Director Reacts - DPR IAN - 'SAINT' MV (SKINS & LIMBO Revisited)

  • Опубликовано: 7 янв 2025

Комментарии • 118

  • @leahavilis77
    @leahavilis77 7 месяцев назад +166

    I feel like this is the hybrid trying to convince himself that he's pure, but Mito is essentially questioning him if he's good enough for Ian while Mr. Insanity is pushing for the hybrid to actually win because he encourages that chaos. Mito is trying hard to reel the hybrid in while Mr. Insanity is pushing for them to be combined, elevating Ian's perception that the hybrid is actually good, but we know that the hybrid falls (recall to Seraph) and that prompts Ian to call out that he's not a saint, they are all tainted. This could be the reason why the Hybrid wants the sword to channel in his control over Ian, but Mito constantly probes to come out and stops him while Mr. Insanity fuels the ongoing battle. The lore is getting deeper and more interesting.

    • @Ibtissamkorean
      @Ibtissamkorean 7 месяцев назад +1

      But i tought they were only Ian Mr.Insanity and Mito ? Who’s the Hybrid ? Can you please explain me ?

    • @leahavilis77
      @leahavilis77 7 месяцев назад +14

      @@Ibtissamkorean the hybrid is a separate entity altogether, not necessarily an alter if Ian. It's a combination of Mito and Mr. Insanity (I think their worst parts of these two) which he has occasionally referred to as very dangerous and also Ian himself doesn't know the extent to which The Hybrid's influence is on him. He is beginning that journey of that lore and introduced him slightly in Don't go insane, the scary almost wolf like guy at the dnace break and Limbo. And now, he's delving abit more on how they work. My earlier comment was just my theory in how the hybrid fits in between Mito and Mr Insanity.

    • @Ibtissamkorean
      @Ibtissamkorean 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@leahavilis77 thank you so much for this explanation I understand more clearly now. I thought the wolfman in Don’t Go Insane was Mr. insanity, so thanks for the clarification

    • @angelapan7740
      @angelapan7740 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@leahavilis77 I thought the end of don’t go insane was insanity just because he said he “can’t see” - Ian said insanity/clown god in his future form is blind. Ian in his most recent live also said that we have not yet seen the representation of the Hybrid at all yet, where he also talked about how the blue eyes in Saint were the Hybrid’s ‘influence’ on Ian and not the Hybrid itself

    • @leahavilis77
      @leahavilis77 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@angelapan7740 that is true.. We haven't seen hybrid's true form.. What he's shown us is how the hybrid can infuse itself in his two identities. So the form from Don't go insane may be Mr. Insanity but there lingers an effect of the hybrid in him making him seen as such. Given that the hybrid is a different entity, we can only perceive him as a secondary part of the lore as of now.. However, I think can still see it'd patterns across especially with Mr. Insanity's introduction.. I feel like there's an alliance between the two

  • @_Dani.Lynn_
    @_Dani.Lynn_ 7 месяцев назад +36

    Roscoe, you should check out the interview he did with “Say What Reacts”. He explains quite a bit with her and briefly starts talking about the hybrid. But it’s VERY informative. The Hybrid happens in the transitions between Mito and Mr. Insanity so his time is very limited, which I think is the representation of the eclipse. Also that would reference “Limbo”, the hybrid is the “in-between”. It is the culmination of Mito/Insanity traits which makes it extremely powerful and scary.

  • @CiaPerrier
    @CiaPerrier 7 месяцев назад +62

    The hybrid is using Ian as the vessel to bring on insanity. The Hybrid is a separate entity that is between Mito and Insanity. Ian explained this in the live and I've just completely understood this concept. You see at the end Hybrid influenced Ian holding up his left hand, showing the yellow moon signifying that insanity has been summoned.

    • @annemariestrehl
      @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад +2

      But didn't he say in the live that we haven't seen Hybrid yet? And that the person with the cloak at the pulpit is Insanity?

    • @CiaPerrier
      @CiaPerrier 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@annemariestrehl yes, this is Ian influenced by Hybrid. Hybrid has been explained to be something absolutely terrifying… I am very curious to see how it will be artistically presented.

    • @CiaPerrier
      @CiaPerrier 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@annemariestrehl forgive me, I did word my paragraph wrong. Hybrid influenced Ian held ip his hand.

