As a Pakistani muslim as kids we are brought up reading ض as the Z sound. And let me tell you ít sometimes becomes very difficult to keep our tongue on the right track. May ALLAH guide us and make the right path easy for us ameen.
no majority of the pakistani pronounce it as Duad not Zuad. Only some of Deoband Madaris teach Zuad instead of Duad which is a minority position. majority of the Arabs pronounce it as Daud
thank you, as a Saudi who always uses " ض" and "ظ" interchangeably in every aspect of my life, even in reading books and literature I never pronounce it the same when reading the Quran, nor anyone I know. May Allah bless you.
Not a big issue in daily life even in India ض،ظ،ذ all spoken as ز but in Qur'an pronounciation must be correct as explained . Even my teacher told ض is like د in Qur'an and ز in Urdu
Masha Allah TabarakAllah is beautiful and reminds us all to clarify this mistake, especially for myself, who is non Arabic speaking. Jazakallahu Khayran, usthad . May Allah rewards you immensely, Ameen
This video came at the right time! Just 10mins ago I had a student reading a ض as a ظ inذرّيّة ضعفاء.... And the example with Sh Uthman Al Khamis is a great example! The problem is that some people use the tip of the tongue to pronounce the ض which is where the problem lies. The tip of the tongue is used to pronounce the ظ.
ما هي بفصحى التي كتبتها بل اعجمية صرفة بحروف عربية جرب يا أخي ابحث عن "رغم" في القرآن والسنة أتجدها بمعنى مع أو نحن في لهجتنا نقول مع أن وهذه الفصحى الحقيقية وأيضا ترا العربية الفصحى لا تقال بل يقال اللسان العربي واستزادة ارجع إلى كتاب العرنجية للترجمان أحمد الغامدي
@@7atabah أولا القرآن أُنزل قبل وضع قواعد اللغة العربية، ولاحقا وضعت القواعد بناءا عليه وبقيت بعض الكلمات والجمل شاذة عن القواعد الموضوعة ثانيا ارجع لمعجم لسان العرب لترى ان رغم بمعنى الاكراه ثالثا ليس كل ما لم يوجد بالقرآن والسنة والمعاجم ومخطوطات الجاهلية وما قبلها وما بعدها بالضرورة ان يكون اعجميا فالعربية لغة حية تُستجَد فيها ألفاظ وكلمات لتواكب الحياة رابعا اللغة هي وصف مشتق من لسان فاللغة العربية هي ذاتها لسان العرب
Ma sha Allah!! Very much needed video.... I had this doubt for years that why different people pronounce differently for these letters.... Happy to know that I was reciting in the proper way! Alhamdullilah!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 📜 Introduction to the difference between "law" and "lood" in Arabic pronunciation. - Explanation of the widespread misconception among Muslims regarding these two sounds. - Purpose of the lesson to provide clear answers about this issue. 01:09 🗣️ Can the Quran berecited with "lood" instead of "law"? - Clear statement that reciting the Quran with "lood" is incorrect. - Mention of "lachen jelly" (mistakes in pronunciation) in Quranic recitation. - Emphasis on avoiding this mistake at all times. 02:25 📖 Consequences of mispronouncing "law" as "lood" in Quranic recitation. - Explanation of how mispronunciation can change the meaning of verses. - Reference to Surat Al-Fatiha as an example. - Importance of preserving the intended meanings of Quranic verses. 04:04 📜 Historical preservation of "law" and "lood" as distinct sounds in the Quran. - Explanation of how the Quran was passed down orally, maintaining the distinction. - Continuation of the tradition through generations to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). 05:32 🗺️ The existence of regional dialects and their incompatibility with Quranic recitation. - Acknowledgment of regional dialects that merge "law" and "lood." - Clarification that dialects should not be used in Quranic recitation. - Example of Sheikh Uthman Al-Khamis from Kuwait. 08:30 📚 Early Arabic grammarians' descriptions of "law" and its limitations. - Mention of early grammarians like Sibawayh and their descriptions. - Critique of placing a description above the oral tradition of Quranic recitation. - Importance of hearing and imitating sounds for accurate pronunciation. 10:25 🌍 Impact on non-Arabic speakers and the creation of new words. - Consequences for non-Arabic speakers who struggle with "law" pronunciation. - Development of incorrect words due to mispronunciation. - Example of "ramazan" as an evolved word. 11:22 🎯 Recommended action for proper pronunciation. - Encouragement to make an effort to pronounce "law" correctly. - Suggestion to watch videos explaining articulation techniques. - Offer to provide more detailed explanations if requested. Made with HARPA AI
I'm so thankful for this video. Arabic is not a native language where I am from, so growing up I really had difficulty understanding and had similar confusions. I'm glad that there are videos like these being made now.
