  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024

Комментарии • 184

  • @patriciadowning4036
    @patriciadowning4036 4 года назад +13

    I had a male dog for thirteen years. He was a great dog, playful, smart, loving..and we never neutered him. I think people do it to prevent the dog from jumping up on someone leg. It's natural. Also, they sometimes spray their urine. Mine didn't. And he was the perfect dog, good with kids. I loved him.

    • @colin4839
      @colin4839 4 года назад +2

      Dogs with theur balls cut off still jump stuff or ppl. Its mostly preventive against deceases.

  • @brandonhinrichs8657
    @brandonhinrichs8657 5 лет назад +74

    How many kids do you have to have before it just becomes hoarding? 6 dogs and you're a crazy animal hoarder but 20 kids is perfectly cool😂

    • @given0077
      @given0077 5 лет назад +1

      That's that's 6 households with maximum tax refunds 😂

    • @booklover4330
      @booklover4330 3 года назад

      Yup, if 6 dogs is too much, then 6 kids are too much.

  • @lonewolf2591
    @lonewolf2591 4 года назад +6

    They can’t afford the ones they have but still have more kids. You were spot on g. Thanks for saying that

  • @jaytrace1006
    @jaytrace1006 4 года назад +1

    Not a thing wrong with saving yourself for someone special. I admire your fortitude. Good man...

  • @redskinsman10
    @redskinsman10 5 лет назад +8

    Bill Burr: Thanos was right

  • @gigantor62
    @gigantor62 5 лет назад +2

    Love your honesty dude. That's one of the reasons I subbed. Cheers!

  • @FtwNil
    @FtwNil 5 лет назад +35

    I'm just sayin, but the worst thing you can do is run when confronted by a dog. Assert your dominance without being aggressive, if that doesnt work, place your hand in between you and the dog with your palm down and a closed fist. This focuses their bite on the base of your hand (the palm). When the dog attacks open your hand and grab the bottom jaw with everything you have while you twist and pin the head to the ground.
    It sounds like the opposite of what you should do. But it goes against everything in a dog's nature.
    It may not work on a dog with abuse issues. But that is your best option. In that case, good luck, it's like dealing with a person that has nothing left to live for.
    (Edit) : I forgot to add, when you grab the bottom jaw you need to dig your fingers in between the bones in there jaw. Go ahead and try it on yourself. Lmfao

    • @metalovermatter4045
      @metalovermatter4045 5 лет назад

      i allways figured i would set one leg forward so he would lunge at that, then as he attacks throw the leg back so he misses en grab the back of his neck with both hands, now pin the skin to the ground and he's stuck

    • @FtwNil
      @FtwNil 5 лет назад +1

      Well in that situation, anything you can do to keep from getting bit period!! I've been bit before a few times. Your whole demeanor needs to be right in general. If a dog thinks your a punk he is gonna take advantage of that, but if he thinks your gonna fuck him up, he isn't gonna want to fuck with you.

    • @scbane
      @scbane 5 лет назад +3

      Or, you could man up, pull out your Glock, 1911, Cz or whatever, and shoot the damn dog.

    • @raycomp1430
      @raycomp1430 5 лет назад

      Ftw Nil A

    • @dylanmedley7728
      @dylanmedley7728 5 лет назад

      I once punched a wild pit in the nose he backed off crying. Dont shoot a dog man we arent chinese theyre scary but its actually not hard to back down or pin MOST dogs

  • @fridayville7017
    @fridayville7017 4 года назад

    My grandparents had 12 live children. As the daughter of the 9th child, I’m glad that my grandparents didn’t stop.

  • @chriswhite1584
    @chriswhite1584 5 лет назад +1

    The more kids You got... The more the government pays You..!! SCANDALOUS..!! 🤔🤭

  • @romanjohnston
    @romanjohnston 5 лет назад +5

    Zero judgement. Usually when you get a dog it is from a shelter, the initiative to do this is pretty close to unilateral. That said....I agree with Bill. Been a thing for the last 3-4 decades.

