The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players are Really=Sviatoslav Richter with The Paris Orchestra from 1969! Richter the most monumental and better structure than Pollini! Grigory Sokolov had the Best piano sound for Brahms no 2 better than Pollini's sound! Sokolov his rhythmic vitalness is unbeatable better than Pollini! Sokolov the most Titanic! Edwin Fischer from 1942 Fischer big Genius better than Pollini!
@@vespertine27 I am not kidding. Three months ago I met Sokolov at the supermarket three near Verona, my town.When I saw him I was really shocked.Concerning the way of playing, I agree to you. Sometimes I have the impression Sokolov's performance are a bit "mechanical" .Moreover Sokolov loves live recordings during his recitals and so final work is affected by this choice.
Diese Aufnahme war für mich immer wie Glen Goulds „Goldberg Variationen“von Bach -ein unerreichbares Ideal. Und Pollini war für viele Pianisten „ein Gott des Klaviers“. Ein Meister des Apollinischen Stils in Klavierinterpretation. Ich bin sehr traurig….Danke Maestro für Deine zeitlosen Aufnahmen.
Pollini est Musique, toute la profondeur expressive, la force, la beauté, les longues phrases musicales intenses de la Musique de Brahms, un Éblouissement, une sensibilité divine, une virtuosité parfaite, merci éternel. ❤
❤ Le 3e mouvement, l'Andante est celui que je préfère de tout le répertoire, l'émotion, une intensité expressive, longues mélodies de toute beauté, souffle suspendu... , merci éternel à M. Pollini pour cette interprétation magistrale, sa sensibilité d'archange, profonde, parfaite. Pollini : Perfection.❤❤❤❤❤
Grazie Maestro, non sai in quante ore della mia vita, in quante nottate e giornate, felici e infelici, ho ascoltato questa tua esecuzione unica del "Secondo" di Brahms
Kaum einen zweiten Pianisten habe ich so verehrt und geschätzt wie Pollini. - Ohne ihn wäre ich vielleicht nie zur Musik zurückgekehrt. Ich bin unendlich traurig und dankbar.
Quando ascoltai per la prima volta questo concerto ero adolescente, ancora esistevano le musicassette. Dopo oltre trent'anni dal primo ascolto continuo a restare sconcertato dalla prodigiosa grandezza di questa incisione, dalla purezza del suono che fuoriesce dall'orchestra, dall'incredibile coesistenza di masse sonore che si inseguono e si compenetrano senza alcuna frattura. Il fluire della musica, il fraseggio, le dinamiche sonore così precise...credo che raramente si possa affermare che esista una perfezione interpretativa, ma forse questa registrazione è uno di quei rari casi in cui ciò accade. Meraviglioso Pollini, elegiaco Abbado (che dirige a memoria), stupefacenti i Wiener, e molto suggestiva anche la regia musicale di Hugo Katch.
abbado's a little underrated. he was shy, and he wasn't super-confident in his own abilities -- in a world where egos aren't unheard of, lol. (people have also noted he could be 'vain,' for which another word is italian.) I heard him many times in chicago, and chicago loved him. those dg mahlers are beautiful. he got better and better. I love his wozzeck (conducted without a score!). once I saw him in paris w/the chamber orchestra of europe do an all-living-composer program (except for schoenberg) -- completely marvelous, but at the end, they did a haydn minuet as an encore, no score (and nobody had the music) and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. he survived a devastating encounter with cancer near the end of his life; his doctors did not think he would make it, and I think those final recordings he did with lucerne, esp mahler seven, but also early stravinsky and la mer, are profound. his death didn't merit so much as a word in the new yorker; I remember being astonished at that. he was maybe the last of the old school, repertory-oriented euro guys, along with muti
Abbado un gigante, Pollini un gigante, Brahms un gigante!! Meraviglioso concerto.. da ascoltare, ascoltare, ascoltare, fino a riempirsi di cotanta meraviglia!!!
Pollini suona questo mirabile pezzo da quando ha sedici anni (concorso di Ginevra, dove arrivò secondo) e lo suona in maniera altrettanto mirabile. Io credo si possa suonare in modo diverso, certamente, ma non meglio di così. La sua comunione d'intenti con Abbado è perfetta, il suono dei viennesi inarrivabile, insomma un'incisione storica.
