1:42:11 To put it more precisely, God is good, and God can not contradict himself. Now let me clarify exactly what I mean by "God is good." The term "good" is the meaning of EVERYTHING GOOD. So, for example: Just, Honorable, Holy, Beautiful, Strong, Stable, Comfort, Love etc and because God is Good he cannot contradict himself. So the reason WE needed Jesus to come down and suffer the excruciating punishment of being flogged and then crucified was because God out of Love wanted to save us. If God was to just wipe away sin without a punishment, then God will no longer be a Just God, let's use a courtroom for an analogy Let's say the crime is a grape/murder of an innocent girl. And you're the father of the innocent daughter who was graped/murdered. And the defendant has acknowledged his own wrongdoings asking for forgiveness. And let's say the judge is God, if the Judge(God) was to say to the defendant "Well dont worry about the grape/murder, I forgive you" so to the defendant, you could say that the Judge is merciful but as the father of the daughter, you could deem the Judge as unjust, and because God is Everything Good he cannot contradict himself. So you as the father seeks for justice for you daughter and why we needed Jesus to come down and bear the responsibility that we should have gone through. And so since Jesus is bearing the responsibility of all sins he is also bearing the responsibility of the grape/murder of that defendant so the lashings, the suffering, the torment and the excruciating punishment he went through it was to bear the weight of the sin, so now as the father of the daughter who was killed innocently, even tho the man was forgiven you as the father still want the punishment carried out and now Jesus is being treated as the man who had committed the act, because the defendant as truly changed his heart asking for forgiveness. So Jesus is taking that responsibility off him and bearing it himself, and now you, as the father, can have peace. Hope this helped.
Yet the entire bible is contradictiing in general. "God" indeed does contradict itself. Only you can save you. There is nothing outside, it is all inside. Look in the mirror. The god you are searching for is you.
I have a simple question for you: is it okay to own another human being as property? If the answer is no, you disagree with the Bible. The Bible is not a moral book. Good luck pilgrims.
@stephenstuckey There are no contradictions in the bible, just a lack of depth and understanding from your view. May God bless you to soften your heart and expand your knowledge of scripture.
I am a former Muslim. I too had a vivid dream. More vivid then anything in my life. I had a face to face with the messenger in white, Jesus. We had a discussion and now I am a proud Christian.
I realize this will never be seen in the over 5,000 comments but when I wake up every morning I thank God for giving me another day to make things right
Wow - that’s admirable but also heavy… Jesus makes things right friend. That’s why He dird for you and every one else; because He knows we cant make things right on our own. Then He rose victorious over all that’s wrong in this world to give you peace and assurance. He can right what’s troubling your heart, or He would have never allowed what it is to happen. He can even turn it for good for those who depend on Him. Romans 8:28. Cross pictures it perfectly - world sees weakness and death, believers see strength and victory. Nothing too much for Him, so let Him do what He does. Blessings to you
My wife left me at the beginning of November. I haven't spoken or seen her since. I miss her so much. BUT I found God and this podcast couldn't have came at a better time!
I am back with God thanks to a situation similar to yours. We can’t find God without suffering. Everything will get better, friend. I promise :). Merry Christmas.
Hang in there brother, I have found God's restoration in your life to be far more beautiful than it was before. Trust him and submit to his plan.. He will restore your life.
sorry, christ and gospel are pharmacological terms. there was enchristing, epichristing, christing and mostly was done in the eyes with an unknown drug mixture of snake venoms . a christ was someone who had knowledge of and possessed the drugs that brought gospel, which is the health that a drug concoction brings. sorry but the theology is bunk. people were having near death experiences. you would receive the christ, have an nde, be 'born again' after receiving the proper antichrist, and you wouldn't fear the sting of the second death, meaning your fated inevitable death. it was a mystery cult using hallucinogens.
"And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of Lawlessness, Torahlessness.’” Christians trash the Law/Torah. See the Constantine Creed of Nicea 325AD Go for the Jerusalem Assembly aka Way aka the Natsarim Sect of 1st Century Judaism. The true original followers were Torah observant Jews. Acts 9:1-2, Acts 10:14, Acts 24:5&14
When I was 8 years old I asked my dying mother how people go to heaven. She said “by having faith in Jesus”. I was an atheist for many years but came to Jesus late in life. Her words, still clear as day in my mind, comfort me beyond measure.
My condolences even though it's been awhile. Watch near death experiences if you haven't. It's awesome to hear what they have seen when they crossed over and who talked to him. Merry Christmas
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL. The New Revelation 26.1K subscribers RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker The Gracious Guest 9K subscribers Merry Christmas.
I read his book in jail, it had no front or back pages. No way of knowing the title, and that was the setting off point for my journey back to Christ. I didn’t know the title of it for years, until I watched the movie. Thank you Lee, for helping to save my life.
2 Grown MEN having a conversation about things that really matter. Thank you both for sharing, this was a serious discussion for all the world to see. Well done, Sirs.
Shawn.. yesterday I told my wife I was going to order the book “The Case for Christ” because our marriage truly needs forgiveness at this very moment and has for over a year. It’s mind blowing the day later you have Lee Strobel on to encourage us to love like Christ. Something like this happened last year when I was researching into Victor Marx story and then you had him on a week after I find out who he was and his forgiveness story. I ask for prayer in my marriage and I thank you for having Christians on here who pursue God’s righteousness. Thank you for being led by Christ, Shawn! Merry Christmas!
In fact, I just sent this book to my atheist son a few days ago and opened my email from Shawn Ryan Podcast showing that today's podcast was with Lee Strobel. I sent him the link to this video as well. Thank you, Shawn and Lee!
Praying for you, your wife and your marriage. A few weeks ago, during a Bible study I was doing, it was pressed on my heart that forgiveness is a heart attitude. It’s a decision we make to forgive each day. And we repeat it the next day and the day after going forward…. And as we do so, we lay it at the feet of Jesus. We offer it up in worship to our Father. God is faithful! May God bless you always. 🙏🏼❤🙏🏼
My mom's last words before dying was " I have to go, they are waiting for me"....I know that all of my loved ones in Heaven will meet me. Merry Christmas, Semper Fi
Shawn I love all your shows. I'm a 11Bravo US Army vet. I can't express to you how much I appreciate what you have done by having an episode dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Shawn! I love you as a brother in Christ. And I thank you for using your popular channel to spread this eternally important message. Our souls are at stake. Thank you Shawn!
Amazing! Shawn deserves all the blessings he has received. I’m so happy to look back at early SRS and see the change in Shawn’s “vibe” (I hate to use that word, but don’t know another word). God is great and I hope everyone can have what us believers experience. And btw, they all can by following Christ.
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL. The New Revelation 26.1K subscribers RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker The Gracious Guest 9K subscribers Merry Christmas.
Perhaps like many, I have no family remaining except my brother and I too am spending Christmas alone, woke up and spent my morning watching this interview, probably the best Christmas gift I have ever received listening to this marvelous interview with Lee and Shawn. Thank you for making my Christmas that much better and learning more about Jesus. Thank you for all your podcasts Shawn, this one is amazing, will be buying 2 books from Lee. Merry Christmas, what a great start to the day. Lucky to be here thanks for the message today.
Jason you're never alone brother both Christ and your extended family just as I state too be are amongst one another! As I'm myself are spending Christmas physically alone I feel and know spiritually and emotionally I'm not! Merry Christmas Jason and too all may CHRIST BLESS YALL AND REMAIN VIGILANT!!
I'm alone this morning as well 1st thing I watched was this video best present 🎁 you can ask for thanks Shawn , I all so watched you with John Burke like 4 times , I had a horrific ghost encounter back in 2003 left me catatonic for years there's not a day that goes bye with out thinking ( how , why , who ) but it's true they have rules too .
Once you start looking for Jesus, he begins to appear everywhere. I veered off track for two decades. The craziest part is how good it makes you feel deep inside your heart once you start making your way back.
The same happened to me. I became a Christian at age 14 in 1972. In '76, I started falling away - it's a weird story. I investigated New Age in the 80s, but it seemed empty and silly. I rededicated my life to Christ in '91. Jesus wooed me back. He protected me from the consequences of stupid decisions that I had made. Many times, I've regretted the time that I wasted while away from him. But my thankfulness outweighs the regret.
You said it right! I think Shawn was attempting to bring out the "truth" ...the bible says; 1 John 4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL. The New Revelation 26.1K subscribers RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker The Gracious Guest 9K subscribers Merry Christmas.
1:39:22 "do I still sin? Of course I do...but I GRIEVE when I do now" is one of the hardest hitting things I've ever heard. That sent a chill down my spine, this is literally one of the best episodes you've ever had Sean. Praise be to God and or Savior Jesus Christ 🙏
A little over a year ago the interview you did with Jim Caviezel was one of the things that changed me. Thank you. And this interview is one of those rare ones that contains gold as well. Have a magnificent 2025 everyone. May God walk with you.
Lee Strobel - calm, loving , Christ centered, anointed. Shawn Ryan - truth seaker, unashamed to ask questions, ready to hear and learn. This was so good!!!!
After years of being a hedonist , years of drinking alcohol, smoking weed and months of doing pills ; one night I was soberly screaming out crying praying for hours and I heard a voice that said: “You’re okay, son” but it sounded just like my dad, but my dad was at the bar playing pool. I truly believe it was God. While praying, I recognized Jesus Christ as our lord and savior and called on his name and went to a church the next day and was anointed and prayed over. I surrendered myself to that lifestyle and enlisted in the Army a few months later. While doing my 7 years in the Army, I got back into drinking heavily which turned into alcoholism and eventually drugs after deployment. I got out 2 years ago and struggled readjusting but rededicated my life to Jesus Christ 7 months ago after discovering this amazing show. I am proud to say I’m 7 months sober and am doing better than I’ve ever been in my entire life. working daily to be a better Christian, husband and father. Some days are better than others being a sinner and dealing with PTSD but I strive to be more like Jesus each day, knowing that is one thing I will always fall short of doing. ALL GLORY TO GOD. I truly, truly hope this can touch at least 1 person. Truly if you’re struggling, surrender and receive Christ. Christ is truth! All else is false!
