Yeah nothing has changed. One of their stated goals was slowing down snowballing. That would have been better accomplished with a 12-15 percent damage nerf across all champ abilities. With these minor item changes everyone still dies almost immediately.
Massive meta shifting changes = Kai'sa , Jinx still most picked adc's , amumu still cringe tank w/ inifinte dmg/cc , senna OP , Poppy broken supp. What exactly changed ?
4:00 as a Fiora main, bro, i realy dont recommend Trinity 2nd item, this item of 3333g gives u 36 ad... just go Hydra -> Hullbreaker or Hydra -> Eclipse against tanks, see the #1 EUW Potent, he is main Fiora and will teach u how to play with her
I'm a low elo, silver/gold ADC player; imo Jinx would be much better with the on-hit crit. build rather than lethality. I've tried Kai'sa out for a while on the previous patch since she was the strongest in the patch (Jhin on perma-ban), but I found that Kai'sa is good, but only if you make it through early-game with her; and low-elo it's very difficult to play through early game with her. I would recommend Miss Fortune (on Essence Reaver 1st Item) and Caitlyn (Collector 1st Item) for those early game difficulties; I've found it much easier to climb this way.
@@bowietrim7 He caught the Fed ADC out super hard. "Only" I was P1 last split and simple as it was people wasnt making plays like that. Just give props when its due and keep moving on bro.
@@soulgrab619 vayne has no range and no waveclear. She can easily poken by everyone. Kogmaw, jinx, kaisa, varus, ashe etc. All of them has range and if they have a enchanter support, they are stronger than Vayne
@@burhanerginnYou are so wrong... if you are dia+, Im crying for that division, but lets be real, vayne really has great late game, with botrk you can usually take on 1v1 with any adcs (2v2 are better though) and all tanks are just completely smashed by you, no zac, no seju, no ornn problems anymore... last season had 60 games with her and 68% win rate, if that means she is trash, then Im just a god lol.
Weird that they didn't mentioned Malphite and Fiddlesticks, those two are probably the ones that will feel the less the nerf of the core mage item that they use.
I am not sure the conclusion that you guys are making is correct, regarding ''the game will now be focused 100% on scaling champs'' just because of some items nerf. For example an item requiring 100 more gold is that much of a deal? You can kill an additional minion wave and get the same damage. I don't see the big deal even for 3 items - 3 waves How much will this affect meta?
You are right, it hasn’t affected the meta at all. They missed the mark with their goal to slow down combat/games. Also trying to make tanks viable solo laners would require gutting base damage not items. Personally I won’t be happy till Nautilus can be an effective top laner.
Cant rly speak on vayne top, but the problem with vayne adc is that she is way too weak early game and has horrible waveclear. You are better off just picking a Kaisa or Jinx, who are just as useful lategame, but dont get gigastomped early game by everyone
I don't understand all of the hate this meta is getting. What's so bad about actually playing longer games that require more tactic and focus to take down targets instead of just two-shotting everything after 3 items? I for one welcome the slower game pacy and the shift to a tankier meta.
Longer games makes it harder for busy people to climb because 3 20 mins games in an hour v 2 30 min games literally increases time to progress by 30% if you maybe got an hour to play this is damage.
@@jongahimer5338 even with a 50% winrate what you are saying would not be true if each game is worth +30 -17 plat to emerald for a start and it takes you'd need a minimum of 13 games per tier, at a 20 minute game that would be 4 hours and 20mins. To go from p4-3 if you have 30 min games.on average that same 50% winrate is 6.3 hours per tier. It would be even more of a disgusting time difference if you had +24- 19 on a trashed mmr acct.
"This patch the meta comes with Big changes" Shows the exact best champions for every role we been seeing for months I'm honestly think this channel is made with AI or something, or they don't Even play the game
I recently played a game where my team got galio (me), voli, and nasus against a team that have mord, leona, blitzcrank all of us tank build and man its the most fun I've had playing league in a long while
Riot the company that bounce from One Shot to No Shot. Tanks become unkillable again, tha games will become longer because that one team fight will now last 20 minutes to see which tanks comes out on top
For the Senna build by the way, Aery is technically better if you rush Black Cleaver, since Aery also applies Cleaver then, so it only takes 2 AA to fully stack it. Grasp will generally perform better for her, it already has, but Aery gives the Cleaver build a bit more power. I would however, still prioritize Grasp and only take Aery if their comp has a lot of champions that get a lot of armor early on.
