Capítulo 362 Español Cavidan: Qué significa eso. No, no puedo permitir tanto. No puede arrojar su futuro al fuego, según sus ojos. Emir: El anuncio de este matrimonio solucionará muchos problemas, madre. Cavidan: Oya di algo. Oya: ¿qué puedo decir, soy tía después de todo pero Emir no tiene muchas opciones, la situación de la niña es obvia. Cavidan: no estoy diciendo que arrojemos a la chica a la calle, pero ella puede ver lo que está pasando, pero no pongas tu vida patas arriba sólo porque vas a ayudarla, no puedo permitirlo. Emir: Si este matrimonio fuera conocido por todos, nada de lo que sucedió después, habría sucedido. No quiero más disgustos, así que mi decisión es definitiva. Tülay: Emir, déjame hablar para que lo entienda. Como tu madre, ella está tratando de protegerte, dale un poco de tiempo. Kemal irá a la comisaría a verificar los trámites judiciales del incidente. Narin: Mert ¿Escuchaste? atraparon a un ladrón. Para celebrar podemos tener una comida juntos. Mert: Le daré esto a la tía Sheriye, lo arreglé. Cavidan está muy molesta, sabe que Emir es quien tomas las decisiones familiares durante muchos años pero en esto no puede estar de acuerdo, además hasta Tülay aceptó esto sin oponerse. Tülay: tiene razón, como su madre piensa en lo mejor para él y su vida. Después de todo, todo lo que haga Emir afectará directamente a Yigit. En realidad si lo pienso mi único temor es Yigit, cuando decidimos casarnos con Emir fue por Yigit. Dijimos, se acostumbrará, pero ahora no existe esa posibilidad. Cómo llamará madre a una mujer que ha conocido hace pocas semanas. Cavidan: tienes toda la razón, cuando lo escuche se molestará. Yigit está molesto porque su juguete favorito está roto y lo quiere mucho. Gülperi: hagámoslo humano, pero necesito tu ayuda. Narin dice a su madre que pronto volverá a trabajar ahora Kemal está aceptando a Mert y eso la tranquiliza, Minuvver: Mert también hace su esfuerzo ayudando en todo. Narin: yo creía y creo en él. Mert: ¿quieres que lo cuente madre? solías decirme que pase lo que pase siempre dime la verdad. No puedo soportarlo, escucha todo de mí, no de Kürşat, pase lo que pase te lo diré todo doctora. Gülperi: mira, puedes moverlo como quieras, así será como si tú te movieras. Tómalo y juega. Cavidan: Hijo si este matrimonio es anunciados a todos dejará de ser de papel, será inevitable, Emir: pero no hay otra opción, es lo correcto para todos. Cavidan: y Yigit, ésta será su verdad. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en cómo le afectará a Yigit? ¿Qué le vas a decir? ¿Cómo se lo vas a explicar? Emir: primero hablaré con Gülperi, después hablaré con Yigit. Ahora no quiero hablar de eso y confundirlo mamá. ël lo puede comprender, no te preocupes. Cavidan: no sé, piensa nuevamente tu decisión por Yigit. Emir: ya se decidió. Mert se presenta frente a Narin para contarle todo, pero llaman del hospital. Es una colega que preguntá cómo se encuentra. Narin dice que bien todo gracias a Mert que la salvó. Al escuchar esto Mert se va. Cavidan: Yigit ¿quieres que tu padre se case y te traiga una madre? Yigit piensa en Tülay y se pone triste. Cavidan: no puedo permitir eso. Cavidan: cuando Melike dijo que estabas bien quise venir y hablar contigo. Mi intención no es molestar, pero si no te hablo, no me sentiría cómoda. Emir hablará contigo, pero no podía esperar. Emir ha decidido anunciar tu matrimonio a todos. Emir: si hubiese sabido que algo así iba a pasar, la situación de su tío también es clara. Tú también piensas como mi madre tío. Hasan: ¿Se abre la puerta sin llamar? Si tu corazón te dice que toques esa puerta, lo harás, te mostrará el camino y la puerta correcta. Emir: parece que hay algo que te molesta. Hasan: Gülperi, estará de acuerdo. Cavidan: Con el anuncio de este matrimonio, a partir de ahora, ustedes dos serán marido y mujer a los ojos de todos. Las cosas se complican. El futuro de Emir, tu futuro, todo llega al punto en que no se puede controlar, pero hay de por medio un niño, cómo va a entender. Si das tu consentimiento y Emir anuncia el matrimonio, Yigit se verá afectado ¿qué pensará si su padre se casa repentinamente? ¿Cómo puede aceptar esto de inmediato? No me malinterpretes. Te dije todo esto porque pensé que podrías entenderme, no aprobarás la oferta de Emir por el bien de Yigit, la decisión es tuya, mi hermosa niña. Kemal llega y le cuenta a Narin que el ladrón era un joven, pero que como sea no quedará impune. Le tiene una sorpresa a Narin. Emir: necesitamos hablar. Tomé una decisión que será adecuada para todos, anunciaremos nuestro matrimonio a todos. Mira, será mejor para ti así, te sentirás incómoda. Ah, por cierto, ya no puedes vivir aquí, tienes que acostumbrarte a la casa. Así que no te preocupes tendrás una habitación propia y te quedarás con la llave. La sorpresa es una habitación nueva y cómoda para Mert. Narin está feliz y por milésima vez le agradece por ser parte de su vida. Gülperi: no, me quedaré acá. Emir: necesitas estar más tranquila y segura. Así que no quiero objeciones, a partir de esta noche nos vamos a casa. Gülperi: No. Emir: hice lo necesario, ahora es tu turno. Te vas a casa esta noche y como dije no es negociable, esta noche. Gülperi: Dios, enséñame el camino, por favor ayúdame. Emir: tú sabes. Aún no has venido, mira, sé muy bien que no has dormido, me has escuchado, así que no me iré hasta que vengas. Entonces insistes. Bueno, ya que no vienes, entonces yo me quedo aquí. Mert recuerda que Kemal hablará mañana con el joven y sabrá todo. Sheriye: Kemal te está esperando. Mert: voy. Le muestran su nueva habitación. Narin está contenta hicieron algo bueno al traer a Mert a la familia. Kemal: me pregunto se mi hablaras de Mert hasta la mañana. Narin: estás celoso, Creo que necesitaba una familia, supongo que se la dimos. Kemal: eso piensas. De verdad me vas a hablar hasta la mañana. Narin: ok, me callo. Sabes serás un muy buen padre de un niño. Emir: buenos días, no renuncies a tu incredulidad, así es como será. El tío Hasan llega a visitar a Gülperi, pregunta a Emir se hablaron, Emir: hablamos pero no estoy seguro. Hasan: déjame hablar Hasan: Gülperi, si estas disponible podemos conversar. Sé niña, no es fácil para ti decir que sí a la oferta de Emir. Qué piensas o no confías en Emir, es por eso que no quieres. Mira, hija mía por qué tienes miedo, no tengas miedo, pasó todo esto, hija mía Emir, siempre está contigo, te protege, te mira, debes estar convencida de que no estarás dañada más por él. A él sólo le importa tu bienestar. Créeme, respondo por Emir. Gülperi: no puedo hacerlo. Narin prepara el desayuno, dice a Kemal que quiere preparar el primer desayuno para la gran familia que son ahora, pero se da cuenta que algo le pasa a Mert. Kemal: perdió a su madre, tiene un entorno nuevo, mis reacciones, no será fácil que se acostumbre pero con el tiempo se acostumbrará. Emir: El tío Hasan ni siquiera pudo establecer tu nombre. Debe haber una razón para que te opongas tan ferozmente. ¿Cuál es el problema? ¿Me lo dirás? Gülperi: no, no hay problema. Emir: ¿de verdad? si no hay problema por qué no te puedes ir. Bien, pensemos en eso, quién no quiere el divorcio porque le tiene miedo a su tío. Aún no has firmado los papeles del divorcio, te digo que todo el mundo debería saber sobre este matrimonio, pero insistes en que no lo sepan. Mira, el anuncio de este matrimonio no cambiará nada de nuestra situación actual, solo te instalarás en la casa, eso es todo. Déjame decirte que no tengo expectativas de ti. Mi voluntad no desaparecerá, ¿entiendes? Todo lo que intento hacer es que estés a salvo para que puedas relajarte, así que dime toda la verdad. Gülperi: No quiero nada, sólo asumí que me iría, nada de esto iba a suceder. Emir: Mira, no puedo obligarte a hacer nada, ¿de acuerdo? Pero si quieres dejar algunas cosas atrás, haz lo que te digo. Cavidan: espero que Gúlperi no haya aceptado la oferta de Emir y todo quede en el pasado. Hasta Hasan vino y no pudo convencerla. Gracias a Dios que mi discurso funcionó, tomó la decisión correcta. Tülay: Sea lo que sea que sea bueno para Yigit, Cavidan: es mejor para todos que nadie se entere de que Gülperi y Emir se casaron. Yigit: ¡tú y mi papá se casaron! No se lo diré a nadie, guardo muy bien los secretos. Si no te hubieras casado con mi padre, Tülay se habría casado con mi él. (Triste) Estoy muy contento, lo hiciste bien. Kemal: vine a invitarte a desayunar. Mert: me iré a la casa de acogida. Melike comenta que acaba de ver a Yigit y está muy feliz. Cavidan: ¿Qué hiciste, hijo, Gülperi no aceptó su oferta, y ahora has renunciado a anunciarlo en esta situación? Emir: no, se rindió, Melike puedes mostrarle su habitación. Melike: claro, Tülay puedes mirar la comida que está en la estufa. Emir: ahora que está resuelto, podemos anunciar a todos la boda. Cavidan: ¿inmediatamente, así tan rápido? Emir: ha pasado bastante tiempo, asé que no es tan rápido madre. Oya: yo lo organizaré. Emir: pero no hay que exagerar unas cuantas personas es suficiente. Cavidan: Tienes prisa, estás convencido, está bien, ¿qué pasa con Yiğit, con su psicología? El otro día, pensé en llamarlo, estaba confundido, mi bebé no está acostumbrado a una madre. Yigit: he recibido la noticia de que Gülperi vivirá con nosotros, Oya: estás muy feliz. Yigit: mucho, pero supe como sucedió, la abuela estaba hablando escuche que te casaste con la chica de las hadas. Emir: entiendo, pero me habría gustado que te enterarás por mi boca. Pero estoy muy contento que hayas recibido la noticia con madurez.
Continuación capítulo . Mert: lo pensé mucho, no soy de tu familia, no pertenezco acá, estoy solo. Kemal: ¿qué paso? hay algún problema? Mert: es mejor que me vaya. Kemal: Mira, admito que es un proceso difícil para todos, necesitamos tiempo. Es una decisión muy repentina, deberías pensarlo, no sólo para ti, sino también para nosotros. Mert: No quiero acostumbrarme, no quería venir aquí de todos modos. Kemal: es tu vida, es tu decisión, la respetaré pero tengo una solicitud. Sabes, acaba de salir del hospital, no está en buena forma, es bueno para Narin que estés en casa, si te vas ahora, ella se sentirá mal. Quédate aquí por un tiempo, al menos hasta que esté bien. Si no cambias de opinión, te prometo que te llevaré yo mismo. Mert: sólo por unos días. Emir: si necesitas algo. Gülperi: no es necesario yo puedo. Emir: Estamos dando una pequeña invitación mañana, anunciaremos la boda a la gente de la ciudad y nuestro círculo cercano, pero no habrá demasiada gente, no te preocupes, Oya se encargará de los preparativos ¿si quieres preguntar algo? la llave de la habitación actúa como te sientas cómoda. También me encanta el olor a jabón blanco. Tülay se retira molesta porque de a poco todos se están acostumbrando a lo que está pasando pero dice a Ercan que se encargará de arruinar a la chica. Todos felicitan a Narin por el delicioso desayuno que ha preparado, Narin : es para celebrar que hay un integrante más en la familia. Mert se levanta molesto, lo llaman por teléfono, es Bade que está preocupada porque no contesta el teléfono y piensa que la policía lo atrapó. Kemal lo escucha mientras Mert dice " no dijo mi nombre no te preocupes" Emir: mamá no lo hagas así, hago lo correcto, créeme. Cavidan: Está hecho hijo, de ahora en adelante que sea lo mejor. Oya comunica que ya está todo listo Emir avisará a Kemal, pero Oya ya lo hizo aunque le dijo que no era necesario su asistencia, ya que es sólo protocolar. Gülperi no tiene vestido pero lo solucionará mañana. Melike avisa que la chica como de costumbre no tiene hambre. Cavidan: que haga lo que quiera cuando tenga hambre comerá. Emir: estamos comiendo. Gülperi: no tengo hambre. Emir: El estomago no está de acuerdo contigo. Si no quieres venir a la mesa, puedes conseguir algo de la cocina cuando quieras. De acuerdo entonces. Narin regala un par de mancuernas a Kemal en agradecimiento por todo lo que hace por hacerla feliz. Emir: finalmente comenzaste a escuchar lo que se te dice. deja eso, lo recogerán mañana. Gülperi: lo recogeré ahora. Emir: come tu comida, no te dejaré ir de acá, toma asiento. Estamos aquí hasta que comas tu comida, si dices que no la comeré hasta mañana, no hay problema. Kemal descubre todo revisando las cámaras de seguridad. Cavidan sigue molesta, Oya: ella no sale ni de su habitación , nada va a cambiar en nuestras vidas. Cavidan: digan lo que digan ahora entró a la casa, tengo miedo de lo que pase después. Emir: tu recogiste la maceta: Melike: no. Emir: vuelve hacer lo que sabe. Tülay llega con la excusa de que Emir debe leer unos documentos. Emir: no deberías haberte molestado, yo iba a ir. nos vemos. Tülay: (sola) nos veremos de todos modos. Cavidan: OK, Gülperi es una buena chica, sufrió mucho, me siento más triste que todos ustedes, pero Gülperi y Emir, por el amor de Dios. Oya: termina con eso, te mostraré el vestido para Gülperi. poner su cabello en una bola y podemos hacer un maquillaje, sería increíble, la chica es hermosa, su cara es limpia. Cavidan: ojala el vestido fuera nuestro único problema, cómo se sentirá en medio de tanta gente, cómo se comportará. Gülperi: cómo salgo con tanta gente. Oya: Traje tu vestido, por supuesto, la decisión final es tuya, pero pensé que sería apropiado, es una invitación importante para Emir, todos vienen a ver a su esposa. No te preocupes, no habrá demasiada gente, pero tampoco es una buena opción salir con ropa casual. Gülperi: no lo puedo usar. Oya: ¿Por qué, no te gusta? En realidad, todavía hay tiempo para que podamos mirar otro vestido. Gülperi: el vestido es hermoso, nunca he usado algo como eso. Oya: Hay una primera vez para todo, créeme, serás hermosa, te quedará muy bien y como te dije para Emir esta es una invitación muy importante. Kemal conversa con un detective y confirma sus sospechas El joven y Mert son amigos. Mert pide a Bade que no intente detenerlo , contará todo a Narin, pase lo que pase. Tülay rompe el vestido, Oya y Gulperi se dan cuenta, Oya pasará a la tienda por otro igual. ( vestido horrible debo decir) Oya le pide a Ercan que haga lo del vestido. Tülay dice a Ercan que ella lo hará. Narin llama a Kemal para que salgas con Mert a cenar. Kemal : en otra ocasión hay algo de lo que debemos hablar cuando llegue a casa. Tülay: hola lo siento, tuve que venir, como tiene tanto trabajo, Ercan me llamó y me pidió ayuda, así que pasé por la tienda más cercana de la boutique y compré un vestido nuevo, no quiero que te quedes en malas situaciones. De todos modos, le daré el vestido a su dueño, Oya: espera un minuto, echemos un vistazo al vestido. (justo llaman por teléfono, momento que Tülay aprovecha para ir con Gülperi ) no te parece un poco extraño, es la ex novia y tanta comprensión. Cavidan: Tülay es una chica buena y muy comprensiva. Tülay: Hola, te traje tu vestido, no tienes mucho tiempo, tienes que prepararte de inmediato. Gülperi: deberías haber estado con él. Tülay: Hablamos de esto, cariño, sé por qué hiciste este matrimonio, no te molestes con todo esto ahora todo estará bien. Después de todo, no vas a estar casado para siempre, ¿verdad? Cavidan: hijo mío, te ves muy elegante y guapo como siempre.( Dios quiera que tenga buena suerte, mira lo que hemos pasado) Yigit: te ves muy guapo papá. Emir: si estuviéramos en una votación tu ganarías hijo. Madre, por favor. No es matrimonio, sabes, hablamos muchas veces. Cavidan: no lo soñé así, hijo mío no puedo evitarlo. Emir: pudo pasar. Pueden verse muy diferentes cuando lo miras. Pero debes saber que ninguno de ellos es diferente a ti, eres más fuerte que ellos, la vida ha sido mala contigo, pero te paraste, por eso desde hoy todo será más fácil para ti. Confío en ti, cree en ti misma. Por cierto toma esto (anillo) Ojalá estuvieran en tu dedo durante toda la invitación. Es en el otro. No los hagamos esperar más. Cavidan: nadie ha faltado, todos los que invitamos han venido. Oya: la gente ama a Emir, cuñada. Cavidan: No quiero nada más si pasamos este día sin ningún accidente. Mert: necesitamos conversar, llega Kemal y lo impide. Ercan: espero que tu plan resulte. Tülay: Pronto cobrará vida, no te preocupes. Kemal: hablas más tarde, ahora necesito a mi esposa. Todos los invitados están impacientes por conocer a la esposa de Emir. Tülay: Vamos ratón veras lo que significa atropellarme. Cavidan: ¿Dónde está esta chica? ¿Aún no ha terminado su preparación? Yigit: papá, la chica hada se ve muy hermosa. Emir: permítanme presentarle a mi esposa Gülperi Tarhun.... demoré pero termine
Chapter 362 English Cavidan: What does that mean. No, I can't allow that much. He cannot throw his future into the fire, in his eyes. Emir: The announcement of this marriage will solve many problems, mother. Cavidan: Oya say something. Oya: what can I say, I'm an aunt after all but Emir doesn't have many options, the girl's situation is obvious. Cavidan: I'm not saying we throw the girl out on the street, but she can see what's going on, but don't turn your life upside down just because you're going to help her, I can't allow it. Emir: If this marriage were known to everyone, nothing that happened afterwards would have happened. I don't want any more trouble, so my decision is final. Tülay: Emir, let me speak so that you understand. Like your mother, she is trying to protect you, give her a little time. Kemal will go to the police station to verify the legal proceedings of the incident. Narin: Mert, did you hear? they caught a thief. To celebrate we can have a meal together. Mert: I'll give this to Aunt Sheriye, I fixed it. Cavidan is very upset, she knows that Emir is the one who makes family decisions for many years but she cannot agree on this, and even Tülay accepted this without opposing it. Tülay: she is right, as his mother thinks of the best for him and his life. After all, whatever Emir does will directly affect Yigit. Actually if I think about it my only fear is Yigit, when we decided to marry Emir it was because of Yigit. We said, she will get used to it, but now there is no such possibility. What will he call a woman he has known a few weeks ago mother. Cavidan: you are absolutely right, when he hears it he will be upset. Yigit is upset that his favorite toy is broken and she loves him very much. Gülperi: Let's make it human, but I need your help. Narin tells her mother that she will soon return to work now Kemal is accepting Mert and that reassures her, Minuvver: Mert also makes the effort of her helping in everything. Narin: I believed and I believe in him. Mert: do you want me to tell it mother? You used to tell me that whatever happens, always tell me the truth. I can't bear it, listen to everything from me, not from Kürşat, whatever happens I'll tell you everything, doctor. Gülperi: look, you can move it however you want, so it will be as if you move. Take it and play. Cavidan: Son, if this marriage is announced to everyone, it will cease to be paper, it will be inevitable, Emir: but there is no other option, it is the right thing to do for everyone. Cavidan: and Yigit, this will be the truth of him. Have you ever thought about how it will affect Yigit? What are you gonna tell him? How are you going to explain it? Emir: I will speak to Gülperi first, then I will speak to Yigit. Now I don't want to talk about it and confuse you mom. she can understand it, don't worry. Cavidan: I don't know, think again about your decision for Yigit. Emir: already decided. Mert shows up in front of Narin to tell him everything, but the hospital calls. She is a colleague who asks how she is doing. Narin says fine all thanks to Mert that she saved her. Hearing this, Mert leaves. Cavidan: Yigit, do you want your father to marry and bring you a mother? Yigit thinks of Tülay and becomes sad. Cavidan: I can't allow that. Cavidan: when Melike said you were fine he wanted to come and talk to you. My intention is not to bother, but if I do not speak to you, I would not feel comfortable. Emir will talk to you, but he couldn't wait. Emir has decided to announce your marriage to everyone. Emir: if he had known that something like this was going to happen, the situation of his uncle is also clear. You also think like my mother uncle. Hasan: Does the door open without