For a long time now, I've wanted it to be the case that spells could be slotted into catalysts and seals. For example, you could take carian sword staff and put slicer on R1, Piercer on R2, Comet on 2h R1, Adula's moonblade on 2h R2, Phalanx on backstep R1, etc.
In regards to your rant about spell toggling, this is one thing that Lords of the Fallen did really well. It’s so satisfying being able to cast different spells on the fly because you can bind your equipped spells to specific buttons
My favorite game(s) to do spells are Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and Nioh 2. WL gives you 8 spell slots and has them all on a quick menu like the pouch in ER. Hold button 1 + A,B,C, or D. Then you can press in the left stick while holding button 1 to switch your other page and it's quick and responsive so you can easily cast a spell on on page, swap to the other mid animation and buffer the next cast, then switch back to the first page all in like a second. Nioh 2 puts the spells on the D-pad IIRC, and it also has enemy skills you can steal to use like spells that work the same way WL does spells (but you only get up to 3 at a time per page). But the D-pad can have 4 pages mixed between spells and items, so it's pretty easy to have specific pages for specific combos or options you want to do. (Honorable mention to a third Team Ninja game, Stranger of Paradise, where the magic classes have a spell wheel + free aim that makes it easy to cast what you want when you want where you want, and you can have two classes equipped so one can be your main class for melee combat and then the other can be a spell class for nuking or buffing or a mix.) I really hope the rumor that FROM's next soulsike is gonna be spell focused is true, they really need to get with the times on that front.
@weebutrash8733 a shit game that has a tinc system for fashion, boss rush mode, interconnected world design, in built randomiser without needing mods, a covenant like system that rewards you for playing pvp, higher player limit and functional coop. If that's a shit game than I like shit games
Unseen Blade could have SO easily been a body buff that applied to all your weapons, so at the very least, in it’s INTENDED USE CASE, the other player in PvP couldn’t see what you’re swapping to. Could also give the damage boost from attacking unaware enemies, but like, the whole time ALSO, remove the damn swiping animation from the weapons. Being able to see the only important part of a weapon defeats ANY point in making it invisible
I agree with 99% of what your saying. The removal of the swing is a hard no. That's just not how fun game design works. There is no fun game out there where you can't see your opponent doing anything, and you just get hit with damage. That's not good game design. Think I'm wrong? Think of one game that does what you're saying. They haven't cause it's not a good idea. Closest thing I can think of is Halo with active camo and even there active camo is a shimmer not total invisibility like ER. Still think I'm wrong? Commission a modder to mod what you are saying then go 1v1 a friend and see how fun it is.
going through Nioh 2 and Lotf again really makes me appreciate how spells aren't in that item toggle menu. Also, bonus points for Lotf letting you swap spells around outside of a rest point.
LotF had some really great ideas to develop these systems. The magic, the coop respawning, the Covenants (albeit their PvP for example was… rocky to say the least). It makes me really excited to see what they do for LotF2 (3 technically?) and by extension, i’d love to see FS bring in these changes (bring back covenants guys… one of the worst choices made for ER)
@@Definitely4lexAnd the Game got pretty cleaned Up after all the updates, sure, is not great, but you can have a fun time, there's a lot of potencial for a second game
@ oh yeah i have nothing but good things to say about the team who even now still update the game. I’m excited to see their next game because of all the great work they did with this release and it’s continuous updates
@@Definitely4lex put in over 100 hours in Lotf at launch, worst souls like i've ever played, personal opinion. Heard they have been updating it ever since, still pretty awful as a game. Pretty though, but awful nonetheless.
100% about how cumbersome cycling spells is in souls. Going into Witcher 3 next gen, I was ecstatic about the spell shortcuts they added. If something like that could happen with souls, I'd totally be more inclined to play caster only builds.
I got 500+ hours in Elden Ring with most of that time spent with a partial or full caster build (tried INT, INT/FTH, FTH, and FTH/ARC), and I highly recommend just switching the spell toggle button to R1 (if full caster) or Triangle (if you are using a weapon on your main hand). It makes spell combos way easier to pull off without having to do a claw grip, and the rhythm of play just feels more in line with the speed of some battles. Being able to swap spells while you are moving or performing other actions is so critical.