  • @Jacksnackify
    @Jacksnackify 5 лет назад +2

    My parents got their dog snipped to make him less aggressive. It just made him even more mad, and I don't blame him.

  • @1Akarikotsu
    @1Akarikotsu 5 лет назад +1

    Aww that’s awesome I didn’t even notice the golden girl poster till you mentioned them!!!!!

  • @Fidhife
    @Fidhife 4 года назад

    I’m a vet tech, dogs don’t HAVE to get fixed, but it’s strongly encouraged. The way I look at it is it takes a burden off of them. All the sex hormones created in the testes give the dog sexual urges, just like people, and if he is not allowed to mate every year, that frustration can come out in unwanted behaviours like destroying things, being aggressive etc. Neutering then solves that whole problem and they don’t have to think about sex anymore. It lowers their risk of cancer. It can change how other dogs act towards them. Even if you have a well behaved intact male, another male might see them as more of a threat, they will smell an intact male right away and may make your dog a target. All of this in addition to eliminating unexpected pregnancies when there is already thousands of dogs that need homes.

  • @zackking4742
    @zackking4742 3 года назад

    You asked "who dictates who the 30,000 people would be". My answer is Thanos.

  • @andrewprice6418
    @andrewprice6418 5 лет назад +1

    I had a 110lbs male blue pit, sure he was big and mean looking, but he was actually the most docile dog. The vet would constantly recommended I get him neutered, but I never did. Never once had any sort of incident with him, he only ever barked if he heard someone outside the door and didn't know who was there, he was always calm.

  • @rebeccaowens6842
    @rebeccaowens6842 3 года назад

    Man. I got out in the rain and tried rescuing a coyote. 😂
    After his pack came out the field I was out.

  • @hippiechic6772
    @hippiechic6772 4 года назад +1

    When I was 6yrs. we had three male dogs different ages ( none of them fixed ) and five male cats which the oldest male cat had been neutered but he had been abandoned neutered ( we had found him that way ) . Our dogs we had one was medium size and the other two were little …..I do not remember if any of them had ever grabbed a leg and went to town to me or anyone in our family but if that happened it must have happened to quick for that to stick in my memory or I was not around when it happened . I was 16yrs. when our last family dog had passed away :(
    As for our unneutered cats I do remember they all were "turned on" by the decoration pillows my mom would buy and eventually that turned into a strong "fondness" for the pillows on our beds …..which Did lead to them all getting neutered .

  • @marsupialsr
    @marsupialsr 5 лет назад +2

    keep it up billy, almost did all the bill burr!
    ''louis ck - Being Broke''

  • @niogel
    @niogel 5 лет назад

    Alright, Paul is still fucking. Starting tomarra... LMAO! Love Bill Burr!

  • @chriswhite1584
    @chriswhite1584 5 лет назад +1

    There is no dictatorships... So that's why everyone can go..!! 💯

  • @doylesinclair4499
    @doylesinclair4499 5 лет назад +5

    Loose Rottweilers in packs - - also known as Ghetto Elk

  • @jesseduke694
    @jesseduke694 3 года назад

    Hahaha! No child left behind! Hahaha!

  • @Hercules1-v9m
    @Hercules1-v9m 4 года назад

    I have a female dog that has destroyed two couches. Fixing a male dog to "prevent it from destroying furniture" is bs.

  • @rsb6677
    @rsb6677 5 лет назад

    Lol.... yup! to many people in the world!

  • @drillman9799
    @drillman9799 5 лет назад

    Regarding deer population that is factual. In my state they will sometimes make it mandatory to kill at least 2 does before you can kill a buck.

  • @umbles7007
    @umbles7007 5 лет назад +2

    The moment you talked about pulling out not working, I thought of the Joe Rogan joke "Pulling Out". That's another one you should check out!

