A Radical View maybe?

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The video explains itself really but, I wanted to just let you know I mention something others might strongly disagree with. This being my view that many, if not all those with this condition who are bedbound at some point made a choice to stop the fight, to give in and accept this horrible thing.
    Of course, maybe they just got ill in some way which confined them to bed and they felt they never had recovered enough to get up. I don't know and, I am more than willing to accept I am wrong.
    My logic for the argument is that I know how easy it would be, were I that way inclined, for me to just maybe grab a few days of absolute rest, give myself a much needed recovery period (yes I need it). But I cannot do that, I have people who depend on me in a big way, several people my kids especially. If that means I have to maintain a false appearance of coping then, that's what I have to do.
    Back when I was healthy I was a full time carer, it was bloody hard work for zero payment as it was for my disabled children and my able bodied ones (on my own). I learnt that to mentally do a good job I had to 'have a life', it wasn't a luxury, it was essential. It is this way of thinking that keeps me living today. I know I am going to feel absolutely awful every day, that is unavoidable. Every now and then, something, some emergency happens and I have to give up days when I cannot have anything for myself. That takes weeks of recovery, I don't get weeks.
    I bounce along the bottom, as many have said, working my miracles.

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