@@nhungdaothituyet9288 : sự thật quá thiếu phước, cũng may mắn là 10 năm trước mình vẫn còn giữ cuốn Đường Xưa Mây Trắng, và thực hành theo con đường Chánh Niệm, dù đời sống còn thiếu nhiều nhưng nó chẳng là vấn đề gì cả, Bát Chánh Đạo sẽ giải quyết được hết, quá tuyệt vời.
As I listen to these wonderful human beings , i think of all the billions and billions of stars in the Universe , and here we are , we are so priviledged to be part of this magnificient Universe.
Sublime! We're witnessing minds TRAINED in sustaining awareness and concentration 24 hours a day. They generate DEEP, FOCUSED COMPASSION here for all beings who are suffering by invoking the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara. There is an entirely different way of being, living, and relating to the world they are demonstrating. These blissful, mindful, compassionate faces represent the very BEST of human potential, as well as the path to alleviating suffering. I'm GRATEFUL for this and for being blessed with the teachings/dharma of Buddha Shakyamuni and Thich Nhat Hanh. They are a TREASURE to be passed on in perpetuity.
How beautiful the song. What a powerful talk. How great their compassion. Someone mentioned the drum is not made of animal skin, but a synthetic material. Everything they touch, is touched with immense love. An example to all of us
It's taken me 5 yrs to see this beautiful clip. I am living it daily, to aspire to help myself and all sentients, deeper and deeper since I was born into this precious life many years ago. I am blessed, humbled and grateful 🙏 thanks to Thay, the Community and the Cosmos ❤
Thank you so much for sharing this. It moves me very much. I found myself in peace when hearing this chanting. Thank you all of the Monks and Nuns from Plum Village- students of Zen Master THICH NHAT HANH.
Love this. All of it. How you teach us how to be in our suffering and how open you always are about yourselves. That really helps. When I see how you all move and speak, I at first think this is so unattainable for me. But when you speak I know it’s possible for everyone. We all suffer and thank you for sharing so honestly and intelligently and beautifully.
Thank you so much for sharing this video. I hope that some people will take their time to listen carefully to the chanting and the talks, so that compassion really can penetrate into our hearts.
I don’t understand why they walked in so quietly,in silence, seemed somewhat unusual. But, it nice to see them reaching out in friendship to a community that welcomes them to share their lives and gifts together. It’s all good...all love.
Monks and Nuns, who practice Buddism and meditation, constantly monitor their breathing even when they don't meditate. They stay quiet, calm. Their minds also pay attention to every single action so that they can sustain their mindfulness energy. An example is when you do walking meditation, your mind focuses on every movement such as "lift" (lift your foot up), "push" (move your foot forward), "step" (step on the floor or ground), and feel the feeling of your foot touching the ground.. then repeat. A lot of times we rush through things and we ignore the little details that are happening, and lots of time there are signs of anxiety or depression. Meditation trains our minds to slow down, start paying attention to the surroundings, and finally whenever needed, be able to retreat back and find refuge in our minds, instead of entertainment and technology, which only provides quick and temporary relief.
One Day At A Time, One Breath at a time, in this moment, in this moment, just now, now, knowing connection to all life, now, I Can Breath only light and love.
Makes me wanna cry this is priceless I love everything in this clip and if I can click a thousand like I will it is awesome I wish everyone is enlightened after listening to this because I think I am! Thank you so much Salesforce and Heartforce!
What a great teaching this is. I have been reading ‘Learning True Love, the autobiography of Sister Chân Không’, who also gave a talk in this video, tells one of her story losing her friends and teaching us what compassions is. The book contains much more than one short story of her life she tells in this talk. I strongly recommend everyone to read the book if you are interested in what true Buddhism is all about. I also learned a great deal of suffering caused in the country, Vietnam. It was eye-opening for me since I knew nothing about the country before my recent visit. I appreciated more about the history, culture of Vietnam. I am not sure if I can ever have that in-depth compassion to those who harm me as “They don’t know what they are doing is wrong.” I have been studying Buddhism in Korea for the last four years such as Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra and many more, but ‘knowledge’ is totally separated from ‘practice’. In that sense, Dear Honorable Teacher, Thích Nhất Hạnh, is truly a remarkable person in my life. Thank you so much, Heart Force!
Brother, if i may comment on your statement "This is not Buddhism." All the teachings that comprise the many Buddhist traditions influenced by cultural traditions come from Buddha. They are simply categorized under Buddhism. Religion is a general category embracing virtuous conduct and practices integrated at Plum Village without a God concept. His Holiness Dalai Lama says, "Kindness is my religion."
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I’m uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i I have uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tied kjui
Everything that sister said is correct, i have it in every cell of my being from a brother of love and compassion cross body membership is real. We have spread since the killing. This is going spread like a chant. Namaste my brothers and sisters. I feel everyone of you like outstretched arms to fall into.
I wish everyone in the world would watch this video it would bring much peace and change in the world. This video moves me so strongly. I cry every time I hear the song, I'm learning to give compassion to myself and other and really appreciate all the teaching of the plum village tradition. ♥️🙏
I cry for your friends who were killed. I hope they know they died doing the most honorable thing a human could possibly do. I hope that one day I will half even half their strength and compassion. Thank you so much. And I hope their killers have found peace and love.
Far better than other videos out there. I am glad that CEO of SalesForce is introducing this to his people . If leaders like him take this initiative, world be a far more better place
FYI, their pronunciation of Avalokiteshvara is non-standard. It may be an alternate pronunciation or altered for artistic/musical reasons. Altering or adding syllables is done in some languages when singing.
