I think he calculated it down to the day and even the hour. Then it is somewhat understandable that this delusion is local - information in the 1600s spread slowly, and even worse over country and language barriers.
As long as you can maintain the strategy for analytical thinking, to break down a problem in simple subsections that can easily be handled, and then "reassemble" the subsolutions to a bigger picture, you will (re)discover most science once more. It is all so amazing to believe - 4,000 years ago 8 people survived the extermination of all humans and all land life. They had SPOKEN with God, he taught them how to build a giant boat (probably a stilt house that broke loose from the stilts when the plain of the Black Sea flooded - they found 8,000 year old remains of such houses in 90 meters depth there (that fact came from a (german) catholic theologian - such guys believe the Bible is to be taken METAPHORICALLY; not literally)) they saw his wrath first hand, they saw he REALLY pulls it through, and he can do it, they were chosen because they were the ONLY one's pious enough to deserve to be saved by God - these 8 people's descendants spread out and repopulated the earth. And EVERYwhere these descendants came, they obviously dug out (well, strangely enough, in all cultures there is not a mile-deep mud layer that somehow seperates two settlement phases) the remains of the culture that the God (their ancestors had known PERSONALLY) of their ancestors had wiped away because of their evilness and belief in the wrong God, and resumed the local culture EXACTLY, 1:1, including their religious beliefs. The oldest documents that were preserved come from China, from 3,500 years ago, and they do NOT mention a Flood, or a monotheistic God, or anything from a descending from the arab peninsula. The indians in America, and the aboriginees in Australia, or the eskimos in the high north - NOTHING hints at christianity.
And to switch back to Kent for a laugh - He says "What a nonsense that sciencists teach - they say something (the universe) can come from NOTHING! Ridiculous!" His God is spaceless timeless, matterless (i.e. he has no body). NOTHING existed. Then the bodiless (no mouth, no lungs) God SPOKE (densitiy vibrations in non-existent gas) the complete universe into existence. In one day. "Life cannot come from non-life!" His God SPOKE all life into existence. In one day. "They claim we came from a rock! What nonsense!" His God created Adam from dust = ground rock = minerals. In God's image. As God has no body what aspect of humans is that what resembles us? "Image" implies it can be seen. But God is invisible. Why image and not pattern, "like himself" or whatever. After all, the King James Version = translation of the Bible is the ONE version of the Bible that is LITERALLY true, way truer than the older greek, latin, hebrew versions. So image means VISUAL shape. Everything Kent accuses atheists of he believes himself - resp. he claims that he is believing it.
That's an interesting thought. I often like to point out to flat earthers how useful the globe is for every-day occurrences like international shipping and surveying. But if their holy books were to vanish and knowledge of them forgotten, yeah, there'd be a hundred new magical cosmologies each more bizarre than the last in their place. Yet only the heliocentric model would produce intelligible results.
@@feedingravens Archbishop James Ussher, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, wasn't British. He was Irish. But yes, he calculated the time and date of creation to be sundown (that is, around 6 pm) on October 22, 4004 BC.
I spoke to a creationist a few years ago. She said dinosaur fossils were put in the ground by atheist archaeologists because they wanted to disprove the Bible. I had never laughed so much. She threw a glass of beer at me for laughing, my wife punched her on the nose. 😊 🇬🇧
Not even 4 minutes in, Kent thinks "teaching" is "dumbing down" knowledge instead of elevating people's intellect. Teachers would make it DIGESTIBLE, COMPREHENSIBLE, PRACTICAL - not dumbing down. He discredits any institutes that gives/allows him teaching.
I'm not even sure that Kent believes the crap he peddles. I think he saw a good grifting opportunity with a very large gullible customer base and went for it!
I have a rule as to how I judge questions like this. For your everyday rank and file creationists, they may not know. They may have grown up being taught flies, schools don't always do a very good job teaching science, and some of them are likely homeschooled in order to keep them in a kind of Ultimate Reality bubble where they won't come into contact with any inconvenience facts. But for someone in the position that Kent is in, I don't think he can be ignorant. As he says in this video, he seeks out debates where he will be presented with contradictory information. Not only that, but someone of his profile will have been contacted by people who are trying to help them out by explaining to them how they're getting things wrong. At this point he has to know. I have no stomach for this, but I bet you could go through the debate she's engaged in and see the times his opponents have explained to him the ways in which his arguments are wrong. But he has no interest in the truth, his goal is constructing arguments that seem to support creationism because that how he makes his money. People like this don't correct themselves. After all, for his "wack an atheist" series ( he really does call effect, this isn't a joke) he watches the videos made by people who understand Evolution or the age of the earth, he watches their videos and he sees what they have to say, and he immediately discards anything that he can't dishonestly quote mine. He doesn't look up anything to verify it, he doesn't double check himself, he only cares if he thinks it will sound convincing to people who are already committed to creationism.
@@petergrant2561 it’s possible, but I doubt it. He’s truly, deeply, stupid. I think he actually believes this shit and he doesn’t have enough neurons to piss and breath at the same time, let alone think rationally. Look up his “thesis”: he was dumb 40 years ago, and he hasn’t learnt anything.
The condescension in his voice whenever he mentions atheists is very telling. A true follower of the teachings of Jesus would want to bring those who don't believe into his fold, to accept them as they are and advise others to do the same, not denigrate them at every pass.
Hovind's claim to have been a science teacher is ludicrous at best. He might have weaseled his way to the front of a classroom at a few private Baptist schools, but there's no way he has a professional qualification to teach science at any institution that takes science seriously.
Kent's PhD thesis starts with what i thought was a misquote from the bible. So I showed the sentence to a retired vicar. He immediately said it was wrong.
@robsalvv5853 His misstatement includes "Yea, hath God said", which is what appears in the King James bible. Do any other translations use that dialect of English?
It took me some time to recognize the target of this Tinfoil Tuesday. But when I heard 'he was not prepared for that' I instantly started laughing. I miss Catz... Thanks for your amazing content, SciManDan! Keep up the good work :)
Yuck. I don't want to think about his jeans. I would rather think about his interviewer who is being kind, and doing a good job of thinking he is full of shit without giving it away.
I can imagine what his former students are saying, "Yes, he visited our home school...and he was confusing. What he said didn't make sense. And later when I grew up, I discovered a lot of people were far more advanced than I was."
@nagranoth_ He has some christian music in his playlists. He really doesn't care. He has his answers all scripted. He reminds me of a child trying to get attention from the grownups.
Before the Internet you could watch daytime talk shows in the U.S. with Hollywood celebrities telling everyone about medical nonsense they had heard from some quack or health guru as if it was latest scientific breakthrough. I spent so much time trying to explain to my mom why it was wrong but she'd always say something like "But Larry Hagman said...".
If there was such a place as the Christian Heaven, then this is the type that would be running it. Imagine having to spend an eternity in a despot world policed by him.
Kent has been denounced even by other Creationists. Saying he represents all Christians is like saying ISIS represents all Muslims or the Stern Gang represents all Jews.
Dan missed the chance to point out why Kent was wrong about the chihuahua. He is right that one wouldn't survive out in the wild for very long. He was wrong about why. Kent claimed it was because as you get further from the "base" it gets "worse." In reality it is because we used artifical selection to breed them. They don't have traits to help them survive in the wild. We selected traits we wanted. This is a very big difference.
A chihuahua would not survive long in the vast majority of habitats, but I'm sure a small initial breeding population would do okay if they were deposited in an environment where they were able to slip into the apex predator niche. Say an island with a warm climate, enough rainfall for a year-round supply of water, and stable populations of ground nesting birds, non-venomous reptiles and small rodents.
It's also wrong. Chihuahua were discovered, not bred. Small desert dog. I mean, probably not the SAME as our domesticated common chihuahua, but the basics.
@thekwoka4707 they were not found. Like all other dog breeds, they were bred slowly from ancient wolves. They were specifically bred to hunt rats in Mexico and central/south America. So it is possible a wild population got lose and may have existed for a time. But no, they are not a "natural" breed. No dog is. Only wolves.