knocking? If your heart tells you to knock on that door, you will, it will show you the way and the right door. Emir: There seems to be something bothering you. Hasan: Gülperi, you will agree. Cavidan: With the announcement of this marriage, from now on, you two will be husband and wife in the eyes of all. Things get complicated. Emir's future, your future, everything reaches the point where it cannot be controlled, but there is a child involved, how he is going to understand. If you give your consent and Emir announces the marriage, Yigit will be affected, what will he think if her father suddenly marries? How can she accept this right away? Do not misunderstand. I told you all this because I thought you could understand me, you will not approve of Emir's offer for the sake of Yigit, the decision is yours, my beautiful girl. Kemal arrives and tells Narin that the thief was a young man, but that he will not go unpunished anyway. He has a surprise for Narin. Emir: we need to talk. I made a decision that will be suitable for everyone, we will announce our marriage to everyone. Look, it will be better for you this way, you will feel uncomfortable. Oh by the way, you can't live here anymore, you have to get used to the house. So don't worry, you will have your own room and you will keep the key. The surprise is a new and comfortable room for Mert. Narin is happy and for the thousandth time thanks him for being a part of her life. Gülperi: no, I'll stay here. Emir: you need to be more calm and secure So I don't want any objections, starting tonight we're going home. Gülperi: No. Emir: I did what was necessary, now it's your turn. You're going home tonight and like I said it's non-negotiable, tonight. Gülperi: God, show me the way, please help me. Emir: you know. You have not come yet, look, I know very well that you have not slept, you have listened to me, so I will not leave until you come. Then you insist. Well, since you're not coming, then I'm staying here. Mert remembers that Kemal will speak to the young man tomorrow and he will know everything. Sheriye: Kemal is waiting for you. Mert: I'm going. They show her his new room. Narin is glad they did a good thing by bringing Mert into the family. Kemal: I wonder if you will talk about Mert until the morning. Narin: you're jealous, I think she needed a family, I guess we gave it to her. Kemal: you think so. You're really going to talk to me until the morning. Narin: ok, I shut up. You know you will be a very good parent of a child. Emir: good morning, don't give up your disbelief, this is how it will be. Uncle Hasan comes to visit Gülperi, asks Emir did they talk, Emir: we talked but I'm not sure. Hasan: let me talk Hasan: Gülperi, if you are available we can talk. I know girl, it's not easy for you to say yes to Emir's offer. What do you think or don't trust Emir, that's why you don't want to. Look, my daughter why are you afraid, do not be afraid, all this happened, my daughter Emir, he is always with you, he protects you, he looks at you, you must be convinced that you will not be damaged any more by him. He only cares about your well-being. Trust me, I answer for Emir. Gülperi: I can't do it. Narin prepares breakfast, she tells Kemal that she wants to prepare the first breakfast for the big family that they are now, but she realizes that something is wrong with Mert. Kemal: she lost her mother, she has a new environment, my reactions, it will not be easy for her to get used to it but over time she will get used to it. Emir: Uncle Hasan couldn't even establish your name. There must be a reason for you to object so fiercely. What is the problem? Will you tell me? Gülperi: no, no problem. Emir: really? if there is no problem why can't you go. Well, let's think about it, who doesn't want a divorce because she's afraid of her uncle. You have not yet signed the divorce papers, I tell you that everyone should know about this marriage, but you insist that they not know. Look, the announcement of this marriage will not change anything about our current situation, you will only settle in the house, that's all. Let me tell you, I have no expectations of you. My will will not disappear, you understand? All I'm trying to do is keep you safe so you can relax, so tell me the whole truth. Gülperi: I don't want anything, I just assumed that I would leave, none of this was going to happen. Emir: Look, I can't make you do anything, okay? But if you want to leave some things behind, do what I tell you. Cavidan: I hope Gúlperi has not accepted Emir's offer and everything is in the past. Even Hasan came and he couldn't convince her. Thank goodness my speech worked, he made the right decision. Tülay: Whatever is good for Yigit, Cavidan: it is better for everyone that no one finds out that Gülperi and Emir got married. Yigit: you and my dad got married! I will not tell anyone, I keep secrets very well. If you hadn't married my father, Tülay would have married me him. (Sad) I'm very happy, you did well. Kemal: I came to invite you to breakfast. Mert: I'll go to the foster home. Melike comments that she just saw Yigit and she is very happy. Cavidan: What did you do, son, Gülperi didn't accept his offer, and now you've given up on advertising him in this situation? Emir: no, he gave up, Melike can you show him his room. Melike: sure, Tülay can look at the food that is on the stove. Emir: Now that it's settled, we can announce the wedding to everyone. Cavidan: immediately, so fast? Emir: it's been quite a while, so she's not that fast mother. Oya: I'll organize it. Emir: but do not exaggerate a few people is enough. Cavidan: You're in a hurry, you're convinced, okay, what about Yiğit, with his psychology? The other day, I thought about calling him, I was confused, my baby is not used to a mother. Yigit: I have received the news that Gülperi will live with us, Oya: you are very happy. Yigit: a lot, but I knew how it happened, the grandmother was talking I heard that you married the fairy girl. Emir: I understand, but I would have liked you to find out from my mouth. But I am very happy that you have received the news with maturity.
Continuation Chapter Mert: I thought about it a lot, I'm not from your family, I don't belong here, I'm alone. Kemal: what happened? is there a problem? Mert: I better go. Kemal: Look, I admit it's a difficult process for everyone, we need time. It is a very sudden decision, you should think about it, not only for you, but also for us. Mert: I don't want to get used to it, I didn't want to come here anyway. Kemal: It is your life, it is your decision, I will respect it but I have a request. You know, she just got out of the hospital, she is not in good shape, it is good for Narin that you are home, if you leave now, she will feel bad. Stay here for a while, at least until she's okay. If you don't change your mind, I promise I'll take you myself. Mert: just for a few days. Emir: if you need anything. Gülperi: it is not necessary I can. Emir: We are giving a small invitation tomorrow, we will announce the wedding to the people of the city and our close circle, but there will not be too many people, do not worry, Oya will take care of the preparations, if you want to ask something? the room key acts as you feel comfortable. I also love the smell of white soap. Tülay leaves annoyed because she is slowly getting used to what is happening but she tells Ercan that she will be in charge of ruining the girl. Everyone congratulates Narin for the delicious breakfast that she has prepared, Narin: it is to celebrate that there is one more member in the family. Mert gets up annoyed, they call him on the phone, it is Bade who is worried because she does not answer the phone and thinks that the police caught him. Kemal listens while Mert says "he didn't say my name don't worry" Emir: mom don't do it like that, I'm doing the right thing, believe me. Cavidan: he is done son, from now on that is the best. Oya communicates that everything is ready. Emir will notify Kemal, but Oya already did, although she told him that her assistance was not necessary, since he is only protocol. Gülperi has no dress but she will fix it tomorrow. Melike warns that the girl as usual she is not hungry. Cavidan: let her do what she wants when she is hungry she will eat. Emir: we are eating. Gülperi: I'm not hungry. Emir: The stomach does not agree with you. If you don't want to come to the table, you can get something from the kitchen whenever you want. Okay then. Narin presents Kemal with a pair of dumbbells in appreciation for all that she does to make her happy. Emir: You finally started listening to what you are being told. drop that, they'll pick it up tomorrow. Gülperi: I'll pick it up now. Emir: eat your food, I won't let you go from here, have a seat. We are here until you eat your food, if you say I won't eat it until tomorrow, no problem. Kemal finds out all by checking the security cameras. Cavidan is still upset, Oya: she doesn't even leave her room, nothing is going to change in our lives. Cavidan: whatever they say now she entered the house, I'm afraid of what happens next. Emir: you picked up the pot: Melike: no. Emir: she goes back to doing what she knows. Tülay arrives with the excuse that Emir must read some documents. Emir: you shouldn't have bothered, I was going to go. See ya. Tülay: (alone) we'll see each other anyway. Cavidan: OK, Gülperi is a good girl, she suffered a lot, I feel sadder than all of you, but Gülperi and Emir, for the love of God. Oya: finish with that, I'll show you the dress for Gülperi. put her hair in a ball and we can do a makeup, it would be amazing, the girl is beautiful, her face is clean. Cavidan: I wish the dress was our only problem, how she will feel in the midst of so many people, how she will behave. Gülperi: how I hang out with so many people. Oya: I brought your dress, of course, the final decision is yours, but I thought it would be appropriate, it is an important invitation for Emir, everyone comes to see his wife. Don't worry, there won't be too many people, but it's not a good option to go out in casual clothes either. Gülperi: I can't use it. Oya: Why, don't you like it? Actually, there is still time for us to look at another dress. Gülperi: the dress is beautiful, I have never worn something like that. Oya: There is a first time for everything, believe me, you will be beautiful, it will fit you very well and as I told you for Emir this is a very important invitation. Kemal talks to a detective and confirms his suspicions The young man and Mert are friends. Mert asks Bade not to try to stop him, she will tell Narin everything, whatever happens. Tülay breaks the dress, Oya and Gulperi realize, Oya will go to the store for another one. (horrible dress I must say) Oya asks Ercan to do the dress thing. Tülay tells Ercan that she will do it. Narin calls Kemal to go out with Mert for dinner. Kemal: Another time there is something we need to talk about when I get home. Tülay: hi sorry, I had to come, since he has so much work, Ercan called me and asked for my help, so I stopped by the closest store in the boutique and bought a new dress, I don't want you to be in bad situations. Anyway, I'll give the dress to its owner, Oya - wait a minute, let's take a look at the dress. (They just call on the phone, a moment that Tülay takes the opportunity to go with Gülperi) does not seem a bit strange, she is the ex-girlfriend and so much understanding. Cavidan: Tülay is a good and very understanding girl. Tülay: Hello, I brought you your dress, you don't have much time, you have to get ready immediately. Gülperi: you should have been with him. Tülay: We talked about this, honey, I know why you made this marriage, don't bother with all this now everything will be fine. After all, you're not going to be married forever, are you? Cavidan: my son, you look very elegant and handsome as always. (God willing he has good luck, he looks at what we have been through) Yigit: you look very handsome dad. Emir: if we were in a vote you would win son. Mother, please. It's not marriage, you know, we talk a lot. Cavidan: I didn't dream of it like that, my son I can't help it. Emir: it could have happened. They can look very different when you look at it. But you should know that none of them are different from you, you are stronger than them, life has been bad with you, but you stopped, so from today everything will be easier for you. I trust you, believe in yourself. By the way take this (ring) I wish they were on your finger for the entire invitation. It is in the other. Let's not make them wait any longer. Cavidan: no one was missing, everyone we invited has come. Oya: people love Emir, sister-in-law. Cavidan: I don't want anything else if we get through this day without any accidents. Mert: we need to talk, Kemal arrives and prevents it. Ercan: I hope your plan works. Tülay: It will come to life soon, don't worry. Kemal: You talk later, now I need my wife. All the guests are eager to meet Emir's wife. Tülay: Come on, mouse, you will see what it means to run me over. Cavidan: Where is this girl? She hasn't finished preparing her yet? Yigit: Dad, the fairy girl looks very beautiful. Emir: allow me to introduce my wife Gülperi Tarhun ....
who's with me keep watching this series even I don't understand even a single word of Turkish because I really love emir yigit and gulpari.. a million thanks to @melecoton to her kindness she's so nice to us international viewers for translating every episode.
She's moving to the house. She like the soap. She smiles the smell. She wears that ring. Meaning, she's agreed, even wrong finger at first. Yigit totally excited. Emir's mission succeeded.
@@miriams531 What he has done now opposite than before. He honestly wants to take care and protect her because his heart said so. He realises that from the first he met her. After he saw her wound, his decision is final no one can object anymore even her mother. After all, he knows Yigit with him. Always especially when it comes to his Peri Kizi.
@@miriams531 Her reaction priceless. The way her smile when she smells the soap, willing to wear the ring even she never knows which finger, she must put on, like the dress Oya gave. All that's meant she accept him. She didn't say she won't, she said she can't because of the mother in law words play in her mind. I love to see he reminds her to eat or he fed her, she listens to him even stubborn. He sleeps without close the door because he waits for her coming out to eat.
@@miriams531 Make him headache to understand her. He didn't realise yet that he already makes she can't stay away from him. She need him. They don't need to understand us. They just need to love us. That's all.
I agree with you and your comments make me laugh definitely Yigit ‘s flower ‘s is even adorable I don’t understand most of the guests are retired people cavidha age group very funny
Gokberk brilliant I am enjoying Yemin more again thanks to you . You gave Yemin a new meninges and beginning that was lost for a while. Please keep going we are watching your beautiful work but please keep down the evil plots under control .
Yeah! He doesn't mistreat Gulperi like he did with Reyhan and Feride. Oya has also learned her lesson from being unfair towards Narin and Feride and is by Gulperi's side now.
اليوم الضربة القاضية لجاويدا والشريرة اصبحت بطلا حقيقيا قالها بكل ثقة انها زوجتي من دون النظر الى المظهر بحث عن الجوهر والقلب الصادق انت بطل ياامير يادب🐻🌷👍🦜🦋🧚🐥🐦🐵🥳🥳🥳
@@philipsylvia you need to remember 4 years have passed and Emir deserve happiness. Don’t dwell in the past. It doesn’t do any good. Forge ahead. Make peace.
The settings in English translation yet again did not work, I think that this is deliberate, so that I continue to learn Turkish... I am so pleased though that this season, is more advanced in many ways and that we are not dealing with a psychotic storyline. Loving Gokberk! The storyline between Emir, Gulpari and Yigit, it is an instant family treasure. Narin and Kemal are so sweet, hopefully they get Mert on track. Personally I do not like the character of Tülay. To fully transform into a character, to be truthfully and emotionally connected needs hard work, she does not do this...
Gokberg you are an awesome , amazing actor, you fit into any role perfectly , I pray that you would receive many more lead roles and act in many more block buster series as well. Yigit lil Angel you so adorable, cute cheeks . You have the most beautiful heart just like Emir. I'm happy that you will finally have a mothers love, gulperi is really beautiful and will be the best mother to you. I hope the fashion designers give gulperi a more better fashion upgrade, she is extremely beautiful and her acting is superb,it's like she is narin baby twin sister, same curly looks and motherly loving nature. Narin and kemal after 4 years loosing your baby girl, I think it's time for you and narin to make another baby. You both are fantastic parents
She always most beautiful in the eyes of the little Tarhun. That's been more worth it than any other eyes. Yigit Tarhun see her beauty inside and outside. She is the spouse of his hero Emir Tarhun. Congratulation, Gulperi Tarhun.
Cavidan is trying so hard to get rid of her By smooth talking to her making her feel guilty Yegit said Mom when he fell she should see how happy he is with Gul
@@miriams531 She has been poisoned by Tulay. Emir knows about that. Just wait and play her game along. He will reveal the real Tulay to his mother soon. Yigit need the figure of the mother. He can feel Peri Kizi have that. She like to cherish him.
@@dadiduda718 Amir knows His mother likes Tulay a lot that’s it Just because she’s Melikes relative and a hard worker earned their trust more likely his trust doesn’t mean he should overlook her calmness with everything it’s impossible for any women good or bad to be this understanding of this particular situation no way But it is what it is I hope like what you said he’s alert and aware of Tulay
@@miriams531 She thought Tulay have a good heart as her aunt. She trusts her a lot. Her aunt doesn't trust her like Cavidan did. Malike agree with what Emir chooses. She looks Gulperi much better than her niece for sure. Oya either start falling to Gulperi. She is innocent, honest and pure kindness. Gulperi love Yigit in spite of she didn't know where that kid comes from. Who his parents or his family. Tulay, to get Emir her first goal. She didn't care about his son and his mother at all. How come for four years she never wins Yigit heart? Gulperi only a day he keeps mentioning her name like to sing a song to his family. Peri Kizi... Peri Kizi... Peri Kizi... They thought Peri Kizi not exist, it's just his imagination. By the way, I'm laughing aloud when he said well done, she did a magic to his father get married to her. Ahh Yigit ahh.. He believes Peri Kizi have a magic.
@@dadiduda718 haha yes he’s does this is how pure Yegit is ,, ah those chubby cheeks and that chubby bum of his you can’t help but to pinch them Amir is drawn to kind women Rey Feride and now Gulperi unlike his poor father And your right Gulperi is kind to yegit from the beginning It shows her warm-hearted and kindness Poor Yegit he also has to deal with evil Tulay more in future He will be protected by both I’m sure but it will take time for Yegit to say something about it
This new girl Gulperie resembles Reyhan she is beautiful, she looks older . But I really want her to talk more with Emir and his son and show lots of love, every love is different, with this girl is also different but can last given the opportunity.
I was crying this episode when yigit call her mom when he fall down. Please bring reyhan even in a dream for yigit. Fans are so happy if it's happen ❤️
Hoping Reyhan's return will be by the appearance of Reyhan's identical twin sister. That will be a grand finale, and Emir will marry her and live happily ever after. ❤
Omg some scenes in today's episode were awesome when gulpari entered the kitchen to eat something :) 😀😃and when emir puts the ring 💍in her right finger ohh we want more episodes only 3 episodes a week is not enough.