  • @KarliCM
    @KarliCM 7 месяцев назад +45

    Should have seen ians live explaining 😂 also somebody said they reversed the video and you can hear what the voices said to Ian and Ian responded with 👍👍👍👍👍 so yeah there's a lot to unpack but he said hybrid is coming after the tour so we need to wait

    • @sdm9019
      @sdm9019 6 месяцев назад

      Where can I see darby versus video

  • @marikky1172
    @marikky1172 6 месяцев назад +3

    От Skins- пробирает дрожью😢и глубокой болью, Saint- путешествие в какую-то другую вселенную,Limbo- отчаянное стремление обрести покой и любовь😢...DPR IAN особенным образом преобразует музыку в эмоции это невероятно, это даже не песни- это произведения искусства💔, и, слушая его песни снова и снова я переживаю те же эмоции, что и в первое прослушивание, и обычными песнями , которые слушаешь просто фоново его работы так и не стали😌, к ним сохраняется особое отношение❤

  • @annemariestrehl
    @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад +8

    In regards to your theories at 21:11 on the psychology behind figuring out the Hybrid and why he's there and what he represents. He did say on IG live (10 March 2024) that Hybrid is kinda all the repressed trauma and faded memories locked away.
    "In some compartment of your brain lies the void. So what is the void? Every time you have an idea and you forget. Everytime you have a core memory, it's forgotten. Every time you have a bad memory. Trauma. Every time you have your first kiss. Every time you have all these experiences jumbled and forgotten. Not remembered - experiences that you block out. Experiences that you'd remember but you just completely forget. And other sources of experiences that you're inspired by. 'Inspired by' this is the keyword. Where does it all go to? [...] It trickles down into a space, a confined space that we don't even know exists, temporarily no, permanently in the mind. How long has it been there for? As long as you can remember. Is it an extension of my mind then? No! And this is where it gets interesting. [...] It trickles down to a specific spot called the void. And over the years and over time it creates its own entity. It forms good, bad, everything. [...] Everything has a consequence. [...]"

  • @mythicalm0chi091
    @mythicalm0chi091 7 месяцев назад +30

    So far we know Skins, Nerves, and So Beautiful doesn't have to do with the Hybrid lore. The rest thus far, to our knowledge, does tie into Saint. As Ian is telling the story in reverse, from the future to origin/the past.

  • @annemariestrehl
    @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад +32

    I was waiting for your reaction to this MV! Saint had me really confused about the characters and storylines until Ian clarified stuff on Live. I cannot wait for the Hybrid album and movie to drop to really tie up the different things.

    • @babychuuhutama
      @babychuuhutama 6 месяцев назад

      The theory is,in Ian universe,it has 8 doors and 8 dimention,if you see a clock in his mv,when the clock turn 12 the dimention is changed. so this saint is one of dimention in the 8 doors

    • @babychuuhutama
      @babychuuhutama 6 месяцев назад

      You can also see in the old mv, you will always be able to find the clock

    • @babychuuhutama
      @babychuuhutama 6 месяцев назад

      and ian said in his live
      The color of the eye is the clue

  • @vantaev3912
    @vantaev3912 6 месяцев назад +11

    Absolutely insane dpr ian leaves speechless every single time i don't even know how to explain how impactful his art is to me

  • @myabditory5363
    @myabditory5363 7 месяцев назад +30

    Something I noticed was when the DJ pad was green the tornado appeared, which was in the So I Danced video with the green man

    • @ireneserrano4570
      @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад +2

      the green light was Mito trying to stop insanity in So i danced and in Peanuts MV aswell. He said recently he uses the RGB additive color system as symbology. Red is Insanity (red eyes), Green is Mito (green eyes. You can see it in Peanut MV for example with beams of green light coming out from him), Yellow is Hybrid (yellow eyes). So in the additive color mixture Red+Green=Yellow (Insanity+Mito=Hybrid). Then Blue is interfering with them, meaning he anounces the upcoming switch, it would be like the trigger (so it's probable that it would be represented by the Blueberry monster. Maybe that character that appears at the end of Saints MV is him). It's interesting that he said blue interferes.. So blue+red=Magenta (violet-like) and blue+green=Cyan (like a light greenish blue). We also see those two colors in all his previous MVs. In no Blueberries the café switches into Cyan colors mainly, and the garage he scapes to is also lighted in Cyan... And magentas appear usually here and there... Will these be representing other personas maybe Miss Understood and Miss Insanity?
      So what is fascinating is that the combination of all gives WHITE. And Mito before "falling" was a white being (Christian?). But in the substractive mixing of colors the mox result is BLACK which represents Mito aswell (as a fallen angel, black wings, the black swirls etc)

  • @CiaPerrier
    @CiaPerrier 7 месяцев назад +19

    The eclipse represents the 8 moons (8 doors, 8 keys) in his lore. Hybrid gathers the 8 moons and creates the eclipse. Topic on the green, I wonder if he isn't like an imaginary friend that Christian had as a child? Some have theorized that he could represent his medication... but he helps cause chaos... just my theory. For Mito, these are flashbacks we are seeing where Mito is wielding the sword. Christian states that Mito could possibly be the Hybrid's successor, since he has been around since before Ian ever existed. If you think about it, Christian has cycles of switches, so he has to go through as Mito, through the Hybrid, to get to Insanity, so he has continuous cycles, so he has gone through this MANY times. Mito has faced the Hybrid an infinite amount of times. My theory or guess is that yes, he is the successor and does resent Hybrid.