Let me just add that you are saved by grace and not of works. It's good to hear you got sober, but if there's anyone out there struggling with alcohol or drugs as a believer, it is NOT because God doesn't love you, it's because all things will happen in his time, not yours.
Continue in faith... don't give up. God is calling us to true holiness (a life that is totally dedicated to Him). I'm learning myself, as I have continued to fail in the things I know God wants for me, that unless I give Him every waking moment and the best that I have for Him to do with me whatever He wants, I will not experience the victory He gained for me at the cross. You can walk in the victory of the cross which does more than just overcome the symptoms, but it deals with the root and clears it out. Hope this helps...
Huge shoutout to you Shawn. I’ve been a Christian my whole life but only recently was truly born again. Your questions were absolutely perfect. Everything you asked I’ve wondered my whole life. I really really appreciate you bringing these questions to the interview. Extremely helpful
Shawn wants Jesus so much! You can hear him in the questions he asks. On this Christmas morning I lift Shawn up to the Lord and pray that through this interview with Lee, God will fill Shawn’s heart and open his heart of understanding. Please pray for Shawn and that this program was preordained of our Lord. Merry Christmas!
In Jesus name Lord reveal yourself more deeply to my brother Shawn, fill him with your spirit! May be he a beacon of love and fruit of the spirit and bless all my brothers and sisters watching! Happy Birthday my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me and restoring me. I love you! In Jesus name Amen
I stand in agreement with both of you! May Shawn experience the peace, joy, love and all of God’s goodness as he takes these first steps. Fill him Lord, to overflowing with your Holy Spirit!
Dear Lord. I raise this up in pray also. Open Shawn Ryan heart to your truth and righteousness. Thank you for showing his search for truth and a mind for openness to find it wherever it may lead him. Give him and his viewers the reward of peace for being true searchers for your righteousness that leads to the ever lasting experience of unconditional love for you and your creation. Amen.
My grandfather, who was saved by Grace, saw Heaven and hell over a 2 night period right before he died. Seconds before he died he told my grandmother about the Angels singing to him as they were coming for him. He told her the voices of the Angels were beautiful. Praise Jesus
It shouldn't matter what denomination a person is as long as they're a believer and love Jesus with all their heart. The Bible is non denominational it's only man sadly put these labels on the different churches mimi1gerbel, 🙏! 🕊🕊🕊
I’ve listened to tens of thousands of hours of podcasts. This is the Greatest single episode of Any podcast I’ve ever heard. Period. Remarkable. Thank you Shawn and Lee. I love y’all my brothers in Christ.
The best interview/podcast I’ve ever heard. Shawn, thank you for bringing Lee Strobel on your podcast to share his story and to share the most important story in the world, the story of Jesus Christ. The whole world really needs to hear this.
Watching Shaw's podcast has most definitely pushed me wanting to be closer to God. It's been the most random unplanned thing, but there have been a couple of episodes that have profoundly moved me to realize that God isn't removed from our day to day lives at all, and is right there for us everyday.
God bless you, bro. He is not been removed, but He is MORE present nowadays, He's resurrection is been proved, He's life AND death has been proved and allmost everything what they can proof scientifically, they have proved.
A nice story I heard years back that speaks to your experience went like this: I was walking on a beach with Jesus. I could tell he was there because as I walked I looked down and saw my footprints in the sand, with another set right beside them. He was guiding me along my path in life. But one day, disaster struck and my life started falling apart. I got sick, I lost friends and family, my job, everything. I was ready to give up all hope. I prayed and prayed to God, begging for help and strength to get me through. I looked behind me on the beach and saw that only one set of footprints remained. After I passed, I got to heaven and asked Jesus, “When my life got hard and disaster struck, why did you abandon me, Lord?” He said, “Look closer, those footprints in the sand are not yours, they are mine. When you lost all hope, I picked you up and carried you because I love you.” Even when all hope is lost, God is with us every step of the way. Even when we are clueless to his presence.
I’m so glad to have people that I look up to show interest in god. Ultimately if we think we are in charge of life without outside control from the universe we are ignorant. Recently I’ve found that while taking control of my life and also asking for guidance and approval from the universe I’ve found great success. On the point of faith you not only need faith in god but also in yourself. You need to submit and also understand that you have the power to decide your fate but also have peace of mind that if the initial direction you want to take your life is not in gods plan it is not on accident and have a backup plan. There is an aspect of faith that allows you to trust but true faith is not from asking for what you want and only having faith if it comes true. You need to be persistent in seeking a better life for yourself and others around you. Only with this goal and persistence will you be able to gain fulfilling momentum in your life.
I grew up in a family with pastors but was riddled with bad lack followed by… stupid choices of my own but chose to blame god for my outcomes. After getting out of the Navy I was in a dark place, constantly bordering on suicide and always drunk. Through this podcast and listening to Shawn, Penny, and Shipley as well as some other world class guests I followed their example and can honestly say I celebrated one year sober a week ago! I was astonished to see Lee Strobel on this podcast because through listening to his book on Spotify I found answers that I needed to not just be sober like those great SEALS taught but he built on what Eddie Pennies and Shawn’s Christ discussion’s curiosity sparked in me. I devoted my life back to Christ after finishing ‘Case For Christ’ and have been stronger in my faith and at peace with the craziness of the world. God is working miracles through the SRS show. I even went back to school and have successfully completed one year in college with a perfect 4.0 gpa making the Presidents list every semester. Thank you so much Shawn, you have been my lighthouse that brought me back to being the man i strayed from years ago.
Welcome to God's family. 🙏🏻 Congratulations on your sobriety! I'm so very proud of you, for all of it. And thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your service. I appreciate you, because without you and others like you, I, and everyone else here in the United States would not have the freedoms we have today. Again, thank you. And I hope you and your family have a merry Christmas and happy holiday. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing all of us to come together to listen and learn from Shawn's podcast. And also giving us somewhere we can have a type of fellowship with each other. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Congratulations on your anniversary of sobriety! Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
This is the first morning in 15 years I woke up on Christmas alone. I’ve had at least my wife and one of my children at home to wake up to, but not today. Thank you for this gift Shawn, I’m probably going to listen to it again right now, but I appreciate you giving us something so profound to open on Christmas morning. God bless you on your journey. Thank you for answering the call to serve our father with this mission, and may you have a blessed day today as you recognize the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. God bless all who serve.
I’ve never actually commented on a RUclips post, but my husband (who loves listening to this podcast) and I were listening on our way home from visiting family for Christmas in Alabama. When I heard Shawn ask about why it seems like God is silent during different times in our life, I immediately thought of Psalm 18. I just wanted to put it out there on the off chance that Shawn reads this and can go check it out. The awesome thing about that Psalm is that it describes how fiercely God loves us and does respond to his children’s cries for help or refuge. It vividly describes him coming down out of heaven ready to make war and fight for his children who call out to him. Like any good daddy does, he becomes the strongest and fiercest warrior you can imagine coming to protect and rescue. He’s so great and mighty to save, and he is a perfect Father! My prayer is that you find Him out to be exactly who he says is!
Opened up RUclips at 0130 Christmas morning while doing my patrol rounds to see this premiering! Christ is King, he is the reason for the season! God Bless 🙏
Anything with Jesus Christ is banned or reduced! Christians had their posts deleted. It would be fantastic if we had our own WWW. RUclips wouldn't cope, 🙏! 🕊🕊🕊
How can you say that when he totally stripped the bible out of it authority and promoted a literal trash version NIV because he publishes it??? Honestly i think you people bless everything without knowing anything
Wow. Just wow. Probably the best podcast I've ever heard. I've slowly been getting back to faith. And I'm trying my best. I do believe and I do pray. But this really opened my eyes and kept me in that lane. Bless you both for what you do
Lee Strobel was a huge part of my own faith journey. He baptized me when I was 12, his son (now a theologian in LA) was my jr high small group leader. Lee’s books gave me a rational foundation for my faith that I took into the world of philosophy and academic theology and one of the first things I show my students when we discuss apologetics is the film version of A Case for Christ. G-d bless you Lee
Would be an honor to meet you Shawn, not because you have a show, but because you keep it real and you served our nation well. But I know, because of what Jesus did for us, I will meet you in Glory!
I agree. I’m so appreciative that he spoke shout his experience about Ibogaine. I wish I knew exactly which location he went to so I could go to the same one.
I was so moved by this episode that I had to pause it several times to compose myself. I found myself weeping and crying out to Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, thanking them for their love and mercy. I am nothing without the one true God, Yahweh, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
My dad passed away last year, I wasn't sure if he believed until I had to go through his things and found 2 bibles. He didn't goto church and when he lived near me he specifically told me not to ask him to goto church, my heart has hurt all year, but this video really cleared that up for me, more than anybody ever could.
Please pray that I have peace at my work place. That people stop harassing me. If it be His will. I praise Him for these trials and tribulations. I praise Him for changing me, and growing me, and sanctifying me. But I do desire peace, if it be His will. I also pray my co workers and boss are blessed. I forgive them and pray that their names may be written in the book of life. In Jesus’ name.
@@7days_week if they don’t want to listen to the gospel, you’re supposed to dust off your feet and walk away. If that’s not the issue and they are just bothering you about being a Christian, you should rebuke Satan in Jesus name when you get to work and it wouldn’t hurt to get some anointed oil and put it around your workstation, but I wouldn’t do it in front of them and give them more fuel. It is God’s will for you to live for him and not be miserable. But Satan is the ruler of this world right now and he is the one that is the cause of it. When people follow Jesus Christ, Satan doesn’t like it and he will attack us but you should say I rebuke you Satan in Jesus mighty name and keep saying it until they quit bothering you but don’t say it to them just say it to Satan that only he can hear. And say it with authority like you really mean it because he can sense fear. 🙏
Thank you Shawn for this interview, I saw the Case for Christ years back and it made my faith stronger and I recommended everyone needs to watch it. But everyone needs to ask and answer 3 questions, Where did we come from? How should we be/ or what is the meaning of my life? Where are we going when we die?