@allanmason3201 ancient ones, yes, modern ones, not likely. They were originally bred to hunt rats in central/south America. And were different from what we have now. Far more able to survive in that niche on their own. However, they have since changed enough that surviving in that niche is not likely to work for them. It may not be impossible, but it is highly unlikely. They have been bred even smaller, and while they have less issues then other small dogs, they do still have a lot of issues that make surviving in the wild incredibly difficult.
@@CharlieFoxtrot06 Christopher Link Jones used to work for Alex Jones, the conspiracist who was successfully sued by the Sandy Hook families for alleging the entire event was a false flag and the children they lost were crisis actors. He is now working at Dinosaur Adventure Land, a creationist theme park run by Kent Hovind. His coworkers were unhappy that he was allowed to stay at a family park when he was convicted in California of battery and lewd acts on children. Jones brought a child with him, an 11-year-old boy, and the park owner gave them a single bed to share. The boy alleged he was molested by Jones. Jones was arrested for an incident with that same boy two years earlier when he was just nine. He was arrested again in 2023 for "criminal sexual conduct with a minor under 14".
@@CharlieFoxtrot06 Sort the comments by newest if you want to see the information about the guy. Including the fact he is currently dealing with charges for doing it again.
Apologetics relies on logical fallacies, scientific illiteracy, science denial, virtue signaling, and intellectually insulting sophistry for a position that is not based on reason & evidence, but only on the politics of violating the informed consent.
@@johnwhit9471 which bit of @MgtowRubicon's comment did you disagree with? Everything up to the "but" is supported by the evidence of the words of apologists themselves, and the last bit is an opinion.
@@johnwhit9471 The phrase "word salad" is a term for a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, often seen in neurological or psychiatric disorders. The above post by @MgtowRubicon doesn't fit the definition of "Word Salad".
@h14hc124. I was gonna agree with the other guy but your bang on, it's also a good laugh for us with nuts in our skulls. I'm a lower class council estate lad but I look at these mongrels as some kind of bacteria that I should be careful not to step on, I respect people's opinions if they are not absolute dog crap that a 5 year old could debunk.
@@h14hc124Dan reminds me of Ben Sharpio. Goes after the same people over and over and over again and / or people who don't really know what they are talking about.
@@h14hc124 I'm not saying this guy is smart by any means. Yet to call someone "creationist" condescendingly way is mind-blowing. So believing in a "fairytale" man in the sky is dumb. Yet believing that men can get pregnant is normal? It's ironic the people who think they have such high IQs like Dan is hilarious. Remember when covid was a real thing that literally just disappeared out of nowhere? All the lock downs just......stopped one day. The world's MOST DEADLY PANDEMIC just stopped one day. Yet believing in a magical man in the sky is dumb. Yet believing that everything in the entire universe came out of nowhere......the low IQs in the comments and Dan himself are mind-blowing lol
Well not all kinds of creationists, some really delved into science and studied it, and debates it in a civil manner. Then there's also old earth creationists and young earth creationists. The young earth ones can be like talking to a hardheaded wall in compared to an old earth one.
"He said to find a need and fill it. So I went home and I thought about it and I prayed about it and then I figured, we'll, gosh, what if I could just do something entirely for me and for my own wealth and ego instead?"
Great stuff Dan. We have them Cornered now between you and Professor Dave … and cats … etc 😅 Flat earth is finished … you might be out of a job …. There’s a pseudoscience I’d like you to look at. bio resonates machine. I think it’s just a scam I’m sure water can’t be imprinted with “ frequencies “ lol and really it’s just a bit of software , to tell you you a bit diabetic takes this magic water ,! They vary from 160 pounds to £4,500 + pretending to do a whole body scan in one min by holding two copper rods …….omg I’m familiar with MRI and how they work as my mentor fixed Britains first one ! Magnetic resonance imaging chamber back in 1980’s was cutting edge , Basically super conducting coil tuned to resonate the frequency of a hydrogen atom , energise coil lift electron into a higher orbit and resonate at a safe frequency usually mains 50 herts … passthough line scan and computer build up picture line by line … Radio and quantum quantum physics. Helped pioneer these machines. And what came next .
"Kind" doesn't even work in the sense that he is using it unless he admits that, after the waters of the flood receded, evolution occurred to produce all of the species that exist from that one "kind".
His message wasnt perfect however evolution is a creation built at the foundation by god, how evolution turns out is based on happenstance, is this wolf in a colder climate? then more fur, lighter colored coat and thicker coats, this wolf live in a hotter climate? Less fur and darker coats, less thick coats. I believe this function of evolution was not created from NOTHING but by someone and that be it god.
Leviticus 11:13-19 "These are the birds you are to regard as unclean and not eat because they are unclean: the eagle, the vulture,... and the bat." I challenge Mr. Hovind to explain - staying within the boundaries of creationism - what bird kind did bats descended from.
@@Jacob-yb6bv there's also domesticated dogs, cats, cows, horses and even chickens that humans have used genetics to breed for certain traits. they are all examples of evolution.
@@Jacob-yb6bv pssstt.... your ignorance is showing. Adaption IS evolution, and speciation has been observed multiple times in nature and in the lab in contrary to your utterly ridiculous lies....
His "debate" with catz doesn't get the attention it deserves...it was the most systematic destruction of Kent, he was entirely outclassed. He was so dumbfounded his only response was I'm not prepared for that...over and over
I'm a born-again Christian. I'm serious about my religion. I've never understood how my fellow Christians or religious people of any kind turn away from science. Science is not here to disprove God. Science proves and discovers God's laws. God created the universe and the Earth through billions and billions of years which is nothing to him. He created humanity through some form of evolution. I don't see how this is so hard to understand.
But that's false. Your beliefs are formed by a book. A book written by ignorant men about 400 years ago. How much science was really known back then? Science doesn't want to disprove what doesn't exist. It only cares about what does exist. And in turn, science says, there is zero scientific evidence for any gods.
Come on. He talks enough to criticise there is no need to step so low and attack him for his appearance. Enough of those creation trolls already use this tactic against Dan.
@@David_randomnumber I didn't say he was ugly, I alluded to his mental capacity to hold a normal honest coherent conversation, I could have pointed out that he is a convicted criminal, but will save that for another day perhaps.
'Wise Pastor' - another oxymoron to add to my collection! By this 'logic' if a man feels the 'need' to rape then he's fulfilled the pastor's advice. Nice one, religion, but at least the rape victim gets a husband by their rules...
I find it hilarious how Creationists will say something like, "There is micro-evolution, but not macro-evolution." That comment just shows how little they understand evolution. No one believes in "macro-evolution". No scientist has ever said that one species has ever just turned into an entirely different species in one fell swoop. "Micro-evolution" IS evolution. That is how evolution works. Many small mutations over a very long period of time. That is how evolution takes place. How can they say that they accept that, "micro-evolution" takes place, but not understand that is exactly how species arise? If you were able to travel a million years into the future, and humans still existed, they would, most likely, look very different from us. Because over that million year time period there would be many small mutations that would have taken place. If you look at humans, or any other species, and you only look at them from one generation to the next, the differences between them are, usually, imperceptible. But, if you were to compare an animal to it's descendants, far into the future, many thousands or millions of years, they would look quite different from one another. The conglomeration of small mutations over the many thousands of generations would be such that the descendant would be considered a different species from it's ancestor. "Micro-evolution" taking place over a very long period of time is exactly how new species arise. Their whole, "micro-evolution, NOT "macro-evolution", is nonsensical...
Micro-evolution, a tiny change within a species can happen relatively quickly. Macro-evolution takes far longer, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years. Kent cannot accept this because in his world view the entire universe came into existence around 6,000 years ago; he will instantly dismiss any evidence or data that involves anything longer then around 6,000 years.
What creates the micro evolutions? What makes the beginnings of a wing which over millions of years becomes a pair of wings which can enable one species to now become a flying ancestor? How did those initial micro evolutionary changes benefit said species so as to stay and develop further? Would the legs or arms of a ground based mammal not have been an incumberance to survival rather than an evolutionary benefit during all intermediate stages moving towards wings? Where are the intermediary ‘mutations’? Where are they now?