  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад +5

    Christian said that the last scene, the outside of the temple-like architecture, represents all the universes, we see the sky with the different colors that represent the personas.
    And so i think that this is all inside Christian's brain/mind. The temple where the statue of the fallen angel (white one-Seraph?, or black angel-Mito?) the sword chained kept safe... might be Mito's zone, as his main role is to protect Christian. He said before that Mito is very rekigious and he has been associated in previous MVs with crosses or an altar symbols, and in here we see the Temple architecture where he gets the sword. He looks like going to fight, he gazes into the pulpit where we see someone in a red cape (Insanity?) he seems to be at that pulpit but it looks like a dj set but also like a control station. So i think that refers again to them being in Christian brain/mind and that represent the control station of the host and Insanity therefore trying to take over. But he will turn into something beaming Blue light, which he said indicatea the switch into sth, and right after that we see his hand and some circular light symbol appearing which is Yellow = Hybrid.
    So, imo, this MV represents Mito trying to fight Insanity to take over the control of Christians brain/mind, BUT sth happens, the blue indicating a switch but it's not a switch into Mito but into Hybrid which represents the best and worst of both Insanity+Mito.
    That is why Mito after looking at his watch (which Christian said that usually represent the future) he went to let's say like a Sword cemetery and stuck it into the ground. This reminds me of Excalibur concept, where the sword was stuck inside a stone and then only the rightful ruler would be able to pull it out, being the legitimate and rightful ruler he would take the sword and bring harmony and peace. So Mito, seeing that sth was going wrong, he decided to stuck it to avoid anyone else taking control of it.
    Insanity, as someone else commented in this MV, seems to be favouring Hybrid to take over because he simply favours chaos and maybe not what is best for Christian's interest, safety and well-being!

  • @freedom-fashiondiorella1567
    @freedom-fashiondiorella1567 6 месяцев назад +2

    Hello 👋 I have DID and Ian is such a inspiration for me he’s amazing person and musician he’s just amazing mito Mr insanity and hybrid are such amazing ❤❤

  • @CupOfPetrichor
    @CupOfPetrichor 6 месяцев назад +2

    "...I do have some really strange, specific thoughts and theories about pieces of this." I'm always interested in hearing people's strange and specific thoughts! 🙌🏽 I appreciate that you share some of your first impressions and discuss ideas in real time - because I think sometimes, it feels like there's a lot of pressure to figure out the "correct" answers as quickly as possible, and even though yes, we are trying to piece together a narrative that DPR IAN has created, ultimately, the art is always up for interpretation and should generate discussion/different forms of engagement. 🤔 I especially enjoy when you point out things related to editing, like a certain cut, shot, angle, etc. I'd always love to hear more about why exactly you think something is an incredible shot or scene. Also, your sense of humor is great 😂. Thank you for this video!

  • @Orenjiaine73
    @Orenjiaine73 6 месяцев назад +2

    Two dementia (ions) he always checks his pocket watch for next influx shaking of his timeline is a signal. Time reference is the eclipse before all bad/ good comes out

  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад +2

    35:48 Christian said that scenery represents all universes, therefore i interpret it as that is inside Christian, and the dj set is the control system. At this moment someone in a red hooded cape is taking control (Red = Insanity), while we see the skies -clouds, universes mainly green (Mito) and yellow (Hybrid). When Insanity starts playing with the buttons he emits a Magenta/violet light into the sky and now the sky is red (Insanity) Magenta and Blue. Considering his RGB color symbology, we have the Blue light coming in which as Christian said it interferes with the others (the primary color red and green) so we can interpret Red+Blue=Magenta(violet) although we still don't know the exact meaning-representation for that color, all becomes blues, violets, reds, he turns around and although 5he cape now looks like blue we see the red eyes, so he still is Insanity. Then as Mito is aproaching, we see beams/rays coming out from Insanity fingers his ray is yellowish at first the greenish but then the black swirl and a magenta ray goes into his finger as if trying to neutraliZe or sth and it turns into a yellow light. I think those rays represent the fight between the personas to gain control. And seeing how the ending ray seems to be that yellow one that represents the Hybrid and how then he becomes blue lighted (indicates transformation, switch) and towards the end he raises his fist and we see that yellow circled light mark as if representing he has become the Hybrid

  • @fhbcf67
    @fhbcf67 7 месяцев назад +4

    “In psychosis, the world of fantasy plays the role of a storehouse from which the neurotic (artist) draws material for constructing a new reality.” Sigmund Freud.
    Thank you for your reaction! Christian is incredibly beautiful and attractive in his reality!And also, did you notice that his eyes in the freeze frame on your reaction screensaver, they are looking at different points! Two different personalities when he looks up his eyes merge into one! I'm shocked...

