Orlando (1992): The Fluidity of Gender

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 73

  • @yilyau
    @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +55

    Edit: it has been pointed out to me that people can infer my usage of she/he instead of gender neutral terms as offensive. In a comment I did outline my reasoning, which I thought made sense to me at the time, but I apologise to those that were offended. In a follow-up comment, a user seemed to suggest my use of particular wording, scholars and lack of coverage from the lens of trans or gender binary issues/identity (or how some of these theories could allow for trans/non binary identities) could be perceived as transphobic or discriminatory against gender binary people. To clarify, I had no knowledge that any of the arguments in the sources are from anyone transphobic prior to the uploading of this video. And it was not my intent to be transphobic or discriminatory to gender binary people. I tried looking up some of the scholars to see if anything would come up, but nothing so far. My reasons for not covering it from a gender-binary or trans lens is because quite frankly the scope felt far to wide and I didn’t have enough time or resources to do so. That being said, I am sorry to anyone that felt that I was trying to erase the importance of this film to gender binary and trans communities. Thank you for your patience; I will try to make a better video next time.
    Also, I don’t have much of a soundboard for these videos. So, if anyone working in these specific areas or others would like to recommended some further reading for education, feel free to email me.
    Sally Potter by Kristi McKim at: www.kristimckim.com/
    Symbolism in V. Woolf's ― Orlando (Cognitive Tools of Figurative Thought) by Natalya Davidko - paper at: www.researchgate.net/profile/Natalya-Davidko
    Mapping the Site of the Gendered Body in Potter’s Orlando (1992) by Helena Young - paper at: www.polyphonyjournal.com/post/mapping-the-site-of-the-gendered-body-in-potter-s-orlando-1992
    Can Clothing affect the Fluidity of Gender in Woolf’s ‘Orlando’? by Jaya Arora. (Medium: medium.com/@18069827/about
    Instagram: instagram.com/jayaaarora/
    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jaya-arora-41a156198/?originalSubdomain=ca).
    A Feminine Cinematics: Luce Irigaray, Women and Film by Caroline Bainbridge; Chapter 6: Orlando and The Maze of Gender.
    (Link to book: books.google.co.uk/books/about/A_Feminine_Cinematics.html?id=hXMLAQAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y
    Twitter: twitter.com/carobainbridge?lang=en
    ‘Same Person… Just a Different Sex’: Sally Potter’s Construction of Gender in ‘Orlando’ by Catherine Craft-Fairchild.
    (Amazon: www.amazon.com/stores/Catherine-Craft-Fairchild/author/B001HQ3A1C?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
    About: cas.stthomas.edu/departments/faculty/catherine-craft-fairchild/).
    The Greatest Literary Groups in History Article on Penguin Random House.
    Lifestyle and Legacy of the Bloomsbury Group Article on Tate.
    Orlando by Mark Smith (Instagram: instagram.com/amancalledmark/
    Twitter: ​​twitter.com/amancalledmark?lang=en
    Work: www.thetimes.co.uk/profile/mark-smith?page=1).
    Orlando - 1992 Potter by Drake - article at: thecinemaarchives.com/2021/12/17/orlando-1992-potter-2/
    Orlando review - Tilda Swinton is magnetic in Sally Potter’s swoony reverie by Peter Bradshaw
    (Twitter: twitter.com/PeterBradshaw1
    Amazon: amzn.eu/d/6ZOMb4u).
    Orlando: The most subversive history film ever made by Rachel Pronger (www.rachelpronger.com/
    Instagram: instagram.com/invisiblewomen_archives/).
    Travels with Sally Potter’s Orlando: Gender, Narrative, Movement by Julianne Pidduck (Google Books: books.google.co.uk/books/about/Contemporary_Costume_Film.html?id=A-NkAAAAMAAJ&source=kp_author_description&redir_esc=y
    Unclothing Gender: The Postmodern Sensibility in Sally Potter’s ‘Orlando’ by Suzzane Ferris and Kathleen Waites (Suzzane: suzanneferriss.com/film-and-visual-culture/ and Kathleen: www.kathleenjwaites.com/).
    Scopophilia in Oxford Reference.
    Present in the Picture: Potter’s Inclusion of the Audience in Orlando by Kate Bellmore (reelclub.wordpress.com/abouttheauthor/).
    Gender, Sex, Societal Roles Go Wild in Woolfe’s ‘Orlando’ by Christopher J. Hernandez (www.thecrimson.com/writer/6650/Christopher_J._Hernandez/).
    Pathway: Cinematography and Shot Analysis in Orlando by Jake Stickley (www.linkedin.com/in/jake-stickley/?originalSubdomain=uk
    Queens and queenliness: Quentin Crisp as Orlando’s Elizabeth I by Glyn Davis (research-portal.st-andrews.ac.uk/en/persons/glyn-peter-davis
    Orlando (1992): Film Review of the Drama Starring Tilda Swinton by Jason Day on cinesocialuk.com/2020/04/26/orlando-1992-film-review-of-the-drama-starring-tilda-swinton/.
    Queering the Oscars: The Costumes of "Orlando" by Cláudio Alves (linktr.ee/claudioalvesdc).
    Orlando From 1600 to 1650 by Sarah Lorraine.
    Orlando From 1650 to 1700 by Sarah Lorraine.
    Orlando in the Victorian Era by Sarah Lorraine.
    Orlando in the Mid-18th Century by Sarah Lorraine.
    The Furniture: Orlando’s Otherworldly Pageantry by Daniel Walber instagram.com/dswalber/?hl=en
    How Cult Genderqueer film Orlando Might Inspire the Met Gala by Chloe Esslemont.
    The compromised sexual positioning of Orlando: postmodern play in gender and filmic conventions by Christina Lane.
    Orlando Film Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat.
    The Mirror Didn’t Crack: Costume Drama and Gothic Horror in Sally Potter’s ‘Orlando’ by Sophie Mayer.
    Immortal Longing: Sally Potter on Orlando by Walter Donohue.
    Feminist Commentary in Film Adaptation: An Analysis of Shelmerdine in Sally Potter’s Orlando (Virginia Woolf) by Laura Torres Zuniga.