@АлексейСонных true, it has a wider radius, however a spellslot can be useful. Granted, again, I do love starlight, it's way better to just have a lantern in your inventory and manage dark caves like that instead of losing resources that'd be employed with other actually useful spells, even support ones though they're sparse. Otherwise we could just craft a thousand brightstones, which also weigh nothing, are incredibly cheap to create, and are the brightest light source in the game (without taking into account the fact they keep the environment bright even while using the telescope or stuff like that, in case you'd like to look at the environment)
Night maidens mist is the most fun cheese spell. Killing stuff through walls and ceilings and floors and putting it down and using torrent to run around a group while they melt.
Although incantations are certainly better for PVE, in PVP sorceries shine brightly. One of the best PVP spells in the game is miriam's vanish because it will unlock your opponent's character lock on, which unless you're playing against someone extremely good will mess with everyone.
Magic and intelligence really got shafted in this game. Feels like the bigger focus on gods and demigods made faith based options more common and prevalent.
Magic and intelligence were shafted in this game? Darkmoon Greatsword, Moonveil, Death's Poker, Zamora Ice Storm, Shard Spiral, Carian Slicer, Carian Piercer, Carian Sovereignty? Maybe in the DLC, but overall they definitely did not get shafted. If anything got shafted it was Holy stuff in a game where all the end game bosses resist it almost completely.
Catalysts (Seals/Staves) desperately need a rework, as they're pointlessly extremely barebones in Elden Ring. They're basically glorified tool items that happen to fill the hand slot. Would love if they treated Catalysts as actual true weapons for Casters: Affinities Ash of War variety A useful R2 FP-free Spell Attack A quick-select Spell Wheel Tying a Cerulean Sapping Crystal Tear effect to all Catalysts that trigger when dealing damage with the Catalyst's R2 attack to restore FP would be a great change. Hopefully they also add FP Regen as a passive innate gameplay feature, like a 1/FP per second would be better than what we currently got. These changes would be vastly better than the spell damage bloating effects that they slapped Casters with.
55:31 One of the best parts about this is, if you spam the fully charged version at an NPC’s feet, it just fully stunlocks the completely. EZ Rakshaksha’s set.
The moonblade section is so real. Whenever I’m in the early game and don’t have it, there is not a single spell that I more frequently wish I had access to, it’s just so convenient and good at everything. Truly goated.
Ambush shard is slightly useful early game if you're fighting Crucible Knights and trying to hit them behind their shield. Scholar Armament is also nice early game too. While we now know how to make a build and get really strong stuff quickly, it's a bit different if you're a first time player who is slowly and methodically exploring Limgrave first.
Fleeting Microcosm > Grav Missile Grav Missile just doesn't move at range very well without a target to move torward, and even then it's range is like 10 feet. Microcosm does what you tell it to and blows up for roughly the same damage as a Meteorite + Carian Regal Staff Grav Missile.
I'd add that Terra Magica is a must-have if you play with mimic. Mimic is quite eager to drop it on the ground, and you can use it for free. You can also take a full advantage of it when mimic tanks your enemies, and you can just stand there and fire off projectiles.
There is one more thing to mention about [Roiling Magma]: when you hit the enemy directly, you can take the increased damage of oil pot and frostbite without triggering the fire attribute judgment (the animation of the enemy burning) to reset the debuff effect.
From really needs to improve on their spellcasting or not having button shortcuts for spells will be one of the biggest criticisms of their next big title
I use carian phalanx just before ranni's dark moon. It gives you protection by staggering anything rushing towards you. Also, carain phalanx adds extra damage when using any ash of war where to rush towards your target. Looks cool on crucible wings.
I only run int faith builds since I got into higher levels and I haven't gone back ever since. Gives you access to the highest scaling seal and staff, more buff options between incantations and sorceries. The int faith spells should be higher just on the base of potential in higher levels.
I've found comet to still deal more damage than night comet by a few hundreded damage, even if I use a staff of loss. Idk if it's just due to higher levels, but comet seems way stronger to me.
@dylearium I've already done that. Night comet with my build did 2212 damage, but comet did 2368 damage. Comet deals higher damage from what I've tested
Definitely agree about how annoying it is toggling between spells and other equipment and items with the D-pad. With some practice and planning toggling between spells can be viable though if you do it in the middle of a longer animation.