I’ll never forget when mark guist said in his interview with you. “Who are we to judge god”. I lost my brother by suicide. My other brother to an overdose in front of me and my father to cancer. 3 years In a row. I lost all faith until I watched that episode. And this I know is gonna be next level to my faith opening up. Love your videos man. Keep it up and hope you and the family had a good Christmas!!
@devonstewart4719 Devon, have your professed with your mouth as Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, please do that first, then repent and ask for forgiveness. If you have already professed, then stay in Gods word!!! It is a lamp unto your feet a light unto your path. God bless brother. Jesus is coming soon very very soon. May He find you diligently seeking HIM
God bless you. That kind of loss is so, so hard. I pray you allow the hurt, anger, and pain drive you into the arms of The One who can calm that raging sea. He is the key to lasting joy and true peace. Knowing Him isn't just a ticket to Heaven, but is the Truth that sets us free and gives us new life...restores us to the life that God had always intended. His Name is Jesus, The Way, The Truth, The Life. Praying for you and your journey. Godspeed. ❤
The world needs more of this, Team SRS. We are Truly in Times that are Biblical. The Return of Christ & the Milleninum Reign is long awaited. We are Blessed to be here now to forever tell the stories of the Years of Tribulations. May God Bless everyone Reading this.
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL. The New Revelation 26.1K subscribers RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker The Gracious Guest 9K subscribers Merry Christmas.
I believe God brought me to watch this video so I would return to prayer. Over the years it's become something I've strayed away from and been on my mind. Then this video is on at 2:30am and it speaks directly to me
There are no coincidences and God has perfect timing. Know that there is absolutely nothing you have done or could do that the blood hasn’t already paid for. I envision Gods open arms as angel’s rejoiced as you wrote that message.
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL. The New Revelation 26.1K subscribers RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker The Gracious Guest 9K subscribers Merry Christmas.
whoever made the call to get Strobel on the show deserves a raise --- well done!!! "Case For Christ" movie is absolutely a must see!!! ITS VERY HELPFUL TO UNDERSTAND HOW ATHEISTS THINK AND WHY THEY THINK IT
Shawn I know you prolly won’t see this but,. Galatians 6:9 says “Do not grow weary doing good for in due time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up!” God is so proud of you! It’s an honor to be your brother in Christ
I am so happy that you have Lee on your show. He too was instrumental in building my faith many moons ago in my daily walk with Christ. I am a 60 year old Retired Special Agent who has found the rock of my salvation. Shawn, I pray that you continue to grow in your daily walk with Christ. Thanks for this show on Christmas!
Thanks, Shawn Ryan. After being a strong atheist for 20 years (I spent that long trying to disprove), I recently found Jesus. And you're a part of that, buddy. Merry Christmas
@@samdunn717Good question and I would like to know the answer, as well. I have an atheist 19 year old son who is always trying to disprove God is real. I want to send to him
Jesus christ saved me. I was the opposite of a believer. Had a demonic experience and after years of being terrified of the shadows and the evil that lurks on this earth. I was saved and given strength, courage and wisdom. Feeling The presence and love of the holy spirit was the best feeling I have ever felt in my life better than any drug or anything of this world. I will always keep my faith in Jesus christ my lord and savior for he died for our sins and loves us so much.
I also had a "shadow" experience. I was grieving the Holy Spirit, doing drugs, sleeping around ALOT.... One night I got a visit from the most oppressive, and unbelievably evil demon who was at the foot of my bed just waiting to overcome me. That moment changed me forever.
@j.t.patton7820 I can relate . I cannot type how much I feel about what you said other that very accurate and I can relate. thank the father the son and the holy spirit for changing me to the man I am today.
About one year ago my wife and I had started to read the Bible together every night and for the first time I felt like I was attacked in my dreams by an evil spirit and one night I had paralysis, I couldn’t move with my eyes wide open as this dark energy was coming closer to me all I could do is call on Jesus’s name and it went away so fast. I’ve only been Christian for a couple of years now but the evidence is everywhere now that I look back on my life. God is good!
Some say that’s when evil will attempt to attack you the most because you’re drawing near to Jesus Christ. My husband had sleep paralysis pretty often until he became a believer.
That happened to me a while back, I woke up paralyzed with this thing sitting on top of me, I cried out for Jesus and it vanished like a puff of dust. My next thought was, now I'm never going to go back to sleep bc it was so freaky, but then all of a sudden I was waking up the next morning. ❤ I'm not afraid of those things anymore bc I know the One who can cast them away.
Something like that happened to me. It's interesting to know it's something real that happens to other people when getting closer to God. I was 24, two years from my conversion but I had a really "worldly" life as a christian. I realized how much Christ had done for me and I committed with Him to live a life that glorified Him. And that night and the next, and the next had sleep paralysis that woke me up. I didn't see anything or anyone, just paralysis. I prayed and around a minute that paralysis stopped, three nights in a row. The three times I saw at the clock when the paralysis went away and it was 3:01 A.M. I interpreted that like a "you're not going anywhere, you belong to us" message. But thank God I didn't stop with my commitment to Christ. Hadn't happened again. It's been like 8 years from that.
I was also attacked in sleep paralysis years ago. I faded into the paralysis anywhere between 10-15 times. It was probably the craziest experience I ever had to this day. If I remember correctly it was also when I called on Jesus it finally stopped
Thank you for not being afraid to have Christ following guests. This truly was an earnest and heartfelt conversation. This is witnessing and sharing Jesus with the world. Amen! Jesus is King
This is a prayer answered. Shawn I'm not sure if you will even read this but our family is praying for solid Christians to surround you and your family and keep pointing you in the right direction. Lee Strobel is the real deal. I pray you soak up any wisdom he provides. We are so thankful for your platform. You are such a light. 🙏❤
Absolutely amazing to see this strong military man soften towards Jesus yet keep that strength we need in men. I love it. Keep learning, growing and stay teachable
Shawn, thank you for this. I'm also a veteran and spent a little over two years in Iraq as an Infantryman. I was a very devout Christian as a teenager, but fell away from God in my adult life, I think mostly because of my time in Iraq and the idea that the people there have been fighting over religion for thousands of years. The last 7 or 8 years, I found myself back in church (thanks to my wife dragging my ass in there) and have started to develop some faith. It hasn't been without hurdles. I was a heavy drinker, a gambling addict, and had other moral shortcomings. My bills have been behind. I've been on the verge of losing my house, etc. I quit gambling and haven't had a drop of alcohol in over a month. My wife volunteered our family to read the advent and light the Jesus candle at the Christmas Eve service at our church. I was scared shitless. Public speaking is not something I've ever been able to do. We got through it with my voice cracking and struggling to remember to breathe. That night, I came into a small financial windfall that ensured I won't lose my house. I attribute that good fortune to the strength of my wife for staying by my side, dragging me out of the depths of hell on earth and bringing me back to reality and back into the grace of God. She really is a saint. All that being said, thanks for this. I needed it today. Merry Christmas and God bless.
I just started this interview and I want to say upfront, Thank you Shawn for being willing to have Lee on your podcast. He is a giant in the field of Christian apologetics and I am looking forward to both listening to AND sharing this one with my friends and family!
I have no clue why he wouldn't be willing. Many of his guests are religious. We need religion more than ever in today's world. He wants answers too. Merry Christmas
Absolutely amazing content within this interview! Shawn, please don’t allow the judgmental Christian (or anyone for that matter) steal your Joy. You answer to The Lord and The Lord only. Do realize brother, that some folks…. Even Christian’s sometimes do not realize they are allowing the enemy to use them and play them for a stumbling block against fellow Christians. Please don’t dwell on it or allow it to make you bitter. Pray for them…. That restores your peace, and it leaves all that negativity between them and The Lord. Love you brother. ♥️🫡💪🏼
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL. The New Revelation 26.1K subscribers RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker The Gracious Guest 9K subscribers Merry Christmas.
Thank you for this content and your public stand for Christ. My 18 year old grandson listens to your show. I am so grateful for men, strong men who stand for Christ.
“Shawn, my family and I have served as missionaries in South Asia for 10 years. I started listening to and watching you in the early days of what you’re doing here, often as I would fall asleep in the Himalayas! I was drawn-like thousands of others, I’m sure-by your honesty, authenticity, and vulnerability, traits that are rare among men today. Your journey to and with Christ is astounding and miraculous, as is anyone’s who has given their life to Him. In a world spiraling into a reality where it’s increasingly difficult to discern what is true, real, right, or good, may the testimony and glory of Christ, as revealed in the Word of God and through what He appears to be doing in your life, serve as a light and anchor amid the chaos. Keep it up, brother. Press on, and continue to anchor yourself in the Word and the community of faith. Wish I could shake your hand! Come and see us in the Himalayas. It won’t be a special forces op-ha!-but it will be a special opportunity to help bring the message of hope in Christ and share your testimony with the remotest peoples and parts of the world. If Christ is who He says He is, and if the Bible is indeed true and reliable, then there is no greater joy and no greater purpose in life than living to make HIS name great among all peoples and places. I’ll leave you with this quote from Jim Elliot: ‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’”
So you're one of the missionaries Holy Spirit prompts me to pray for sometimes at 3am my time, here in North Alabama. God bless you, keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you! Merry Christmas!!!
Just spent the evening in prayer and fellowship and then found this feed as soon as I clicked into YT. What a blessing to have my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ directing my path. A blessed Christmas to all y'all! 🙏
Mr. Ryan, you are working out your faith in an honest and real way. What other people feel about that doesn't matter. Keep working on you and Jesus. Also, you are asking questions a lot of people who want answers to as well. Thank you for your strength for letting others join you in this very personal journey.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Thank you you Shawn . It’s crazy what this episode did for me and my friends and how it was perfectly timed for me to be able to share this. Dude.. Shawn if you can hear me… thank you you have no idea.
I really admire Shawn’s honesty in these interviews he has with guests like Lee Strobel. Thank you Shawn for having the boldness to have someone on your show like Lee.