    • @sharmanitascos
      @sharmanitascos 5 месяцев назад +11

      I think that you should ignore these comments, I think we should move away from the branding of and lock box of gendered terms as I don't understand why we try so hard to fit into a naming system that was made to exclude gender non-conforming people. Also this film clearly was not dealing with modern transitions and they need to get over themselves.

    • @dianelipson5420
      @dianelipson5420 5 месяцев назад +7

      I’m not quite sure how to say this, because I never want to hurt people’s feelings, I love people. I want people to be free to be themselves first and foremost. I have never tolerated bullying in my presence in my life. Used to get in trouble in grade school for standing up to bullies. And I must point out your level of sensitivity and attention to detail is really beyond reproach.
      I’m an old lady now. One that has spent my decades continuing to study, evolve and make a difference. I have noticed two things that are dramatically hurting the causes of ethics and compassion. And that is virtue signaling and performance trolling, both of which have been hoisted upon you in this situation. They’re not okay. And I mean that people who engage in this behavior are not appropriately behaved and they need therapy. This behavior is neurotic.
      You perhaps did not go deeply into gender terminology because you are not of the LGBTQ community and do not feel comfortable participating in the discussion of which terms are valid? So you weren’t representing a community you did not feel comfortable speaking for? And that is bad exactly how? Because it follows every current rule of courtesy I can think of?
      And one unfortunate effect is that older people are mercilessly bullied by performance trolls because they can’t keep up with changing terminology. People’s lives are canceled, employment destroyed, and families broken apart without due process of Law? I will not ever victim shame, I will always believe women, minorities or any vulnerable population, but I will need a court to consider consequence. I’m not a legal perfectionist. I believe, as the Greeks did, that our court system is the only possible compromise between mercy and retribution that allows civilization to exist. (The Oreseia explains it beautifully) But facts must have their day, or we get The Terror of the French Revolution.
      And that’s what this behavior is. It’s Robespierran. It’s Madame Defarge and her knitting needles. If people show up in your comments virtue signaling and performance trolling, they aren’t abiding by the comment rules and engaging in civil discussion. You should be kind whenever they maintain civility because this is neurotic behavior and requires therapy. The world does not deal with our emotions, we deal with our emotions. Forcing the world to appertain oneself at a level that would require psychic powers is an act of madness and it’s due to psychological injury. The inability to handle emotions would literally prevent one from being a functioning adult.
      You are a consummate speaker and academician. You are careful and respectful. You speak for yourself with your own context, which everyone is entitled to. Performance trolling is using propaganda tactics to assault sincere communication. It’s doing a lot of harm.
      I don’t need anyone to agree with me about this, but I would be overjoyed if you considered my words and tested their mettle.