MashaAllah great video! I've grown up in my young age pronouncing ض as ز but Alhamdulillah now know better. My biggest issue is the different ways to pronounce ظ in the Quran but will be watching your video on that as well InshaAllah.
Even though I agree that we should try our best to learn to recite the Qurān in the best possible way. But for non-Arabic speakers sometimes its quite hard to pronounce some letters. So, I personally think that in such cases "intention" is what counts. Allah knows the best. But still Jazak-Allah Khair for the informative lesson. I definitely benefited from it.
@@speakerscornerchristianfil4318 seriously?? Qiraat (recitation) differences are well acknoweleged among Muslims. This is not good enough. Do some extra work a real academic work. I can understand you need "views" and lately you aren't even getting 50 views on your videos. So work hard. Make videos in an educated manner and I am sure your views will increase. Best of luck :D
I've been pronouncing it the same way you taught and never found any difficulty but I didn't know the authentic reason you gave.This was really helpful 🇵🇰 جزاک اللّٰہ
the Vh, ظ is like in Russian “Vladimir” or Ukrainian “Vidd” the ض on the other hand is either a D د or an eth Ð ذ, that is pharyngealised. Pharyngealisation is hard, but think of the L sound in english. The L in english is almost always pharyngealised and called a “Dark L” think of the difference in L, in english “Lame” and Arabic “لام” Lam. Arabic L is not pharyngealised most of the time, while the english is. Then after you got it, apply the same thing with the D, or the Ð, then this way you got your ض correctly. And all praise is to Allāh, in victory and defeat.
@@pactube8833 Guys im from arabic countries, i dont know why you guys dont understand ض 😅 its just a letter and i may help you guys but i don't understand the reason of being not understand this letter
Mashallah. You are the best Tajweed teacher I have seen. May Allah bless you and your family and power you to continue producing videos such as this. Appreciate your knowledge and time. Jazakallahu khairan. Your in depth analysis amazes me.
الحمد لله. جزاك الله خير. بارك الله فيك. What an explanation! Brother, in Tamil Nadu, South India they pronounce the letter ظ- similar to L sound. May Allah guide all of us to recite his purified Arabic Quran as it is revealed to our prophet محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. Really there is no doubt your videos and courses help. إن شاء الله, بإذن الله تعالى
There are Qurra' (by this I mean certified Qurra') who pronounce the letter ض with a sound close to the letter ظ, or with a "z" sound, rather than a sound closer to a "d" which we hear today. These Qurra' have chains of narration reaching back to the Prophet ﷺ, thus their sanads are equally as valid as the others. This pronunciation also stays consistent with the textual descriptions of ض, whereas the current pronunciation does not. Many Qurra' were taught this pronunciation and went against what they were taught due to social pressures later in life, thus opposing the teaching of their sanad, yet attributing it to that sanad. An example of this is the students of Qari Anees Ahmad Khan Falahi (ra). I recently verified from a student of Qari Anees himself that Qari Anees (ra) taught the pronunciation of ض as a sound very close to ظ, and this was how he was taught. However, many of his students, such as Qari Siddique Falahi and Qari Ayoub Essack (who is a link in my own chain), actually went against what they were taught by Qari Anees due to social pressure from Arab Qurra'. Dr. Jonathan Brown also mentions he found Qurra' in Turkey who pronounced it this way. Qari Muhammad Yahya Shareef also quotes from Shaykh Ubaydullah Afghani who lists a plethora of scholars in his compilation (تنبيه العباد إلى كيفية النطق بالضاد) who pronounced the letter this way but their students evidently went away from the pronunciation despite still labeling themselves with that Sanad. A significant example of this is the great Shaykh Samannudi (ra) who argued for this pronunciation throughout his life and yet was pressured to retract it at the end of his life rahimahullah.
MASHA ALLAH! Well, sometimes I make this mistake when reciting the Qur'an this happens when I want to pronounce the word FAD-lillah then changing it to FAZ-lillah. Sheikh thank you for making distinctive clarity about these two alphabets. It is well understood and well assimilated. I really appreciate. JazzakAllahu khairan...
The Dhod proounciation is like reaching the tongue to the upper teeth, and Dzo prounciation is like placing your tongue at the incisors and pronounce it like you gonna pronounce Zay.