Your question indicates that you are not aware of the significance of this video's content. In other words, you need self-transformation from ego to true self. This video is giving you a lot of hints.
thank you so much Richard. That's what I was looking for. I used to chant nam- myho -renge -kyo ( lotus sutra) for quite some time and so completely understand the transformation from ego to true self.
This content presents a wide array of profound insights. A book I read with like-minded themes directed my intellectual and personal growth. "Kindness Unveiled: A Journey to a Happier Life" by why i live a happy life
♡ Mengenal Siapa Avarokitesvara ♡ Kisah Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara ada di Pitaka Sutram Saddhamma Pundarika bab 25...(Mio Fa lien hua Cing bahasa mandarinnya),Avatamsaka Sutram Pitaka (Wu Liang So Cing) dan Amitabha Sutram pitaka (Amitho Cing).. Sedangkan kisah Avarokitesvara anak gadis ketiga (Yang bernama putri Miao San) dari raja yg melegenda itu hanyalah sebuah legenda kekayaan filosofis yg indah... Dan bagian dari kekayaan legenda rakyat Tiongkok yg sangat populer, bukan historis aslinya Avarokitesvara... Note: "Karena legenda ini mengandung filosofi kebajikan,maka tidak dipermasalahkan..." * Dalam ajaran Buddha, Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara merupakan Bodhisatta tingkat tinggi... Karena semua makhluk yg berwelas asih dan cinta kasihnya tinggi dapat dijuluki dengan sebutan Bodhisatta/Bodhisatva juga... Sedangkan Avarokitesvara adl Bodhisatta tingkat tinggi,makanya dijuluki Dhyani Bodhisatta... Dhyani Bodhisatta adl Bodhisatta yg memiliki ikral aspirasi yg sangat agung utk menolong makhluk Phutu Jhana (Makhluk yg masih di borgol oleh Samsara,yg blm lepas dari hukum lahir,tua,sakit dan mati...). * Avarokitesvara dibahasa mandarinnya adl Kwan Se Yin Phusat yg artinya: • Kwan artinya mengamati makhluk phutu jhana yg memiliki potensi karma parami pendukung yg masih bisa dibantu dan ditolong... • Se artinya alam Dunia makhluk phutu jhana yg masih diborgol hukum samsara... • Yin artinya mendengar suara kelah kesuh penderitaan makhluk phutu jhana... • Phusat artinya Bodhisatta dlm bahasa buddhis Pali,yg artinya makhluk suci yg menempuh kalir jalan jalur suci menuju kebuddhaan dgn mempraktekan 30 parami selama 4 Asamkheyya ditambah 100 ribu kalpa (Seperti yg telah dipraktekan Buddha Sakyamuni) selama bertriyun triyun lamanya kalir yg ditempuh dari bumi yg satu hancur terbentuk hancur terbentuk hancur terbentuk lagi dan melewati masa Samma Sambuddha yg satu ke Samma Sambuddha berikutnya yg membulatkan aspirasinya utk menjadi makhluk suci Arya Samma Sambuddha (Manusia Buddha) agar bisa membantu membebaskan lebih bnyk makhluk lagi menuju kesucian pembebasan mutlak/akhir ,menuju perealisasian kesucian tertinggi Nibbana.. * Pada saat Avarokitesvara diperkenalkan ke Tiongkok dari India, wujud bodhisatta Avarokitesvara masih dlm bentuk wujud simbolis pria berpakaian ala pangeran kerajaan India zaman dulu dan simbolis wujud rupaka Avarokitesvara dlm bentuk wujud pangeran India masih dipertahankan diwilayah wilayah penganut buddhis tradisi Vajrayana yg merupakan bagian dari tradisi buddhis Mahayana juga... Pada masa dinasti Song berkuasa di Tiongkok, para wanita ditiongkok klu ingin berkeluh kesah hanya kpd makhluk suci wanita maka dari situ agar wanita buddhis Tiongkok bisa berkeluh kesah maka wujud simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara diubah menjadi wanita cantik, anggun,rupawan keibu ibuan dgn berbalur pakaian adath Hanfu etnis Han dgn berkerudung ala India utk menghormati asal Avarokitesvara dikenal... ♡ Pada saat ajaran Buddha sudah berkembang pesat di Jepang,sang ratu buddhis Jepang mengutus seorg bikkhu Jepang utk mengambil satu simbolis rupaka Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara dari Tiongkok utk dibawak ke Jepang,agar rakyat Jepang juga punya kesempatan agung utk memiliki dan menghormati Avarokitesvara Bodhisatta juga... Dikatakan simbolis ini tidak mau ikut menyebrang dibawak ke Jepang hingga diperairan phu tuo San kapal pun terhempas hempas dan simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara pun ikut terhempas kelaut phu tuo san dan secara gaib simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara naik keatas air alias tidak tenggelam dilaut selatan diwilayah dekat pulau phu tuo San..... Sehingga dijuluki Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara laut biru selatan dan pulau phu tuo san dijadikan salah satu tempat ziarah suci agama Buddha... Inilah sejarah julukan laut biru selatan utk Avarokitesvara... ♡ Aspirasi agung dari Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara (Kwan Se Yin Phusat) adl: " Jika saya tidak bisa menolong makhluk phutu jhana yg memiliki potensi karma parami pendukung utk bisa ditolong dan mendengar kelah kesuh penderitaan mereka, maka saya belum mau memasuki Parinibbana sebagai arya suci seorg