    • @sharmanitascos
      @sharmanitascos 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@dianelipson5420 I know thats right, these people actually need to attend therapy as the sense of entitlement and latching onto any discernable shred of victimhood ruins it for everyone. This video was made with the upmost respect and follows all political correctness. People who cannot make space for words about gender for a film that the central theme is about gender are extremely rigid and draconian. It is an inversion of the people who oppressed the LGBTQ and their draconianism, inverted into draconianism against literal extremely polite behavior simply because it didn't fit the exact world view of the individual. Like a mirror. Thats extremely entitled to me to expect the rest of the world to exactly fit your world view, and be so upset as to stomp on the most respectful of people if they don't.

    • @ksy4747
      @ksy4747 5 месяцев назад +4

      You are going to run yourself into the ground trying to please everyone.
      Thank you for taking the time to create something and for putting yourself and your voice out.

  • @disasterdykeallie7922
    @disasterdykeallie7922 6 месяцев назад +196

    It’s also worth noting that oak trees will simultaneously bloom “male” and “female” flowers. That such, seemingly“contradictions”, occur in nature all the time, maybe they find further comfort and support from the tree.
    I really need to see this film now

  • @lemon8283
    @lemon8283 6 месяцев назад +72

    As a queer person who is absolutely obsessed with exploration of how society interacts with gender, sexuality, and queerness, I don’t know how I haven’t heard of this film, so thanks for introducing it! Truly a rather interesting video essay.

    • @elisabete8351
      @elisabete8351 6 месяцев назад

      I watched this movie in the 90's. Have you read the book?

  • @taigawoods6526
    @taigawoods6526 6 месяцев назад +128

    Yooo, Tildanation (The Swinties) we are feasting. Thanks😢

  • @jackeroo08
    @jackeroo08 6 месяцев назад +85

    Tilda Swinton; She's lived for 400 years and hardly aged a day; but, because this is England, everyone pretends not to notice.

  • @dianelipson5420
    @dianelipson5420 5 месяцев назад +10

    This is the opposite of shallow. It is eloquent and that is a rare breath of fresh air.

  • @janiceleeripley443
    @janiceleeripley443 6 месяцев назад +6

    I was at the premiere of this film and met Sally Potter. This is one of the most outstanding films ever made.

  • @arodvaz1528
    @arodvaz1528 6 месяцев назад +36

    I loved the book, loved the film and had the soundtrack on repeat for years. Thank you for reminding me that this work exists!

  • @ohemmehey561
    @ohemmehey561 6 месяцев назад +5

    I saw this as a teenager when the film came out. It was and is one of my favorite films. I’d love to watch it again from the perspective of a middle aged woman. Can’t wait to watch it again. So much of this film has stuck with me.

    • @tone3687
      @tone3687 4 месяца назад

      I found it recently on the Tubi app. Free with 4 commercials that weren’t too long.

  • @amandaredd3057
    @amandaredd3057 6 месяцев назад +20

    I watched this movie many times with complete fascination and it absolutely captivated me. I was just a kid and really didn't understand it but at the same time I did (if that makes any sense!) I remember Tilda most because of this role. Nobody could have played this part but her. I'm absolutely female and I've never doubted that, but I had many friends who had that uncertainty and no room to understand it (part of the times, partly) I love the duality and how it's portrayed in this movie and by Tilda Swinton. I was also a little in lust with Billy Zane ❤😊

    • @maria123240
      @maria123240 6 месяцев назад +1

      I feel exactly the same. I loved this movie as a child and again that only Tilda could do it.

  • @jacquelineroswell-sander1202
    @jacquelineroswell-sander1202 6 месяцев назад +28

    Looks like an interesting and good acting movie. Want to see this film very soon. Thank you very much!!

    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +1

      Nope, thanks for watching! 💖

  • @yilyau
    @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +19

    00:00 Introduction
    01:12 The Division of Orlando/The Structure of Orlando
    04:23 The Oak Tree
    07:30 Aside
    10:15 Death
    13:24 Love pt. 1
    15:04 Clothing pt. 1
    16:21 Love pt. 2
    21:30 Poetry
    22:59 Politics
    24:39 Metamorphosis
    27:07 ‘Same Person, No Difference at All.’
    35:23 Clothing pt. 2
    39:20 Society
    43:14 Maze
    48:30 S*x
    52:09 Birth

    • @tone3687
      @tone3687 4 месяца назад

      Wonderful job on your analysis of this movie.

