Omg im a witch but something cute happend today! I was going shopping to mini tesco and on my way there was a cat but a couple next to it and when the cat saw me he quickly ran straight to me showing trust and wanted to be petted, he was so cute and kept following me! ❤❤❤ i also bought treats for him! 😊❤❤
@Pumpkin.Puppiez okayyy it’s because my mom always tells me that our families are witches! And I kinda believe it because i sometimes predict stuff and get Deja video but idk
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE RUclipsRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. RUclipsrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Anyways I just wanna say hi and I recommend watching living waters DLM Christian lifestyle And an interview with lucifer on YT accept Jesus as your lord and savior repent from sin and receive his holy spirit💖 stay away from this stuff 🧿🔮 it's demonic you go to Jesus for truth guidance and help demons will offer or do anything if it means you don't go to Jesus He's the way the truth and the life and if Jesus isnt leading you who is? Satan is a master at deceiving he's been around so long and was the most high ranked. Please give Jesus a chance im not trying to force anything on anyone im just trying to warn people of the dangers💞 also watching mapalo on YT is also good and david DiGa Hernandez ✨ Jesus 🧡s You! So many people think you get to heaven by working your way there like being a good person but that is not true. First of all no one is good and self righteous is a sin only God is good and offered eternal life as a free gift you receive by faith✨💞 Jesus died on the cross paying full price for sin all you have to do is receive it by faith! Repent from sin meaning to change your mind don't sin on purpose willfully our minds play a big part in this because it starts as a thought and can lead to action so repent . Accept Jesus as lord and savior meaning to accept the fact youre only going to heaven because of what he did on the cross and not because of what you did. Accepting him as lord means to deny yourself denying your flesh and following him letting him lead you ✨💞 ❤❤❤❤❤
Another side note: if a jar breaks, save that broken glass in another jar! The medium bits anyways that you can pick up safely. Broken glass can be used in certain spell including homewards!
Hilarious. Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE. Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
You don't strictly need any supplies, but if they help you focus, go for it. And I personally don't cleanse anything, prefering to work with the energy that's there.
Hilarious. Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE. Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
right? This is great if you're trying to set the mood - but really you just need your time, energy, and willingess to meat your diety of choice half way - AND NEVER FORGET THE MUNDANE WORK! Want a job - apply to them! Want more money - take up some side gigs... All of it will build momentum with your energy works like this in the vid and get you to your desired 'destination'.
How to make moon water: Preferably have a big jar so there's more. It's pretty simple. Fill up this jar with water and put something like saran wrap on the top to prevent things from getting inside. Next leave if out on a full moon night, and make sure the moon is facing towards the jar. Try to make sure nothing is in the way. The next morning you can then enjoy your moon water
You can also add things to charge them in this light, I have a necklace that I wear 24/7 and I put it in the water (if not safe for that, put it in one of those bead baggies ) you can in-scent the jar before adding water (with the intention you wish, almost like blessing the water) add herbs, flowers or anything that relates to goals, dreams, self or heart. ♥️✨ I do this on both the full & new moons. (New moons are more inner self work, shadow traits etc, full is more positivity and dreams) 🌙 each moon has its own power, or can be in a phase that you may wish to align with, be guided by and use the skill it’s embodying to push the waters intent.
They did witchcraft to me 10 years ago, just like Deseret I went to people who charge a lot to get clean and nothing happened, until I myself found out that when they do black witchcraft on you the bad energy falls mainly on the solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra and from there I understood that those 2 chakras had to be taken care of, so I learned to cleanse the egg all over my body, bathe with grain salt or sea salt, and listen to meditations for those 2 chakras (solar plexus, sacral) listening to the psalms or reading them aloud and lighting incense (Frankincense) passing all the smoke to the body and the entire house, all of this helped me get rid of the witchcraft. 1. The egg helps you cleanse yourself of bad energy 2.grain salt or sea salt helps remove bad energies 3. Listening to chakra meditations cleanse your chakras 4. Incense (Frankincense) energetically cleanses space, place and body Egg cleaning, over the head, forehead, heart area, solar plexus or stomach area, intimate area, hands and feet circle the egg in a clockwise direction. This is how you clean yourself with the egg
GUYS PRAY FOR SAM AND COLBY THEY BEEN DECEIVED BY DEMONS AND ARE IN DANGER THEY ARE RUclipsRS❤ God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤ And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤ So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤ Familiar spirits are demons well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤ And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤ Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤ Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe. People: okay please stay this is your place❤ Demon: okay People: **leaves** Demon: **Goes with them anyway** Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah. Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤ Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤ Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤ Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤ God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤ To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit. RUclipsrs I recommend Impact videos ministries David diga Hernandez IsaiahSaldivar Mapalo DLM christian lifestyle Billy garham Danial adams Living waters Mike Signorelli Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this* Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God Things to get rid of in your home 1sage 2dream catchers 3crystals 4crystal ball 5ouija board 6 tarot and angel cards 7religious statues 8demonic movies music or video games 9soul times items 10pornography Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to. Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't 150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤ Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤ Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve You serve the devil when you Lie Hate Blasphemy Disobey Lazy Gossip Gluttony Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house Hate And unforgivness And cussing murder and more And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤ God is holy and righteous God is love So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤ You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤ Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN! Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior! God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤ Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Anyways I just wanna say hi and I recommend watching living waters DLM Christian lifestyle And an interview with lucifer on YT accept Jesus as your lord and savior repent from sin and receive his holy spirit💖 stay away from this stuff 🧿🔮 it's demonic you go to Jesus for truth guidance and help demons will offer or do anything if it means you don't go to Jesus He's the way the truth and the life and if Jesus isnt leading you who is? Satan is a master at deceiving he's been around so long and was the most high ranked. Please give Jesus a chance im not trying to force anything on anyone im just trying to warn people of the dangers💞 also watching mapalo on YT is also good and david DiGa Hernandez ✨ Jesus 🧡s You! So many people think you get to heaven by working your way there like being a good person but that is not true. First of all no one is good and self righteous is a sin only God is good and offered eternal life as a free gift you receive by faith✨💞 Jesus died on the cross paying full price for sin all you have to do is receive it by faith! Repent from sin meaning to change your mind don't sin on purpose willfully our minds play a big part in this because it starts as a thought and can lead to action so repent . Accept Jesus as lord and savior meaning to accept the fact youre only going to heaven because of what he did on the cross and not because of what you did. Accepting him as lord means to deny yourself denying your flesh and following him letting him lead you ✨💞 ❤❤❤❤❤
Witchcraft is very fun it is not satanic it is not scary it is a beautiful thing I like to make tea using mugwort and the ginger elderberry rose petals with a few bits of peppermint leaves add some honey and a few lemons then boil it up for medium heat for 2 hours and then let it simmer for 5 minutes
@@Mintchocolate-74 I can’t but I would love to my grandma is a BIG Christian she doesn’t like any kind of magic weather it’s good or bad and my dad says I don’t know what I could be doing?
@@Mintchocolate-74 First you have to pick a witch type. There are many different types, a few examples include divination witch, green witch, and a kitchen witch. Next you want to research, research, and research some more. Books are the best but if you can’t get any of those, Pinterest has some really great resources for witches. Write some things down, either in a book of shadows (I don’t have that yet), or just a regular notebook. I’m still figuring it out myself, but that’s all I know so far.
I actually have easier way for beginner witches if you do not have incents you can cleanse with moon water, natural running water such as creeks, water falls ect, you can place your item underneath sun and or moon light, or you can cleanse with self cleasning crystals like clear quartz and Citrine, or you can meditate with your item
Just a few tips for beginning your journey as a witch: Wait one year, one month and a day before you join a group of witches so you can discover yourself a bit more and don’t trust all online tutorials for spells and witchcraft, some people don’t know what they are talking about but this person and some other people you can definitely trust. Good luck 👍
You don't need anything to practice witchcraft, only connecting energy with pretty much anything that is drawen to you. Do some research that way you can familiarize yourself with your path 😊
As a kid i had this big rock collection. When i went to salem i was like "yo it would be cool if i could get some energy vibe check thing" they all, every single one if them had good energy and would work for spells. Right then i became a witch
@@Artlover2168there's people who like certain aesthetics some like the witch aesthetic in which you can create potions basically all cute things of witchcraft. For those who are beginners at it are called baby witches sometimes by the witches who have been there for a while doing this witch aesthetic
If you're an asmatic and cannot use incense, bell cleansing is a good choice!! Although it's about intent from what I've learned, so cleaning to clense is also valid!
Hilarious. Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE. Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
@@Numberonedumbkid-pv8rd Hilarious. Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE. Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
Funny how i have a good few of these boxes checked due to 1. The spices that i grind up to use in my tea blends that i mix myself, 2. The crystal collection that i inherited from my great grandma, 3. The really old book about alternative religion also from my great grandma. Btw i have been asked if i'm a witch before and my friend who is a witch fid give me a book about crystals and i do have a few witch books about food, spices and other recipes and such. I'm not a witch, i'm just a very qurious person that happens to be eccentric about tea.
You don’t need any fancy tools to be a witch. The most essential element of your craft is yourself, and the witch blood and power inside you. Having fancy tools is great, I have quite a few for myself, but whatever is accessible works just as well when fueled with your intentions and inner magic. For example, putting salt at your doorstep is a form of witchcraft itself.
I’m not a witch- (I’m actually some sort of mermaid? Idk- I have legs but I’m kinda scaly and my fingers are webbed) but my mom is! I use her herbs whenever I wanna make stuff- also thanks for the tips!
Actually a fairy but I'll show this to my witch friend! Edit: it's a roleplay, not real. I'm not 'pRaCtIcInG mAgIc', it's like pretending your a elf at recess in kindergarten or something. Please, stop.
I’m a Christian but I feel myself very drawn to witchcraft and I feel I am a witch,and I would love to get myself into witchcraft but I feel so guilty because of my religion,I have no idea what to do, I want to be free but I’m scared I will go to hell. If anyone has any tips or guidance I would appreciate it a lot
Ооо наконец то, я могу использовать свои знания 🎉 лунная вода получается при поглощении видоизмененных фатонов солнца, если положить в воду камни или серебро то их ионы смешаются с молекулами воды , по своим свойствам такая вода должна быть как вода из церкви , на лунную воду можно наговорить молитвы , или как языческие волхвы начертить руны, одна луна не превратит вашу воду в магическую , но совакупность этих вещей сделает её более полезной, к примеру мы положили в кувшин с водой серебреный перстень, и такая вода отличается по вкусу и не сушит кожу ❤
Very handy tips indeed. Love the aesthetic 😊 Side note for people who are not comfortable with incense /smoke to cleanse: there are A LOT of alternatives. (sound, energywork, sprays, water, salt, etc.)
actually you might be the one with problems, this is harmless fun for people, and the fact you have to ridicule them for it shows you're kinda messed up in your head, let them have fun kid
How to make moon water get a jar 🫙 put water 💧 in it then set it by a window 🪟 where you can see the moon 🌕 the next day you will have moon water and no I did not google it I am a witch so that is how I know
@Frog_Artist_Wicca is a religion. There are witches of every religion including many who don't have a religion. They most definitely don't go hand in hand.
