Looks so tasty! I accidentally took a button buck too! Providential mistake! Reverse searing is when you bake it or roast it to approximately 10-15 degrees below done and then finish it by searing on a piping hot cast iron or grill
Looks good only tip slice at an angle and it will be surprisingly more tender. Not straight up and down especially on a big buck. Great video. And leaving the silver skin on helps a backstrap keep moisture if wrapped in freezer paper. Vacuum sealed don’t make much difference.
Backstrap makes a great pastrami. You put a dry rub on it for about a week and then smoke it to medium rare. So good and tender! Makes great sandwiches.
Looks good! You are right, over cooking venison is a huge mistake for flavor and tenderness. Here is a recipe we love. Sprinkle soy sauce on back strap. Cut 3/4 way through thickness so you can open it up and put jalapeno slices all the way down. Close it, sprinkle both sides with Cajun shake. Then wrap in bacon and tooth pick it. Cook on grill till bacon is done. It is delicious. You can cut into a side a little to check for doneness but after doing it a few times you can tell when it's ready.
You should try the fish fillet method for getting the silver skin off. I use a good sharp flexible fillet knife. Theres less waste and it's comes out as a cleaner presentation. I use that same victorinox you spoke of for everything else. From skinning all the way through the entire butchering process. Except for removing that backstrap silver skin. But also i know you are prly doing it the way you like and that's all good too! I grew up during the Bacon on all wild game generation lol. Now I have been doing it exactly how you are doing it in this video. For the past 12-15 yrs or so. But actually this week I was feeling nostalgic and skewered up some bacon wrapped backstrap bites over the camp fire with my kids. I figured the bacon would give me a little bit of forgiveness cooking/camping in the desert but I'm definitely going to add it back into the rotation.
Hey, Huck. The best way to do a backstrap is on the grill in my opinion. I havent done the reverse sear. I just put it on with eat cranking. Usually 7 to 10 minutes a side. Until 130. My wife likes Montreal steak seasoning. I used to stuff them with cream cheese, sausage, peppers, and mushrooms and wrap with bacon. But killed out the flavor. I hear them ribeye of the sky ( sandhill crane) in the background. Man i wish we could hunt them here.
Jalapeño garlic compound butter is a must try
Looks so tasty! I accidentally took a button buck too! Providential mistake! Reverse searing is when you bake it or roast it to approximately 10-15 degrees below done and then finish it by searing on a piping hot cast iron or grill
That look on your face with the first bite is me every time I eat Backstrap,definitely gunna try this but I need a grill like that lol
How do you cook your inner loins?
Looks good only tip slice at an angle and it will be surprisingly more tender. Not straight up and down especially on a big buck. Great video. And leaving the silver skin on helps a backstrap keep moisture if wrapped in freezer paper. Vacuum sealed don’t make much difference.
Looks amazing! Think I'll try this next time I'm cooking backstraps (after watching this video, will probably be soon). Thanks for the tutorial!
Looks so good I can taste it here in Ohio!
Looking good😋😋😋
Hear the Sandhill Cranes in the background.
they are everywhere this time of year around here
Josh, do you ever hunt for them. I heard they are called "ribeye in the sky". thanks. Mike
I think silver skin is nice to freeze on. Seems like it can protect the meat a little better.
I've heard that too
Backstrap makes a great pastrami. You put a dry rub on it for about a week and then smoke it to medium rare. So good and tender! Makes great sandwiches.
Looks good! You are right, over cooking venison is a huge mistake for flavor and tenderness. Here is a recipe we love.
Sprinkle soy sauce on back strap. Cut 3/4 way through thickness so you can open it up and put jalapeno slices all the way down. Close it, sprinkle both sides with Cajun shake. Then wrap in bacon and tooth pick it. Cook on grill till bacon is done. It is delicious. You can cut into a side a little to check for doneness but after doing it a few times you can tell when it's ready.
I do a similar recipe but how do you keep the bacon grease from catching fire in the grill has always been my issue
My grill has flame guards but I still get a flare up on occasion. I also cook on lower heat not on high.
You should try the fish fillet method for getting the silver skin off. I use a good sharp flexible fillet knife. Theres less waste and it's comes out as a cleaner presentation. I use that same victorinox you spoke of for everything else. From skinning all the way through the entire butchering process. Except for removing that backstrap silver skin. But also i know you are prly doing it the way you like and that's all good too!
I grew up during the Bacon on all wild game generation lol. Now I have been doing it exactly how you are doing it in this video. For the past 12-15 yrs or so. But actually this week I was feeling nostalgic and skewered up some bacon wrapped backstrap bites over the camp fire with my kids. I figured the bacon would give me a little bit of forgiveness cooking/camping in the desert but I'm definitely going to add it back into the rotation.
Hey, Huck.
The best way to do a backstrap is on the grill in my opinion. I havent done the reverse sear. I just put it on with eat cranking. Usually 7 to 10 minutes a side. Until 130. My wife likes Montreal steak seasoning.
I used to stuff them with cream cheese, sausage, peppers, and mushrooms and wrap with bacon. But killed out the flavor.
I hear them ribeye of the sky ( sandhill crane) in the background. Man i wish we could hunt them here.