  • @robert0price
    @robert0price 6 месяцев назад +16

    THANK you for caring about this movie, read the book and I loved the adaptations

  • @ananya1721
    @ananya1721 6 месяцев назад +4

    The story of Orlando will forever be an ode to queerness.💜
    Also when she finally metamorphosizes into a woman and is the walking through the garden in a white dress for the first time, the trees are getting trimmed into static looking conical ornaments only for Jonathan Swift to call women as mere affectation in the next scene.
    The film is a visual feast in itself. 💮
    Loved your essay.💟💟

  • @Palmieres
    @Palmieres 6 месяцев назад +5

    I'm playing the online multiplayer game Fallout 76, and in a recent expansion we get to meet a character working at an ancient exclusive Resort, presenting themselves as a manager of the place. This character is intentionally androgynous, looks very young and beautiful, and is named Orlando. I just made the connection 😅

  • @zinlazace
    @zinlazace 6 месяцев назад +5

    Can't believe I hadn't heard of this movie before! I really liked your analysis, definitely going to check out your channel

  • @blondebishonen
    @blondebishonen 6 месяцев назад +15

    this was so interesting!! your channel is a gift!

    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks Summer 🙏🏻

  • @Onjiix
    @Onjiix 6 месяцев назад +1

    I watched this film for the first time a couple months ago and have not been able to stop thinking about it since, it deeply moved me. Thank you for making this video 💖

  • @monostar7
    @monostar7 6 месяцев назад +11

    what an amazing video essay 👏

  • @NeenjaStarr
    @NeenjaStarr 6 месяцев назад +9

    One of my fave movie and books, ever!
    Ok how did i not know?

  • @foxylovelace2679
    @foxylovelace2679 6 месяцев назад +6

    Tilda Swinton is such a striking person with gravitas.

  • @anniemackieishere
    @anniemackieishere 3 месяца назад

    This was a wonderful video. I was looking for videos on this movie and I got so much joy and unexpected knowledge from this :) thank you!

    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for watching, Annie ☺️🙌🏻

  • @olive-grove566
    @olive-grove566 6 месяцев назад +1

    I wish I could give you more likes. This was amazing. It was super interesting to learn about this movie and the book. I’m definitely going to read it and watch it now. Thank you for making this.

  • @YapUniversity08
    @YapUniversity08 6 месяцев назад +14

    I have a movie idea (slightly based on an essay I’m writing for class). Have you ever seen the movie Cry-Baby (1990)? I was watching it last night and I never realised how much of an allegory it is for so many things😭

  • @Sad_Bumper_Sticker
    @Sad_Bumper_Sticker 6 месяцев назад +9

    Watching the transformation scene in Orlando yeas ago made me realize I’m queer

  • @isiahsingleton4648
    @isiahsingleton4648 6 месяцев назад +14

    I like your video essays I followed you after I watch your belladonna of sadness video your videos are amazing. I hope you do a video on the color of pomegranates movie and holy mountain movie or the films like the fall mirror, mirror and the cell and baz’s Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge

    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +4

      I wanted to do something less taxing for the next video, but I’ll be back to doing similar videos after. 🙌🏻

  • @OuiamAkchar
    @OuiamAkchar 6 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you so much for making this

  • @neferpitou1788
    @neferpitou1788 6 месяцев назад +2

    How lovely, thank you

  • @kaleahcollins4567
    @kaleahcollins4567 6 месяцев назад +6

    I always thought this was based on princess Christina of Denmark

    @LINDAOZAG 11 дней назад

    Last week at the gate of a fancy private beach, there was a very attractive long black haired lifeguard I assumed to be female. Upon a closer look the guard was wearing heavy black eye make-up. When spoken to, the guard with a deep voice was pleasant, friendly, and approachable. This person would be comfortable and welcomed anyplace with such an outgoing attitude. Dress, act as they wish, and live out their life to please themself, not for me or anyone else. Being a good person is the important measure. Be fluid.

  • @tracymonroe6001
    @tracymonroe6001 5 месяцев назад +1

    Orlando is one of my top five movies of all time.

  • @emmakuru8546
    @emmakuru8546 6 месяцев назад +1

    Captivating video essay ❤

  • @teodoraberghi7677
    @teodoraberghi7677 5 месяцев назад

    Loved your video essay, thank you very much, it was enlightening ✨❣️

  • @Disobedientfulaniwoman
    @Disobedientfulaniwoman 6 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you!!!

    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for watching. 😊

  • @user-rm8cc9vh6l
    @user-rm8cc9vh6l 5 месяцев назад +2

    Your voice and accent are mooooood. you should do more videos seriously!!

  • @dianelipson5420
    @dianelipson5420 5 месяцев назад

    Love this analysis of a true classic. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  5 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the encouragement, Diane. 🌸😊🙌🏻

    • @dianelipson5420
      @dianelipson5420 5 месяцев назад

      @@yilyau it’s easy to give to such a thoughtful, intelligent wise person.