One thing I want to add about night comet. The dodging ai wont react to your first cast. But if you chain cast night comet, they will dodge the second and so on. Just be careful not to miss. Just my personal preference, for some bosses liking to charge towards player, I use magic glintblade a lot. It is a lot quicker to fully charge and chain cast. And the enemy, preferably larger than human, will get hit when they run through the magic sigil. Also, you can fully charge about three glintblades then cast terra magica. The damage boost will apply when the glintblades hit the target.
one thing spells have over incantations is that a good amount of them have the ''can be cast repeatedly'' animation, which I feel only very few incantations have
When I checked the spells before starting my first playthrough, I instantly decided to main the night spells. Screw enemies "input reading" my spells. Went with meteorite staff + off hand staff of loss through most of the playthrough, shoutout to rock sling. Eventually added Ranni's moon + the bow for sniping, but completely slept on the blade spells and ice storm for some reason 🤷♂️
I’m mainly an mmo gamer and I completely agree with having dedicated buttons for each spells. It’s very possible to do it with a controller even if you have 10+ spells. In the elder scrolls online you have 10 skills and 2 ultimates and many people play with a controller
I’m a mage. I switched my spell-casting button months ago. It’s is my l1. Also, you can always hold the spell-casting button to go to your first equipped spell. That helps lower the tediousness of switching between spells. Also, just want to point out that Caria is pronounced Car-ia, not Care-ia (not to hate; still love your content).
I know ppl dont like my twin moon, but honestly the memory of just fucking up leda her dumpsterparty 2nd try, while my friend is malding about him taking 5 hours for this fight makes it S tier 4 for me.
Brilliant video, thanks. Can you please clarify what does off handing means? For weapons or shields passive effect to be active does it have to be in your left hand and two hand your right hand weapon or can it be equipped in you right hand slot 2, so not be visible on your character at all and still has the effect? Many Thanks!
Never forget when Stars of Ruin used to be good. Also wish hexes were a thing. Casting powerful spells that cost runes would have been a great risk and reward gameplay. Especially since you don't have soul memory here.
Night maiden's mist is SO GOOD on pvp, can be used to damage renalla on bubble, can be used to kill these death floating eyes, has low mana cost for 1500 damage, can pass through walls, you can plant traps fpr invaders, and know when they passed it by the life bar, it is impossible to dodge if you know how to use it
Can agree with most of it, but a few thoughts: I saw the Magma Sorceries run only and tried it also out myself (Boss Arena mod). I think Magma Shot got underrated. It performed better than i expected. Did something like 1500 damage (with the Magma-Ticks) against Consort uncharged and about 2500 charged. Was easier to kill Consort and a lot of other bosses with that, than with Night Comet (which is the overall more reliable spell of course). But looked like a solid B-Tier for me and Gelmirs Fury even A-Tier. And why is Lorretas Greatbow in A-Tier?:D A-Tier for me means, that the Spell is not only occasionally useful, but always somewhat useful, strong and reliable. It is a good B-Tier option (occasionally useful) for sniping. Try to kill 5 endgame Bosses with a lvl 150 build: Lorettas Greatbow vs Magma Shot. The C-Tier spell will perform basicaly always better, probably even against fire resistent enemys like Messmer or Midra.
When two-handing a catalyst, all the inputs but R1/RB are basically useless (except for carian regal scepter's skill, but you can also use it one-handing so there is no need to two-hand the staff). So these buttons could be used to solve the spell mapping issue IMO. While on memorize spell UI, one could bind certain spells to R2/RT, L1/LB and L2/LT, replacing those inputs' original actions ONLY WHEN TWO-HANDING A CATALYST, would not replace when not two-handing (when not two-handing they would be available through the regular cycling, and when two-handing they would disappear from the cycle). Then we could have three dedicated inputs for certain spells and the rest would be through the regular cycling.
Night Shard got done a bit dirty. Once you factor in the 30% from the Staff of Loss, which you can get early and want anyway for Night Comet, it comes out as the more efficient Shard spell than Glintstone Shard since it suddenly can do more damage for only 2 more FP. If you're already casting Night Comet, it is no extra effort on your part to have a Staff of Loss in off-hand at that point, so you might as well make Shard your trash mob cleaner.
Bro's been glazing night comet throughout the whole video like jjk characters glazed gojo throughout the whole manga "this spell does a lot of damage, not as much as night comet tho" "this spell hits easily but it's not invisible like night comet" bro just marry night comet goddamn
Rancorcall has exactly one use: dragonflies 💀 Ambush shard is rly awesome to clear mobs. As long as you're locked on and just a bit closer then the max distance you you'll hit them no matter if there's something between you and the mob. You can cheese a ton of enemies with that.
could not agree more about the spell toggling. main reason i don't bother with sorcery builds, and I even have a dedicated rear paddle button bound to "up" on the dpad
I really wish they had the option to either bind spells to the pouch slots or have a comparable system exclusively for spells (like the useless L2 for staves opening a "spell pouch")
Thank´s for the video. Just FYI, the magic debuff is just 10%, not 20%. Same than PvP. I do not know if this is a mistake or not but I just tested and there is not doubt about it. I mean the Ranni´s Dark Moon.
