If you've done like 1200+ pulls already, I can totally imagine being bored of the phase 1. For reference, my static sounds a lot like your static (4 nights a week, 2 hours per night). But we just did 370 pulls and are on Apoc (50% of p3). I can't imagine doing 1200 pulls and still not seeing past p2. That would induce a certain amount of boredom because youre seeing the first 2 minutes so often. Sometimes I get the feeling myself of wanting to prog more / faster, but I also know that I would probably run into the situation you described. It's not fun to wait for everyone else to catch up.
This is actually why I quit during current savage tier at the time for 3 months. I didn't even expect to return to 14 at all but my desire to play again bubbled. I didn't get ti start raiding till 6.4 and when I did I put ALOT of time energy and focus on learning how to be good and consistent. I learn mechanics pretty quickly, faster if there is a raidplan or google doc. My first ever static I joined I ended up always being a fight or two ahead because I would PF my ass off to get better and learn how to find small little tricks to make thing easier. I joined and left many groups due to slow prog even without pf and it became very frusterating. I tried to finish the savage tier via pf a month into it by myself and I could not get a party to clear sunrise or hell even make it there when its advertised as a clear party I just slammed the desk and uninstalled the game. Even with FRU rn if not for the light rampant sim I'd be probably stuck in DD LR hell bc people cant do it consistently. Hell people cant even do the phase 1 tank buster in P1 thats how shitty we are getting. I play phys ranged so I'm just gonna have to prog lie my way to fresh P3 bc its the only way I can probably actually see intermission at this point and I studied up on UR. Finding a group that is consistent and enjoys the game and takes it seriously to the same degree is very hard and it's whats lead to me hating the game and myself to a degree. I'm going to finish FRU because I promised myself I would and I want to have an on content ultimate clear in my record because I hit the end game of end walker at the worst time.
I think you've hit the head on the nail of general raiding burnout. Your experience sounds pretty identical to what I went through with tea recently. Being ahead of your static and putting in time to prog in PF makes static raid time boring since you're sitting progging mechanics you've optimized for 2 hours. This game is brutal with its burnout, especially if your main reason to play is just to raid. FFXIV being a game with nearly endless content but 95% of it being unexciting and for a majority of players raiding is the endgame. But there's only so much raiding you can do before you're just bored. Burnout is natural & taking breaks is healthy. FRU is not going anywhere, and putting time towards other games will make your relationship with prog alot healthier, as you won't be progging an entire phase ahead. I understand the unending thirst to see the next phase of an ultimate, but when raiding in an environment with people who don't or can't put in the extra time outside of static hours to prog creates a conflict of interest, and ends up making the fight more frustrating than fun.
I think MMO games have this notion of being the ultimate form of gum, where you don't think it's never going to run out flavor. But at the end of the day it's just another video game, with its own set of limitations and (sometimes) tiresome rules. Eventually it will become so predictable that the challenge and sense of discovery is somewhat lost and you only find yourself playing out of habit. I personally think that it's important to balance gaming with other non-gaming activities. Especially if you have the kind of mindset that you always want to set the bar high and go for hardcore experiences. There are a lot of those activities outside of the realm of gaming that give you an even greater sense of high and community. I decided to become great at skiing for instance about 3 years ago. I started out as Bambi on ice and now I can go down black slopes without much effort. As a gamer who likes hardcore games myself this real life challenge spoke to me a lot since there was so much to learn and so many great rewards on offer. And it also taught me that not all activites have to be spread equally over the course of a year. It's fine that I can only go skiing during the winter months and it's also fine that I drop my MMO gaming from time to time. The brain needs time to rest and reset, in order to start up that long lost excitement again. To continue to play video games despite being bored is ultimately not very productive or life fulfilling. You have to be mature about it and learn how to spend that time elsewhere. It seems like you might need a change and perhaps some new perspectives on life. Thank FFXIV for bringing you to that point!
