Probally this one I favoured the most of, Although they're all great, just another reason why I hate The Record Corp., Management, execs.Payola and LA suit n' Tie Guy , All these bands had just enough Sound and Character to make it much further Than what was on Garbage AM stations...Fuck Talent N Donny Osmond, Charisma & Tube amps work Great
Best Trip yet! Solid Hard Rock in the Highest Order! Every tracks a winner!
Look forward to #6 on vinyl, I have the other 5 on vinyl.
Thanks for sharing these diamonds.
Another solid release in the impressive series. Good job RidingEasy, looking forward to the next good ones.
Ripper !!
I need a good woman, to wash my clothes, and keep me warm at night. Superb lyrics.
This is as good or better than the previous 5.
RIP: My Wallet
Fuck yeah boys.
Would you guys cut me a deal for the entire collection?
Probally this one I favoured the most of, Although they're all great, just another reason why I hate The Record Corp., Management, execs.Payola and LA suit n' Tie Guy , All these bands had just enough Sound and Character to make it much further Than what was on Garbage AM stations...Fuck Talent N Donny Osmond, Charisma & Tube amps work Great
Hammers pap like the stooges mc5 sex pistols etc