Glintblade trio has way more stance damage, it actually stance breaks faster than regular glintblade unlike what you said Youwy. You should confirm and prove what you're saying
Half the spells in this game feel like the devs mentality was like "oh so you want to fight from a distance and avoid combat ? Well for wanting to play the game in a lame way we're gonna make the spells suck and take way too much time and have no point at all". Like, if it's to make magic this lame, why bother putting magic into your game at all ?
Kinda surprised to see cometshard so low. Sure, it does less damage than comet or night comet (especially if you go with offhand staff of loss for the later, as you should), but is quite more efficient in terms of fp consumption than those (especially more than comet) and the difference in damage is not that big. Obviously not the best choice against a boss, but when roaming around the map I find cometshard to be the good ol' reliable more than the other two. Edit: by this I mean that I expected it to see it around A tier, not near the bottom of B. I'm not arguing for S tier here, haha
i agree with swapping through spells not being ideal but ill also admit that it makes for an interesting element in pvp and you can kind of stack your spells like a deck of cards but 100% i wish we had a better system
Best Staff?видео.htmlsi=BFu_vy4d-P21zh3O
youwy's staff>
For a long time now, I've wanted it to be the case that spells could be slotted into catalysts and seals. For example, you could take carian sword staff and put slicer on R1, Piercer on R2, Comet on 2h R1, Adula's moonblade on 2h R2, Phalanx on backstep R1, etc.
Fromsoft hire this man
Really good idea
Let this man COOOK
Lets us all spread this idea so it reaches fromsoftware
In regards to your rant about spell toggling, this is one thing that Lords of the Fallen did really well. It’s so satisfying being able to cast different spells on the fly because you can bind your equipped spells to specific buttons
If only the game wasn't shit 😂
My favorite game(s) to do spells are Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and Nioh 2.
WL gives you 8 spell slots and has them all on a quick menu like the pouch in ER. Hold button 1 + A,B,C, or D. Then you can press in the left stick while holding button 1 to switch your other page and it's quick and responsive so you can easily cast a spell on on page, swap to the other mid animation and buffer the next cast, then switch back to the first page all in like a second.
Nioh 2 puts the spells on the D-pad IIRC, and it also has enemy skills you can steal to use like spells that work the same way WL does spells (but you only get up to 3 at a time per page). But the D-pad can have 4 pages mixed between spells and items, so it's pretty easy to have specific pages for specific combos or options you want to do.
(Honorable mention to a third Team Ninja game, Stranger of Paradise, where the magic classes have a spell wheel + free aim that makes it easy to cast what you want when you want where you want, and you can have two classes equipped so one can be your main class for melee combat and then the other can be a spell class for nuking or buffing or a mix.)
I really hope the rumor that FROM's next soulsike is gonna be spell focused is true, they really need to get with the times on that front.
@@weebutrash8733 It isn't that bad
@weebutrash8733 a shit game that has a tinc system for fashion, boss rush mode, interconnected world design, in built randomiser without needing mods, a covenant like system that rewards you for playing pvp, higher player limit and functional coop. If that's a shit game than I like shit games
@@YEY0806it just plays like shit….
Fia’s mist basically the best spell
Fia's foot fungus musk
@3:10 It one-shot!
Fias mist one shots Consort Radhan, trust me bro
fia’s body odor🤤
Fias squirt
Youwy misses old moonlight from ds3
Old Moonlight > Adulas Moonblade
Don't we all
Unseen Blade could have SO easily been a body buff that applied to all your weapons, so at the very least, in it’s INTENDED USE CASE, the other player in PvP couldn’t see what you’re swapping to. Could also give the damage boost from attacking unaware enemies, but like, the whole time
ALSO, remove the damn swiping animation from the weapons. Being able to see the only important part of a weapon defeats ANY point in making it invisible
I agree with 99% of what your saying. The removal of the swing is a hard no. That's just not how fun game design works. There is no fun game out there where you can't see your opponent doing anything, and you just get hit with damage. That's not good game design. Think I'm wrong? Think of one game that does what you're saying. They haven't cause it's not a good idea. Closest thing I can think of is Halo with active camo and even there active camo is a shimmer not total invisibility like ER.