Buddha"... ♡ Di Pitaka Sutram Amitabha dikatakan bahwa Dhyani Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara berada disisi kanan Dhyani Buddha Amitabha dan disebelah kiri Dhyani Buddha Amitabha adl Dhyani Bodhisatta Mahastamaprapta (Ta Se ce phusat)... Ditanah suci Sukhawati (Si fang cilek Seciek) disebelah barat dalam istilah bahasa para Dhyani Buddha utk mengistilahkan tanah suci para Dhyani Buddha dari 10 penjuru tanah suci para Dyhani Buddha... • Ditanah suci Sukhawati (Si Fang Cilek Seciek) Bodhisatta AVarokitesvara ikut menjadi guru membimbing para makhluk phutu jhana yg terlahir ditanah suci Sukhawati agar tidak jatuh lagi menjadi makhluk Phutu jhana (Niraya/Neraka,Hewan/Binatang,Peta/roh gentayangan dan Ashura/jin/makhluk yg memiliki kekuatan seperti dewa dewi di 6 jenis Surga nafsu indriya...). Note: * AJARAN BUDDHA MENGENAL 28 JENIS SURGA DALAM CATATAN KITAB SUCI BERBAHASA SANSEKERTA TRI PITAKA DAN DALAM KITAB SUCI BERBAHASA BUDDHIS PALI TRI PITAKA TERCATAT 26 JENIS SURGA... • 26/28 jenis Surga ini makhluknya masih tergolong kedlm makhluk Phutu jhana yg masih diborgol oleh Samsara lahir dan mati lagi... Krn selagi mereka blm menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan Arahat... • Makhluk suci Arya tidak akan lagi terlahir dialam rendah (alam Apaya= Niraya,hewan,peta dan Ashura). • Arahat adalah makhluk suci Arya yg sudah merealisasi pembebasan mutlak tingkat kesucian tertinggi Nibbana .. ♡ Nibbana artinya penyebab kelahiran dan kematiannya telah padam total dan sudah terlepas dari ikatan borgol Samsara... • Ada kelahiran pasti ada kematian... Sedangkan Nibbana adalah padam dari kelahiran dan kematian... • Nibbana bisa dicapai dan direalisasi selagi masih hidup... Sedangkan Surga bisa dicapai setelah kematian... • Nibbana bukanlah suatu ketiadaan maupun tanpa ketiadaan... • Nibbana juga bukan suatu kekosongan maupun ketidak kekosongan... • Nibbana bukan juga kehampaan ... • Nibbana adalah Anatta (Tanpa inti,tanpa aku,tanpa jiwa,roh,wujud atau tanpa sesuatu yg solid). • Nibbana telah membebaskan diri dari keakuan dan kemelekatan akan ini milikku dan ini milikmu... • Nibbana telah menghancurkan 1500 jenis killesa (kekotoran bathin) sampai keakar akarnya tanpa sisa secuilpun... • Tiada lagi kelahiran ulang bagi mereka yg telah merealisasikannya (Nibbana)... • Nibbana bukanlah diatas,dibawah,ditengah,disamping,dibarat ,maupun ditimur dan juga bukanlah sebaleknya.. • Nibbana itu tidak ada yg menciptakannya alias tidak tercipta juga tidak tidak terbentuk apalagi berubah-ubah.. • Selengkapnya pemahaman Nibbana hanya bisa dipahami jika kita sudah memahami Sutram Pitaka,Vinaya Pitaka dan Abhidhamma Pitaka secara jelas, baik dan benar... • Dan pastinya Nibbana hanya mereka yg sudah mencapai dan merealisasikannya baru bisa mengetahui secara pasti Nibbana itu seperti apa... ♡ Orang yg sudah memahami ajaran Buddha yg berpedoman pada kitab suci Tri pitaka secara baik dan benar ... Tidak akan menanyakan lagi apa anda atau saya Theravada,Mahayana atau Vajrayana lagi... Mereka yg masih sangat buta akan ajaran Buddhalah yg masih mengotak-ngotak dirinya dalam saya atau anda Theravada,Mahayana,Vajrayana ...♡ ☆ Ada 4 jenis manusia: 1. Jenis manusia Uggakitanyo • Jenis manusia yg sudah menempuh kalir paraminya selama berkalpa-kalpa lamanya dimasa kehidupan para Samma Sambuddha masa lampau dan dikehidupan Samma Sambuddha Sakyamuni (Gotama) sekarang yg hanya sedikit mendapatkan ajaran Buddha sudah bisa membuat ia tercerahkan alias menjadi seorang Arya suci Arahatta alias menembus kesucian Nibbana. Dan paling tidak menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami dan Anagami... Note: Jenis ini sudah punah. 2. Jenis manusia Wipankitanyo • Jenis manusia yg membutuhkan lebih detail mendapatkan ajaran Buddha baru parami pendukungnya bisa membuat ia merealisasi kesucian Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta.. Dan paling tidak sebagai makhluk suci Sotapanna,Sakadagami dan Anagami... Note: Jenis ini sudah punah juga. 3. Jenis manusia Neak Puggala. • Jenis manusia yg harus berlatih sangat keras baru bisa menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan menembus perealisasian kesucian Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta... ( Syaratnya Saddha tidak membuta,10 Parami sering dipraktekan,Vipassana jgn bolong-bolong,sering ikut pariati). 4. Jenis manusia Padakhparama • Jenis manusia yg berlatih sekeras apapun belum mampu menembus kesucian Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan merealisasi Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta... Karena praktek 10 parami pendukungnya blm cukup... Dan tentu praktek dikehidupan sekarang akan menjadi pendukung dikehidupan nanti atau di zaman Bodhisatta Maitreya turun dari Surga Tusita menjadi Samma Sambuddha (Manusia Buddha...)... ♡ 10 praktek Parami syarat pendukung pencapaian kearyaan menuju perealisasian kesucian tertinggi Nibbana: 1. DANA (MELATIH KERENDAHAN DAN KEMURAHAN HATI). 