That was amazing what handsome Emir did !!! When up to a plain girl n made her feel beautiful 💥💥she felt like a princess among high Society folks that just look down at her
حتى بتشبيه دور البطلة لنفس دور ريحان بالموسم الأول دليل على دقة المتابعين للمسلسل كل موسم جوك يثبت أنه صمام الأمان والأمين على اليمين كل موسم يبدع أكثر وأكثر كاريزما وحضور ملفت برااافو جوكبيرك 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@@AhmedAlaa-ry8bu ليست اعادة الفنان يؤدي فقط الدور المكتوب على الورق واستطاع بكل موسم اثبات جدارته وبالآخر هو مجرد مسلسل وعمل له حتى يأخذ دور آخر يليق بموهبته
Aynen ya Her bir yeni Yeni sezonda her bir yeni kadın her seferinde emir aşık oluyor biraz saçma geliyor bana kötü rol dekiler de her zaman eve girip çıkıyor bunuda anlamadım birisi anlamıyor mu bu kötü olduğunu
Emir treatment of each girl they team him up with has some kind of history, he behaved accordingly They all played their roll really well , they all have trust issues, and is either talking to much or not at all ,they all can drive you crazy, upset , angry, few times happy .It is very easy to lose yourself in these rolls.
Y the main girl always trusting the wrong person in the series. If all people she trusting Tulay instead of the man who is always coming to rescue her. By not telling Emir his son was threatened, she is putting Yegit in more danger. And when something happens to him, she is gonna look for Emir to rescue him.🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️....and why Kemal always overhearing stuff, Narin need to overhear something dang. She just think Kemal don't like the boy but she is too trusting and she should know that Kemal only wants to protect her. It's not like the boy is a toddler. Cuz that's how Narin thinks, that he can't do no wrong. Like she taking in a stray cat. But Kemal knows better, he's a teenager with issues, not a trusting toddler that she can mother and kiss/hug away his worries. And why Narin always getting bloody hurt...geez😕😩
Completely agree. Beats me how Gulperi can’t see Tulay has her own motives to be against her, for a girl who has difficulty trusting she sure is trusting Tulay. Don’t get that. Yes she innocent but not stupid, i mean she can’t be after the hell she’s been through with people taking advantage of her. Come on!! Narin and Kemal need more story looks like everything they do revolves around Mert. There’s gotta be more to life.
Of all people, Emir trusted a crook like Resit and didn't trust Feride who had been saving Yigit putting herself in danger. Emir's trust issue was with women In general. Gulperis trust issue is with men in general. Narin is on a saviour mission as a rebound from Kumru's influence and she'll remain blind to hard facts for a while. But hope they end up adopting Mert.
I'm not fun of the way they dress Narin too!!!! A beautiful women like her could dress better... after all she is married with Kemal and she is a doctor.... She has money to dress better and according to her figure!
Yes they keep dressing her ugly. Some days worse then others. They really need to revamp her wardrobe. Yes we see her wardrobe evolve from long skirts to dresses to pants but the style is lacking. She can get better clothes that suit her. She’s still dressing like village girl from Azerbaijan with no money to spend. What’s the benefit of being a dr? Or marrying rich Kemal and being lady of mansion if you not even dressing the part? I’m not saying be a crazy fashionista but at least show improvement from days of old. I mean she’s still wearing dresses from her maternity days after 4 years. Come on, give it to charity and go spend Kemal’s credit card. Lol The malls are open.. I really think she needs a girlfriend, too bad Reyhan died and Feride had no interest. She needs to go shopping with a friend who will help her choose nice clothes and hangout with, maybe she’s been shopping with her mom and Sheriya abla and they are not into the modern trends. She needs much guidance. Narin is such a good person don’t know why she has no BFF.
@@cristinaferro9239I was thinking about that but Oya is unreliable, yes she’s good with fashion but just for her own wardrobe, I mean look at that dress she gave to Gulperi for official wife announcing. It was very plain looking for such an occasion. Nothing special, could have been a dress for daily wear. Lol Yes Tulay cut it but it looked cheap at best so Gulperi not wearing it wasn’t something very upsetting. So I wouldn’t really rely on Oya. Narin needs a friend, a true friend to count on. The problem is aside from Reyhan all the lady friends she’s had have turned out to be fake. At least she has Kemal but only problem he will love any clothes she wears. Lol Tough luck Narin 🤣🤣🤣 ( it’s really the stylist choosing in real life not updated with the character growth)🤣🤣
I kept saying cavidha is always going to be the evil soul of yemin no matter because evil soul doesn’t change into angels. It doesn’t matter if you were kindly or harshly you are the old bag evil cavidha. Who makes you an expert of a good relationship look back and see how your marriage life ended. I can’t stand your role please leave Emir and Yigit alone we all know you motherly intentions get really. I am really sad the writer keeps creating this nonsense in her scenario tonight I am disappointed about Gulperi clothe it could be amazing night but unfortunately I was wishing Gulperi to be brave and put on that evil Tuliy ‘s dress or Emir will save the day like Sunas birthday celebrations but I am it didn’t happen. Nazmiya for Gulperi dress this is my point for you tonight 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
@@vericajovanovic9045 I hope Emir learns why Gulperi didn’t wear a new clothes for the party If he didn’t there is no point to watch this series . I don’t like the silent suffering season one and two to continue in season four.
You're right, Haney. The Devil is back 😈😞 such a shame. About Gulperi, this is exactly what I was afraid about and what I wrote yday. Right now she's such a misfit in their high class society. This is what Naz will show and she's correct. That dress and that flower in front of everyone is super awful. Gulperi is the weakest character Naz has created so far and she put that fish right in the middle of a desert. How is it fair to ask it to swim and survive? Hope Gulperi can manage with Emirs support.
@@sowmyargopalan I disliked Nazmiya ‘s extreme approach to any sort of power abuse I felt uncomfortable to watch it really . Her crazy scenario is always a reminder of suffering that Reyhan and Freida went through yet again she doesn’t show any recognition about Reyhan ,Freida ‘s contribution to this series . She write evil scenario and she is evil by nature.
Allah ölenlerine rahmet eylesin🤲 evet Gökberk çok daha iyi projelere layik, oyunçuluğuna hasret kaldım yaaa, in şa Allah bu sezon son sezon olur ve bu saçmalık biter, nazo Gökün yanına kimi koyarsam izlenir demişdi amma yanıldı, yemini izleten REYMİR in o muhteşem uyumuydu , cansu reytinqlerde dibe vurdu, setanayda dibin dibini gösterdi, işte İlahi adalet🤲🤲🤲
Emir furious when he looks back at Cavidan and Oya. He will deal with them soon. Later, when they look at the dress Tulay gave, Oya will know what was happening. More evil plan you try, more price Emir make, you must pay.
yes,agree with you..I hope this time won't be manipulated by his mom and tulay..he must be stand on his ground and fight for his gulpari..his handsome yigit love gulpari anyway..
CAVIDAN didn't know the real Tulay. Emir will reveal it soon. He didn't like her manipulate his mother. He knows Tulay behind this. From the beginning he knows Tulay try to throw Gulperi away. That's why he married her because he knows Tulay is in this game. He plans everything smooth going abroad with his family. How come her cruel uncle can kidnap Tulay? How her cruel uncle knows about Tulay? He knows Tulay plan the kidnapped issue.
على فكره هو تمثيله رائع ولكن غلط غلطة عمره رح يندم عليها بس لحتى يكبر ويصير مشهور هاد الدور صغرو كتير هو عم يحاول ينتشر وينشهر بس من غير تفكير أساء الإختيار بتحس إنو عم بتشوف فليم هندي مافيه ريحة المنطق
@@محمدمهدي-ص2ط6ق و الله المسلسل اتباع قبل عرضه لدول كتير و كل المواسم اتباعت اهو الاسبوعي اللي بيتوقف و الممثل يفهد يقشر بصل في البيت علي الاقل دا دخله ثابت و كفاية أرباح البيع و اللي مش عاجبه شاغل نفسه ليه و داخل يعلق فعلا مرضي نفسيين
@@Fs69Q كل واحد و له حساباته هو هاوي تمثيل مش واخده عمل اساسي هو له شغله الخاص بالانتيكات و هو مرتاح في شغله مع نظمية و كل واحد حر في قراراته ثم التركي كله تكرار و هندي يعني مفيش جديد و كفاية نظمية بتعرف تسوق ملسلاتها و تبعيها و دخلت اليمين منصة الهند يعني أرباح مضاعفة اما القصة دي بقي اخر حسابات الممثل المهم عمل محترم غير مبتذل و الحمد لله اعلان الحلقة القادمة تدخل تريند عالسوشيال ميديا نظمية داخلة كمان موسم خامس و اظن محدش بيخسر و يكمل و حتي لو بتخسر هي حرة
Yo espero que cavidan no se ponga mala yo espero en esta que con el niño yigit aprenda a querer a gulperie y se de cuenta de que tulay es mala y que no alarquen mucho la maldad de tulay .
هنا بدا امير يقل الشر والاشرار بالسكوت ولهذا اصبح اختيارة جيدا اصبحنا ننتظر المسلسل بشوق مزيد من التقدم يادب الصاعقة عندما يعرف انها اخت ريحان سوف يكون المسلسل روعة للمشاهدين بالتوفيق يادب 🐻👍👏🌹🧚♀️❤
Tulay ... Tulay, clothes don't make the persons more beautiful than they are, Gulperi is full of self-confidence and came out in front of people naturally without makeup and expensive dresses....!!!! weldone Gulperi,....and you Tulay go home and cry a lot
Just when i thought EMIR will be embarrassed by the way Gulperi us wearing ..Emir just grab the hand of the one he love..Gulperi.. and Tulay your plan failed again..give up girl. Look somewhere for znotger fish😆😆😆
يمين حلقه 362 قسم 1 جافيدان: ماذا يعني ذلك. لا ، لا يمكنني السماح بهذا القدر. لا يستطيع أن يلقي بمستقبله في النار ، امام عيني . أمير: الإعلان عن هذا الزواج سيحل مشاكل كثيرة يا أمي. جافيدان: أويا قولي شيئًا. أويا: ماذا يمكنني أن أقول ، أنا عمة بعد كل شيء ولكن أمير ليس لديه خيارات كثيرة ، وضع الفتاة واضح. جافيدان: أنا لا أقول إننا نلقي بالفتاة في الشارع ، لكنها تستطيع أن ترى ما يحدث ، لكن لا تقلب حياتك رأسًا على عقب لمجرد أنك ستساعدها ، لا يمكنني السماح بذلك. أمير: لو كان هذا الزواج معروفا للجميع لما حدث شيء بعده. لا أريد المزيد من المتاعب ، لذا فإن قراري نهائي. تولاي: أمير ، دعني أتحدث حتى تفهم. والدتك ، تحاول حمايتك ، امنحها القليل من الوقت. سيتوجه كمال إلى مركز الشرطة للتحقق من الإجراءات القانونية للحادث. نارين: ميرت ، هل سمعت؟ قبضوا على اللص. للاحتفال يمكننا تناول وجبة معا. ميرت: سأعطي هذا إلى العمة شيري ، لقد أصلحته. جافيدان مستاء للغاية ، فهي تعلم أن أمير هو من يتخذ قرارات الأسرة لسنوات عديدة لكنها لا تستطيع الموافقة على ذلك ، وحتى تولاي وافقت على ذلك دون معارضة. تولاي: هي محقة ، والدته تفكر في الأفضل له ولحياته. بعد كل شيء ، كل ما يفعله امير سيؤثر بشكل مباشر على يغيت. في الواقع ، إذا فكرت في الأمر ، فإن خوفي الوحيد هو يغيت ، عندما قررنا الزواج من أمير كان ذلك بسبب يغيت . قلنا ، سيعتاد على ذلك ، لكن الآن لا يوجد مثل هذا الاحتمال. ماذا سيطلق على المرأة التي عرفها قبل أسابيع قليلة امي. جافيدان: أنت محقه تمامًا ، عندما يسمع ذلك سوف ينزعج. يشعر يغيت بالضيق لأن لعبته المفضلة تحطمت وهو يحبها كثيراً. جولبيري: لنجعل الأمر إنسانا ، لكني بحاجة لمساعدتك. تخبر نارين والدتها أنها ستعود قريبًا إلى العمل الآن يقبل كمال ميرت وهذا يطمئنها ، مينوفير: بذل ميرت أيضًا جهدًا لمساعدتها في كل شيء. نارين: كنت أعتقد وأؤمن به. ميرت: أتريدني أن أقولها يا أمي؟ لقد اعتدت أن تخبرني أنه مهما حدث ، أخبرني دائمًا بالحقيقة. لا أستطيع تحمل ذلك ، استمع إلى كل شيء مني ، وليس من كورشات ، مهما حدث سأخبرك بكل شيء ، دكتوره. جولبيري: انظر ، يمكنك تحريكه كما تريد ، لذلك سيكون الأمر كما لو كنت تتحرك. خذها والعب بها. جافيدان: بني ، إذا تم الإعلان عن هذا الزواج للجميع ، فلن يكون ورقيًا ، وسيكون أمرًا لا مفر منه ، أمير: ولكن لا يوجد خيار آخر ، فهذا هو الشيء الصحيح الذي يجب فعله للجميع. جافيدان: ويغيت هذه هي حقيقته. هل فكرت يومًا كيف سيؤثر على يغيت؟ ماذا ستقول له؟ كيف ستشرح ذلك؟ أمير: سأتحدث إلى جولبيري أولاً ، ثم سأتحدث إلى يغيت. الآن لا أريد أن أتحدث عن ذلك وأربكك يا أمي. يمكنها فهم ذلك ، لا تقلقي. جافيدان: لا أعرف ، فكر مرة أخرى في قرارك بشأن يغيت. أمير: قررت بالفعل. يظهر ميرت أمام نارين ليخبرها بكل شيء ، لكن المستشفى يتصل. هي زميلة تسأل كيف حالها
قسم 2 نارين تقول انها بخير كل الشكر لميرت لأنه أنقذتها. عند سماع هذا ، يترك ميرت. جافيدان: يغيت ، هل تريد أن يتزوج والدك ويجلب لك أما؟ يفكر يغيت بتولاي فيحزن. جافيدان: لا يمكنني السماح بذلك. جافيدان: عندما قالت ميليكه إنك بخير أرد أن يأتي واتحدث إليك. لا أقصد الإزعاج ، لكن إذا لم أتحدث إليكم ، فلن أشعر بالراحة. سيتحدث إليك أمير ، لكنه لم يستطع الانتظار. أمير قرر أن يعلن زواجك للجميع. أمير: إذا كان يعلم أن شيئًا كهذا سيحدث ، فإن وضع عمه واضح أيضًا. أنت تفكر أيضًا مثل امي عمي. حسن: الباب يفتح بدون طرق؟ إذا أخبرك قلبك أن تطرق هذا الباب ، فسوف تظهر لك الطريق والباب الصحيح . أمير: يبدو أن هناك شيئًا يزعجك. حسن: جولبيري موافقه. جافيدان: بإعلان هذا الزواج ، من الآن فصاعدًا ، ستكونان زوجًا وزوجة في عيون الجميع. الأمور معقدة. مستقبل أمير ، مستقبلك ، كل شيء يصل إلى النقطة التي لا يمكن السيطرة عليها ، لكن هناك طفل متورط ، كيف سيفهم. إذا أعطيت موافقتك وأعلن امير الزواج ، سيتأثر يغيت ، فماذا سيفكر إذا تزوج والده فجأة؟ كيف له أن يقبل هذا على الفور؟ لا تفهميني غلط. لقد أخبرتك بكل هذا لأنني اعتقدت أنك تستطيعي أن تفهمني ، لن توافقي على عرض أمير من أجل يغيت ، القرار لك يا فتاتي الجميلة. وصل كمال وأخبر نارين أن اللص كان شابًا ، لكنه لن يفلت من العقاب على أي حال. لديه مفاجأة لنارين. أمير: نحتاج أن نتحدث. لقد اتخذت قرارًا يناسب الجميع ، وسنعلن زواجنا من الجميع. انظر ، سيكون الأمر أفضل بالنسبة لك بهذه الطريقة ، ستشعري بالارتياح. أوه بالمناسبة ، لا يمكنك العيش هنا بعد الآن ، عليكي أن تعتادي على المنزل. لذلك لا تقلقي ، سيكون لديك غرفتك الخاصة وستحتفظي بالمفتاح. المفاجأة هي غرفة جديدة ومريحة لميرت. نارين سعيدة ولألف مرة تشكره على كونه جزءًا من حياتها. جولبيري: لا ، سأبقى هنا. أمير: عليكي أن تكون أكثر هدوءًا وأمانًا ، لذا لا أريد أي اعتراض ، سنبدأ الليلة في العودة إلى المنزل. جولبيري: لا. أمير: لقد فعلت ما هو ضروري ، والآن حان دورك. ستعودي إلى المنزل الليلة وكما قلت أنه غير قابل للتفاوض الليلة. جولبيري: يا إلهي ، أرني الطريق ، من فضلك ساعدني. أمير: تعرفي. أنت لم تأت بعد ، انظري ، أنا أعلم جيدًا أنك لم تنامي ، لقد استمعت لي ، لذلك لن أغادر حتى تأتي. ثم يصر. حسنًا ، بما أنك لن تأتي ، فأنا سأبقى هنا.
