Also a clogged air filter can trigger a maf sensor code as well! I learned from experience. Took 4 days to figure out. Then it hit me, took the filter out since the air passed through it first before the maf and drove with it off and no more problems. Replaced it and the issue stopped. I bought a maf brand new and the problem didn’t change. Spent $150 and returned it in 10 mins since it didn’t fix the issue in the parking lot
a MAF sensor detects the air density as it heads into the engine intake to be mixed with fuel, The O2 sensor is responsible for measuring how much unburned oxygen is in the exhaust.
I have experience three of the sign of bad MaF sensor. But according to other mechanics a good MAF sensor will stop the the engine if it was disconnected. I tried it and the engine stopped. What is true and false?
So i did this trick and unplugged it and had a little power surge and ran. Didnt stall like i was hoping but it did turn on the fan after i unplugged it. So bad MAF right. Just want to be sure.
Hello, ive been having issues with my Dodge Journey 2015 2.4engine Ive taken it too soooooo many mecanics they don’t find the issue, im done spending money Ive just heard about this sensor, If this sensor went bad, would it cause car too completely stop this is a problem i have, also when im driving and i turn on my AC thats when the car will come too a complete stop Would this be an issue? Thanks
Have you gotten ur spark plugs checked?could be bad spark plugs and when you turn on the ac the spark plugs are not giving enough sparks to keep the car going
Also a clogged air filter can trigger a maf sensor code as well! I learned from experience. Took 4 days to figure out. Then it hit me, took the filter out since the air passed through it first before the maf and drove with it off and no more problems. Replaced it and the issue stopped. I bought a maf brand new and the problem didn’t change. Spent $150 and returned it in 10 mins since it didn’t fix the issue in the parking lot
About time someone explains the symptoms 👍🏻
YT taught me this. Unplug the MAS while engine is running, if it stalls MAS is good if it runs its bad.
For which car is it still method
Like Japan cars
Or and German cars
mine are Toyota rav4 and honda civic dont know about German but worth a try best of luck@@Eduarddule
So unplug the MAF sensor? If the car stalls I don’t need to change that part?
@@shh9461 worked for me.
Thats right. If it keeps running, it is most likely a bad MaF sensor.@shh9461
Check ur Air filters before replacing. I have an infiniti fx35 with 2 MAS!!! My Air filters was shot. Replaced and working properly
Great video thank, what if I disconnect the plug and it takes a few seconds to turnos off?
I have symptom 3 perfectly, is there a difference between this and a bad O2 sensor?
a MAF sensor detects the air density as it heads into the engine intake to be mixed with fuel, The O2 sensor is responsible for measuring how much unburned oxygen is in the exhaust.
@@haileautomy 2005. Forester revs up in between shifting????
that sounds like a transmission issue man, sorry.
I have experience three of the sign of bad MaF sensor. But according to other mechanics a good MAF sensor will stop the the engine if it was disconnected. I tried it and the engine stopped. What is true and false?
So i did this trick and unplugged it and had a little power surge and ran. Didnt stall like i was hoping but it did turn on the fan after i unplugged it. So bad MAF right. Just want to be sure.
If you unplug while car is running is it a bad thing for the vehicle .
Put your tranamission to Neutral to idle. If it fluctuates significantly, then you can rule out transmission issue.
Hello, ive been having issues with my Dodge Journey 2015 2.4engine
Ive taken it too soooooo many mecanics they don’t find the issue, im done spending money
Ive just heard about this sensor,
If this sensor went bad, would it cause car too completely stop this is a problem i have, also when im driving and i turn on my AC thats when the car will come too a complete stop
Would this be an issue? Thanks
Have you gotten ur spark plugs checked?could be bad spark plugs and when you turn on the ac the spark plugs are not giving enough sparks to keep the car going
Alternator problem
My car have no power,but when I disconnect MAF sensor power is back. Is that telling me I have bad MAF ?
Good video,sir. We would like to invite you to do a review video for our Auto LED lighting. Is there a way to reach out to you?
No way to reach
Send them to me
We will like to see ur relay connection videos thanks
Can you bypass the sensor?
For 90 dollars I'd replace it an not blow my ahit up
Just Buy a New 1 😂😂
Jurk mean vibration ?
I have a 2018 Buick ENcore engine light on and it trimbles and a squeaky. Sound can any one tell me what's going
To long .. dribble on about every issue stick to the 5 signs