  • @Orenjiaine73
    @Orenjiaine73 6 месяцев назад +2

    Clearly they're recognizable by their noes, one is Ian the old the other is the NEW ian/ hybrid that morphed together ( to-get-her)

  • @juliatoscana4250
    @juliatoscana4250 4 месяца назад

    Each color has its symbolism, and you can see how there is something of each identity in the others and how quickly it changes from one to the other. Ian is represented with blue and brown, Miito is red, gold and black; and mr. insanity is pink, violet, and especially green

  • @duraaedavis1416
    @duraaedavis1416 7 месяцев назад +7

    Remember Saint...fallen Arc Angel...saint no saint. You are doing a great job in understanding Christian and his DID. In watching his lives and hearing him explain his work...he is a sweet beautiful delightful being. Love his work.Also, Mito fights against a lot of gaslighting that is occurring from Insanity and Hybrid.

  • @totydely-br5014
    @totydely-br5014 6 месяцев назад +3

    DPR Ian not only enthusiastic about new songs, but also with more knowledge of a story. This MV alone adds so much new knowledge that it is madness. The sword??? The new character (myth?, Serafim?), Ancient Rome ??? Not to mention how this is a return to Seraph MV. He gets more and more insane, the scene in which Serafim goes down and myth extends his hand to help him ... this is divine. This is art. This is cinema. Following the sequence of the mythology of previous videos, (yes, because if you didn't watch it, it will be difficult to understand), I know that the sounds are of the creatures he hears in his lucid dreams… but I'm not sure if the myth with the grill is hybrid… after all for me it's hybrid. It is the mix of myth before finding madness during transitions. I think the sword is like a key to taking Ian out of the hybrid state… Myth prevents the hybrid from orchestrating this chaos and the sword pulls it back into the shadows, so insanity appears. I think this new character could be Miss Insanity/ Miss understood at the end. I feel bad for people who do not know Ian, are losing one of the 7 wonders of the world in art, since it is the one who does everything alone, (cinematographic production, composition, musical production, arrangements etc ...). What a majestic cinematic art work.❤💫👏👏👏

    • @ireneserrano4570
      @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

      I think he is presenting here the meaning of Blue. He said recently that he is using the additive color system as symbology, RGB. Red represents Insanity, Green is Mito. In the additive mixture Red+Green=Yellow (Insanity+Mito=Hybrid). Yellow represents Hybrid (yellow eyes). Then he said Blue interferes with the others, and it announces the switch is coming. So now, imo, Blue could be represented by the Blueberry monster. Watch No Blueberries MV, Mito is escaping from him. When he is served the ice cream cake with the blueberries we see as if he gets triggered by them (blue color). In additive mixture Green + Blue = Cyan. If you see the MV, when at the dinner he seems to get triggered by the blueberries the lights of the dinner become Cyan. The gatage he runs in is also Cyan.
      So he said Blue interferes with the other meanibg Blue+Green=Cyan and Blue+Red=Magenta (like a purplish color) both colors appear on his MVs here and there. But will they then be representation of other personas like Miss Understood or Miss Insanity?
      If he follows the color theory then it should because the additive mixture of all of them is WHITE (Seraph, Christian? = he is all the personas in one)
      So imo, the one appearing at the end of Saint in that Blue jungle may be the Blueberry monster

  • @Balugaduga
    @Balugaduga 6 месяцев назад

    Will always get chills seeing mitos eyes in skins. Such a deep sadness in them. Same with so beautiful.

  • @kimiomoo
    @kimiomoo 6 месяцев назад +2

    One of my super gamer friends said that sword is Frostmourne blade of the Lich King.

  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад +1

    The sword in the stone is Excalibur from the legend of King Arthur, made by Merlin etc from English mythology... There are a few films about it too... Zelda videogame using it too...

  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

    When Mito goes into the temple to take the sword everything looks in Grey color grades, after releasing the sword he leaves but we see colors, the red carpets, the walls, the light come in etc and suddenly the music becomes muffled (as if it sounded like real life noise inside some room next to us or sth) and we see the wobbly visual effects deforming the image around him (as the sound of the bangs go in and he feels like pain inside his head). That reminded me of Scaredy Cat MV where Mito walks around the hotel and we see the corridor walls being all wobbly and it's not black and whote but colored

  • @Orenjiaine73
    @Orenjiaine73 6 месяцев назад +1

    The blue cloud image is slightly out or ahead while red image is a little in background by the near end of video the RED cloud image is Now ahead of blue who's image is slightly a blur

  • @Horselady3737
    @Horselady3737 8 дней назад

    This song is Ian's collaboration with DPR Artic (a dj from South Korea) who's part of the DPR lineup, hence the more techno sound. The other collab "Do or Die" is great too.
    I'm a BIG fan of DPR Ian, I think he's a musical and visual genius. I love it when I come across videos like yours, feels great to see how others get him, get the absolute genius of it all. Much 😅love from Ontario Canada