2. SILA (MELATIH KEMORALAN). 3. NEKKHAMMA (PENOLAKAN/MENOLAK HAL HAL YG TIDAK BERMANFAAT ,YG DAPAT MENGHAMBAT ASPIRASI,TEKAD,LATIHAN PARAMI, DLL). 4. PANNA DIBACA PANNYA (MELATIH KEARIFAN DAN KEBIJAKSANAAN,AGAR BISA MEMBEDAKAN MANA KEBENARAN HAKIKI/Konvensional Dan mana yg tidak pantas/tidak bermanfaat dan bukan merupakan kebenaran hakiki atau konvensional). 5. VIRIYA (ENERGI DAN SEMANGAT BERJUANG UTK BISA SECEPATNYA BISA TERLEPAS DARI BORGOL SAMSARA MENUJU KESUCIAN ARYA SOTAPANNA,SAKADAGAMI,ANAGAMI,DAN ARAHAT). 6. KHANTI (Melatih kesabaran) 7. SACCA (Memahami hukum kebenaran hakiki) 8. ADITTHANA (TEKAD UTK TIDAK MUNDUR DAN PATAH SEMANGAT). 9. METTA (PANCARKAN CINTA KASIH KEPADA SEMUA MAKHLUK ,TANPA MEMBEDA-BEDAKAN KAWAN ATAU MUSUH,SEAGAMA ATAU BUKAN,SATU RAS ATAU BUKAN,SAUDARA ATAU BUKAN DLL). 10. UPEKKHA (KESEIMBANGAN BATHIN AGAR TIDAK MUDAH GOYAH SADDHANYA,LATIHAN PARAMINYA,VIPASSANANY DLL).
Salesforce. Salesforce. Salesforce. Why not just put a bunch of "Salesforce" logos on these "enlightened monks" and show the world who is behind this whole event? Peter Schwartz.
They aren’t technically Enlightened. Most monks aren’t in the secular way westerners think they are. But that comes with an understanding of what Buddhism and monks are about. What they are and are not. Firstly, monks depend solely on donations to be at events they depend in donations just to eat. Secondly, Because the situation seems forced Bc it’s at a company event, doesn’t mean the monk’s intent is a forced or bad one. I hope you could be more open minded and see the benefit to you. That’s the point of this which can be a revolutionary and radical act to take what you need and take care of your inner peace while someone perhaps tried to exploit the monks and/or you.
Sometimes this world creates in us such deep skepticism we do not see that openness and good intentions can manifest in the most unlikely places and people. Both individuals and organizations can be transformed by a spark catching fire.
Every group has people who don’t act as they teach. To assume all Buddhist are that way is making an assumption that monks and Buddhists are not human. They are. And very capable of making mistakes, being exploited, becoming exploitative and more. This issue here is your perception of them is ignorant. The whole topic here is about open mindedness and compassion. Which I think you missed due to you personal bias and perceptions. Perceptions that are illinformed. So, perhaps, it is best to read more, understand your resistance to compassion and limitations due to perceptions before discrediting all monks and Buddhism as a whole. Monks, you, and I all have a moral code about compassion. The hypocrisy of those monks is really not different from the hypocrisy we have every single day as well with our moral codes on compassion or human decency. Nothing makes a monks hypocrisy’s more worse or less than our own when it’s part of a universal standard.
Tôi là một người Việt Nam và tôi rất tự hào vì Việt Nam có sư ông Thích Nhất Hạnh và những tăng thân Làng Mai!!!
Người Việt Nam thiếu phước ... Buồn .
@@nhungdaothituyet9288 : sự thật quá thiếu phước, cũng may mắn là 10 năm trước mình vẫn còn giữ cuốn Đường Xưa Mây Trắng, và thực hành theo con đường Chánh Niệm, dù đời sống còn thiếu nhiều nhưng nó chẳng là vấn đề gì cả, Bát Chánh Đạo sẽ giải quyết được hết, quá tuyệt vời.
So beloved are you…🙏☯️🙏
As I listen to these wonderful human beings , i think of all the billions and billions of stars in the Universe , and here we are , we are so priviledged to be part of this magnificient Universe.
Sublime! We're witnessing minds TRAINED in sustaining awareness and concentration 24 hours a day. They generate DEEP, FOCUSED COMPASSION here for all beings who are suffering by invoking the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara. There is an entirely different way of being, living, and relating to the world they are demonstrating. These blissful, mindful, compassionate faces represent the very BEST of human potential, as well as the path to alleviating suffering. I'm GRATEFUL for this and for being blessed with the teachings/dharma of Buddha Shakyamuni and Thich Nhat Hanh. They are a TREASURE to be passed on in perpetuity.
Wonderful words 🙏🌻
❤ yes, wonderful words , beautiful people.rafiating peace and compassion.
I have had such a difficult time in my life an w your teaching on love an compassion I am beginning to understand.
How beautiful the song. What a powerful talk. How great their compassion. Someone mentioned the drum is not made of animal skin, but a synthetic material. Everything they touch, is touched with immense love. An example to all of us
Sister Chang Kong radates inner beauty and peace
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Sisters and Brodhers for this beautiful chant. I love it. Lots of hugs. Evangelina Cortes.
What do you mean by Brodhers?