Had the same experience with DSR. I progged up to p3 with a group in like a week or two, also did some prog in PF, got up to eyes. Then we started progging in the static. I was pretty bored until we started getting to intermission. At this point, I think I've done P2 like 2000 times or more. Ended up clearing in PF. That was super fun. Like, grinding that fight to get the clear was so satisfying. I've been playing other jobs to keep myself entertained. I've played 3 different tanks and optimized rotations for them at this point and now I've started trying to optimize clemency use. Generally, I am still having fun, but less so when we wipe in P2 over and over again. I just hate dying early on in the fight. Regarding hard games: Repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again can be boring and when games are harder, you end up doing this. I like having high difficulty because it forces me to understand the game in and out and execute everything precisely, but repeating the same mechanic 2000 times can be draining. I think that it's not that hard to make a game that is incredibly difficult, but making something fun is challenging. Ultimately, fun should win out over difficulty, I think.
I had a similar problem in dsr, my static had p2 problems and i went and grinded dsr, got further than anyone and got my clear, i noticed that i got burned out from all the pf grind and i was bored at raidnight with my static because prog was slow. what i started doing to avoid burn out and boredom is exclusively playing with my static either at raid night or pf. I try to pf alone only if im falling behind with prog and i need to get things more polished before raidnight. the other thing you can do is use all that future prog knoledge to help your party prog faster, it certantly helps when someone in my party tells me something i can do better.
Commenting early but yeah, that's why I stopped raiding as well. I don't put in more hours than my static, I just tend to learn raids faster than them. I'm a person who doesn't have much time to spare for raiding, maybe like 4-6 hours a week, but pattern recognition and memory games are some of my strong suits so I usually out pace any of the statics I'm in when I'm trying to find a casual one that only raids 4-6 hours a week. It's tough because if I want to find people that are also long time raiders with solid game sense and fundamentals, I'd have to join one of the harder core statics that want to raid like 10-16 hours a week and I just don't have that kind of time.
You're not burning out, your static is just lower level than you - slower to learn, slower to adapt, etc. it's nobody's fault. The solution is for you to leave and find another static that's on the same level as you because this will only lead to more boredom and frustration. You need to be challenged, you need to play with people that are on the same or higher level than you. A static that shares the same time and effort commitment. This isn't anything bad against people specifically, you just gotta identify what is happening. The correct way to do this is two things: inform your raid leader that the static is not progressing at the same level as you and you will try to find another static. You will continue to raid with them to give them time to find a replacement for you. If you're the raid lead then find someone in the static that can fill that role and hand them the reins.
One of my leadership tenants is to not abandon my team just because it gets hard, and especially if its hard due to my own over-investment in prog early on that they didn't have time for. I couldn't screw them over like that just for my own sake. We'll get the clear as a team
This is part of why I just don't really attempt anything beyond extremes. I feel like I'd either bring someones experience down or experience worse burnout than i usually do with this game with my often year - years long breaks. Honestly wish they'd give more midcore content... stuff thats a few steps above casual things but not to the extreme of Savage or Ultimates. 😅 Idk i struggle with the thought of actually taking Black Mage into these harder fights, especially when its the only job I find myself enjoying like ever. I mean bro.... i struggled playing it in EX1 and always feel a touch useless there most times. 😭
I dont think anyones bringing my experience down other than myself really, I shouldve committed ot the statics timeline rather than pushing my own + the statics, so its on me. BUT I WILL SAY Ex1 wasn't easy to get down on blackmage! Its got some crazy ice dodging!
