[Penny Dreadful] Vanessa & Dr.Sweet/Dracula » She is mine

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
    Hours to make, seconds to comment.
    SPOILER ALERT: 3X01 - 3X02 + promo
    “Dracula really goes from being this very sweet Dr. Sweet to being an absolute nasty creature. We as the audience get to enjoy that, but Vanessa thinks that he could be her savior, really help her out of this dark world, and yet he sucks her even further deep.”
    Twitter: #!...
    Tumblr(reblog?): laurakenji.tumb...
    ✖ Vidder: xLalla23x
    ✖ Show: Penny Dreadful
    ✖ Actors:
    Vanessa Ives: Eva Green
    Dr. Alexander Sweet / Dracula: Christian Camargo
    First, sorry for the bad quality of some clips but i had to use clips from promo so, you know, the quality isn't the best.
    That said, you can't even imagine how happy i am that Penny Dreadful is back and, especially, how excited i am about Dracula! (Vampires as him and Lestat Interview with the vampire they always fascinated me so much!).
    I LOVED these first two episode, i love the new characters (Dr.Jekyll, the psychoanalyst etc..), and i can't wait to see more. After the second episode, and the final scene (i suspected that Dracula was him, but.. WOW!), i was so excited that i felt the need to make a video!
    I am in conflict, a part of me loves Dracula (♥) but, at the same time, i don't want Vanessa to suffer again. I mean, she was/is going through a really hard time and,then, she mets this new guy and.. look at her smile, her cuteness, toward him! Aw, my baby. As Christian said, Vanessa thinks that he could be her savior.. but, she doesn't know that he is Dracula and he's using her, he's pretending to be nice, and cute etc.. just to have her.
    NEVER A JOY FOR VANESSA. Leave her alone, she already suffered enough T.T
    I have to be honest, even though i suspected that he was Dracula, a part of me didn't want to believe it and was starting to ship Vanessa/Dr.Sweet. He is sweet, cute etc.. and makes her smile, and they have great chemistry. But, yeah, is all fake ;__; Why couldn't he be just Dr.Sweet?! Damn.
    Anyway, i can't help it, i like Dracula and Christian is portaying him so well and i'm so excited.
    And can we talk about Dracula's voice? OH GOSH!
    Christian also said that Dracula isn't pure evil, and that he is complex. I LIKE that, i really like that. I like complex characters! But what that means? He really has feelings for Vanessa or what? What is his human part?
    Am i wrong or in the past seasons, Dracula was mentioned as Lucifer's brother?
    AAAAARGH, i want to know more!
    Btw, i hope you like the video. The material isn't much (just two eps, and some promos), i did my best.
    Note: This has been uploaded by a fan for fans. No copyright infringement intended. The rights belong to their respective owners

Комментарии • 66

  • @MasterAngst12
    @MasterAngst12 8 лет назад +54

    he's so hard to hate, I smile every time they are both on screen or he's on screen

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +2

      +sydnee davis Same lol

    • @MasterAngst12
      @MasterAngst12 8 лет назад

      +laurakenji its a really awesome video by the way

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      +sydnee davis Thank you!

  • @brittanyr1318
    @brittanyr1318 8 лет назад +40

    I ship it so much, but I know it's going to be absolutely horrible. It's definitely not a nice relationship... He's obsessed with her and it's creepy. This was such a beautiful video that makes me even more conflicted about liking them together. Damn my shipper self!

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      +Brittany Reyes Same here!
      And thank you!

    • @stimela1000
      @stimela1000 8 лет назад +4

      +Brittany Reyes Yeah I love this video, I love their interactions and their chemistry. But I just can't ship them because he's lying to her, he's invading her privacy by getting Renfield to spy on her therapy sessions and then there's the whole fallen angel/ mother of evil thing. This guy is basically the brother of Lucifer. The vid is hauntingly beautiful though.

    • @Tammy8823
      @Tammy8823 8 лет назад

      +stimela1000 I think eventually she'll find her way back to Ethan. I don't like him with Hecate and Vanessa will fight to the end before she gives up her soul to Lucifer or Dracula/Dr. Sweet.

  • @Ida-iu3uj
    @Ida-iu3uj 8 лет назад +21

    Wasn't this great? Christian Camargo is just so right for the part (yes, that's a good thing) - so elegant as you would picture him, and with hypnotic eyes. This season is starting out so good - I love the beautiful scene of Vanessa at the window at the end of the first episode. I loved the cape Vanessa was wearing on her 'date' with Dracula. :) The vampire 'children' - I have to say how good Olly Alexander was in the first season - all of that lunging in chains was quite frightening, I actually thought he would turn out to be Renfield.The entire concept is like a work of art - Mr. Lyle looks like a painting, Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Frankenstein having breakfast was together was gorgeous, their having tea, the writing is too (those gorgeous secrets), and the most beautiful Frankenstein's Creature ever. I'm treasuring it on DVD. OK, I think I am officially over the moon now about this show. Bravo!!!!!