Thank You Shawn for this conversation! A day spent alone in my memories. My mother and my uncle (her brother) passed 4 days apart this time last year. My dad passed away in 2019. I’ve spent every other Christmas in the past 14 years alone because of being a single mom, and we alternate holidays, but this one has hit hard. But, listening to you and Lee confirmed on so many levels for me that when Jesus Christ is all you have; you realize that Jesus Christ is all you really need!! Merry Christmas, Shawn. Blessings to you and your family!🙏❤️🎄🙏
I love how God is using you Shawn! It’s so great to watch a new Christian doing this kinda show asking all the questions non believers or new Christians may have.
I have This gift where wherever or whenever I see or hear or see or feel holy energy after an experience I went thru in 2017 and this man speaks. The truth
All three were present when I got born again. I was repenting and talking to God and He showed me a vision of Jesus on the cross and I suddenly understood why he was crucified and then the Holy Spirit poured down on me like a strong gust of wind from over my head. Born from above is the proper translation and that is what happened to me.
So awesome! Jesus is real and He is the reason for the season - perfect Christmas episode!! Seek Christ earnestly, and you will find Him. God bless and Merry Christmas, everyone! 💪✝️
When my grandpa died, it was 3am, and my brother and I were staying at his house. I woke up feeling peace and sensing a large angel in my room. I heard the paramedics working on my grandpa, and I walked to the door as the paramedics weeled him by us. When I say us, I mean the angel was standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder. He then set me back in bed, tucked me in, and I had the peaceful, sweet sleep ever. In the morning, my dad and mom were with my grandma in the living room crying. My dad said Grandpa died last night. I was not sad at that moment because I knew he was escorted to Heaven by the angels.
@@breighanaevridge8798 I’m so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t imagine having a twin lol but yet loosing one. At least you know in your heart where that person is. Merry Christmas and God bless you
It’s a real gesture of compassion to release content tonight. I’m blessed to still have people I care about who care about me, and we are close during the holidays, but this year I had a health crisis that began December 4th, and resulted surgery on the 11th, and then recovery. Nothing festive is happening at my house except in my heart this Christmas Eve, so having something to watch that is this uplifting on Christmas Eve night to help me celebrate the saviour’s birth while I’m wide awake with discomfort. This episode finally prompted me to purchase Strobel’s book after meaning to for a few years. Thank you for that.
Shawn, I want to say thank you. You helped me on my journey to follow Christ. I know you aren’t okay with the things you agreed to do. But to see a strong vigilant man, give up what he was sworn to protect is gracious man. you’re a real dude, and I can appreciate that.
I believe I have a guardian angel. I had lost my balance while climbing on boulders as a 4th grade child and was about to fall to my death. Then I felt a force almost like a hand on my back that pushed me back up against the boulder. I am in my late 40's now and remember this as if it were yesterday.
Shawn, thank you so much for featuring this guest on your show. I deeply appreciate you using your platform to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and help expand God’s kingdom. Airing it on Christmas was an inspired choice-a meaningful idea and a true gift. 👑🎄🎁
I used to go to Willow Creek Community Church when Mr. Strobel was Pastor. Amazing teacher and speaker than and even more so now. Thank you! A lot of eye opening facts that you shared.
Shawn this is one of the best gifts I have ever gotten on Christmas, the first was Trump winning the election and the second is Lee Strobel podcast. Shawn like you I have many questions about Jesus and being a Catholic for years going to Church no one ever explained this to me , but listening to Lee I have most of my questions we're answered. I know one thing I believe in Jesus and I will always praise and glorify him always , God is unconditional Love.
Hey Ryan I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for who you are. As a former infantryman I found your podcast long ago and became intrigued throughout all your interviews with former special ops members and would find myself listening for hours to the stories. As a Christian I relate to you so much, in the fact that I do have a lot of questions, and sometimes I don't know how to correctly ask those questions, but that doesn't stop you from asking. I know myself I have learned alot, or have had my own questions answered by the simplest fact you ask those hard questions that most tend to shy away from because of persecution. Watching you regain your faith and confidence throughout these shows has really opened my eyes to see the God is still here and still loves us. He's using you to bring new followers to him and he's reminding his current followers that He has never left. My word of advice is to continue to pursue our Father and never let that curiosity die, don't mind how others may criticize, the ones who truly hear will recognize your works and allow your word to help move them to God. Thank you for your boldness in what you bring with these interviews for everyone out here. Love you brother!
Shawn, I found Jesus at 19. Called out for God to save me from drowning in a lake, while on a Christian hike with a cousin who dragged me there. Ha! I'm 49 now & been walking with him ever sense. I weep when at funerals, weddings & when one gets saved. I'm so happy you are a part of His family. Lastly, A Case for Christ is my book of choice when I share the gospel with non believers. Thank you for having Lee on your show. What a blessing it will be for the ones watching, who have the ears to hear.
@thereignofthezero225 born again is what I learned what happened to me. I had seeds planted prior to almost drowning but didn't know what the term born again meant till I told my story. Yep, I said, that's what happened to me. Funny how we don't have to have all the answers but God will teach us along the way.
I never understood why God would love us the way he does. Mankind can be wicked and rotten. And then he blessed me with children. There's nothing my kids can do in this world that would make me stop loving them. and I believe that's the way he must feel about us.
1:42:11 To put it more precisely, God is good, and God can not contradict himself. Now let me clarify exactly what I mean by "God is good." The term "good" is the meaning of EVERYTHING GOOD. So, for example: Just, Honorable, Holy, Beautiful, Strong, Stable, Comfort, Love etc and because God is Good he cannot contradict himself. So the reason WE needed Jesus to come down and suffer the excruciating punishment of being flogged and then crucified was because God out of Love wanted to save us. If God was to just wipe away sin without a punishment, then God will no longer be a Just God, let's use a courtroom for an analogy Let's say the crime is a grape/murder of an innocent girl. And you're the father of the innocent daughter who was graped/murdered. And the defendant has acknowledged his own wrongdoings asking for forgiveness. And let's say the judge is God, if the Judge(God) was to say to the defendant "Well dont worry about the grape/murder, I forgive you" so to the defendant, you could say that the Judge is merciful but as the father of the daughter, you could deem the Judge as unjust, and because God is Everything Good he cannot contradict himself. So you as the father seeks for justice for you daughter and why we needed Jesus to come down and bear the responsibility that we should have gone through. And so since Jesus is bearing the responsibility of all sins he is also bearing the responsibility of the grape/murder of that defendant so the lashings, the suffering, the torment and the excruciating punishment he went through it was to bear the weight of the sin, so now as the father of the daughter who was killed innocently, even tho the man was forgiven you as the father still want the punishment carried out and now Jesus is being treated as the man who had committed the act, because the defendant as truly changed his heart asking for forgiveness. So Jesus is taking that responsibility off him and bearing it himself, and now you, as the father, can have peace. Hope this helped.
Yet the entire bible is contradictiing in general. "God" indeed does contradict itself. Only you can save you. There is nothing outside, it is all inside. Look in the mirror. The god you are searching for is you.
I have a simple question for you: is it okay to own another human being as property? If the answer is no, you disagree with the Bible. The Bible is not a moral book. Good luck pilgrims.
@@stephenstuckey NOPE.
@stephenstuckey There are no contradictions in the bible, just a lack of depth and understanding from your view. May God bless you to soften your heart and expand your knowledge of scripture.
@@JuandelaCruz001 YEP
I am a former Muslim. I too had a vivid dream. More vivid then anything in my life. I had a face to face with the messenger in white, Jesus. We had a discussion and now I am a proud Christian.
So you hopped from one mental illness to another great job being in a different cult 😂
Wow!! God is so good!!!
Praise God
I realize this will never be seen in the over 5,000 comments but when I wake up every morning I thank God for giving me another day to make things right
I saw it, my friend!
Saw it too, have a great day friend.
Wow - that’s admirable but also heavy… Jesus makes things right friend. That’s why He dird for you and every one else; because He knows we cant make things right on our own. Then He rose victorious over all that’s wrong in this world to give you peace and assurance. He can right what’s troubling your heart, or He would have never allowed what it is to happen. He can even turn it for good for those who depend on Him. Romans 8:28. Cross pictures it perfectly - world sees weakness and death, believers see strength and victory. Nothing too much for Him, so let Him do what He does. Blessings to you
I saw it, too
I saw it and pray God blesses you abundantly 🙏🏽❤️
This year I'm spending Christmas alone, just my dogs and I, so this episode came right on time. Merry Christmas and blessings to you all.
Same. ❤
Merry Christmas! Jesus is lord!
@@blueridgebackwoods4231Merry Christmas to you as well. Amen.
Merry Christmas! You are never alone through your faith. That thought always brings me comfort.
You're never alone, if you have been "born again."
When my aunt died from cancer, the last words she spoke on her deathbed were "It's beautiful."
This is amazing, thank you so much for sharing. God bless!
My wife left me at the beginning of November. I haven't spoken or seen her since. I miss her so much. BUT I found God and this podcast couldn't have came at a better time!
God bless you. I pray that you encounter His peace that surpasses all understanding right now ♥️ in Jesus’ name.
@AmyCraig-to4li thank you so much. My goal is to fight for her. To prove i am the man God wanted me to be!
@@therevern2733maybe she isnt quite the woman God would want her to be
I am back with God thanks to a situation similar to yours. We can’t find God without suffering. Everything will get better, friend. I promise :). Merry Christmas.
Hang in there brother, I have found God's restoration in your life to be far more beautiful than it was before. Trust him and submit to his plan.. He will restore your life.
Unashamed of JESUS/proud of SHAWN button
Yes, well done Shawn. Merry Christmas to all and god bless
sorry, christ and gospel are pharmacological terms. there was enchristing, epichristing, christing and mostly was done in the eyes with an unknown drug mixture of snake venoms . a christ was someone who had knowledge of and possessed the drugs that brought gospel, which is the health that a drug concoction brings. sorry but the theology is bunk. people were having near death experiences. you would receive the christ, have an nde, be 'born again' after receiving the proper antichrist, and you wouldn't fear the sting of the second death, meaning your fated inevitable death. it was a mystery cult using hallucinogens.
"And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of Lawlessness, Torahlessness.’”
