The anime series Tokimeki Tonight anime series came out in Japan in 1982 around the same time as Urusei Yatsura, The Kabocha Wine, Space Adventure Cobra and Super Dimension fortress Macross when it comes to 80s anime
I randomly got Super Love Lotion in my recommended one day and I liked the song so much I decided to watch the show. Glad I did. Amazing series, I wish they'd made the whole manga though, really left me wanting for more. I wonder why, was it not popular enough?
Hime-Chan No Ribbon is very similar to Tokimeki Tonight as it also tells the story of a girl who transforms into someone else. There is a magical world too and the love triangle between the protagonist the love rival and the love interest is very similar and the rival, named Hibino has the almost the same appearance and personality with Yoko. The girls have also the same struggles with their powers and situation, but two differences is that Ranze is from the demon world and is not a human, whereas Himeko is a human who obtains her powers from a girl from a magical world and that Himeko liked someone else first who didn’t liked her back and then then she develops slowly feelings for Daichi, the one who immediately discovers her powers and keeps them a secret.
One of my favorite anime. Really like asethetic and never get tired of seeing funny faces. Love the Ending song as well
Where can you watch it
@@niccolom4556 there you go enjoy
I'm so glad people are talking about tokimeki tonight, I've been waiting for ages for some discussion. Super love lotion is a bop that's all
"blame" the ending being exposed on the algorithm
The manga is better
The opening was done dirty here, its such a lovely and cute song, I love it so much. We should have heard it here.
Great video!
This show is so #aesthetic it's unreal XD
they didn't have to go that hard but i'm so glad they did
The anime series Tokimeki Tonight anime series came out in Japan in 1982 around the same time as Urusei Yatsura, The Kabocha Wine, Space Adventure Cobra and Super Dimension fortress Macross when it comes to 80s anime
Isn't Aishite Knight also in this time period
@@sailorsagittarius8526 Ashite Knight started as an anime series in 1983
The faces in this anime are both cute and funny 🤣 ... way funnier than most shojo anime these days to be honest
0:07 the opera sounds in the soundtrack were actually being sung by the falling girl!
This looks so cute 🥺🥺💖💖 I already love it... Thank you so much for sharing yet another masterpiece 💕
it's very cute! glad you enjoyed it 💜✨
I had no idea 80s anime had so much to love about it
I randomly got Super Love Lotion in my recommended one day and I liked the song so much I decided to watch the show. Glad I did. Amazing series, I wish they'd made the whole manga though, really left me wanting for more. I wonder why, was it not popular enough?
Hime-Chan No Ribbon is very similar to Tokimeki Tonight as it also tells the story of a girl who transforms into someone else. There is a magical world too and the love triangle between the protagonist the love rival and the love interest is very similar and the rival, named Hibino has the almost the same appearance and personality with Yoko. The girls have also the same struggles with their powers and situation, but two differences is that Ranze is from the demon world and is not a human, whereas Himeko is a human who obtains her powers from a girl from a magical world and that Himeko liked someone else first who didn’t liked her back and then then she develops slowly feelings for Daichi, the one who immediately discovers her powers and keeps them a secret.
Yakuza and boxing is a good shared theme between Hibari and Tokimeki Tonight. Clearly some sort of Zeitgeist.
YESSS I LOVE THIS SHOW! More ppl need to watch it
Ranze's design is so adorable
2:06 according by himself... 😂😂😂 Baby 🥺💞
most accurate thing I've heard all day
This series sounds so good! I wish the manga and anime has come out in the states!
this looks super cute!
HOLY SHIT! I didn't know the manga was *THAT* deep! ⊙.☉
what a lovely looking show
this looks great!
ichiro miyata's unending charm, what hajime no ippo doesn't show you.
The antagonist in any anime girl show is invariably blonde. Even the girl in that stop motion netflix bear show.
👁 love this anime
Hi, Could you tell me where i can watch this in high quality ?
there are raw dvd rips around the web, but if you want to watch it with subtitles, i'm afraid you won't find them in high quality
2:23 which episode is this?
episode 20
Marion Bea thanks dude
I wonder if this series was an influence on Ranma 1/2.
Debes hablar de Minki Momo o de Mako the mermaid o princesa caballero onisama e
Baseball and Apple from inanimate insanity