WrYeah rwrwtyou rwrand wrwtw R
R w
R w
I see peace and happiness in your eyes. I am crying in happiness
It's taken me 5 yrs to see this beautiful clip. I am living it daily, to aspire to help myself and all sentients, deeper and deeper since I was born into this precious life many years ago. I am blessed, humbled and grateful 🙏 thanks to Thay, the Community and the Cosmos ❤
I love this group of travel singers that spread love and healing. Thanks. Love from Mexico
Hi 🙋🏽♂️ just
@@wholianna 0.o
Thank you so much for sharing this. It moves me very much. I found myself in peace when hearing this chanting. Thank you all of the Monks and Nuns from Plum Village- students of Zen Master THICH NHAT HANH.
Love this. All of it. How you teach us how to be in our suffering and how open you always are about yourselves. That really helps.
When I see how you all move and speak, I at first think this is so unattainable for me. But when you speak I know it’s possible for everyone. We all suffer and thank you for sharing so honestly and intelligently and beautifully.
. N0 mu
That's a display of walking meditation. No one walks like that 24/7.
you are my special friends and I love you all very much!!
Thank you so much for sharing this video. I hope that some people will take their time to listen carefully to the chanting and the talks, so that compassion really can penetrate into our hearts.
f . . hv8
Jan-Michael Ehrhardt h
Jan-Michael Ehrh
Jan-Michael Ehrhardt
Can't have compassionate heart without having *Empathy* in daily interaction with others.
May the Supreme Love that guides our hearts on this ocean of pure selfless love enrich your ministry for us.
I don’t understand why they walked in so quietly,in silence, seemed somewhat unusual. But, it nice to see them reaching out in friendship to a community that welcomes them to share their lives and gifts together. It’s all good...all love.
There are no reasons to run...to go where...?🙏
Monks and Nuns, who practice Buddism and meditation, constantly monitor their breathing even when they don't meditate. They stay quiet, calm. Their minds also pay attention to every single action so that they can sustain their mindfulness energy. An example is when you do walking meditation, your mind focuses on every movement such as "lift" (lift your foot up), "push" (move your foot forward), "step" (step on the floor or ground), and feel the feeling of your foot touching the ground.. then repeat. A lot of times we rush through things and we ignore the little details that are happening, and lots of time there are signs of anxiety or depression. Meditation trains our minds to slow down, start paying attention to the surroundings, and finally whenever needed, be able to retreat back and find refuge in our minds, instead of entertainment and technology, which only provides quick and temporary relief.
1 of the practices call : Noble Silence
Walk meditations
I hope corporate like Salesforce could offer a "Compassion as a Mandatory Service" one day ...
Thank you... May God have mercy and help us all.
confidence, serenity, clarity, sensible, freedom mind, i living permanently on the level of serenity/composure
One Day At A Time, One Breath at a time, in this moment, in this moment, just now, now, knowing connection to all life, now, I Can Breath only light and love.
Makes me wanna cry this is priceless I love everything in this clip and if I can click a thousand like I will it is awesome I wish everyone is enlightened after listening to this because I think I am! Thank you so much Salesforce and Heartforce!
Emu d oo
Pe p
@@matthewvansmoorenburg7267 ít oonu jml là nàmmnmmnnnnn quá ái áp. Q đã qaqwwwqqa,,Z,â áya Ấde
Về xccv có vvvvzz VN I
So Important, thank you so much, may God Bless You...
What a great teaching this is. I have been reading ‘Learning True Love, the autobiography of Sister Chân Không’, who also gave a talk in this video, tells one of her story losing her friends and teaching us what compassions is. The book contains much more than one short story of her life she tells in this talk. I strongly recommend everyone to read the book if you are interested in what true Buddhism is all about. I also learned a great deal of suffering caused in the country, Vietnam. It was eye-opening for me since I knew nothing about the country before my recent visit. I appreciated more about the history, culture of Vietnam.
I am not sure if I can ever have that in-depth compassion to those who harm me as “They don’t know what they are doing is wrong.” I have been studying Buddhism in Korea for the last four years such as Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra and many more, but ‘knowledge’ is totally separated from ‘practice’. In that sense, Dear Honorable Teacher, Thích Nhất Hạnh, is truly a remarkable person in my life.
Thank you so much, Heart Force!
Brother, if i may comment on your statement "This is not Buddhism." All the teachings that comprise the many Buddhist traditions influenced by cultural traditions come from Buddha. They are simply categorized under Buddhism. Religion is a general category embracing virtuous conduct and practices integrated at Plum Village without a God concept. His Holiness Dalai Lama says, "Kindness is my religion."
Breathe and Smile
This is it, this is a wonderful moment 😌🙏🏻
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I’m uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i I have uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tied kjui
@@thmegapotts4309 o ya
i 0
Everything that sister said is correct, i have it in every cell of my being from a brother of love and compassion cross body membership is real. We have spread since the killing. This is going spread like a chant. Namaste my brothers and sisters. I feel everyone of you like outstretched arms to fall into.
I crying and loving,.. I open a new door of my life, I vow to live truthfully and mindfully, NOW IS THE TIME, BREATHE AND SMILE
Smile ^^_
/watch?v=wGd5CQ3ycGo&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLvbVIPF0egwQunEut3oOkhA ;)
@@feelingyes 1
@@Nonspecies a week y
@@feelingyes u
Priceless lesson. Thank you.
I wish everyone in the world would watch this video it would bring much peace and change in the world. This video moves me so strongly. I cry every time I hear the song, I'm learning to give compassion to myself and other and really appreciate all the teaching of the plum village tradition. ♥️🙏
Wonderful Sister Chân Không!! ♥️♥️♥️
WOW this is beautiful xxxxxxx thank you so much from New Zealand xxxxxxx
I love this.