@@Jacob-yb6bv have you ever seen a chicken ? It has wings but can't really fly but those wings help getting away from a predator. The bigger the wings the higher the animals can get and improve the chance of survival. Feathers and fur are notoriously difficult to preserve over millions of years that's why it's only a hypothesis that smaller dinosaurs may have developed them aside from the few findings of archaeopteryx.
Dogs are actually quite good at surviving in the woods! There’s countless stories of dogs surviving and finding its way home unfortunately after its owner has past on!
The squirrels points to something a friend of mine and I discussed a while back about Humanity. If we send a chunk of humans to another planet and they start to live there, reproduce, etc. eventually those humans will be vastly different than the humans we know of on Earth. The idea being that here on Earth we have a specific kind of climate, gravitational pull etc, and a human living on another planet will have a different climate, gravitational pull etc difference to deal with.
Today, on mastermind, we have Kent, subject chosen. Stating the obvious with animal names . Kent entered the studio via a door and told us that it was a door . Unfortunately, there are no points there . First question Kent, what is dumbo ? ..
St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the most influential theologians in the history of Christianity, chastised Christians who took Genesis's creation account literally, saying that they embarrassed Christians in front of the pagans. And he died in 430 AD.
The irony is that there does not need to be a conflict between religion and science. The second irony is that Texas is supposed to be a place of wide horizons, not narrow views.
That is not irony, it is just wrong. Very, very wrong. There is no such thing as science and religion coming together into harmony. Religion is faith. Faith is the opposite of science. If there ever is to be a 'golden age' of factual 'science-based religion', faith would not be necessary and therefore would not be religion. It would just be what the science shows to not be false. Faith requires you to live, act, and believe to be true whatever it is without any evidence and despite any evidence. It is impossible for these to not be in conflict.
@@StoneDeceiver Some things remain unexplained by science. What led up to the big bang? Why do the tops of biros spontaneously disappear? These are ineffable. So for the moment we can only strive to expand our understanding of the universe while scientists, philosophers and theists continue to tell each other to eff off.
@@timgosling6189 Literally everything you know and that keeps you alive with no effort is because of science. Some things remained unexplained by science? What led up to the big bang? What are you even talking about. There is only a universe and a big bang because of science. Before the hundreds of years of work done by people you are essentially disrespecting you would be saying that the rain is because of sad gods in the sky. There is no 'understanding of the universe' for you to even have time to think about while you are busy plowing a field all day to pay tithes to the church in exchange for being able to plow their fields for them. You are completely out of touch with reality. Instead of asking stupid questions like "what led up to the big bang" and why not learn to respect the things that you are obviously taking for granted instead of pretending to equate the lies of faith with the extremely hard work that gives you the life you have.
While you were on holiday I was in the UK for the first time of my life, painting beautiful stuff as usual. And I must say: I just love you English people. Excellent humor, awesome conversations. What a great introduction weekend! I'll be back!
What does that mean?, can you please explain? I live in South Texas and have no idea what you're talking about. No one around here believes anything he says.
@@rocketscience4516 I don't know what that means. I don't think she knows anything about the bible. I'm atheist but believe in America and families. I'm in South Texas.
@rocketscience4516 I live in Tennessee, but I'm also a trucker that spent years running over the road. Yes, the Bible belt is a thing, but it's certainly not unique to the South (as anyone from Montana, Idaho or Wyoming can tell you). Your generalization is a bit too broad.
The last video I watched as a Christian was one of Kents. I was trying to find a way to square my beliefs with reality, and his rambling disingenuous vid shattered any shed of faith I had left.
Yeah, chihuahuas don't last in the wild because they were artificially selected. Species survive in the wild because they evolved though natural selection, adapting to that wild to live in.
I went to catholic schools. In the high school, which was run by a male teaching order we had a lot of highly university educated priests. Not once did they claim the creationalist theory. We were taught science and evolution. The bible version was stated as just a method to give an explaination to people who had only simple or no education.
Thank you, Dan. Long-time follower. For what it's worth, and it may be worth little to nothing. I'm a Christian pastor, in the US who believes in science, evolution, etc. and there are many of us. We spend our time helping people... not trying to prove science wrong. lol, Thank you again for your channel.
Lol "God did it" I'm so gonna use this as a get out of jail card. "Why did you throw something at me?" "God did it" "where's my phone?" "God did it" "why would you do such a thing" "God did it"
Thanks Dan! As for featured gentleman, Dear Oh Dear, so much BS about his imaginary friend, in a single interview is quite an achievement! 🙄🙄🙄🤦♀🤦♀🤦♀
I feel it's important to keep pointing out that, after a child drowned in his cult compound "theme park", Kent's public response was to say that "Anyway, the kids had a blast here, and the dad wants to bring all the kids back and loves the place."
That was it. No remorse, no empathy of any kind, no expression of sadness for the family or the young life lost. No indication of anything he or the park might do to try and improve safety. He followed this up by an attack on the person who publicised the death on twitter, Robert Baty.
Kent is, to put it mildly, not a good person. He's also publically bragged about how severely he beat his child. Knowing this, the interviewer's seeming hero worship is deeply out of place.
I've never seen Kent show any empathy. I suspect he's a narcissist and simply doesn't have the capacity for it.
You also understand why his son, slid the organisation out from under him, while he was in nick!
No empathy makes Hovind a sociopath, not just a narcissist.
Chances are he actually got some pushback from his cult after his clear and present lack of emotional response to the child's death, so that's why he got the idea to do an interview, so as to make a distraction, basically jingle his keys, for his sheep. He probably was in control of everything in that interview, from the location chosen, the camera, the lighting, to even the poor woman.
He probably handpicked her because she was seemingly a "loyalist", so he knew he could change/get rid of interview questions that he didn't like (aka questions that reminded his sheep of the dead kid and his lack of emotional reaction), and he probably also, disgustingly so - considering his tendencies, thought she was "cute".
You can tell by the way he acts and communicates with people that he’s a narcissist and has some sort of anti social issue
As the great Professor Dave Explains said "you didn't teach science, you lied to kids in a church". 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
Compared being taught no other alternatives? That abiogenesis is solved, replicated and/or "common"??
@@tyemaddogCompared to being taught any evidence based science.
@tyemaddog Nothing you just claimed is actually taught. And no, we don't need taught moronic "alternatives". We are taught what science knows, and how science works, and the most accurate information at that time. "Space wizard used magic" isn't an alternative.
@@tyemaddogThe fundamentals of experimental science. The Bible is literature, and as such, I have no problem teaching children about the Bible as long as the emphasis is placed clearly on the word “literature.”
Professor Dave is the Kent Hovind of the secular science world. He's every bit as insufferable, arrogant, fanatical, and smug, and he's just as unqualified to call himself a professor as Kent is. Although at least Dave usually knows what he's talking about when it comes to science, though, so I guess he has that over Hovind.
He didn't teach high school science lol, he taught creationism to kids at his church and purchased his PhD from a double-wide trailer.
TBF, it's a place perfectly capable of printing it... on toilet paper. Kent can literally wipe his rear with the nonsense pHd he got.
I heard it was a single-wide trailer.
He calls himself “dr. Kent” because he has an honorary doctorate from a fake college.
@@mikebronicki8264 Double-wide trailers are for the ELITISTS!! Give me a good ol' single-wide for my learnin'!
His “phd thesis” starts with “Hello, my name is Kent Hovind”. I’m not kidding. It’s available online. Hilarious. The guy never read a scientific paper or a thesis in his life.
He didn’t teach high school classes, but he DID beat his wife AND spent time in prison. What a lovely Christian.
Spent time in prison for Sovereign Citizen style tax fraud, no less. Not exactly the best and brightest there.
Not only that, his kids want nothing to do with him. No surprises there, given he boasted about beating one of his sons.
@@TheBlueEM2 Probably for a good cause, considering his heritage. No?
He couldn't get hired in a real high school. He did teach high school-level "creation science" to captives of his church.
That someone calls themselves a Christian doesn’t mean they are one. Kent’s insecurity about the age of our planet in defiance of objective evidence is clearly far more important to him than the guidance of the new testament to love fellow human beings in an altruistic manner (paraphrased but consistent with the original language’s meaning).