Honestly you don't need anything to practice witchcraft. All you really need is to believe ... pretty much anything. Some witches are drawn to the earth, stars and sky, others are drawn to plants because many are used for different things. Same for crystals because they come from the earth and hold the energy for different things. That being said, jars to collect oils, plants, rocks, herbs, etc. Many mix certain things in these jars. Herb collection for what i mentioned before. Moon water has cleansing properties. Think of holy water blessed by a priest. Moon water is cleansed by the full moon. Metal spoons hold wax. This can be used to seal a jar or spell.
"I have been searching everywhere for this as I am not I witch but a fairy×mermaid I want to learn exactly what you witches do"I said in a very monotone voice but I made sure to ad a hint of sarcasm in those sentence's
Physical things and scents help you to connect to your intentions, especially when you're just starting out! One day you wake up with piles of beautiful shiny things everywhere and you realize it's time to clear some out and concentrate more specifically on what now interests you. And that's when you upgrade practitioner levels!
Pls, I’m a 10 yr old witch and I literally just know I’m a witch cause my friend is one and she could tell😭, I have like 30 something crystals and I made two thing so far, some kind of gel and a pink potion(without help). I don’t got a book so idk how to do spells and stuff🤧😭,any more tips?
i think your friend just wants you to be a witch with her lol. also please dont share your age online there are bad people on here, its for your safety. but what you refer to is called a book of shadows. and it can be any plain old notebook. you can decorate it if you want. as for finding spells, i recommend watching HearthWitch on youtube. she does great demonstrations of spells, so you can write it down in your book of shadows. if you have access to the internet there are many things you can learn from reading articles written by other witches. be aware of misinformation and always double check your sources. once you learn what all the herbs and crystals and colors do, you can make your own spells. but tbh, being so young and a beginner witch, spell work isnt the best thing to hop right into. i suggest you do lots of reading first and get in touch with nature
The main thing is to understand the purpose of what you’re doing. Collecting precious stones and running around your house with incense doesn’t make you “a witch”
When I was younger, I used to do this. I used to get like a bowl and I will put grass soil, sweets, water, glitter, food colouring and pretend that it was fairy food and that the next day it will be eaten by fairies, but it never happened. The food never went anywhere so what I did was I would pour the food away that I made for the fairies and pretend that I had seen the fairies eat it. My childhood was sad.😂
Omg im a witch but something cute happend today! I was going shopping to mini tesco and on my way there was a cat but a couple next to it and when the cat saw me he quickly ran straight to me showing trust and wanted to be petted, he was so cute and kept following me! ❤❤❤ i also bought treats for him! 😊❤❤
how do you know if your a witch?
@Pumpkin.Puppiez okayyy it’s because my mom always tells me that our families are witches! And I kinda believe it because i sometimes predict stuff and get Deja video but idk
I hope you take the cat you home ❤
Honestly you don't need all that cool stuff, you're main tool in witchcraft for everything is your intention. Intention is key 👏👏
God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤
And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤
So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤
Familiar spirits are demons
well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤
And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤
Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤
Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe.
People: okay please stay this is your place❤
Demon: okay
People: **leaves**
Demon: **Goes with them anyway**
Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah.
Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤
Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤
Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤
Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤
God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤
To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit.
RUclipsrs I recommend
Impact videos ministries
David diga Hernandez
DLM christian lifestyle
Billy garham
Danial adams
Living waters
Mike Signorelli
Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud
Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior
I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now
Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this*
Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT
God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes
Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God
Things to get rid of in your home
2dream catchers
4crystal ball
5ouija board
6 tarot and angel cards
7religious statues
8demonic movies music or video games
9soul times items
Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to.
Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life
You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't
150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you
God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤
Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤
Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve
You serve the devil when you
Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house
And unforgivness
And cussing murder and more
And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven
So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤
God is holy and righteous God is love
So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear
The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤
You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤
Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN!
Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior!
God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤
Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Anyways I just wanna say hi and I recommend watching living waters
DLM Christian lifestyle
And an interview with lucifer on YT accept Jesus as your lord and savior repent from sin and receive his holy spirit💖 stay away from this stuff 🧿🔮 it's demonic you go to Jesus for truth guidance and help demons will offer or do anything if it means you don't go to Jesus
He's the way the truth and the life and if Jesus isnt leading you who is? Satan is a master at deceiving he's been around so long and was the most high ranked.
Please give Jesus a chance im not trying to force anything on anyone im just trying to warn people of the dangers💞 also watching mapalo on YT is also good and david DiGa Hernandez ✨
Jesus 🧡s You!
So many people think you get to heaven by working your way there like being a good person but that is not true.
