Meghan reminds me of apologists who wrote books explaining why blacks couldn't have the priesthood prior to 1978. The Church needs to repeal Section 132 and reissue a section containing whatever actual revelation Joseph received. And likewise, retract the Brigham Young harem-creating blood-oath based ceremony and replace it with whatever was genuinely revealed to Joseph Smith.
Temple ordinances are not required for "exaltation." I say this as a member of 50 years, grounded in the belief that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is unconditional. Christ never taught saving principles in secret. If today's temple ordinances were always necessary, He would have explicitly taught and required them during His ministry-just as He did with baptism and the sacrament. It doesn’t make logical sense that foundational teachings would be hidden. That said, I find beauty and value in LDS temples. For those who feel they connect deeply with God in the temple, that’s wonderful. Historically, temples were spaces for teaching, meditation, and worship-not for making covenants in the way we do today. I also firmly believe that no one who has passed away is "waiting" for temple work. After death, understanding expands, and many human interpretations of Christ’s teachings-shaped by cultural and historical contexts-become apparent for what they are. God’s plan for saving His children is infinitely broader and more inclusive than our limited perspectives. It’s hard to imagine it hinging on modern interpretations or speculations. Still, I appreciated this discussion and respect the guest's personal journey and interpretations that have brought her meaning. Thank you for these thoughtful conversations-they always encourage reflection.
@@colt40fly i totally agree. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day also didn’t understand that “the temple” means the body. The only direct portal to heaven exists through the spirit housed within the body of every individual. All the symbols and metaphor of the temple exists in reference to the real temple. The rituals performed in the temple are dead. The real ordinances and covenants are performed within the individual. As the Bible says “the lord dwelleth not in temples built with hands”. The kingdom of heaven is within.
Christ attended the temple. After he was resurrected, the saints attended the temple and there were Christian temples. Archeology bares that out. Baptism and the Sacrament are not temple ordinances. Native Americans have lodges (temples). There have always been temples.
@@reppi8742 please point me to one single source where Christ attended the temple and received or performed washing and anointing, received his endowment, was sealed to his family and spouse, made covenants to obey the law of consecration, tithing, obedience, etc. I’d also love to see where he then discussed all the temple work for the dead and how it’s required for salvation. The temple he preached at has zero resemblance to LDS temples other than the word temple.
Brigham Young created and changed whatever he learned from Joseph Smith about temples so much that there is no way to know what's true or not, if anything at all. And, the bigger problem lies in the temple recommend processs. Hold to the Rod. The scriptures are supposed to be our Liahona. But to each their own, I won't bring any more heat than that. 😉 Everyone has their own walk with God.
The covenant relationship is a gimmick and a sales model. If one really reads the new and everlasting covenant from the NT we can’t do anything but obey the commandments and follow His example. The Law was done away with and there will be no temple when He comes back and He does not live in Temples built with hands now! Revelations 21:22 Acts 17:24. All we can make are meeting houses and a sacred space-which are now “Fine Sanctuaries”. 1st Corinthian 2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. 4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
People love being held to a standard they can meet. The temple recommend process uses this desire to get saints to comply to things they may not otherwise. It's so hard to get people to give up the righteous competition! The sweet savor of victory is so appealing. It overpowers the spirit.😢
I really think your comment here is fair. Since there is no way of knowing what came from Joseph and what came from Brigham, it is left to us to obey the commandments and follow what it says in scripture. The Book of Mormon says that we will "perish in the dark" if we do not receive instructions directly from Christ. 2nd Nephi 32. If that scripture doesn't keep you up at night, then the temple doesn't matter. It could be the best, most complete template to ever exist, but nothing can compensate for the fact that you have no actual interest in Jesus Christ.
I found this conversation enlightening and helpful to me in my journey. I think I get stuck often in this place of feeling like I’m bad or unworthy if I’m not aligning with some of the strong masculine structures and ideas in my life/family/ church. Hearing the perspectives and experiences of other women that resonate with my own is helpful because there’s a sense of community and solidarity. It helps me be brave enough to honor the truths that I’ve found in my inward journey and make a difference in my sphere of influence. I also find that it’s a great temptation for me to think very black and white about the temple (and other things, including people), which would align with masculinity. I so appreciate your examples of having space for a lot of nuance- letting grace cover all the brokenness that humanity inevitably brings into the picture.
You are in good company but please don't be down on yourself. Study the doctrine of Christ as outlined in 3Nephi 11, I think. Just try to follow Christ and do as you have seen Him do. Think about the stories of the the scriptures about Christ. It all comes down to love. Love and care for the those in need, visit the sick etc. Learn to love yourself.
She shared feminine/ masculine roles and stewardshis as I have been taught by God! I have friends who have received the same teachings from God. I love the law of witnesses ❤
@@heatherjones3324 the relationship between the groom and the bridegroom is THE essence of the gospel message. The guest in this podcast got a few of the gender dynamics reversed, but overall it was very interesting
Here’s a way to maybe look at the fem/mas dynamic. Unhealthy masculine is I’m more than I am, unhealthy feminine is I am less than I am. Both men and women can be in their unhealthy masculine and feminine and probably cycle through these all the time until they settle in to the truth of who they are.
1:11:00 the dog leaves were replace by the skins they were given. And please recall that Jesus Christ cursed the fig tree at the beginning of his final ascent to reverse the fall. It seems like an obvious error to put the fig leaves back on and wear them in His presence when we return to the Garden, so to speak, where they were never needed. There is much more to be said about this and what the scriptures actually tech about being clothed.
The Adam and Eve story is fascinating, however I am wondering why people insist of taking part of the story literally and part of the story figuratively. It seems more consistent to me to take all of the story literally, all of the story figurately, or to do with what the Jewish Rabbi's do with the scriptures, which it to take four levels of interpretation simultaneously. Peshat (פְּשָׁט) - "surface" ("straight") or the literal (direct) meaning.[7] Remez (רֶמֶז) - "hints" or the deep (allegoric: hidden or symbolic) meaning beyond just the literal sense. In the version of the New Zohar, Re'iah. Derash (דְּרַשׁ) - from Hebrew darash: "inquire" ("seek") - the comparative (midrashic) meaning, as given through similar occurrences. Sod (סוֹד) - "secret" ("mystery") or the esoteric/mystical meaning, as given through inspiration or revelation.
