Thanks everyone for the kind words about this video! I should've saved the beach level for last because it is my favorite; three years later and I never ended up doing the others!
I wrote a big response about how I probably won't, but couldn't go through with it. Chances are low, but never say never! Thanks for the kind words, interest, and support.
Hey even if you can’t get the video to work it is still worth a shot. Plus I think it would be really cool to see Flying Pikachu in a video that doesn’t look like a flip book. XD
Ive had lapras pop up RIGHT in front of that clif where kangaskhan is, and its such a cool memory bc ive never seen lapras spawn that close, pkm snap will forever be my fav childhood game
Wow, you beat me to this comment. I've had Lapras pop up right in front of the cliff of Kangaskhan too, for the very first time, cause she was always far when my brothers and I played this game. And just like you, I've never seen her that close before, either, it's such an awesome memory, I'll never forget it 😃😃❤❤
When I was a kid and got Pokemon Snap I wasn't expecting much, I just bought it because I was such a big Pokemon fan at the time because the Pokemon craze was in full effect. It ended up being one of my most favorite 64 games of all time 😄 AHHHHHHH this game SOOOO nostalgic for myself, how I miss being 9-10 years old and my only care in the world being my Pokemon things. I think i may order a Gameboy color a gb advanced or a gb sp and get red, blue, yellow, silver and gold instead of using emulators to get that authentic experience that my nostalgia has been craving for old Pokemon nostalgia lately. I'm only 31 why am I missing things from the past so much lately 😭
Damn, I wish you'd done this for all the levels. This was fascinating and very interesting! Hope everything's alright for you, since you havent uploaded for a while.
This was a very entertaining, educational and well executed. I enjoyed it so much that I was to learn that the other levels were not included as I could really use it tutorial. Anyhow, excellent work!
I KNEW there was a Scyther on the beach level!!! I remember one flying out of the grass back when I was a lil kid, but I was never able to get it to appear again. Glad to know I wasn’t crazy and hallucinating Scythers
Great video. I bought it yesterday after (possibly) thousands of hours of blockbuster rental in the late 90s...Thanks for reminding me of getting screech on the 1st pidgeys, I was going for the meowth set. Just a few bonuses that total more- Chansey’s ‘it looks jolly’ pose gets 1200 (right when it jumps with ear wings up.) Dancing meowth (meowth on cliff>pester ball to knock off>pokeflute) gets ‘Dancing Meowth’ for 1200. One more- the best magikarp isn’t in Cave by Zapdos, but in River with the sparkles (‘What a splash!’). It’s possible if memory serves me that if you can hit Scyther with a pester ball it’ll stay in fighting pose. Make more of these, they’re excellent!
Pikachu on a stump is actually the third best picture points wise. The second best picture points wise is actually what Oak calls flying Pikachu, but in reality it’s Pikachu riding Articuno. But the problem with that picture is that there are 3 things that make it a really hard picture to get. Number 1 is that you have to get a picture of Pikachu not Articuno which is very hard to do because Articuno is a much larger Pokémon, Number 2 is that you have to hit Zubat to free Pikachu or else you can’t take the photo, and Number 3 is that you Have to make sure that Articuno doesn’t fly away without Pikachu which can be very tedious. So if you thought it was hard to get Scyther with a Pester Ball than you got another thing coming with trying to take this photo.
This reminds me. Growing up I had the most random assortment of n64 games. In addition to this, I also owned the following games through owning an n64. Golden eye, donkey Kong 64, Mario 64, Mario party 3, Kirby crystal shards, smash bros, Pokémon Colosseum, and quite arguably one of the one most intense games ever devised. Glover.
Six years ago?! Come on my dude, ride that New Snap hype and do the other levels. I know I am dusting off my old cartridge, and I can't be the only one.
Actually for Eevee to get the most pts out of the picture. Your gonna want to take it right after you hit Chansey open. Quickly then take a picture of Eevee as it's jumping up and down. That way you get I think 1,250 pts for it being in a happy pose.