  • @EmberFallenRose
    @EmberFallenRose 6 месяцев назад +3

    Theres a lot id like to add but 1st Saint is the 2nd introduction of The Hybrid, but officially Limbo was main intro of Hybrid. Ill break it down as best as I can from Ian and from his lore he gave info for us. In Limbo and Saint all alters are in the 2 videos, theres Ian (anytime u see blue eyes according to ian, blue eyes means its himself), Mito (1 white and 1 regular eye, with wings and without, lightning and storms are power plus his 3 primary colors white, black and red), Mr. Insanity (golden eyes, glitter, butterfly/faeries and 3 colors gold, green and voilet) and last is Hybrid (unsure of eye color, is itself its own being but a mixture of Ian, mito and mr. Insanity, colors that I remember are red, blue and i think green.). So you see all of them in both videos. Anytime its a blue eclipse its the hybrid. So you see Mito at first at the dj booth and when his robe turns from red to blue its the Hybrid is out. Ian goes to Mr. Insanity first into mito then Hybrid takes over middle of video and then each alter fights each to the top with holding the sword and the last strongest one was Hybrid. According to Ian the Hybrid is definitely the strongest. He never actually says the Hybrid is bad or good tho. So remember anytime u see him with blue eyes it means we are seeing actually Ian. And i just learned from his last live that he talks about Ian in 3rd person so to me it means hes another alter and isnt Christian. Let me know if this color guide helps! 😊

  • @pommem8965
    @pommem8965 6 месяцев назад +2

    Roscoe im so here for that audio book idea and idk if you are updated or not but dpr is going on a tour the dates are up and the ticketing is hours away i hope you can make it to one of these shows

  • @reyhan963
    @reyhan963 7 месяцев назад +1

    37:43 It just feels like it started to show that his world was an virtual world

  • @1oldcrow350
    @1oldcrow350 7 месяцев назад +2

    This lore just keeps getting deeper and deeper. There are passages saying that the skies turned dark during the crucifixion.
    Mito always questioning and protecting in his own way. That first verse seems like Mito talking. Holy crap the brilliance.
    BTW if you need references for the lore audiobook Boop Club has your back.

  • @elbabanos8985
    @elbabanos8985 6 месяцев назад +2

    You are amazin men , you are the kind of people this world needs to survive to the stupidity society that we are becoming, im sure you know movie idyocraci there is where we go if we dont soport the real art and creativiti , the quality that make us beautifull and good humans , so thanks for your great taste in art friend.

  • @khangeru
    @khangeru 7 месяцев назад +2

    First time on your channel and I'm only partway through the video, but I wanted to comment now! I appreciate your explanations and your speaking style. Whenever you mention Ian’s work, his concepts, and the psychological angles, you always strive to be respectful and use meaningful words. I also really enjoy your approach, and the video is inspiring for my own theories so I can’t wait to watch it entirely

  • @MuddaFuffa
    @MuddaFuffa 7 месяцев назад +5

    I need Christian to release all of this in a book so I have a reference for it. Thank you Roscoe! As always, I'm able to see so much more when you do this 💜💜💜

    • @thiccayo
      @thiccayo 7 месяцев назад +1

      He mentioned in a live recently he wants to make a lore/art book

    • @MuddaFuffa
      @MuddaFuffa 6 месяцев назад

      @@thiccayo Awesome! Hope we'll get that very soon 💜

  • @gretchenkirkland49
    @gretchenkirkland49 7 месяцев назад +4

    I thought the eclipse was Mito and Mr. Insanity passing by each other as one takes over. The Hybrid then struck the sword in the ground to make it so they stayed combined in the eclipse. It seemed like it was Mito and Mr. Insanity fighting...Mito with his wings and Insanity on keyboard. As we know Mito is classic instrumental and Insanity synth heavy. Then Hybrid ends up at the keyboard with wings tattooed on his back. Both alters combined. Reading through other comments, I see Ian spoke about the video. Silly me for thinking I could interpret Mr. Yu's mind. Lol. In every single way it is brilliant, and I love DPR Ian and Roscoe's joy in trying to pick apart all the meanings like the rest of us mere mortals.😉

    • @annemariestrehl
      @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад +4

      Ian clarified that the eclipse is the hybrid pulling all 8 moons together and he uses Ian as a vessel to gather the 8 keys on 8 quests to unlock the doors and release his power to break free of the void.
      The blue eyes and colour signify the influence Hybrid wields on the characters. The person with the sword is Ian performing the tasks before the eclipse hits (that's the time limit). And the person at the DJ set/pulpit is Insanity, which Ian eventually turns into due to Hybrid's influence and the quests.
      Mito is the one with the wings who is trying to stop all this and might have been a former vessel of the Hybrid
      And you are not silly! He said himself that Saint was to make people ask questions and get them a little confused so the hybrid album and movie can clarify things

  • @daniellicosta2160
    @daniellicosta2160 7 месяцев назад +2

    Saint was supposed to be a single but Ian had promised to release skins and limbo so he put them together

  • @nvmatall1755
    @nvmatall1755 7 месяцев назад +1

    ^I think^ the DJ character was Mito when he was wearing red as his one red eye shows when he turned his head, “he’s the one who placed the sword there under his protection” as what Ian said, so he was trying to stop the one in black who stole the sword by the storms which waked by the music he was playing, but when the one in black thrust the sword into the ground next to the rest of the swords him and Mito became one, when Mito robe turned from red to blue and when the one in black has Mito’s wings