First of all no one is good and self righteous is a sin only God is good and offered eternal life as a free gift you receive by faith✨💞 Jesus died on the cross paying full price for sin all you have to do is receive it by faith!
Repent from sin meaning to change your mind don't sin on purpose willfully our minds play a big part in this because it starts as a thought and can lead to action so repent
. Accept Jesus as lord and savior meaning to accept the fact youre only going to heaven because of what he did on the cross and not because of what you did.
Accepting him as lord means to deny yourself denying your flesh and following him letting him lead you ✨💞 ❤❤❤❤❤
* takes bath water *
Ah yes..
*moon water*
me just noticing we all have pink haired anime characters as our pfps 💀
@@codebanani help true 💀💀🎀
Blue hair. 👁️👄👁️
a monkey.
A side note about jars to the beginners YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY JARS! They are like Poke'mon, you gotta catch them all!
Another side note: if a jar breaks, save that broken glass in another jar! The medium bits anyways that you can pick up safely. Broken glass can be used in certain spell including homewards!
@@aGayWitchooo I will do that
I love the Pokémon representation😂 also thanks!
Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE.
Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
Also crystals!
You don't strictly need any supplies, but if they help you focus, go for it. And I personally don't cleanse anything, prefering to work with the energy that's there.
Same here. I don't cleanse much. Its like hardwired inside me to automatically know what to do....know what I mean?
sometimes @@TheGloomyTuesday me to
Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE.
Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
Reminder!!! You don't "need" anything to be a witch; you just need what is accessable to you and your practice!
This, right here, as a sole practitioner, I don't have any of this, doesn't make me any less a Witch
:00000 the chemicals under my sink and mtn dew
@@urmomedit 😂
Nahh , only ingredient is money
This is great if you're trying to set the mood - but really you just need your time, energy, and willingess to meat your diety of choice half way - AND NEVER FORGET THE MUNDANE WORK!
Want a job - apply to them!
Want more money - take up some side gigs...
All of it will build momentum with your energy works like this in the vid and get you to your desired 'destination'.
How to make moon water:
Preferably have a big jar so there's more. It's pretty simple. Fill up this jar with water and put something like saran wrap on the top to prevent things from getting inside. Next leave if out on a full moon night, and make sure the moon is facing towards the jar. Try to make sure nothing is in the way. The next morning you can then enjoy your moon water
Thanks for the advice!! ❤
Ooh-ik a soup recipe with moon water that will increase wisdom,agility and concentration!
Also make sure to get it before the sun shines onto it and keep it away from direct sunlight
@@holepelt394 how do u make it pls tell us
You can also add things to charge them in this light, I have a necklace that I wear 24/7 and I put it in the water (if not safe for that, put it in one of those bead baggies ) you can in-scent the jar before adding water (with the intention you wish, almost like blessing the water) add herbs, flowers or anything that relates to goals, dreams, self or heart. ♥️✨
I do this on both the full & new moons. (New moons are more inner self work, shadow traits etc, full is more positivity and dreams) 🌙 each moon has its own power, or can be in a phase that you may wish to align with, be guided by and use the skill it’s embodying to push the waters intent.
They did witchcraft to me 10 years ago, just like Deseret I went to people who charge a lot to get clean and nothing happened, until I myself found out that when they do black witchcraft on you the bad energy falls mainly on the solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra and from there I understood that those 2 chakras had to be taken care of, so I learned to cleanse the egg all over my body, bathe with grain salt or sea salt, and listen to meditations for those 2 chakras (solar plexus, sacral) listening to the psalms or reading them aloud and lighting incense (Frankincense) passing all the smoke to the body and the entire house, all of this helped me get rid of the witchcraft. 1. The egg helps you cleanse yourself of bad energy 2.grain salt or sea salt helps remove bad energies 3. Listening to chakra meditations cleanse your chakras 4. Incense (Frankincense) energetically cleanses space, place and body
Egg cleaning, over the head, forehead, heart area, solar plexus or stomach area, intimate area, hands and feet circle the egg in a clockwise direction. This is how you clean yourself with the egg
God wouldnt allow souls to be trapped on earth, its umbilical and never happened all souls belong to God, so you cant sell your soul to the devil❤
And not everyone is a child of God jesus said it himself youre of your father the devil and your desires are to do his will true children of God are the ones who have been born again spiritually and repented from sin❤
So many people say they love God, but most of them never repented from sin and have a personal relationship with him, and love isnt just a feeling love is doing❤
Familiar spirits are demons
well if I'm wrong I wasted nothing because I got peace and joy from him, but if you're wrong you wasted your entire life!! ❤️🎉 And demons love when people believe that lie that God doesn't exist and they love it when people don't know they are there ❤I copy n paste this everywhere❤
And no one talks about repentance, God will never lower his standards to be okay with your sins, sins is very serious in the eyes of God hes holy and righteous and it seperates us from him❤
Demons exist, and the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and uses people to do so❤
Btw telling the demon to stay doesnt do anything unless you have the holy spirit you arent safe.
People: okay please stay this is your place❤
Demon: okay
People: **leaves**
Demon: **Goes with them anyway**
Demons arent gonna make it obvious they are there so yeah.