    • @Avarioth
      @Avarioth 5 лет назад +1

      Well, women can become pregnant from pre-cum as well, so yeah unless one is also wearing a condom, pulling out isn't gonna make a world of difference. xP

  • @barbarian2624
    @barbarian2624 5 лет назад +4

    I gotta say, I'm not one for "fixing" a dog. I couldn't do it! Just to make it a more convenient pet. Why not take a leg off while you're there to stop them moving so fast. Teeth out so they can't bite... It sucks imo (well it does with no teeth!). Sorry that sounded so serious hahaha, I feel quite strongly though -pro dog balls here! Love dogs.
    Oh and that bit about the deer population and stuff... wouldn't be an issue if we didn't kill so many of the predatory carnivores. Fuck up the ecology -that's nature's economy. Sorry again, bit serious... um... dicks... farts! (omg dog farts! Even they look guilty!)

  • @chrisdarkly
    @chrisdarkly 5 лет назад

    And yes they do have deer hunting seasons where you can hunt deer. Usually you are limited to the number you can take, perhaps only one. And quite often only male deer are culled. Sometimes if the deer population is really out of control, female deer are allowed as well. The reason is that deer in the roads cause accidents. Also when the population gets too large they will eat all the available food and the herd will starve. So culling is seen as more humane. Since we have removed their natural predators from the environment, we have to take over as predators to keep the population in check.

  • @e1evenchar1ie69
    @e1evenchar1ie69 5 лет назад

    You know what's worse than doesn't pull up enough to trigger the traffic light guy, A-hole that stares at his phone while its red, doesn't notice when it turns green, and when you politely honk to get their attention and they have the nerve to look at you like you're being inconsiderate!

  • @andreamartinez6929
    @andreamartinez6929 3 года назад

    Lmao One n Done

  • @vicariouschism86
    @vicariouschism86 5 лет назад

    I absolutely love your reactions.
    Also loving that Tupac poster behind you.

    • @BillyYouSoCrazy
      @BillyYouSoCrazy  5 лет назад

      Truly an honor thank you so much! Really glad you enjoy them 😊

  • @zoroaster3053
    @zoroaster3053 5 лет назад

    In some parts of Africa you can get hunting tags for human poachers...

  • @thelonelystoner3366
    @thelonelystoner3366 4 года назад

    Not sure if youll see this, but maintaining the population of animals is important, and yes, there is a notice that goes out when a certain species becomes over populated. It's basically the reason there aren't thousands of bears roaming the streets killing everyone.

  • @jeffreyglenellen1188
    @jeffreyglenellen1188 5 лет назад

    Comedy gold right there🏅

  • @darlakay78
    @darlakay78 5 лет назад

    Goldin girls are the jam

  • @4793bigdaddy
    @4793bigdaddy 5 лет назад

    Deer tags are issued to hunters in many states based on the deer population. More deer=More hunting.

  • @Schnorgldorf
    @Schnorgldorf 5 лет назад +9

    Dude, I had a male Great Dane. Had balls his whole life. Great Dane balls! that is a whole other level of dog balls. I knew the proper thing to do is get him fixed and get rid of those balls. Couldn't do it and never did. After a little while you just accept those balls and you get used to it.
    If you do get a dog, and I highly recommend it, if it is a male it's up to you as a dog owner to make that decision. Dog balls can do a lot of damage around the neighborhood. But if you're a good dog owner it is very easy to keep that in control. But they are balls. And you're going to see them all the time.

    • @ThatHowBaconIsMade
      @ThatHowBaconIsMade 5 лет назад +3

      lmfao.. that shit is gold

    • @Avarioth
      @Avarioth 5 лет назад +3

      The word "balls" appeared 6 times in that comment, lol. Also, I never understood why flat-out REMOVING the balls is necessary. They don't do that with humans, they just "cut the connection" so to speak, so that part has nothing to do with keeping them from procreating. It's probably to prevent them from developing much testosterone.

    • @Schnorgldorf
      @Schnorgldorf 5 лет назад

      I definitely said balls way more times than I ever did before Alex, in just a few sentences. The Great Dane I spoke of had a beautiful life to 10 years old which is good for a great Dane. Balls never caused a problem. OK I said that one more time.