I appreciated the perspectives and insights shared, and I found them interesting. I hope this doesn’t come across as critical, but it seemed that Meghan presented her ideas about the feminine/masculine and temple symbolism and ordinances in a definitive way, as though she were teaching new gospel truths that are absolute. However, these are really just theories-at best, personal interpretations or meanings she has discovered for herself. For example, she taught that a mother’s milk coming in is a sacrament, but that’s purely theoretical and her personal perspective. Where do we see this taught in the scriptures? Where does this come from? Where do we find in the scriptures that the spires on the temple are phallic symbols, and the front door is like the opening of the woman’s womb? Why does everything have to be taken this far with applying the feminine and masculine to every detail? While I understand the value of sharing personal insights, I think it’s important to avoid framing them as established gospel truth. Some of the ideas shared felt quite “out there” and even bizarre to me, so I didn’t relate to them. That said, I can still consider them as personal theories.
Agreed. This is happening with everything. People are trying so hard to prove what various things mean in the temple and what is said in the scriptures. This has become a common theme on LDS channels.
I really loved this conversation and can feel within me the whisperings of truth. Discovering divine femininity has been a crucial part of my journey to greater light and knowledge and being able to see the things that are ingrained in the church but are wrong. I even tried to make a temple appointment for today because I had to drive the 2 1/2 hours to the town that has the temple, but I guess it's always closed on Wednesdays? Weird. But I haven't wanted to attend the temple for awhile. Now I wanted to test out this new template. I want to read the book now but I know how hard it is in my stage of life to sit and read, so I looked for it on audible. Is there an audio book version in the future?
I'm enjoying this interview more than I expected to. My husband is a little bit like Megan's husband, especially early in our marriage, so I totally get what she's saying. Thankfully my husband is a great provider today.
@@fotochikyo it must b nice to have someone subsidizing your entire life. It’s funny how you expect it of him like he was created to be your slave. I mean, I get that that is his self-sacrificial, Christ-like role but don’t forget your part of the deal, your role as bride. The husband sacrifices himself for you but you are supposed to submit to his will and take upon yourself his name. That’s the pattern so don’t forget your end of the deal. You have to make a sacrifice too.
@@yeboscrebo4451Wow. That’s a lot of assumptions and judgement to place on this woman. What makes you think she hasn’t made all kinds of sacrifices for her husband and family? How do you know he subsidizes every part of her life? Do you only measure contributions in a family with money? She treats him like a slave? Seriously? Do you typically not think how your words can affect someone before you address random strangers?
During the interview Meghan states that she does not believe the temple endowment ceremony is a saving ordinance. The LDS church teaches that it IS (General Handbook 18.1). How does one reconcile this contradiction? It seems that many are trying to make square pegs fit into round holes. Wouldn't it be better for a person to seek Jesus through earnest prayer, repentance and study rather than attend corrupted and ever changing endowment sessions over and over and over again?
@@reppi8742 No. It makes as much sense. Brigham Young and/or his “Gadianton Band” (using William Smith’s terminology) is the author of Section 132 (and several others) and the temple endowment ceremony. If you’re going to try to find meaning in every aspect of the Brighamite endowment, you ought to be able to do the same with his innovative “doctrine of having many wives and concubines”. The endowment has undergone more revisions over the years such as Adam and Eve no longer being full body naked, Eve (most often played by Eliza Snow) having intercourse with Satan (or Adam; it alternated), lying on the alter and simulating having your throat slit, taking an oath against the United States and being taught Adam was God who came from another planet and brought “one of his wives, Eve, to populate the Earth”, being taken through two “degrees” of the endowment in different sessions where the first did not end with entering the celestial kingdom and the second session ended with the husband and his first wife meeting the additional wives at a marriage alter where the first wife put their hand(s) in his and other fun activities-most too obscene to describe. The “endowment” we have today is a Brighamite contrivance created to entrap women into religious harems. There may be something in the current temple endowment and sealing ceremonies that came from a genuine Joseph Smith revelation. But, it’s probably about as much as is genuine revelation in Section 132. William Smith tells us the most believable account of Joseph performing some sort of ordinance involving “sacredotal robes of white” and a blessing or “ordination” to the “highest priesthood of the lodge”. William underwent some kind of “endowment” that was performed for all of the Twelve and was specifically intended for apostles. We have no evidence of Joseph doing any kind of general ritual for everyone. What we are told today about the origins of the “endowment” is not backed up by evidence anymore than Section 132.
When you talk about how the tokens used to be given individually.. I wonder if part of the reasoning behind doing away with that in the temple is that the sacrament, given to each individual each week at church, can serve to be that symbolic reminder for us.. I actually like that idea quite a bit- for there to be a shift towards something that is more accessible to all, not just in the temples.
Let God prevail. Is beautiful, but very simplistic in its nature. God‘s going to prevail whether we like it or not. So what is the truth? Let go of everything, and give your full Will to God, and those truths that are hard to hear, will then be open for us to understand. Megan clearly knows this. But one thing thou lackest. Many went away sorrowing. For they loved what they believed.
How about the perspective that we received approximately 1/3 of Mormon’s record and what we do have constantly tells us to seek the mysteries. There is absolutely much hidden and veiled from those who aren’t seeking
@@icecreamladydriver1606 If so, then why is there so much confusion? Adam and Eve were a single male/female being in the image of God (a single male/female being), and were told to multiply and replenish the earth. Then what about "the twain becoming one flesh". What about God telling Adam and Eve in the Book of Moses that "your children are conceived in sin"?
@@DerekPayne1791 That doesn't necessarily mean that the information we don't have are missing pieces to salvation. Where in the Book of Mormon does it say to seek the mysteries?
Michelle, why do we have to "covenant" not to discuss any part of any ceremony? Brigham forbade discussing his coercive contrivance that he used to trick women into joining spiritual harems. Why are secret combinations not called "transparency combinations"?
I appreciate your discussion. I wonder where the penalties fit in. I was told even though they weren't going to discuss them anymore, we should still think of them in our hearts and take our covenants that seriously. I fear we try to make things feel right because its so very inconvenient to find out how wrong the system is and what the consequences are of the system being so very broken. No symbol is worth compromising your soul.
@jenniferwallace8161 Thank you! Do you happen to remember the episode or guest?!? My experience in receiving my endowments was quite traumatic in part because of the penalties . I feel I should have just left, but my impending marriage kept me from fleeing. I felt no Holy Spirit. I felt a cultish, strangeness that made me look at my parents, groom and future in laws with disrespect and suspicion. I can testify it was not of God and was in fact, wrong. I would be open to hearing others point of view.