What he’s decided his faith is about is him and his insecure peers telling ’God’ what their holy book says and avoiding the uncomfortable consequences of living by the relatively hard standards altruistic love of strangers calls for. I can tell when I am in the presence of a genuine Christian because they are aware of the hard standard they face and they aren’t giving me crap for not being a believer. I respect those people, the minority of religious Christians, and despise the cowardly majority of christians who use their theology as an excuse to bully others politically.
The interviewer is a great example of "The lights are on but nobody is home".
He can might as well interview himself.
Or she's part of the disinformation network that platforms ignorance and mysticism to try and pull us back to the feudal age. Valeria Goroshko, of Belarus (now NY), is, at minimum, a fundamentalist nutter that can't keep her Jesus-loving to herself.
She might be an interviewer he picked for himself, aka someone who's already in favour of him.
@@SysterYsterher accent sounds to me like she is from south east europe.
Perhaps you missed that english is not her first language. This places a bit more stress, and interviewers are not all on the same level of expertise, or of the same age, not as experienced. Allow her to grow and improve over time. Think before you judge.
When Dan said Hovind can "just be himself." I thought, 'oh no! He's going to beat her and steal her money.'
He did at least get as far as luring her to his paedo-haunted compound.
Lmfao good one
Haha, quite disappointing that this hasn't happened this time 😂😂
Wouldn't he have to marry her first?
@@jcgadfly6200 According to the Bible, he just has to marry her AFTER he rapes her.
Oh wait! She is not a virgin!
He has to kill her! Unless he rejects the Bible!
4:45 - "How do you judge a debate, they always think they win"
Spoken like a guy who truly believes he always wins!
"Goddidit" is always the right answer, so Goddidit that he won every debate.
Even Dinesh D'Souza said "The Bible is true, no matter what is says" (not so literal, but in a debate he conceded multiple times that that what is in be Bible might not be really accurate at times, but the Bible remains the prime Source of Truth)
Not really. Have you seen any debates or interviews regarding the US elections at the moment?? Both sides spin it to say they won.
@@feedingravens More a crazy mish mash of bad fan fic.
To be fair the comment section of a debate usually goes something like "The person with who I agree totally owned the person with who I disagree"
@@paradoxzee6834 Yes. I find it actually quite hard to find someone who either acknowledges their bias, or can judge debaters unbiasedly.
For me, I try to look at both sides with logic, and see which argument holds more water. Doesn't mean I have to agree with that side, but it shows who is more capable at presenting their line of reasoning. I don't think SciManDan did a very good job in this video, but there are also problems with Hovind's reasoning too, often because he's holding onto things he found out 20+ years ago, and science and knowledge have increased/changed since then.
for the peeps outside the US of A..."I taught science in Texas..." is a red flag that can be seen from space. Teaching is hard, spewing lies is easy as pie.
It's a red flag because you need a degree from a accredited collage to teach in texas (texan here) unless it's for a church then all you need is approval from the chruch. Which was where he taught while using a fake PhD.
except there is evidence of him having taught. And you're just spreading lies in your ignorance and hate. It's incumbent upon you to provide evidence he's lying if you so wish to call him such.
@@weazz he taught in chruch without a accredited collage degree. His proof for his degree is a unsigned email saying he got a degree. Texan here claiming you taught in texas without a accredited degree is infact a red flag, illegal red flag. it wasn't even a state apporved school at the very least to make it simi legal then the government can't say he lied on purpose. He could have made up anything and claim it was real during these "classes". Even substitutes needs a 2 year accredited collage degree in education to get hired as a sub for a class. It's a literal red flag knowing Christians don't exactly teach real science, their book say we came from dirt and it jusy so happened randomly humans share the mass majority of every ape DNA, and the earth is set in its place unmoving. Also the 3 day revived jesus who somehow kept all his brain cells alive while dead and nit being a immediate potato the moment he was brought back if it even happened.
@@weazz Evidence of him lying is abundantly available from listening to him speak.
@@spud13x13 The fact you think providing no evidence is evidence of itself shows how stupid you are. Stop posting on the internet with your backward brain. Disagree with him all you want, but spreading lies only shows how much of a loser you are.
I still get mad at the sound of Kent’s voice. That smug “I have all the answers you’ll ever need” tone to it……
It bothers me that his misplaced self confidence has the ability to convince some people that he is right.
Very cult-leader-esque.
I wish your comment had more likes, there’s not a truer statement than this. His voice and tone has that exact smugness to it
Then how can you stand this channel?
@@rockumk Because the few times that he is on here, Dan cuts his arguments to the quick. I know from other channels that Kent gets downright flustered over Dan’s response to his verbal diarrhea…..
I thought this guy was in jail, he's been convicted on 40 different counts and was just arrested for domestic abuse.
Who's been convicted? Kent? Dan?
@@andrewn7365Kent. He’s a convicted felon. Hes a tax evader and domestic abuser.
@@andrewn7365 Kent
Kent was convicted and imprisoned for 10 years in '07 on 58 felony counts of financial fraud, etc... and that's not the end of his list, he's also been found guilty of domestic violence/abuse/assault against his third wife.
@@_NicBP Wow Kent sounds like a real class act. Glad it wasn't Dan!
So Kent Hovind didn't prepare properly for an interview and instead just regurgitated the same old misinformation...surprise surprise.
Not his fault, it is all he has ever had. He is the very essence of a one-trick pony.
He's made $millions with that tired script
Parroting imho is repeating that what someone ELSE has said. Here I would say "regurgitate" fits better, he spews out his OWN nonsense.
Ken: I was not prepared for that!
Bizarre that anyone would say they teach science and then just quote stuff from the bible, which is just a list of claims without supporting evidence
I watched a video on another channel. They dealt with a science teacher in one of the bible belt states who pretended to be straddling a line between teaching evolution and creationism. In every clip of him in class, he was preaching creationism, not challenging creationist assertions from the class. He was straddling the line by not bothering to acknowledge evolution existed. (From what the clips showed).
The excuses seem to be "the state tells me what I can teach" "the local board says we have to teach this".
When all your bachelors, masters and doctorate are in Christian education (and (sacred) music), this should not work - but when you teach in christian schools, it obviously does not matter.
I'd say in about any country not the US a studied teacher should have spent a few semesters of studying the topics he specializes in in order to have a reliable basis for teaching and not to have to say with the first question out of order "I'm not prepared for that".
That sounds like evolution as well!
@@TheBaggyTI’ll wait for you to write your paper explaining why evolution is wrong. Until then all you are is another delusional fool. Who lacks education.
The men who wrote and edited the Bible certainly never intended it to be a science textbook.
"What is your evidence for evolution?" Is the most disengeneous question a young earth creationist can ask, when you literally have ZERO evidence to back your nonsense
hey now, they have a book.
which is ironic because they have all the evidence in the bible to prove its all fake and not real. the ark story in particular proves god is a liar.
@@ArcturusAlphahow can someone you don’t believe exists be a liar?
@@orsonkart9886 yes for those that believe in them.
How can a material being reach the conclusion it's a material being? Material cosmology says a material being is that being which doesn't know it's a material being.
He CHOSE to wear that...that... sweater. Yet claims to be a proponent of "intelligent design".
To be fair the sweater is S tier.
And those filthy jeans 🤔🤦🏼♂️🤣🤣🤣
Nah the sweater is fine, it's actually kinda charming. It's the douche wearing it that's the problem
'What have been the costs?' Well, that time in prison for one.
😂 👏👏👏
The 7 year old boy who drowned at his stupid theme park can be number 2
His son stealing his entire ministry while he was in prison.
@@arranleon7874 Funny how he didn't mention that.....
@@bEverCurious Seriously? That's too funny if true. Idiots like Hovind always seem to find a bigger idiot who happens to be rich. If he had to depend upon donations or selling stuff, he'd be living under a bridge.
I struggle to understand how he can on the one hand say "where is your evidence for evolution" yet be unable to present zero evidence of creationism outside of his religious beliefs.
To paraphrase Rivky Gervais, if they destroyed all the science books in the world, in a thousand years we'd have rediscovered the theory of evolution. If we destroyed all the religious texts, in a thousand years there wouldn't be a single person who believed god created the world in six days and all the other Christian nonsense.
The videos mainly involve them talking directly to the camera, claiming that x, y, or z isn't actual evidence or that they don't believe in the evidence presented.