قسم 3 يتذكر ميرت أن كمال سيتحدث إلى الشاب غدًا وسيعلم كل شيء. شيريهه: كمال بانتظارك. ميرت: أنا ذاهب. وعرضو عليه غرفته الجديدة. نارين سعيدة لأنهم فعلوا شيئًا جيدًا بإحضار ميرت إلى العائلة. كمال: أتساءل ما إذا كنت ستتحدث عن ميرت حتى الصباح. نارين: أنت غيور ، أعتقد أنه بحاجة إلى عائلة ، أعتقد أننا أعطيناها له. كمال: تعتقديي ذلك. أنت حقًا ستتحدث معي حتى الصباح. نارين: طيب ، اصمت. أنت تعلم أنك ستكون والدًا جيدًا جدًا لطفل. أمير: صباح الخير لا تتخلي عن عدم ايمانك ، هكذا سيكون الأمر. يأتي العم حسن لزيارة جولبيري ، ويسأل أمير هل تحدثوا ، أمير: لقد تحدثنا ولكني لست متأكدًا. حسن: دعني أتحدث. حسن: جولبيري ، إذا كنت متواجدًا فيمكننا التحدث. أعرف يا فتاة ، ليس من السهل عليكي أن تقولي نعم لعرض أمير. ما رأيك أو لا تثقي بأمير ، لهذا السبب لا تريدي ذلك. انظري يا ابنتي لماذا تخافين ، لا تخافي ، كل هذا حدث يا ابنتي.. أمير هو دائمًا معك ، يحميكي ، يعتني بكي ، يجب أن تكوني مقتنعًه بأنك لن تتضرري بعد الآن. إنه يهتم فقط برفاهيتك. صدقني ، سأجيب أمير. جولبيري: لا أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك. تحضر نارين وجبة الإفطار ، وتخبر كمال أنها تريد تحضير أول فطور للعائلة الكبيرة التي هم عليها الآن ، لكنها تدرك أن هناك شيئًا ما خطأ في ميرت. كمال: فقد والدته ، لديه بيئة جديدة ، ردود أفعاله ، لن يكون من السهل عليه أن يعتاد عليه ، لكن مع مرور الوقت سيعتاد عليها. امير: العم حسن لم يستطع حتى تحديد اسمك. يجب أن يكون هناك سبب يجعلك تعترضي بشدة. ما المشكلة؟ هل يمكنك اخباري؟ جولبيري: لا ، لا مشكلة. أمير: حقاً؟ إذا لم تكن هناك مشكلة فلماذا لا يمكنك الذهاب. حسنًا ، دعنا نفكر في الأمر ، من لا تريد الطلاق لأنها تخاف من عمها. أنت لم توقعي على أوراق الطلاق بعد ، أقول لك أن الجميع يجب أن يعرفوا عن هذا الزواج ، لكنك تصري على أنهم لا يعرفون. انظري ، الإعلان عن هذا الزواج لن يغير شيئًا في وضعنا الحالي ، سوف تستقري في المنزل فقط ، هذا كل شيء. دعني أخبرك ، ليس لدي توقعات منك. إرادتي لن تختفي ، هل تفهمي؟ كل ما أحاول فعله هو الحفاظ على سلامتك حتى تتمكني من الاسترخاء ، لذا أخبرني بالحقيقة كاملة. جولبيري: لا أريد أي شيء ، لقد افترضت أنني سأغادر ، ولن يحدث أي من هذا. أمير: اسمع ، لا يمكنني أن أجعلك تفعل أي شيء ، حسنًا؟ ولكن إذا كنت تريدي ترك بعض الأشياء وراءك ، فافعل ما أخبرك به. جافيدان: أتمنى ألا تقبل جولبيري عرض أمير وكل شيء يصبح في الماضي. حتى حسن جاء ولم يستطع إقناعها. الحمد لله كلامي نجح ، لقد اتخذت القرار الصحيح. تولاي: كل ما هو جيد ليغيت ، جافيدان: من الأفضل للجميع ألا يكتشف أحد أن جولبيري وأمير قد تزوجا. يغيت: تزوجت أنت وأبي! لن أخبر أحداً ، فأنا أحافظ على الأسرار جيدًا. إذا لم تكن قد تزوجت والدي ، لكان قد تزوج من تولاي. (حزين) أنا سعيد جدًا ، لقد أبليت بلاءً حسنًا. كمال: جئت لأدعوكم لتناول الإفطار. ميرت: سأذهب إلى دار الحضانة. مليكه تعلق بأنها شاهدت للتو يغيت وأنه سعيدة للغاية. جافيدان: ماذا فعلت يا بني ، لم تقبل جولبيري عرضه ، والآن تخليت عن الإعلان عنه في هذه الحالة؟ أمير: لا ، لقد استسلمت ، هل تستطيع مليكة أن تريها غرفته. ميليكه: بالتأكيد ، بإمكان تولاي النظر إلى الطعام الموجود على الموقد. أمير: الآن بعد أن تم تسويت الامر ، يمكننا إعلان الزفاف للجميع. جافيدان: حالا وبسرعة؟ أمير: لقد مرت فترة طويلة ، لذا فهي ليست سريعة. أويا: سوف أقوم بتنظيمه. أمير: لكن لا تبالغي القليل من الناس يكفي. جافيدان: أنت في عجلة من أمرك ، أنت مقتنع ، حسنًا ، ماذا عن إيغيت ، وعن بنفسيته؟ في ذلك اليوم ، فكرت في الاتصال به ، كنت مرتبكة ، طفلي غير معتاد على ان يكون له أم. يغيت: لقد تلقيت نبأ أن جولبيري سيعيش معنا ، أويا: أنت سعيد للغاية. يغيت: كثيرا لكنني عرفت كيف حدث ذلك ، كانت الجدة تتحدث ، سمعت أنك تزوجت الفتاة الجنية. أمير: أنا أفهم ، لكني كنت أود أن تعرف ذلك من فمي. لكنني سعيد جدًا لأنك تلقيت الأخبار بنضج.
Why is Emir 's mother still living with him and his son after she did what she did. If the story had gone another way, eg moving Reyhan to the country as in season 4.
Maryann ,i assume it is turkish culture Unlike in my country son does not live with his mother ,aunty ,sister or brother,when he gets a wife.if there are2 sonsthe 2 sons will live in a separate houses not with their mother.and father. I watched 3 turkish serials and notice this extended family culture all living together or living side by side. Same thing with narin ,her mother living with her and her crazy sister in season 2
اني برايي هذا الجزء نوعا ما اجمل من الموسم الثالث .....بس تعال الي يقنعنة انو يحب ويزوج المفروض امير يعيش حياتة ويكون عائلة بس احنة ابد منقتنع المفروض هذا واقع هيج الحياة....يعني الرجل اذا تموت زوجتة يبقى على ذكراهة ماكو هيج شي بحياتنا......واذا اكو الانادرا......الزبدة من الموضوع جوك واوزجي مينجحون الا مع بعض ونقتنع
Who is this'radhe krishna' in comment section ........just occupy whole comment section with same comment so many times 😬made so hard to find melo s translation .....nd that too comments same on evry episode .....plz dont do this
Melocoton publico esta mañana que su padre fue diagnosticado con Cancer al Pancreas, es por eso que no hay traducciòn, por el momento es impossible, asi que vamos orar por ella y su familia que El Señor le de la saviduria fuerza y entendimiento en estos momentos duros en lo que está atravezando nuestra querida Melocoton. 🤗
شفتم فريده كيف كان يعاملها في الاول ازاي كان يصب له الاشياء في الارض ويقولها امسحي الارض حتى ريحان لما سقت لها مثل هذا الورد قال لها امسح الارض كويس هل صار فيه تعذيب ضمير كما قالت له ريحان في المقهى لما اعتذرت لجديدان قال سياتي يوم وستراون تعذيب الضمير وتنتظرون مني الاعتذار ولم تجده
لكن فريدة لم تنصف في المسلسل رغم انه يحبها لم يعترف لها بحبه صراحة البطلة الاولى كانت مهضومة وكدالك البطلة التانية اما هده البطلة تقيلة على القلب لم ارى كل موسم تكون بطلة جديدة هدا يعطي الفشل للمسلسل
@@rabiaabifalane3875 انا كمان بحكي انو حب فريده على عكس الاغلبيه اللي حكوا كانت مشاعره شفقه وندم بس فريده / جانسو جمال ناعم الممثله الجديده جميله وخاصه لما تتبسم
@@rabiaabifalane3875 مساء الخير صح ان البطلتين الاولى والثانيه لم يخذ حقهم من المسلسل كل واحده جعلت لها نهايه غير مفهومه راح تشوفو حتى البطل الجديده ما سيحصل هناك جا فيدان والخاطبه الشريرتين مثل الجمري وجديدان
Reyhan olmadan işler nasıl kasvetli ve monotondur? O bu dizinin ruhuydu, ışığıyla aydınlatıyordu. İşte o gerçekten bir periydi.❤️ Onun hatırasını sanki hiç yokmuş gibi çiğnediniz. O da çocuğunu yaşaması için ruhunu verdi. Bu aileden hiç kimsenin bunu takdir etmemesi ne yazık ki
Fără Reyhan ,filmul e soldat eșecului. Au rămas personaje urâte, EMIR joacă rolul ,,salvatorului., deși nimeni nu i-o cere. Ce vede el in noua salvată, NUSTIU. Bravează sau se pedepsește pt greșelile făcute în relațiile anterioare.
Season 4 most if the scenes very boring especially Narin Mert... What for she's keeping him in Kemal house... Many times he has gone to Prison even though showing pitty on him.. If serious I'll means everyone wil die only. Understood that mert mother passed away... What for so much pitty is shown on him Narin
no.megustaria que cavidan despues que mejoro de sus maldades volverla a poner de mala no funcionaria debe ser que el nene le enseñe a cavidan a querer a gulperie
Ja sam uzivala ! Emir se promenio ,sazreo ... Ali stari maniri su ostali ...Ne da nikome da vredja njegovu zenu ! KAko je pred svima cvrsto uhvatio za ruku ! Bravo Emire ! Salje joj lepu haljinu ,hrani je .,čuva noću ...Jigit ne zna sta ce od srece ...I Oja je na njenoj strani... Nova Dzemre i stara Dzavidan su pred vratima pakla ... Steta za Dzavidan..Jednom joj je sin oprostio... U svoje i Jigitovo ime..Da li ce opet ? Gul je hrabra ,ponosna..Znala je da je njena haljina jadna ,stara ,ne za takvu priliku i pred tim nazovi finim svetom..Ali sisla je zbog Emira.. Sa cvetom u kosi koji joj je njegov sin stavio... I kome je sijalo lice kad je njegov tata uhvatio Gulperi za ruku... Uuu ,kako je daleko petak !
Verujte da sam odusevljena. Nisam gledala trecu sezonu, nije mi se svidela Feride, nije mi isla uz Emira, ali Gulperi je prelepa. Oja me odusevila, a Yigit je pametno dete, oseca da Tulay nije kako se predstavlja. Stvarno mi se svidja ova sezona.
@@bogdankatenkov655 On genijalan glumac ,ona sve bolja ,posebna ,drugacija ...Toliko su uverljivi da pomislis da je stvarno... Muzika divna..Jigit savrsen ! Ova sezona ce uciniti da zaboravimo sve tri prethodne ! I za mene je Rejhan umrla ,pa je i ne dozivam.. Feride nije bila za Emira ,ali joj je lik bio pozitivan ... Igrala je u sezoni u kojoj se on oporavljao posle smrti voljene zene ,bila mu je podrska... Sad je vreme učinilo svoje...Emir pored Gul opet dise ,opet se smeje ...Sa sinom ima divan odnos... Ma,bas lepa sezona ! Bar za sada ...Poz.
@@hanajakovljevic8607 agreed... We must forget Reyhan to enjoy this season ... after 4 yrs things have changed a lot esp on Emir' characters...more matured and responsible towards his son
Narin ve kemal 👌👍❤️👩⚕️👨⚖️ Cok guzeler Ama Kemal Mertin ve arkadasi in Yaptini gorendi Ama Ilk once mert kiz arkadasile Konusurken duydu Sonradan Mertin yaptiklarini Orendi yuzden yurda gittmek Istiyor kemal sinirleneceni Biliyordum ofkeli oldu belliyidi Kemal hak veroyorum kemal Narin cok seviyo Narin ve kemal yeniden bebek sahibi Olabilirler tamam mert Narin ve kemal yanida kalsin Ama Bir gun mucize gercekleride Narin yeniden hamile kalirda Ya kemal de narin de Cok iyi insanlar altin kalpliler Merte yeni Oda verdiler Ama mert goremiyor Narin ve kemal ona yardim ettini Narin de cocugun kaybetmis Bir Anne mertin iyilini istiyor Yigit gulperi gibi annesi olsun Istiyordu oldu duyunca cok sevindi Tulay gibi kariyi napsin Hem katil hem dolandirici Bu gulperiye yemesi Icmesi giymesi yatmasi Hic birsey istemesi Cok zor Bir kadin Ama Kuaferim sensin program vardi O kiz gulperi ordaydi Biara seyrederdim Aman bosverelim Narin ve kemalde Yeniden mujdeli haver gelsinde
I'm asking only coz I'm curious. Emir's facial expressions and actions have been contradictory and misleading since S3. It was illogical and absurd to expect him to fall in love with a Feride soon after Reyhans death and anger towards Yigit and Reyhan. And yet viewers were sure he had fallen in love, going only by those expressions. But we saw how that went. Personally, I believe Cansu didn't leave but maybe Feride's role was over and S3 is how it was intended from the beginning. And now also we see the same facial expressions and misleading scenarios. How is it that we conclude about love? The fact that there's a time leap and he doesn't look at Tulay that way may be factors in saying he's in love. But I think they are that way deliberately. The writers and director have been very clever. If we ignore the notorious looks and gazes that Emir makes, he's doing only what is right for Gulperi and love has nothing to do with it. Isn't it? I think it's high time we see Yemin without the veil of 'love or lust' in front of our eyes.
No,i think he is not in love.He likes gul because she is alone,simple and pure.yigit loves gul and he told emir.after that he saw gul in jungle.He surprised not in love first sight.he wants to save her from his uncle because he couldn't save rehan and feride from umit.
❤ EMIR TARHUN TO MRS. REYHAN TARHUN EVERYDAY :- You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart. Every day and night, my mind is filled with thoughts of you ❤
C’est merveilleux d’entendre cela d’un prince à sa princesse. Leur couple déclenche l’adrénaline. Les mots me manquent pour décrire la joie qui déborde en moi en voyant ces deux cœurs pleins d’amour, de tendresse, de générosité et d’humilité. Je vous aime très très fort. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@radhakrishna297 If Ozge had stayed in the series it would have been wonderful..But she didn"t... She flew away and fell twice... What sense would her return have now ? Are we children to believe that she didn"t die in childbirth ?
Capítulo 362 Español
Cavidan: Qué significa eso. No, no puedo permitir tanto. No puede arrojar su futuro al fuego, según sus ojos. Emir: El anuncio de este matrimonio solucionará muchos problemas, madre. Cavidan: Oya di algo. Oya: ¿qué puedo decir, soy tía después de todo pero Emir no tiene muchas opciones, la situación de la niña es obvia. Cavidan: no estoy diciendo que arrojemos a la chica a la calle, pero ella puede ver lo que está pasando, pero no pongas tu vida patas arriba sólo porque vas a ayudarla, no puedo permitirlo. Emir: Si este matrimonio fuera conocido por todos, nada de lo que sucedió después, habría sucedido. No quiero más disgustos, así que mi decisión es definitiva. Tülay: Emir, déjame hablar para que lo entienda. Como tu madre, ella está tratando de protegerte, dale un poco de tiempo. Kemal irá a la comisaría a verificar los trámites judiciales del incidente. Narin: Mert ¿Escuchaste? atraparon a un ladrón. Para celebrar podemos tener una comida juntos. Mert: Le daré esto a la tía Sheriye, lo arreglé. Cavidan está muy molesta, sabe que Emir es quien tomas las decisiones familiares durante muchos años pero en esto no puede estar de acuerdo, además hasta Tülay aceptó esto sin oponerse. Tülay: tiene razón, como su madre piensa en lo mejor para él y su vida. Después de todo, todo lo que haga Emir afectará directamente a Yigit. En realidad si lo pienso mi único temor es Yigit, cuando decidimos casarnos con Emir fue por Yigit. Dijimos, se acostumbrará, pero ahora no existe esa posibilidad. Cómo llamará madre a una mujer que ha conocido hace pocas semanas. Cavidan: tienes toda la razón, cuando lo escuche se molestará. Yigit está molesto porque su juguete favorito está roto y lo quiere mucho. Gülperi: hagámoslo humano, pero necesito tu ayuda. Narin dice a su madre que pronto volverá a trabajar ahora Kemal está aceptando a Mert y eso la tranquiliza, Minuvver: Mert también hace su esfuerzo ayudando en todo. Narin: yo creía y creo en él. Mert: ¿quieres que lo cuente madre? solías decirme que pase lo que pase siempre dime la verdad. No puedo soportarlo, escucha todo de mí, no de Kürşat, pase lo que pase te lo diré todo doctora. Gülperi: mira, puedes moverlo como quieras, así será como si tú te movieras. Tómalo y juega. Cavidan: Hijo si este matrimonio es anunciados a todos dejará de ser de papel, será inevitable, Emir: pero no hay otra opción, es lo correcto para todos. Cavidan: y Yigit, ésta será su verdad. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en cómo le afectará a Yigit? ¿Qué le vas a decir? ¿Cómo se lo vas a explicar? Emir: primero hablaré con Gülperi, después hablaré con Yigit. Ahora no quiero hablar de eso y confundirlo mamá. ël lo puede comprender, no te preocupes. Cavidan: no sé, piensa nuevamente tu decisión por Yigit. Emir: ya se decidió. Mert se presenta frente a Narin para contarle todo, pero llaman del hospital. Es una colega que preguntá cómo se encuentra. Narin dice que bien todo gracias a Mert que la salvó. Al escuchar esto Mert se va. Cavidan: Yigit ¿quieres que tu padre se case y te traiga una madre? Yigit piensa en Tülay y se pone triste. Cavidan: no puedo permitir eso. Cavidan: cuando Melike dijo que estabas bien quise venir y hablar contigo. Mi intención no es molestar, pero si no te hablo, no me sentiría cómoda. Emir hablará contigo, pero no podía esperar. Emir ha decidido anunciar tu matrimonio a todos. Emir: si hubiese sabido que algo así iba a pasar, la situación de su tío también es clara. Tú también piensas como mi madre tío. Hasan: ¿Se abre la puerta sin llamar? Si tu corazón te dice que toques esa puerta, lo harás, te mostrará el camino y la puerta correcta. Emir: parece que hay algo que te molesta. Hasan: Gülperi, estará de acuerdo. Cavidan: Con el anuncio de este matrimonio, a partir de ahora, ustedes dos serán marido y mujer a los ojos de todos. Las cosas se complican. El futuro de Emir, tu futuro, todo llega al punto en que no se puede controlar, pero hay de por medio un niño, cómo va a entender. Si das tu consentimiento y Emir anuncia el matrimonio, Yigit se verá afectado ¿qué pensará si su padre se casa repentinamente? ¿Cómo puede aceptar esto de inmediato? No me malinterpretes. Te dije todo esto porque pensé que podrías entenderme, no aprobarás la oferta de Emir por el bien de Yigit, la decisión es tuya, mi hermosa niña. Kemal llega y le cuenta a Narin que el ladrón era un joven, pero que como sea no quedará impune. Le tiene una sorpresa a Narin. Emir: necesitamos hablar. Tomé una decisión que será adecuada para todos, anunciaremos nuestro matrimonio a todos. Mira, será mejor para ti así, te sentirás incómoda. Ah, por cierto, ya no puedes vivir aquí, tienes que acostumbrarte a la casa. Así que no te preocupes tendrás una habitación propia y te quedarás con la llave. La sorpresa es una habitación nueva y cómoda para Mert. Narin está feliz y por milésima vez le agradece por ser parte de su vida. Gülperi: no, me quedaré acá. Emir: necesitas estar más tranquila y segura. Así que no quiero objeciones, a partir de esta noche nos vamos a casa. Gülperi: No. Emir: hice lo necesario, ahora es tu turno. Te vas a casa esta noche y como dije no es negociable, esta noche. Gülperi: Dios, enséñame el camino, por favor ayúdame. Emir: tú sabes. Aún no has venido, mira, sé muy bien que no has dormido, me has escuchado, así que no me iré hasta que vengas. Entonces insistes. Bueno, ya que no vienes, entonces yo me quedo aquí. Mert recuerda que Kemal hablará mañana con el joven y sabrá todo. Sheriye: Kemal te está esperando. Mert: voy. Le muestran su nueva habitación. Narin está contenta hicieron algo bueno al traer a Mert a la familia. Kemal: me pregunto se mi hablaras de Mert hasta la mañana. Narin: estás celoso, Creo que necesitaba una familia, supongo que se la dimos. Kemal: eso piensas. De verdad me vas a hablar hasta la mañana. Narin: ok, me callo. Sabes serás un muy buen padre de un niño. Emir: buenos días, no renuncies a tu incredulidad, así es como será. El tío Hasan llega a visitar a Gülperi, pregunta a Emir se hablaron, Emir: hablamos pero no estoy seguro. Hasan: déjame hablar Hasan: Gülperi, si estas disponible podemos conversar. Sé niña, no es fácil para ti decir que sí a la oferta de Emir. Qué piensas o no confías en Emir, es por eso que no quieres. Mira, hija mía por qué tienes miedo, no tengas miedo, pasó todo esto, hija mía Emir, siempre está contigo, te protege, te mira, debes estar convencida de que no estarás dañada más por él. A él sólo le importa tu bienestar. Créeme, respondo por Emir. Gülperi: no puedo hacerlo. Narin prepara el desayuno, dice a Kemal que quiere preparar el primer desayuno para la gran familia que son ahora, pero se da cuenta que algo le pasa a Mert. Kemal: perdió a su madre, tiene un entorno nuevo, mis reacciones, no será fácil que se acostumbre pero con el tiempo se acostumbrará. Emir: El tío Hasan ni siquiera pudo establecer tu nombre. Debe haber una razón para que te opongas tan ferozmente. ¿Cuál es el problema? ¿Me lo dirás? Gülperi: no, no hay problema. Emir: ¿de verdad? si no hay problema por qué no te puedes ir. Bien, pensemos en eso, quién no quiere el divorcio porque le tiene miedo a su tío. Aún no has firmado los papeles del divorcio, te digo que todo el mundo debería saber sobre este matrimonio, pero insistes en que no lo sepan. Mira, el anuncio de este matrimonio no cambiará nada de nuestra situación actual, solo te instalarás en la casa, eso es todo. Déjame decirte que no tengo expectativas de ti. Mi voluntad no desaparecerá, ¿entiendes? Todo lo que intento hacer es que estés a salvo para que puedas relajarte, así que dime toda la verdad. Gülperi: No quiero nada, sólo asumí que me iría, nada de esto iba a suceder. Emir: Mira, no puedo obligarte a hacer nada, ¿de acuerdo? Pero si quieres dejar algunas cosas atrás, haz lo que te digo. Cavidan: espero que Gúlperi no haya aceptado la oferta de Emir y todo quede en el pasado. Hasta Hasan vino y no pudo convencerla. Gracias a Dios que mi discurso funcionó, tomó la decisión correcta. Tülay: Sea lo que sea que sea bueno para Yigit, Cavidan: es mejor para todos que nadie se entere de que Gülperi y Emir se casaron. Yigit: ¡tú y mi papá se casaron! No se lo diré a nadie, guardo muy bien los secretos. Si no te hubieras casado con mi padre, Tülay se habría casado con mi él. (Triste) Estoy muy contento, lo hiciste bien. Kemal: vine a invitarte a desayunar. Mert: me iré a la casa de acogida. Melike comenta que acaba de ver a Yigit y está muy feliz. Cavidan: ¿Qué hiciste, hijo, Gülperi no aceptó su oferta, y ahora has renunciado a anunciarlo en esta situación? Emir: no, se rindió, Melike puedes mostrarle su habitación. Melike: claro, Tülay puedes mirar la comida que está en la estufa. Emir: ahora que está resuelto, podemos anunciar a todos la boda. Cavidan: ¿inmediatamente, así tan rápido? Emir: ha pasado bastante tiempo, asé que no es tan rápido madre. Oya: yo lo organizaré. Emir: pero no hay que exagerar unas cuantas personas es suficiente. Cavidan: Tienes prisa, estás convencido, está bien, ¿qué pasa con Yiğit, con su psicología? El otro día, pensé en llamarlo, estaba confundido, mi bebé no está acostumbrado a una madre. Yigit: he recibido la noticia de que Gülperi vivirá con nosotros, Oya: estás muy feliz. Yigit: mucho, pero supe como sucedió, la abuela estaba hablando escuche que te casaste con la chica de las hadas. Emir: entiendo, pero me habría gustado que te enterarás por mi boca. Pero estoy muy contento que hayas recibido la noticia con madurez.