  • @karlkuttup
    @karlkuttup 5 лет назад

    1 family 1 kid and adopt 1

  • @thurgoodjenkins7269
    @thurgoodjenkins7269 5 лет назад +2

    No it's not law, but if adopt from a shelter they automatically fix them now

  • @TheDarkEmporer
    @TheDarkEmporer 5 лет назад

    Yeah with deer you have a cap per hunter that they can kill in a hunting season in most areas but that cap can fluctuate from year to year based on the estimated population.

  • @chrisdarkly
    @chrisdarkly 5 лет назад

    You aren't usually required to neuter your dog by law. And you can actually have a vet perform a vasectomy instead although I think that is more expensive. The reason you might want to do the latter is because removing the testes will change hormone levels. Usually that's a good thing but in some cases perhaps not. I think some municipalities may have laws requiring spaying and neutering but not 100 percent sure about that.

  • @maxpeck7382
    @maxpeck7382 5 лет назад

    When there is an over population of a wild animal like deer in a territory the state government ups the amount of allowed deer you are allowed to hunt. There is no silly "go shoot a deer in the face" expectation put out there. The state just ups the amount of allowed of deer you are allowed to personally bag as an individual hunter with a hunting license. So the state has those who are a part of the hunting community act as a asset to the states environmental wellfare by letting them take more deer in a season then normally allowed. It is an important thing, because overpopulation of plant eater wild animals can lead to whole tracts of land being picked bear of plant life.

  • @FoilHatMusic
    @FoilHatMusic 5 лет назад

    You probably already got answers to your question but NO you do NOT need to neuter your dog if you don't want to. I have two german shepherds, one male one female and they've both had all their body parts intact their whole lives. And also, the male has never humped a human leg in his life, nor shown any signs of (unprovoked) aggression, and I can add to that he's a military grade german shepherd that I actually raised for the army (was supposed to go into active duty but he got to stay with me due to some unfortunate joint problems) so if he can manage keeping his cool with his balls intact, I'm sure your average lab or golden retriever can manage too.
    And yeah when you got two it does take a little more work to keep them separated when the female is in heat but even that is perfectly doable with a tiny amount of effort, and mating with other dogs shouldn't be an issue because you shouldn't let them run around the neighborhood by themselves anyway. In my opinion casually cutting the balls off a dog like how it's so often done today is really only a result of human laziness, people resort to surgery so they don't have to put in the work required to keep a dog in a responsible way and avoid it breeding where it's not supposed to. I think you seem like you'd make a great dog owner tho :)

  • @ralf4k
    @ralf4k 4 года назад

    Bill Burr - Final Solution

  • @brettmurphymurphy8073
    @brettmurphymurphy8073 5 лет назад

    I’ve got a dog he’s got balls and he’s doing great

  • @dellxthe3rd
    @dellxthe3rd 5 лет назад

    Cuz more kids means higher tax break, then they get to pay taxes when they get older

  • @AdurianJ
    @AdurianJ 4 года назад

    No you don't shoot Deer in the face.
    You shoot it in the heart lung region.

  • @stevecarter2539
    @stevecarter2539 5 лет назад

    Most people fix their dogs because they get charged more for dog license if they are not fixed

  • @Hucfinn-zz8dl
    @Hucfinn-zz8dl 5 лет назад

    As to running when you see a loose dog, NO !!! Animals don't respond to size. They respond to the attaude of the other animal ! This is why a house cat can run a wild bear up a tree and make that animal her bitch !!! So to speak !!

  • @TheHeavyMetalGamer91
    @TheHeavyMetalGamer91 5 лет назад +1

    With the Tool song and Five Finger Death Punch song. You've taken the first steps into metal...
    Here are some more suggestions!
    Master of Puppets by Metallica
    The Stage by Avenged Sevenfold
    Du Hast by Rammstein
    Paranoid by Black Sabbath
    Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne
    Powerslave by Iron Maiden
    And so many more!