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov With The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov The Best piano sound The most vital rhythmic vitalness! Sokolov The most Titanic! The greatest pianists of All Time Are really Artur Rubinstein Grigory Sokolov Emil Gilels Radu Lupu Mikhail Pletnev Sviatoslav Richter Maurizio Pollini Wilhelm Kempff Vladimir Ashkenazy Alexei Lubimov Stanislav Igolinsky ( better than Lipatti) Solomon Cutner Maria Grinberg Natalia Trull
Definitely my all time favourite performance of this concerto. I have listened to many other pianists perform this over many years and simply cannot find a more satisfying sound, Abbado has the orchestra at peak and Pollini has the piano tamed to perfection - all at a beautiful tempo. Simply wonderful!
All performers sound the same to me. It is the composition which counts for me. But if I was trained more thoroughly in hearing music maybe I could have heard the difference in the performers' interpretations of the music.
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov With The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov The Best piano sound! Sokolov The most vital rhythmic! Sokolov The most Titanic
Je préfère Pollini à tout autre pianiste. Intensité expressive, profondeur, virtuosité parfaite, il révèle la Musique, la Perfection. Lors du concours Chopin de Varsovie de 1960, Pollini remporta la 1er prix à 18 ans... Rubinstein était président du jury, et a dit aux autres membres du jury "Ce garçon joue mieux qu'aucun d'entre nous".
This is my favorite Brahms's concert and I have ever listened it with many pianists and conductors but this with Pollini and Abbado is the best I've ever seen, at all. There are emotion, passion and perfection in both performance.
The best ones Brahms piano concerto no 2 Grigory Sokolov with the Finnish Radio Symphony video 1987. S.Richter with the Paris Orchestra with Lorin Maazel
This is music from heaven. No other performance of this concerto I have heard sounds so natural. It is as if the music played itself. Pollini in particular is an absolute genius when it comes to the romantic repertoire.
Cette "symphonie avec piano", selon l'expression de certains musicologues, est une œuvre magistrale, réécoutée avec un plaisir et une émotion sans cesse renouvelés, - surtout par de tels interprètes...
Ricordo ancora quando, molti anni fa, ascoltai questo concerto in musicassetta...non compresi appieno la meravigliosa struttura di quest'opera, avevo 14 o 15 anni, ma rimasi profondamente colpito dalla omogeneità del suono...non si percepiva alcuna differenza tra Abbado e Pollini, dove finiva uno riprendeva l'altro; un tripudio di intensità sonora, un fraseggio ampio ed appassionante accompagnavano tutto il concerto, sembrava una unica ed immensa declamazione teatrale. Indubbiamente una gemma darà e preziosa, una incisione eccelsa (e raramente replicabile, oggi).
Sono pienamente 'accordo! Io sono stata letteralmente folgorata, molti anni fa, da questo straordinario, affascinante concerto! Avevo 18 anni: è stata per me l'apertura del sipario su tutta la musica del grande compositore amburghese. Da allora Brahms è diventato il mio musicista prediletto e lo è ancor oggi. (L' esecuzione di quel tempo - pure stupenda - era affidata all'impareggiabile Géza Anda con Karajan e i Berliner!)
Combinació màxima de ritme, melodia, harmonia, romanticisme, natura, embranzida i poesia, forte i piano. Un enorme plaer per l’oïda i per l’ànima una emoció que va a l’arrel. Què és la música que ens talla com si fóssim fulls de paper, de dalt a baix!?
It does take ones breath away. I can't imagine it being more perfect. Love watching his hands. It is also a very masterful video, with the french horns shown echoing the piano. His hands over the octaves are beautiful. I am not a music critic.
Once upon the time when Abbado and Pollini were very young, I treasure this recording, one of the outstanding performance of Brahms piano concerto # 2.
These two Italian artists have the complete measure of this most North German musical utterance, with its orgasmic crescendos and filigree passage work by contrast. Pollini is in the tradition of Wilhelm Backhaus and Artur Schnabel, pre-war. Superb French horn playing crucial to the design.
leggo con piacere idee indentiche alle mie, questa esecuzione e' inarrivabile! abbado dimostra una maturita' ed un'analisi di pensiero meditate su brhams, pollini e' preciso sfoggia un virtuosismo di prima grandezza, e che dire dei wiener.... semplicemente I migliori al mondo!
