The front optics consist of two optics, actually this section is not intended to be opened, but you can trick it a little by prying the plastic lens holder on the edge until it is slightly open as a whole so you can separate the two optics to clean the fungus in the middle of this optic, but remember , you must do this very carefully so as not to damage the optics.
im having super hard time and so many tries to get the aperture mechanism back, whats the trick to fit them all in exact place , as i see no indicator or any marker so i can fit them together back,
I gave a little scratch when I opened all the parts to mark it so that it would be easier to reassemble, but if you don't like that you have to install it with great care and patience.
Very good hardly wark
Tutor cara kalibrasi atau apapun itu bahasa nya bg untuk membuat optikny kembali fokus sesuai standartny setelah d lakukan pembersihan jamur
hello, after I saw your video, I want to know what liquid you use to clean the lenses?
Thanks for that. I could clean mine.
did uknow how to deassemble the first lens u remove?? becoz mine have fungus in the middle pls help if u have idea how to separate those lens thx
The front optics consist of two optics, actually this section is not intended to be opened, but you can trick it a little by prying the plastic lens holder on the edge until it is slightly open as a whole so you can separate the two optics to clean the fungus in the middle of this optic, but remember , you must do this very carefully so as not to damage the optics.
same here
Ada toko servicenya bro?
yg di menit 51:24
iya kak, itu saya congkel pelan² biar gak ada cacat pada optiknya,
im having super hard time and so many tries to get the aperture mechanism back, whats the trick to fit them all in exact place , as i see no indicator or any marker so i can fit them together back,
I gave a little scratch when I opened all the parts to mark it so that it would be easier to reassemble, but if you don't like that you have to install it with great care and patience.
bg kalau hasil ny ngk tajam dmn y slah ny???
tiba2 jd ngk tajam pdhal hbs d besih kan bgus ngk d pake 3 hri jd ngk tajam
sy coba pake lensa fix tajam gnti tamron ngk tajam solusi dong bg 🙏
kemungkinan posisi optik yg masih belum akurat kak, jadinya fokusnya berubah
what glue do you use?
I use glue that is actually intended for cellphone LCDs,
Nama alat buat buka optik depan nya apa bang
Sebenarnya ada alat khususnya kak, seperti buat buka tutup belakang jam tangan, tapi bisa pakai gunting juga kak, tinggal diputar saja
bg iu bgkar lensa kecil yg paten ny gmn y?? sy udh coba congkel pake cutter tetap ngk bisa
Harus dibuka perlahan kak dari sisi² bagian plastik yg menahan optiknya,
udh bg tp ad jamur yg ngk bsa hlang 😌😌😌😌 d lensa yg d congkel
iya kak, harus di congkel dengan hati² biar optiknya gak cacat
udh bg lensa ny udh misah tapi yg sy kira jamur ngk bsa hlang
kyk rmbut2 halus dy bg it yg jd biang mslah 😌😌😌
ada cairan khusus ngk bg? atau cukup pake cling
Dommage cette musique tout le long c'est affreux il aurais fallu mettre une musique un peu plus apaisante