@@sisknothinbutruth2684Imo, your initial feelings were correct. It felt strange and culty because it IS strange and culty. People can shoehorn meaning into anything, but that doesn’t mean it comes from God.
the penalties was a Mason thing. but when you learn about them they have said it was all symbolic you were never meant to slit your throat. THe masons also used the slitting of the throat sign as a secret sign to use when your in trouble or about to die. Its sign for another brother to inform them you are part of the Mason and need help. Both Joseph and Hyrum were huge masons. Everything got messed up with Brigham Young and everything after....You also need to know anciently the masons were a good secret society of brotherhood formed to fight against corrupt kings religion and politices. And it may go back as far as solomans temple. But again after time things get lost and corrupt. see the pattern?
@@sisknothinbutruth2684My first temple experience was quite shocking for me as well. I felt very violated when we were told to undress, wearing only an apron that was open at the sides during the initiatory. I was only 19 and never wore immodest clothing and suddenly I'm at some church group thing where I'm now naked. Thankfully they don't do that anymore. It wasn't until they changed it that I ever did it again and now it's my favorite and only thing I do in the temple. I have no interest in the others
For me, it [the temple] is all about the "School of the Prophets" Joseph started! Why a school for Prophets and Prophetess? So both the male and female learn "how" and "what" to "become" in order to be "one" with Father and Christ, and Lectures on Faith is the key to understanding this mystery of godliness. Everything outside us is a symbol "made with hands" pointing us to the spiritual, or those things "made without hands." "We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands. (New Testament | Mark 14:58). "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: (New Testament | Colossians 2:9 - 11). What this means to me is that race and organized religion is NOT a prerequisite to salvation in Celestial Glory. "It is scarcely necessary here to observe what we have previously noticed: That the glory which the Father and the Son have, is because they are just and holy beings; and that if they were lacking in one attribute or perfection which they have, the glory which they have, never could be enjoyed by them; for it requires them to be precisely what they are in order to enjoy it...[Lectues on Faith 7: 15-17].
There is only one true "living temple" on earth! YOU ARE THAT TEMPLE!!! And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (New Testament | 2 Corinthians 6:16 - 18).
Yes and for this reason is why the "temple ceremony" or liturgy was only intended for instruction. The house to the Lord that was being built in Nauvoo at the time was built in the same style as the one in Kirtland, which obviously did not accommodate, by design and function, for the temple ceremony as an ordinance.
Hi Michelle. I'm commenting here on your most recent video in the hopes you will see my message. I was just watching an LDS apologist's video where he was disagreeing with various things you say, and I realized that you seem to be an open minded and questioning type person. In this video, he played clips where you were confused about the temple. I just felt inclined to share that your questioning is not unfounded. The LDS temple system goes too far. There is ONE true temple. It's the temple you enter in silence when you close your eyes, where you can commune with God directly. This is the temple inside your body. This is the temple that must be cleansed. All temples in the outside world are built by men, and are images of the ONE true temple where God dwells. When you see this for yourself, it will be obvious, and self-validating. Don't merely believe my words. Go there yourself and let God reveal this Truth to you.
You’ve got it backwards. The square is feminine. The square represents the lower, the body, the earth (and the 4 corners of the earth). The circle is masculine. The circle represents the higher, the spirit, the heavens, truth (circumscribed in one great whole). The circle in the square motif represents the spirit within the body. In other words, the circle within the square is a symbol of the true temple - the soul of man (spirit and body combined). The female came out of the male as Paul described. Then In this fallen world the male enters into the female in this “sacrament” which your guest described in order to part the veil and bring her back to the father according to the Christ pattern
Normally, I love these, but this one was difficult to listen to with all the interruptions... I'm still going to finish, but I need to take a break. I'm glad the guest at times keeps talking through the interruption. Please let guests speak, especially if invited on to share THEIR thoughts or books or whatever. I know you're still learning and have so much to share. ❤what you're sharing with your channel.
@@MichelleBStoneI don't think you necessarily interrupt your guests, you add to the conversation. It's a two person discussion. I really enjoy your comments!
@@MichelleBStoneI love the back and forth because that is how a real conversation is. Much learning happens for those in the conversation as well as those listening in. This was a good one that has giving me sooooo much to think about! Thank you!
And people say I’m crazy because the church went down the cult route of mystery schools. Thank you ladies for proving my point. 1st Corinthians 2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. 4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
OG, the scriptures you quoted are brilliant. Your comment lacks grace. Slapping people back to God rarely works. Keep quoting scriptures, that's your strength.
Reread 1 Nephi 1:1. The Book of Mormon from beginning to end tell us to seek the mysteries and then we will receive all that is hidden, including the 2/3 of Mormon’s record we were prepared to receive.
@@DerekPayne1791 The question is, which mysteries? Mystery Babylon? Or, perhaps the sweet mystery of life, marriage, death and the gift of the resurrection? I fear evil people set up mysterious enticements that are not worth pursuing. Perhaps the mystery isn't solved in the temple. Perhaps it is unfolded in our walk with God.
I think you guys should decide whether you wanna be with Scar, or Simba? And I’m good with all of it as long as you know, I’m the Lion King . You did see the movie, right? I really don’t care which way it goes as long as I don’t have to connect with the wrong side !!! I’m not gonna care who does what, just be nice and treat each other with respect. God does decide these battles, and if we hold fast to our beliefs, we will soon regret that we were that judgmental. I like the metaphor of the lion‘s protecting their king. It’s kind of cool cause all he has to do is stand on top and let out a big roar and everybody has to go behind a bush. Burning 🔥 Bush like Moses!!!
Thought I was going to hate this one but listened anyway. I’m glad I did! Really appreciated the insights on the temple ordinances and also the discussion on feminine versus masculine. One thing I would say: this is just one person‘s opinion. We can’t call this absolute truth. At some points, it felt a bit absolute.
Re the paraphrased scripture Meghan shared at 44 minutes, is this the one? Moses 6 7 Now this same Priesthood, which was in the beginning, shall be in the end of the world also.