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      +Ida Yeah, Christian is amazing as Dr.Sweet/Dracula and perfect for this role. I love his eyes, his voice, his charm, etc..
      Totally agree with everything you said!

    • @Noriko1988
      @Noriko1988 6 лет назад

      It was a good show and I couldn't agree with you more :)

  • @Otenkofairy
    @Otenkofairy 8 лет назад +4

    thank you so much for your beautiful work

  • @jessica9485
    @jessica9485 8 лет назад +24

    I ship them so much

  • @LightNeverFades
    @LightNeverFades 8 лет назад +6

    This is so lovely!

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +LightNeverFades Thank you

  • @FlashakaViolet
    @FlashakaViolet 8 лет назад +11

    this ship will be the death of me! too many feels

  • @Denise_hol
    @Denise_hol 8 лет назад +2

    Yes, yes, yes, I was waiting for video like this. amazing! ♥

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +Astrid Bulet Thank you ♥

  • @GabrielaSilva-db9kf
    @GabrielaSilva-db9kf 8 лет назад +19

    It was perfect! I LOVE Vanessa and Dr. Sweet/Dracula, I am excited about Dracula! And I hope he really loves her!!! :3 ♥♥

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +2

      +Gabriela Mendes Aw, thank you

    • @GabrielaSilva-db9kf
      @GabrielaSilva-db9kf 8 лет назад

      +laurakenji No, I say that! This video is amazing, really!!! ;)

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      +Gabriela Mendes You're too kind :*

    • @pennyl.8799
      @pennyl.8799 8 лет назад

      He loves her to death

    • @Noriko1988
      @Noriko1988 6 лет назад

      The sweet side of him really does.... the dedly...nnnot so sure about it. I'm so sad the show doesn't go on....

  • @xenchantedqueen
    @xenchantedqueen 8 лет назад +4

    aw this is so beautiful :)

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +xenchantedqueen Thank you :)

  • @quocbao1989
    @quocbao1989 8 лет назад +4

    thank you for the vid, I love and ship this couple too, they look perfect together
    but we all know that wont come true because of their different believes; unless, 1 one them change, but ........ haizzzzzz dont think so
    so let dream and enjoy this vid

  • @MermaidiaDreams4Ever
    @MermaidiaDreams4Ever 6 лет назад +1

    Absolutely stunning! So wonderful :D

  • @chinita_777
    @chinita_777 8 лет назад

    Excellent editing, loved every second of it! :)

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      +Aixa Amelia Aleman Thank you! :*

  • @DevilMaskedgirl101
    @DevilMaskedgirl101 8 лет назад +3

    Love it, good job!

  • @vesperlynd9702
    @vesperlynd9702 8 лет назад

    Thank you very much!

  • @irydionlover
    @irydionlover 8 лет назад

    OHMAMMAAAAAAA sono ancora scioccata! I mean, qualche sospetto su di lui ce l'avevamo entrambe, ma...come Dr Sweet sembra davvero così carino e coccoloso e un po' socially awkward, e invece come Dracula è assolutamente inquietante D: props all'attore già solo per questi primi due episodi, davvero! Sono ancora più hyped per il resto della stagione ora, anche perché vedere clips di episodi futuri in questo tuo video mi ha solo aumentato la curiosità. Da un lato sono quasi contenta perché così questi due li shipperò meno visto che lui sta facendo il doppiogioco (e dopo il primo episodio temevo che la mia preferenza per Ethan/Vanessa potesse essere messa un po' in crisi quest'anno xD)...ma dall'altro DATE UNA GIOIA DURATURA A VANESSA, CRIBBIO! >.<
    Ok, ranting done (più o meno) posso commentare con più decenza sul tuo video, che come al solito quando si tratta di PD non trascura nulla! Mi piace un sacco come riesci a catturare sempre gli sguardi più significativi, e hai orchestrato bene sulla dualità di Dracula quando appare come se stesso o quando è con Van come Dr Sweet alternando le sue due "facce". E rivedere lei com'era all'inizio della 3x01 sarà sempre un colpo al cuore, poor bb ç.ç ottimo uso dei promo comunque, se non sapessi quanti episodi sono usciti per ora non avrei saputo distinguere. Spero che questa stagione continui a ispirarti perché i tuoi video su Penny sono sempre capolavori!