Bella esecuzione diretta in modo eccellente! Da brivido,i compositori che amo in assoluto e che suono perché forse ho sintonia con loro sono Brahms e Beethoven.❤️❤️❤️
To me it is Brahms' walk in the Swiss woods, the birds can be heard, then a babbling brook, then the vista of the late afternoon sun on the high mountains.
Brahms brought the classic composition to the most complexe level as possible. After him, a breakthroug had to be done, and it was Wagner who refurbished, renewed, the entire classic music world.
Brahms was twenty years younger than Wagner and died fourteen years after him. Brahms great as he is was not a revolutionary, he consolidated the tradition that preceded him, Wagner, on the other hand, entered new territory quite early and others would follow him, Schönberg, Mahler, and many others. Wagner is the foundation upon which contemporary classical music was built. Brahms was a reincarnation of Beethoven.
It's all divine, sublime Johannes Brahms. He's plenty God enough for me. How any composer can be transparent, dense and abstract, and beautiful at the same time beats the **** out of me. Various non-God humans splitting hairs about this that or other pianist, players, interpretation is ridiculous. Enjoy it and those masters who play the impossible for us. Pollini joyous.
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov With The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov his Brahms piano concerto no 2 The Best piano sound! The most vital rhythmic! Sokolov The most Titanic
This music is so great, so deep, so simply cannot be encompassed by a single performance. We are so fortunate to have so many fine performances to listen to. This is a thrilling performance and I'm particularly struck by the excitement that Abbado and the orchestra create. I've heard a lot of Abbado performances that were exceedingly restrained. I was just listening to a Sokolov performance of the 2d movement of this with Lu Jia & Hungarian Orchestra. Sokolov finds wonderful sonic aspects that are not to be heard in Pollini's more aggressive performance - but Pollini's performance is just so exciting! God bless all the musicians in the world who have worked so hard to be able to play astounding music like this!
This is one of the most exquisite concertos ever composed..most perfectly performed technically and interpreted with absolute impeccable musicality and refined integrity! To a fellow pianist and personal friend..Mauritzio... a posthumous BRAVO ! (R.I.P) Wendy Louise Hall ( Pianist, Composer a.o]
Brahms, Abbado and Pollini what else can I ask for? I miss Abbado so much, he was an amazing conductor and a wonderful person! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ from Barcelona!
Maurizio brings incredible agile energy and excitement to his honest interpretation, revealing Brahms essentially unique music intentions, honorably ! A most memorable performance! With humble thanks.. Wendy Louise
Quelle belle surprise !!! Je croyais avoir entendu les plus fantastiques versions, avec Gilels, Zimmermann, entre autres, quelle erreur !! Le jeu de Pollini est clair, limpide, lumineux, c est absolument magnifique. Une Découverte, pour moi.
El genio de Abbado al frente de la orquesta y Pollini en el piano, logran sino la mejor interpretación, una de las mejores que se haya hecho del magistral concierto número 2 de Johaness Brahms. El sonido es excelente. Gracias
Gilels and Jochum is a legendary performance but this Pollini and Abbado collaboration is another and here, made all the memorable by the solo playing in the slow mvnt. of the incomparable principal cellist, the late Robert Scheiwein.
Mi humilde opinión: El mejor Klavierkonzert de todos. Brahms es el único que se eleva hasta el nivel de Beethoven y aunque duela admitirlo, lo supera con sus dos conciertos para piano y orquesta. Pollini durante sus buenos años fue considerado por Schröder el mejor pianista del mundo. La mención quiere hacer notar que estamos escuchando el mejor concierto tocado por el mejor pianista.
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov Brahms piano concerto no 2 playing with The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov The Best piano sound! Sokolov The most vital rhythmic vitalness
It's very simple. Most people play this movement too slowly. If it's too slow, it falls apart into separate moments instead of flowing together toward the climaxes. This performance drives forward without losing any nuance. It's brilliant. The only other recording I've heard that is fast enough is Rudolf Serkin's. Abado is my favorite Brahms interpreter.
I have this recording on CD. For me, the best recording of this Brahms Concerto No. 2. Abbado and Pollini were perfect! - Eu tenho essa gravação em CD. Para mim, a melhor gravação desse Concerto de Brahms nº2. Abbado e Pollini foram perfeitos!