"And thus the Gospel began to be preached, from the beginning, being declared by holy angels sent forth from the presence of God, and by his own voice, and by the gift of the Holy Ghost. And thus all things were confirmed unto Adam, by an holy ordinance, and the Gospel preached, and a decree sent forth, that it should be in the world, until the end thereof; and thus it was." Moses 5:59
I love you both so much!!! Be careful of those truths that we hold too. Lucifer can take a truth that is in Heaven but is forbidden on Earth. As an example “I am free to choose what I want to do.” If I hold fast to that truth and then become adamant in my opinion, we may teach our own truth, not the higher order. I can chose to be in love with women without living in Lust and find them truly immaculately not only physically but totally in perfection and in mind. I choose to keep my covenants!!! with God, follow Elohim in purity and be grateful to be connected with like minded magnificent beings. Making covenants and keeping them, will entitle us to greater truths. Yes, Megan, there is nuance in all Truth. Before a man can learn to truly love a woman, he must first learn to overcome his lust. (He’s as think as a Brick) 😊 And in the highest degrees of the celestial realm (Brick), can ascend back with hosts of Heaven, we are free to be more than we are and recognize the intimate relationships that we had before, are not going away (sacrament of Sex) And we wonder why they wanted to kill him!!!
Here’s one for you, lol. Imagine that “I take off my apron. I’ve got a pretty active imagination, do I really want to go there as a man? You decide. Brick, or Eternal (Law). The natural man or woman is an enemy to God and ever will be. Don’t get disgusted because men have to battle through these things. As Avraham Gileadi so correctly states, when the women finally go, the men are already gone!!! I’m so grateful to have these wonderful truth taught to me by humble, beautiful sisters!!!
sorry no- Joseph isn't a free mason and he didn't create the endowment. I don't see that source as supporting joseph being apart of the endowment creation that we know today.
There is no division of worth between men and women in the eyes of God! Both sexes are of equal value, and at no moment one is above the other! The roles differ, but one role is not of higher importance than the other! The interpretation given here seems to be heavily influenced by New Age ideas of Feminism which put great emphasis in a Heavenly Mother! Any light that we receive comes through our personal relationship with God, through The Holy Ghost, and it does not come or is created by our interpretations and intellect! If ideas are not Scriptural, are false! Our ascension into God's realm consist in keeping the Commandments and offering to Him a broken humble heart and contrite spirit and not tokens of ritual!
God is in and through all things. The light is in the darkness but the darkness does not comprehend it. All we have to do to find God is to love honesty, virtue, and charity!
Thank u 4 ur discussion as I always love to learn about my woman , my dearest wife, my glory , & my joy - my Rhea! She is such a sweetheart - very simple in her faith! When I met her over 5 years ago she only considered the scriptures as mere words; sadly, such an attitude caused her to be beset w/ unnecessary trials & troubles b4 we met ! Having noted all that, I basically can testify , at least in my realm , that a woman w/o a man is like a garden w/o a fence! It’s always incumbent ur me, a male, to have it all covered to enact in our marriage a very comprehensive mindset so she has the security to act with her feminine charms that used to be undisciplined feminine wiles, just saying!
Peter was called a stone and upon this Rock he would build his foundation. A foundation is the lowest point in the structure of a building. One interpretation of the Hebrew word is a pebble. I think perhaps you’re a little stoned. Not you Michell : )
@@ggrace1133 Well, kinda. God told her that because of what she did she would bare her children in sorrow. Trust me, that it does apply to us. But I don't regret having the opportunity to be pregnant and bare my children. I think men get short changed because they don't get to experience it.
And thank God that she made such a sacrifice and made that choice or they would all still be hanging out in that lovely garden and we would still be waiting to get to come to earth.
@@icecreamladydriver1606 disobedience to god is not a good thing or a “sacrifice” worth being grateful for, lol. No, the devil wasn’t right. Don’t believe the nonsense they tell you from the pulpit. If Eve had been obedient, they would have been given further light and knowledge when they were PREPARED to receive it. Eve jumped the gun by listening to the father of all lies - that’s not a good thing. The whole point is to be in the garden, we want to get back to eden and out of this prison planet of death, decay and destruction. We don’t have to progress by learning the hard way - we can be obedient to God and avoid those consequences to begin with, lol.
I like where she says God normally already forgives us before we forgive ourselves.
It might be true, but there is no scripture reference. Building on sand because it feels good.
Meghan reminds me of apologists who wrote books explaining why blacks couldn't have the priesthood prior to 1978. The Church needs to repeal Section 132 and reissue a section containing whatever actual revelation Joseph received. And likewise, retract the Brigham Young harem-creating blood-oath based ceremony and replace it with whatever was genuinely revealed to Joseph Smith.
Michelle doing these podcasts is very much a feminine role to me because shes bringing forth (birthing) truths and bringing healing to sooo many.
Temple ordinances are not required for "exaltation." I say this as a member of 50 years, grounded in the belief that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is unconditional. Christ never taught saving principles in secret. If today's temple ordinances were always necessary, He would have explicitly taught and required them during His ministry-just as He did with baptism and the sacrament. It doesn’t make logical sense that foundational teachings would be hidden.
That said, I find beauty and value in LDS temples. For those who feel they connect deeply with God in the temple, that’s wonderful. Historically, temples were spaces for teaching, meditation, and worship-not for making covenants in the way we do today. I also firmly believe that no one who has passed away is "waiting" for temple work. After death, understanding expands, and many human interpretations of Christ’s teachings-shaped by cultural and historical contexts-become apparent for what they are.
God’s plan for saving His children is infinitely broader and more inclusive than our limited perspectives. It’s hard to imagine it hinging on modern interpretations or speculations. Still, I appreciated this discussion and respect the guest's personal journey and interpretations that have brought her meaning. Thank you for these thoughtful conversations-they always encourage reflection.
@@colt40fly i totally agree. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day also didn’t understand that “the temple” means the body. The only direct portal to heaven exists through the spirit housed within the body of every individual. All the symbols and metaphor of the temple exists in reference to the real temple. The rituals performed in the temple are dead. The real ordinances and covenants are performed within the individual. As the Bible says “the lord dwelleth not in temples built with hands”. The kingdom of heaven is within.
Christ attended the temple. After he was resurrected, the saints attended the temple and there were Christian temples. Archeology bares that out. Baptism and the Sacrament are not temple ordinances. Native Americans have lodges (temples).
There have always been temples.
