4:45 Trivia: Tom Kenny was actually credited as voicing Mrs. Puff's Dad, however this character doesn't appear in "Doing Time" as Tom Kenny most likely have recorded the voice earlier at the time season 3 was in production from December 2000 to February 2002 or the more likely reason is that this character was later removed at the last minute.
4:45 Trivia: Tom Kenny was actually credited as voicing Mrs. Puff's Dad, however this character doesn't appear in "Doing Time" as Tom Kenny most likely have recorded the voice earlier at the time season 3 was in production from December 2000 to February 2002 or the more likely reason is that this character was later removed at the last minute.
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BAH-HAHAHA 6:05 it's so messed up
Cameron Baity
Kathleen Lolley
Jonathan Silsby