If there's anything I need in Iron IV as a new player, it's longer matches. All jokes aside, with longer times in lane, you'll have more time to stack Minion Gold. It should all sort of balance out in theory.
Ive played league since season 3 this is the worst patch ever made and being so useless in damage makes the game terrible now. Good luck trading kills if a jungler comes u aint getting any
Can Syndra finally get nerfs or changes Her E is one of the most unfair abilities ever its giga hard to dodge because of that giga fast missle speed and cast time and hitbox and it has insane range and can hit multiple targets + not only does it stun but it also stops dashes and knocks people back. Yes it does have a long cooldown but still its giga op and to make it easier to land u can also use R E for an guarantee stun and u can use Syndra W to slow and hit an guarantee stun. And besides her E syndra R deals too much damage aswell just an very overpowerd champion
No, she's fine. Her E is balanced because she effectively needs 2 abilities to stun. You just watch her Q and side step. And after she uses her stun, she's vulnerable. Just get good, don't touch her kit.
Nah, she's balanced, you just have a mental block against her. You can ban her every game or watch some replay playing vs her on youtube and figure out what you're doing wrong
yea galio tank mid soo good for solo carrying bro deals so much dmg and can snowball so hard XDDDD bro the most this pick can do i ult botlane and make ur emerald pisslow adc ahead, and then he will throw anyways
DO NOT. I repeat DO NOTTT use inspiration in this patch they have nuked biscuits into the ground You want mana band and transcendence - WORDS OF THE MIGHTY MAKKRO
On gooood. It’s so annoying. They say they’re trying to make the game more about the character and not the items but they’re very biased with what items they’re buffing and nerfing/gutting. Like if you want to make it about the character than buff the characters who’s items are getting shoved.
@@drinkswatereim sure the champ buff is coming but the global item nerf had to be the first step. riot has made it clear they are more prone to nerf than buff.
Yes. Fiora vs Malphite is not an easy win for Malphite. Really no lane is. His ult just makes his winrate good due to the team fight potential. He barely managed against AA dependent champions like Tryndamere in lane.
My time has come. Also recommending an Amumu ban is not it, sorry. It should be anyone who can outfarm or is unkillable to shyvana, like Udyr or Karthus.
amumu can outfarm easily though champ got great clearspeed is pretty safe whilst at it and has good gank setup and scaling its a good ban for all elo brackets atm though to be fair most people get sucked into ganking way to much on him so the champ appears way weaker than it actually is
I think tanks are gonna be unkillable this patch... nerf all carry items with only tiny nerfs to tank items. Adc imo gonna be more useless than ever. Tanks were unfair due to their kits before, now riot goes and takes away the one thing that could help somewhat fight them, carry items. This is gonna be one hell of a patch, cant wait for Sett and Ksante to run and kill me under fountain.
Stop listing Senna. She's useless. A minion. The worst support in the game. So STOP LISTING HER. Maybe in masters it's good, but at all the other ranks it's a caster minion
Rank Up Fast At ➡
Totally meta shifted: Shyvana amumu udyr keep going ...
Sona, Senna, kog maw, all top of the meta XD but yeah "the meta shifted" this channel is a joke
Thats so shit!
I want some chaos in jungle!
Playing full clear is way boring.
@@suportedw9894yummy yummy jungle camps mmmm
Was going to say exactly this.
Yeah nothing has changed. One of their stated goals was slowing down snowballing. That would have been better accomplished with a 12-15 percent damage nerf across all champ abilities. With these minor item changes everyone still dies almost immediately.
Thank you Jarro Lightfeather
Totally not ezreal
Totally not ezreal
Totally not ezreal
Totally not ezreal
Totally not ezreal
3:55 When Kaisa missed Auto on ekko and hit tower, i laughed my ass off.