@@reppi8742 there have always been temples. So what? There has also always been idolatry
@@reppi8742 please point me to one single source where Christ attended the temple and received or performed washing and anointing, received his endowment, was sealed to his family and spouse, made covenants to obey the law of consecration, tithing, obedience, etc. I’d also love to see where he then discussed all the temple work for the dead and how it’s required for salvation. The temple he preached at has zero resemblance to LDS temples other than the word temple.
@@reppi8742my body was a temple I until I discovered the female of the species, liquor, weed, and Levi Garret.
Brigham Young created and changed whatever he learned from Joseph Smith about temples so much that there is no way to know what's true or not, if anything at all.
And, the bigger problem lies in the temple recommend processs.
Hold to the Rod. The scriptures are supposed to be our Liahona.
But to each their own, I won't bring any more heat than that. 😉
Everyone has their own walk with God.
The covenant relationship is a gimmick and a sales model. If one really reads the new and everlasting covenant from the NT we can’t do anything but obey the commandments and follow His example. The Law was done away with and there will be no temple when He comes back and He does not live in Temples built with hands now! Revelations 21:22 Acts 17:24. All we can make are meeting houses and a sacred space-which are now “Fine Sanctuaries”.
1st Corinthian 2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
People love being held to a standard they can meet. The temple recommend process uses this desire to get saints to comply to things they may not otherwise. It's so hard to get people to give up the righteous competition! The sweet savor of victory is so appealing. It overpowers the spirit.😢
I really think your comment here is fair. Since there is no way of knowing what came from Joseph and what came from Brigham, it is left to us to obey the commandments and follow what it says in scripture.
The Book of Mormon says that we will "perish in the dark" if we do not receive instructions directly from Christ. 2nd Nephi 32.
If that scripture doesn't keep you up at night, then the temple doesn't matter. It could be the best, most complete template to ever exist, but nothing can compensate for the fact that you have no actual interest in Jesus Christ.
We can know through a relationship with God. The Spirit teaches us truth.
I found this conversation enlightening and helpful to me in my journey. I think I get stuck often in this place of feeling like I’m bad or unworthy if I’m not aligning with some of the strong masculine structures and ideas in my life/family/ church. Hearing the perspectives and experiences of other women that resonate with my own is helpful because there’s a sense of community and solidarity. It helps me be brave enough to honor the truths that I’ve found in my inward journey and make a difference in my sphere of influence.
I also find that it’s a great temptation for me to think very black and white about the temple (and other things, including people), which would align with masculinity. I so appreciate your examples of having space for a lot of nuance- letting grace cover all the brokenness that humanity inevitably brings into the picture.
You are in good company but please don't be down on yourself. Study the doctrine of Christ as outlined in 3Nephi 11, I think. Just try to follow Christ and do as you have seen Him do. Think about the stories of the the scriptures about Christ. It all comes down to love. Love and care for the those in need, visit the sick etc. Learn to love yourself.
Agree 100% with Megan on the feminine masculine dynamic!!! It really is the missing link to so much in the church and relationships.
She shared feminine/ masculine roles and stewardshis as I have been taught by God! I have friends who have received the same teachings from God. I love the law of witnesses ❤
@@heatherjones3324 the relationship between the groom and the bridegroom is THE essence of the gospel message. The guest in this podcast got a few of the gender dynamics reversed, but overall it was very interesting
Love you ladies!! ❤
Thank you for sharing your insights into this subject of plural marriage. For me this is an extremely troubling practice. Keep up the good work!!
Here’s a way to maybe look at the fem/mas dynamic. Unhealthy masculine is I’m more than I am, unhealthy feminine is I am less than I am. Both men and women can be in their unhealthy masculine and feminine and probably cycle through these all the time until they settle in to the truth of who they are.
1:11:00 the dog leaves were replace by the skins they were given. And please recall that Jesus Christ cursed the fig tree at the beginning of his final ascent to reverse the fall.
It seems like an obvious error to put the fig leaves back on and wear them in His presence when we return to the Garden, so to speak, where they were never needed.
There is much more to be said about this and what the scriptures actually tech about being clothed.
The Adam and Eve story is fascinating, however I am wondering why people insist of taking part of the story literally and part of the story figuratively. It seems more consistent to me to take all of the story literally, all of the story figurately, or to do with what the Jewish Rabbi's do with the scriptures, which it to take four levels of interpretation simultaneously.
Peshat (פְּשָׁט) - "surface" ("straight") or the literal (direct) meaning.[7]
Remez (רֶמֶז) - "hints" or the deep (allegoric: hidden or symbolic) meaning beyond just the literal sense. In the version of the New Zohar, Re'iah.
Derash (דְּרַשׁ) - from Hebrew darash: "inquire" ("seek") - the comparative (midrashic) meaning, as given through similar occurrences.
Sod (סוֹד) - "secret" ("mystery") or the esoteric/mystical meaning, as given through inspiration or revelation.
I appreciated the perspectives and insights shared, and I found them interesting. I hope this doesn’t come across as critical, but it seemed that Meghan presented her ideas about the feminine/masculine and temple symbolism and ordinances in a definitive way, as though she were teaching new gospel truths that are absolute. However, these are really just theories-at best, personal interpretations or meanings she has discovered for herself. For example, she taught that a mother’s milk coming in is a sacrament, but that’s purely theoretical and her personal perspective. Where do we see this taught in the scriptures? Where does this come from? Where do we find in the scriptures that the spires on the temple are phallic symbols, and the front door is like the opening of the woman’s womb? Why does everything have to be taken this far with applying the feminine and masculine to every detail?
While I understand the value of sharing personal insights, I think it’s important to avoid framing them as established gospel truth. Some of the ideas shared felt quite “out there” and even bizarre to me, so I didn’t relate to them. That said, I can still consider them as personal theories.
Agreed. This is happening with everything. People are trying so hard to prove what various things mean in the temple and what is said in the scriptures. This has become a common theme on LDS channels.
I really loved this conversation and can feel within me the whisperings of truth. Discovering divine femininity has been a crucial part of my journey to greater light and knowledge and being able to see the things that are ingrained in the church but are wrong.
I even tried to make a temple appointment for today because I had to drive the 2 1/2 hours to the town that has the temple, but I guess it's always closed on Wednesdays? Weird. But I haven't wanted to attend the temple for awhile. Now I wanted to test out this new template.