Great rendition! i find it one of the most balanced and in good tempo from what I have heard on youtube, even if I have to admit, all are different and brilliant in their way.
Unas interpretaciòn magistral de un concierto extraordinario. Puro placer estètico-musical, donde las palabras sobran y sòlo resta escuchar y extasiarse !!!!!!
Today Maurizio Pollini passed away. I believe this recording of 2nd Brahms ' piano concerto is the best one never made. Rest in peace Maestro.
I am absolutely d'accord...Rudolph Serkins Interpretation was also quite good...but Pollinis is indeed sublime..Abbado just marvelous....
Juste. Pollini : the Best
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players are Really=Sviatoslav Richter with The Paris Orchestra from 1969! Richter the most monumental and better structure than Pollini! Grigory Sokolov had the Best piano sound for Brahms no 2 better than Pollini's sound! Sokolov his rhythmic vitalness is unbeatable better than Pollini! Sokolov the most Titanic! Edwin Fischer from 1942 Fischer big Genius better than Pollini!
maybe for you...but here Pollini literally leaves me breathless, which never happens when I listen to Sokolov, de gustibus...
@@vespertine27 I am not kidding. Three months ago I met Sokolov at the supermarket three near Verona, my town.When I saw him I was really shocked.Concerning the way of playing, I agree to you. Sometimes I have the impression Sokolov's performance are a bit "mechanical" .Moreover Sokolov loves live recordings during his recitals and so final work is affected by this choice.
Diese Aufnahme war für mich immer wie Glen Goulds „Goldberg Variationen“von Bach -ein unerreichbares Ideal. Und Pollini war für viele Pianisten „ein Gott des Klaviers“. Ein Meister des Apollinischen Stils in Klavierinterpretation. Ich bin sehr traurig….Danke Maestro für Deine zeitlosen Aufnahmen.
Pollini est Musique, toute la profondeur expressive, la force, la beauté, les longues phrases musicales intenses de la Musique de Brahms, un Éblouissement, une sensibilité divine, une virtuosité parfaite, merci éternel. ❤
Grazie tanti Maestri Abbado e Maestro Pollini! A la eternità !
❤ Le 3e mouvement, l'Andante est celui que je préfère de tout le répertoire, l'émotion, une intensité expressive, longues mélodies de toute beauté, souffle suspendu... , merci éternel à M. Pollini pour cette interprétation magistrale, sa sensibilité d'archange, profonde, parfaite. Pollini : Perfection.❤❤❤❤❤
all , excellent , marvellous , Congratulations .....Claudio Abbado , the Symphony orchestre , very very , Good ❤❤
Grazie Maestro, non sai in quante ore della mia vita, in quante nottate e giornate, felici e infelici, ho ascoltato questa tua esecuzione unica del "Secondo" di Brahms
Anche io ….
Moi aussi
anche io
Ce sont des Anges-Musiciens. J'adore ce concerto. Pollini : la Perfection. INTEMPOREL. Merci éternel.
❤ Il y a tant d'amour dans ce concerto. Pollini, un archange pour nous l'interpréter, à la perfection merci
This isn't simply a concerto, this is THE concerto.
@@fansofst.maximustheconfess8226 Very well... Thanks, friend!
@@Mrgold-ic6ds Very well, friend!
Because it goes straight to your heart
RIP Maestro Pollini. What a great pianist.
This is so far the best interpretation of the Brahms second piano concerto that I have ever watched on RUclips.
Like they say one man's meat is another man's poison.
It is one of the very best ever made!видео.htmlsi=6e265X1xCyyEHuHc
give this one a try
Ciao Maestro, grazie per tutte le emozioni. La tua musica vivrà ancora❤️
No dout , the best performance ever, both pollini abbado and the Vienna philharmonic
Kaum einen zweiten Pianisten habe ich so verehrt und geschätzt wie Pollini. - Ohne ihn wäre ich vielleicht nie zur Musik zurückgekehrt. Ich bin unendlich traurig und dankbar.
Potrei ascoltare questo concerto 1000 volte e comunque emozionarmi.
Moi aussi
Io sento lo stesso, mi sono innamorato di questa registrazione
Pollini's best performance, at the pinnacle of his music career.