Continuación capítulo
. Mert: lo pensé mucho, no soy de tu familia, no pertenezco acá, estoy solo. Kemal: ¿qué paso? hay algún problema? Mert: es mejor que me vaya. Kemal: Mira, admito que es un proceso difícil para todos, necesitamos tiempo. Es una decisión muy repentina, deberías pensarlo, no sólo para ti, sino también para nosotros. Mert: No quiero acostumbrarme, no quería venir aquí de todos modos.
Kemal: es tu vida, es tu decisión, la respetaré pero tengo una solicitud. Sabes, acaba de salir del hospital, no está en buena forma, es bueno para Narin que estés en casa, si te vas ahora, ella se sentirá mal. Quédate aquí por un tiempo, al menos hasta que esté bien. Si no cambias de opinión, te prometo que te llevaré yo mismo. Mert: sólo por unos días. Emir: si necesitas algo. Gülperi: no es necesario yo puedo. Emir: Estamos dando una pequeña invitación mañana, anunciaremos la boda a la gente de la ciudad y nuestro círculo cercano, pero no habrá demasiada gente, no te preocupes, Oya se encargará de los preparativos ¿si quieres preguntar algo? la llave de la habitación actúa como te sientas cómoda. También me encanta el olor a jabón blanco. Tülay se retira molesta porque de a poco todos se están acostumbrando a lo que está pasando pero dice a Ercan que se encargará de arruinar a la chica. Todos felicitan a Narin por el delicioso desayuno que ha preparado, Narin : es para celebrar que hay un integrante más en la familia. Mert se levanta molesto, lo llaman por teléfono, es Bade que está preocupada porque no contesta el teléfono y piensa que la policía lo atrapó. Kemal lo escucha mientras Mert dice " no dijo mi nombre no te preocupes" Emir: mamá no lo hagas así, hago lo correcto, créeme. Cavidan: Está hecho hijo, de ahora en adelante que sea lo mejor. Oya comunica que ya está todo listo Emir avisará a Kemal, pero Oya ya lo hizo aunque le dijo que no era necesario su asistencia, ya que es sólo protocolar. Gülperi no tiene vestido pero lo solucionará mañana. Melike avisa que la chica como de costumbre no tiene hambre. Cavidan: que haga lo que quiera cuando tenga hambre comerá. Emir: estamos comiendo. Gülperi: no tengo hambre. Emir: El estomago no está de acuerdo contigo. Si no quieres venir a la mesa, puedes conseguir algo de la cocina cuando quieras. De acuerdo entonces. Narin regala un par de mancuernas a Kemal en agradecimiento por todo lo que hace por hacerla feliz. Emir: finalmente comenzaste a escuchar lo que se te dice. deja eso, lo recogerán mañana. Gülperi: lo recogeré ahora. Emir: come tu comida, no te dejaré ir de acá, toma asiento. Estamos aquí hasta que comas tu comida, si dices que no la comeré hasta mañana, no hay problema. Kemal descubre todo revisando las cámaras de seguridad. Cavidan sigue molesta, Oya: ella no sale ni de su habitación , nada va a cambiar en nuestras vidas. Cavidan: digan lo que digan ahora entró a la casa, tengo miedo de lo que pase después. Emir: tu recogiste la maceta: Melike: no. Emir: vuelve hacer lo que sabe. Tülay llega con la excusa de que Emir debe leer unos documentos. Emir: no deberías haberte molestado, yo iba a ir. nos vemos. Tülay: (sola) nos veremos de todos modos. Cavidan: OK, Gülperi es una buena chica, sufrió mucho, me siento más triste que todos ustedes, pero Gülperi y Emir, por el amor de Dios. Oya: termina con eso, te mostraré el vestido para Gülperi. poner su cabello en una bola y podemos hacer un maquillaje, sería increíble, la chica es hermosa, su cara es limpia. Cavidan: ojala el vestido fuera nuestro único problema, cómo se sentirá en medio de tanta gente, cómo se comportará. Gülperi: cómo salgo con tanta gente. Oya: Traje tu vestido, por supuesto, la decisión final es tuya, pero pensé que sería apropiado, es una invitación importante para Emir, todos vienen a ver a su esposa. No te preocupes, no habrá demasiada gente, pero tampoco es una buena opción salir con ropa casual. Gülperi: no lo puedo usar. Oya: ¿Por qué, no te gusta? En realidad, todavía hay tiempo para que podamos mirar otro vestido. Gülperi: el vestido es hermoso, nunca he usado algo como eso. Oya: Hay una primera vez para todo, créeme, serás hermosa, te quedará muy bien y como te dije para Emir esta es una invitación muy importante. Kemal conversa con un detective y confirma sus sospechas El joven y Mert son amigos. Mert pide a Bade que no intente detenerlo , contará todo a Narin, pase lo que pase. Tülay rompe el vestido, Oya y Gulperi se dan cuenta, Oya pasará a la tienda por otro igual. ( vestido horrible debo decir) Oya le pide a Ercan que haga lo del vestido. Tülay dice a Ercan que ella lo hará. Narin llama a Kemal para que salgas con Mert a cenar. Kemal : en otra ocasión hay algo de lo que debemos hablar cuando llegue a casa. Tülay: hola lo siento, tuve que venir, como tiene tanto trabajo, Ercan me llamó y me pidió ayuda, así que pasé por la tienda más cercana de la boutique y compré un vestido nuevo, no quiero que te quedes en malas situaciones. De todos modos, le daré el vestido a su dueño, Oya: espera un minuto, echemos un vistazo al vestido. (justo llaman por teléfono, momento que Tülay aprovecha para ir con Gülperi ) no te parece un poco extraño, es la ex novia y tanta comprensión. Cavidan: Tülay es una chica buena y muy comprensiva.
Tülay: Hola, te traje tu vestido, no tienes mucho tiempo, tienes que prepararte de inmediato. Gülperi: deberías haber estado con él. Tülay: Hablamos de esto, cariño, sé por qué hiciste este matrimonio, no te molestes con todo esto ahora todo estará bien. Después de todo, no vas a estar casado para siempre, ¿verdad? Cavidan: hijo mío, te ves muy elegante y guapo como siempre.( Dios quiera que tenga buena suerte, mira lo que hemos pasado) Yigit: te ves muy guapo papá. Emir: si estuviéramos en una votación tu ganarías hijo. Madre, por favor. No es matrimonio, sabes, hablamos muchas veces. Cavidan: no lo soñé así, hijo mío no puedo evitarlo. Emir: pudo pasar. Pueden verse muy diferentes cuando lo miras. Pero debes saber que ninguno de ellos es diferente a ti, eres más fuerte que ellos, la vida ha sido mala contigo, pero te paraste, por eso desde hoy todo será más fácil para ti. Confío en ti, cree en ti misma. Por cierto toma esto (anillo) Ojalá estuvieran en tu dedo durante toda la invitación. Es en el otro. No los hagamos esperar más. Cavidan: nadie ha faltado, todos los que invitamos han venido. Oya: la gente ama a Emir, cuñada. Cavidan: No quiero nada más si pasamos este día sin ningún accidente. Mert: necesitamos conversar, llega Kemal y lo impide. Ercan: espero que tu plan resulte. Tülay: Pronto cobrará vida, no te preocupes. Kemal: hablas más tarde, ahora necesito a mi esposa. Todos los invitados están impacientes por conocer a la esposa de Emir. Tülay: Vamos ratón veras lo que significa atropellarme. Cavidan: ¿Dónde está esta chica? ¿Aún no ha terminado su preparación? Yigit: papá, la chica hada se ve muy hermosa. Emir: permítanme presentarle a mi esposa Gülperi Tarhun....
demoré pero termine
Thank you
Muchas gracias Melocotón por tu tiempo y generosidad!!
Melocotón, gracias, gracias mil gracias. Agradecemos tu hermoso gesto den traducirnos los capítulos.
Chapter 362 English
Cavidan: What does that mean. No, I can't allow that much. He cannot throw his future into the fire, in his eyes. Emir: The announcement of this marriage will solve many problems, mother. Cavidan: Oya say something. Oya: what can I say, I'm an aunt after all but Emir doesn't have many options, the girl's situation is obvious. Cavidan: I'm not saying we throw the girl out on the street, but she can see what's going on, but don't turn your life upside down just because you're going to help her, I can't allow it. Emir: If this marriage were known to everyone, nothing that happened afterwards would have happened. I don't want any more trouble, so my decision is final. Tülay: Emir, let me speak so that you understand. Like your mother, she is trying to protect you, give her a little time. Kemal will go to the police station to verify the legal proceedings of the incident. Narin: Mert, did you hear? they caught a thief. To celebrate we can have a meal together. Mert: I'll give this to Aunt Sheriye, I fixed it. Cavidan is very upset, she knows that Emir is the one who makes family decisions for many years but she cannot agree on this, and even Tülay accepted this without opposing it. Tülay: she is right, as his mother thinks of the best for him and his life. After all, whatever Emir does will directly affect Yigit. Actually if I think about it my only fear is Yigit, when we decided to marry Emir it was because of Yigit. We said, she will get used to it, but now there is no such possibility. What will he call a woman he has known a few weeks ago mother. Cavidan: you are absolutely right, when he hears it he will be upset. Yigit is upset that his favorite toy is broken and she loves him very much. Gülperi: Let's make it human, but I need your help. Narin tells her mother that she will soon return to work now Kemal is accepting Mert and that reassures her, Minuvver: Mert also makes the effort of her helping in everything. Narin: I believed and I believe in him. Mert: do you want me to tell it mother? You used to tell me that whatever happens, always tell me the truth. I can't bear it, listen to everything from me, not from Kürşat, whatever happens I'll tell you everything, doctor. Gülperi: look, you can move it however you want, so it will be as if you move. Take it and play. Cavidan: Son, if this marriage is announced to everyone, it will cease to be paper, it will be inevitable, Emir: but there is no other option, it is the right thing to do for everyone. Cavidan: and Yigit, this will be the truth of him. Have you ever thought about how it will affect Yigit? What are you gonna tell him? How are you going to explain it? Emir: I will speak to Gülperi first, then I will speak to Yigit. Now I don't want to talk about it and confuse you mom. she can understand it, don't worry. Cavidan: I don't know, think again about your decision for Yigit. Emir: already decided. Mert shows up in front of Narin to tell him everything, but the hospital calls. She is a colleague who asks how she is doing. Narin says fine all thanks to Mert that she saved her. Hearing this, Mert leaves. Cavidan: Yigit, do you want your father to marry and bring you a mother? Yigit thinks of Tülay and becomes sad. Cavidan: I can't allow that. Cavidan: when Melike said you were fine he wanted to come and talk to you. My intention is not to bother, but if I do not speak to you, I would not feel comfortable. Emir will talk to you, but he couldn't wait. Emir has decided to announce your marriage to everyone. Emir: if he had known that something like this was going to happen, the situation of his uncle is also clear. You also think like my mother uncle. Hasan: Does the door open without knocking? If your heart tells you to knock on that door, you will, it will show you the way and the right door. Emir: There seems to be something bothering you. Hasan: Gülperi, you will agree. Cavidan: With the announcement of this marriage, from now on, you two will be husband and wife in the eyes of all. Things get complicated. Emir's future, your future, everything reaches the point where it cannot be controlled, but there is a child involved, how he is going to understand. If you give your consent and Emir announces the marriage, Yigit will be affected, what will he think if her father suddenly marries? How can she accept this right away? Do not misunderstand. I told you all this because I thought you could understand me, you will not approve of Emir's offer for the sake of Yigit, the decision is yours, my beautiful girl. Kemal arrives and tells Narin that the thief was a young man, but that he will not go unpunished anyway. He has a surprise for Narin. Emir: we need to talk. I made a decision that will be suitable for everyone, we will announce our marriage to everyone. Look, it will be better for you this way, you will feel uncomfortable. Oh by the way, you can't live here anymore, you have to get used to the house. So don't worry, you will have your own room and you will keep the key. The surprise is a new and comfortable room for Mert. Narin is happy and for the thousandth time thanks him for being a part of her life. Gülperi: no, I'll stay here. Emir: you need to be more calm and secure So I don't want any objections, starting tonight we're going home. Gülperi: No. Emir: I did what was necessary, now it's your turn. You're going home tonight and like I said it's non-negotiable, tonight. Gülperi: God, show me the way, please help me. Emir: you know. You have not come yet, look, I know very well that you have not slept, you have listened to me, so I will not leave until you come. Then you insist. Well, since you're not coming, then I'm staying here. Mert remembers that Kemal will speak to the young man tomorrow and he will know everything. Sheriye: Kemal is waiting for you. Mert: I'm going. They show her his new room. Narin is glad they did a good thing by bringing Mert into the family. Kemal: I wonder if you will talk about Mert until the morning. Narin: you're jealous, I think she needed a family, I guess we gave it to her. Kemal: you think so. You're really going to talk to me until the morning. Narin: ok, I shut up. You know you will be a very good parent of a child. Emir: good morning, don't give up your disbelief, this is how it will be. Uncle Hasan comes to visit Gülperi, asks Emir did they talk, Emir: we talked but I'm not sure. Hasan: let me talk Hasan: Gülperi, if you are available we can talk. I know girl, it's not easy for you to say yes to Emir's offer. What do you think or don't trust Emir, that's why you don't want to. Look, my daughter why are you afraid, do not be afraid, all this happened, my daughter Emir, he is always with you, he protects you, he looks at you, you must be convinced that you will not be damaged any more by him. He only cares about your well-being. Trust me, I answer for Emir. Gülperi: I can't do it. Narin prepares breakfast, she tells Kemal that she wants to prepare the first breakfast for the big family that they are now, but she realizes that something is wrong with Mert. Kemal: she lost her mother, she has a new environment, my reactions, it will not be easy for her to get used to it but over time she will get used to it. Emir: Uncle Hasan couldn't even establish your name. There must be a reason for you to object so fiercely. What is the problem? Will you tell me? Gülperi: no, no problem. Emir: really? if there is no problem why can't you go. Well, let's think about it, who doesn't want a divorce because she's afraid of her uncle. You have not yet signed the divorce papers, I tell you that everyone should know about this marriage, but you insist that they not know. Look, the announcement of this marriage will not change anything about our current situation, you will only settle in the house, that's all. Let me tell you, I have no expectations of you. My will will not disappear, you understand? All I'm trying to do is keep you safe so you can relax, so tell me the whole truth. Gülperi: I don't want anything, I just assumed that I would leave, none of this was going to happen. Emir: Look, I can't make you do anything, okay? But if you want to leave some things behind, do what I tell you. Cavidan: I hope Gúlperi has not accepted Emir's offer and everything is in the past. Even Hasan came and he couldn't convince her. Thank goodness my speech worked, he made the right decision. Tülay: Whatever is good for Yigit, Cavidan: it is better for everyone that no one finds out that Gülperi and Emir got married. Yigit: you and my dad got married! I will not tell anyone, I keep secrets very well. If you hadn't married my father, Tülay would have married me him. (Sad) I'm very happy, you did well. Kemal: I came to invite you to breakfast. Mert: I'll go to the foster home. Melike comments that she just saw Yigit and she is very happy. Cavidan: What did you do, son, Gülperi didn't accept his offer, and now you've given up on advertising him in this situation? Emir: no, he gave up, Melike can you show him his room. Melike: sure, Tülay can look at the food that is on the stove. Emir: Now that it's settled, we can announce the wedding to everyone. Cavidan: immediately, so fast? Emir: it's been quite a while, so she's not that fast mother. Oya: I'll organize it. Emir: but do not exaggerate a few people is enough. Cavidan: You're in a hurry, you're convinced, okay, what about Yiğit, with his psychology? The other day, I thought about calling him, I was confused, my baby is not used to a mother. Yigit: I have received the news that Gülperi will live with us, Oya: you are very happy. Yigit: a lot, but I knew how it happened, the grandmother was talking I heard that you married the fairy girl. Emir: I understand, but I would have liked you to find out from my mouth. But I am very happy that you have received the news with maturity.