Christians trash the Law/Torah. See the Constantine Creed of Nicea 325AD
Go for the Jerusalem Assembly aka Way aka the Natsarim Sect of 1st Century Judaism.
The true original followers were Torah observant Jews.
Acts 9:1-2, Acts 10:14, Acts 24:5&14
Amen this is great
When I was 8 years old I asked my dying mother how people go to heaven. She said “by having faith in Jesus”. I was an atheist for many years but came to Jesus late in life. Her words, still clear as day in my mind, comfort me beyond measure.
God is so great
My condolences even though it's been awhile. Watch near death experiences if you haven't. It's awesome to hear what they have seen when they crossed over and who talked to him. Merry Christmas
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.
The New Revelation
26.1K subscribers
RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker
The Gracious Guest
9K subscribers
Merry Christmas.
Sola fide is a modern Protestant myth, look to what the traditional Catholic Church taught for 1,500 years before Protestant heresy was even a thing
Thank you for your witness. God bless.
I read his book in jail, it had no front or back pages. No way of knowing the title, and that was the setting off point for my journey back to Christ. I didn’t know the title of it for years, until I watched the movie. Thank you Lee, for helping to save my life.
2 Grown MEN having a conversation about things that really matter. Thank you both for sharing, this was a serious discussion for all the world to see. Well done, Sirs.
Shawn.. yesterday I told my wife I was going to order the book “The Case for Christ” because our marriage truly needs forgiveness at this very moment and has for over a year. It’s mind blowing the day later you have Lee Strobel on to encourage us to love like Christ. Something like this happened last year when I was researching into Victor Marx story and then you had him on a week after I find out who he was and his forgiveness story. I ask for prayer in my marriage and I thank you for having Christians on here who pursue God’s righteousness. Thank you for being led by Christ, Shawn! Merry Christmas!
Praying for you!
Praying for you, your family and marriage.
In fact, I just sent this book to my atheist son a few days ago and opened my email from Shawn Ryan Podcast showing that today's podcast was with Lee Strobel. I sent him the link to this video as well. Thank you, Shawn and Lee!
Praying for you, your wife and your marriage. A few weeks ago, during a Bible study I was doing, it was pressed on my heart that forgiveness is a heart attitude. It’s a decision we make to forgive each day. And we repeat it the next day and the day after going forward…. And as we do so, we lay it at the feet of Jesus. We offer it up in worship to our Father. God is faithful!
May God bless you always. 🙏🏼❤🙏🏼
Case for Christ is also a movie.
My mom's last words before dying was " I have to go, they are waiting for me"....I know that all of my loved ones in Heaven will meet me.
Merry Christmas, Semper Fi
Shawn I love all your shows. I'm a 11Bravo US Army vet. I can't express to you how much I appreciate what you have done by having an episode dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Shawn! I love you as a brother in Christ. And I thank you for using your popular channel to spread this eternally important message. Our souls are at stake. Thank you Shawn!
Shawn and his guests have been huge in bringing me back to Christ
God bless you 🙏
Praise God. So happy to hear this
Amazing! Shawn deserves all the blessings he has received. I’m so happy to look back at early SRS and see the change in Shawn’s “vibe” (I hate to use that word, but don’t know another word). God is great and I hope everyone can have what us believers experience. And btw, they all can by following Christ.
I feel sorry for you that people are making you a delusional indoctrinated Cultist nutbag freak
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.
The New Revelation
26.1K subscribers
RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker
The Gracious Guest
9K subscribers
Merry Christmas.
Perhaps like many, I have no family remaining except my brother and I too am spending Christmas alone, woke up and spent my morning watching this interview, probably the best Christmas gift I have ever received listening to this marvelous interview with Lee and Shawn. Thank you for making my Christmas that much better and learning more about Jesus. Thank you for all your podcasts Shawn, this one is amazing, will be buying 2 books from Lee. Merry Christmas, what a great start to the day. Lucky to be here thanks for the message today.
Merry Christmas
Agree Merry Christmas. Hope you have a amazing new year full of Blessings and protection and guidance. 🙏🌌
@@ShawnRyanShowthe work you’re doing is beautiful brother. Keep up the good fight! Keep pressing forward and pursuing truth!
Jason you're never alone brother both Christ and your extended family just as I state too be are amongst one another! As I'm myself are spending Christmas physically alone I feel and know spiritually and emotionally I'm not! Merry Christmas Jason and too all may CHRIST BLESS YALL AND REMAIN VIGILANT!!
I'm alone this morning as well 1st thing I watched was this video best present 🎁 you can ask for thanks Shawn , I all so watched you with John Burke like 4 times , I had a horrific ghost encounter back in 2003 left me catatonic for years there's not a day that goes bye with out thinking ( how , why , who ) but it's true they have rules too .
Grateful that Shawn was bold enough to do this interview!
Once you start looking for Jesus, he begins to appear everywhere. I veered off track for two decades. The craziest part is how good it makes you feel deep inside your heart once you start making your way back.
That's grace. Him calling you back to him.
I am the same as you.
Glory be to God
Thank you for sharing
The best feeling in the world
The same happened to me. I became a Christian at age 14 in 1972. In '76, I started falling away - it's a weird story. I investigated New Age in the 80s, but it seemed empty and silly. I rededicated my life to Christ in '91. Jesus wooed me back. He protected me from the consequences of stupid decisions that I had made. Many times, I've regretted the time that I wasted while away from him. But my thankfulness outweighs the regret.
I wept when I returned to the Lord. His grace is overwhelming.
Shawn, you have balls. Well done talking this deepest TRUTH. Best episode you've done. Christ is King.
You said it right! I think Shawn was attempting to bring out the "truth" ...the bible says;
1 John 4
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.
The New Revelation
26.1K subscribers
RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker
The Gracious Guest
9K subscribers
Merry Christmas.
No the Singularity is the truth, religion and politics is just one cringe echo chamber that's taken up by the weak.
Truth ? Because you agree doesn't make it true
1:39:22 "do I still sin? Of course I do...but I GRIEVE when I do now" is one of the hardest hitting things I've ever heard. That sent a chill down my spine, this is literally one of the best episodes you've ever had Sean. Praise be to God and or Savior Jesus Christ 🙏
A little over a year ago the interview you did with Jim Caviezel was one of the things that changed me. Thank you. And this interview is one of those rare ones that contains gold as well. Have a magnificent 2025 everyone. May God walk with you.
It gives me goosebumps every time I hear the Gospel of Christ preached sincerely and accurately! Oh the power! Amen!!!
watching The Midnight Mass from Rome we are into the second hour now
I believe the Goosebumps is the holy Spirit having an effect on you. I get that way myself.
I’ve watched you from the beginning. This interview is the best and I don’t know how each one gets better but…
...oh the Love.
Lee Strobel - calm, loving , Christ centered, anointed. Shawn Ryan - truth seaker, unashamed to ask questions, ready to hear and learn.
This was so good!!!!
Too bad it was mixed seeds.
@@rstelzer2928 Mixed seeds?
After years of being a hedonist , years of drinking alcohol, smoking weed and months of doing pills ; one night I was soberly screaming out crying praying for hours and I heard a voice that said:
“You’re okay, son”
but it sounded just like my dad, but my dad was at the bar playing pool.
I truly believe it was God.
While praying, I recognized Jesus Christ as our lord and savior and called on his name and went to a church the next day and was anointed and prayed over. I surrendered myself to that lifestyle and enlisted in the Army a few months later. While doing my 7 years in the Army, I got back into drinking heavily which turned into alcoholism and eventually drugs after deployment. I got out 2 years ago and struggled readjusting but rededicated my life to Jesus Christ 7 months ago after discovering this amazing show. I am proud to say I’m 7 months sober and am doing better than I’ve ever been in my entire life. working daily to be a better Christian, husband and father. Some days are better than others being a sinner and dealing with PTSD but I strive to be more like Jesus each day, knowing that is one thing I will always fall short of doing. ALL GLORY TO GOD.
I truly, truly hope this can touch at least 1 person. Truly if you’re struggling, surrender and receive Christ.
Christ is truth! All else is false!
Amen 🙏🏻🕊🤍✨Jesus love you
Let me just add that you are saved by grace and not of works. It's good to hear you got sober, but if there's anyone out there struggling with alcohol or drugs as a believer, it is NOT because God doesn't love you, it's because all things will happen in his time, not yours.
Amazing story!!! Praise God!
Continue in faith... don't give up. God is calling us to true holiness (a life that is totally dedicated to Him). I'm learning myself, as I have continued to fail in the things I know God wants for me, that unless I give Him every waking moment and the best that I have for Him to do with me whatever He wants, I will not experience the victory He gained for me at the cross. You can walk in the victory of the cross which does more than just overcome the symptoms, but it deals with the root and clears it out. Hope this helps...
@@ibealion1 very well spoken, thank you for that brother. You took your time to send that and i appreciate it, you’re in my prayers.
Huge shoutout to you Shawn. I’ve been a Christian my whole life but only recently was truly born again. Your questions were absolutely perfect. Everything you asked I’ve wondered my whole life. I really really appreciate you bringing these questions to the interview. Extremely helpful
Shawn wants Jesus so much! You can hear him in the questions he asks. On this Christmas morning I lift Shawn up to the Lord and pray that through this interview with Lee, God will fill Shawn’s heart and open his heart of understanding. Please pray for Shawn and that this program was preordained of our Lord. Merry Christmas!
In Jesus name Lord reveal yourself more deeply to my brother Shawn, fill him with your spirit! May be he a beacon of love and fruit of the spirit and bless all my brothers and sisters watching! Happy Birthday my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me and restoring me. I love you! In Jesus name Amen
I stand in agreement with both of you! May Shawn experience the peace, joy, love and all of God’s goodness as he takes these first steps. Fill him Lord, to overflowing with your Holy Spirit!
Lord, help Shawn find the truth and hear your voice. I pray that he knows you as his savior and will talk to you as his father.
In agreement with all of you and am praying for Shawn!
Dear Lord. I raise this up in pray also. Open Shawn Ryan heart to your truth and righteousness. Thank you for showing his search for truth and a mind for openness to find it wherever it may lead him. Give him and his viewers the reward of peace for being true searchers for your righteousness that leads to the ever lasting experience of unconditional love for you and your creation. Amen.