@blackmagecompendium It was the whole ice phase that really gets me tbh, I play sps BLM so it feels like I often am less movement friendly than normal. I cannot for the life of me adjust to low sps... not even sure what the minimum would be for a crit build. Makes it hard to flex into other casters hahahaha
@Himbro22 ahh yes I understand. I was sworn spell speed until EW and still played it until dsr forced me off of it to fix a group dps issue so iii get it lol rough times for spell speed rn for sure
Achievement hunting has been a blast but i have only maps and pvp to do. I can't decide which i hate more and so I've noticed i play pissed off now. I've been catching up on my steam backlog and have just stepped away from 14. Will of course be playing again but breaks have never been a bad thing
Sounds like thats everyone in FF14 right now. "Everything is the same. Im bored I want next" and there is never a next it feels like. They can continuously pump content, raids, field ops whatever but it all feels the "same and mundane" A friend told me they got out of this by playing a completely new job that was hard but not the same as what they used to play. For instance they were a Ninja main absolutely killed it with Ninja at all times did ultimates bunch of other stuff got bored like this then swapped to Red Mage and now hes having a blast again as hes having problems with playing the class due to a lot of the things being so different from cast times to other things. I learned something recently, ff14 has the worst jobs/classes in the industry sadly. NO its not the 2 minute meta. NO its not all the other bullshit people cry about. Its 1 simple thing. There is ZERO customization. I went to Throne and Liberty for a while and THAT. THAT is what ff14 needs. Skill specialization to make spells do different things based on what you put into them. Throne also had 1 hotbar (12 buttons) and felt like you had 72 abilities you could pick from due to the specializations. Final fantasy doesnt need to go into a 1 hotbar route. That's not what im saying, however it NEEDS player choice while keeping the fundamentals the same. Things we NEED to have are guaranteed to be on the skill(s) but we NEED skills to have player flavour. For peoples OWN playstyle. Materia doesnt cut it, due to everyone seemingly forced to do meta (I personally dont give a shit and do what I want with materia. But I know hardcore sweaty nerds dont like that.) Anyway, the game clacks depth and player choice. Everything has to be the exact same. Everyone does X the same way because you have too. That's why everything feels bad.
Youre not gonna like this answer but you *really* need to be honest with yourself. Youre not burnt out, you just put yourself in a situation/static that does not match your expectations. Literally the simplest solution is you want a group that progs at the same speed as you and/or is willing to put in the same time expectations. You're tiptoeing around the very obvious answer but you choose to remain in the same situation. It's OKAY to leave statics to find ones that fit your expectations. Cmon bruh.
This is... half right. Theyve run into issues with being at a different point of skill expression than their other static members. Most statics dont exist just to do the content though. Community is a significant part of group activities and it has just as much value (if not more) as staying stimulated. Abandoning the people you've invested in is hard because they have extreme value to you, even if you could wring value out of ditching them.
Not your fault tbh, your static does sound like is going slow so you are bored, but since you are the raid leader maybe you could take the people that are struggling to pf to help them improve a bit? Or make an extra day of prog and take the members of the static that can make it, and if some people are missing fill in with pf? I know some people that lose their mind when the group is taking a while to get it, some people just get it faster and push themselves to prog extra in pf. I do agree that ff14 is kind of boring rn tho, the biggest thing that hit me recently is that you gotta waaaiit a LOT to have fun with the game, like wait for queues, wait for pf to fill, wait for weekly resets, wait for raid day, and when you finally have raid day wait for your teamates to get the mechanics....and now we wait for next savage/content to drop. I gotta take a break from the game and save money during this downtime lol so skipped this ultimate, but gls on clearing FRU to you and your team. Also game awards were cool and Arcane got Robbed tho!!!! Wtf !!!
Right now is a good time to take a break. Burnout is fine, and the state of the game not being as appealing right now is also fine. I have so many games in my Steam library. For example, I don't even touch games we love or want to play; but we don't always, and for FF14, it's no different. I love this game, obviously, but if I wasn't actively raiding, I'd be taking one of the many breaks I always do. The itch to play always comes back.
Well considering how all jobs, gear, dungeons, etc. in this game are a bunch of homogenized crap, because SE is deathly afraid to "unbalance" the game and piss off some players....yeah, it gets boring REALLY fast.
It's just super stale really. There isn't much to do at the moment, hopefully 7.15 will fix that issue maybe lol I don't have high hopes for it though.
If you've done like 1200+ pulls already, I can totally imagine being bored of the phase 1.