    • @dianelipson5420
      @dianelipson5420 5 месяцев назад

      @@yilyau with clear thinking compassionate people like you setting the example for us to follow, my hopes for the future increase dramatically. You stick to you, you’ve a better idea than most of what path to tread.

  • @amandak1360
    @amandak1360 5 месяцев назад

    I have watched this movie lietrally a gazillion times ❤

  • @sharmanitascos
    @sharmanitascos 5 месяцев назад +4

    kind of over the rich art cliques as they were in an extremely privileged position as to have enough money from their families to literally create a spereate world from the one they lived in where queerness and sexuality became a non-issue, and they could be concerned about things like gender and other conceptual theoretical things that don't matter in the real world when you are trying you're hardest to survive. Can we start uplifting the stories of artists and people who literally came from nothing with no support network because all of their work/acmoplishments are 50x more impressive than anything the aristocrat who couldn't inherit her fathers 10000 acre estate could ever do, period. Not that what they did was invalid but it pales in comparison to someone who literally had to do everything themselves. Even Sophie who is was one of the most talented musicians of our time came from an silver spoon background, idk I'm just kind of over it. Maya Angelou? I can barely even name anybody

  • @mariavienna1305
    @mariavienna1305 5 месяцев назад

    Wow, really wonderful essay 👏 ❤

  • @JudsonKoschnitzki-q4p
    @JudsonKoschnitzki-q4p 9 дней назад

    Tina Well

  • @crowspirit5154
    @crowspirit5154 6 месяцев назад +14

    I adore this video, and am a huge fan of the film and the book - but why not just use gender neutral terms when talking about orlando in wider terms? Saying heshe is so jarring. Otherwise, love your work ❤

    • @yeetme3940
      @yeetme3940 6 месяцев назад +7

      While I understand where you are coming from, as someone who uses all pronouns and identifies as gender fluid. I feel that much context would be lost if only they/them pronouns were to be used to describe Orlando in my opinion.

  • @ananya1721
    @ananya1721 6 месяцев назад


    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks, Ananya.

    • @ananya1721
      @ananya1721 6 месяцев назад

      @@yilyau Keep up the great work love.💜

    • @yilyau
      @yilyau  6 месяцев назад +1

      I will try. ☺️💜

  • @tikimillie
    @tikimillie 6 месяцев назад

    2:06 omg splatoon reference

  • @A-vg7fn
    @A-vg7fn 5 месяцев назад


  • @dungeonsanddragons2049
    @dungeonsanddragons2049 Месяц назад

    so its reincarnation

  • @hyperballadbradx6486
    @hyperballadbradx6486 2 месяца назад

    Interesting intro - the video was shallower than you would have lived? Next time be brave, and don't publish until it's exactly how you want it.

  • @rmcnabb
    @rmcnabb 6 месяцев назад +3

    All this means is slender waifish young people can pass if you costume them carefully. Try casting this with Jack Black or Russell Crowe and see how "fluid" this character seems.

    • @4651adri
      @4651adri 6 месяцев назад +1

      Seems like s exual dimorphism do matter after all, although some people can't cope with it.

  • @midnightchannel111
    @midnightchannel111 5 месяцев назад +3

    Gender is * not * fluid, it is wrong to say that it is. This was a movie, essentially, about reincarnation. Each "l8fe" lived in tbis fil is of a single, distinct gender, first the life lived as a man, and the life lived as a woman, twice. The film is intended to show the different perspectives of the same kind of life from different genders, and they director chose to do it as one life.
    Gender is NOT FLUID. And there are many miserable childr2n, teesn, who today find themselves having destro6ed their lives from the meddling of adults who have talked tombiys into the lie that they were really "boys living in a girl's bidy" or the reverse, snd are ow tryijg to detransition.
    GENDER IS NOT FLUID. And it was not the intention if this film to suggest that it is.

    • @rasheedahsilvertree
      @rasheedahsilvertree 5 месяцев назад +5

      @midnightchannel7759 Out of curiousity: why are their several words mispelled? What this intentional? Did you use some of kind of AI software to translate your response to the English language? I am curious about this because I am seeing this more and more....
      and I concur with your statement.

    • @Satanna.avemaria
      @Satanna.avemaria 5 месяцев назад +3

      Hmm actually as a trans woman I find this movie quite relatable. I don’t agree with parents or doctors who misdiagnose children with gender dysphoria. But the diagnosis is right for some like me. Just because you’ve seen several people misdiagnosed doesn’t mean everyone in that community has the same experience. You can’t generalise, or paint everyone with the same brush. YOUR NAME is also a film like this. Even though it’s an anime movie I connected to it on a very personal level.