My grandfather, who was saved by Grace, saw Heaven and hell over a 2 night period right before he died. Seconds before he died he told my grandmother about the Angels singing to him as they were coming for him. He told her the voices of the Angels were beautiful. Praise Jesus
Thank you for this testimony. I enjoyed it ❤🎉
The day before she died, my grandmother told me she heard the angels singing
@@ericajean7899 very nice. Can I ask what her denomination was?
It shouldn't matter what denomination a person is as long as they're a believer and love Jesus with all their heart. The Bible is non denominational it's only man sadly put these labels on the different churches mimi1gerbel, 🙏! 🕊🕊🕊
@@mini1gerbel Dutch reformed. Not charismatic at all. Can happen to any believer
I’ve listened to tens of thousands of hours of podcasts. This is the Greatest single episode of Any podcast I’ve ever heard. Period. Remarkable. Thank you Shawn and Lee. I love y’all my brothers in Christ.
Unbelievable podcast in a great way !!!!!
The best interview/podcast I’ve ever heard. Shawn, thank you for bringing Lee Strobel on your podcast to share his story and to share the most important story in the world, the story of Jesus Christ. The whole world really needs to hear this.
Watching Shaw's podcast has most definitely pushed me wanting to be closer to God. It's been the most random unplanned thing, but there have been a couple of episodes that have profoundly moved me to realize that God isn't removed from our day to day lives at all, and is right there for us everyday.
God is omnipresent. God bless you brother
God bless you, bro. He is not been removed, but He is MORE present nowadays, He's resurrection is been proved, He's life AND death has been proved and allmost everything what they can proof scientifically, they have proved.
A nice story I heard years back that speaks to your experience went like this:
I was walking on a beach with Jesus. I could tell he was there because as I walked I looked down and saw my footprints in the sand, with another set right beside them. He was guiding me along my path in life. But one day, disaster struck and my life started falling apart. I got sick, I lost friends and family, my job, everything. I was ready to give up all hope. I prayed and prayed to God, begging for help and strength to get me through.
I looked behind me on the beach and saw that only one set of footprints remained. After I passed, I got to heaven and asked Jesus, “When my life got hard and disaster struck, why did you abandon me, Lord?” He said, “Look closer, those footprints in the sand are not yours, they are mine. When you lost all hope, I picked you up and carried you because I love you.”
Even when all hope is lost, God is with us every step of the way. Even when we are clueless to his presence.
That's awesome. May God bless you ❤
I’m so glad to have people that I look up to show interest in god. Ultimately if we think we are in charge of life without outside control from the universe we are ignorant. Recently I’ve found that while taking control of my life and also asking for guidance and approval from the universe I’ve found great success. On the point of faith you not only need faith in god but also in yourself. You need to submit and also understand that you have the power to decide your fate but also have peace of mind that if the initial direction you want to take your life is not in gods plan it is not on accident and have a backup plan. There is an aspect of faith that allows you to trust but true faith is not from asking for what you want and only having faith if it comes true. You need to be persistent in seeking a better life for yourself and others around you. Only with this goal and persistence will you be able to gain fulfilling momentum in your life.
I grew up in a family with pastors but was riddled with bad lack followed by… stupid choices of my own but chose to blame god for my outcomes. After getting out of the Navy I was in a dark place, constantly bordering on suicide and always drunk. Through this podcast and listening to Shawn, Penny, and Shipley as well as some other world class guests I followed their example and can honestly say I celebrated one year sober a week ago! I was astonished to see Lee Strobel on this podcast because through listening to his book on Spotify I found answers that I needed to not just be sober like those great SEALS taught but he built on what Eddie Pennies and Shawn’s Christ discussion’s curiosity sparked in me. I devoted my life back to Christ after finishing ‘Case For Christ’ and have been stronger in my faith and at peace with the craziness of the world. God is working miracles through the SRS show. I even went back to school and have successfully completed one year in college with a perfect 4.0 gpa making the Presidents list every semester. Thank you so much Shawn, you have been my lighthouse that brought me back to being the man i strayed from years ago.
Our God is awesome 🙌
Welcome to God's family. 🙏🏻 Congratulations on your sobriety! I'm so very proud of you, for all of it. And thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your service. I appreciate you, because without you and others like you, I, and everyone else here in the United States would not have the freedoms we have today.
Again, thank you. And I hope you and your family have a merry Christmas and happy holiday.
Thank you, Jesus, for allowing all of us to come together to listen and learn from Shawn's podcast. And also giving us somewhere we can have a type of fellowship with each other. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This is awesome I never get tired of hearing stories like this
Congratulations on your anniversary of sobriety!
Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
This is the first morning in 15 years I woke up on Christmas alone. I’ve had at least my wife and one of my children at home to wake up to, but not today.
Thank you for this gift Shawn, I’m probably going to listen to it again right now, but I appreciate you giving us something so profound to open on Christmas morning.
God bless you on your journey. Thank you for answering the call to serve our father with this mission, and may you have a blessed day today as you recognize the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
God bless all who serve.
Merry Christmas Scott, may Christ comfort you, may you have an upcoming year of peace and fulfillment. God bless..
Merry Christmas Sir! The Lord bless you.
God Bless you sir. Remember God gives you 2 gifts every day to open. Your eyes. I'm so thankful for that and for this conversation. We are blessed. ❤
Merry Christmas Scott! God bless you! Thx U!
Merry Christmas Scott! God bless
Christ is King
And... Amen✝️🕯✝️
Amen 🙏🏼
Amen… Christ is King!
I’ve never actually commented on a RUclips post, but my husband (who loves listening to this podcast) and I were listening on our way home from visiting family for Christmas in Alabama. When I heard Shawn ask about why it seems like God is silent during different times in our life, I immediately thought of Psalm 18. I just wanted to put it out there on the off chance that Shawn reads this and can go check it out. The awesome thing about that Psalm is that it describes how fiercely God loves us and does respond to his children’s cries for help or refuge. It vividly describes him coming down out of heaven ready to make war and fight for his children who call out to him. Like any good daddy does, he becomes the strongest and fiercest warrior you can imagine coming to protect and rescue. He’s so great and mighty to save, and he is a perfect Father! My prayer is that you find Him out to be exactly who he says is!
Thank you, I just finished reading it
Opened up RUclips at 0130 Christmas morning while doing my patrol rounds to see this premiering! Christ is King, he is the reason for the season!
God Bless 🙏
Thank you for your service! ❤🙏🏼
Thank you for doing the work!
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.
-Matthew 5:9
RUclips is doing something..this should have over a million views.
Because Christ is king.❤🎄❤
I'm gonna leave it on repeat all day
Yup!! For sure! There were 8k in the live chat when it played at midnight, and that was only in the chat.
I'm getting ads every 2 minutes or so
It feel like it's shadow banned. 😞😪
Anything with Jesus Christ is banned or reduced! Christians had their posts deleted. It would be fantastic if we had our own WWW. RUclips wouldn't cope, 🙏! 🕊🕊🕊
God was glorified in this interview! Thank you Shawn, and God bless you and your family!
What a God Breathed Interview totally Blessed !
Looking forward to taking the time to listen. Lee is the perfect guy to be asking these questions. I’m so glad he’s being transparent!
How can you say that when he totally stripped the bible out of it authority and promoted a literal trash version NIV because he publishes it??? Honestly i think you people bless everything without knowing anything
Wow. Just wow. Probably the best podcast I've ever heard. I've slowly been getting back to faith. And I'm trying my best. I do believe and I do pray. But this really opened my eyes and kept me in that lane. Bless you both for what you do
Lee Strobel was a huge part of my own faith journey. He baptized me when I was 12, his son (now a theologian in LA) was my jr high small group leader. Lee’s books gave me a rational foundation for my faith that I took into the world of philosophy and academic theology and one of the first things I show my students when we discuss apologetics is the film version of A Case for Christ. G-d bless you Lee
Huge part of you becoming a slave you mean. He has ruined you for eternity most likely.
Would be an honor to meet you Shawn, not because you have a show, but because you keep it real and you served our nation well. But I know, because of what Jesus did for us, I will meet you in Glory!
I agree. I’m so appreciative that he spoke shout his experience about Ibogaine. I wish I knew exactly which location he went to so I could go to the same one.
"served our nation well"? Who or what is our "nation" serving..?
He served the government well. His podcast is serving people though
I was so moved by this episode that I had to pause it several times to compose myself. I found myself weeping and crying out to Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, thanking them for their love and mercy. I am nothing without the one true God, Yahweh, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
I teared up several times myself. God is good ❤
My dad passed away last year, I wasn't sure if he believed until I had to go through his things and found 2 bibles. He didn't goto church and when he lived near me he specifically told me not to ask him to goto church, my heart has hurt all year, but this video really cleared that up for me, more than anybody ever could.
Please pray that I have peace at my work place. That people stop harassing me. If it be His will. I praise Him for these trials and tribulations. I praise Him for changing me, and growing me, and sanctifying me. But I do desire peace, if it be His will. I also pray my co workers and boss are blessed. I forgive them and pray that their names may be written in the book of life. In Jesus’ name.
@@7days_week if they don’t want to listen to the gospel, you’re supposed to dust off your feet and walk away. If that’s not the issue and they are just bothering you about being a Christian, you should rebuke Satan in Jesus name when you get to work and it wouldn’t hurt to get some anointed oil and put it around your workstation, but I wouldn’t do it in front of them and give them more fuel. It is God’s will for you to live for him and not be miserable. But Satan is the ruler of this world right now and he is the one that is the cause of it. When people follow Jesus Christ, Satan doesn’t like it and he will attack us but you should say I rebuke you Satan in Jesus mighty name and keep saying it until they quit bothering you but don’t say it to them just say it to Satan that only he can hear. And say it with authority like you really mean it because he can sense fear. 🙏
Me too.
Thank you Shawn for this interview, I saw the Case for Christ years back and it made my faith stronger and I recommended everyone needs to watch it. But everyone needs to ask and answer 3 questions, Where did we come from? How should we be/ or what is the meaning of my life? Where are we going when we die?