For reference, my static sounds a lot like your static (4 nights a week, 2 hours per night). But we just did 370 pulls and are on Apoc (50% of p3). I can't imagine doing 1200 pulls and still not seeing past p2. That would induce a certain amount of boredom because youre seeing the first 2 minutes so often.
Sometimes I get the feeling myself of wanting to prog more / faster, but I also know that I would probably run into the situation you described. It's not fun to wait for everyone else to catch up.
This is actually why I quit during current savage tier at the time for 3 months. I didn't even expect to return to 14 at all but my desire to play again bubbled. I didn't get ti start raiding till 6.4 and when I did I put ALOT of time energy and focus on learning how to be good and consistent. I learn mechanics pretty quickly, faster if there is a raidplan or google doc. My first ever static I joined I ended up always being a fight or two ahead because I would PF my ass off to get better and learn how to find small little tricks to make thing easier. I joined and left many groups due to slow prog even without pf and it became very frusterating. I tried to finish the savage tier via pf a month into it by myself and I could not get a party to clear sunrise or hell even make it there when its advertised as a clear party I just slammed the desk and uninstalled the game. Even with FRU rn if not for the light rampant sim I'd be probably stuck in DD LR hell bc people cant do it consistently. Hell people cant even do the phase 1 tank buster in P1 thats how shitty we are getting. I play phys ranged so I'm just gonna have to prog lie my way to fresh P3 bc its the only way I can probably actually see intermission at this point and I studied up on UR. Finding a group that is consistent and enjoys the game and takes it seriously to the same degree is very hard and it's whats lead to me hating the game and myself to a degree. I'm going to finish FRU because I promised myself I would and I want to have an on content ultimate clear in my record because I hit the end game of end walker at the worst time.
I think you've hit the head on the nail of general raiding burnout. Your experience sounds pretty identical to what I went through with tea recently. Being ahead of your static and putting in time to prog in PF makes static raid time boring since you're sitting progging mechanics you've optimized for 2 hours.
This game is brutal with its burnout, especially if your main reason to play is just to raid. FFXIV being a game with nearly endless content but 95% of it being unexciting and for a majority of players raiding is the endgame. But there's only so much raiding you can do before you're just bored. Burnout is natural & taking breaks is healthy. FRU is not going anywhere, and putting time towards other games will make your relationship with prog alot healthier, as you won't be progging an entire phase ahead. I understand the unending thirst to see the next phase of an ultimate, but when raiding in an environment with people who don't or can't put in the extra time outside of static hours to prog creates a conflict of interest, and ends up making the fight more frustrating than fun.
I think MMO games have this notion of being the ultimate form of gum, where you don't think it's never going to run out flavor. But at the end of the day it's just another video game, with its own set of limitations and (sometimes) tiresome rules. Eventually it will become so predictable that the challenge and sense of discovery is somewhat lost and you only find yourself playing out of habit. I personally think that it's important to balance gaming with other non-gaming activities. Especially if you have the kind of mindset that you always want to set the bar high and go for hardcore experiences. There are a lot of those activities outside of the realm of gaming that give you an even greater sense of high and community. I decided to become great at skiing for instance about 3 years ago. I started out as Bambi on ice and now I can go down black slopes without much effort. As a gamer who likes hardcore games myself this real life challenge spoke to me a lot since there was so much to learn and so many great rewards on offer. And it also taught me that not all activites have to be spread equally over the course of a year. It's fine that I can only go skiing during the winter months and it's also fine that I drop my MMO gaming from time to time. The brain needs time to rest and reset, in order to start up that long lost excitement again.
To continue to play video games despite being bored is ultimately not very productive or life fulfilling. You have to be mature about it and learn how to spend that time elsewhere. It seems like you might need a change and perhaps some new perspectives on life. Thank FFXIV for bringing you to that point!