  • @호주J-t1q
    @호주J-t1q 7 месяцев назад +2

    WOW Awesome reaction!! Now I'm slowly getting understand..Thank you so much!! Next MV won't be related to Hybrid though..Ian said it will be released after the World tour ~ I'm still excited yay~~

  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

    the green light was Mito trying to stop insanity in So i danced and in Peanuts MV aswell. He said recently he uses the RGB additive color system as symbology. Red is Insanity (red eyes), Green is Mito (green eyes. You can see it in Peanut MV for example with beams of green light coming out from him), Yellow is Hybrid (yellow eyes). So in the additive color mixture Red+Green=Yellow (Insanity+Mito=Hybrid). Then Blue is interfering with them, meaning he anounces the upcoming switch, it would be like the trigger (so it's probable that it would be represented by the Blueberry monster. Maybe that character that appears at the end of Saints MV is him). It's interesting that he said blue interferes.. So blue+red=Magenta (violet-like) and blue+green=Cyan (like a light greenish blue). We also see those two colors in all his previous MVs. In no Blueberries the café switches into Cyan colors mainly, and the garage he scapes to is also lighted in Cyan... And magentas appear usually here and there... Will these be representing other personas maybe Miss Understood and Miss Insanity?
    So what is fascinating is that the combination of all gives WHITE. And Mito before "falling" was a white being (Christian?). But in the substractive mixing of colors the mox result is BLACK which represents Mito aswell (as a fallen angel, black wings, the black swirls etc)!! In the end Christian is all of the personas. And Mito? I'm so interested as to how this all will develope

  • @nur_azo2115
    @nur_azo2115 7 месяцев назад +2

    Ian did a instagram live explaining all this🖤

  • @alejandradreamer
    @alejandradreamer 7 месяцев назад +1

    Estaba esperando tanto que reaccionaras a SAINT amo tus reacciones al trabajo de DPR ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

    He said the hand-clocks refer to the future, and we saw them related to the Blueberry monster. Important clue. Blue represents the trigger/switch coming up... eclipse... clocks... Blue color....

  • @unravel9716
    @unravel9716 7 месяцев назад

    everyone lost it when they saw the dj board part in saint lmaoo 😭 rewatching it and reading theories after this insane mv helped out a lot though. saint gave away so much to the lore I love that. can't wait to see the entire storyline all tied up omg. I'll wait as long as it takes. most of all just so excited stream hybrid when it drops. I'm living on this awesome ep for now

  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

    Once you find out (he said it in his Live) about the RGB additive color system symbology you can interpret most of it amd past MVs

    • @ireneserrano4570
      @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

      Still confusing cause he says mito is red, insanity is green, but from what we've seen in th previous MVs i felt it was the other way around with the sky lights and eye colors, except for the green man helping Insanity, and the red(magenta?) ones going after them??? in any case it's either one or the other and the color mixture is still Yellow...
      I think in that Live he still wasn't being 100% telling us all about it😅

  • @Orenjiaine73
    @Orenjiaine73 6 месяцев назад

    Ref: foreground, look at the CLOUDS red/blue they're of 2 entities/ figures of being looking down wait for the signal from ian/ or hybrid DJ

  • @NadineSchmidt-m2m
    @NadineSchmidt-m2m 7 месяцев назад

    I was waiting for your reaction. Thank you for doing it! ❤ I love your videos about Ian! It is not easy to understand his art but he is a really good storyteller and you do it so well. Thank you sooo much!
    Greetings from 🇩🇪

  • @SS-zg8fq
    @SS-zg8fq 7 месяцев назад

    I was waiting for your reaction. Thank you for taking your time going through this masterpiece.

  • @ShafBarnesa
    @ShafBarnesa 7 месяцев назад +1

    I was waiting for you and one hour of this? Wowwww ❤ love it!

  • @MuddaFuffa
    @MuddaFuffa 7 месяцев назад +2

    In the beginning, there's the black smoke coming off his black furry cape while he's looking at the chained sword. I didn't notice that the first time.

    • @annemariestrehl
      @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад

      It looks similar to the smoke around Mito in the So I Danced video

    • @MuddaFuffa
      @MuddaFuffa 6 месяцев назад

      @@annemariestrehl hmmm....that's def interesting.

  • @csimms1224
    @csimms1224 7 месяцев назад

    I haven’t scrolled thru the comments to see but has anyone noticed or mentioned the fact that the scenes in the desert area are Ian whereas the hybrid is shown in the limbo he’s trapped in? If you watch it’s the hybrid gathering power to help Ian release him. so two sides of a door.