As for evidence, they'll pull some quotes from the Bible to support their assertion.
They're very well-practised in choosing their audience and being able to squirm around demands for proof. Their grift is based on targeting the right people and pumping them full of misinformation.
Here in Germany we have 10 years of religious education in shool (2 classes/week, either catholic, protestant or ethics)
None here ever took the Bible literally. And especially, no one here ever even remotely heard about the Bible being 6,000 years old, and that is a dogma you MUST believe.
Can it be that the reason for the popularity of that nonsense in the US is that the origins of the christian belief in the US is from people that came (often because they wanted to live out their religion) from Britain,
and it was the BRITISH bishop Ussher that calculated this 6,000 years in the 1600s? I think he calculated it down to the day and even the hour.
Then it is somewhat understandable that this delusion is local - information in the 1600s spread slowly, and even worse over country and language barriers.
As long as you can maintain the strategy for analytical thinking, to break down a problem in simple subsections that can easily be handled, and then "reassemble" the subsolutions to a bigger picture, you will (re)discover most science once more.
It is all so amazing to believe - 4,000 years ago 8 people survived the extermination of all humans and all land life.
They had SPOKEN with God, he taught them how to build a giant boat
(probably a stilt house that broke loose from the stilts when the plain of the Black Sea flooded - they found 8,000 year old remains of such houses in 90 meters depth there (that fact came from a (german) catholic theologian - such guys believe the Bible is to be taken METAPHORICALLY; not literally))
they saw his wrath first hand,
they saw he REALLY pulls it through, and he can do it,
they were chosen because they were the ONLY one's pious enough to deserve to be saved by God -
these 8 people's descendants spread out and repopulated the earth.
And EVERYwhere these descendants came, they obviously dug out (well, strangely enough, in all cultures there is not a mile-deep mud layer that somehow seperates two settlement phases) the remains of the culture that the God (their ancestors had known PERSONALLY) of their ancestors had wiped away because of their evilness and belief in the wrong God,
and resumed the local culture EXACTLY, 1:1, including their religious beliefs.
The oldest documents that were preserved come from China, from 3,500 years ago, and they do NOT mention a Flood, or a monotheistic God, or anything from a descending from the arab peninsula.
The indians in America, and the aboriginees in Australia, or the eskimos in the high north - NOTHING hints at christianity.
And to switch back to Kent for a laugh -
He says "What a nonsense that sciencists teach - they say something (the universe) can come from NOTHING! Ridiculous!"
His God is spaceless timeless, matterless (i.e. he has no body). NOTHING existed.
Then the bodiless (no mouth, no lungs) God SPOKE (densitiy vibrations in non-existent gas) the complete universe into existence. In one day.
"Life cannot come from non-life!"
His God SPOKE all life into existence. In one day.
"They claim we came from a rock! What nonsense!"
His God created Adam from dust = ground rock = minerals. In God's image. As God has no body what aspect of humans is that what resembles us? "Image" implies it can be seen. But God is invisible. Why image and not pattern, "like himself" or whatever. After all, the King James Version = translation of the Bible is the ONE version of the Bible that is LITERALLY true, way truer than the older greek, latin, hebrew versions. So image means VISUAL shape.
Everything Kent accuses atheists of he believes himself - resp. he claims that he is believing it.
Tell him to present evidence of his claims without using the Bible.
That's an interesting thought. I often like to point out to flat earthers how useful the globe is for every-day occurrences like international shipping and surveying. But if their holy books were to vanish and knowledge of them forgotten, yeah, there'd be a hundred new magical cosmologies each more bizarre than the last in their place. Yet only the heliocentric model would produce intelligible results.
@@feedingravens Archbishop James Ussher, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, wasn't British. He was Irish. But yes, he calculated the time and date of creation to be sundown (that is, around 6 pm) on October 22, 4004 BC.
Clearly Kent has never tussled with a chihuahua. Those things are vicious apex predators!
In their environment, old women's couches and old women's handbags, they truly are. That is their natural habitat.
Never trust small dogs...they are always angry 😂
A lot of small dog breeds started out as ratters... Bred to fight rats, weasels, and other small but also nasty-tempered things.
Not s.lie.though. you guys ever see that security vid of the Chihuahua charging and running off an armed robber in a convenience store?
“I go to bed thinking about it. I wake up thinking about it.”
My dude, that’s called ‘anxiety’
I spoke to a creationist a few years ago. She said dinosaur fossils were put in the ground by atheist archaeologists because they wanted to disprove the Bible.
I had never laughed so much. She threw a glass of beer at me for laughing, my wife punched her on the nose. 😊 🇬🇧
Not even 4 minutes in, Kent thinks "teaching" is "dumbing down" knowledge instead of elevating people's intellect.
Teachers would make it DIGESTIBLE, COMPREHENSIBLE, PRACTICAL - not dumbing down.
He discredits any institutes that gives/allows him teaching.
Nothing says 'I love God' like a room full of dead animals.
It looks like a temple to Artemis
He's one of those "dominion" believers.
@@amandswright2040 I think I can see Iphigenia in the background. I was wondering where she'd got to.
God IS a fan of killing things...
well God does love wiping out nature from flood and fire besides plagues and parasites.
I'm not even sure that Kent believes the crap he peddles. I think he saw a good grifting opportunity with a very large gullible customer base and went for it!
Well, basically all religious organisations use that principle. Don't knock it, worked well for centuries.
I have a rule as to how I judge questions like this. For your everyday rank and file creationists, they may not know. They may have grown up being taught flies, schools don't always do a very good job teaching science, and some of them are likely homeschooled in order to keep them in a kind of Ultimate Reality bubble where they won't come into contact with any inconvenience facts.
But for someone in the position that Kent is in, I don't think he can be ignorant. As he says in this video, he seeks out debates where he will be presented with contradictory information. Not only that, but someone of his profile will have been contacted by people who are trying to help them out by explaining to them how they're getting things wrong.
At this point he has to know. I have no stomach for this, but I bet you could go through the debate she's engaged in and see the times his opponents have explained to him the ways in which his arguments are wrong. But he has no interest in the truth, his goal is constructing arguments that seem to support creationism because that how he makes his money.
People like this don't correct themselves. After all, for his "wack an atheist" series ( he really does call effect, this isn't a joke) he watches the videos made by people who understand Evolution or the age of the earth, he watches their videos and he sees what they have to say, and he immediately discards anything that he can't dishonestly quote mine. He doesn't look up anything to verify it, he doesn't double check himself, he only cares if he thinks it will sound convincing to people who are already committed to creationism.
He doesn't. It's just a business to him. He doesn't really care whether what he says is right or not.
Just like the flat earth content creators, making these ridiculous claims is just a paycheck, nothing else.
@@petergrant2561 it’s possible, but I doubt it. He’s truly, deeply, stupid. I think he actually believes this shit and he doesn’t have enough neurons to piss and breath at the same time, let alone think rationally. Look up his “thesis”: he was dumb 40 years ago, and he hasn’t learnt anything.
Every time a creationist says "Kind" I totally cringe. It just goes to show that all their brainwashing has a common ancestor.
So you don’t believe in Gid or creation or believe the Bible. That’s ok. One day the truth will hit you really really hard.
@@brianloveless2717 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@mk40846 laugh for now soon the smile will be gone and you will only have the tears.
@@brianloveless2717 I'll take the risk and live with my eyes open and brain unwashed.
@@MrBroberds it’s not a chance your destiny is insured.
The condescension in his voice whenever he mentions atheists is very telling. A true follower of the teachings of Jesus would want to bring those who don't believe into his fold, to accept them as they are and advise others to do the same, not denigrate them at every pass.
I find willful ignorance deeply troubling. in an ex science teacher. Creationist and scientist do not sit well together!
He was a science teacher in the same way he was a tax advisor.
He wasn't a real science teacher. He was involved in the creationist homeschooling of some kids.
Hovind's claim to have been a science teacher is ludicrous at best. He might have weaseled his way to the front of a classroom at a few private Baptist schools, but there's no way he has a professional qualification to teach science at any institution that takes science seriously.