Had the same experience with DSR. I progged up to p3 with a group in like a week or two, also did some prog in PF, got up to eyes. Then we started progging in the static. I was pretty bored until we started getting to intermission. At this point, I think I've done P2 like 2000 times or more. Ended up clearing in PF. That was super fun. Like, grinding that fight to get the clear was so satisfying. I've been playing other jobs to keep myself entertained. I've played 3 different tanks and optimized rotations for them at this point and now I've started trying to optimize clemency use. Generally, I am still having fun, but less so when we wipe in P2 over and over again. I just hate dying early on in the fight.
Regarding hard games: Repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again can be boring and when games are harder, you end up doing this. I like having high difficulty because it forces me to understand the game in and out and execute everything precisely, but repeating the same mechanic 2000 times can be draining. I think that it's not that hard to make a game that is incredibly difficult, but making something fun is challenging. Ultimately, fun should win out over difficulty, I think.
I had a similar problem in dsr, my static had p2 problems and i went and grinded dsr, got further than anyone and got my clear, i noticed that i got burned out from all the pf grind and i was bored at raidnight with my static because prog was slow.
what i started doing to avoid burn out and boredom is exclusively playing with my static either at raid night or pf.
I try to pf alone only if im falling behind with prog and i need to get things more polished before raidnight.
the other thing you can do is use all that future prog knoledge to help your party prog faster, it certantly helps when someone in my party tells me something i can do better.
Ive been reducing my pf hours as well and it definitely helps, I think you're on to something!
Commenting early but yeah, that's why I stopped raiding as well. I don't put in more hours than my static, I just tend to learn raids faster than them. I'm a person who doesn't have much time to spare for raiding, maybe like 4-6 hours a week, but pattern recognition and memory games are some of my strong suits so I usually out pace any of the statics I'm in when I'm trying to find a casual one that only raids 4-6 hours a week. It's tough because if I want to find people that are also long time raiders with solid game sense and fundamentals, I'd have to join one of the harder core statics that want to raid like 10-16 hours a week and I just don't have that kind of time.
You're not burning out, your static is just lower level than you - slower to learn, slower to adapt, etc. it's nobody's fault.
The solution is for you to leave and find another static that's on the same level as you because this will only lead to more boredom and frustration.
You need to be challenged, you need to play with people that are on the same or higher level than you. A static that shares the same time and effort commitment.
This isn't anything bad against people specifically, you just gotta identify what is happening.
The correct way to do this is two things: inform your raid leader that the static is not progressing at the same level as you and you will try to find another static. You will continue to raid with them to give them time to find a replacement for you. If you're the raid lead then find someone in the static that can fill that role and hand them the reins.
One of my leadership tenants is to not abandon my team just because it gets hard, and especially if its hard due to my own over-investment in prog early on that they didn't have time for. I couldn't screw them over like that just for my own sake. We'll get the clear as a team
This is part of why I just don't really attempt anything beyond extremes. I feel like I'd either bring someones experience down or experience worse burnout than i usually do with this game with my often year - years long breaks. Honestly wish they'd give more midcore content... stuff thats a few steps above casual things but not to the extreme of Savage or Ultimates. 😅
Idk i struggle with the thought of actually taking Black Mage into these harder fights, especially when its the only job I find myself enjoying like ever. I mean bro.... i struggled playing it in EX1 and always feel a touch useless there most times. 😭
I dont think anyones bringing my experience down other than myself really, I shouldve committed ot the statics timeline rather than pushing my own + the statics, so its on me. BUT I WILL SAY Ex1 wasn't easy to get down on blackmage! Its got some crazy ice dodging!
@blackmagecompendium It was the whole ice phase that really gets me tbh, I play sps BLM so it feels like I often am less movement friendly than normal. I cannot for the life of me adjust to low sps... not even sure what the minimum would be for a crit build. Makes it hard to flex into other casters hahahaha
@Himbro22 ahh yes I understand. I was sworn spell speed until EW and still played it until dsr forced me off of it to fix a group dps issue so iii get it lol rough times for spell speed rn for sure
If you’re wanting to pf outside of static hours you’re in the wrong static.