Massive meta shifting changes = Kai'sa , Jinx still most picked adc's , amumu still cringe tank w/ inifinte dmg/cc , senna OP , Poppy broken supp. What exactly changed ?
assassin are dead, thats all ( boring game now)
They write MASSIVE CHANGES in every Patch Video, even if it just was a hotfix Patch without any changes.
Those champions can make a lot of mistakes without anyone really having the damage to punish them for it now
burst, bruisers nerfed.
tanks, straight hp, % hp, true damage, dot, scaling champs buffed.
Aw yes... we're probably at 300 years at this point, so this patch makes sense...
been using bloodsong on sona and its so good on her. abuse it before the nerf of the item
4:00 as a Fiora main, bro, i realy dont recommend Trinity 2nd item, this item of 3333g gives u 36 ad... just go Hydra -> Hullbreaker or Hydra -> Eclipse against tanks, see the #1 EUW Potent, he is main Fiora and will teach u how to play with her
I'm a low elo, silver/gold ADC player; imo Jinx would be much better with the on-hit crit. build rather than lethality. I've tried Kai'sa out for a while on the previous patch since she was the strongest in the patch (Jhin on perma-ban), but I found that Kai'sa is good, but only if you make it through early-game with her; and low-elo it's very difficult to play through early game with her. I would recommend Miss Fortune (on Essence Reaver 1st Item) and Caitlyn (Collector 1st Item) for those early game difficulties; I've found it much easier to climb this way.
Rammus is S Tier Bro. Sunfire Cape buff and thormail buff in statts and less Gold. I have 86% WR with rammus in 30 Games so far.
On This Patch oc.
BRUH! That Seraphine play at 11:57 was some nasty work!!
bro he just R + flash, also she only charmed 1 person? idk
@@bowietrim7 He caught the Fed ADC out super hard. "Only" I was P1 last split and simple as it was people wasnt making plays like that. Just give props when its due and keep moving on bro.
@JahjuanR i played in high elo last split so i guess i'm used to harder mechanics and find seraphine kinda stupid.
Surprised vayne didnt make a spot, with tanks becoming meta and items being nerfed, i believe she will be atleast a A tier champ this patch
Vayne is shit champ. One cc and she dies. She needs rework
@@burhanerginn Like all the adc's?
@@soulgrab619 vayne has no range and no waveclear. She can easily poken by everyone. Kogmaw, jinx, kaisa, varus, ashe etc. All of them has range and if they have a enchanter support, they are stronger than Vayne
@@burhanerginnYou are so wrong... if you are dia+, Im crying for that division, but lets be real, vayne really has great late game, with botrk you can usually take on 1v1 with any adcs (2v2 are better though) and all tanks are just completely smashed by you, no zac, no seju, no ornn problems anymore... last season had 60 games with her and 68% win rate, if that means she is trash, then Im just a god lol.
@@kostkacukru1776 I am diamond 3 support main, I never lose against any vayne at all
A little correction, ornn took cookies also because of mana, precision tree is better now with presence of mind and coup de grace/ cutdown
7:40 holy wombo
2:10 ornn sylas fiddle ult predict was elite lol
This is great to hear, my consists of Neeko, Poppy, Senna and Sona, so 75% of my most played champs are looking good^^
Why is Shiv instead Kraken slayer on Kai'sa?
It directly compliments her playstyle and is far more reliable than than Shiv.
Lethal tempo
Stridebreaker>unending despair>spirit visage
Q max>W
Way better than trash liandry in every way for UDYR
I still think that Bel'Veth + longer games + Lethal Tempo giving dmg for AS is a hidden gem
Weird that they didn't mentioned Malphite and Fiddlesticks, those two are probably the ones that will feel the less the nerf of the core mage item that they use.
Says to ban Lulu into Amumu when Janna just hits R or Q mid dash to say "You don't get to play" lol
1:17 that was a crazy ornn ult LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I am not sure the conclusion that you guys are making is correct, regarding ''the game will now be focused 100% on scaling champs'' just because of some items nerf. For example an item requiring 100 more gold is that much of a deal? You can kill an additional minion wave and get the same damage. I don't see the big deal even for 3 items - 3 waves
How much will this affect meta?