Not bad. I didn't know about the Pidgey trick at the start or that Lapras reacted to earlier photos, I'll need to remember those. Still, I do have a few points to correct you on. First, after knocking Meowth down, make him dance to the Poké Flute for a pose of 1200, making the best possible score 4400. Second, you should also use the Poké Flute after getting Kangaskhan's attention with that Pester Ball. The dancing pose is 1050, which makes the best possible score 4100. Lastly, Pikachu on a Stump is indeed a very good shot, but it's not the best non-Mew in the game. That honor goes to Flying Pikachu in the Cave level, for whom a perfect shot is an amazing 8000. All you have to do is let Articuno crash into you, which can be done by using the C buttons to slow down. All in all though, a very helpful video! Thanks for the tips!
Wow. I am so glad this was recommended to me. I remember playing this when I was little and I loved it. I would really like it if you did cave or the river next 😮
Nintendo should have made snap2 and include johto region and maybe a level where you can walk, and include the safari zone. Excellent video, is a shame you did not do more.
You are a true master! This is such a great video and will help anyone looking to improve their scores in this game. Very glad I found your channel, I subbed! :) Keep up the terrific work!!
Do the other stages too tunnel is good, you can get the best charmander picture at volcano. River is good. For the cave put balloon pikachu and pikachu riding articuno. Valley is great because I just found graveler group dance. (Comment if anybody found that.)
For Pidgey, I was able to the two in the background and got 5,040 for him. For Snorlax, I found that for some reason you can get a bigger size if you take the third flute picture, from the left side when he's stretching his left arm towards the camera, I got 4,000. For Meowth you can get 4,400 if you play the flute. I was able to get 6,660 for Pikachu by taking a close up of just one. Kangashkan if you take him up close dancing you can get 4,100 instead of 4,000.
isn’t there a gyarados that pops up in the body of water at min 8:19 ? i can’t remember tho if there was a trick to build up to it with the previous magikarp.
Gehad el Shaikh Nope. That would be on the river stage where you have to hit Magikarp with the gas ball to get him to jump into the waterfall to evolve.
So you said the 2 pikachus on the stumps (while using thunder) would get you the second highest point total in the game behind mew. But i think thats wrong. I got a 6,500 from fighting Magmar's in the volcano stage. You can also get Pikachu flying with Articuno in the cave stage. You need to knock the pikachu off Zubat. Then as pikachu is falling to the ground with his balloons, throw another ball at it. While hes on the ground play the pokeflute. The two Jynx will dance and Pikachu will use thunder. By this point Articuno is making his way towards the singing Jigglypuff room and if you do it right, he will first scoop up Pikachu.
Yea you also get more for Eevee by not throwing an apple for it. You just take a picture of it right after you hit Chansey to pop her open. And then take a picture of Eevee while it's jumping up and down right after. And you get at least 1,000pts for it being Happy.
This is not the best pikachu picture you can snap. The one in the cavern who is riding on articunos back can give a higher score (mine is 6500+). I actually tried to beat that score with the pikachu on a stump pic but it seems impossible.
But in order to get pikachu riding on articuno you need to knock out zubat which is VERY hard work. You can also get balloon pikachu. Pikachu riding on articuno did happen to me once but it was too jagged that I ended up taking a picture of articuno instead
GoGuy1 once you get the hang of it it's not hard at all. but thats irrelevant because the topic is which pikachu pic can fetch you the highest score, and that is pikachu riding on articuno, regardless of the level of difficulty.
Thanks everyone for the kind words about this video! I should've saved the beach level for last because it is my favorite; three years later and I never ended up doing the others!
Could you possibly upload the others? I keep checking back on your channel every few months to be honest hoping you eventually will
I wrote a big response about how I probably won't, but couldn't go through with it. Chances are low, but never say never! Thanks for the kind words, interest, and support.
Even if you never get around to it, I'm subbing just in case ;D absolutely loved the video and would love to see the rest of the game!
Hey Bartonsgaming! i get a Perfect Piture of Mew Before! Did you too?!
and i like this Video! :)
Hey even if you can’t get the video to work it is still worth a shot. Plus I think it would be really cool to see Flying Pikachu in a video that doesn’t look like a flip book. XD
“Get him while he’s fainting.