Quando ascoltai per la prima volta questo concerto ero adolescente, ancora esistevano le musicassette. Dopo oltre trent'anni dal primo ascolto continuo a restare sconcertato dalla prodigiosa grandezza di questa incisione, dalla purezza del suono che fuoriesce dall'orchestra, dall'incredibile coesistenza di masse sonore che si inseguono e si compenetrano senza alcuna frattura. Il fluire della musica, il fraseggio, le dinamiche sonore così precise...credo che raramente si possa affermare che esista una perfezione interpretativa, ma forse questa registrazione è uno di quei rari casi in cui ciò accade. Meraviglioso Pollini, elegiaco Abbado (che dirige a memoria), stupefacenti i Wiener, e molto suggestiva anche la regia musicale di Hugo Katch.
I treasure this recording so much. RIP, Maestro Abbado! The music world is poorer now without you. Claudio Abbado 1933-2014.
abbado's a little underrated. he was shy, and he wasn't super-confident in his own abilities -- in a world where egos aren't unheard of, lol. (people have also noted he could be 'vain,' for which another word is italian.) I heard him many times in chicago, and chicago loved him. those dg mahlers are beautiful. he got better and better. I love his wozzeck (conducted without a score!). once I saw him in paris w/the chamber orchestra of europe do an all-living-composer program (except for schoenberg) -- completely marvelous, but at the end, they did a haydn minuet as an encore, no score (and nobody had the music) and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. he survived a devastating encounter with cancer near the end of his life; his doctors did not think he would make it, and I think those final recordings he did with lucerne, esp mahler seven, but also early stravinsky and la mer, are profound. his death didn't merit so much as a word in the new yorker; I remember being astonished at that.
he was maybe the last of the old school, repertory-oriented euro guys, along with muti
Esecuzione straordinaria! Pollini e Abbado: stupefacenti, ispirati, perfetti!!!
Abbado un gigante, Pollini un gigante, Brahms un gigante!! Meraviglioso concerto.. da ascoltare, ascoltare, ascoltare, fino a riempirsi di cotanta meraviglia!!!
The gold standard of this piece. Perfect.
Sublime. Un Pianiste-Archange, il ouvre les portes du ciel en jouant. Merci à lui, au chef d'orchestre et à tout l'orchestre
My favourite Brahms's concerto.
Pollini suona questo mirabile pezzo da quando ha sedici anni (concorso di Ginevra, dove arrivò secondo) e lo suona in maniera altrettanto mirabile. Io credo si possa suonare in modo diverso, certamente, ma non meglio di così. La sua comunione d'intenti con Abbado è perfetta, il suono dei viennesi inarrivabile, insomma un'incisione storica.
D'accordo con lei. Io ho sempre trovato Pollini un po' legnoso. Resta comunque ammirevole la sua integrità e coerenza artistica.
È sicuramente una chicca,felice di averla trovata.
This is perfect version for me.
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov With The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov The Best piano sound The most vital rhythmic vitalness! Sokolov The most Titanic! The greatest pianists of All Time Are really Artur Rubinstein Grigory Sokolov Emil Gilels Radu Lupu Mikhail Pletnev Sviatoslav Richter Maurizio Pollini Wilhelm Kempff Vladimir Ashkenazy Alexei Lubimov Stanislav Igolinsky ( better than Lipatti) Solomon Cutner Maria Grinberg Natalia Trull
Wore out my VHS of this in the 90s. Evergreen performance.
Se Abbado è stato uno dei più grandi direttori d'orchestra è anche grazie a questa incredibile interpretazione.
Definitely my all time favourite performance of this concerto. I have listened to many other pianists perform this over many years and simply cannot find a more satisfying sound, Abbado has the orchestra at peak and Pollini has the piano tamed to perfection - all at a beautiful tempo. Simply wonderful!
All performers sound the same to me. It is the composition which counts for me. But if I was trained more thoroughly in hearing music maybe I could have heard the difference in the performers' interpretations of the music.
aetos exactly true
@@judithsochor9755 Aetos is Greek for eagle. I'm a pilot
Yes, a very good performence! I find Rubinstein play it a little to fast and so you can't hear some colours, you can hear here.
I believe this performance is the best of bests of Brahms'. Abbado + Pollini, moreover their best eras !! So much miss them at all ~
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov With The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov The Best piano sound! Sokolov The most vital rhythmic! Sokolov The most Titanic
Je préfère Pollini à tout autre pianiste. Intensité expressive, profondeur, virtuosité parfaite, il révèle la Musique, la Perfection. Lors du concours Chopin de Varsovie de 1960, Pollini remporta la 1er prix à 18 ans... Rubinstein était président du jury, et a dit aux autres membres du jury "Ce garçon joue mieux qu'aucun d'entre nous".