  • @chaoticoldbore
    @chaoticoldbore 5 лет назад

    Bill Burr is brilliant.
    So are these guys in a different way - Ne Obliviscaris.видео.html
    They are an Australian progressive metal band. This particular song is now part of music studies at Sydney Conservatorium of Music. It is an 11 minute journey.

  • @510tuber
    @510tuber 5 лет назад

    Ari Shaffir has a bit about how pulling out is 100% effective lol

  • @breed187
    @breed187 5 лет назад

    Hey Billy you so crazy just subscribed. Really enjoy your comedy reactions. In regards to population control through history it has usually been predators that have taken the brunt of it. For example, wolves which almost went completely extinct in this country, because farmers were protecting their livestock. Humans controlling populations for their own gain is horrible in my opinion. But if you want to get a good idea of why we consider it a good idea read about wild hogs down in east Texas and Louisiana. Another thing I find interesting is when species are introduced into habits that they are not supposed to be in. Look up some info on the Japanese wasp or the pythons that got lose down in Florida. That stuff is crazy. What a world we live in.

  • @DBrokeMillenial
    @DBrokeMillenial 5 лет назад

    Some people do it to make the dog less aggressive or some bullshit

  • @chrisschriss763
    @chrisschriss763 5 лет назад +1

    Billy..great reaction👍..if you wanna learn more about dogs check out Bill Burr Owning a dog😉

  • @phillipsabo5094
    @phillipsabo5094 4 года назад

    Amen on repopulating something needs to be done some people shouldn't have 1 and there the 9 kid families

  • @bloodlinegaming9962
    @bloodlinegaming9962 5 лет назад

    a lot of apartments/land lords make it a requirement to get your animals neutered. it sucked because in order for my mom to keep her yorkie who was an emotional support animal she had to get it spayed. we didnt want to do it but at the same time we couldnt afford not to.

  • @InstrucTube
    @InstrucTube 5 лет назад

    For what it's worth, he's not saying kill people, so those 30000 would just be whoever is left standing.

  • @bufferzone3247
    @bufferzone3247 5 лет назад

    Cut dog balls? Do people have to get face lifts? Do fat people have to eat McDonalds?

  • @HM-id5fr
    @HM-id5fr 5 лет назад

    You don't have to get your dog fixed, but if you don't you better not bring him to a dog park. The other dog owners would be pissed if your dog ran around knocking up other dogs who may or may not be fixed. Also they can be more aggressive.

  • @arronbrenner1195
    @arronbrenner1195 5 лет назад


  • @Scotch_N_Drums
    @Scotch_N_Drums 5 лет назад

    You’re right, brother. There is a lot of...

  • @andreamartinez6929
    @andreamartinez6929 4 года назад

    It's not something you have to do, but most have it done, because later on in the dog's life the dog can end up.with testicle cancer.

  • @buddymoore6504
    @buddymoore6504 5 лет назад

    don't worry Billy I'm white and I wouldn't make the cut either, lol

  • @tylersmith8709
    @tylersmith8709 5 лет назад +1

    React to Josh Wolf True Love stand up clip please. You will love it

  • @andrewssportsden9396
    @andrewssportsden9396 5 лет назад

    Deer dont hurt much theyre just painfully dumb. I swear they try to get hit by cars.

  • @murmeli8791
    @murmeli8791 5 лет назад +2

    Amorphis - The Bee pls 🤘😎🤘

  • @InstrucTube
    @InstrucTube 5 лет назад

    It's not just that some people have to stop having kids... it's that some people need to NOT have kids. Nothing racial or discriminatory about it, every race has at least a few people that just need to not breed. :P

  • @Srakch
    @Srakch 5 лет назад +1

    Tout Petit Moineau - Igorr

  • @adrienneallen2277
    @adrienneallen2277 5 лет назад

    Can you see if you can find the clip of Bill Burr talking about McDonalds?