Still think I'm wrong? Commission a modder to mod what you are saying then go 1v1 a friend and see how fun it is.
@@JMW10o0o I think they mean the attack trail effect, not the actual animation.
wheres the sorcery to make messmer fall in love with me
His purpose standeth unchanged
Rellana be like:
@Lukart59 messmer wont be standing while im doing what im gonna do to him
We found Rellana alt account.
He’s not letting you hit Rellana
going through Nioh 2 and Lotf again really makes me appreciate how spells aren't in that item toggle menu. Also, bonus points for Lotf letting you swap spells around outside of a rest point.
LotF had some really great ideas to develop these systems. The magic, the coop respawning, the Covenants (albeit their PvP for example was… rocky to say the least). It makes me really excited to see what they do for LotF2 (3 technically?) and by extension, i’d love to see FS bring in these changes (bring back covenants guys… one of the worst choices made for ER)
@@Definitely4lexAnd the Game got pretty cleaned Up after all the updates, sure, is not great, but you can have a fun time, there's a lot of potencial for a second game
@ oh yeah i have nothing but good things to say about the team who even now still update the game. I’m excited to see their next game because of all the great work they did with this release and it’s continuous updates
@@Definitely4lex put in over 100 hours in Lotf at launch, worst souls like i've ever played, personal opinion. Heard they have been updating it ever since, still pretty awful as a game. Pretty though, but awful nonetheless.
Just realized one benefit of unseen blade: you can clearly see where the hitbox ends on a weapon
100% about how cumbersome cycling spells is in souls. Going into Witcher 3 next gen, I was ecstatic about the spell shortcuts they added. If something like that could happen with souls, I'd totally be more inclined to play caster only builds.
Carian Slicer my beloved❤
perfect timing, i was looking for an updated tier list
Thanks for the rant at the beginning. Not having the possibility to chose a spell by clicking a button is a 1990s design flaw.
I got 500+ hours in Elden Ring with most of that time spent with a partial or full caster build (tried INT, INT/FTH, FTH, and FTH/ARC), and I highly recommend just switching the spell toggle button to R1 (if full caster) or Triangle (if you are using a weapon on your main hand). It makes spell combos way easier to pull off without having to do a claw grip, and the rhythm of play just feels more in line with the speed of some battles. Being able to swap spells while you are moving or performing other actions is so critical.
Rock Blaster may not be the best but it's my favorite
Only a psychopath would enjoy hurling rocks at people. Do some soul searching.
Just use skill of Carian Regal Spectre. This is better.
Can we have a bit more appreciation for Starlight
Yes! S TIER!
It is outclassed by the lantern item, which costs literally nothing, HOWEVER for roleplay purposes can be quite fun
@@brickch.6502 lantern is trash, starlight is alot brighter.
@АлексейСонных true, it has a wider radius, however a spellslot can be useful. Granted, again, I do love starlight, it's way better to just have a lantern in your inventory and manage dark caves like that instead of losing resources that'd be employed with other actually useful spells, even support ones though they're sparse. Otherwise we could just craft a thousand brightstones, which also weigh nothing, are incredibly cheap to create, and are the brightest light source in the game (without taking into account the fact they keep the environment bright even while using the telescope or stuff like that, in case you'd like to look at the environment)
Night maidens mist is the most fun cheese spell. Killing stuff through walls and ceilings and floors and putting it down and using torrent to run around a group while they melt.
59:20 Not to mention if you get 2nd Staff of Loss, both gives 30% damage bonus resulting in 69% boost just by holding staffs :P
Although incantations are certainly better for PVE, in PVP sorceries shine brightly. One of the best PVP spells in the game is miriam's vanish because it will unlock your opponent's character lock on, which unless you're playing against someone extremely good will mess with everyone.
Magic and intelligence really got shafted in this game. Feels like the bigger focus on gods and demigods made faith based options more common and prevalent.
Magic and intelligence were shafted in this game? Darkmoon Greatsword, Moonveil, Death's Poker, Zamora Ice Storm, Shard Spiral, Carian Slicer, Carian Piercer, Carian Sovereignty? Maybe in the DLC, but overall they definitely did not get shafted. If anything got shafted it was Holy stuff in a game where all the end game bosses resist it almost completely.
Wym the game is literally about faith vs intelligence.
Cry more
No it's is extremely faith heavy@@NoLimitsHtx
@@qualiswilliams7403 in the dlc people was turning their back on faith for intelligent (sorcery)
Catalysts (Seals/Staves) desperately need a rework, as they're pointlessly extremely barebones in Elden Ring. They're basically glorified tool items that happen to fill the hand slot.