Happiness presents in every moment
Mm m
L LLP ppl p
I will continue working for you to build a world of more compassion an love.
Very peaceful.
now stop , you are making me cry. I love all of you monkd so much!
I cry for your friends who were killed. I hope they know they died doing the most honorable thing a human could possibly do. I hope that one day I will half even half their strength and compassion. Thank you so much. And I hope their killers have found peace and love.
Excellent video, very comprehensive, many messages and ways of releasing tension, we have to keep the good work!
Thank you. 🏴
I love forever
Far better than other videos out there. I am glad that CEO of SalesForce is introducing this to his people . If leaders like him take this initiative, world be a far more better place
So great to see this video
I love this
Very much enjoying these events. Will there be any future gatherings at San Francisco? Thank you
Beautiful and so healing ! Much needed in these times of fear, sadness, anger, desperation, Thank you! ❤🌟
Thank you to those that allowed us to hear.
Thank you so much
FYI, their pronunciation of Avalokiteshvara is non-standard. It may be an alternate pronunciation or altered for artistic/musical reasons. Altering or adding syllables is done in some languages when singing.
their eyes are so bright
Gratitoude famelie namaste 🙏😇✨
I can tell you to Milian times I am so happy to see this, thanks
This is awesome 💛💖😊💛💖😊💛💖😊🙏💖😊🙏💖😊🙏💖😊
Oh fabulous... I love this
Dommage !!! Pas de sous titrage en Français mais MERCI
Nam Mô Đức Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật
BBQ is going
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
Como se traduce al español
Nam mô Phật Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni
wow. beautiful
i was wondering if any can share the significance of this chat. I would love to know. thanks
Your question indicates that you are not aware of the significance of this video's content. In other words, you need self-transformation from ego to true self. This video is giving you a lot of hints.
I recommend you to be open to it and see what happens to your heart and mind. You may find some significance or not...
The name of the chant is Namo Avalokiteshavara...a song to the boshisattva of compassion
thank you so much Richard. That's what I was looking for. I used to chant nam- myho -renge -kyo ( lotus sutra) for quite some time and so completely understand the transformation from ego to true self.
yeah go ahead and join him as a fucking idiot. u fucking idiot.
muito obrigado pela linda musica
Salesforce bought Thay?
NAM Mô Bụt Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni,
Tammy Nguyen _
Hello! Who knows her Name? 🙏🙏🙏
I. Love. Thid. Sadhu. Sadhu. Sadhu
Pur Love
Could anyone help with the name of the chant /song ?
Avalokiteshvara - ruclips.net/video/VkeeiEyNPMo/видео.html
U guys should create a discord as not many people can reach you guys
Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật
Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật
Nam Mô Đại Từ Đại Bi Quan Thế Âm Bồ Tát
Traduire en français svp Merci.
내가 가진것은 두손에 가득 담은 그대를 향한 합장의 기도뿐. 보라, 내동댕이쳐진 욕심들은 가슴에 걸친 가사를 살며시 흔들다 가버린다.
This content presents a wide array of profound insights. A book I read with like-minded themes directed my intellectual and personal growth. "Kindness Unveiled: A Journey to a Happier Life" by why i live a happy life
♡ Mengenal Siapa Avarokitesvara ♡
Kisah Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara ada di Pitaka Sutram Saddhamma Pundarika bab 25...(Mio Fa lien hua Cing bahasa mandarinnya),Avatamsaka Sutram Pitaka (Wu Liang So Cing) dan Amitabha Sutram pitaka (Amitho Cing)..
Sedangkan kisah Avarokitesvara anak gadis ketiga (Yang bernama putri Miao San) dari raja yg melegenda itu hanyalah sebuah legenda kekayaan filosofis yg indah... Dan bagian dari kekayaan legenda rakyat Tiongkok yg sangat populer, bukan historis aslinya Avarokitesvara...
"Karena legenda ini mengandung filosofi kebajikan,maka tidak dipermasalahkan..."
* Dalam ajaran Buddha, Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara merupakan Bodhisatta tingkat tinggi...
Karena semua makhluk yg berwelas asih dan cinta kasihnya tinggi dapat dijuluki dengan sebutan Bodhisatta/Bodhisatva juga...
Sedangkan Avarokitesvara adl Bodhisatta tingkat tinggi,makanya dijuluki Dhyani Bodhisatta...
Dhyani Bodhisatta adl Bodhisatta yg memiliki ikral aspirasi yg sangat agung utk menolong makhluk Phutu Jhana (Makhluk yg masih di borgol oleh Samsara,yg blm lepas dari hukum lahir,tua,sakit dan mati...).
* Avarokitesvara dibahasa mandarinnya adl Kwan Se Yin Phusat yg artinya:
• Kwan artinya mengamati makhluk phutu jhana yg memiliki potensi karma parami pendukung yg masih bisa dibantu dan ditolong...
• Se artinya alam Dunia makhluk phutu jhana yg masih diborgol hukum samsara...
• Yin artinya mendengar suara kelah kesuh penderitaan makhluk phutu jhana...