Oak likes that.”
What a sick freak 😭😭
Awesome shots tho!
Oak: *wants pics of pokemon in their natural habitat.*
Also Oak: *praises you for ko'ing pokemon for photography sake.*
Ive had lapras pop up RIGHT in front of that clif where kangaskhan is, and its such a cool memory bc ive never seen lapras spawn that close, pkm snap will forever be my fav childhood game
Wow, you beat me to this comment. I've had Lapras pop up right in front of the cliff of Kangaskhan too, for the very first time, cause she was always far when my brothers and I played this game. And just like you, I've never seen her that close before, either, it's such an awesome memory, I'll never forget it 😃😃❤❤
In the same club. Right when you said it I was like yep. Up close and personal. I cld have pet Laprus!
Your commentary is not annoying like most of the gamer videos. Thank you for that. I loved this game. Thanks for the memories.
I've been playing for the last 15-16 years and i never even THOUGHT about the pidgey von
9 years later and still just as good as ever! Aged like fine wine!!
When I was a kid and got Pokemon Snap I wasn't expecting much, I just bought it because I was such a big Pokemon fan at the time because the Pokemon craze was in full effect. It ended up being one of my most favorite 64 games of all time 😄
AHHHHHHH this game SOOOO nostalgic for myself, how I miss being 9-10 years old and my only care in the world being my Pokemon things. I think i may order a Gameboy color a gb advanced or a gb sp and get red, blue, yellow, silver and gold instead of using emulators to get that authentic experience that my nostalgia has been craving for old Pokemon nostalgia lately. I'm only 31 why am I missing things from the past so much lately 😭
Can you do videos for the other levels too?
Damn, I wish you'd done this for all the levels. This was fascinating and very interesting! Hope everything's alright for you, since you havent uploaded for a while.
New Snap hype
This was a very entertaining, educational and well executed. I enjoyed it so much that I was to learn that the other levels were not included as I could really use it tutorial. Anyhow, excellent work!
Can't wait to play new pokemon snap! (Hopefully this year)
Well, 30th of April! 🤔🤗
This week my guy.
@@rainawareness1495 last week
Any good?
@@jowoo7237 yeah I enjoyed it a lot, although some of the puzzles are hard to figure out without looking it up.
I never found Pikachu on a Stump but I love that Oak goes nuts for it
I KNEW there was a Scyther on the beach level!!! I remember one flying out of the grass back when I was a lil kid, but I was never able to get it to appear again. Glad to know I wasn’t crazy and hallucinating Scythers
Please do this video for all the levels!!! Its so well done. Concise and spot on.
This was really well made!
Helps a lot. Thank you! Hope you so the next levels
Great video. I bought it yesterday after (possibly) thousands of hours of blockbuster rental in the late 90s...Thanks for reminding me of getting screech on the 1st pidgeys, I was going for the meowth set. Just a few bonuses that total more- Chansey’s ‘it looks jolly’ pose gets 1200 (right when it jumps with ear wings up.) Dancing meowth (meowth on cliff>pester ball to knock off>pokeflute) gets ‘Dancing Meowth’ for 1200. One more- the best magikarp isn’t in Cave by Zapdos, but in River with the sparkles (‘What a splash!’). It’s possible if memory serves me that if you can hit Scyther with a pester ball it’ll stay in fighting pose. Make more of these, they’re excellent!
Pikachu on a stump is actually the third best picture points wise. The second best picture points wise is actually what Oak calls flying Pikachu, but in reality it’s Pikachu riding Articuno. But the problem with that picture is that there are 3 things that make it a really hard picture to get. Number 1 is that you have to get a picture of Pikachu not Articuno which is very hard to do because Articuno is a much larger Pokémon, Number 2 is that you have to hit Zubat to free Pikachu or else you can’t take the photo, and Number 3 is that you Have to make sure that Articuno doesn’t fly away without Pikachu which can be very tedious. So if you thought it was hard to get Scyther with a Pester Ball than you got another thing coming with trying to take this photo.