شاهدت الفيديو بالصدفة , وانا سعيد جدا ان صاحب القناة متمكن جدا في شرح الطرق الصحيحة لنطق الحروف العربية لكن بالرغم من سعادتى فقد احسست بالوجع , كم من نعمة انا فيها ولست ادركها في النهاية اسال الله العلى القدير ان يعين اخواننا المسلمين غير الناطقين بالعربية , وان يجعل مجهودهم في ميزان حسناتهم وان يجزيهم خير الجزاء
جزاك الله خيرا يا أستاذ As I am from Bangladesh, I know about the issue. I was confused how should I pronounce ض sound, /D/ or /Z/ while reciting Al-Qur'an. I considered that, Al-Qur'an might have revealed where ض sound is pronounced as /D/, thinking that, the Persian brothers might have taken this sound wrongly. So, I pronounce it like /D/. I wasn't quite comfortable, as I wasn't sure how the sound ض was truly spoken while Al-Qur'an was revealed on Prophet Mohammad ﷺ. Alhamdulillah, I finally can be sure about it.
في مجموع الفتاوى لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله قال وأما من لا يقيم قراءة الفاتحة فلا يصلي خلفه إلا من هو مثله فلا يصلي خلف الألثغ الذي يبدل حرفا بحرف إلا حرف الضاد إذا أخرجه من طرف الفم كما هو عادة كثير من الناس فهذا فيه وجهان: منهم من قال: لا يصلى خلفه ولا تصح صلاته في نفسه لأنه أبدل حرفا بحرف؛ لأن مخرج الضاد الشدق ومخرج الظاء طرف الأسنان. فإذا قال (ولا الظالين) كان معناه ظل يفعل كذا. والوجه الثاني: تصح وهذا أقرب لأن الحرفين في السمع شيء واحد وحس أحدهما من جنس حس الآخر لتشابه المخرجين. يعني صوت الضاد والظاء في السمع شيء واحد
Assalamualaikum! Thank you! As I am currently learning the quranic Arabic words. I am grateful to you for pointing out the right pronunciation of this particular letters. This is fun! Surely, there's more to find. Salamualaikum.
Assalam o Alaikum wa rehmatullah wa barakatuh... I am new to this channel. I could just listen to a very of your lessons. These are admirable. Please share your brief introduction. Jazakumullah Khaira Kaseera
Woah Mashallah. First time seeing this channel. New subscriber here. I'm a Qur'an teacher so this is very important to me. I shall be teaching this to my students insha'Allah, they make the same mistakes on ض ظ ز It took me quite a while to fix ض but I still don't think I'm there🤗, soon insha'Allah
When i was a teenager my teacher pronounced ض as ظ. That stunned me everytime she read Qur‘an. I asked her why she did it she said that it was not correct but ok.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ... أخي الكريم جزاكم الله خيرا ... أفضل طريقة للنطق السليم لحرفي ض - ظ هي بأن تنطق حرف الضاد بطعم (مذاق) حرف الدال . ضلّ = دلّ . ونطق حرف الظاء بطعم (مذاق) حرف الذال . ظلال = ذلال .
Asslamo alikom brother, I have a separate lesson specially for that matter:видео.html Please watch it and let me know if you have any further questions Asslamo alikom
Of course there's a difference between ظ and ض. But today ض is pronounced more like a hard د. If we look at the tajwid books we see that the letter ض has a characteristic called رخاوة which with today's pronunciation is lost. Earlier tajwid scholars write that the closest to ض letter is ظ and not د. Also there are early recordings here on RUclips by Egyptian and other Shaykhs who explain the letter ض sounding more like ظ in stead of د. Please, comment on this.
Brother, the reason why is because both are fricatives (orginally) the ظ was made with the lips, called a labial fricative (like english V, closest to a Slavic V) while the ض is the pharyngealised version of ذ, like in english Ba*the* called a dental fricative.
Hi Bro, Thanks for your details nice video. A near pronunciation on the vdo would make it easier Eg, Dhaal and dLaal or a close correct sounding. Thanks
I never knew this was an issue. Logically the problem should be between ض and د or ظ and ذ and ز but even then as an Arab it is easy to differentiate...
@@taffem9084 for me it's 'ayn since it's a voiced ha that's the diff of Salahuddin and salah as in prayer, the pharyngealized is hard but not as far as ha iirc not English ha
ض---sswhaadh is pronounced by touching the left edges of the tongue to the bottom edges of the left teeth of the upper jaw. ظ---is pronounced by making the mouth square shaped with tongue slightly pulled out Throwing air and saying zhouaa
To me, it is a simple question of point of articulation and manner of articulation. ض is alveolar plosive while ظ is dental fricative. All other aspects are the same. Since the sounds are destinct, they should not be confused. However, such confusion is understandable due to the general historical tendency of plosives to evolve into fricatives.
Things should not be so complicated for general people because Allah knows best how sincere are our hearts, so scholarly pronunciation is not possible for all.