You are right, it hasn’t affected the meta at all. They missed the mark with their goal to slow down combat/games. Also trying to make tanks viable solo laners would require gutting base damage not items. Personally I won’t be happy till Nautilus can be an effective top laner.
Thanks ezreal
you predict tank meta but dont mention vayne at all apart from vs darius that it's played little? lol.
Cant rly speak on vayne top, but the problem with vayne adc is that she is way too weak early game and has horrible waveclear. You are better off just picking a Kaisa or Jinx, who are just as useful lategame, but dont get gigastomped early game by everyone
Massive changes → tank meta again😢
not again, tank meta never stopped, its been already 2 years tank meta, so unfair
Fuck tank meta fr its boring and they nerfed adc items…
@@mistersergei Is the Tank Meta in the room with us now? The only tank that is actual common place is amumu. No one plays tanks.
I like tank meta, not everyone getting insta one shot for a slight misplay, allows for newer players to experience more than gray screen
@@HolleauxI’m jus tired of mordekaiser he’s so absurd
i played against a morde today as sera apc while they had a vayne top and was very confused. they ended up swapping cause me and lux bullied him
gotta love iron
Are games going to last longer? I couldn’t tell it wasn’t mentioned enough in this video
fiora top isnt a good pick : hydra loses 500 gold value, trinity loses 500 gold value and hullbreaker loses approximatly 400 gold value
Tank meta ❌️
Vayne top meta ✅️
Bro remove this before you start giving people ideas
cook more
Vayne top is trash.
happened before
With what items?? all items nerfed also lool
was wondering why i seen a total 3 rare cases of kog'maw this week so far.
How does Tank Nunu work? I feel like I build tanky, and then I am incredibly useless....
Me watching this on a 3 lose streak on Sona 👁️👄👁️. Guess I’m the bad one
I don't understand all of the hate this meta is getting. What's so bad about actually playing longer games that require more tactic and focus to take down targets instead of just two-shotting everything after 3 items? I for one welcome the slower game pacy and the shift to a tankier meta.
Same. I think they needed to go further and nerf all champion damage as well.
only thing i dont like is that tanks are already broken in the meta, and they just got buffed more.
Longer games makes it harder for busy people to climb because 3 20 mins games in an hour v 2 30 min games literally increases time to progress by 30% if you maybe got an hour to play this is damage.
@@The_V1olence That makes 0 sense. You are just as likely to lose 3 short games than win them putting you even further behind.
@@jongahimer5338 even with a 50% winrate what you are saying would not be true if each game is worth +30 -17 plat to emerald for a start and it takes you'd need a minimum of 13 games per tier, at a 20 minute game that would be 4 hours and 20mins. To go from p4-3 if you have 30 min games.on average that same 50% winrate is 6.3 hours per tier. It would be even more of a disgusting time difference if you had +24- 19 on a trashed mmr acct.
"This patch the meta comes with Big changes"
Shows the exact best champions for every role we been seeing for months
I'm honestly think this channel is made with AI or something, or they don't Even play the game
The gameplay always looks like bot gameplay too 😂
What page do you recommend to improve?
HOW BORING ARE THOSE CHAMPIONS HOLY, this season is skippable for sure
So people actually get baited xd
(Check league of graphs, the champs they are "predicting" is just the present meta lol)
Great like always ❤
If it's tank meta and %health plus true damage is better, why isn't gwen on this list?
I recently played a game where my team got galio (me), voli, and nasus against a team that have mord, leona, blitzcrank all of us tank build and man its the most fun I've had playing league in a long while
Haha we had ornn and I played Tank Kata(not recommended btw)
Against cho haha was fun, but idk tank meta kinda boring…
yeah for sure the most fun champions are definitely nasus voli leona mord and blitzcrank you absolute Silver
@@rngw0lfyBack to Season 7 fuck this shit
@@ripyears i'd rather be a for fun casual silver than a perma tilted high elo player
*mid elo@@roger2599
If your not building udyr for speed then you're doing it wrong.
tf amumu just casted Q while stunned 5:33
Hey, my guy Kog’maw is meta now, let’s go!