Continuation Chapter
Mert: I thought about it a lot, I'm not from your family, I don't belong here, I'm alone. Kemal: what happened? is there a problem? Mert: I better go. Kemal: Look, I admit it's a difficult process for everyone, we need time. It is a very sudden decision, you should think about it, not only for you, but also for us. Mert: I don't want to get used to it, I didn't want to come here anyway. Kemal: It is your life, it is your decision, I will respect it but I have a request. You know, she just got out of the hospital, she is not in good shape, it is good for Narin that you are home, if you leave now, she will feel bad. Stay here for a while, at least until she's okay. If you don't change your mind, I promise I'll take you myself. Mert: just for a few days. Emir: if you need anything. Gülperi: it is not necessary I can. Emir: We are giving a small invitation tomorrow, we will announce the wedding to the people of the city and our close circle, but there will not be too many people, do not worry, Oya will take care of the preparations, if you want to ask something? the room key acts as you feel comfortable. I also love the smell of white soap. Tülay leaves annoyed because she is slowly getting used to what is happening but she tells Ercan that she will be in charge of ruining the girl. Everyone congratulates Narin for the delicious breakfast that she has prepared, Narin: it is to celebrate that there is one more member in the family. Mert gets up annoyed, they call him on the phone, it is Bade who is worried because she does not answer the phone and thinks that the police caught him. Kemal listens while Mert says "he didn't say my name don't worry" Emir: mom don't do it like that, I'm doing the right thing, believe me. Cavidan: he is done son, from now on that is the best. Oya communicates that everything is ready. Emir will notify Kemal, but Oya already did, although she told him that her assistance was not necessary, since he is only protocol. Gülperi has no dress but she will fix it tomorrow. Melike warns that the girl as usual she is not hungry. Cavidan: let her do what she wants when she is hungry she will eat. Emir: we are eating. Gülperi: I'm not hungry. Emir: The stomach does not agree with you. If you don't want to come to the table, you can get something from the kitchen whenever you want. Okay then. Narin presents Kemal with a pair of dumbbells in appreciation for all that she does to make her happy. Emir: You finally started listening to what you are being told. drop that, they'll pick it up tomorrow. Gülperi: I'll pick it up now. Emir: eat your food, I won't let you go from here, have a seat. We are here until you eat your food, if you say I won't eat it until tomorrow, no problem. Kemal finds out all by checking the security cameras. Cavidan is still upset, Oya: she doesn't even leave her room, nothing is going to change in our lives. Cavidan: whatever they say now she entered the house, I'm afraid of what happens next. Emir: you picked up the pot: Melike: no. Emir: she goes back to doing what she knows. Tülay arrives with the excuse that Emir must read some documents. Emir: you shouldn't have bothered, I was going to go. See ya. Tülay: (alone) we'll see each other anyway. Cavidan: OK, Gülperi is a good girl, she suffered a lot, I feel sadder than all of you, but Gülperi and Emir, for the love of God. Oya: finish with that, I'll show you the dress for Gülperi. put her hair in a ball and we can do a makeup, it would be amazing, the girl is beautiful, her face is clean. Cavidan: I wish the dress was our only problem, how she will feel in the midst of so many people, how she will behave. Gülperi: how I hang out with so many people. Oya: I brought your dress, of course, the final decision is yours, but I thought it would be appropriate, it is an important invitation for Emir, everyone comes to see his wife. Don't worry, there won't be too many people, but it's not a good option to go out in casual clothes either. Gülperi: I can't use it. Oya: Why, don't you like it? Actually, there is still time for us to look at another dress. Gülperi: the dress is beautiful, I have never worn something like that. Oya: There is a first time for everything, believe me, you will be beautiful, it will fit you very well and as I told you for Emir this is a very important invitation. Kemal talks to a detective and confirms his suspicions The young man and Mert are friends. Mert asks Bade not to try to stop him, she will tell Narin everything, whatever happens. Tülay breaks the dress, Oya and Gulperi realize, Oya will go to the store for another one. (horrible dress I must say) Oya asks Ercan to do the dress thing. Tülay tells Ercan that she will do it. Narin calls Kemal to go out with Mert for dinner. Kemal: Another time there is something we need to talk about when I get home. Tülay: hi sorry, I had to come, since he has so much work, Ercan called me and asked for my help, so I stopped by the closest store in the boutique and bought a new dress, I don't want you to be in bad situations. Anyway, I'll give the dress to its owner, Oya - wait a minute, let's take a look at the dress. (They just call on the phone, a moment that Tülay takes the opportunity to go with Gülperi) does not seem a bit strange, she is the ex-girlfriend and so much understanding. Cavidan: Tülay is a good and very understanding girl. Tülay: Hello, I brought you your dress, you don't have much time, you have to get ready immediately. Gülperi: you should have been with him. Tülay: We talked about this, honey, I know why you made this marriage, don't bother with all this now everything will be fine. After all, you're not going to be married forever, are you? Cavidan: my son, you look very elegant and handsome as always. (God willing he has good luck, he looks at what we have been through) Yigit: you look very handsome dad. Emir: if we were in a vote you would win son. Mother, please. It's not marriage, you know, we talk a lot. Cavidan: I didn't dream of it like that, my son I can't help it. Emir: it could have happened. They can look very different when you look at it. But you should know that none of them are different from you, you are stronger than them, life has been bad with you, but you stopped, so from today everything will be easier for you. I trust you, believe in yourself. By the way take this (ring) I wish they were on your finger for the entire invitation. It is in the other. Let's not make them wait any longer. Cavidan: no one was missing, everyone we invited has come. Oya: people love Emir, sister-in-law. Cavidan: I don't want anything else if we get through this day without any accidents. Mert: we need to talk, Kemal arrives and prevents it. Ercan: I hope your plan works. Tülay: It will come to life soon, don't worry. Kemal: You talk later, now I need my wife. All the guests are eager to meet Emir's wife. Tülay: Come on, mouse, you will see what it means to run me over. Cavidan: Where is this girl? She hasn't finished preparing her yet? Yigit: Dad, the fairy girl looks very beautiful. Emir: allow me to introduce my wife Gülperi Tarhun ....
melocoton l
@@melocoton1659 Thanks dear
Without u we don't understand
Tq you so much melocoton ❤👏🤞🤗
Beautiful... romantic...and .. pure love....Good episode.... Bravo Yigit...💕💕💕💕💕..... Gokberk very expressive actor...
el más puro ve la pureza en gluglu por eso le gusta como madre no la bruja
Yigit said Gulperi do magic toward his father. 😍😍😍
who's with me keep watching this series even I don't understand even a single word of Turkish because I really love emir yigit and gulpari.. a million thanks to @melecoton to her kindness she's so nice to us international viewers for translating every episode.
M with you.
May i know her ig ?
She's moving to the house. She like the soap. She smiles the smell. She wears that ring. Meaning, she's agreed, even wrong finger at first. Yigit totally excited. Emir's mission succeeded.
@@miriams531 What he has done now opposite than before. He honestly wants to take care and protect her because his heart said so. He realises that from the first he met her. After he saw her wound, his decision is final no one can object anymore even her mother. After all, he knows Yigit with him. Always especially when it comes to his Peri Kizi.
@@miriams531 Her reaction priceless. The way her smile when she smells the soap, willing to wear the ring even she never knows which finger, she must put on, like the dress Oya gave. All that's meant she accept him. She didn't say she won't, she said she can't because of the mother in law words play in her mind. I love to see he reminds her to eat or he fed her, she listens to him even stubborn. He sleeps without close the door because he waits for her coming out to eat.
@@miriams531 Make him headache to understand her. He didn't realise yet that he already makes she can't stay away from him. She need him. They don't need to understand us. They just need to love us. That's all.
Можно перевести на руский язык
Without expensive and elegant dress, she more beautiful than every guest who are invited. The flower Yigit gave her, make her look gorgeous.
I agree with you and your comments make me laugh definitely Yigit ‘s flower ‘s is even adorable I don’t understand most of the guests are retired people cavidha age group very funny
Natural beauty love that about her
Absolutely! She is beautiful!!!❤❤❤
I agree with you 👌❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥
From now on he not only will make sure her appearance nice, but he will feed her healthy foods.
Bravo Emir todo un caballero 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Finally the episode is telecasting can't wait to see gulmir
The mother is up to her old tricks again. She should never have been let out of prison
She did enough to hurt Reyhan before.
Emir is such a hero❤❤
Gokberk brilliant I am enjoying Yemin more again thanks to you . You gave Yemin a new meninges and beginning that was lost for a while. Please keep going we are watching your beautiful work but please keep down the evil plots under control .
the best comments so far 👌
I'm watching yemin without eng subtitles, i cant understand a single word, but somehow its interesting,,
@@sunshinesoul7336 me too.
Rugam reihan sa revină în serial yemin alături de emir asa dorim sa continue povestea
Good luck to that request . You can only ask . But no guarantee. 🇯🇲💛🇺🇸
Now Émir has learned a lot from his mistakes .bravo Man 👍
Yeah! He doesn't mistreat Gulperi like he did with Reyhan and Feride. Oya has also learned her lesson from being unfair towards Narin and Feride and is by Gulperi's side now.
Truly hope Emir learn his lessons, this new girl is hard headed
Correct gülperi ,very good👍very simple.
اليوم الضربة القاضية لجاويدا والشريرة اصبحت بطلا حقيقيا قالها بكل ثقة انها زوجتي من دون النظر الى المظهر بحث عن الجوهر والقلب الصادق انت بطل ياامير يادب🐻🌷👍🦜🦋🧚🐥🐦🐵🥳🥳🥳
اي اخت مرتو تطلع لما شافت اامنشفة وصابون تدكرت امهم واتنين مناشف وصوابن
Allah aşkına şu qızı iyi giyindirin bu ne biçim elbiseler❤
i hope Emir Will move on soon and start loving gulperi and be happy forever with yigit and series yemin happy ending....😊
I hope so...
Me too
@@geaninamanita73 🤗💝💖💗💯😇🙃
@@hanajakovljevic8607 😘😘😘😘
@@geaninamanita73 I didn" t forget your nice comments ...
Love how Emir went to hold Gulperi’s hand. What a nice guy. A top person really!!! Bravo Emir 👏👏👏
My emotions have been so abused n the Promise I don't know how to feel. I really feel violated. That's my honest opinion
It reminds me when he first holds Reyhan’s hand at camer birthday party when she insulted her
@@philipsylvia you need to remember 4 years have passed and Emir deserve happiness. Don’t dwell in the past. It doesn’t do any good. Forge ahead. Make peace.
@@tanseelou806 I agree with you
Emir is just being patient ❤️🔥
Tulay defo, Emir prefiere a Gulperi 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
😊😊😊Gulferi you make the right decision you did not wear the dress Tulay offering.your dress is nice too very colorful dress 😍
I agree too!!!
She also looks disgusting at that dress Tulay gave her. Agree she not wear it.
The settings in English translation yet again did not work, I think that this is deliberate, so that I continue to learn Turkish... I am so pleased though that this season, is more advanced in many ways and that we are not dealing with a psychotic storyline.
Loving Gokberk! The storyline between Emir, Gulpari and Yigit, it is an instant family treasure.
Narin and Kemal are so sweet, hopefully they get Mert on track.
Personally I do not like the character of Tülay. To fully transform into a character, to be truthfully and emotionally connected needs hard work, she does not do this...
Gokberg you are an awesome , amazing actor, you fit into any role perfectly , I pray that you would receive many more lead roles and act in many more block buster series as well.
Yigit lil Angel you so adorable, cute cheeks . You have the most beautiful heart just like Emir. I'm happy that you will finally have a mothers love, gulperi is really beautiful and will be the best mother to you.
I hope the fashion designers give gulperi a more better fashion upgrade, she is extremely beautiful and her acting is superb,it's like she is narin baby twin sister, same curly looks and motherly loving nature.
Narin and kemal after 4 years loosing your baby girl, I think it's time for you and narin to make another baby. You both are fantastic parents
She always most beautiful in the eyes of the little Tarhun. That's been more worth it than any other eyes. Yigit Tarhun see her beauty inside and outside. She is the spouse of his hero Emir Tarhun. Congratulation, Gulperi Tarhun.
Cavidan is trying so hard to get rid of her
By smooth talking to her making her feel guilty
Yegit said Mom when he fell she should see how happy he is with Gul
@@miriams531 She has been poisoned by Tulay. Emir knows about that. Just wait and play her game along. He will reveal the real Tulay to his mother soon. Yigit need the figure of the mother. He can feel Peri Kizi have that. She like to cherish him.
Amir knows His mother likes Tulay a lot
that’s it
Just because she’s Melikes relative and a hard worker earned their trust more likely his trust doesn’t mean he should overlook her calmness with everything it’s impossible for any women good or bad to be this understanding of this particular situation no way
But it is what it is
I hope like what you said he’s alert and aware of Tulay
@@miriams531 She thought Tulay have a good heart as her aunt. She trusts her a lot. Her aunt doesn't trust her like Cavidan did. Malike agree with what Emir chooses. She looks Gulperi much better than her niece for sure. Oya either start falling to Gulperi. She is innocent, honest and pure kindness. Gulperi love Yigit in spite of she didn't know where that kid comes from. Who his parents or his family. Tulay, to get Emir her first goal. She didn't care about his son and his mother at all. How come for four years she never wins Yigit heart? Gulperi only a day he keeps mentioning her name like to sing a song to his family. Peri Kizi... Peri Kizi... Peri Kizi... They thought Peri Kizi not exist, it's just his imagination. By the way, I'm laughing aloud when he said well done, she did a magic to his father get married to her. Ahh Yigit ahh.. He believes Peri Kizi have a magic.
@@dadiduda718 haha yes he’s does this is how pure Yegit is ,, ah those chubby cheeks and that chubby bum of his you can’t help but to pinch them
Amir is drawn to kind women Rey Feride and now Gulperi unlike his poor father
And your right Gulperi is kind to yegit from the beginning
It shows her warm-hearted and kindness
Poor Yegit he also has to deal with evil Tulay more in future
He will be protected by both I’m sure but it will take time for Yegit to say something about it
Gulferi is beautiful.when she fixe herself
She’s definitely beautiful simple natural
@@miriams531 with no expression or emotions...she cant even deliver her lines properly
@@SS24480 I do agree with you on that
I think it’s her first time acting ,, maybe
Cavedan should have asked Yigit whom he wants as his mother instead of going to a conclusion that Yigit prefers that devil Tulay 😏
Como pode o Emir está dando satisfação para essa mãe que prejudicou sua vida e maltratou sua esposa e tentou matar seu neto.
This new girl Gulperie resembles Reyhan she is beautiful, she looks older . But I really want her to talk more with Emir and his son and show lots of love, every love is different, with this girl is also different but can last given the opportunity.
Gulperi no te preocupes Emir te va ayudar
Bandida a Tulay barriguda, fez trapaça e se deu mal porque Gulpery não é besta e Emir tá atento!
I was crying this episode when yigit call her mom when he fall down. Please bring reyhan even in a dream for yigit. Fans are so happy if it's happen ❤️
Ese es el gran fallo de esta serie, el olvido de Reyhan. No es lógico
@@marilucasanchez6500 in English please i don't understand, thanks.
Hoping Reyhan's return will be by the appearance of Reyhan's identical twin sister. That will be a grand finale, and Emir will marry her and live happily ever after. ❤
@@carmenmifsud6913 hoping my friend🙏❤️
@@carmenmifsud6913😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Ozge Yagiz-🤑 CURVA
She cannot humiliate her benefactor her saviour like this.and why oya didnt help her dress?
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا وحبيبنا ونبينا وقدوتنا وشفيعنا وقرةاعيننا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا إلى يوم الدين
صل الله على حبيبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
@ Cavidan nie wtrącaj się w życie Emira,bo ty jesteś złą kobietą,jesteś ostatnią osobą,która może synowi doradzać👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👹👹
Gostaria de entender mas....
Omg some scenes in today's episode were awesome when gulpari entered the kitchen to eat something :) 😀😃and when emir puts the ring 💍in her right finger ohh we want more episodes only 3 episodes a week is not enough.
Right 3 episode not enough
Yes lovely!❤❤❤
That was amazing what handsome Emir did !!! When up to a plain girl n made her feel beautiful 💥💥she felt like a princess among high Society folks that just look down at her
.❤😍😘الاحداث تحلى اكثر واكثر
Beautiful dress my dear Gulperi ❤️❤️
#GökberkDemirci/Emír👨👦❤Yigit😘🤗👏👍 Narin💖💑Kemal Yemin4👍👏
حتى بتشبيه دور البطلة لنفس دور ريحان بالموسم الأول دليل على دقة المتابعين للمسلسل كل موسم جوك يثبت أنه صمام الأمان والأمين على اليمين كل موسم يبدع أكثر وأكثر كاريزما وحضور ملفت برااافو جوكبيرك 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
فعلا ليس له مثيل خارق ومجرم تمثيل 🦁👏👏🔥🔥🙏
تأخر المنتجون الأتراك باكتشاف موهبته نتمنى له المزيد من التألق بأدوار تليق بموهبته كمسلسل اليمين
@@manalahmad7073 فعلا نتمنى له ادواربقصص جديدة ودراما متنوعة وخاصة التاريخية والبوليسية لأنه بارع بهما بإمتياز .
طب فى الابداع فى اعادة المشاهد وحتى نتأكد من موهبته
ليست اعادة الفنان يؤدي فقط الدور المكتوب على الورق واستطاع بكل موسم اثبات جدارته وبالآخر هو مجرد مسلسل وعمل له حتى يأخذ دور آخر يليق بموهبته
dizide daha yeni yeni güzelikler oluyur aman dizi sezon olursa yeni kadın oyuncu gelmesin çünkü emirin gücü kalmadı tekrar tekrar aşık olmaktan 😂
Aynen ya Her bir yeni Yeni sezonda her bir yeni kadın her seferinde emir aşık oluyor biraz saçma geliyor bana kötü rol dekiler de her zaman eve girip çıkıyor bunuda anlamadım birisi anlamıyor mu bu kötü olduğunu
Məncə Əmir Gülpəriyə aşiq oldu. Fəridəyə aşiq deyildi. Fəridəyə minnətdardı sadəcə, oğlu İgid üçün. Həm də Gülpəri biraz Rehana bənzəyir.