يقال عن اللّغة العربية أيضا لغة الضّاد لأنّ لا يوجد في بقيّة لغات العالَم نطق لهذا الحرف ( ض) من حيث وضعيّة اللٌسان و طريقة النّطق الفريد به إلّا في اللّغة العربيّة الجميلة جدّا فقط..
TO DO JUSTICE with this Subject ,it is better to differentiate between د andض also with examples like ضل and دل as you have differentiated between ضand ظ or ز,so excellently. CAN you add this differentiation between ضand د as well, by editing the same video /this video of yours?JazakaAllah.
Please do you have a platform to listen to students of knowledge recitation and correct them, appropriately,like Whatsapp or Telegram, If Yes, I'm highly interested.
Asslamo alikom, Yes, brother has been for a long time, Alhamdulillah. You can submit your recitation through 'ask the teacher' page on our website: and I will review it for you in shaa Allah Asslamo alikom
Assalamu aleykum , Can I take the template of this video to make a project (video) in Russian? links will be written in the story and in the video itself I’m asking not for commercial purposes , for the good
Thank you so much for this video! As an English speaker, I get so confused by the transliteration that puts a z instead of ظ so sometimes I would say Al azeem
As a Pakistani muslim as kids we are brought up reading ض as the Z sound. And let me tell you ít sometimes becomes very difficult to keep our tongue on the right track. May ALLAH guide us and make the right path easy for us ameen.
Same for us Indians
The Pakistani pronunciation is closer to the correct sound than this fake shit.
That's exactly what I have been taught too!
no majority of the pakistani pronounce it as Duad not Zuad.
Only some of Deoband Madaris teach Zuad instead of Duad which is a minority position.
majority of the Arabs pronounce it as Daud
This is exactly the lesson I have been needing. Jazak Allah
Yea the lesson for ALLAH
For me too
@@hailafitri6420 do you even understand what he said?
@@hailafitri6420 ..ردّك لا يُناسِب ما كتب صاحب التّعليق ..
ما دخل كلمة Allah 🤔 ؟؟
The ض is behind the the upper teeth
The ظ is underneath the upper teeth
Try it
ضرب / مظله
Thank you. Jazakallah khair
I like ur comment, very helpful to me
wtf ur acc right
Very useful thnx
May I ask where exactly on the upper teeth is it?
thank you, as a Saudi who always uses " ض" and "ظ" interchangeably in every aspect of my life, even in reading books and literature I never pronounce it the same when reading the Quran, nor anyone I know.
May Allah bless you.
We do the same in Tunisia. Always when it comes to reading Quran.. things changes and we pronounce them in the right way
Not a big issue in daily life even in India ض،ظ،ذ all spoken as ز but in Qur'an pronounciation must be correct as explained . Even my teacher told ض is like د in Qur'an and ز in Urdu
@@faizanhashmi389 ?
You were doing it right. Sadly Egyptian propaganda got to you now
Masha Allah TabarakAllah is beautiful and reminds us all to clarify this mistake, especially for myself, who is non Arabic speaking. Jazakallahu Khayran, usthad . May Allah rewards you immensely, Ameen
This video came at the right time!
Just 10mins ago I had a student reading a ض as a ظ inذرّيّة ضعفاء....
And the example with Sh Uthman Al Khamis is a great example!
The problem is that some people use the tip of the tongue to pronounce the ض which is where the problem lies. The tip of the tongue is used to pronounce the ظ.
But how is it that we should pronounce both the letters?
ظ :
A "heavy" form of the sound of ذ
A "heavy" form of the sound of د
@@xXJ4FARGAMERXx wrong explaintion because every arabic word are difference between they don't have a similar sounds
@@xXJ4FARGAMERXxض is not a heavy د
كان الله في عون إخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان على تعلم اللغه العربيه واحمد الله أني متكلم للعربيه
جزاك الله خيرا
شاهدت الفيديو كاملاً رغم أني عربي 😂
وكتبت بالعربية الفصحى بدلاً من العامية حتى يسهل عليكم فهمي
ما هي بفصحى التي كتبتها بل اعجمية صرفة بحروف عربية
جرب يا أخي ابحث عن "رغم" في القرآن والسنة أتجدها بمعنى مع أو نحن في لهجتنا نقول مع أن وهذه الفصحى الحقيقية وأيضا ترا العربية الفصحى لا تقال بل يقال اللسان العربي واستزادة ارجع إلى كتاب العرنجية للترجمان أحمد الغامدي
@@7atabah ذبحتنا يا عبدالله وين ما اروح اشوفك
أولا القرآن أُنزل قبل وضع قواعد اللغة العربية، ولاحقا وضعت القواعد بناءا عليه وبقيت بعض الكلمات والجمل شاذة عن القواعد الموضوعة
ثانيا ارجع لمعجم لسان العرب لترى ان رغم بمعنى الاكراه
ثالثا ليس كل ما لم يوجد بالقرآن والسنة والمعاجم ومخطوطات الجاهلية وما قبلها وما بعدها بالضرورة ان يكون اعجميا فالعربية لغة حية تُستجَد فيها ألفاظ وكلمات لتواكب الحياة
رابعا اللغة هي وصف مشتق من لسان فاللغة العربية هي ذاتها لسان العرب
@@7atabah كل قبيلة او منطقة لها لهجتها الخاصة.