I want to read the book now but I know how hard it is in my stage of life to sit and read, so I looked for it on audible. Is there an audio book version in the future?
The book was made available on Audible as of yesterday! You should be able to listen to it now. :)
Amazing thank you❤
I'm enjoying this interview more than I expected to. My husband is a little bit like Megan's husband, especially early in our marriage, so I totally get what she's saying. Thankfully my husband is a great provider today.
@@fotochikyo it must b nice to have someone subsidizing your entire life. It’s funny how you expect it of him like he was created to be your slave. I mean, I get that that is his self-sacrificial, Christ-like role but don’t forget your part of the deal, your role as bride. The husband sacrifices himself for you but you are supposed to submit to his will and take upon yourself his name. That’s the pattern so don’t forget your end of the deal. You have to make a sacrifice too.
@@yeboscrebo4451Wow. That’s a lot of assumptions and judgement to place on this woman. What makes you think she hasn’t made all kinds of sacrifices for her husband and family? How do you know he subsidizes every part of her life? Do you only measure contributions in a family with money? She treats him like a slave? Seriously? Do you typically not think how your words can affect someone before you address random strangers?
@@lindsayashton1385 wow that went right over your head
Loved your conversation!
During the interview Meghan states that she does not believe the temple endowment ceremony is a saving ordinance. The LDS church teaches that it IS (General Handbook 18.1). How does one reconcile this contradiction?
It seems that many are trying to make square pegs fit into round holes. Wouldn't it be better for a person to seek Jesus through earnest prayer, repentance and study rather than attend corrupted and ever changing endowment sessions over and over and over again?
You are assuming that the story told in the temple about Eve is accurate.
Oh boy howdy did you hit the nail on the head!
Why doesn't she write a book telling us of the wonderous femininity found in Section 132?
@@tgaty5378Are you being facetious?
@@reppi8742 No. It makes as much sense. Brigham Young and/or his “Gadianton Band” (using William Smith’s terminology) is the author of Section 132 (and several others) and the temple endowment ceremony.
If you’re going to try to find meaning in every aspect of the Brighamite endowment, you ought to be able to do the same with his innovative “doctrine of having many wives and concubines”.
The endowment has undergone more revisions over the years such as Adam and Eve no longer being full body naked, Eve (most often played by Eliza Snow) having intercourse with Satan (or Adam; it alternated), lying on the alter and simulating having your throat slit, taking an oath against the United States and being taught Adam was God who came from another planet and brought “one of his wives, Eve, to populate the Earth”, being taken through two “degrees” of the endowment in different sessions where the first did not end with entering the celestial kingdom and the second session ended with the husband and his first wife meeting the additional wives at a marriage alter where the first wife put their hand(s) in his and other fun activities-most too obscene to describe.
The “endowment” we have today is a Brighamite contrivance created to entrap women into religious harems.
There may be something in the current temple endowment and sealing ceremonies that came from a genuine Joseph Smith revelation. But, it’s probably about as much as is genuine revelation in Section 132.
William Smith tells us the most believable account of Joseph performing some sort of ordinance involving “sacredotal robes of white” and a blessing or “ordination” to the “highest priesthood of the lodge”.
William underwent some kind of “endowment” that was performed for all of the Twelve and was specifically intended for apostles.
We have no evidence of Joseph doing any kind of general ritual for everyone.
What we are told today about the origins of the “endowment” is not backed up by evidence anymore than Section 132.
@@tgaty5378she doesn’t believe in 132. She said that in the podcast. She emphasized “one wife”.
When you talk about how the tokens used to be given individually.. I wonder if part of the reasoning behind doing away with that in the temple is that the sacrament, given to each individual each week at church, can serve to be that symbolic reminder for us.. I actually like that idea quite a bit- for there to be a shift towards something that is more accessible to all, not just in the temples.
One truth is to think celestial, a greater truth is to do celestial. And how can you do celestial if you hold onto anything that you don’t like?
Let God prevail. Is beautiful, but very simplistic in its nature.
God‘s going to prevail whether we like it or not.
So what is the truth?
Let go of everything, and give your full Will to God, and those truths that are hard to hear, will then be open for us to understand.
Megan clearly knows this.
But one thing thou lackest.
Many went away sorrowing. For they loved what they believed.
"I think it's clouded for a reason." Hmm. Is salvation really that tricky?
Nope. It is laid out pretty clearly in 3Nephi and 2Nephi as well as other places in the Book of Mormon and in the Bible.
How about the perspective that we received approximately 1/3 of Mormon’s record and what we do have constantly tells us to seek the mysteries. There is absolutely much hidden and veiled from those who aren’t seeking
@@icecreamladydriver1606 If so, then why is there so much confusion? Adam and Eve were a single male/female being in the image of God (a single male/female being), and were told to multiply and replenish the earth. Then what about "the twain becoming one flesh". What about God telling Adam and Eve in the Book of Moses that "your children are conceived in sin"?
@@DerekPayne1791 That doesn't necessarily mean that the information we don't have are missing pieces to salvation. Where in the Book of Mormon does it say to seek the mysteries?
Some would say there is a difference between salvation and exaltation
Michelle, why do we have to "covenant" not to discuss any part of any ceremony? Brigham forbade discussing his coercive contrivance that he used to trick women into joining spiritual harems. Why are secret combinations not called "transparency combinations"?
I appreciate your discussion. I wonder where the penalties fit in. I was told even though they weren't going to discuss them anymore, we should still think of them in our hearts and take our covenants that seriously. I fear we try to make things feel right because its so very inconvenient to find out how wrong the system is and what the consequences are of the system being so very broken. No symbol is worth compromising your soul.
Michelle had another guest talk about the penalties and how they mirror the physical death of christ.
@jenniferwallace8161 Thank you! Do you happen to remember the episode or guest?!? My experience in receiving my endowments was quite traumatic in part because of the penalties . I feel I should have just left, but my impending marriage kept me from fleeing. I felt no Holy Spirit. I felt a cultish, strangeness that made me look at my parents, groom and future in laws with disrespect and suspicion. I can testify it was not of God and was in fact, wrong. I would be open to hearing others point of view.
