Just a heads up! I bought the 50mm from the same line up from them TWICE, and neither of them locked into my BMCCFF mount. To the point where I sent my camera in for repair thinking it was broken, I cant say anything for the quality control of the 35mm but beware.
Just used this lens on a week-long shoot. Excellent all rounder and perfect for wide interviews on FF. BTW, how do you get this awesome (almost) square format on RUclips. I've got Open Gate footage and would really like to post this format. Thank you!
@@PiedmontCommunityChurch isn’t it the best?? To post open gate in the native 4:3 you just have to use the aspect ratio that matches! So HD (1920:1440), 4K UHD (3840:2880), 4K DCI (4096:3072)
Damn I love your visuals and style. Fantastic video.
Just finished the video, the only critique I would add is more test footage to go along with what your saying as a visual representation
@@Samiam-mu5ln thanks for the feedback bro!
Potentially my next purchase for sure 🔥🔥🔥🔥
get ittttt
i got their 14mm and 50mm a week ago. they look really nice for the price
@@antovega2 agreed! They are insanely cheap!
Nice!! This, and using vintage lenses are the way to go when trying to budget
Agreed!! I need to try some vintage glass. I love the different looks you can get!
🎥Want to see the Blackmagic 6K Full Frame and anamorphic lenses in action? Check out my channel for cinematic tests!
$400 cinema lens!!! Looks clean!
Thank you! Super happy with how the images turn out!
Just a heads up! I bought the 50mm from the same line up from them TWICE, and neither of them locked into my BMCCFF mount. To the point where I sent my camera in for repair thinking it was broken, I cant say anything for the quality control of the 35mm but beware.
@@AustinFilip very interesting! Were the ones you got L-mount?
@@mv2creative Yes they were! Very confused. I returned both of them now and I plan on buying the 35mm to see if that might work!
@@AustinFilip very very peculiar. I honestly wish I had gone EF mount and used an adapter so that I can use that lens on my 6K Pro also
@@AustinFilip keep me updated on that!
Just used this lens on a week-long shoot. Excellent all rounder and perfect for wide interviews on FF. BTW, how do you get this awesome (almost) square format on RUclips. I've got Open Gate footage and would really like to post this format. Thank you!
@@PiedmontCommunityChurch isn’t it the best?? To post open gate in the native 4:3 you just have to use the aspect ratio that matches! So HD (1920:1440), 4K UHD (3840:2880), 4K DCI (4096:3072)
@@mv2creative Thanks a million!
If you’re still here, this isn’t marvel 😂
You a real one for finishing 😂