ايه المضحك؟
The thing i use for detect ص،ض، ط، ظ is put them [not heavy] like this:
Ma sha Allah!! Very much needed video.... I had this doubt for years that why different people pronounce differently for these letters.... Happy to know that I was reciting in the proper way! Alhamdullilah!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:00 📜 Introduction to the difference between "law" and "lood" in Arabic pronunciation.
- Explanation of the widespread misconception among Muslims regarding these two sounds.
- Purpose of the lesson to provide clear answers about this issue.
01:09 🗣️ Can the Quran berecited with "lood" instead of "law"?
- Clear statement that reciting the Quran with "lood" is incorrect.
- Mention of "lachen jelly" (mistakes in pronunciation) in Quranic recitation.
- Emphasis on avoiding this mistake at all times.
02:25 📖 Consequences of mispronouncing "law" as "lood" in Quranic recitation.
- Explanation of how mispronunciation can change the meaning of verses.
- Reference to Surat Al-Fatiha as an example.
- Importance of preserving the intended meanings of Quranic verses.
04:04 📜 Historical preservation of "law" and "lood" as distinct sounds in the Quran.
- Explanation of how the Quran was passed down orally, maintaining the distinction.
- Continuation of the tradition through generations to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
05:32 🗺️ The existence of regional dialects and their incompatibility with Quranic recitation.
- Acknowledgment of regional dialects that merge "law" and "lood."
- Clarification that dialects should not be used in Quranic recitation.
- Example of Sheikh Uthman Al-Khamis from Kuwait.
08:30 📚 Early Arabic grammarians' descriptions of "law" and its limitations.
- Mention of early grammarians like Sibawayh and their descriptions.
- Critique of placing a description above the oral tradition of Quranic recitation.
- Importance of hearing and imitating sounds for accurate pronunciation.
10:25 🌍 Impact on non-Arabic speakers and the creation of new words.
- Consequences for non-Arabic speakers who struggle with "law" pronunciation.
- Development of incorrect words due to mispronunciation.
- Example of "ramazan" as an evolved word.
11:22 🎯 Recommended action for proper pronunciation.
- Encouragement to make an effort to pronounce "law" correctly.
- Suggestion to watch videos explaining articulation techniques.
- Offer to provide more detailed explanations if requested.
Made with HARPA AI
I'm so thankful for this video. Arabic is not a native language where I am from, so growing up I really had difficulty understanding and had similar confusions. I'm glad that there are videos like these being made now.
أنا عربية أتعلم القرءان و مخارج الحروف و ماشاء الله مخارج حروفك صحيحه
سدد الله الخطي ... عظم الله الأجر أخي
حياكم الله ،،
جزاكم الله خيرًا على المرور و التشجيع
أسأل الله أن ينفع بالعمل و يتقبله ، آمين
@@Arabic101 آمين
@@Arabic101 آمين
This is amazing, the more i watch the more I'm amazed by the revision of the Qur'an
MashaAllah great video! I've grown up in my young age pronouncing ض as ز but Alhamdulillah now know better.
My biggest issue is the different ways to pronounce ظ in the Quran but will be watching your video on that as well InshaAllah.
That one is a very hard V. it exists in Russian names and words as in Vladimir.
Jazak-Allahu-khair brother.......i was reciting surah fatiha i will recite it correctly insha-Allah
Alhamdulilah .. Alhamdulilah .. Barak Allahu fik
Even though I agree that we should try our best to learn to recite the Qurān in the best possible way. But for non-Arabic speakers sometimes its quite hard to pronounce some letters. So, I personally think that in such cases "intention" is what counts. Allah knows the best. But still Jazak-Allah Khair for the informative lesson. I definitely benefited from it.
If there is only one quran then why is surah 2.184 different in the different quransвидео.html
@@speakerscornerchristianfil4318 seriously?? Qiraat (recitation) differences are well acknoweleged among Muslims. This is not good enough. Do some extra work a real academic work. I can understand you need "views" and lately you aren't even getting 50 views on your videos. So work hard. Make videos in an educated manner and I am sure your views will increase. Best of luck :D
I've been pronouncing it the same way you taught and never found any difficulty but I didn't know the authentic reason you gave.This was really helpful 🇵🇰
جزاک اللّٰہ
In Indonesian translation, we say (ض) as dh, and (ظ) as zh.