Has been for weeks xd they arent predicting anything, just put the actual meta from league of graphs and call it a prediction lol
Riot the company that bounce from One Shot to No Shot. Tanks become unkillable again, tha games will become longer because that one team fight will now last 20 minutes to see which tanks comes out on top
Fiora seems week to me tho. Her %hp dmg is pretty lackluster.
you just can’t play her right 👎🐵
Has there been a time were Darius was not one of the best top laners?
As tank meta rises, so does Vayne's stocks.
For the Senna build by the way, Aery is technically better if you rush Black Cleaver, since Aery also applies Cleaver then, so it only takes 2 AA to fully stack it. Grasp will generally perform better for her, it already has, but Aery gives the Cleaver build a bit more power. I would however, still prioritize Grasp and only take Aery if their comp has a lot of champions that get a lot of armor early on.
True DMG gonna be strong... Well, that's an AP Twitch angle i guess
isnt vayne the best vs tanks ??
Archangel is bait on asol get zhonyas or rabbadon instead
Dont think Shyvana will be that strong after all her Items got nerfed super hard
If I had a dollar for every time this channel said "the biggest patch of the season" I'd be rich. Appreciate the info though.
Feels good to be a senna player
Hell yeah ma boy Darius! lesgo! :)
Put karthus on this list or Ima lose my mind.
If there's anything I need in Iron IV as a new player, it's longer matches. All jokes aside, with longer times in lane, you'll have more time to stack Minion Gold. It should all sort of balance out in theory.
I’ve been playing Sol a lot lately. I hope his ban rate doesn’t go up
3:52 imagine a highlight turret misclick…. Good job Kai’sa.
Instructions unclear, 7 losses in already
I like tank champs and i play them alot but this meta is trash they want you to sleep in every game
All I’m hearing, is keep playing Vel’Koz supp 😎
Syndra bae time ❤
I swear its peak
longer games sound horrible, they are already long enough lol
Ive played league since season 3 this is the worst patch ever made and being so useless in damage makes the game terrible now. Good luck trading kills if a jungler comes u aint getting any
Why are you not meta ezreal
As a jinx otp. Skip kraken. Rush IE into a zeal item and the ldr
I like Tonirel's recommendations of either going Yun Tal first or Essence reaver. Lethality Jinx seems like bait.
@@marcsman07 thats what i do or you can go shieldbow. Kt gets 50% crit in just 2 items
what about swain bot
I dont even play top but you can bet ur ass im banning tanks for the rest of the season. Ornn is top of the list.
Yone Meta TRUST.
Can Syndra finally get nerfs or changes Her E is one of the most unfair abilities ever its giga hard to dodge because of that giga fast missle speed and cast time and hitbox and it has insane range and can hit multiple targets + not only does it stun but it also stops dashes and knocks people back. Yes it does have a long cooldown but still its giga op and to make it easier to land u can also use R E for an guarantee stun and u can use Syndra W to slow and hit an guarantee stun. And besides her E syndra R deals too much damage aswell just an very overpowerd champion
No, she's fine. Her E is balanced because she effectively needs 2 abilities to stun. You just watch her Q and side step. And after she uses her stun, she's vulnerable.
Just get good, don't touch her kit.
Nah, she's balanced, you just have a mental block against her. You can ban her every game or watch some replay playing vs her on youtube and figure out what you're doing wrong
If you dodge it, she literally dies haha
Senna is going to be free LP
yea galio tank mid soo good for solo carrying bro deals so much dmg and can snowball so hard XDDDD bro the most this pick can do i ult botlane and make ur emerald pisslow adc ahead, and then he will throw anyways
MASSIVE changes
DO NOT. I repeat DO NOTTT use inspiration in this patch they have nuked biscuits into the ground
You want mana band and transcendence - WORDS OF THE MIGHTY MAKKRO
Depends. Someone like sett loves new buscuits. Also they are surprisingly good in early game long all-ins.