Did you ever have any really fit students you wanted to give, extracurricular activities? 😉
Kent's PhD thesis starts with what i thought was a misquote from the bible. So I showed the sentence to a retired vicar. He immediately said it was wrong.
Is the verse the same in all versions and variations of the bible? Could there be one that Kent actually quoted correctly?
Mr Hovind's PhD thesis starts with the sentence, "Hello, my name is Kent Hovind."
@RichWoods23 Actually the first words are Patriot University. Obviously, I was referring to the Introduction.
@robsalvv5853 His misstatement includes "Yea, hath God said", which is what appears in the King James bible. Do any other translations use that dialect of English?
The first sentence of the introduction is; “Hello, my name is Kent Hovind.”
Whoever setup the center two shot is my favorite human being. I had no idea I wanted to see Kent with antlers coming out of his head! 🤣🤣🤣
It took me some time to recognize the target of this Tinfoil Tuesday. But when I heard 'he was not prepared for that' I instantly started laughing. I miss Catz...
Thanks for your amazing content, SciManDan! Keep up the good work :)
Kent's jeans could be used as exhibit A against a young earth.
Yuck. I don't want to think about his jeans. I would rather think about his interviewer who is being kind, and doing a good job of thinking he is full of shit without giving it away.
@@OceanusHeliosReally, I got the impression she was a big fan.
Hehe 😂
Yep, that's a fossil right there!
I can imagine what his former students are saying, "Yes, he visited our home school...and he was confusing. What he said didn't make sense. And later when I grew up, I discovered a lot of people were far more advanced than I was."
That's some fantastic projection. According to SciManDan's rules, that would make you no better than Hovind.
he never visited a school...
@@TheBaggyTyou might want to look up what the words you used mean...
@TheBaggyT No, that makes YOU no better than Hovind.
@nagranoth_ He has some christian music in his playlists. He really doesn't care. He has his answers all scripted. He reminds me of a child trying to get attention from the grownups.
What does the world need? "It needs no more people spreading misinformation." No need for the "on the internet" part.
Also needs all the existing people who are spreading misinformation to stop.
Facts. I never thought reality would be a subjective matter.
What the world needs is someone who can pick out a decent sweater.
Before the Internet you could watch daytime talk shows in the U.S. with Hollywood celebrities telling everyone about medical nonsense they had heard from some quack or health guru as if it was latest scientific breakthrough. I spent so much time trying to explain to my mom why it was wrong but she'd always say something like "But Larry Hagman said...".
@@Leo-wk7yw They are not and never have been. However the terminally dishonest like to recast facts as opinion
You forgot. The Grand Canyon only took a week to form .
If there was such a place as the Christian Heaven, then this is the type that would be running it. Imagine having to spend an eternity in a despot world policed by him.
Is there is, Kent isn't going there
This guy has nothing to do with Christianity
Kent has been denounced even by other Creationists. Saying he represents all Christians is like saying ISIS represents all Muslims or the Stern Gang represents all Jews.
All the interesting people would be in the other place
8:14 the view of him with horns out of his head is speaking for itself
The camera operator probably set that up for shits and giggles!😅😅😅
Do you think that he videographer, did that on purpose? I so hope so.
Dan missed the chance to point out why Kent was wrong about the chihuahua. He is right that one wouldn't survive out in the wild for very long. He was wrong about why. Kent claimed it was because as you get further from the "base" it gets "worse." In reality it is because we used artifical selection to breed them. They don't have traits to help them survive in the wild. We selected traits we wanted. This is a very big difference.
A chihuahua would not survive long in the vast majority of habitats, but I'm sure a small initial breeding population would do okay if they were deposited in an environment where they were able to slip into the apex predator niche. Say an island with a warm climate, enough rainfall for a year-round supply of water, and stable populations of ground nesting birds, non-venomous reptiles and small rodents.
It's also wrong. Chihuahua were discovered, not bred. Small desert dog. I mean, probably not the SAME as our domesticated common chihuahua, but the basics.
@thekwoka4707 they were not found. Like all other dog breeds, they were bred slowly from ancient wolves. They were specifically bred to hunt rats in Mexico and central/south America. So it is possible a wild population got lose and may have existed for a time. But no, they are not a "natural" breed. No dog is. Only wolves.
@allanmason3201 ancient ones, yes, modern ones, not likely. They were originally bred to hunt rats in central/south America. And were different from what we have now. Far more able to survive in that niche on their own. However, they have since changed enough that surviving in that niche is not likely to work for them. It may not be impossible, but it is highly unlikely. They have been bred even smaller, and while they have less issues then other small dogs, they do still have a lot of issues that make surviving in the wild incredibly difficult.
Chihuahua's are well-adapted to their environment: ladies' handbags.
For someone who disagrees with evolution, Kent Hovind sure is providing a lot of examples of evolution.
dante: You spelled C*nt incorrectly.
When you're wearing such a super cool top like that, you can get away with filthy dirty rotten jeans and no one will even notice... swear to god.
Let us not forget that Kent also willingly and happily defends a known child predator, letting him stay at his park _around children._
....I beg your pardon?
Christopher Link Jones used to work for Alex Jones, the conspiracist who was successfully sued by the Sandy Hook families for alleging the entire event was a false flag and the children they lost were crisis actors. He is now working at Dinosaur Adventure Land, a creationist theme park run by Kent Hovind. His coworkers were unhappy that he was allowed to stay at a family park when he was convicted in California of battery and lewd acts on children.
Jones brought a child with him, an 11-year-old boy, and the park owner gave them a single bed to share. The boy alleged he was molested by Jones. Jones was arrested for an incident with that same boy two years earlier when he was just nine.
He was arrested again in 2023 for "criminal sexual conduct with a minor under 14".
Sort the comments by newest if you want to see the information about the guy. Including the fact he is currently dealing with charges for doing it again.
@@Diviance thanks. I shall. I'm sure it's some interesting reading.
She should have asked him how many visitors he have a year in his park.
Other than their son drowning, the family enjoyed their visit to the Dinosaur Adventure Land. Hovind claimed.
Or how many survive their visit
"How many visitors have visited, and survived, your theme park this year, Kent?"
Apologetics relies on logical fallacies, scientific illiteracy, science denial, virtue signaling, and intellectually insulting sophistry for a position that is not based on reason & evidence, but only on the politics of violating the informed consent.
As professor Dave would say, yum yum have some ranch sauce with that word salad.
@@johnwhit9471 which bit of @MgtowRubicon's comment did you disagree with? Everything up to the "but" is supported by the evidence of the words of apologists themselves, and the last bit is an opinion.
and lying, lying, lying. Just look at the clowns in the comments...
@@johnwhit9471 There is that phrase, "word salad." Perhaps it doesn't mean what you think it does.
@@johnwhit9471 The phrase "word salad" is a term for a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, often seen in neurological or psychiatric disorders.
The above post by @MgtowRubicon doesn't fit the definition of "Word Salad".
Interviewing a creationist is probably one of the biggest waste of time and energy.
Well, it creates material for Dan.
@h14hc124. I was gonna agree with the other guy but your bang on, it's also a good laugh for us with nuts in our skulls. I'm a lower class council estate lad but I look at these mongrels as some kind of bacteria that I should be careful not to step on, I respect people's opinions if they are not absolute dog crap that a 5 year old could debunk.
@@h14hc124Dan reminds me of Ben Sharpio. Goes after the same people over and over and over again and / or people who don't really know what they are talking about.
@@h14hc124 I'm not saying this guy is smart by any means. Yet to call someone "creationist" condescendingly way is mind-blowing. So believing in a "fairytale" man in the sky is dumb. Yet believing that men can get pregnant is normal? It's ironic the people who think they have such high IQs like Dan is hilarious. Remember when covid was a real thing that literally just disappeared out of nowhere? All the lock downs just......stopped one day. The world's MOST DEADLY PANDEMIC just stopped one day. Yet believing in a magical man in the sky is dumb. Yet believing that everything in the entire universe came out of nowhere......the low IQs in the comments and Dan himself are mind-blowing lol
Well not all kinds of creationists, some really delved into science and studied it, and debates it in a civil manner. Then there's also old earth creationists and young earth creationists.
The young earth ones can be like talking to a hardheaded wall in compared to an old earth one.