For me, the most difficult is (ض).
Keep trying Akhii...
I know you will be able to pronounce it correctly in the Quran Recitement...
Inshaa Allah...
This is why we call Arabic: The language of (ض).
Because it's very difficult for non-Arabic people.
the Vh, ظ is like in Russian “Vladimir” or Ukrainian “Vidd”
the ض on the other hand is either a D د or an eth Ð ذ, that is pharyngealised.
Pharyngealisation is hard, but think of the L sound in english.
The L in english is almost always pharyngealised and called a “Dark L”
think of the difference in L, in english “Lame”
and Arabic “لام” Lam.
Arabic L is not pharyngealised most of the time, while the english is.
Then after you got it, apply the same thing with the D, or the Ð, then this way you got your ض correctly.
And all praise is to Allāh, in victory and defeat.
Yes, they are close, but not exactly Try more and you will be able to pronounce them,Insha'Allah
@@pactube8833 Guys im from arabic countries, i dont know why you guys dont understand ض 😅 its just a letter and i may help you guys but i don't understand the reason of being not understand this letter
الحمدلله على نعمتك يا الله أنك خلقتني مسلمًا عربيّا
Mashallah. You are the best Tajweed teacher I have seen. May Allah bless you and your family and power you to continue producing videos such as this. Appreciate your knowledge and time. Jazakallahu khairan. Your in depth analysis amazes me.
Great information ❤️ Love from Indian Kashmir 😘
Impressive style of teaching....inshallah now we will teach my students like this
الحمد لله. جزاك الله خير. بارك الله فيك.
What an explanation!
Brother, in Tamil Nadu, South India they pronounce the letter ظ- similar to L sound.
May Allah guide all of us to recite his purified Arabic Quran as it is revealed to our prophet
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Really there is no doubt your videos and courses help.
إن شاء الله, بإذن الله تعالى
this is very important. We are blessed to have this kind of knowledge so easily in reach. May Allah reward you immensely for the work you are doing
There are Qurra' (by this I mean certified Qurra') who pronounce the letter ض with a sound close to the letter ظ, or with a "z" sound, rather than a sound closer to a "d" which we hear today. These Qurra' have chains of narration reaching back to the Prophet ﷺ, thus their sanads are equally as valid as the others. This pronunciation also stays consistent with the textual descriptions of ض, whereas the current pronunciation does not. Many Qurra' were taught this pronunciation and went against what they were taught due to social pressures later in life, thus opposing the teaching of their sanad, yet attributing it to that sanad. An example of this is the students of Qari Anees Ahmad Khan Falahi (ra). I recently verified from a student of Qari Anees himself that Qari Anees (ra) taught the pronunciation of ض as a sound very close to ظ, and this was how he was taught. However, many of his students, such as Qari Siddique Falahi and Qari Ayoub Essack (who is a link in my own chain), actually went against what they were taught by Qari Anees due to social pressure from Arab Qurra'.
Dr. Jonathan Brown also mentions he found Qurra' in Turkey who pronounced it this way. Qari Muhammad Yahya Shareef also quotes from Shaykh Ubaydullah Afghani who lists a plethora of scholars in his compilation (تنبيه العباد إلى كيفية النطق بالضاد) who pronounced the letter this way but their students evidently went away from the pronunciation despite still labeling themselves with that Sanad. A significant example of this is the great Shaykh Samannudi (ra) who argued for this pronunciation throughout his life and yet was pressured to retract it at the end of his life rahimahullah.
شكرا جزيلا لك، وجزاكم الله خيرا كثيرا...
Jazakallah kharan khatira
بارك الله فيك على كل هذا العمل الشاق
Wow what a clear explanation. I am so happy. Even though I knew the controversy but was never clear about, being a non-arab. Thanks for this.
Assalâmu alaykum Brother,
Interestingly, in the turkish we say ramazan for رمضان, but for قاضي we say Kadı 😅
thanks for sharing. needed this
I am Russian and watch the video in English about Arabic.
iam very happy because you learn in your youtube Arabic and me arabic man وانا ايضا اجيد الانجليزية
Masha Allah very informative jazakallah
Terimakasih paparannya 😊
Thank you very much. I can recite correctly after this. Because arabic not our language we have to learn in detail
MASHA ALLAH! Well, sometimes I make this mistake when reciting the Qur'an this happens when I want to pronounce the word FAD-lillah then changing it to FAZ-lillah. Sheikh thank you for making distinctive clarity about these two alphabets. It is well understood and well assimilated. I really appreciate. JazzakAllahu khairan...