Would love if they treated Catalysts as actual true weapons for Casters:
Ash of War variety
A useful R2 FP-free Spell Attack
A quick-select Spell Wheel
Tying a Cerulean Sapping Crystal Tear effect to all Catalysts that trigger when dealing damage with the Catalyst's R2 attack to restore FP would be a great change.
Hopefully they also add FP Regen as a passive innate gameplay feature, like a 1/FP per second would be better than what we currently got.
These changes would be vastly better than the spell damage bloating effects that they slapped Casters with.
49:45 i got called out...FINE!! i'll watch the A Tier...
I always watch the full video it is just really interesting to see where he places absolutely everything
55:31 One of the best parts about this is, if you spam the fully charged version at an NPC’s feet, it just fully stunlocks the completely. EZ Rakshaksha’s set.
Ancient death rancor gang rise up
The moonblade section is so real. Whenever I’m in the early game and don’t have it, there is not a single spell that I more frequently wish I had access to, it’s just so convenient and good at everything. Truly goated.
I skipped my wedding for this
Thanks…just getting back into the game. This is helpful
Ambush shard is slightly useful early game if you're fighting Crucible Knights and trying to hit them behind their shield. Scholar Armament is also nice early game too.
While we now know how to make a build and get really strong stuff quickly, it's a bit different if you're a first time player who is slowly and methodically exploring Limgrave first.
Fleeting Microcosm > Grav Missile
Grav Missile just doesn't move at range very well without a target to move torward, and even then it's range is like 10 feet. Microcosm does what you tell it to and blows up for roughly the same damage as a Meteorite + Carian Regal Staff Grav Missile.
Literally just started putting together a caster build so this video is perfect rn :)
10:55 that pause was foul 😹
this guy is simply my favorite elden ring content creator
Youwy in the studio be like 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
Trio in C tier is a crime
Nice I needed this video right now😮
Wow, this list is MASSIVE
Thanks for the vid!🎉
I'd add that Terra Magica is a must-have if you play with mimic. Mimic is quite eager to drop it on the ground, and you can use it for free. You can also take a full advantage of it when mimic tanks your enemies, and you can just stand there and fire off projectiles.
There is one more thing to mention about [Roiling Magma]: when you hit the enemy directly, you can take the increased damage of oil pot and frostbite without triggering the fire attribute judgment (the animation of the enemy burning) to reset the debuff effect.
Also not triggering fire attribute judgment is [Placidusax's Ruin]
From really needs to improve on their spellcasting or not having button shortcuts for spells will be one of the biggest criticisms of their next big title
Watching this all the way through (like every Youwy vid) even though I hate wizard builds and never run it myself
I use carian phalanx just before ranni's dark moon. It gives you protection by staggering anything rushing towards you.
Also, carain phalanx adds extra damage when using any ash of war where to rush towards your target. Looks cool on crucible wings.
I only run int faith builds since I got into higher levels and I haven't gone back ever since. Gives you access to the highest scaling seal and staff, more buff options between incantations and sorceries. The int faith spells should be higher just on the base of potential in higher levels.
I've found comet to still deal more damage than night comet by a few hundreded damage, even if I use a staff of loss. Idk if it's just due to higher levels, but comet seems way stronger to me.
Same here. Though iam using primce of death staff with 90 Int and 80faith and sol in offhand. Comet does a lot more damage than night comet.
i believe night comet comes out faster, and if not night comet is invisible to enemies so that’s probably why
@dukethecorndog6865 the tracking is nice on some enemies but for most stuff comet is better imo. It also has a slight aoe.
You keep Staff of Loss in your offhand & cast with a better staff to see the real Night Comet damage
@dylearium I've already done that. Night comet with my build did 2212 damage, but comet did 2368 damage. Comet deals higher damage from what I've tested
Another nice thing about Fleeting Microcosm is that you duck really low when casting it. Very frequently keeps you from getting hit while casting.
small counter point for thop's barriar. it makes elden beast a cakewalk and makes it basically a free win
Glintstone Icecrag, my beloved, Queen of the A-tier
Definitely agree about how annoying it is toggling between spells and other equipment and items with the D-pad. With some practice and planning toggling between spells can be viable though if you do it in the middle of a longer animation.
One thing I want to add about night comet. The dodging ai wont react to your first cast. But if you chain cast night comet, they will dodge the second and so on. Just be careful not to miss.
