I have level 5 inssussception of large colon, is is possible they find the cancer once they open colon. Asking as being being refused treatment or explanation
I live in South wales so have no option of choice of where I get treated. I have 4 biopsy's stating NEC, but being told its g.p coding is this right need clarity
I have level 5 inssussception of large colon, is is possible they find the cancer once they open colon. Asking as being being refused treatment or explanation
I not even had dignosis explained i read my own medical records, its terrible 2 years later they have now rending me to Bristol
I live in South wales so have no option of choice of where I get treated. I have 4 biopsy's stating
NEC, but being told its g.p coding is this right need clarity
Ct could not rule out ischemic bowel i read this can masquerade a tumor is this right if you can't help me can u sign post me.
Its a cat 3 need for surgery and still refused any care its shocking
Net or nec cancer I mean
I alO ? Scleroderma
Also sorry
I guess this is covid vacc related