@@sisknothinbutruth2684Imo, your initial feelings were correct. It felt strange and culty because it IS strange and culty. People can shoehorn meaning into anything, but that doesn’t mean it comes from God.
the penalties was a Mason thing. but when you learn about them they have said it was all symbolic you were never meant to slit your throat. THe masons also used the slitting of the throat sign as a secret sign to use when your in trouble or about to die. Its sign for another brother to inform them you are part of the Mason and need help. Both Joseph and Hyrum were huge masons. Everything got messed up with Brigham Young and everything after....You also need to know anciently the masons were a good secret society of brotherhood formed to fight against corrupt kings religion and politices. And it may go back as far as solomans temple. But again after time things get lost and corrupt. see the pattern?
@@sisknothinbutruth2684My first temple experience was quite shocking for me as well. I felt very violated when we were told to undress, wearing only an apron that was open at the sides during the initiatory. I was only 19 and never wore immodest clothing and suddenly I'm at some church group thing where I'm now naked. Thankfully they don't do that anymore. It wasn't until they changed it that I ever did it again and now it's my favorite and only thing I do in the temple. I have no interest in the others
Sooo much truth!
For me, it [the temple] is all about the "School of the Prophets" Joseph started! Why a school for Prophets and Prophetess? So both the male and female learn "how" and "what" to "become" in order to be "one" with Father and Christ, and Lectures on Faith is the key to understanding this mystery of godliness. Everything outside us is a symbol "made with hands" pointing us to the spiritual, or those things "made without hands."
"We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands.
(New Testament | Mark 14:58).
"For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:
(New Testament | Colossians 2:9 - 11).
What this means to me is that race and organized religion is NOT a prerequisite to salvation in Celestial Glory.
"It is scarcely necessary here to observe what we have previously noticed: That the glory which the Father and the Son have, is because they are just and holy beings; and that if they were lacking in one attribute or perfection which they have, the glory which they have, never could be enjoyed by them; for it requires them to be precisely what they are in order to enjoy it...[Lectues on Faith 7: 15-17].
There is only one true "living temple" on earth! YOU ARE THAT TEMPLE!!!
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
(New Testament | 2 Corinthians 6:16 - 18).
Yes and for this reason is why the "temple ceremony" or liturgy was only intended for instruction.
The house to the Lord that was being built in Nauvoo at the time was built in the same style as the one in Kirtland, which obviously did not accommodate, by design and function, for the temple ceremony as an ordinance.
Last half hour is the best.
Good to know!
50:55 don't confuse "line upon line" for "from grace to grace".
"Line upon line" is for children receiving milk.
Hi Michelle. I'm commenting here on your most recent video in the hopes you will see my message. I was just watching an LDS apologist's video where he was disagreeing with various things you say, and I realized that you seem to be an open minded and questioning type person. In this video, he played clips where you were confused about the temple. I just felt inclined to share that your questioning is not unfounded. The LDS temple system goes too far. There is ONE true temple. It's the temple you enter in silence when you close your eyes, where you can commune with God directly. This is the temple inside your body. This is the temple that must be cleansed. All temples in the outside world are built by men, and are images of the ONE true temple where God dwells. When you see this for yourself, it will be obvious, and self-validating. Don't merely believe my words. Go there yourself and let God reveal this Truth to you.
You’ve got it backwards. The square is feminine. The square represents the lower, the body, the earth (and the 4 corners of the earth). The circle is masculine. The circle represents the higher, the spirit, the heavens, truth (circumscribed in one great whole). The circle in the square motif represents the spirit within the body. In other words, the circle within the square is a symbol of the true temple - the soul of man (spirit and body combined). The female came out of the male as Paul described. Then In this fallen world the male enters into the female in this “sacrament” which your guest described in order to part the veil and bring her back to the father according to the Christ pattern
Wow, that's something.
Normally, I love these, but this one was difficult to listen to with all the interruptions... I'm still going to finish, but I need to take a break. I'm glad the guest at times keeps talking through the interruption. Please let guests speak, especially if invited on to share THEIR thoughts or books or whatever.
I know you're still learning and have so much to share. ❤what you're sharing with your channel.
You are right. I keep trying, but sometimes do better than others
@@MichelleBStone Xanax
@@MichelleBStoneI don't think you necessarily interrupt your guests, you add to the conversation. It's a two person discussion. I really enjoy your comments!
@@MichelleBStoneI love the back and forth because that is how a real conversation is. Much learning happens for those in the conversation as well as those listening in. This was a good one that has giving me sooooo much to think about! Thank you!
I like the back and forth, I don’t think the guests expect to talk without you also talking
And people say I’m crazy because the church went down the cult route of mystery schools. Thank you ladies for proving my point.
1st Corinthians 2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
OG, the scriptures you quoted are brilliant. Your comment lacks grace. Slapping people back to God rarely works. Keep quoting scriptures, that's your strength.
Well said. Thanks.
Reread 1 Nephi 1:1. The Book of Mormon from beginning to end tell us to seek the mysteries and then we will receive all that is hidden, including the 2/3 of Mormon’s record we were prepared to receive.
@@DerekPayne1791 The question is, which mysteries? Mystery Babylon? Or, perhaps the sweet mystery of life, marriage, death and the gift of the resurrection? I fear evil people set up mysterious enticements that are not worth pursuing. Perhaps the mystery isn't solved in the temple. Perhaps it is unfolded in our walk with God.
@@sisknothinbutruth2684 AMEN!!!!!!
26:40 that seems like a very weird theory
1:14:00 the temple in Zion is God Almighty and the Lamb Revelation 21 :22
I think you guys should decide whether you wanna be with Scar, or Simba?
And I’m good with all of it as long as you know, I’m the Lion King . You did see the movie, right?
I really don’t care which way it goes as long as I don’t have to connect with the wrong side !!! I’m not gonna care who does what, just be nice and treat each other with respect. God does decide these battles, and if we hold fast to our beliefs, we will soon regret that we were that judgmental.
I like the metaphor of the lion‘s protecting their king. It’s kind of cool cause all he has to do is stand on top and let out a big roar and everybody has to go behind a bush. Burning 🔥 Bush like Moses!!!
Thought I was going to hate this one but listened anyway. I’m glad I did! Really appreciated the insights on the temple ordinances and also the discussion on feminine versus masculine. One thing I would say: this is just one person‘s opinion. We can’t call this absolute truth. At some points, it felt a bit absolute.
Re the paraphrased scripture Meghan shared at 44 minutes, is this the one?