Dude this is a great video. I remember how hard it was to hit that Syther in the grass. You nailed it on the first shot. Snap Master
This is a great guide video for getting high scores! Wish you had made more but it is understandably tough to do
Wish you would have done more videos for all the levels. We have been playing snap again during covid. The valley has so many things to see.
Loved this, would love to see more stages!
This reminds me. Growing up I had the most random assortment of n64 games. In addition to this, I also owned the following games through owning an n64.
Golden eye, donkey Kong 64, Mario 64, Mario party 3, Kirby crystal shards, smash bros, Pokémon Colosseum, and quite arguably one of the one most intense games ever devised. Glover.
You can bring lapras right up to the shore with some apples too! great video so nostalgic.
Amazing video, bro! Thanks For it, I was shocked with the lapras trick!
What a perfect game!!! So much nostalgic.
Six years ago?! Come on my dude, ride that New Snap hype and do the other levels. I know I am dusting off my old cartridge, and I can't be the only one.
I really enjoyed this video. You're voice is perfect for this! I'll be watching more :)
Actually for Eevee to get the most pts out of the picture. Your gonna want to take it right after you hit Chansey open. Quickly then take a picture of Eevee as it's jumping up and down. That way you get I think 1,250 pts for it being in a happy pose.
Not bad. I didn't know about the Pidgey trick at the start or that Lapras reacted to earlier photos, I'll need to remember those. Still, I do have a few points to correct you on.
First, after knocking Meowth down, make him dance to the Poké Flute for a pose of 1200, making the best possible score 4400.
Second, you should also use the Poké Flute after getting Kangaskhan's attention with that Pester Ball. The dancing pose is 1050, which makes the best possible score 4100.
Lastly, Pikachu on a Stump is indeed a very good shot, but it's not the best non-Mew in the game. That honor goes to Flying Pikachu in the Cave level, for whom a perfect shot is an amazing 8000. All you have to do is let Articuno crash into you, which can be done by using the C buttons to slow down.
All in all though, a very helpful video! Thanks for the tips!
Thank you for your comment! This game never ceases to amaze me. I'm looking forward to trying for some of the new shots you pointed out :)
Great video! I played this game sooooo much when I was a kid! Always nice to see games of my childhood perfected! :-)
Holy shit there's still things I'm learning about this game
I remember back in the day Eevee will dance to the Pokeflute as well. It marches in place.
Wow. I am so glad this was recommended to me. I remember playing this when I was little and I loved it. I would really like it if you did cave or the river next 😮
this is weirdly relaxing hahaha
1999: Photograph with film
2020: Save it in your SD Card and cloud your photos.
2020 here!
This video is awesome! It will definitely come in handy the next time I play. Can't wait to see more levels!
They're forthcoming, I'm currently recording "the tunnel"
Thank you for this!!!! I really love this game!!
Nintendo should have made snap2 and include johto region and maybe a level where you can walk, and include the safari zone. Excellent video, is a shame you did not do more.
I got a very close up picture of meowth just as it jumps out of the Bush to chase pidgey and it got a lot of points
I remember playing this level as a demo at Blockbusters...
You are a true master! This is such a great video and will help anyone looking to improve their scores in this game. Very glad I found your channel, I subbed! :) Keep up the terrific work!!
Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it!
Do the other stages too tunnel is good, you can get the best charmander picture at volcano. River is good. For the cave put balloon pikachu and pikachu riding articuno. Valley is great because I just found graveler group dance. (Comment if anybody found that.)
3 years later lol
great vid! i'd love to see this for all the other levels ^_^ thanks for the tips
This should have been done for every GENERATION!!!!!
Great video!!
For Pidgey, I was able to the two in the background and got 5,040 for him.
For Snorlax, I found that for some reason you can get a bigger size if you take the third flute picture, from the left side when he's stretching his left arm towards the camera, I got 4,000.
For Meowth you can get 4,400 if you play the flute.
I was able to get 6,660 for Pikachu by taking a close up of just one.