@@arzucan4229 aynen gerçekten ya sezon olmasın ya olursa da tekrar gülperiyle başlasın sanki şart her sezonda yeni bir kadın oyuncu gelmek
@@muradxangozelli2763 evet benziyor bende çok doydum
@@muradxangozelli2763 Allah aşkına Gülperinin neresi Reyhana benziyor , Reyhanın duruşu, duru güzelliyi, konuşması, asilliyi bam başkaydı, Gülperiye kötü demiyorum , sakın yalnış anlaşılmasın, amma Reyhan bam başkaydı
Congratulations Naz and Emir for continuing this série Yemin. This fourth seasin is fabulous!
It is indeed
Emir yigit bravo super.👍👍
Çok güzeller Gülperi Emir
Emir treatment of each girl they team him up with has some kind of history, he behaved accordingly They all played their roll really well , they all have trust issues, and is either talking to much or not at all ,they all can drive you crazy, upset , angry, few times happy .It is very easy to lose yourself in these rolls.
Oya cox sevindi😊gulperinin o eve gelmesine😍😍oyani cox sevirem
I love this series
Me too... It was wonderful episodes...
For what .
@@helloworldwassup The way he looks at her ? I am not feeling well...🤕
@@hanajakovljevic8607 what do you mean? He looks at her so sweetly!💟💟💟
So... Gulperi is now part of a Tarhun Family
yes! I'm happy that she is now..🙂
Y the main girl always trusting the wrong person in the series. If all people she trusting Tulay instead of the man who is always coming to rescue her. By not telling Emir his son was threatened, she is putting Yegit in more danger. And when something happens to him, she is gonna look for Emir to rescue him.🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️....and why Kemal always overhearing stuff, Narin need to overhear something dang. She just think Kemal don't like the boy but she is too trusting and she should know that Kemal only wants to protect her. It's not like the boy is a toddler. Cuz that's how Narin thinks, that he can't do no wrong. Like she taking in a stray cat. But Kemal knows better, he's a teenager with issues, not a trusting toddler that she can mother and kiss/hug away his worries. And why Narin always getting bloody hurt...geez😕😩
Completely agree. Beats me how Gulperi can’t see Tulay has her own motives to be against her, for a girl who has difficulty trusting she sure is trusting Tulay. Don’t get that. Yes she innocent but not stupid, i mean she can’t be after the hell she’s been through with people taking advantage of her. Come on!! Narin and Kemal need more story looks like everything they do revolves around Mert. There’s gotta be more to life.
Of all people, Emir trusted a crook like Resit and didn't trust Feride who had been saving Yigit putting herself in danger. Emir's trust issue was with women In general. Gulperis trust issue is with men in general. Narin is on a saviour mission as a rebound from Kumru's influence and she'll remain blind to hard facts for a while. But hope they end up adopting Mert.
I'm not fun of the way they dress Narin too!!!! A beautiful women like her could dress better... after all she is married with Kemal and she is a doctor.... She has money to dress better and according to her figure!
Yes they keep dressing her ugly. Some days worse then others. They really need to revamp her wardrobe. Yes we see her wardrobe evolve from long skirts to dresses to pants but the style is lacking. She can get better clothes that suit her. She’s still dressing like village girl from Azerbaijan with no money to spend. What’s the benefit of being a dr? Or marrying rich Kemal and being lady of mansion if you not even dressing the part? I’m not saying be a crazy fashionista but at least show improvement from days of old. I mean she’s still wearing dresses from her maternity days after 4 years. Come on, give it to charity and go spend Kemal’s credit card. Lol The malls are open.. I really think she needs a girlfriend, too bad Reyhan died and Feride had no interest. She needs to go shopping with a friend who will help her choose nice clothes and hangout with, maybe she’s been shopping with her mom and Sheriya abla and they are not into the modern trends. She needs much guidance. Narin is such a good person don’t know why she has no BFF.
@@tanseelou806 yes, they keep giving her clothes extra large, I don´t know why. I liked your idea, maybe kemal sister could go out with her....
@@cristinaferro9239I was thinking about that but Oya is unreliable, yes she’s good with fashion but just for her own wardrobe, I mean look at that dress she gave to Gulperi for official wife announcing. It was very plain looking for such an occasion. Nothing special, could have been a dress for daily wear. Lol
Yes Tulay cut it but it looked cheap at best so Gulperi not wearing it wasn’t something very upsetting. So I wouldn’t really rely on Oya. Narin needs a friend, a true friend to count on. The problem is aside from Reyhan all the lady friends she’s had have turned out to be fake. At least she has Kemal but only problem he will love any clothes she wears. Lol Tough luck Narin 🤣🤣🤣 ( it’s really the stylist choosing in real life not updated with the character growth)🤣🤣
Emir and Gulpari❤️❤️❤️
🌹 ❤ 🌹 ❤ 🌹 ❤ 🌹 ❤ 🌹 ❤ 🌹
I kept saying cavidha is always going to be the evil soul of yemin no matter because evil soul doesn’t change into angels. It doesn’t matter if you were kindly or harshly you are the old bag evil cavidha. Who makes you an expert of a good relationship look back and see how your marriage life ended. I can’t stand your role please leave Emir and Yigit alone we all know you motherly intentions get really. I am really sad the writer keeps creating this nonsense in her scenario tonight I am disappointed about Gulperi clothe it could be amazing night but unfortunately I was wishing Gulperi to be brave and put on that evil Tuliy ‘s dress or Emir will save the day like Sunas birthday celebrations but I am it didn’t happen.
Nazmiya for Gulperi dress this is my point for you tonight 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Why the hell Gulperi wears those awful dresses. My great great great grandmother would never ever, ever wear those sacks. Get outta here
Prevedite nam novu sezonu na srpski MOLIM VAS......!!!!!!!!!
I hope Emir learns why Gulperi didn’t wear a new clothes for the party If he didn’t there is no point to watch this series . I don’t like the silent suffering season one and two to continue in season four.
You're right, Haney. The Devil is back 😈😞 such a shame.
About Gulperi, this is exactly what I was afraid about and what I wrote yday. Right now she's such a misfit in their high class society. This is what Naz will show and she's correct. That dress and that flower in front of everyone is super awful. Gulperi is the weakest character Naz has created so far and she put that fish right in the middle of a desert. How is it fair to ask it to swim and survive? Hope Gulperi can manage with Emirs support.
I disliked Nazmiya ‘s extreme approach to any sort of power abuse I felt uncomfortable to watch it really . Her crazy scenario is always a reminder of suffering that Reyhan and Freida went through yet again she doesn’t show any recognition about Reyhan ,Freida ‘s contribution to this series . She write evil scenario and she is evil by nature.
Ah Gökberk daha iyi projelere layıksın
ağzina sağilik en guzel yorum.. hind dizilere benziyor hiç anlami yok.. neden final olmuyor ??
I suggest you give him another project if you can do better
Такая походка у Эмира 👍👍👍
Allah ölenlerine rahmet eylesin🤲 evet Gökberk çok daha iyi projelere layik, oyunçuluğuna hasret kaldım yaaa, in şa Allah bu sezon son sezon olur ve bu saçmalık biter, nazo Gökün yanına kimi koyarsam izlenir demişdi amma yanıldı, yemini izleten REYMİR in o muhteşem uyumuydu , cansu reytinqlerde dibe vurdu, setanayda dibin dibini gösterdi, işte İlahi adalet🤲🤲🤲
Emir's patints is killing . I ❤ him so so much.
Emir furious when he looks back at Cavidan and Oya. He will deal with them soon. Later, when they look at the dress Tulay gave, Oya will know what was happening. More evil plan you try, more price Emir make, you must pay.
yes,agree with you..I hope this time won't be manipulated by his mom and tulay..he must be stand on his ground and fight for his gulpari..his handsome yigit love gulpari anyway..
Tulay will manage to get herself out of it
She simply can say workers mishandled the right dress she’s a sly tongue
@@rhodalopez4147 I hope so too
And I really want cavidan just to listen to her son and support him
CAVIDAN didn't know the real Tulay. Emir will reveal it soon. He didn't like her manipulate his mother. He knows Tulay behind this. From the beginning he knows Tulay try to throw Gulperi away. That's why he married her because he knows Tulay is in this game. He plans everything smooth going abroad with his family. How come her cruel uncle can kidnap Tulay? How her cruel uncle knows about Tulay? He knows Tulay plan the kidnapped issue.
Şu Emiri çok sevdim bravo💖👍
جوك هو ملك اليمين في كل مواسم كاريزما و تمثيل و ابداع فعلا صدق اللي قال مجرم تمثيل 👏👏👏
مجرم محترف 🔥🔥👍🐻❤
@@abeer9536 مجرم بالفشل جوك بيرك 👎👎👎👎👎😆😆😆😆نضمية يلماز مخليته مهزله ومضحكة
على فكره هو تمثيله رائع ولكن غلط غلطة عمره رح يندم عليها بس لحتى يكبر ويصير مشهور هاد الدور صغرو كتير هو عم يحاول ينتشر وينشهر بس من غير تفكير أساء الإختيار بتحس إنو عم بتشوف فليم هندي مافيه ريحة المنطق
@@محمدمهدي-ص2ط6ق و الله المسلسل اتباع قبل عرضه لدول كتير و كل المواسم اتباعت
اهو الاسبوعي اللي بيتوقف و الممثل يفهد يقشر بصل في البيت علي الاقل دا دخله ثابت و كفاية أرباح البيع و اللي مش عاجبه شاغل نفسه ليه و داخل يعلق فعلا مرضي نفسيين
@@Fs69Q كل واحد و له حساباته
هو هاوي تمثيل مش واخده عمل اساسي هو له شغله الخاص بالانتيكات و هو مرتاح في شغله مع نظمية و كل واحد حر في قراراته ثم التركي كله تكرار و هندي يعني مفيش جديد و كفاية نظمية بتعرف تسوق ملسلاتها و تبعيها و دخلت اليمين منصة الهند يعني أرباح مضاعفة اما القصة دي بقي اخر حسابات الممثل المهم عمل محترم غير مبتذل و الحمد لله اعلان الحلقة القادمة تدخل تريند عالسوشيال ميديا
نظمية داخلة كمان موسم خامس و اظن محدش بيخسر و يكمل و حتي لو بتخسر هي حرة
Bölümlerdeki en uzun Arapça dizi, 30 bölümle Ramazan ayında on yıl boyunca Bab Al-Hara oldu.
Arap dizisi değil bu😏
@@turqaynsibov2840 hind dizisi çok saçma dizi
@@banahawler3061 ya konuyla ne alakası var iyimisiniz siz?
@@banahawler3061 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Bak anladınız Yemin Super olur Kemal👑👈Narin👑👈Emir👑👈✌️✌️✌️⭐⭐⭐👍👍👍
Beautiful series ... love from Nepal ❤️❤️❤️
Yo espero que cavidan no se ponga mala yo espero en esta que con el niño yigit aprenda a querer a gulperie y se de cuenta de que tulay es mala y que no alarquen mucho la maldad de tulay .
هنا بدا امير يقل الشر والاشرار بالسكوت ولهذا اصبح اختيارة جيدا اصبحنا ننتظر المسلسل بشوق مزيد من التقدم يادب الصاعقة عندما يعرف انها اخت ريحان سوف يكون المسلسل روعة للمشاهدين بالتوفيق يادب 🐻👍👏🌹🧚♀️❤
Totalmemte de acuerdo, veo mucha maldad en este serie, viste que Yigit va a ser secuestrado hasta cuando va a durar tanta maldad.
@@wardawarda6161 I really hope so 🤗
Gokberk you are such a great and actor 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Tulay ... Tulay, clothes don't make the persons more beautiful than they are, Gulperi is full of self-confidence and came out in front of people naturally without makeup and expensive dresses....!!!! weldone Gulperi,....and you Tulay go home and cry a lot
That is true ! Bravo !
Just when i thought EMIR will be embarrassed by the way Gulperi us wearing ..Emir just grab the hand of the one he love..Gulperi.. and Tulay your plan failed again..give up girl. Look somewhere for znotger fish😆😆😆
يمين حلقه 362
قسم 1
جافيدان: ماذا يعني ذلك. لا ، لا يمكنني السماح بهذا القدر. لا يستطيع أن يلقي بمستقبله في النار ، امام عيني . أمير: الإعلان عن هذا الزواج سيحل مشاكل كثيرة يا أمي. جافيدان: أويا قولي شيئًا. أويا: ماذا يمكنني أن أقول ، أنا عمة بعد كل شيء ولكن أمير ليس لديه خيارات كثيرة ، وضع الفتاة واضح. جافيدان: أنا لا أقول إننا نلقي بالفتاة في الشارع ، لكنها تستطيع أن ترى ما يحدث ، لكن لا تقلب حياتك رأسًا على عقب لمجرد أنك ستساعدها ، لا يمكنني السماح بذلك. أمير: لو كان هذا الزواج معروفا للجميع لما حدث شيء بعده. لا أريد المزيد من المتاعب ، لذا فإن قراري نهائي. تولاي: أمير ، دعني أتحدث حتى تفهم. والدتك ، تحاول حمايتك ، امنحها القليل من الوقت. سيتوجه كمال إلى مركز الشرطة للتحقق من الإجراءات القانونية للحادث. نارين: ميرت ، هل سمعت؟ قبضوا على اللص. للاحتفال يمكننا تناول وجبة معا. ميرت: سأعطي هذا إلى العمة شيري ، لقد أصلحته. جافيدان مستاء للغاية ، فهي تعلم أن أمير هو من يتخذ قرارات الأسرة لسنوات عديدة لكنها لا تستطيع الموافقة على ذلك ، وحتى تولاي وافقت على ذلك دون معارضة. تولاي: هي محقة ، والدته تفكر في الأفضل له ولحياته. بعد كل شيء ، كل ما يفعله امير سيؤثر بشكل مباشر على يغيت. في الواقع ، إذا فكرت في الأمر ، فإن خوفي الوحيد هو يغيت ، عندما قررنا الزواج من أمير كان ذلك بسبب يغيت . قلنا ، سيعتاد على ذلك ، لكن الآن لا يوجد مثل هذا الاحتمال. ماذا سيطلق على المرأة التي عرفها قبل أسابيع قليلة امي. جافيدان: أنت محقه تمامًا ، عندما يسمع ذلك سوف ينزعج. يشعر يغيت بالضيق لأن لعبته المفضلة تحطمت وهو يحبها كثيراً. جولبيري: لنجعل الأمر إنسانا ، لكني بحاجة لمساعدتك. تخبر نارين والدتها أنها ستعود قريبًا إلى العمل الآن يقبل كمال ميرت وهذا يطمئنها ، مينوفير: بذل ميرت أيضًا جهدًا لمساعدتها في كل شيء. نارين: كنت أعتقد وأؤمن به. ميرت: أتريدني أن أقولها يا أمي؟ لقد اعتدت أن تخبرني أنه مهما حدث ، أخبرني دائمًا بالحقيقة. لا أستطيع تحمل ذلك ، استمع إلى كل شيء مني ، وليس من كورشات ، مهما حدث سأخبرك بكل شيء ، دكتوره. جولبيري: انظر ، يمكنك تحريكه كما تريد ، لذلك سيكون الأمر كما لو كنت تتحرك. خذها والعب بها. جافيدان: بني ، إذا تم الإعلان عن هذا الزواج للجميع ، فلن يكون ورقيًا ، وسيكون أمرًا لا مفر منه ، أمير: ولكن لا يوجد خيار آخر ، فهذا هو الشيء الصحيح الذي يجب فعله للجميع. جافيدان: ويغيت هذه هي حقيقته. هل فكرت يومًا كيف سيؤثر على يغيت؟ ماذا ستقول له؟ كيف ستشرح ذلك؟ أمير: سأتحدث إلى جولبيري أولاً ، ثم سأتحدث إلى يغيت. الآن لا أريد أن أتحدث عن ذلك وأربكك يا أمي. يمكنها فهم ذلك ، لا تقلقي. جافيدان: لا أعرف ، فكر مرة أخرى في قرارك بشأن يغيت. أمير: قررت بالفعل. يظهر ميرت أمام نارين ليخبرها بكل شيء ، لكن المستشفى يتصل. هي زميلة تسأل كيف حالها
قسم 2
نارين تقول انها بخير كل الشكر لميرت لأنه أنقذتها. عند سماع هذا ، يترك ميرت. جافيدان: يغيت ، هل تريد أن يتزوج والدك ويجلب لك أما؟ يفكر يغيت بتولاي فيحزن. جافيدان: لا يمكنني السماح بذلك. جافيدان: عندما قالت ميليكه إنك بخير أرد أن يأتي واتحدث إليك. لا أقصد الإزعاج ، لكن إذا لم أتحدث إليكم ، فلن أشعر بالراحة. سيتحدث إليك أمير ، لكنه لم يستطع الانتظار. أمير قرر أن يعلن زواجك للجميع. أمير: إذا كان يعلم أن شيئًا كهذا سيحدث ، فإن وضع عمه واضح أيضًا. أنت تفكر أيضًا مثل امي عمي. حسن: الباب يفتح بدون طرق؟ إذا أخبرك قلبك أن تطرق هذا الباب ، فسوف تظهر لك الطريق والباب الصحيح . أمير: يبدو أن هناك شيئًا يزعجك. حسن: جولبيري موافقه. جافيدان: بإعلان هذا الزواج ، من الآن فصاعدًا ، ستكونان زوجًا وزوجة في عيون الجميع. الأمور معقدة. مستقبل أمير ، مستقبلك ، كل شيء يصل إلى النقطة التي لا يمكن السيطرة عليها ، لكن هناك طفل متورط ، كيف سيفهم. إذا أعطيت موافقتك وأعلن امير الزواج ، سيتأثر يغيت ، فماذا سيفكر إذا تزوج والده فجأة؟ كيف له أن يقبل هذا على الفور؟ لا تفهميني غلط. لقد أخبرتك بكل هذا لأنني اعتقدت أنك تستطيعي أن تفهمني ، لن توافقي على عرض أمير من أجل يغيت ، القرار لك يا فتاتي الجميلة. وصل كمال وأخبر نارين أن اللص كان شابًا ، لكنه لن يفلت من العقاب على أي حال. لديه مفاجأة لنارين. أمير: نحتاج أن نتحدث. لقد اتخذت قرارًا يناسب الجميع ، وسنعلن زواجنا من الجميع. انظر ، سيكون الأمر أفضل بالنسبة لك بهذه الطريقة ، ستشعري بالارتياح. أوه بالمناسبة ، لا يمكنك العيش هنا بعد الآن ، عليكي أن تعتادي على المنزل. لذلك لا تقلقي ، سيكون لديك غرفتك الخاصة وستحتفظي بالمفتاح. المفاجأة هي غرفة جديدة ومريحة لميرت. نارين سعيدة ولألف مرة تشكره على كونه جزءًا من حياتها. جولبيري: لا ، سأبقى هنا. أمير: عليكي أن تكون أكثر هدوءًا وأمانًا ، لذا لا أريد أي اعتراض ، سنبدأ الليلة في العودة إلى المنزل. جولبيري: لا. أمير: لقد فعلت ما هو ضروري ، والآن حان دورك. ستعودي إلى المنزل الليلة وكما قلت أنه غير قابل للتفاوض الليلة. جولبيري: يا إلهي ، أرني الطريق ، من فضلك ساعدني. أمير: تعرفي. أنت لم تأت بعد ، انظري ، أنا أعلم جيدًا أنك لم تنامي ، لقد استمعت لي ، لذلك لن أغادر حتى تأتي. ثم يصر. حسنًا ، بما أنك لن تأتي ، فأنا سأبقى هنا.