Just my personal preference, for some bosses liking to charge towards player, I use magic glintblade a lot. It is a lot quicker to fully charge and chain cast. And the enemy, preferably larger than human, will get hit when they run through the magic sigil. Also, you can fully charge about three glintblades then cast terra magica. The damage boost will apply when the glintblades hit the target.
one thing spells have over incantations is that a good amount of them have the ''can be cast repeatedly'' animation, which I feel only very few incantations have
When I checked the spells before starting my first playthrough, I instantly decided to main the night spells. Screw enemies "input reading" my spells.
Went with meteorite staff + off hand staff of loss through most of the playthrough, shoutout to rock sling. Eventually added Ranni's moon + the bow for sniping, but completely slept on the blade spells and ice storm for some reason 🤷♂️
4:45 finally someone said the poor man’s name correctly. He introduces himself by name but still no one gets it right
I’m mainly an mmo gamer and I completely agree with having dedicated buttons for each spells. It’s very possible to do it with a controller even if you have 10+ spells. In the elder scrolls online you have 10 skills and 2 ultimates and many people play with a controller
I’m a mage. I switched my spell-casting button months ago. It’s is my l1. Also, you can always hold the spell-casting button to go to your first equipped spell. That helps lower the tediousness of switching between spells. Also, just want to point out that Caria is pronounced Car-ia, not Care-ia (not to hate; still love your content).
I know ppl dont like my twin moon, but honestly the memory of just fucking up leda her dumpsterparty 2nd try, while my friend is malding about him taking 5 hours for this fight makes it S tier 4 for me.
I use it as my “critical hit” when i stagger enemies with Glintstone Nails lol
talks bad about magma shot while video shows you beating radagon beautifully with it 😆
Brilliant video, thanks. Can you please clarify what does off handing means? For weapons or shields passive effect to be active does it have to be in your left hand and two hand your right hand weapon or can it be equipped in you right hand slot 2, so not be visible on your character at all and still has the effect?
Many Thanks!
Never forget when Stars of Ruin used to be good. Also wish hexes were a thing. Casting powerful spells that cost runes would have been a great risk and reward gameplay. Especially since you don't have soul memory here.
Night maiden's mist is SO GOOD on pvp, can be used to damage renalla on bubble, can be used to kill these death floating eyes, has low mana cost for 1500 damage, can pass through walls, you can plant traps fpr invaders, and know when they passed it by the life bar, it is impossible to dodge if you know how to use it
Youwy da goat
Thank you yowy
22:44 “no damage” then you show a clip of you shredding radagon with it
Can agree with most of it, but a few thoughts:
I saw the Magma Sorceries run only and tried it also out myself (Boss Arena mod). I think Magma Shot got underrated. It performed better than i expected. Did something like 1500 damage (with the Magma-Ticks) against Consort uncharged and about 2500 charged. Was easier to kill Consort and a lot of other bosses with that, than with Night Comet (which is the overall more reliable spell of course). But looked like a solid B-Tier for me and Gelmirs Fury even A-Tier.
And why is Lorretas Greatbow in A-Tier?:D A-Tier for me means, that the Spell is not only occasionally useful, but always somewhat useful, strong and reliable. It is a good B-Tier option (occasionally useful) for sniping. Try to kill 5 endgame Bosses with a lvl 150 build: Lorettas Greatbow vs Magma Shot. The C-Tier spell will perform basicaly always better, probably even against fire resistent enemys like Messmer or Midra.
When two-handing a catalyst, all the inputs but R1/RB are basically useless (except for carian regal scepter's skill, but you can also use it one-handing so there is no need to two-hand the staff). So these buttons could be used to solve the spell mapping issue IMO. While on memorize spell UI, one could bind certain spells to R2/RT, L1/LB and L2/LT, replacing those inputs' original actions ONLY WHEN TWO-HANDING A CATALYST, would not replace when not two-handing (when not two-handing they would be available through the regular cycling, and when two-handing they would disappear from the cycle). Then we could have three dedicated inputs for certain spells and the rest would be through the regular cycling.
General damage buffs do boost night maidens mist, and at about 300 sorcery scaling the total damages goes to 2000+
Night Shard got done a bit dirty. Once you factor in the 30% from the Staff of Loss, which you can get early and want anyway for Night Comet, it comes out as the more efficient Shard spell than Glintstone Shard since it suddenly can do more damage for only 2 more FP. If you're already casting Night Comet, it is no extra effort on your part to have a Staff of Loss in off-hand at that point, so you might as well make Shard your trash mob cleaner.