This is my favorite Brahms's concert and I have ever listened it with many pianists and conductors but this with Pollini and Abbado is the best I've ever seen, at all. There are emotion, passion and perfection in both performance.
46:27 one example of many magical moments from Pollini
The best ones Brahms piano concerto no 2 Grigory Sokolov with the Finnish Radio Symphony video 1987. S.Richter with the Paris Orchestra with Lorin Maazel
Ignace Tigerman (with the Ciaro Symphony Orchestra) was also SPECTACULAR! sadly only the recordings of the first two movements could be recovered
This was also my favorite performance until I heard Zimmerman with Bernstein conducting !
Brahms , Concerto , two , ....Pollini ,,,,, Claudio Abbado , very , very , Good ❤
Those handsome Italians making beautiful music. Bravo!
THE BEST!!!!! Amazing Pollini!!! BRAVO!!!!!
This is music from heaven. No other performance of this concerto I have heard sounds so natural. It is as if the music played itself. Pollini in particular is an absolute genius when it comes to the romantic repertoire.
Yes, so many people over play Brahms. Sublime performance!
I miss Maestro Abbado. What a brilliant musician. He even conducts concerto from memory.
Registrazione storica. Grandi Abbado Pollini ed i Wiener.!!!
I am not a enthusiastic of Brahms and Abbado but here they are over any word that we can say, gorgeous!!
probably the best performance of this music. my favorite anyways
Moi aussi
Cette "symphonie avec piano", selon l'expression de certains musicologues, est une œuvre magistrale, réécoutée avec un plaisir et une émotion sans cesse renouvelés, - surtout par de tels interprètes...
The allegro appassionato is my favourite piano music ever. The feeling, the sweep, the depth, the imagination -- it's incredible. As is 'the band' : )
Per me il piu grande pianista di tutti I tempi. Saluti di Germania.
Limitless, enourmous, infinitely romantic...Brahms
Ricordo ancora quando, molti anni fa, ascoltai questo concerto in musicassetta...non compresi appieno la meravigliosa struttura di quest'opera, avevo 14 o 15 anni, ma rimasi profondamente colpito dalla omogeneità del suono...non si percepiva alcuna differenza tra Abbado e Pollini, dove finiva uno riprendeva l'altro; un tripudio di intensità sonora, un fraseggio ampio ed appassionante accompagnavano tutto il concerto, sembrava una unica ed immensa declamazione teatrale. Indubbiamente una gemma darà e preziosa, una incisione eccelsa (e raramente replicabile, oggi).
Sono pienamente 'accordo! Io sono stata letteralmente folgorata, molti anni fa, da questo straordinario, affascinante concerto! Avevo 18 anni: è stata per me l'apertura del sipario su tutta la musica del grande compositore amburghese. Da allora Brahms è diventato il mio musicista prediletto e lo è ancor oggi. (L' esecuzione di quel tempo - pure stupenda - era affidata all'impareggiabile Géza Anda con Karajan e i Berliner!)
la douceur est la justesse me donnent tant de joie, mes larmes deviennent elles aussi de bonheur !!! MERCI §§
Combinació màxima de ritme, melodia, harmonia, romanticisme, natura, embranzida i poesia, forte i piano. Un enorme plaer per l’oïda i per l’ànima una emoció que va a l’arrel. Què és la música que ens talla com si fóssim fulls de paper, de dalt a baix!?
La Musique. Une Étoile a rejoint le ciel. Il continue à briller. Reconnaissance éternelle
Как я люблю этот концерт и как я люблю Поллини. Не хочется говорить о нем в прошедшем времени. Спасибо,что есть записи. В музыке он бессмертен.
It does take ones breath away. I can't imagine it being more perfect. Love watching his hands. It is also a very masterful video, with the french horns shown echoing the piano. His hands over the octaves are beautiful. I am not a music critic.
The Allegro appassionato: nothing better has ever been written -- or performed!
Once upon the time when Abbado and Pollini were very young, I treasure this recording, one of the outstanding performance of Brahms piano concerto # 2.