Kangashkan if you take him up close dancing you can get 4,100 instead of 4,000.
isn’t there a gyarados that pops up in the body of water at min 8:19 ? i can’t remember tho if there was a trick to build up to it with the previous magikarp.
Gehad el Shaikh Nope. That would be on the river stage where you have to hit Magikarp with the gas ball to get him to jump into the waterfall to evolve.
You should totally do more of these :D
damn, ive played this game for years. I thought I knew all the tips and tricks, but I guess not.
Your walkthrough is great! Any chance youll end up doing the other levels as well?
Dude upload more
+2011super He seriously should!!
This was well done.
This is brilliant.
Very good video looking foward yo tunnel
dude why didnt you do the rest ?? this was so good
If you hit the piggies before they get to meow and they use gust you get a meow dancing and get a higher score.
Great video. Thanks!
So you said the 2 pikachus on the stumps (while using thunder) would get you the second highest point total in the game behind mew. But i think thats wrong. I got a 6,500 from fighting Magmar's in the volcano stage. You can also get Pikachu flying with Articuno in the cave stage. You need to knock the pikachu off Zubat. Then as pikachu is falling to the ground with his balloons, throw another ball at it. While hes on the ground play the pokeflute. The two Jynx will dance and Pikachu will use thunder. By this point Articuno is making his way towards the singing Jigglypuff room and if you do it right, he will first scoop up Pikachu.
rw:for the Pikachu's on the stomp i call that "what a shocking performance "^_^
Every one comment here so he can make a new video on the new pokemon snap !!!!
Please make more!
Oh, its fainted! 1300 points . Oh, its limbs have been severed! 45000 points!
Ty for the video m8.
Did you know that they're making a sequel to Pokémon Snap?
I got more points with Gust-using Pidgey at the end of the level. My score is 4670.
You can make Kangaskahn dance.
Do the other stages too because I'm stuck right now
actually the last pidgeys are the most important because they are the Gust using Pidgeys
props yo. dope video.
this reminded me of the fact that i would take pics of piggy butts and nothing else...
i was a strange kid
nice pokemon snap beach
Best Meowth for this is after knocking him down from the platform play the pokeflute oak likes him dancing!
that was awsome
Would be awesome if you could do it for the others too :)
I got a pretty high score with “gust using pidgey”
What about the crab made of stone?
Wait the pokeflute has different songs?
I remeber that Magikarp evls in the beach
More levels please
*takes a pic of hatsune miku* Oak: :O! pardon me, I have to go the pokemon center for a minute! *toilet paper on Professor Oaks shoe as he walks out*
Can you do cave next?
More levels please.
Thats a great evee
Not sure why Samual likes Pokemon when there fainted more, but hey ho...
Also my highest score is 8845
can you do more of this please this is sosososo awesome
I searched this because I found my parents n64 with pokemon snap in it
You score higher for a dancing meowth
Yea you also get more for Eevee by not throwing an apple for it. You just take a picture of it right after you hit Chansey to pop her open. And then take a picture of Eevee while it's jumping up and down right after. And you get at least 1,000pts for it being Happy.
3:39 Best picture point wise aside from Mew? Nope, you can get 8000 for a flying Pikachu on Articuno
My ayther always facing backwards
They just added this game to Switch in the N64 port
This is not the best pikachu picture you can snap. The one in the cavern who is riding on articunos back can give a higher score (mine is 6500+). I actually tried to beat that score with the pikachu on a stump pic but it seems impossible.
Thank you for the feedback! Had no idea there was a technique to get closer until you brought this up. Much thanks!
But in order to get pikachu riding on articuno you need to knock out zubat which is VERY hard work. You can also get balloon pikachu. Pikachu riding on articuno did happen to me once but it was too jagged that I ended up taking a picture of articuno instead
GoGuy1 once you get the hang of it it's not hard at all. but thats irrelevant because the topic is which pikachu pic can fetch you the highest score, and that is pikachu riding on articuno, regardless of the level of difficulty.
Oak likey
Hey I run a Nintendo channel and I was wondering if you were interested in some paid work covering New Pokemon Snap?
poor doduo
Gabriel Berry lol
oak is twisted