  • @damienharper3422
    @damienharper3422 5 лет назад

    Virgin said “FACTS”

  • @artistbychoice2861
    @artistbychoice2861 5 лет назад

    In the state its common to fix the dogs.. i dont really know why.. here in sweden we dont fix them if they dont have an issue ( some Male dogs get really stressed and wont eat or sleep if a female dog in the neigbourhood is in heat)

  • @corytrevorson1411
    @corytrevorson1411 5 лет назад

    Do the Professor ankles and sauce.

  • @darlakay78
    @darlakay78 5 лет назад

    Robin Williams

  • @deathpenguin005
    @deathpenguin005 5 лет назад

    I think we know the answer 5 rich people and 29,995 servants

  • @dillanwalker4806
    @dillanwalker4806 5 лет назад

    In case nobody else commented, the deer thing, is not factual lmao, there's a really good amount of research and science behind how many tags are given out in specific areas to keep specific deer populations.

    • @BillyYouSoCrazy
      @BillyYouSoCrazy  5 лет назад +1

      I don’t think so? 😂 but ok thanks for putting me up on game

  • @anonco1907
    @anonco1907 5 лет назад

    You don't have to do anything, I never would just because I always imagined if it was me in his place. If you keep the dog under your control and fenced in when outside there won't be any problems. When outside mine is fenced and tied up. Edit: Yeah they do sometimes ask hunters to help with over population of animals.

  • @uncle_thulhu
    @uncle_thulhu 4 года назад

    Unless you are prepared to care for or rehouse any puppies that result, yes, you should have your dog spayed or neutered. Cats too. All that other stuff is true too. They will be less aggressive and erratic. Do NOT de-claw your cat though. F*cks 'em right up.

  • @metalovermatter4045
    @metalovermatter4045 5 лет назад

    that face after some people gotta stop making kids XD

  • @Liz-dragon-street.
    @Liz-dragon-street. 5 лет назад +1

    Can you please react on Token his freestyle at Sway? It came out 2 days ago.. He is rapping over 50 cent his beats xx🔥

  • @joeyeldabaa7963
    @joeyeldabaa7963 2 года назад

    Just in case no one said it no you don't have to cut your dog's nuts off it doesn't really do much once they're older anyways all it does is cut down aggression in the puppy stage you know for these white women that want their dog is in their purse all day. But it all started around with Bob Barker and the price is right at the end of every show he tell you to spayed and do it or your pets because a lot of the cities were having big dog and cat problems and it was costing more money to put them down than it was just to let them be out and about. I least. It makes sense since the dust bowl just happened and a lot of people probably let their dogs and animals go since they were starving to

  • @sharonburcham25
    @sharonburcham25 4 года назад

    From my experience if you adopt you have to have your dog or cat fixed where they can’t reproduce... Billy you need a dog!! My parents were born in the 30’s .... with huge families...their generation was great hard workers! But TODAY... it ain’t happening

  • @elizabethanderson5421
    @elizabethanderson5421 5 лет назад +1

    Would love to see your reaction to Josh Wolfe they lie

  • @CountryMetal01
    @CountryMetal01 2 года назад

    bill burr final solution

  • @gnmidnight6501
    @gnmidnight6501 5 лет назад

    Deer eat the shit out of farm crops if there's to many and to protect the eco systems it be complex

  • @97warlock
    @97warlock 5 лет назад

    Getting the dog snipped or cut or "fixed",as if hes stressful & painful to the dog, why do we do it? So WE dont have the responcobility should he impregnate another dog,basically. There are some that do it to keep dog population down. Im not for the surgery. ..and having a basiclaly like having a 3 year old that never grows up. Lots of responcibility to owning a dog. They will test your patience many many times, they will chew on things sometimes, they dont know to not eat certain things, its up to you to train them by working with them so they know to not do certain things & even then they still may screw up & do it, they are very curious animals so we have to basically dogproof the house, no onions,no chocolate, no pistatios etc etc if its where they can standup & reach it, they probably will..... Aside from it all....... They will show you loyalty like youve never seen.