@@theslayer5978 see I understand your point but this is for ORNN
i can easly beat volibear with darius with no probelm idk why voli is bad for darius
The jungle picks have been the same for at least 8 patches ffs. Pick something else
Ok I get it all, but where is Bel'Veth for jungle, where is Azir for mid, where is Nilah for bot? All of them scale into insane late game monsters
They all 3 suck in solo queue, but aren't bad for flex queue. Re-read the title of this video. 😊
mega nerfed already other picks are far better
Guinsoos - terminus
Oh yeah meta shifted my ass still tank meta, still the same champions. Its disgusting
Syndra? Nah
Lol I smoke Darius with quinn all dayyyyy
BUt better nerf Eve. Again.
Lol, guys are u played this game?
Game become boring again, meta picks are always the most skilless champions
On gooood. It’s so annoying. They say they’re trying to make the game more about the character and not the items but they’re very biased with what items they’re buffing and nerfing/gutting. Like if you want to make it about the character than buff the characters who’s items are getting shoved.
@@drinkswatere Agreed
@@drinkswatereim sure the champ buff is coming but the global item nerf had to be the first step. riot has made it clear they are more prone to nerf than buff.
Damn sherlock who would've guessed that easier champs are way more consistent and effective to pull off in piss elow?
@@ceasetheday87 again it’s clear they’re biased towards certain champs and their items.
He never left the meta xd
he’s been gigaboosted since relaunch what are you talking about
not in my games where he's permabanned
No counter match ups for Syndra? 8:32
Zed, Fizz, or Naafiri would be great to ban.
orianna is good
Disgusting meta.
literally, when i see 90% of the champs in this video being tanks i just smile and move on :) cncr szn
Stop forcing poppy support 😂😭
Fr man been a one trick for years so tired of bans and getting picked out 😊l
@@raccoonwizard Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen. its not going to happen
@@KleenexGamez Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen. its not going to happen
@@shadygoddare you ai
terribad patch. what were these clowns thinking.
Ksante rework terrible….
Wait isn't fiora a counter to malphite ?
Why ban malphite when you are playing one of the strongest tankslayers in the game ?
idk how to explain it but it just is harder than it seems on paper
Yes. Fiora vs Malphite is not an easy win for Malphite. Really no lane is. His ult just makes his winrate good due to the team fight potential. He barely managed against AA dependent champions like Tryndamere in lane.
Stay away from Zeri
My time has come.
Also recommending an Amumu ban is not it, sorry.
It should be anyone who can outfarm or is unkillable to shyvana, like Udyr or Karthus.
amumu can outfarm easily though champ got great clearspeed is pretty safe whilst at it and has good gank setup and scaling its a good ban for all elo brackets atm though to be fair most people get sucked into ganking way to much on him so the champ appears way weaker than it actually is
I think tanks are gonna be unkillable this patch... nerf all carry items with only tiny nerfs to tank items. Adc imo gonna be more useless than ever.
Tanks were unfair due to their kits before, now riot goes and takes away the one thing that could help somewhat fight them, carry items. This is gonna be one hell of a patch, cant wait for Sett and Ksante to run and kill me under fountain.
they indirectly hard buffed scaling hp splitpush champs. it's league of bauss lol
Imagine banning voli, smh
-me, a voli main 😢
Jinx will be not meta pretty sure
Hard to say, because IE got hard nerfed, same with lethality, but that also affects most adcs
She just got a small AS buff
Stop listing Senna. She's useless. A minion. The worst support in the game. So STOP LISTING HER. Maybe in masters it's good, but at all the other ranks it's a caster minion
Nah Senna is solid support. She provided sustain and poke which is a lot more than most can say.
she's legit busted atm xD and with enchanters becoming more prevalent, even more so. what r u on about down there 😂
I think Kai'sa will be pretty bad... Items losing AD and AP makes her upgrade her abilities later...
this is not true....just use gathering storm
@@eduardocassisi2913 I only think, didn't test. In theory the Shiv+Rageblade doesn't upgrade your Q anymore!
whoever made this patch thank you i found out dota is much better than this toxic game and toxic patches
you think league is toxic, wait till you start playing dota ranked lmaooooo
Stop talking about Shyvana she useless trust