He's still pissed at Trump for no pardon.
"He said to find a need and fill it. So I went home and I thought about it and I prayed about it and then I figured, we'll, gosh, what if I could just do something entirely for me and for my own wealth and ego instead?"
God doesn't tell people what to do. Very expensive preachers tell people what to do.
I’m screaming “ There’s no such thing as a kind “ every time he uses it ! Give us a scientific term …… ministry of disinformation via the Bible
Great stuff Dan. We have them Cornered now between you and Professor Dave … and cats … etc 😅 Flat earth is finished … you might be out of a job …. There’s a pseudoscience I’d like you to look at. bio resonates machine. I think it’s just a scam I’m sure water can’t be imprinted with “ frequencies “ lol and really it’s just a bit of software , to tell you you a bit diabetic takes this magic water ,! They vary from 160 pounds to £4,500 + pretending to do a whole body scan in one min by holding two copper rods …….omg
I’m familiar with MRI and how they work as my mentor fixed Britains first one !
Magnetic resonance imaging chamber back in 1980’s was cutting edge ,
Basically super conducting coil tuned to resonate the frequency of a hydrogen atom , energise coil lift electron into a higher orbit and resonate at a safe frequency usually mains 50 herts … passthough line scan and computer build up picture line by line … Radio and quantum quantum physics. Helped pioneer these machines.
And what came next .
"Kind" doesn't even work in the sense that he is using it unless he admits that, after the waters of the flood receded, evolution occurred to produce all of the species that exist from that one "kind".
Oh that's easy. A "kind" is whatever they want it to mean at any given point in time, in order to fit their narrative.
There are all kinds of fleas, like a flea. There are all kinds of elephants, like an elephant.
@@fakecrusader There are all kinds of moles, completely unlike a gopher.
The people who say he won his debates are who? The people in his echo chamber?
How can one lose a debate against a creationist? The Bible is just Bronze Age mythology written down by ignorant people who didn’t know anything.
His message wasnt perfect however evolution is a creation built at the foundation by god, how evolution turns out is based on happenstance, is this wolf in a colder climate? then more fur, lighter colored coat and thicker coats, this wolf live in a hotter climate? Less fur and darker coats, less thick coats. I believe this function of evolution was not created from NOTHING but by someone and that be it god.
"Every success has a cost. What cost did you pay?"... that fucking jumper.
Leviticus 11:13-19 "These are the birds you are to regard as unclean and not eat because they are unclean: the eagle, the vulture,... and the bat."
I challenge Mr. Hovind to explain - staying within the boundaries of creationism - what bird kind did bats descended from.
He doesn't believe in evolution but just admitted that dogs evolved from wolves! 😏
He didn’t, he said they were related and eluded to adaptation. Creationists accept adaptation, adaptation is available to observe, evolution isn’t.
@@Jacob-yb6bv So dogs adapt into a different species from a wolf. Ok, got it!
@@Jacob-yb6bv can't observe evolution? how about a transitional species? it's called a Lungfish. ruclips.net/video/vu9axEs5AOs/видео.html
@@Jacob-yb6bv there's also domesticated dogs, cats, cows, horses and even chickens that humans have used genetics to breed for certain traits. they are all examples of evolution.
@@Jacob-yb6bv pssstt.... your ignorance is showing. Adaption IS evolution, and speciation has been observed multiple times in nature and in the lab in contrary to your utterly ridiculous lies....
Dog breeding debunks these evolution deniers outright. That's just one animal.
Especially as we have breeds that can't physically mate with each other!
@@nealjroberts4050 exactly 💯 👏
@@nealjroberts4050 those ones are just bitches.
His "debate" with catz doesn't get the attention it deserves...it was the most systematic destruction of Kent, he was entirely outclassed. He was so dumbfounded his only response was I'm not prepared for that...over and over
@@mattsslug is there a link to that catz debate?
I think John getting "fifteen foot whale penis" out of him not once but twice. Was the chef's kiss.
@@kiwichess ruclips.net/user/liveILKULseezdo?si=aZ6WnywYgUvLGGLG
@@kiwichess ruclips.net/user/liveILKULseezdo?si=EpmFhv0mF1gAUQul
@@kiwichess hi, I've tried to share a link but it's not working, you will find it on A Marvel Girls channel - AMG
I'm a born-again Christian. I'm serious about my religion. I've never understood how my fellow Christians or religious people of any kind turn away from science. Science is not here to disprove God. Science proves and discovers God's laws. God created the universe and the Earth through billions and billions of years which is nothing to him. He created humanity through some form of evolution. I don't see how this is so hard to understand.
God created man in his own image. That is the issue. Can't just hand wave away the parts you don't like.
But that's false. Your beliefs are formed by a book. A book written by ignorant men about 400 years ago. How much science was really known back then?
Science doesn't want to disprove what doesn't exist. It only cares about what does exist. And in turn, science says, there is zero scientific evidence for any gods.
He is doing harm by telling children fairy tales are true instead of them learning the truth and science.
2:00 video starts
That jumper he is wearing, is a reflection of his mind.......like a mad acid trip.
Come on. He talks enough to criticise there is no need to step so low and attack him for his appearance. Enough of those creation trolls already use this tactic against Dan.
@@David_randomnumber Agree and also, I like his jumper 😅
Only positive thing I've ever said about Hovind!
@@David_randomnumber What are you trying to say?? Put the bong down.
@@thomasowens5824 I'm saying that attacking someone for his looks is the lowest of low but it seems like that's exactly your level.
@@David_randomnumber I didn't say he was ugly, I alluded to his mental capacity to hold a normal honest coherent conversation, I could have pointed out that he is a convicted criminal, but will save that for another day perhaps.
"You can't fix stupid." -- Ron White
I thought you said "Tim Pool Tuesday" and that made a lot of sense.
It looks like Kent has got dressed in the dark.
Relying on his sense of smell, if his trousers are anything to go by.
True but that doesn't devalue what he says. What he says devalues what he says, not what he choses to wear (as hideous as it always is)
Oh boy, Hovind again. That’s a blast from the past
But not THAT distant a past, apparently :)
Ol' Kent is like herpes, he never goes away.
'Wise Pastor' - another oxymoron to add to my collection!
By this 'logic' if a man feels the 'need' to rape then he's fulfilled the pastor's advice. Nice one, religion, but at least the rape victim gets a husband by their rules...
It’s called ‘blind faith’ for a reason. Faith can be so strong that it blinds you from the obvious!
Any fighter who says he never lost a fight is lying to you.
I find it hilarious how Creationists will say something like, "There is micro-evolution, but not macro-evolution." That comment just shows how little they understand evolution. No one believes in "macro-evolution". No scientist has ever said that one species has ever just turned into an entirely different species in one fell swoop. "Micro-evolution" IS evolution. That is how evolution works. Many small mutations over a very long period of time. That is how evolution takes place. How can they say that they accept that, "micro-evolution" takes place, but not understand that is exactly how species arise? If you were able to travel a million years into the future, and humans still existed, they would, most likely, look very different from us. Because over that million year time period there would be many small mutations that would have taken place. If you look at humans, or any other species, and you only look at them from one generation to the next, the differences between them are, usually, imperceptible. But, if you were to compare an animal to it's descendants, far into the future, many thousands or millions of years, they would look quite different from one another. The conglomeration of small mutations over the many thousands of generations would be such that the descendant would be considered a different species from it's ancestor.
"Micro-evolution" taking place over a very long period of time is exactly how new species arise. Their whole, "micro-evolution, NOT "macro-evolution", is nonsensical...
Micro-evolution, a tiny change within a species can happen relatively quickly. Macro-evolution takes far longer, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years. Kent cannot accept this because in his world view the entire universe came into existence around 6,000 years ago; he will instantly dismiss any evidence or data that involves anything longer then around 6,000 years.
The human of the future is just a pair of thumbs and a wallet.
I mostly agree but humans are a bad example since our medical technology strongly interferes with evolution.
What creates the micro evolutions? What makes the beginnings of a wing which over millions of years becomes a pair of wings which can enable one species to now become a flying ancestor? How did those initial micro evolutionary changes benefit said species so as to stay and develop further? Would the legs or arms of a ground based mammal not have been an incumberance to survival rather than an evolutionary benefit during all intermediate stages moving towards wings? Where are the intermediary ‘mutations’? Where are they now?