  • @kaylamirandi5146
    @kaylamirandi5146 4 года назад

    Love your reactions! I'm just now coming across this video and not sure if you'll see this. Please please do your research on the dog breed you want. Also, there are pros and cons to neutering your dog. If you decide to adopt, your dog might be neutered before you go home with him. Anecdotal evidence is great and all, but my advice would be to talk to a veterinarian to get their opinion at the end of the day. One more thing. I love giant dog breeds (like Great Danes), but they are much more expensive than you average sized dog as far as medication, food, prevention etc. goes. That being said, most of them are lovable goofballs. Just my two cents!

  • @masoneverdeen9215
    @masoneverdeen9215 5 лет назад

    I have 2 male dogs and they both have their balls. I just don’t let them around female dogs.

  • @metalovermatter4045
    @metalovermatter4045 5 лет назад

    also : steve hughes - offended

  • @KelleyStrzelczyk
    @KelleyStrzelczyk 5 лет назад

    I have a dumb question for you. Do these shoe laces make me look fat?

  • @withers91
    @withers91 5 лет назад

    Video starts at 1:45

  • @StarsDie88
    @StarsDie88 5 лет назад +6

    The suggestion to curb human population is definitely an ethical issue. But it's just a fact that the best thing we can do for the environment is to stop making so many damn kids. We're addicted to it. I think it comes from the human desire to create meaning out of life. Starting a family soothes our feelings of existential dread. It's hard to turn these people on to something like adoption because they need to have their kids be part of their blood lineage. All this pride, it's unfortunate. Check out comedian Doug Stanhope and his take on the same issue of climate change:видео.html

    • @jessephillips5114
      @jessephillips5114 5 лет назад +1

      Stars Die with all do respect pride has nothing to do with it ,if it was pride than people would have no problem adopting kids . Pride is a good thing and doesn’t have anything to do with needing to create or having a child of your own blood . It takes someone with pride and integrity to raise a kid that they did not create( in my opinion) it’s as simple as in our DNA.

  • @gabycashy5
    @gabycashy5 5 лет назад

    I dont agree with what Bill said in this if people really stopped having kids after the second or third a bunch of celebrity would have never been born imagine if the jackson family stopped at 3 Michael was the eight child

  • @johnbarraco5561
    @johnbarraco5561 5 лет назад

    1st. Bill burr anytime 💯.. 2nd. Love your personality and channel. Stay up guy I’ll be watching and smashing that like button for you 💯✌️

  • @thistlewade111
    @thistlewade111 5 лет назад

    You should react to avengers sacrifice

  • @jamesboaz4787
    @jamesboaz4787 3 года назад

    Great videos. But correlation doesn't equal causation. Ie Bill here ( whom I like) talking about the dear is a very real reference blown completely out of proportion. The numbers he gave were way to drastic. Dear(and I'm no expert) have population booms spikes or periods of growth where the will literally start to eat so much grass and green on the grown it becomes a negative feed back loop where yes they end up starving to dealth. Of course alot of this is due to the fact we take up a good portion of land that was once all wild and open for wild game to do there own thing.

  • @DirtCheapFU
    @DirtCheapFU 5 лет назад

    If you want a dog. Get a Basenji. Good sized. Clean, barely has the usual dog smell. Self groomer. Smart. But annoying. Also has a pretty good history of how it came to be and how they were used.

  • @c2c300
    @c2c300 4 года назад

    So Funny! Go wath Dave Chappelle

    • @c2c300
      @c2c300 4 года назад

      Sorry, Watch!!!!

  • @buddymoore6504
    @buddymoore6504 5 лет назад

    fixing a dog is for good if you keep them inside and you don't want the jizzing on your sofa while humping it

  • @Stevesrssrssrs
    @Stevesrssrssrs 5 лет назад

    It's called Neutering, but yes, cutting them off! But you don't have to, it's a decision that he has no part in making, which is pretty fucked up, but it is what it is!!!