Ma Sha Allah you are looking great work I always learn something new from your channel Jazak Allah brother❤
I was searching for this
❤❤❤ Masha allah my brother me allah continue bless you you and your family
بارك الله فيك
Terima kasih dari Indonesia
أنا عربي وشاهدت هذا المقطع😁 جزاك الله خيراً
Jazakallah my brother in Islam may ALLAH grantee all of us jannatul firdowzal a'laa
Very helpful.Jazakallahu kheir
The Dhod proounciation is like reaching the tongue to the upper teeth, and Dzo prounciation is like placing your tongue at the incisors and pronounce it like you gonna pronounce Zay.
جميل جداً... بارك الله بك
شاهدت الفيديو بالصدفة , وانا سعيد جدا ان صاحب القناة متمكن جدا في شرح الطرق الصحيحة لنطق الحروف العربية
لكن بالرغم من سعادتى فقد احسست بالوجع , كم من نعمة انا فيها ولست ادركها
في النهاية اسال الله العلى القدير ان يعين اخواننا المسلمين غير الناطقين بالعربية , وان يجعل مجهودهم في ميزان حسناتهم وان يجزيهم خير الجزاء
Jazaka Allahu kheyran
Jazak'Allah Khair
جزاك الله خيرا يا أستاذ
As I am from Bangladesh, I know about the issue. I was confused how should I pronounce ض sound, /D/ or /Z/ while reciting Al-Qur'an. I considered that, Al-Qur'an might have revealed where ض sound is pronounced as /D/, thinking that, the Persian brothers might have taken this sound wrongly. So, I pronounce it like /D/. I wasn't quite comfortable, as I wasn't sure how the sound ض was truly spoken while Al-Qur'an was revealed on Prophet Mohammad ﷺ. Alhamdulillah, I finally can be sure about it.
في مجموع الفتاوى لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله
وأما من لا يقيم قراءة الفاتحة فلا يصلي خلفه إلا من هو مثله فلا يصلي خلف الألثغ الذي يبدل حرفا بحرف إلا حرف الضاد إذا أخرجه من طرف الفم كما هو عادة كثير من الناس فهذا فيه وجهان: منهم من قال: لا يصلى خلفه ولا تصح صلاته في نفسه لأنه أبدل حرفا بحرف؛ لأن مخرج الضاد الشدق ومخرج الظاء طرف الأسنان. فإذا قال (ولا الظالين) كان معناه ظل يفعل كذا. والوجه الثاني: تصح وهذا أقرب لأن الحرفين في السمع شيء واحد وحس أحدهما من جنس حس الآخر لتشابه المخرجين.
يعني صوت الضاد والظاء في السمع شيء واحد
بارك الله فيكم
Jazakumullahu Kaira...
I really appreciate this...
Jazak Allah
Masa shaa allah thank u verry much for sharing
الله يفتح عليك بكل خير وبركة يا رب
شكرا جزيلا لكم ، الآن أنا أفهم الأسرة بشكل أفضل
This Channel is ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️
Assalamualaikum! Thank you! As I am currently learning the quranic Arabic words. I am grateful to you for pointing out the right pronunciation of this particular letters. This is fun! Surely, there's more to find. Salamualaikum.
Jazaka lahou kheyr
Jazaak Allahu Khairan
Best lecture dear 🥰🥰
Perfect explanations tank yo
Jazaaka llahu Khayran
Jazakhallah Khairan
شكرا جزيلا على هذا الفيديو الذي احتاجه اسحق ان شاء الله
Finally, thanks for explaining
الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام و اللغه العربيه .
Super good explanation thank you shekh
Assalam o Alaikum wa rehmatullah wa barakatuh... I am new to this channel. I could just listen to a very of your lessons. These are admirable. Please share your brief introduction. Jazakumullah Khaira Kaseera
Jazakallohu xoyron
Would it be OK to tell me what software you use to write these words?
Asslamo alikom,
This is all handwritten, brother.
@@Arabic101 I meant on which app?
جزاك الله خيرا أخي الكريم
Woah Mashallah. First time seeing this channel. New subscriber here. I'm a Qur'an teacher so this is very important to me. I shall be teaching this to my students insha'Allah, they make the same mistakes on ض ظ ز
It took me quite a while to fix ض but I still don't think I'm there🤗, soon insha'Allah
When i was a teenager my teacher pronounced ض as ظ. That stunned me everytime she read Qur‘an. I asked her why she did it she said that it was not correct but ok.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...
أخي الكريم جزاكم الله خيرا ...