Bro's been glazing night comet throughout the whole video like jjk characters glazed gojo throughout the whole manga "this spell does a lot of damage, not as much as night comet tho" "this spell hits easily but it's not invisible like night comet" bro just marry night comet goddamn
Rancorcall has exactly one use: dragonflies 💀
Ambush shard is rly awesome to clear mobs. As long as you're locked on and just a bit closer then the max distance you you'll hit them no matter if there's something between you and the mob. You can cheese a ton of enemies with that.
could not agree more about the spell toggling. main reason i don't bother with sorcery builds, and I even have a dedicated rear paddle button bound to "up" on the dpad
youwy my homie does Staff OGB make incants scale off SORCERY SCALING or just enables you to use them? happy new year btw
I really wish they had the option to either bind spells to the pouch slots or have a comparable system exclusively for spells (like the useless L2 for staves opening a "spell pouch")
Night comet in #1 evokes terrible visions of Malenia dying to it in my first playthrough
Meteorite is FANTASTIC anti dragon tech for the first 2/3ds of the game. But I am loving this list
Am I the only one who just can't land fleeting microcosm? It's my favorite spell visually but I just can't use it effectively.
Imo Lords of The Fallen 2 has the best spell menu
starlight is pretty cool some areas look alot more atmospheric with the greenish blue lighting
The Larval Tear rather killed itself than putting up with your Fia's Mist spam any longer 🤣
those of us who accept summon signs know number 1 rule is be cool and when we enter caves we have starlight ready for that reason
30:17 Aww :P
4:11 That looks really fucking sick though
Rock Sling just works a lot better when you use your left hand attacks
Despite its flaws Lords of the Fallen's spell/throwable system is fantastic and I hope Fromsoft implements some of their better ideas in the future
Thank´s for the video. Just FYI, the magic debuff is just 10%, not 20%. Same than PvP. I do not know if this is a mistake or not but I just tested and there is not doubt about it. I mean the Ranni´s Dark Moon.
Yeah all debuffs are bugged and always use PvP values even in pve.
Glintblade trio has way more stance damage, it actually stance breaks faster than regular glintblade unlike what you said Youwy. You should confirm and prove what you're saying
Can you please rank the sorceries and incantations together as one set? 😂
62 meteorite
56 crystal barrage
54 explosive ghost flame
51 magma shot
47 briars of punishment
46 magic downpour
43 gelmirs fury
37 stars of ruin
30 magic glintblade
29 meteorite of astel
28 glinstone nail
22 loretta's greatbow (got good range)
19 glinstone arc
16 crystal release
15 comet azur
10 rings of spectral light(requires faith too😢)
9 rock sling
7 shard spiral
4 zamor ice storm
3 blades of stone
2 carian slicer
1 night comet
terra magica
impenatrable thorns
great glinstone shard
crystal torrent
star shower
adulas moonblade
gravity well
33:05 - most normal enemies walk up to it too.
Half the spells in this game feel like the devs mentality was like "oh so you want to fight from a distance and avoid combat ? Well for wanting to play the game in a lame way we're gonna make the spells suck and take way too much time and have no point at all".
Like, if it's to make magic this lame, why bother putting magic into your game at all ?
Now I have to play this game again, this time with a int build
if you did a tier list of dual/triple/multiboss fights, would any fights be S or A tier?
Youwy will you rank all the sekiro weapon arts and prosthetic tools?
Wake up, Youwy posted!!!!
Kinda surprised to see cometshard so low. Sure, it does less damage than comet or night comet (especially if you go with offhand staff of loss for the later, as you should), but is quite more efficient in terms of fp consumption than those (especially more than comet) and the difference in damage is not that big. Obviously not the best choice against a boss, but when roaming around the map I find cometshard to be the good ol' reliable more than the other two.
Edit: by this I mean that I expected it to see it around A tier, not near the bottom of B. I'm not arguing for S tier here, haha
Don't feel too bad about the armament pronunciation. The whole north eastern side of the US has the same issue.
What is considered the best weapon after the patch?
49:49 You got me.
Eternal Darkness being lower than mantle of thorns is criminal
i agree with swapping through spells not being ideal but ill also admit that it makes for an interesting element in pvp and you can kind of stack your spells like a deck of cards but 100% i wish we had a better system
I want to see what you would use if you had 99 in every stat
Spell toggle has never been a deep issue for me, lol its real simple