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +irydionlover93 E' questa la cosa più "brutta"! Lo show, facendolo apparire così carino e coccoloso, è riuscita a farti amare il personaggio e poi... TRACK! Va beh che io adoro anche Dracula (intendo come pg in generale), e la cosa da un certo punto di vista non mi dispiace (come ha detto Christian, da spettatore, è "bello" da vedere), ma so che farà del male a Vanessa e... nope t.t Già soffro. Anche perché mi si spezza il cuore vederla ora così "felice", speranzosa.. e come lo guardava quando erano al "teatro" oppure quando Dr. Seward le dice di fare qualcosa che la rende felice, lei va da lui.. e sapendo che finirà male, per lei.... non ce la posso fare! Però si, avevo già iniziato a shipparli ;__; Sarà che Eva ha chimica con tutti, e anche Christian mi sta piacendo un sacco nel ruolo (concordo anche su quanto hai detto su di lui), ma avevano chimica (cosa che per Ethan e Vanessa ho impiegato più tempo).
      E anche se mi ripeto che dovrei odiare Dracula, non ci riesco (what's wrong with me?!) D: Fortunatamente ti sei persa tutti i miei scleri su fb (li ho messi privati perché non volevo spoilerarti xD) in questi due giorni. Cosa quasi da manicomio haha Troppo hype davvero. Pensavo che facendo il video mi sarebbe passata, ma invece nulla. Infatti anche ora ho scritto un papiro x''D Btw, i tuoi commenti mi lasciano sempre senza parole e quasi in imbarazzo perché non credo di meritarli! ;w; Onestamente quando iniziai questo video non sapevo cosa ne sarebbe uscito fuori, anche perché il materiale è ancora poco, ma volevo comunque scaricare (?) i feels. E sono davvero contenta che ti sia piaciuto

  • @jayavarthinijothi997
    @jayavarthinijothi997 9 месяцев назад

    I love his voice

  • @VK-lr5re
    @VK-lr5re 8 лет назад

    Thank you!

  • @twilightskiesx
    @twilightskiesx 8 лет назад

    OMG this is amazing and is actually the first Vanessa/Dracula/Dr.Sweet video I've seen! Amazing job

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      +twilightsagax Aw, thank you!

  • @Hektickat
    @Hektickat 8 лет назад


  • @666bymyself666
    @666bymyself666 8 лет назад

    Amazing video :))) I absolutely love it ! They are perfect couple ♥ I'm looking forward to more scenes with them ♥

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +666bymyself666 Aw, thank you so much! ♥

    • @666bymyself666
      @666bymyself666 8 лет назад

      +laurakenji You're welcome, it's all true :) You'll do more videos later, right? ♥

  • @manune8514
    @manune8514 5 лет назад +2

    I hate myself for finding it cute, this obsession of him watches Vanessa, he killed Mr Malcolm's daughter just to get to Vanessa and I won't forgive that, but they are so cute together

  • @AelitaUndomiel
    @AelitaUndomiel 8 лет назад +2

    I ship this

  • @dianalabani9168
    @dianalabani9168 6 лет назад

    Ice truck killer x Vanessa Ives ... YESSSSSS

  • @alittlechaoss
    @alittlechaoss 4 года назад

    very sensually, i absolutely love it ❤️

  • @shoaibrajar1671
    @shoaibrajar1671 Год назад

    He is like me 😓

  • @blackrose89-96
    @blackrose89-96 Год назад

    So we walk alone...

  • @prettyrare18
    @prettyrare18 7 месяцев назад


  • @berenacampbell-wolfe-blanc5905
    @berenacampbell-wolfe-blanc5905 8 лет назад

    beautiful video. what is the song called? I love the music xx

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +Ebony Mackey Thank you! The song it's at the end of the video ^^

    • @berenacampbell-wolfe-blanc5905
      @berenacampbell-wolfe-blanc5905 8 лет назад

      Your welcome. Sorry i was so focused on Vanessa Ives and Alexander Sweet that i didnt notice! Hahahaha😂

  • @aqsasultana2753
    @aqsasultana2753 8 лет назад

    what's the music in background anyone know the name?

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +Aqsa Sultana It's at the end of the video -.-

    • @aqsasultana2753
      @aqsasultana2753 8 лет назад

      +laurakenji Thanks! nice work.😍

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад

      +Aqsa Sultana Thank you!

  • @shieldmaiden1749
    @shieldmaiden1749 8 лет назад

    I absolutely love your videos and Penny Dreadful but could you please not out spoilers in the title, in the UK only the first episode has aired and so I didn't know the spoiler about Dr Sweet being Dracula.

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      +Shieldmaiden 17 I'm so sorry to have spoiled you, but even the official account posted a video of Christian talking about Dr.Sweet and Dracula (and it's in the title) so i thought it wasn't a spoiler anymore. Next time i will be more careful!

    • @shieldmaiden1749
      @shieldmaiden1749 8 лет назад

      +laurakenji Thank you so much for getting back, I'll send a message to them too - and please don't worry, I adore your vids and can't wait to watch this one when the ep is out! :D

  • @melinademinova5417
    @melinademinova5417 5 лет назад

    Dracula has to be with Mina lol

  • @antoniopaiva4059
    @antoniopaiva4059 8 лет назад +1

    i wish to share, but the video is a spoiler :/

    • @xLalla23x
      @xLalla23x  8 лет назад +1

      3x03 ep aired last week...

  • @sarra2812
    @sarra2812 8 лет назад +1

    i dont ship them urgh