suffering from success 😔
Achievement hunting has been a blast but i have only maps and pvp to do. I can't decide which i hate more and so I've noticed i play pissed off now. I've been catching up on my steam backlog and have just stepped away from 14. Will of course be playing again but breaks have never been a bad thing
Sounds like thats everyone in FF14 right now. "Everything is the same. Im bored I want next" and there is never a next it feels like. They can continuously pump content, raids, field ops whatever but it all feels the "same and mundane" A friend told me they got out of this by playing a completely new job that was hard but not the same as what they used to play. For instance they were a Ninja main absolutely killed it with Ninja at all times did ultimates bunch of other stuff got bored like this then swapped to Red Mage and now hes having a blast again as hes having problems with playing the class due to a lot of the things being so different from cast times to other things.
I learned something recently, ff14 has the worst jobs/classes in the industry sadly. NO its not the 2 minute meta. NO its not all the other bullshit people cry about. Its 1 simple thing. There is ZERO customization. I went to Throne and Liberty for a while and THAT. THAT is what ff14 needs. Skill specialization to make spells do different things based on what you put into them. Throne also had 1 hotbar (12 buttons) and felt like you had 72 abilities you could pick from due to the specializations.
Final fantasy doesnt need to go into a 1 hotbar route. That's not what im saying, however it NEEDS player choice while keeping the fundamentals the same. Things we NEED to have are guaranteed to be on the skill(s) but we NEED skills to have player flavour. For peoples OWN playstyle. Materia doesnt cut it, due to everyone seemingly forced to do meta (I personally dont give a shit and do what I want with materia. But I know hardcore sweaty nerds dont like that.)
Anyway, the game clacks depth and player choice. Everything has to be the exact same. Everyone does X the same way because you have too. That's why everything feels bad.
Youre not gonna like this answer but you *really* need to be honest with yourself. Youre not burnt out, you just put yourself in a situation/static that does not match your expectations. Literally the simplest solution is you want a group that progs at the same speed as you and/or is willing to put in the same time expectations.
You're tiptoeing around the very obvious answer but you choose to remain in the same situation. It's OKAY to leave statics to find ones that fit your expectations. Cmon bruh.
This is... half right. Theyve run into issues with being at a different point of skill expression than their other static members. Most statics dont exist just to do the content though. Community is a significant part of group activities and it has just as much value (if not more) as staying stimulated. Abandoning the people you've invested in is hard because they have extreme value to you, even if you could wring value out of ditching them.
Ma get the camera, my favorite blm griefer is bringing the yapperoni and cheese
Not your fault tbh, your static does sound like is going slow so you are bored, but since you are the raid leader maybe you could take the people that are struggling to pf to help them improve a bit? Or make an extra day of prog and take the members of the static that can make it, and if some people are missing fill in with pf? I know some people that lose their mind when the group is taking a while to get it, some people just get it faster and push themselves to prog extra in pf. I do agree that ff14 is kind of boring rn tho, the biggest thing that hit me recently is that you gotta waaaiit a LOT to have fun with the game, like wait for queues, wait for pf to fill, wait for weekly resets, wait for raid day, and when you finally have raid day wait for your teamates to get the mechanics....and now we wait for next savage/content to drop. I gotta take a break from the game and save money during this downtime lol so skipped this ultimate, but gls on clearing FRU to you and your team. Also game awards were cool and Arcane got Robbed tho!!!! Wtf !!!
Right now is a good time to take a break. Burnout is fine, and the state of the game not being as appealing right now is also fine. I have so many games in my Steam library. For example, I don't even touch games we love or want to play; but we don't always, and for FF14, it's no different. I love this game, obviously, but if I wasn't actively raiding, I'd be taking one of the many breaks I always do. The itch to play always comes back.
Well considering how all jobs, gear, dungeons, etc. in this game are a bunch of homogenized crap, because SE is deathly afraid to "unbalance" the game and piss off some players....yeah, it gets boring REALLY fast.
It’s not burnout, the game is just not good anymore.
It's just super stale really. There isn't much to do at the moment, hopefully 7.15 will fix that issue maybe lol
I don't have high hopes for it though.