Witnessing this man’s transformation and growth has been inspiring! What a man! All glory to God
What a sight ehh💪🏼✝️
Glory be to God
Glory to an murdering psychopath whos not even a god? yikes...🥶
It is amazing to watch God work in Shawn's life. So beautiful!
I’ll never forget when mark guist said in his interview with you. “Who are we to judge god”. I lost my brother by suicide. My other brother to an overdose in front of me and my father to cancer. 3 years In a row. I lost all faith until I watched that episode. And this I know is gonna be next level to my faith opening up. Love your videos man. Keep it up and hope you and the family had a good Christmas!!
God bless you, I can’t imagine how difficult things must be for you.
I pray for peace and comfort for you during this time. 🙏🏻
The story of Job. I’m sorry for your extreme loss my friend. Run towards God. For when I am weak, then am I strong.
@devonstewart4719 Devon, have your professed with your mouth as Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, please do that first, then repent and ask for forgiveness. If you have already professed, then stay in Gods word!!! It is a lamp unto your feet a light unto your path. God bless brother. Jesus is coming soon very very soon. May He find you diligently seeking HIM
Prayers to God for you. Lean into God.
God bless you. That kind of loss is so, so hard. I pray you allow the hurt, anger, and pain drive you into the arms of The One who can calm that raging sea. He is the key to lasting joy and true peace. Knowing Him isn't just a ticket to Heaven, but is the Truth that sets us free and gives us new life...restores us to the life that God had always intended. His Name is Jesus, The Way, The Truth, The Life. Praying for you and your journey. Godspeed. ❤
It’s just amazing seeing a revival in our country. All these public names professing their belief in Jesus is awesome!
Amen! God is great!!
I wish I could see a revival in my life and in my surrounding area. Yes please bring revival to my city.!!! ❤
The world needs more of this, Team SRS. We are Truly in Times that are Biblical. The Return of Christ & the Milleninum Reign is long awaited. We are Blessed to be here now to forever tell the stories of the Years of Tribulations.
May God Bless everyone Reading this.
And Behold This Day A Savior is Born into The World ❤
Merry Christmas
Amen 🙏
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.
The New Revelation
26.1K subscribers
RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker
The Gracious Guest
9K subscribers
Merry Christmas.
Says king James.. one of the most evil ppl ever... look in to the other books he released before kjv... don't be blind
Hearing the plan of salvation given on a popular podcast has me in tears. To God be the glory!!
Great things He has done! So loved He the world that He gave us His son!
I believe God brought me to watch this video so I would return to prayer. Over the years it's become something I've strayed away from and been on my mind. Then this video is on at 2:30am and it speaks directly to me
There are no coincidences and God has perfect timing. Know that there is absolutely nothing you have done or could do that the blood hasn’t already paid for. I envision Gods open arms as angel’s rejoiced as you wrote that message.
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.
The New Revelation
26.1K subscribers
RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker
The Gracious Guest
9K subscribers
Merry Christmas.
What a great great podcast! Shawn asked great questions as a new Christian.
God bless you and your walk with Christ Jesus
whoever made the call to get Strobel on the show deserves a raise --- well done!!! "Case For Christ" movie is absolutely a must see!!! ITS VERY HELPFUL TO UNDERSTAND HOW ATHEISTS THINK AND WHY THEY THINK IT
Shawn I know you prolly won’t see this but,. Galatians 6:9 says “Do not grow weary doing good for in due time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up!”
God is so proud of you! It’s an honor to be your brother in Christ
I am so happy that you have Lee on your show. He too was instrumental in building my faith many moons ago in my daily walk with Christ. I am a 60 year old Retired Special Agent who has found the rock of my salvation. Shawn, I pray that you continue to grow in your daily walk with Christ. Thanks for this show on Christmas!
Love this comment.
I’ve watched this 5 times and I could watch it a thousand times more, just the best
Thanks, Shawn Ryan. After being a strong atheist for 20 years (I spent that long trying to disprove), I recently found Jesus. And you're a part of that, buddy. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, may God provide you moments of peace in the storm.
Would you recommend this video to your former self?
@@samdunn717Good question and I would like to know the answer, as well. I have an atheist 19 year old son who is always trying to disprove God is real. I want to send to him
Keep going. Read your bible. Christ will give you more and more grace.
Jesus christ saved me. I was the opposite of a believer. Had a demonic experience and after years of being terrified of the shadows and the evil that lurks on this earth. I was saved and given strength, courage and wisdom. Feeling The presence and love of the holy spirit was the best feeling I have ever felt in my life better than any drug or anything of this world. I will always keep my faith in Jesus christ my lord and savior for he died for our sins and loves us so much.
I also had a "shadow" experience.
I was grieving the Holy Spirit, doing drugs, sleeping around ALOT....
One night I got a visit from the most oppressive, and unbelievably evil demon who was at the foot of my bed just waiting to overcome me.
That moment changed me forever.
@j.t.patton7820 I can relate . I cannot type how much I feel about what you said other that very accurate and I can relate. thank the father the son and the holy spirit for changing me to the man I am today.
Amen @@blueridgebackwoods4231
Amen. god bless you, Merry Christmas
Bro, all that stuff is in your mind, and you're still stuck in a fantasy world.
About one year ago my wife and I had started to read the Bible together every night and for the first time I felt like I was attacked in my dreams by an evil spirit and one night I had paralysis, I couldn’t move with my eyes wide open as this dark energy was coming closer to me all I could do is call on Jesus’s name and it went away so fast. I’ve only been Christian for a couple of years now but the evidence is everywhere now that I look back on my life. God is good!
Some say that’s when evil will attempt to attack you the most because you’re drawing near to Jesus Christ.
My husband had sleep paralysis pretty often until he became a believer.
Keep going on the journey!
That happened to me a while back, I woke up paralyzed with this thing sitting on top of me, I cried out for Jesus and it vanished like a puff of dust. My next thought was, now I'm never going to go back to sleep bc it was so freaky, but then all of a sudden I was waking up the next morning. ❤ I'm not afraid of those things anymore bc I know the One who can cast them away.
Something like that happened to me. It's interesting to know it's something real that happens to other people when getting closer to God. I was 24, two years from my conversion but I had a really "worldly" life as a christian. I realized how much Christ had done for me and I committed with Him to live a life that glorified Him. And that night and the next, and the next had sleep paralysis that woke me up. I didn't see anything or anyone, just paralysis. I prayed and around a minute that paralysis stopped, three nights in a row. The three times I saw at the clock when the paralysis went away and it was 3:01 A.M.
I interpreted that like a "you're not going anywhere, you belong to us" message. But thank God I didn't stop with my commitment to Christ.
Hadn't happened again. It's been like 8 years from that.
I was also attacked in sleep paralysis years ago. I faded into the paralysis anywhere between 10-15 times. It was probably the craziest experience I ever had to this day. If I remember correctly it was also when I called on Jesus it finally stopped
Thank you for not being afraid to have Christ following guests. This truly was an earnest and heartfelt conversation.
This is witnessing and sharing Jesus with the world.
Amen! Jesus is King
This is the best one yet Shawn. Everyone share this like crazy!!!
I wish I could have everyone watch this.
I shared and thankful for this podcast 🙌 🙏 ❤️
This is a prayer answered. Shawn I'm not sure if you will even read this but our family is praying for solid Christians to surround you and your family and keep pointing you in the right direction. Lee Strobel is the real deal. I pray you soak up any wisdom he provides. We are so thankful for your platform. You are such a light. 🙏❤
Absolutely amazing to see this strong military man soften towards Jesus yet keep that strength we need in men. I love it. Keep learning, growing and stay teachable
Melts our hearts to see Shawn taking to public prayer. Thank you, God ♡
I've had a heavy heart the past month or so this show has made me feel much better. Thank you lord for walking with me
The Lord continue to speak to you. Envelope you with His loving kindness. Amen!
Soon we will bet with Him
Give your hardships over to Jesus. He has strength (and then some) for all of us. Love and peace to you.
Shawn, thank you for this. I'm also a veteran and spent a little over two years in Iraq as an Infantryman. I was a very devout Christian as a teenager, but fell away from God in my adult life, I think mostly because of my time in Iraq and the idea that the people there have been fighting over religion for thousands of years. The last 7 or 8 years, I found myself back in church (thanks to my wife dragging my ass in there) and have started to develop some faith. It hasn't been without hurdles. I was a heavy drinker, a gambling addict, and had other moral shortcomings. My bills have been behind. I've been on the verge of losing my house, etc.
I quit gambling and haven't had a drop of alcohol in over a month.
My wife volunteered our family to read the advent and light the Jesus candle at the Christmas Eve service at our church. I was scared shitless. Public speaking is not something I've ever been able to do. We got through it with my voice cracking and struggling to remember to breathe. That night, I came into a small financial windfall that ensured I won't lose my house. I attribute that good fortune to the strength of my wife for staying by my side, dragging me out of the depths of hell on earth and bringing me back to reality and back into the grace of God. She really is a saint.
All that being said, thanks for this. I needed it today.
Merry Christmas and God bless.
BLESSINGS in you and your wife who exemplifies ‘unconditional’ love and the truth in marriage vows!
im praying for you right now! love ya brother Merry Christmas!
I just started this interview and I want to say upfront, Thank you Shawn for being willing to have Lee on your podcast. He is a giant in the field of Christian apologetics and I am looking forward to both listening to AND sharing this one with my friends and family!
I have no clue why he wouldn't be willing. Many of his guests are religious. We need religion more than ever in today's world. He wants answers too. Merry Christmas
Absolutely amazing content within this interview! Shawn, please don’t allow the judgmental Christian (or anyone for that matter) steal your Joy. You answer to The Lord and The Lord only. Do realize brother, that some folks…. Even Christian’s sometimes do not realize they are allowing the enemy to use them and play them for a stumbling block against fellow Christians. Please don’t dwell on it or allow it to make you bitter. Pray for them…. That restores your peace, and it leaves all that negativity between them and The Lord. Love you brother. ♥️🫡💪🏼
Christ is King and wise men still seek Him
Merry Christmas everyone
Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.