أفضل طريقة للنطق السليم لحرفي ض - ظ هي بأن تنطق حرف الضاد بطعم (مذاق) حرف الدال . ضلّ = دلّ .
ونطق حرف الظاء بطعم (مذاق) حرف الذال . ظلال = ذلال .
Asslamo alikom brother,
I have a separate lesson specially for that matter:видео.html
Please watch it and let me know if you have any further questions
Asslamo alikom
Mashallah my brother. You provide a way for us to maintain confidence in our reciting Alla tu alas glorious Qur’an.
Thanks for teaching us the confusing topic
جزاك الله خيرا
The ayah
وما هو على الغيب بضنين
actually has both these letters if you check the riwaayaat
You are the best Mushulla brother
Masha Allah ❤
Of course there's a difference between ظ and ض. But today ض is pronounced more like a hard د. If we look at the tajwid books we see that the letter ض has a characteristic called رخاوة which with today's pronunciation is lost. Earlier tajwid scholars write that the closest to ض letter is ظ and not د. Also there are early recordings here on RUclips by Egyptian and other Shaykhs who explain the letter ض sounding more like ظ in stead of د. Please, comment on this.
sheikh Ludhiyanwi wrote a big treatise on this. Check out
Historically informative
Brother, the reason why is because both are fricatives (orginally)
the ظ was made with the lips, called a labial fricative (like english V, closest to a Slavic V)
while the ض is the pharyngealised version of ذ, like in english Ba*the*
called a dental fricative.
@@awehornet thank you, but I couldn't find it, can you point me to the name of the book or where to search, Ramazan mubarak for you in sha' Allah
It doesn't mean that ض can be replaced by ظ.
Hi Bro, Thanks for your details nice video. A near pronunciation on the vdo would make it easier Eg, Dhaal and dLaal or a close correct sounding. Thanks
ما شاء الله مقطع مفيد جدا والله يوفقكم ع المقاطع المفيده والشروحات الطيبه
I'm from india and very happy with the tajweed explaintion because in india most of people arabic proucation is wrong
I never knew this was an issue. Logically the problem should be between ض and د or ظ and ذ and ز but even then as an Arab it is easy to differentiate...
same. im not even arab but ض and ظ are quite different to me
@@nmpoy They are like "T" and "Th" in English
Right, and my biggest problem is ض and ط actually
@@taffem9084 for me it's 'ayn since it's a voiced ha that's the diff of Salahuddin and salah as in prayer, the pharyngealized is hard but not as far as ha iirc not English ha
7 vs h
asalam o alekum can you please which software are you using for making video ?
ض---sswhaadh is pronounced by touching the left edges of the tongue to the bottom edges of the left teeth of the upper jaw.
ظ---is pronounced by making the mouth square shaped with tongue slightly pulled out Throwing air and saying zhouaa
ربنا يكرمك و يحفظك
Jazakallah khair
To me, it is a simple question of point of articulation and manner of articulation. ض is alveolar plosive while ظ is dental fricative. All other aspects are the same. Since the sounds are destinct, they should not be confused. However, such confusion is understandable due to the general historical tendency of plosives to evolve into fricatives.
Things should not be so complicated for general people because Allah knows best how sincere are our hearts, so scholarly pronunciation is not possible for all.
Assalamualaikum. Can you please tell me do you follow Athari creed? Jazāk Allāhu Khayran.
يقال عن اللّغة العربية أيضا لغة الضّاد لأنّ لا يوجد في بقيّة لغات العالَم نطق لهذا الحرف ( ض) من حيث وضعيّة اللٌسان و طريقة النّطق الفريد به إلّا في اللّغة العربيّة الجميلة جدّا فقط..
اللغة العربية في الحقيقة هي لغة الظاء وليس الضاد
TO DO JUSTICE with this Subject ,it is better to differentiate between د andض also with examples like ضل and دل as you have differentiated between ضand ظ or ز,so excellently. CAN you add this differentiation between ضand د as well, by editing the same video /this video of yours?JazakaAllah.
Please do you have a platform to listen to students of knowledge recitation and correct them, appropriately,like Whatsapp or Telegram,
If Yes, I'm highly interested.
Asslamo alikom,
Yes, brother has been for a long time, Alhamdulillah.
You can submit your recitation through 'ask the teacher' page on our website:
and I will review it for you in shaa Allah
Asslamo alikom
Wahalakum salam Waramotullahu wabarakatuh.
Assalamu aleykum , Can I take the template of this video to make a project (video) in Russian? links will be written in the story and in the video itself I’m asking not for commercial purposes , for the good
Wa alikom asslam,
Sure brother, no problems
Thank you so much for this video! As an English speaker, I get so confused by the transliteration that puts a z instead of ظ so sometimes I would say Al azeem