• Phusat artinya Bodhisatta dlm bahasa buddhis Pali,yg artinya makhluk suci yg menempuh kalir jalan jalur suci menuju kebuddhaan dgn mempraktekan 30 parami selama 4 Asamkheyya ditambah 100 ribu kalpa (Seperti yg telah dipraktekan Buddha Sakyamuni) selama bertriyun triyun lamanya kalir yg ditempuh dari bumi yg satu hancur terbentuk hancur terbentuk hancur terbentuk lagi dan melewati masa Samma Sambuddha yg satu ke Samma Sambuddha berikutnya yg membulatkan aspirasinya utk menjadi makhluk suci Arya Samma Sambuddha (Manusia Buddha) agar bisa membantu membebaskan lebih bnyk makhluk lagi menuju kesucian pembebasan mutlak/akhir ,menuju perealisasian kesucian tertinggi Nibbana..
* Pada saat Avarokitesvara diperkenalkan ke Tiongkok dari India, wujud bodhisatta Avarokitesvara masih dlm bentuk wujud simbolis pria berpakaian ala pangeran kerajaan India zaman dulu dan simbolis wujud rupaka Avarokitesvara dlm bentuk wujud pangeran India masih dipertahankan diwilayah wilayah penganut buddhis tradisi Vajrayana yg merupakan bagian dari tradisi buddhis Mahayana juga...
Pada masa dinasti Song berkuasa di Tiongkok, para wanita ditiongkok klu ingin berkeluh kesah hanya kpd makhluk suci wanita maka dari situ agar wanita buddhis Tiongkok bisa berkeluh kesah maka wujud simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara diubah menjadi wanita cantik, anggun,rupawan keibu ibuan dgn berbalur pakaian adath Hanfu etnis Han dgn berkerudung ala India utk menghormati asal Avarokitesvara dikenal...
♡ Pada saat ajaran Buddha sudah berkembang pesat di Jepang,sang ratu buddhis Jepang mengutus seorg bikkhu Jepang utk mengambil satu simbolis rupaka Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara dari Tiongkok utk dibawak ke Jepang,agar rakyat Jepang juga punya kesempatan agung utk memiliki dan menghormati Avarokitesvara Bodhisatta juga...
Dikatakan simbolis ini tidak mau ikut menyebrang dibawak ke Jepang hingga diperairan phu tuo San kapal pun terhempas hempas dan simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara pun ikut terhempas kelaut phu tuo san dan secara gaib simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara naik keatas air alias tidak tenggelam dilaut selatan diwilayah dekat pulau phu tuo San.....
Sehingga dijuluki Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara laut biru selatan dan pulau phu tuo san dijadikan salah satu tempat ziarah suci agama Buddha...
Inilah sejarah julukan laut biru selatan utk Avarokitesvara...
♡ Aspirasi agung dari Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara (Kwan Se Yin Phusat) adl:
" Jika saya tidak bisa menolong makhluk phutu jhana yg memiliki potensi karma parami pendukung utk bisa ditolong dan mendengar kelah kesuh penderitaan mereka, maka saya belum mau memasuki Parinibbana sebagai arya suci seorg Buddha"...
♡ Di Pitaka Sutram Amitabha dikatakan bahwa Dhyani Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara berada disisi kanan Dhyani Buddha Amitabha dan disebelah kiri Dhyani Buddha Amitabha adl Dhyani Bodhisatta Mahastamaprapta (Ta Se ce phusat)...
Ditanah suci Sukhawati (Si fang cilek Seciek) disebelah barat dalam istilah bahasa para Dhyani Buddha utk mengistilahkan tanah suci para Dhyani Buddha dari 10 penjuru tanah suci para Dyhani Buddha...
• Ditanah suci Sukhawati (Si Fang Cilek Seciek) Bodhisatta AVarokitesvara ikut menjadi guru membimbing para makhluk phutu jhana yg terlahir ditanah suci Sukhawati agar tidak jatuh lagi menjadi makhluk Phutu jhana (Niraya/Neraka,Hewan/Binatang,Peta/roh gentayangan dan Ashura/jin/makhluk yg memiliki kekuatan seperti dewa dewi di 6 jenis Surga nafsu indriya...).
• 26/28 jenis Surga ini makhluknya masih tergolong kedlm makhluk Phutu jhana yg masih diborgol oleh Samsara lahir dan mati lagi...
Krn selagi mereka blm menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan Arahat...
• Makhluk suci Arya tidak akan lagi terlahir dialam rendah (alam Apaya= Niraya,hewan,peta dan Ashura).
• Arahat adalah makhluk suci Arya yg sudah merealisasi pembebasan mutlak tingkat kesucian tertinggi Nibbana ..
♡ Nibbana artinya penyebab kelahiran dan kematiannya telah padam total dan sudah terlepas dari ikatan borgol Samsara...
• Ada kelahiran pasti ada kematian...
Sedangkan Nibbana adalah padam dari kelahiran dan kematian...
• Nibbana bisa dicapai dan direalisasi selagi masih hidup...
Sedangkan Surga bisa dicapai setelah kematian...
• Nibbana bukanlah suatu ketiadaan maupun tanpa ketiadaan...
• Nibbana juga bukan suatu kekosongan maupun ketidak kekosongan...
• Nibbana bukan juga kehampaan ...
• Nibbana adalah Anatta (Tanpa inti,tanpa aku,tanpa jiwa,roh,wujud atau tanpa sesuatu yg solid).
• Nibbana telah membebaskan diri dari keakuan dan kemelekatan akan ini milikku dan ini milikmu...
• Nibbana telah menghancurkan 1500 jenis killesa (kekotoran bathin) sampai keakar akarnya tanpa sisa secuilpun...
• Tiada lagi kelahiran ulang bagi mereka yg telah merealisasikannya (Nibbana)...
• Nibbana bukanlah diatas,dibawah,ditengah,disamping,dibarat ,maupun ditimur dan juga bukanlah sebaleknya..