The New Revelation
26.1K subscribers
RETURN of the Nuclear Engineer & The Shroud of Turin | feat. Robert Rucker
The Gracious Guest
9K subscribers
Merry Christmas.
Thank you for this content and your public stand for Christ. My 18 year old grandson listens to your show. I am so grateful for men, strong men who stand for Christ.
This has got to be the best interview guest I have ever witnessed. Thank you so much. I hope to see more like it. God bless you thank you
The goose bumps I got from the opening prayer sets the tone for this episode. Thank both of you for spreading the word of our lord and savior!
In our modern Christendom Lee Strobel is one of the best apologist! This guest is better than having Trump! SRS is number 1!
“Shawn, my family and I have served as missionaries in South Asia for 10 years. I started listening to and watching you in the early days of what you’re doing here, often as I would fall asleep in the Himalayas! I was drawn-like thousands of others, I’m sure-by your honesty, authenticity, and vulnerability, traits that are rare among men today.
Your journey to and with Christ is astounding and miraculous, as is anyone’s who has given their life to Him. In a world spiraling into a reality where it’s increasingly difficult to discern what is true, real, right, or good, may the testimony and glory of Christ, as revealed in the Word of God and through what He appears to be doing in your life, serve as a light and anchor amid the chaos.
Keep it up, brother. Press on, and continue to anchor yourself in the Word and the community of faith.
Wish I could shake your hand! Come and see us in the Himalayas. It won’t be a special forces op-ha!-but it will be a special opportunity to help bring the message of hope in Christ and share your testimony with the remotest peoples and parts of the world. If Christ is who He says He is, and if the Bible is indeed true and reliable, then there is no greater joy and no greater purpose in life than living to make HIS name great among all peoples and places.
I’ll leave you with this quote from Jim Elliot: ‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’”
So you're one of the missionaries Holy Spirit prompts me to pray for sometimes at 3am my time, here in North Alabama. God bless you, keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
Merry Christmas!!!
Go find Nardev Pandhey and baptize him. Kathmandu, Nepal.
Just spent the evening in prayer and fellowship and then found this feed as soon as I clicked into YT. What a blessing to have my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ directing my path.
A blessed Christmas to all y'all! 🙏
Mr. Ryan, you are working out your faith in an honest and real way. What other people feel about that doesn't matter. Keep working on you and Jesus. Also, you are asking questions a lot of people who want answers to as well. Thank you for your strength for letting others join you in this very personal journey.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Thank you you Shawn . It’s crazy what this episode did for me and my friends and how it was perfectly timed for me to be able to share this. Dude.. Shawn if you can hear me… thank you you have no idea.
Gave my life to Christ two years ago and haven’t looked back! Praise God for he is rich in mercy and grace
I really admire Shawn’s honesty in these interviews he has with guests like Lee Strobel. Thank you Shawn for having the boldness to have someone on your show like Lee.
Thank You Shawn for this conversation! A day spent alone in my memories. My mother and my uncle (her brother) passed 4 days apart this time last year. My dad passed away in 2019. I’ve spent every other Christmas in the past 14 years alone because of being a single mom, and we alternate holidays, but this one has hit hard. But, listening to you and Lee confirmed on so many levels for me that when Jesus Christ is all you have; you realize that Jesus Christ is all you really need!! Merry Christmas, Shawn. Blessings to you and your family!🙏❤️🎄🙏
Amen to you. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Im grateful you are here.
God bless you with His daily presence in your life
Wise men still seek Him ✝️
Who's him? We doing pronouns now?
@@Young_Revolutionary Is "it" better for you?
Stop it@@Young_Revolutionary
Best comment on this thread
I love how God is using you Shawn! It’s so great to watch a new Christian doing this kinda show asking all the questions non believers or new Christians may have.
I have This gift where wherever or whenever I see or hear or see or feel holy energy after an experience I went thru in 2017 and this man speaks. The truth
All three were present when I got born again. I was repenting and talking to God and He showed me a vision of Jesus on the cross and I suddenly understood why he was crucified and then the Holy Spirit poured down on me like a strong gust of wind from over my head. Born from above is the proper translation and that is what happened to me.
So awesome! Jesus is real and He is the reason for the season - perfect Christmas episode!! Seek Christ earnestly, and you will find Him. God bless and Merry Christmas, everyone! 💪✝️
When my grandpa died, it was 3am, and my brother and I were staying at his house.
I woke up feeling peace and sensing a large angel in my room. I heard the paramedics working on my grandpa, and I walked to the door as the paramedics weeled him by us. When I say us, I mean the angel was standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder. He then set me back in bed, tucked me in, and I had the peaceful, sweet sleep ever.
In the morning, my dad and mom were with my grandma in the living room crying. My dad said Grandpa died last night. I was not sad at that moment because I knew he was escorted to Heaven by the angels.
That’s so beautiful. I felt the exact same with my memaw.
Same happened for me when my twin sister went to be with the Lord
@@Nickat86 God is so good!
@@breighanaevridge8798 He is so gracious!
@@breighanaevridge8798 I’m so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t imagine having a twin lol but yet loosing one. At least you know in your heart where that person is. Merry Christmas and God bless you
God bless you for doing this video watching from Australia I died and God brought me back when I was 17
It’s a real gesture of compassion to release content tonight. I’m blessed to still have people I care about who care about me, and we are close during the holidays, but this year I had a health crisis that began December 4th, and resulted surgery on the 11th, and then recovery. Nothing festive is happening at my house except in my heart this Christmas Eve, so having something to watch that is this uplifting on Christmas Eve night to help me celebrate the saviour’s birth while I’m wide awake with discomfort.
This episode finally prompted me to purchase Strobel’s book after meaning to for a few years. Thank you for that.
Shawn, I want to say thank you. You helped me on my journey to follow Christ. I know you aren’t okay with the things you agreed to do. But to see a strong vigilant man, give up what he was sworn to protect is gracious man. you’re a real dude, and I can appreciate that.
Lee Strobels Case For Christ is amazing. I can't wait to read his new book
I believe I have a guardian angel. I had lost my balance while climbing on boulders as a 4th grade child and was about to fall to my death. Then I felt a force almost like a hand on my back that pushed me back up against the boulder. I am in my late 40's now and remember this as if it were yesterday.
Shawn, thank you so much for featuring this guest on your show. I deeply appreciate you using your platform to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and help expand God’s kingdom. Airing it on Christmas was an inspired choice-a meaningful idea and a true gift. 👑🎄🎁
I’m not there yet, but I feel like I’m getting there. I needed this today.
keep asking God brother
Don't wait. You will never regret following Him, but you will certainly regret it if you do not.
Hurry brother home is not here, we are just passing through. Eternity with our creator awaits at any second.
Seek and ye shall find. God bless you
Jesus love you 🙏🕊.... Come to Him, its warm and joyful, hug to you
What a nice Christmas gift. Thank you Sean and to his wife and family! Happy Holidays from Canada!
Can't wait!! This gonna be good!! Shawn Ryan on your journey of Christianity and spirituality, i hope you take all the truths from this.
Hey, a fellow Canadian. Merry Christmas to you and your family. ❤ 🎄
Greetings from New-Brunswick.
@@GastonsGuitarCovers Manitoba over here. Merry Christmas to all! And a happy new year
Ontario here, Merry Christmas, blessings❤🙏🏻
Ontario, as well ❤️🙏❤️
I used to go to Willow Creek Community Church when Mr. Strobel was Pastor. Amazing teacher and speaker than and even more so now. Thank you! A lot of eye opening facts that you shared.
Just watched that clip from 4 years ago and it’s unreal the positive transformation Shawn has made. He’s allowed a lot of us to take part in it
Shawn this is one of the best gifts I have ever gotten on Christmas, the first was Trump winning the election and the second is Lee Strobel podcast. Shawn like you I have many questions about Jesus and being a Catholic for years going to Church no one ever explained this to me , but listening to Lee I have most of my questions we're answered. I know one thing I believe in Jesus and I will always praise and glorify him always , God is unconditional Love.
Hey Ryan I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for who you are. As a former infantryman I found your podcast long ago and became intrigued throughout all your interviews with former special ops members and would find myself listening for hours to the stories. As a Christian I relate to you so much, in the fact that I do have a lot of questions, and sometimes I don't know how to correctly ask those questions, but that doesn't stop you from asking. I know myself I have learned alot, or have had my own questions answered by the simplest fact you ask those hard questions that most tend to shy away from because of persecution. Watching you regain your faith and confidence throughout these shows has really opened my eyes to see the God is still here and still loves us. He's using you to bring new followers to him and he's reminding his current followers that He has never left. My word of advice is to continue to pursue our Father and never let that curiosity die, don't mind how others may criticize, the ones who truly hear will recognize your works and allow your word to help move them to God. Thank you for your boldness in what you bring with these interviews for everyone out here. Love you brother!
Incredible….just a phenomenal interview and explanation of our Lord. Thank you so much for taking the time to discuss it. God bless you.
Shawn, I found Jesus at 19. Called out for God to save me from drowning in a lake, while on a Christian hike with a cousin who dragged me there. Ha! I'm 49 now & been walking with him ever sense. I weep when at funerals, weddings & when one gets saved. I'm so happy you are a part of His family. Lastly, A Case for Christ is my book of choice when I share the gospel with non believers. Thank you for having Lee on your show. What a blessing it will be for the ones watching, who have the ears to hear.
Ironically, you would have considered yourself "saved" if you didn't make it out of that lake too, eh?
@thereignofthezero225 born again is what I learned what happened to me. I had seeds planted prior to almost drowning but didn't know what the term born again meant till I told my story. Yep, I said, that's what happened to me. Funny how we don't have to have all the answers but God will teach us along the way.
Best episode! May the love of Jesus be revealed to the world this Christmas season!
I never understood why God would love us the way he does. Mankind can be wicked and rotten. And then he blessed me with children. There's nothing my kids can do in this world that would make me stop loving them. and I believe that's the way he must feel about us.
Exactly right… and then some ❤
I often have a new realization of how God might feel towards me when I'm loving my kids through thick and thin, no matter what.