  • @Jmerxii
    @Jmerxii 7 месяцев назад

    I watched the live recently and I wrote down a lot of stuff with theories and he said in the upcoming hybrid album limbo and saint will be in the middle of the album and warned we wouldn’t be able to piece everything together until then

  • @ErlyNovida
    @ErlyNovida 7 месяцев назад +1

    Ian always amazing ❤❤

  • @tetexx19
    @tetexx19 7 месяцев назад

    hi from brazil!❤ 🇧🇷 I was waiting your reaction to this MV!

  • @TomatoGyu
    @TomatoGyu 7 месяцев назад +2


  • @juliatoscana4250
    @juliatoscana4250 4 месяца назад

    In Sheraph's video the story that Miito is like a fallen Angel, like his personal guardian and demon. but in " not sane", when it shows the pure madness of mr insanity, it is also quite demonic. So I guess it shows that the extremes are very bad.

  • @chiarabrotodibyo3735
    @chiarabrotodibyo3735 2 месяца назад

    i love his artistry works, Ian himself is a masterpiece of God creation and his creativity is out of this world, i just hope Ian not get in a wrong or some like satanic or dark community as u know its exists somewhere in the industry and oftenly playing with symbolism, (yeah me and my ovt) i really hope he is not trapped with it, i believe he has a strong genuine movement that truly inspired lot of dreamers including me, he has a beautiful soul and his work is really amazing magical and mind blowing. And i hope this next Hybrid thingy will not eat him and his alters hehehe ! Thank you Ros for your deep interpretation, always love to check your POV about Ian's MV

  • @melaniegray287
    @melaniegray287 7 месяцев назад

    The image that lights up on his hand at the end of the song looks like the head of the being in white at :45 seconds in to the video.

  • @melaniegray287
    @melaniegray287 7 месяцев назад +2

    Can someone make a meme of Roscoe saying "What?" Atthe end of Sait?!!! 😂

  • @danielleduxbury6395
    @danielleduxbury6395 7 месяцев назад

    He did an Instagram live recently explaining it, it's on you tube

  • @juliatoscana4250
    @juliatoscana4250 2 месяца назад

    If you look closer the first on the console is Mito because when he looking back to the one who stole the sword habe ONE red eye. So i think that Mito was in control and use the storm that origin in the conflic of him and mr insanity to restrein Ian of take that sword to the altar. But Ian is sucessful and change bodies with Mito, and now he is on charge of the consola of (his live or body), even he is not use the power of Mito or Mr. Insanity but use the power of the hibrid (that can see it on the hand, a eclipse: the hibrid). Even i think that mr insanity knows what Ian was doing so he is the fhantom or shadow that atack him in the temple

  • @MothieBerry
    @MothieBerry 6 месяцев назад

    yes everyone drew a it looks like a video game!! ( the light between the stones part reminded me ffxiv the transportation things i forgot wha they are called) but yes the video games theres so many that can be insp of it i wanna know too!!! what we do know is he refernenced some anime

  • @sunako2447
    @sunako2447 6 месяцев назад +1

    if you will listen to mv reversed you will understand voices inside ian heads !!

  • @unravel9716
    @unravel9716 7 месяцев назад

    the streaming version of skins hits even harder

  • @juliatoscana4250
    @juliatoscana4250 4 месяца назад

    Hello, the green friend seems to be a kind of imaginary friend, suggested by his madness, in childhood, Ian said that it is not him, but a friend, but being green he has some madness, just as the red men have Miito things , depression

  • @feyrang
    @feyrang 6 месяцев назад

    I think this is a story Mito is trying to tell Mr. Insanity about The Hybrid, because I'm pretty sure The Hybrid promised something to Mr. Insanity just so he could use him in some sort of way.

  • @barbaralourenco1662
    @barbaralourenco1662 7 месяцев назад +1

    I have a theory that the universe is being presented in a reverse chronological order, it makes much more sense with Saint first, then limbo, dont go insane, so i dance, peanuet, butter and tears and so on

    • @thiccayo
      @thiccayo 7 месяцев назад +1

      He gave us a hint saying No Blueberries happens in the future

    • @annemariestrehl
      @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад

      I think the events in all MVs (even within the same MV) jump between different timelines. Like here, it's even more blurry that Mito's scenes are from the past

  • @Raeray440
    @Raeray440 7 месяцев назад +1

    Saint reminds me of Soul Calibure involving the character Knightmare

  • @danimonique8824
    @danimonique8824 7 месяцев назад

    -there’s something about Mr. Insanity that I love

  • @MicheleDoenges
    @MicheleDoenges 6 месяцев назад

    Ian, probably: "eyy this one goes out to all my editors and videographers in the audience!" *hides mobile dead pixel in opening shot.*

  • @thaole-qb9ox
    @thaole-qb9ox 7 месяцев назад +1

    reverse the whisper part and you can hear a sentence

  • @Goland454
    @Goland454 7 месяцев назад +4

    There’s an extra note in the release of skins. It’s stunning 🥹. In Limbo, he’s holding his side where he was stabbed in the Mito movie. I’m going full blown Pepe Silvia trying to tie things together. I also can see why I’m not a detective. 😬😉

    • @annemariestrehl
      @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад +1

      omg, I didn't realise he was holding the same side. that is such a cool detail!