• Nibbana itu tidak ada yg menciptakannya alias tidak tercipta juga tidak tidak terbentuk apalagi berubah-ubah..
• Selengkapnya pemahaman Nibbana hanya bisa dipahami jika kita sudah memahami Sutram Pitaka,Vinaya Pitaka dan Abhidhamma Pitaka secara jelas, baik dan benar...
• Dan pastinya Nibbana hanya mereka yg sudah mencapai dan merealisasikannya baru bisa mengetahui secara pasti Nibbana itu seperti apa...
♡ Orang yg sudah memahami ajaran Buddha yg berpedoman pada kitab suci Tri pitaka secara baik dan benar ...
Tidak akan menanyakan lagi apa anda atau saya Theravada,Mahayana atau Vajrayana lagi...
Mereka yg masih sangat buta akan ajaran Buddhalah yg masih mengotak-ngotak dirinya dalam saya atau anda Theravada,Mahayana,Vajrayana ...♡
☆ Ada 4 jenis manusia:
1. Jenis manusia Uggakitanyo
• Jenis manusia yg sudah menempuh kalir paraminya selama berkalpa-kalpa lamanya dimasa kehidupan para Samma Sambuddha masa lampau dan dikehidupan Samma Sambuddha Sakyamuni (Gotama) sekarang yg hanya sedikit mendapatkan ajaran Buddha sudah bisa membuat ia tercerahkan alias menjadi seorang Arya suci Arahatta alias menembus kesucian Nibbana.
Dan paling tidak menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami dan Anagami...
Jenis ini sudah punah.
2. Jenis manusia Wipankitanyo
• Jenis manusia yg membutuhkan lebih detail mendapatkan ajaran Buddha baru parami pendukungnya bisa membuat ia merealisasi kesucian Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta..
Dan paling tidak sebagai makhluk suci Sotapanna,Sakadagami dan Anagami...
Jenis ini sudah punah juga.
3. Jenis manusia Neak Puggala.
• Jenis manusia yg harus berlatih sangat keras baru bisa menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan menembus perealisasian kesucian Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta...
( Syaratnya Saddha tidak membuta,10 Parami sering dipraktekan,Vipassana jgn bolong-bolong,sering ikut pariati).
4. Jenis manusia Padakhparama
• Jenis manusia yg berlatih sekeras apapun belum mampu menembus kesucian Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan merealisasi Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta...
Karena praktek 10 parami pendukungnya blm cukup...
Dan tentu praktek dikehidupan sekarang akan menjadi pendukung dikehidupan nanti atau di zaman Bodhisatta Maitreya turun dari Surga Tusita menjadi Samma Sambuddha (Manusia Buddha...)...
♡ 10 praktek Parami syarat pendukung pencapaian kearyaan menuju perealisasian kesucian tertinggi Nibbana:
4. PANNA DIBACA PANNYA (MELATIH KEARIFAN DAN KEBIJAKSANAAN,AGAR BISA MEMBEDAKAN MANA KEBENARAN HAKIKI/Konvensional Dan mana yg tidak pantas/tidak bermanfaat dan bukan merupakan kebenaran hakiki atau konvensional).
6. KHANTI (Melatih kesabaran)
7. SACCA (Memahami hukum kebenaran hakiki)
To me, trying to “sell” is against the Eightfold Path b
interesting show but somehow the format does not convey the the force of the performers and guests, ... looks kind of messy and weirdly shot ....
You must have watched a different video than I or were listening and viewing through mind's filter.
Walking meditation is as entro
We can
Today...the depression is because of far away from Islam.
Monk are time pass... Our God didn't create us just to pass life with itself.
That is not entirely what Monks or Buddhism is about. Just like Allah cannot be summed up in a small statement.
I just found that the best Vietnamese English speakers are Buddist monks and nuns😱😱😱
Salesforce. Salesforce. Salesforce.
Why not just put a bunch of "Salesforce" logos on these "enlightened monks" and show the world who is behind this whole event? Peter Schwartz.
They aren’t technically Enlightened. Most monks aren’t in the secular way westerners think they are. But that comes with an understanding of what Buddhism and monks are about. What they are and are not. Firstly, monks depend solely on donations to be at events they depend in donations just to eat. Secondly, Because the situation seems forced Bc it’s at a company event, doesn’t mean the monk’s intent is a forced or bad one. I hope you could be more open minded and see the benefit to you. That’s the point of this which can be a revolutionary and radical act to take what you need and take care of your inner peace while someone perhaps tried to exploit the monks and/or you.
Sometimes this world creates in us such deep skepticism we do not see that openness and good intentions can manifest in the most unlikely places and people. Both individuals and organizations can be transformed by a spark catching fire.
How about the Buddhists in Mayanmar. Snuffing out the Rahinga soooooo compassionist NOT
Every group has people who don’t act as they teach. To assume all Buddhist are that way is making an assumption that monks and Buddhists are not human. They are. And very capable of making mistakes, being exploited, becoming exploitative and more. This issue here is your perception of them is ignorant. The whole topic here is about open mindedness and compassion. Which I think you missed due to you personal bias and perceptions. Perceptions that are illinformed. So, perhaps, it is best to read more, understand your resistance to compassion and limitations due to perceptions before discrediting all monks and Buddhism as a whole. Monks, you, and I all have a moral code about compassion. The hypocrisy of those monks is really not different from the hypocrisy we have every single day as well with our moral codes on compassion or human decency. Nothing makes a monks hypocrisy’s more worse or less than our own when it’s part of a universal standard.
Thank you so much🙏🙏