These two Italian artists have the complete measure of this most North German musical utterance, with its orgasmic crescendos and filigree passage work by contrast. Pollini is in the tradition of Wilhelm Backhaus and Artur Schnabel, pre-war. Superb French horn playing crucial to the design.
leggo con piacere idee indentiche alle mie, questa esecuzione e' inarrivabile! abbado dimostra una maturita' ed un'analisi di pensiero meditate su brhams, pollini e' preciso sfoggia un virtuosismo di prima grandezza, e che dire dei wiener.... semplicemente I migliori al mondo!
Bella esecuzione diretta in modo eccellente! Da brivido,i compositori che amo in assoluto e che suono perché forse ho sintonia con loro sono Brahms e Beethoven.❤️❤️❤️
Grandísimos brahms y beethoven
Brahms was a genius!
I've heard dozons of plays about this, this one always the best for me.
claudio abbado was immense...
Try Zimmerman
This is good. Also listen to Geza Anda with Von Karajan.
He is really excellent. I can’t say if I prefer Zimmerman or him both are excellent.
Je préfère Pollini à tout autre pianiste, sensibilité et virtuosité parfaites
24:22 This part is so beautiful.
11:55 it's like Jesus healing the Blind Man, it's opening your eyes and seeing for the first time! Absolutely miraculous!
Et il guérit les sourds.
To me it is Brahms' walk in the Swiss woods, the birds can be heard, then a babbling brook, then the vista of the late afternoon sun on the high mountains.
Brahms' religion was his walks in the country, that is how he recognized God.
One of my favourite of all times and the best recording I have ever listened to. So delicate and so strong at the same time, so intense, so emotional.
Brahms brought the classic composition to the most complexe level as possible. After him, a breakthroug had to be done, and it was Wagner who refurbished, renewed, the entire classic music world.
l'émotion à un nom!!!! la musique le rend transcendental
marco brenni You do realize Wagner and Brahms lived and worked in a same era, don't you ?
je ne le savais ps ...
mon préféré reste quan mm Schubert
Brahms was twenty years younger than Wagner and died fourteen years after him. Brahms great as he is was not a revolutionary, he consolidated the tradition that preceded him, Wagner, on the other hand, entered new territory quite early and others would follow him, Schönberg, Mahler, and many others. Wagner is the foundation upon which contemporary classical music was built. Brahms was a reincarnation of Beethoven.
Phenomenal performance, beautiful hands!
I love Brahms 4 ever, wonderful Pollini 🙏
this performance is the first time I heard this music about 30 years ago. I still think it's the best and the most original sound.
It's all divine, sublime Johannes Brahms. He's plenty God enough for me. How any composer can be transparent, dense and abstract, and beautiful at the same time beats the **** out of me. Various non-God humans splitting hairs about this that or other pianist, players, interpretation is ridiculous. Enjoy it and those masters who play the impossible for us. Pollini joyous.
Quite simply the best ever of this supremely difficult concerto. I'm still in awe of the performance.
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov With The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov his Brahms piano concerto no 2 The Best piano sound! The most vital rhythmic! Sokolov The most Titanic
@@RaineriHakkarainen no
This music is so great, so deep, so simply cannot be encompassed by a single performance. We are so fortunate to have so many fine performances to listen to. This is a thrilling performance and I'm particularly struck by the excitement that Abbado and the orchestra create. I've heard a lot of Abbado performances that were exceedingly restrained.
I was just listening to a Sokolov performance of the 2d movement of this with Lu Jia & Hungarian Orchestra. Sokolov finds wonderful sonic aspects that are not to be heard in Pollini's more aggressive performance - but Pollini's performance is just so exciting!
God bless all the musicians in the world who have worked so hard to be able to play astounding music like this!
Check out Zimmereman Bernstein conducting
Pollini est Musique. Il ouvre le ciel. Profondeur, Éblouissement. MERCI infiniment.
This is one of the most exquisite concertos ever composed..most perfectly performed technically and interpreted with absolute impeccable musicality and refined integrity!
To a fellow pianist and personal friend..Mauritzio... a posthumous BRAVO ! (R.I.P)
Wendy Louise Hall ( Pianist, Composer a.o]
Bravissimo! RUclips need a sign for this magnificient rendition.
Never anyone played the Cello Solo better.
Brahms, Abbado and Pollini what else can I ask for? I miss Abbado so much, he was an amazing conductor and a wonderful person! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ from Barcelona!