Demons are fallen angels that uses the form of our passed away loved ones to make us believe ghost exist and the souls of the person we knew still remains here❤❤
Astrology is demonic before my relationship with God I would always do zodiac signs literally just a bunch of sins put into each one I bet if everyone was sinless zodiac signs wouldn't make sense and literally a cover up for demons❤
Hearts are deceitful above all things, listen to God❤
Depression can be a demon you may need deliverance❤
God said unless you're born again spiritually u will not enter the kingdom of heaven also God doesn't judge us by our good works he's judging us by our sins Gods standards are so high he's that HOLY saying oh my God is using Gods name in vain it's called blasphemy ❤
To get to heaven you must believe with all your heart that Jesus died and rose again paid full price for your sins repent and receive his Holy spirit.
RUclipsrs I recommend
Impact videos ministries
David diga Hernandez
DLM christian lifestyle
Billy garham
Danial adams
Living waters
Mike Signorelli
Okay now pray this to be saved and to get to heaven pray out loud
Jesus I confess that you are my lord and savior
I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead I ask to receive your holy spirit and I repent of my sins with your help❤ by faith in your word I receive salvation now
Thank you for saving me! I am now reborn a christian a child of almighty God I am saved thank you Jesus! *Be genuine when praying this*
Watch videos on how to receive Gods holy spirit on YT
God creates Jesus redeems The holy spirit changes
Now our good deeds and works we think are good are like filthy rags in the eyes of God
Things to get rid of in your home
2dream catchers
4crystal ball
5ouija board
6 tarot and angel cards
7religious statues
8demonic movies music or video games
9soul times items
Now like a theif robbing a store, demons won't make it obvious they are there unless they have to.
Now know you can't save yourself Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life
You have insurance on your house if it ever caught on fire which rarely happens but when it comes to your soul, you play with it like you have forever to make your choice which you don't
150k+ people Die everyday and you never know when it may be you
God spent 9 months shaping and forming you before you were born but only 7 days on earth you're fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful in the eyes of God❤
Don't waste time Hearts are deceitful above all things ask God for wisdom and understanding we are just tiny humans with a 3 pound brain and our imaginations cannot go beyond what we already know❤
Your souls is so valuable both Satan and God want it but it's your choice who you will serve
You serve the devil when you
Wanting what others have cause what God has for you is for you he will never deliver your male to someone else's house
And unforgivness
And cussing murder and more
And once you die, you're locked with your choice of where you're spending eternity God doesn't care about you doing more good then bad cause he's not judging that God never said that's the way to heaven
So who's lying you or God? Be serious about this❤
God is holy and righteous God is love
So either you would play around because you don't believe hell exist or you don't believe you're going there but the bible makes it very clear
The path to destruction is wide and easy many are on it the path to eternal life is hard and nerrow very few find it and to get into heaven u can only enter through the nerrow gate❤
You dont have to wait until you die to know if youre going to heaven you can know right now 100% where youre going❤
Satan doesnt rule hell this is a myth when lucifer known as satan now became prideful and rebelled against God he took many angels with him Demons are fallen angels we live in a spirital and physical world so hell was made for punishment for satan and his angels and the reason why people go there is because they Align themsleves with the devil in SIN!
Sin separates us from God and the wages of sin is death if youre found guilty with one sin on judgment day you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so the thing is We us humans broken Gods law and jesus paid the fine! So the good news is you dont have to go to hell if you accept him as your lord and savior!
God offered us eternal life as a free gift and you receive it by faith! You dont have to work for it you dont have to pay all you have to do is receive it by faith❤
Don't expect Gods best when you always give him your least don't reject him anymore let him come in and change your life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Anyways I just wanna say hi and I recommend watching living waters
DLM Christian lifestyle
And an interview with lucifer on YT accept Jesus as your lord and savior repent from sin and receive his holy spirit💖 stay away from this stuff 🧿🔮 it's demonic you go to Jesus for truth guidance and help demons will offer or do anything if it means you don't go to Jesus
He's the way the truth and the life and if Jesus isnt leading you who is? Satan is a master at deceiving he's been around so long and was the most high ranked.
Please give Jesus a chance im not trying to force anything on anyone im just trying to warn people of the dangers💞 also watching mapalo on YT is also good and david DiGa Hernandez ✨
Jesus 🧡s You!
So many people think you get to heaven by working your way there like being a good person but that is not true.
First of all no one is good and self righteous is a sin only God is good and offered eternal life as a free gift you receive by faith✨💞 Jesus died on the cross paying full price for sin all you have to do is receive it by faith!
Repent from sin meaning to change your mind don't sin on purpose willfully our minds play a big part in this because it starts as a thought and can lead to action so repent
. Accept Jesus as lord and savior meaning to accept the fact youre only going to heaven because of what he did on the cross and not because of what you did.
Accepting him as lord means to deny yourself denying your flesh and following him letting him lead you ✨💞 ❤❤❤❤❤
Witchcraft is very fun it is not satanic it is not scary it is a beautiful thing I like to make tea using mugwort and the ginger elderberry rose petals with a few bits of peppermint leaves add some honey and a few lemons then boil it up for medium heat for 2 hours and then let it simmer for 5 minutes
Perfect reminder for me to study. I havent read or done any spells in a while!
Hey! Im trying to be a witch, what books do you recommend? I don’t know what to study or how to start, please help if you can!
@@Meeoow12Get a pendulum if you don’t already
@@ShortArtGuyCan a necklace work as a pendulum?