قسم 3
يتذكر ميرت أن كمال سيتحدث إلى الشاب غدًا وسيعلم كل شيء. شيريهه: كمال بانتظارك. ميرت: أنا ذاهب. وعرضو عليه غرفته الجديدة. نارين سعيدة لأنهم فعلوا شيئًا جيدًا بإحضار ميرت إلى العائلة. كمال: أتساءل ما إذا كنت ستتحدث عن ميرت حتى الصباح. نارين: أنت غيور ، أعتقد أنه بحاجة إلى عائلة ، أعتقد أننا أعطيناها له. كمال: تعتقديي ذلك. أنت حقًا ستتحدث معي حتى الصباح. نارين: طيب ، اصمت. أنت تعلم أنك ستكون والدًا جيدًا جدًا لطفل. أمير: صباح الخير لا تتخلي عن عدم ايمانك ، هكذا سيكون الأمر. يأتي العم حسن لزيارة جولبيري ، ويسأل أمير هل تحدثوا ، أمير: لقد تحدثنا ولكني لست متأكدًا. حسن: دعني أتحدث. حسن: جولبيري ، إذا كنت متواجدًا فيمكننا التحدث. أعرف يا فتاة ، ليس من السهل عليكي أن تقولي نعم لعرض أمير. ما رأيك أو لا تثقي بأمير ، لهذا السبب لا تريدي ذلك. انظري يا ابنتي لماذا تخافين ، لا تخافي ، كل هذا حدث يا ابنتي.. أمير هو دائمًا معك ، يحميكي ، يعتني بكي ، يجب أن تكوني مقتنعًه بأنك لن تتضرري بعد الآن. إنه يهتم فقط برفاهيتك. صدقني ، سأجيب أمير. جولبيري: لا أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك. تحضر نارين وجبة الإفطار ، وتخبر كمال أنها تريد تحضير أول فطور للعائلة الكبيرة التي هم عليها الآن ، لكنها تدرك أن هناك شيئًا ما خطأ في ميرت. كمال: فقد والدته ، لديه بيئة جديدة ، ردود أفعاله ، لن يكون من السهل عليه أن يعتاد عليه ، لكن مع مرور الوقت سيعتاد عليها. امير: العم حسن لم يستطع حتى تحديد اسمك. يجب أن يكون هناك سبب يجعلك تعترضي بشدة. ما المشكلة؟ هل يمكنك اخباري؟ جولبيري: لا ، لا مشكلة. أمير: حقاً؟ إذا لم تكن هناك مشكلة فلماذا لا يمكنك الذهاب. حسنًا ، دعنا نفكر في الأمر ، من لا تريد الطلاق لأنها تخاف من عمها. أنت لم توقعي على أوراق الطلاق بعد ، أقول لك أن الجميع يجب أن يعرفوا عن هذا الزواج ، لكنك تصري على أنهم لا يعرفون. انظري ، الإعلان عن هذا الزواج لن يغير شيئًا في وضعنا الحالي ، سوف تستقري في المنزل فقط ، هذا كل شيء. دعني أخبرك ، ليس لدي توقعات منك. إرادتي لن تختفي ، هل تفهمي؟ كل ما أحاول فعله هو الحفاظ على سلامتك حتى تتمكني من الاسترخاء ، لذا أخبرني بالحقيقة كاملة. جولبيري: لا أريد أي شيء ، لقد افترضت أنني سأغادر ، ولن يحدث أي من هذا. أمير: اسمع ، لا يمكنني أن أجعلك تفعل أي شيء ، حسنًا؟ ولكن إذا كنت تريدي ترك بعض الأشياء وراءك ، فافعل ما أخبرك به. جافيدان: أتمنى ألا تقبل جولبيري عرض أمير وكل شيء يصبح في الماضي. حتى حسن جاء ولم يستطع إقناعها. الحمد لله كلامي نجح ، لقد اتخذت القرار الصحيح. تولاي: كل ما هو جيد ليغيت ، جافيدان: من الأفضل للجميع ألا يكتشف أحد أن جولبيري وأمير قد تزوجا. يغيت: تزوجت أنت وأبي! لن أخبر أحداً ، فأنا أحافظ على الأسرار جيدًا. إذا لم تكن قد تزوجت والدي ، لكان قد تزوج من تولاي. (حزين) أنا سعيد جدًا ، لقد أبليت بلاءً حسنًا. كمال: جئت لأدعوكم لتناول الإفطار. ميرت: سأذهب إلى دار الحضانة. مليكه تعلق بأنها شاهدت للتو يغيت وأنه سعيدة للغاية. جافيدان: ماذا فعلت يا بني ، لم تقبل جولبيري عرضه ، والآن تخليت عن الإعلان عنه في هذه الحالة؟ أمير: لا ، لقد استسلمت ، هل تستطيع مليكة أن تريها غرفته. ميليكه: بالتأكيد ، بإمكان تولاي النظر إلى الطعام الموجود على الموقد. أمير: الآن بعد أن تم تسويت الامر ، يمكننا إعلان الزفاف للجميع. جافيدان: حالا وبسرعة؟ أمير: لقد مرت فترة طويلة ، لذا فهي ليست سريعة. أويا: سوف أقوم بتنظيمه. أمير: لكن لا تبالغي القليل من الناس يكفي. جافيدان: أنت في عجلة من أمرك ، أنت مقتنع ، حسنًا ، ماذا عن إيغيت ، وعن بنفسيته؟ في ذلك اليوم ، فكرت في الاتصال به ، كنت مرتبكة ، طفلي غير معتاد على ان يكون له أم. يغيت: لقد تلقيت نبأ أن جولبيري سيعيش معنا ، أويا: أنت سعيد للغاية. يغيت: كثيرا لكنني عرفت كيف حدث ذلك ، كانت الجدة تتحدث ، سمعت أنك تزوجت الفتاة الجنية. أمير: أنا أفهم ، لكني كنت أود أن تعرف ذلك من فمي. لكنني سعيد جدًا لأنك تلقيت الأخبار بنضج.
@@khairiehel-ghouch863 شكرا جدا على مجهودك يا قمر ربنا يوفقك دايما
شكرا شكرا على الترجمة جزاك الله خيرا
تسلم ايدك ياقمر شورأيك كأن الموسم حلو والأحداث فيها قنابل كمان وكمان متل احداث فريدة الحلوة😁
Cavidan şimdi sert değil ama sinsi bir şekilde laf sokuyor😂😂😂
Why is Emir 's mother still living with him and his son after she did what she did. If the story had gone another way, eg moving Reyhan to the country as in season 4.
Maryann ,i assume it is turkish culture
Unlike in my country son does not live with his mother ,aunty ,sister or brother,when he gets a wife.if there are2 sonsthe 2 sons will live in a separate houses not with their mother.and father.
I watched 3 turkish serials and notice this extended family culture all living together or living side by side.
Same thing with narin ,her mother living with her and her crazy sister in season 2
اني برايي هذا الجزء نوعا ما اجمل من الموسم الثالث .....بس تعال الي يقنعنة انو يحب ويزوج المفروض امير يعيش حياتة ويكون عائلة بس احنة ابد منقتنع المفروض هذا واقع هيج الحياة....يعني الرجل اذا تموت زوجتة يبقى على ذكراهة ماكو هيج شي بحياتنا......واذا اكو الانادرا......الزبدة من الموضوع جوك واوزجي مينجحون الا مع بعض ونقتنع
Am from Mautitius, am going through season 4 again from the beginning, I must say Culperi is indeed a great actress.
Pls translate whole episode in English
Scroll Down u will find English Translated
There are only limited episodes
Why Narin and Cemal was not invate for them wedding. 😮
Que lindo capítulo 😍😍😍😍, bravo Emir
Gokberk you did it well done bravo👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Who is this'radhe krishna' in comment section ........just occupy whole comment section with same comment so many times 😬made so hard to find melo s translation .....nd that too comments same on evry episode .....plz dont do this
Exactly... U r right
Ek bar likne pr b to smj ajata h n fyr pta nh ku section khrab krdete h 😔
@@sonalisisodia5128 aese hi jaanbuj k demotivate karate he...
Vo b hr episode me faila rkhae ye kchra itta kon vella hosktae😂pese milte honge jrur .....translation to badme phle inki bkwas pdho bethkr yha
Melocotón, saludos. Paso por aquí para saber si tú papi está mejor. Quiera Dios mejore pronto
Melocoton publico esta mañana que su padre fue diagnosticado con Cancer al Pancreas, es por eso que no hay traducciòn, por el momento es impossible, asi que vamos orar por ella y su familia que El Señor le de la saviduria fuerza y entendimiento en estos momentos duros en lo que está atravezando nuestra querida Melocoton. 🤗
Nessa temporada Oya está muito, muito bonita!
But heroin is not so good
شفتم فريده كيف كان يعاملها في الاول ازاي كان يصب له الاشياء في الارض ويقولها امسحي الارض حتى ريحان لما سقت لها مثل هذا الورد قال لها امسح الارض كويس هل صار فيه تعذيب ضمير كما قالت له ريحان في المقهى لما اعتذرت لجديدان قال سياتي يوم وستراون تعذيب الضمير وتنتظرون مني الاعتذار ولم تجده
لقد تعلم مع مرور الوقت و الزمن من أخطائه التي يا ما عذّب بها ريحان و فريدة.😒🤰👰
لكن فريدة لم تنصف في المسلسل رغم انه يحبها لم يعترف لها بحبه صراحة البطلة الاولى كانت مهضومة وكدالك البطلة التانية اما هده البطلة تقيلة على القلب لم ارى كل موسم تكون بطلة جديدة هدا يعطي الفشل للمسلسل
انا كمان بحكي انو حب فريده على عكس الاغلبيه اللي حكوا كانت مشاعره شفقه وندم بس فريده / جانسو جمال ناعم
الممثله الجديده جميله وخاصه لما تتبسم
@@rabiaabifalane3875 مساء الخير صح ان البطلتين الاولى والثانيه لم يخذ حقهم من المسلسل كل واحده جعلت لها نهايه غير مفهومه راح تشوفو حتى البطل الجديده ما سيحصل هناك جا فيدان والخاطبه الشريرتين مثل الجمري وجديدان
@@miriams531 جانسو حاولت تعمل معه علاقة علشان كيدا رفض تمثيل معها
Gokberk,grande attore 👏👏
👍Gok 👏💪💪😘😘
Reyhan olmadan işler nasıl kasvetli ve monotondur? O bu dizinin ruhuydu, ışığıyla aydınlatıyordu. İşte o gerçekten bir periydi.❤️
Onun hatırasını sanki hiç yokmuş gibi çiğnediniz. O da çocuğunu yaşaması için ruhunu verdi. Bu aileden hiç kimsenin bunu takdir etmemesi ne yazık ki
Fără Reyhan ,filmul e soldat eșecului. Au rămas personaje urâte, EMIR joacă rolul ,,salvatorului., deși nimeni nu i-o cere. Ce vede el in noua salvată, NUSTIU. Bravează sau se pedepsește pt greșelile făcute în relațiile anterioare.
because that's the writers want them (actors) to act.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 sonunda güzel bir yorum gördüm, evet yemin Reyhanın yeminiydi , Reyhanın duru güzelliyi, sayqısı,merhameti, asil duruşu , Reyhanımız bitaneydi❤❤❤
@@hayathanm4200 Evet yaa🙏❤️
Narkem romance is so adorable ☺️ 🥰 😘🌹❤️😍🌹🎈sweethearts ❤️♥️
الف الصلاه والسلام على خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الوصف الوحي الرساله الحكمه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا
صل الله على حبيبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
Bravo Emir👏👏👏
Definitivamente Emir, tiene el corazón de Reyhan, su muerte no fue en vano ❤
I thought that cavidan changed after all that drama but no always the same
Season 4 most if the scenes very boring especially Narin Mert... What for she's keeping him in Kemal house... Many times he has gone to Prison even though showing pitty on him.. If serious I'll means everyone wil die only. Understood that mert mother passed away... What for so much pitty is shown on him Narin
no.megustaria que cavidan despues que mejoro de sus maldades volverla a poner de mala no funcionaria debe ser que el nene le enseñe a cavidan a querer a gulperie
Hope there will be something story for narin and kamal in upcoming days❤
Yes please we need more scenes of them ❤️❤️❤️
This story is very nice . Gulpari is nice and innocent
Yes,she is...
Emir yiğit Reyhan❤❤❤❤❤
Ja sam uzivala ! Emir se promenio ,sazreo ... Ali stari maniri su ostali ...Ne da nikome da vredja njegovu zenu ! KAko je pred svima cvrsto uhvatio za ruku ! Bravo Emire ! Salje joj lepu haljinu ,hrani je .,čuva noću ...Jigit ne zna sta ce od srece ...I Oja je na njenoj strani... Nova Dzemre i stara Dzavidan su pred vratima pakla ... Steta za Dzavidan..Jednom joj je sin oprostio... U svoje i Jigitovo ime..Da li ce opet ? Gul je hrabra ,ponosna..Znala je da je njena haljina jadna ,stara ,ne za takvu priliku i pred tim nazovi finim svetom..Ali sisla je zbog Emira.. Sa cvetom u kosi koji joj je njegov sin stavio... I kome je sijalo lice kad je njegov tata uhvatio Gulperi za ruku... Uuu ,kako je daleko petak !
Verujte da sam odusevljena. Nisam gledala trecu sezonu, nije mi se svidela Feride, nije mi isla uz Emira, ali Gulperi je prelepa. Oja me odusevila, a Yigit je pametno dete, oseca da Tulay nije kako se predstavlja. Stvarno mi se svidja ova sezona.
@@bogdankatenkov655 On genijalan glumac ,ona sve bolja ,posebna ,drugacija ...Toliko su uverljivi da pomislis da je stvarno... Muzika divna..Jigit savrsen ! Ova sezona ce uciniti da zaboravimo sve tri prethodne ! I za mene je Rejhan umrla ,pa je i ne dozivam.. Feride nije bila za Emira ,ali joj je lik bio pozitivan ... Igrala je u sezoni u kojoj se on oporavljao posle smrti voljene zene ,bila mu je podrska... Sad je vreme učinilo svoje...Emir pored Gul opet dise ,opet se smeje ...Sa sinom ima divan odnos... Ma,bas lepa sezona ! Bar za sada ...Poz.
@@hanajakovljevic8607 agreed... We must forget Reyhan to enjoy this season ... after 4 yrs things have changed a lot esp on Emir' characters...more matured and responsible towards his son
@@idazzack2285 Yes,I agree.
I agree with you
Narin ve kemal 👌👍❤️👩⚕️👨⚖️
Cok guzeler Ama
Kemal Mertin ve arkadasi in
Yaptini gorendi Ama
Ilk once mert kiz arkadasile
Konusurken duydu
Sonradan Mertin yaptiklarini
Orendi yuzden yurda gittmek
Istiyor kemal sinirleneceni
Biliyordum ofkeli oldu belliyidi
Kemal hak veroyorum kemal
Narin cok seviyo
Narin ve kemal yeniden bebek sahibi
Olabilirler tamam mert
Narin ve kemal yanida kalsin
Ama Bir gun mucize gercekleride
Narin yeniden hamile kalirda
Ya kemal de narin de
Cok iyi insanlar altin kalpliler
Merte yeni Oda verdiler
Ama mert goremiyor
Narin ve kemal ona yardim ettini
Narin de cocugun kaybetmis
Bir Anne mertin iyilini istiyor
Yigit gulperi gibi annesi olsun
Istiyordu oldu duyunca cok sevindi
Tulay gibi kariyi napsin
Hem katil hem dolandirici
Bu gulperiye yemesi
Icmesi giymesi yatmasi
Hic birsey istemesi
Cok zor Bir kadin Ama
Kuaferim sensin program vardi
O kiz gulperi ordaydi
Biara seyrederdim
Aman bosverelim
Narin ve kemalde
Yeniden mujdeli haver gelsinde
I’m liking this season a lot
Emir seem to fell realy in love with goulbry
Agreed!!! Was love at first sight. Emir can’t help himself…
@@tanseelou806 It"s high time for him to be happy again...
I'm asking only coz I'm curious. Emir's facial expressions and actions have been contradictory and misleading since S3. It was illogical and absurd to expect him to fall in love with a Feride soon after Reyhans death and anger towards Yigit and Reyhan. And yet viewers were sure he had fallen in love, going only by those expressions. But we saw how that went. Personally, I believe Cansu didn't leave but maybe Feride's role was over and S3 is how it was intended from the beginning. And now also we see the same facial expressions and misleading scenarios. How is it that we conclude about love? The fact that there's a time leap and he doesn't look at Tulay that way may be factors in saying he's in love. But I think they are that way deliberately. The writers and director have been very clever. If we ignore the notorious looks and gazes that Emir makes, he's doing only what is right for Gulperi and love has nothing to do with it. Isn't it? I think it's high time we see Yemin without the veil of 'love or lust' in front of our eyes.
No,i think he is not in love.He likes gul because she is alone,simple and pure.yigit loves gul and he told emir.after that he saw gul in jungle.He surprised not in love first sight.he wants to save her from his uncle because he couldn't save rehan and feride from umit.
@@imranshahnawaz4788 In the begining ...Later ,things changed..I am sure he wants to be near her..
❤ EMIR TARHUN TO MRS. REYHAN TARHUN EVERYDAY :- You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart. Every day and night, my mind is filled with thoughts of you ❤
C’est merveilleux d’entendre cela d’un prince à sa princesse. Leur couple déclenche l’adrénaline. Les mots me manquent pour décrire la joie qui déborde en moi en voyant ces deux cœurs pleins d’amour, de tendresse, de générosité et d’humilité. Je vous aime très très fort. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
proszę o włączenie tłumaczenia
Bardzo wspaniały film pięknie zagrany aktorstwo super Emir Reyhan bardzo piękne grają swoje rolę życzę dużo sukcesu i szczęścia pozdrawiam serdecznie
Until Reyhan Emir get happy ending, Yemin will always remain incomplete
It is not true..
@@hanajakovljevic8607 it's hundred percent true
@@radhakrishna297 If Ozge had stayed in the series it would have been wonderful..But she didn"t... She flew away and fell twice... What sense would her return have now ? Are we children to believe that she didn"t die in childbirth ?
احلاشي كمال و نأرين اخذو الرومانسيه بشكل حلو
I want to know How is Tulay involved with Emir lives...