What, exactly, is "dodgy" about this performance.? I could not imagine a more perfect performance of this incredibly difficult concerto.
Pour moi tempo parfait
Спасибо за публикацию! Обожаю Клаудио Аббадо! Браво, Маэстро! Красавец! Талант! Спасибо! 💖
Rest in peace, Maestro Pollini ♥♥
Maurizio brings incredible agile energy and excitement to his honest interpretation, revealing Brahms essentially unique music intentions, honorably !
A most memorable performance! With humble thanks.. Wendy Louise
Quelle belle surprise !!! Je croyais avoir entendu les plus fantastiques versions, avec Gilels, Zimmermann, entre autres, quelle erreur !!
Le jeu de Pollini est clair, limpide, lumineux, c est absolument magnifique.
Une Découverte, pour moi.
Yes. Also try Geza Anda.
El genio de Abbado al frente de la orquesta y Pollini en el piano, logran sino la mejor interpretación, una de las mejores que se haya hecho del magistral concierto número 2 de Johaness Brahms. El sonido es excelente. Gracias
One of the best plays of brahms concerto no. 2, isn't it? Transparent still romantic.. They were all young.....
Absolutely superb! Absolutely Marvelous!!!
Gilels and Jochum is a legendary performance but this Pollini and Abbado collaboration is another and here, made all the memorable by the solo playing in the slow mvnt. of the incomparable principal cellist, the late Robert Scheiwein.
I almost fall to pieces listening to this. What an exquisite performance of a brilliant musical conception.
Grandissimi tutti !!@ Pollini Abbado orgoglio italiano !!!
Pollini is a real genius 💖👍
Simply the best interpretation by far. No one can even get near this level.
+Teomondo Scrofalo Gilels is up with this, I think.
We can discuss about the interpretation, not about the technique :)
Backhaus with Karl Bohm!
Krystian Zimmermann with Leonard Bernstein is better.
All good. Have you heard Geza Anda with von Karajanвидео.html
Mi humilde opinión: El mejor Klavierkonzert de todos. Brahms es el único que se eleva hasta el nivel de Beethoven y aunque duela admitirlo, lo supera con sus dos conciertos para piano y orquesta. Pollini durante sus buenos años fue considerado por Schröder el mejor pianista del mundo. La mención quiere hacer notar que estamos escuchando el mejor concierto tocado por el mejor pianista.
Perfection in everyway
My most favorite rendition
The Best Brahms piano concerto no 2 players Are really Sviatoslav Richter with THE Paris Orchestra conductor Lorin Maazel! Grigory Sokolov Brahms piano concerto no 2 playing with The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra video RUclips! Sokolov The Best piano sound! Sokolov The most vital rhythmic vitalness
Je préfère Pollini
It's very simple. Most people play this movement too slowly. If it's too slow, it falls apart into separate moments instead of flowing together toward the climaxes. This performance drives forward without losing any nuance. It's brilliant. The only other recording I've heard that is fast enough is Rudolf Serkin's. Abado is my favorite Brahms interpreter.
Abbado is the best Brahms' interpreter! Agreed!
Can not agree more
Fabio Bidini also plays this piece to tempo.
Yes the very best I know
I invades you
Pure beauty
Looking for speed in this concerto? Toscanini-Horowitz!
Both so young... Such a wonderful rendition of Brahms nº2...
This is absolutely fabulous, out of this world. Thank you.
This is my favorite piano concerto♥
Me too. Since FROM The Sixties.
He plays the truth itself. His refined musicality, his wisdom and intuition lead to the sublime
This is really outstanding in timbre, rhythm and performance
I have this recording on CD. For me, the best recording of this Brahms Concerto No. 2. Abbado and Pollini were perfect! - Eu tenho essa gravação em CD. Para mim, a melhor gravação desse Concerto de Brahms nº2. Abbado e Pollini foram perfeitos!
I will vote for Richter
Fantastic beauty of interpretation
Great rendition! i find it one of the most balanced and in good tempo from what I have heard on youtube, even if I have to admit, all are different and brilliant in their way.
J'adore. Merci éternel.
Unas interpretaciòn magistral de un concierto extraordinario. Puro placer estètico-musical, donde las palabras sobran y sòlo resta escuchar y extasiarse !!!!!!