If you’re a witch
Witches are real. I am one whoever doesn’t believe can go away.
How do u do witchcraft?
@@Mintchocolate-74 I can’t but I would love to my grandma is a BIG Christian she doesn’t like any kind of magic weather it’s good or bad and my dad says I don’t know what I could be doing?
@@Lovey-ticci-toby cool☺️😊
First you have to pick a witch type. There are many different types, a few examples include divination witch, green witch, and a kitchen witch.
Next you want to research, research, and research some more.
Books are the best but if you can’t get any of those, Pinterest has some really great resources for witches.
Write some things down, either in a book of shadows (I don’t have that yet), or just a regular notebook.
I’m still figuring it out myself, but that’s all I know so far.
You also can get moon water from moon shards and other sacred crystals
Tip for allergies! If you're sensitive to insense, there are ways to cleanse without smoke!
My favorite is sweeping with a besom!
Also, salt goes a long way 😊
And sound!
As a lil goblin (goblin core) most of these were already in my brain😅
Some parts of my family are Wiccan so it’s interesting to see a witches work
I actually have easier way for beginner witches if you do not have incents you can cleanse with moon water, natural running water such as creeks, water falls ect, you can place your item underneath sun and or moon light, or you can cleanse with self cleasning crystals like clear quartz and Citrine, or you can meditate with your item
I've always wanted to be a witch and this day has come so thanks for the tips 😊
Just a few tips for beginning your journey as a witch:
Wait one year, one month and a day before you join a group of witches so you can discover yourself a bit more and don’t trust all online tutorials for spells and witchcraft, some people don’t know what they are talking about but this person and some other people you can definitely trust. Good luck 👍
I’m scared wth
You don't need anything to practice witchcraft, only connecting energy with pretty much anything that is drawen to you. Do some research that way you can familiarize yourself with your path 😊
@@Ifyournotanobxfanwhyareyouheregrow up💀
@@iminyourwallsdarling go to hell
As a kid i had this big rock collection. When i went to salem i was like "yo it would be cool if i could get some energy vibe check thing" they all, every single one if them had good energy and would work for spells. Right then i became a witch
Thank you for not calling beginner witches/younger witches, baby witches!! It kinda makes us seem not as good as we are!
What the...
@@Artlover2168there's people who like certain aesthetics some like the witch aesthetic in which you can create potions basically all cute things of witchcraft. For those who are beginners at it are called baby witches sometimes by the witches who have been there for a while doing this witch aesthetic
@@gfjewellery3929 it’s not to do with “aesthetics” it’s a spiritual practice that is often integral to someone’s lifestyle.
@@gfjewellery3929 it's not a aesthetic its a spiritual practice please do don't call it a aesthetic
baby witches are just witches who are fresh, beginner/younger is a bit later on
I already have a Crystal collection I've studied herbs and I've been wanting to make moon water but I'm waiting for a full moon for better results
If you're an asmatic and cannot use incense, bell cleansing is a good choice!!
Although it's about intent from what I've learned, so cleaning to clense is also valid!
Can't wait to start my witchcraft journey ❤
I like this it makes me think of my dreams of living in the harry Potter universe.
Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE.
Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
@@Numberonedumbkid-pv8rd Hilarious.
Stop making witchcraft into a style. This is so fake and wrong. It attracts negative energy. The only way you can be an actual witch is if you are far away from ALL materialistic things. Family, clothes, food, house, etc. should be gone. No human can do it, hence anyone telling you they are a witch is FALSE.
Just search "aghori sadhu" these people are the REAL black magicians in India.. 👏
Funny how i have a good few of these boxes checked due to 1. The spices that i grind up to use in my tea blends that i mix myself, 2. The crystal collection that i inherited from my great grandma, 3. The really old book about alternative religion also from my great grandma.
Btw i have been asked if i'm a witch before and my friend who is a witch fid give me a book about crystals and i do have a few witch books about food, spices and other recipes and such.
I'm not a witch, i'm just a very qurious person that happens to be eccentric about tea.
These comments are unhinged. Y’all need to suck it up and respect their religion ffs.
Thank you.
Vibing to Celtic Woman while learning how to be a witch? Love it
I have a witch friend but I’m a fairy so I’ll show this to her ❤❤
Witchcraft isn’t like fairytok most of the time! :) witchcraft or Wicca is a religion and should be treated as such
@@MothyMilk wtf
@@3denx what??? they were informing you of something that you were seemingly unaware of…. religious practices should be respected
@@MothyMilk wicca is a religion but witchcraft is just a practice! there are witches of every religion
@@3denx Wicca is a religion . It’s been around for centuries . But ok
You don’t need any fancy tools to be a witch. The most essential element of your craft is yourself, and the witch blood and power inside you. Having fancy tools is great, I have quite a few for myself, but whatever is accessible works just as well when fueled with your intentions and inner magic. For example, putting salt at your doorstep is a form of witchcraft itself.
I’m not a witch- (I’m actually some sort of mermaid? Idk- I have legs but I’m kinda scaly and my fingers are webbed) but my mom is! I use her herbs whenever I wanna make stuff- also thanks for the tips!