Moses 6
7 Now this same Priesthood, which was in the beginning, shall be in the end of the world also.
"And thus the Gospel began to be preached, from the beginning, being declared by holy angels sent forth from the presence of God, and by his own voice, and by the gift of the Holy Ghost. And thus all things were confirmed unto Adam, by an holy ordinance, and the Gospel preached, and a decree sent forth, that it should be in the world, until the end thereof; and thus it was." Moses 5:59
@ thank you
Comparison is a masculine trait? Lol
I love you both so much!!!
Be careful of those truths that we hold too. Lucifer can take a truth that is in Heaven but is forbidden on Earth. As an example “I am free to choose what I want to do.”
If I hold fast to that truth and then become adamant in my opinion, we may teach our own truth, not the higher order.
I can chose to be in love with women without living in Lust and find them truly immaculately not only physically but totally in perfection and in mind.
I choose to keep my covenants!!! with God, follow Elohim in purity and be grateful to be connected with like minded magnificent beings.
Making covenants and keeping them, will entitle us to greater truths.
Yes, Megan, there is nuance in all Truth.
Before a man can learn to truly love a woman, he must first learn to overcome his lust. (He’s as think as a Brick) 😊
And in the highest degrees of the celestial realm (Brick), can ascend back with hosts of Heaven, we are free to be more than we are and recognize the intimate relationships that we had before, are not going away (sacrament of Sex) And we wonder why they wanted to kill him!!!
Here’s one for you, lol.
Imagine that “I take off my apron. I’ve got a pretty active imagination, do I really want to go there as a man?
You decide.
Brick, or Eternal (Law).
The natural man or woman is an enemy to God and ever will be.
Don’t get disgusted because men have to battle through these things.
As Avraham Gileadi so correctly states, when the women finally go, the men are already gone!!!
I’m so grateful to have these wonderful truth taught to me by humble, beautiful sisters!!!
@@petervincent3560 what the heck are you even saying?
50:30 - 2 Nephi 32.3-6
sorry no- Joseph isn't a free mason and he didn't create the endowment. I don't see that source as supporting joseph being apart of the endowment creation that we know today.
Eve was a rebel.
Yes, she aligned with the dark side of the masculine and became its agent
There is no division of worth between men and women in the eyes of God! Both sexes are of equal value, and at no moment one is above the other! The roles differ, but one role is not of higher importance than the other! The interpretation given here seems to be heavily influenced by New Age ideas of Feminism which put great emphasis in a Heavenly Mother! Any light that we receive comes through our personal relationship with God, through The Holy Ghost, and it does not come or is created by our interpretations and intellect! If ideas are not Scriptural, are false! Our ascension into God's realm consist in keeping the Commandments and offering to Him a broken humble heart and contrite spirit and not tokens of ritual!
Meh. I didn’t find God in this discussion.
But I did find a lot of similarities with crystal energy, channeling and other mysticisms.
God is in and through all things. The light is in the darkness but the darkness does not comprehend it. All we have to do to find God is to love honesty, virtue, and charity!
Thank u 4 ur discussion as I always love to learn about my woman , my dearest wife, my glory , & my joy - my Rhea!
She is such a sweetheart - very simple in her faith!
When I met her over
5 years ago she only considered the scriptures as mere words; sadly, such an attitude caused her to be beset w/ unnecessary trials & troubles b4 we met !
Having noted all that,
I basically can testify , at least in my realm , that a woman w/o a man is like a garden w/o a fence!
It’s always incumbent ur me, a male, to have it all covered to enact in our marriage a very comprehensive mindset so she has the security to act with her feminine charms that used to be undisciplined feminine wiles, just saying!
Please don’t put all LDS woman in your little box Stone
Peter was called a stone and upon this Rock he would build his foundation. A foundation is the lowest point in the structure of a building.
One interpretation of the Hebrew word is a pebble.
I think perhaps you’re a little stoned.
Not you Michell : )
Ugh, this is LDS crystal reading and channeling. Michelle, put this "chick flick" content on another channel and give pointers to it here.
“He shall rule over the thee” is a consequence of eves disobedience. It was a choice SHE made and she has to accept the consequences of that choice
Yeah, well we are not supposed to be punished for Eve’s or Adan’s transgression. Her consequences belong to her, but do not apply to us.
@@ggrace1133 Well, kinda. God told her that because of what she did she would bare her children in sorrow. Trust me, that it does apply to us. But I don't regret having the opportunity to be pregnant and bare my children. I think men get short changed because they don't get to experience it.
And thank God that she made such a sacrifice and made that choice or they would all still be hanging out in that lovely garden and we would still be waiting to get to come to earth.
@@ggrace1133 so your pregnancies were painless?
@@icecreamladydriver1606 disobedience to god is not a good thing or a “sacrifice” worth being grateful for, lol. No, the devil wasn’t right. Don’t believe the nonsense they tell you from the pulpit. If Eve had been obedient, they would have been given further light and knowledge when they were PREPARED to receive it. Eve jumped the gun by listening to the father of all lies - that’s not a good thing. The whole point is to be in the garden, we want to get back to eden and out of this prison planet of death, decay and destruction. We don’t have to progress by learning the hard way - we can be obedient to God and avoid those consequences to begin with, lol.
Your Jungian personality type has a massive impact on how masculine or feminine you are.
I have discovered through an exact formula that the following mbti types, on average, have the following levels of masculinity and femininity, going from most masculine to least masculine:
1) INTJ: 60% Masculinity
40% femininity
2) ENFJ: 58% Masculinity
42% Femininity
3) ESTP: 57% Masculinity
43% Femininity
4) ENTJ: 55% Masculinity
45% Femininity
5) ISFJ: 55% Masculinity
45% Femininity
6) ISTP: 53% Masculinity
47% Femininity
7) ISTJ: 52% Masculinity
48% Femininity
8) INFJ: 50% Masculinity
50% Femininity
9) ENTP: 50% Masculinity
50% Femininity
10) ESFJ: 48% Masculinity
52% Femininity
11) ESFP 47% Masculinity
53% Femininity
12) ESTJ: 45% Masculinity
55% Femininity
13) INFP: 45% Masculinity
55% Femininity
14) ISFP: 43% Masculinity
57% Femininity
15) INTP: 42% Masculinity
58% Femininity
16) ENFP: 40% Masculinity
60% femininity
Interesting! Thanks for sharing this!
@lddisciplespodcast Do you know you and your husband's correct mbti type?
If so, I can send you information about how your intertype dynamic works.