@@Jacob-yb6bv have you ever seen a chicken ? It has wings but can't really fly but those wings help getting away from a predator. The bigger the wings the higher the animals can get and improve the chance of survival. Feathers and fur are notoriously difficult to preserve over millions of years that's why it's only a hypothesis that smaller dinosaurs may have developed them aside from the few findings of archaeopteryx.
8:53 “how long would the chihuahua’s last in the woods by themselves?”
I mean, how long would HE last in the woods by himself 🤣🤣
Let's find out !
He's got a lot of answering to do to the forest folk judging by the abbatoir he is sitting in.
Dogs are actually quite good at surviving in the woods! There’s countless stories of dogs surviving and finding its way home unfortunately after its owner has past on!
Like a special edition of “ Naked and Afraid “ . Can Kent survive with only the help of God?
Chihuahuas are natural ratters. They would do just fine out in the woods hunting rats and mice. As far as Kent goes, probably not very long.
I wouldn't be seen dead in that jumper.
Or those grass-stained jeans
@@h14hc124 That's the style. They probably came that way. 😆
Fairly sure the answer to the first question - why he does this - is money. I’m not convinced he truly believes any of it.
“Good answer, NOT!!” Hahaha, the 80s/90s have returned for the ultimate comeback!
The squirrels points to something a friend of mine and I discussed a while back about Humanity. If we send a chunk of humans to another planet and they start to live there, reproduce, etc. eventually those humans will be vastly different than the humans we know of on Earth. The idea being that here on Earth we have a specific kind of climate, gravitational pull etc, and a human living on another planet will have a different climate, gravitational pull etc difference to deal with.
So he just said most creationists are dumb?... well at least he's right about that ^_^
Dumber than him, too, which is already a low bar.
@@h14hc124 jeez, that's terrifying, ahahaha
Today, on mastermind, we have Kent, subject chosen. Stating the obvious with animal names . Kent entered the studio via a door and told us that it was a door . Unfortunately, there are no points there . First question Kent, what is dumbo ? ..
St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the most influential theologians in the history of Christianity, chastised Christians who took Genesis's creation account literally, saying that they embarrassed Christians in front of the pagans. And he died in 430 AD.
Teaching science in Texas. That should be enough to dismiss his claims.
The irony is that there does not need to be a conflict between religion and science. The second irony is that Texas is supposed to be a place of wide horizons, not narrow views.
Perhaps, but there is most definitely a conflict between religious teachings and morals.
That is not irony, it is just wrong. Very, very wrong. There is no such thing as science and religion coming together into harmony. Religion is faith. Faith is the opposite of science. If there ever is to be a 'golden age' of factual 'science-based religion', faith would not be necessary and therefore would not be religion. It would just be what the science shows to not be false. Faith requires you to live, act, and believe to be true whatever it is without any evidence and despite any evidence. It is impossible for these to not be in conflict.
You're correct in that the hard sciences will look at religion and go, "myths are the anthropologists' problem, go bug them about it"
@@StoneDeceiver Some things remain unexplained by science. What led up to the big bang? Why do the tops of biros spontaneously disappear? These are ineffable. So for the moment we can only strive to expand our understanding of the universe while scientists, philosophers and theists continue to tell each other to eff off.
@@timgosling6189 Literally everything you know and that keeps you alive with no effort is because of science. Some things remained unexplained by science? What led up to the big bang? What are you even talking about. There is only a universe and a big bang because of science. Before the hundreds of years of work done by people you are essentially disrespecting you would be saying that the rain is because of sad gods in the sky. There is no 'understanding of the universe' for you to even have time to think about while you are busy plowing a field all day to pay tithes to the church in exchange for being able to plow their fields for them. You are completely out of touch with reality. Instead of asking stupid questions like "what led up to the big bang" and why not learn to respect the things that you are obviously taking for granted instead of pretending to equate the lies of faith with the extremely hard work that gives you the life you have.
Those two sloths are gonna be really confused when they finally make it to the arks embarkation point.
A debate between hovind and witsit on the shape of the earth would be entertaining.
I'd watch that, for sure!
It would be, because as stupid as Kent is, he does believe the planet to be round.
While you were on holiday I was in the UK for the first time of my life, painting beautiful stuff as usual. And I must say: I just love you English people. Excellent humor, awesome conversations. What a great introduction weekend! I'll be back!
"I was teaching high school in Texass...."
One reason Texass is a Cancervative Hellscape.
The bible: The Stoneage Goatherders Guide to the Galaxy, as someone dubbed it🤣🤣🤣
I prefer The slave owners guide to the Galaxy.
ARe other people as grossed out about the obvious hunting trophies and taxidermy he has all over the place?
Yes. Much more disturbing than his erroneous views or willful ignorance.
Are you grossed out when you visit a natural history museum?
Not grossed out really, but his followers clearly paid for what is not a cheap Hobby. Typical.
More? I'd rather he Hunt and keep his Trophies instead of teaching Children his bullshit lies. 🤷🏻
Not bothered in the least. Though I do agree with Derek on the point of his follower, most likely footing the bill.
Perhaps the lady should have asked how tetrapods and humans are related. The four limbs.
I was skeptical of K.H.'s claims until he verified them with "the bible says", now I'm absolutely convinced.
“I’ve devoted everything to this” he has sunk his cost and will never want to see the truth
His faith was explained as soon as he said Texas.
What does that mean?, can you please explain? I live in South Texas and have no idea what you're talking about. No one around here believes anything he says.
@@corycarlson3846 One does tend to equate the Southern states with bible thumping.
@@rocketscience4516 I don't know what that means. I don't think she knows anything about the bible. I'm atheist but believe in America and families. I'm in South Texas.
@@rocketscience4516 so. Silence? Lol
I live in Tennessee, but I'm also a trucker that spent years running over the road. Yes, the Bible belt is a thing, but it's certainly not unique to the South (as anyone from Montana, Idaho or Wyoming can tell you). Your generalization is a bit too broad.
The last video I watched as a Christian was one of Kents.
I was trying to find a way to square my beliefs with reality, and his rambling disingenuous vid shattered any shed of faith I had left.
So he is good for something then.
@@capt.bart.roberts4975 Yep. I was already on the way out, as I had stopped believing in magic, but it was that last push.
Yeah, chihuahuas don't last in the wild because they were artificially selected. Species survive in the wild because they evolved though natural selection, adapting to that wild to live in.
I went to catholic schools. In the high school, which was run by a male teaching order we had a lot of highly university educated priests. Not once did they claim the creationalist theory. We were taught science and evolution. The bible version was stated as just a method to give an explaination to people who had only simple or no education.
Thank you, Dan. Long-time follower. For what it's worth, and it may be worth little to nothing. I'm a Christian pastor, in the US who believes in science, evolution, etc. and there are many of us. We spend our time helping people... not trying to prove science wrong. lol, Thank you again for your channel.
Much of early science was funded & developed by or at the Roman catholic Church
What is that sweater he's wearing? Like what he's saying isn't already wrong, he has to dress wrong as hell too?
He can't even wear a clean pair of pants !
Dude needs to wash his jeans 😂
He forgot to wash off the dinosaur crap off from when he went riding on one!🤣🤣
He was not prepared for that
Lol "God did it" I'm so gonna use this as a get out of jail card.
"Why did you throw something at me?" "God did it" "where's my phone?" "God did it" "why would you do such a thing" "God did it"
The sweater and dirty worn out jeans surrounded by deer horns is disqualifying without hearing a word.
Welcome back 🎉
Jeeez, his pullover is giving me migraines.
Still waiting for one creationist to explain the heat issue succinctly.
I've heard about only one. And it may be bco. misread of the text.
Thanks Dan! As for featured gentleman, Dear Oh Dear, so much BS about his imaginary friend, in a single interview is quite an achievement! 🙄🙄🙄🤦♀🤦♀🤦♀
OMG, I literally have that sweater - I wear it to run in the "Ugly Sweater" 5k series around Christmas.
He puts science into his work 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Get a new mouse. Yours seems to have a stuck button.