  • @elbabanos8985
    @elbabanos8985 7 месяцев назад

    The hibryd is an level SO higt of crazy Maniac state than even Mito can take out of Ian concien, SO he never Will show US this part of him, just on mv, just like story, but it is realy dangerous for him. Another thing Mito has bipolar to and is a realy Hart time when mito gets moods, down or higt

  • @TamaraPanera
    @TamaraPanera 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @aprilzarychta1912
    @aprilzarychta1912 7 месяцев назад

    My biggest question is the function of the eclipse, symbolically. Is it that the hybrid is using it to power its takeover? Is it how the hybrid communicates? Or is it a timer? Like the light and dark parts of this group of personalities were bound to merge to an extent, forming something new (the hybrid) and entirely different? The hybrid reminds me of violence bound to purpose. Fury and anger bent to the function of protection. I don't know why. Also, not sure if it means anything, but the color of the clothes that the figure at the massive DJ pad wears does change, as does the eye color. This deserves a dissertation, to be honest.

    • @annemariestrehl
      @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад

      The eclipse is the time limit (hence the looking at the clock and the clocks in other videos, like No Blueberries) to finish all quests so the Hybrid can be set free. Ian agreed to perform the tasks for some unknown promise (which Mito mentions at the start). The eclipse is all 8 moons of the Otherside realms pushed together by the Hybrid for ultimate power. However, he only has this short window of time to tap into that.

  • @Charity_moon
    @Charity_moon 6 месяцев назад +1

    I was thinking of final fantasy.

  • @elbabanos8985
    @elbabanos8985 7 месяцев назад

    He is making a movie realize at 2025, he say so we can thust.

  • @yutoamatiko4593
    @yutoamatiko4593 7 месяцев назад

    Can you make a document where you summarize the Lore and stuff? I am really interested in what you thoughts are and for me It's a bit hard to follow. (I am not so good in english)

  • @MothieBerry
    @MothieBerry 6 месяцев назад

    the ancient city reminds me of this one game which idr the name of but i think it was on ps2 or ps1 it was arpg and that city kind of remind me of it but also kinda reminded me of final fantasy and other games T^T

    • @ireneserrano4570
      @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад +1

      It looks like Neo-gothic religious architecture

    • @MothieBerry
      @MothieBerry 6 месяцев назад

      @@ireneserrano4570 gothic revival/victorian gothic/neo gothic yes, but since the video reminded me of video games I went with that

    • @ireneserrano4570
      @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@MothieBerry yeah i know you were reminded of the video, i was just pointing out the architectural style🙂

    • @MothieBerry
      @MothieBerry 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@ireneserrano4570 okies! c: that is important too incase someone dose want to now!

  • @loisrichardson3493
    @loisrichardson3493 7 месяцев назад


  • @ireneserrano4570
    @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

    Inside the temple we see that winged statue, isn't that a female? will that have any relationship with other personas yet to appear like Miss Understood or Miss Insanity... maybe Mrs Understood... maybe she helps Mito, maybe that is why in Mito Movie part 1 in the end we see what i think is Insanity (as he is wearing the fluffy gren+red printed coat and he is trying to avoid the opening of the trunk, and we hear Miss understood!

    • @ireneserrano4570
      @ireneserrano4570 6 месяцев назад

      at first i thought that the sword inside the temple was green color, but that's actually Cyan, we see Mito absorbing the light from it and we see it will become lastly a greenish light.
      So, if that is Cyan and the winged statue has female features.. If Cyan is the secondary color obtained from the additive mix of Green (Mito) and Blue. Cyan is a female persona, her representative color is Cyan, and it is related to Mito, maybe Miss Understood?
      Then because Insanity is Red and the mix with Blue gives Magenta (Violet) will that be a persona more related to Insanity represented by Magenta... maybe Miss Insanity?
      I'm just shooting out all of my guesses, idk

  • @MuddaFuffa
    @MuddaFuffa 7 месяцев назад +1

    What are the reversed whispers saying? Anyone?

    • @MidnightFightr
      @MidnightFightr 7 месяцев назад +7

      "i had more faith in you than that" "hey, where are you going?" "don't leave"

    • @MuddaFuffa
      @MuddaFuffa 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@MidnightFightr Thank you so much! 💜

    • @annemariestrehl
      @annemariestrehl 7 месяцев назад

      @@MidnightFightr is that when he picks the sword up?

  • @jakejapan8694
    @jakejapan8694 7 месяцев назад +1

    Do you react to anime too? It would be amazing if you do. I would like to recommend "Demon Slayer".

  • @adrichoice
    @adrichoice 7 месяцев назад +1

    Please react to A.C.E Supernatural

  • @animekid949
    @animekid949 6 месяцев назад +1

    voices in his head "Who let you in?" "Who invited you?" 34:25