(This is purely rp I’m not that messed up bro ;-;)
@@kblollzeed3684 nahh I thought u were fr cuz this comment section confusing aff
@@kblollzeed3684 you scared me like hell bro this shit is confusing
@@aaliyahrodrigues honestly yeah lol but idk content like this is cool imo
I was so confused
I love the lighting smm
Actually a fairy but I'll show this to my witch friend!
Edit: it's a roleplay, not real. I'm not 'pRaCtIcInG mAgIc', it's like pretending your a elf at recess in kindergarten or something. Please, stop.
@@liquid-mercury-pawz it's a rp 💀
..... Wtf do you mean your a fucking fairy
@@Kennylol91 it's a roleplay wtf 💀
@@dragonflyK12Bro you’re acting like we’re weird💀
I am a witch and I didn’t even know about it 🙈❤️
The preteens not knowing what the Wiccan religion is and thinking this is an RP 💀
I’m a Christian but I feel myself very drawn to witchcraft and I feel I am a witch,and I would love to get myself into witchcraft but I feel so guilty because of my religion,I have no idea what to do, I want to be free but I’m scared I will go to hell. If anyone has any tips or guidance I would appreciate it a lot
Ооо наконец то, я могу использовать свои знания 🎉 лунная вода получается при поглощении видоизмененных фатонов солнца, если положить в воду камни или серебро то их ионы смешаются с молекулами воды , по своим свойствам такая вода должна быть как вода из церкви , на лунную воду можно наговорить молитвы , или как языческие волхвы начертить руны, одна луна не превратит вашу воду в магическую , но совакупность этих вещей сделает её более полезной, к примеру мы положили в кувшин с водой серебреный перстень, и такая вода отличается по вкусу и не сушит кожу ❤
My mom is a god at being a witch
Very handy tips indeed. Love the aesthetic 😊 Side note for people who are not comfortable with incense /smoke to cleanse: there are A LOT of alternatives. (sound, energywork, sprays, water, salt, etc.)
her: collect Crystals
Me with 17 of them I found in a scientist toy: 👁️👄👁️
Those are still stones from the earth and can hold value in the right hands 😉
Personally I sound cleanse because my parents don't let me use fire
Tell me you have dad issues without saying you have dad issues :
That’s not funny
actually you might be the one with problems, this is harmless fun for people, and the fact you have to ridicule them for it shows you're kinda messed up in your head, let them have fun kid
How DARE someone have other religious hobbies than a random person on the internet?! How FRICKING disrespectful of them
I just found out about this kind of community, and tbh I think it's really cool and fascinating.
That one emo kid: 📝✍️😃🖤
It’s jsut for fun
that's me!
shush, it has nothing to do with being emo.
@@QueenCami_123 no its not, its a practice, where did you get the idea its for fun?
@@machinegunbabygirl sorry I heard it from some other people on videos like this, I’m sorry I didn’t knwo
Thank you for the advice I’ve just begun the start of magic
Moon water.. ? Howww
it's given by her in her old videos
@Lybra Sastar thank you!!!
@a ghost okk
@@lybrasastarsort of
@@garvitadhiraj8150okay how you really make it is you take a crystal and put it out at night it HAS to be a FULL moon or it wont work good luck!
Gonna make some moon water tomorrow during a full moon. ☺️
“RePeNt AnD tUrN tO tHe LoRd!¡!¡”
C’mon folks, let other people have their own beliefs
How to make moon water get a jar 🫙 put water 💧 in it then set it by a window 🪟 where you can see the moon 🌕 the next day you will have moon water and no I did not google it I am a witch so that is how I know
Me waiting for that one person to give a paragraph explanation of everything:
Same 😂
Me too 😂
Go to my Instagram for more info on my posts.
These are just short form videos
@Frog_Artist_Wicca is a religion. There are witches of every religion including many who don't have a religion. They most definitely don't go hand in hand.
Honestly you don't need anything to practice witchcraft. All you really need is to believe ... pretty much anything. Some witches are drawn to the earth, stars and sky, others are drawn to plants because many are used for different things. Same for crystals because they come from the earth and hold the energy for different things. That being said, jars to collect oils, plants, rocks, herbs, etc. Many mix certain things in these jars. Herb collection for what i mentioned before. Moon water has cleansing properties. Think of holy water blessed by a priest. Moon water is cleansed by the full moon. Metal spoons hold wax. This can be used to seal a jar or spell.
Making tea with moon water is top tier🖤
"I have been searching everywhere for this as I am not I witch but a fairy×mermaid I want to learn exactly what you witches do"I said in a very monotone voice but I made sure to ad a hint of sarcasm in those sentence's
what. this isnt a roleplay, its a belief or religion depending on the person
This isn’t role play. This is a real religious practice that has existed for over two thousand years. Be respectful.
Seems I'm doing just great so far😊
Need part 2
New sub!This will be useful for me and my coven ❤❤❤
I thought witches were evil💀
Nope that’s Hollywood doing that in like movies and shows there is a lot of witches everywhere in the world
well i am engaging in dark magic
I ❤ My cat! I named him Loki bc he’s so silly and chaotic ( commenting to stay on witch yt)
How fake do you want this to be?
Her: yes
It’s not fake
Bro it’s almost like it is fake, this is for fun. They know it’s not real. It’s jsut a hobby
@@QueenCami_123 it’s not fake it’s not a hobby either think before you type
@@Icexmm isn’t it jsut a roleplay? it’s for fun.
@@QueenCami_123 People can role play but witchcraft is real it’s a religion Wicca
This helped me so much. Thank you 😊
Don't do this do this if you want to go to hell
Nothing about this seems to be a sin aside from the pentagram but she's not telling anyone to tattoo that on them
@@gamingturtle9261 its not a pentagram! its a pentacle which is for protection and not satanic!
@@machinegunbabygirl then my point still stands. Nothing about this is a sin
I'm a Catholic witch ... believe what you will with that information 😂
May Brighid and Dagda guide you away from this misinformation
Find stones/crystals that you feel drawn to. I tended toward ones that protect or heal
Your ancestors be like:
BURN THE WITCH 🔥🔥(i do witchcraft this is a joke lol)
These are amazing tips for baby witches! ( I'm a witch of seven years)
Nice job😊
Oh thanks for the tips now AT THE BATHROOM
I’M A REAL WITCH🧙🏻♀️🧙🏻♀️
I knew there was a reason I've been obsessed with jars for.. forever LOL
I prefer storm water for cleansing and moon water for other uses, as moon water is harder to figure out in my mind 🙃
Yes I do have all of these but not the moon water I'm making that now thx for the tips 😁😸
This makes me want to be a witch and then have a house in the middle of the woods and when I die I want everyone to tell stories about me.
Im glad to me starting with some info :)
My dad ALWAYS goes in the woods during work bc he works outside and he finds cute little jars ima steal em LOL
Thx this helps alot!
Physical things and scents help you to connect to your intentions, especially when you're just starting out! One day you wake up with piles of beautiful shiny things everywhere and you realize it's time to clear some out and concentrate more specifically on what now interests you. And that's when you upgrade practitioner levels!
Ahhh ty for the help!
~a beginner witch who wants to be known as star
Gonna do this thx so much
Good crystals can be gemstones
Good ones are uncut amethyst and aquamarine
New sub✨🍄
i am such a good witch now thank you
Damm thank you so much I needed this i had no clue how to start
“Collect any jars u see” my dad having a shop full of jars: uhhhhhhh
Can you cleanse with noise also? I can’t have any candles, lighters, or matches.
Yes you can, chimes, bells, or singing bowls
As an witch, I have over 400 crystals, and am an master in witchcraft.
Then you should be aware of protecting the earth,not plundering.
Pls, I’m a 10 yr old witch and I literally just know I’m a witch cause my friend is one and she could tell😭, I have like 30 something crystals and I made two thing so far, some kind of gel and a pink potion(without help). I don’t got a book so idk how to do spells and stuff🤧😭,any more tips?
i think your friend just wants you to be a witch with her lol. also please dont share your age online there are bad people on here, its for your safety. but what you refer to is called a book of shadows. and it can be any plain old notebook. you can decorate it if you want. as for finding spells, i recommend watching HearthWitch on youtube. she does great demonstrations of spells, so you can write it down in your book of shadows. if you have access to the internet there are many things you can learn from reading articles written by other witches. be aware of misinformation and always double check your sources. once you learn what all the herbs and crystals and colors do, you can make your own spells. but tbh, being so young and a beginner witch, spell work isnt the best thing to hop right into. i suggest you do lots of reading first and get in touch with nature
but a book of shadows is where you will write all your learned spells, and information. anything related to witchcraft
Whimsical Wicca! Thank the Goddess you are there! /I\
i wish i could but i don’t know how it works
you can learn
Me, a beginner witch from my parents, I've only watched a couple of witchy videos, and now it's all over my shorts feed-
" grab any jar"
Me: *takes a smol Nutella jar*
The main thing is to understand the purpose of what you’re doing. Collecting precious stones and running around your house with incense doesn’t make you “a witch”
For me it sounds like "i like this aesthetic, also i want to be ✨~not like the other girls~✨, so i'll play a witch! Yeah, i'm gonna be ✨unique✨"
@Sp4rkl33.p4wz yeah, I know. But it doesn't look like what she showes here. What she showes is effect of pop culture not tradition.
I'm a fairy but I'll show this to my witch bestie
this isnt a part of a fairy roleplay!
What if incense triggers my asthma? Do you have to use incense to cleanse or can you use something else?
Salt or sound!
@@iminyourwallsdarling ok!
When I was younger, I used to do this. I used to get like a bowl and I will put grass soil, sweets, water, glitter, food colouring and pretend that it was fairy food and that the next day it will be eaten by fairies, but it never happened. The food never went anywhere so what I did was I would pour the food away that I made for the fairies and pretend that I had seen the fairies eat it. My childhood was sad.😂
How to make moon water
Take rain water and leave it out for a full moon😊
I LOVE IT!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
As a person who collect gems that the gems are magic are right but if you wanna get crystals
Get safe ones because some of them are really toxic
what do witches do on Halloween?
@FemboyzLore shi i love that
How I thought I looked making “potions” in the bathtub when I was 6:
Do you have those expensive Michaels jars?? I love them but I can only get like one because they cost so much compared to other ones.
I get mine from hobby lobby, they are $1 or $2 or you can get similar ones at the dollar store
@@manifex I didn't know they had the bigger ones for so cheap! Thanks for telling me because I like never go to my local hobby lobby. 💖
What is moon water and how to make??
And which incense stick we can use
Le 7 year me - doing intersection of a dead insects 😂😂😂