Why leaders need to give their team members recognition | Bianca Russell | TEDxCanberraSalon

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 92

  • @StephanieElizabethMann
    @StephanieElizabethMann 4 года назад +5

    I agree. Good leaders know their team. They know their strengths and weaknesses. They encourage and support their team and when someone in the team says they need support it's seen as a good thing rather than a way for the leader or rest of their team to pull them apart.

  • @itslukewilliams
    @itslukewilliams 4 года назад +20

    If this topic is of interest to you, I recommend ‘The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People’ by Gary Chapman

  • @nguyenvanquyet2883
    @nguyenvanquyet2883 4 года назад +17

    The light should be put in behind the camera.

    • @ShirleyBorrelli
      @ShirleyBorrelli 4 года назад +1

      I am completely distracted by the spotlight shining in my eyes while I am trying to listen and watch her

  • @jamesgerboc
    @jamesgerboc 4 года назад +4

    It’s about intention. What is the reason/need for validation? If it’s for ego, it’s a bad thing. If it’s for the greater good, it’s a good thing. Leading through humility, authenticity and sensitivity is not very popular. Yet it is very effective. As a leader, nothing is more powerful than empathy. Empathy in a leader is validating understanding of your wants, needs and problems. It validates your perspective. It makes you think you have a shared/common view of things. You’re on the same team. They get it. They get YOU. Validation is something we should strive for not cite as a psychological defect.

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +2

      Absolutely agree. What is being asked for is akin to handing out participation trophies to everyone, rather than rewarding actual excellence and thus diminishing the notion of skill or talent.

    • @johndonaldson3619
      @johndonaldson3619 4 года назад

      Validation? - How about the paycheck.

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +1

      @@johndonaldson3619 Of course monetary concerns are the weakest and most pathetic reasons to do anything on this planet for. We aren't here to expend vital energy in receipt of pieces of paper or digital numbers saying we have "gained" something which doesn't even really exist.

  • @sarahjosua
    @sarahjosua 4 года назад +1

    This is so relevant! The speech "don't care what others say, you do you" works for some occasions, but it always sounded strange to me when it applied to "don't care what anyone thinks". I've always seen that as impossible to achieve.

  • @amatiasq
    @amatiasq 4 года назад +1

    "We as humans, even from the better moments of our lives, function better being recognized and affirmed by those who are around us." - 10 seconds TED talks

  • @worldpeoplestories9867
    @worldpeoplestories9867 4 года назад +3

    I think that all the words that were said in this video are true.

  • @hiefa
    @hiefa 4 года назад

    the longer we don’t receive the validation; the more we crave it.

  • @KimDixDiary
    @KimDixDiary 4 года назад +7

    Mhm this is an interesting topic. Some people don’t want verbal validation or recognition. I personally don’t need it. I was doing my job. Instead of verbal validation I would prefer better compensation. It’s annoying getting recognition and validation with nothing to show for it. What is worst is when you have that review and your request for a raise was declined but don’t forget we need you 🙄🙄

  • @MsRecycled
    @MsRecycled 4 года назад +1

    I agree this is an interesting topic and for me, very relevant in my workplace right now and this discussion board shows the diversity of opinion (and emotion) associated with this topic. Perhaps even the word 'validation' could be the cause of the emotion. 'Validation' will mean different things to different people Some it's monetary reward, some it's an award/badge/commendation of some kind, some it might be as simple as 'thanks, that's great work', so for me it's more about recognising what the term means to my staff and colleagues and how, this can be utilised to achieve team and/or organisational goals and of course, improve morale, whether it be team, organisational or personal morale.
    The human factor is important. We are not just numbers or FTE (full time equivalent), or statistics on some upper level managers report. Appreciating the diversity of our workforce and what makes us 'tick' is part of the solution. For me, this talk was more about acknowledging the diversity of the human condition and appreciating it. Great talk Bianca, the conversation will go on.

  • @Chelseyandfam
    @Chelseyandfam 4 года назад

    I think the most useful part of the this talk is the reminder to allow others to be vulnerable when they are expressing something negative, rather than competing or brushing it under the rug. Otherwise this talk doesn't resonate with me much. Recognition from leadership looks different to me than what she speaks of. I do think its good for leaders to recognize their subordinates verbally, as long as it is authentic. The first problem we need to address is for leaders to recognize their subordinates as part of a "team" and know that collaborative environments are more successful than the "top-down", "do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do" hierarchy that is common in my work experiences.

  • @PaulSmith-pf2uq
    @PaulSmith-pf2uq 4 года назад +9

    Employers/Leaders think that rewarding employees leads to calls for raise and other demands.

  • @suyogkulkarni8427
    @suyogkulkarni8427 4 года назад +1

    we are goal oriented rather than enjoying the process , thus its difficult for people to give our ask for recognition.

  • @tanyabalentine6193
    @tanyabalentine6193 6 месяцев назад

    Wow!! If only people could get this.

  • @abdirahiimabdi3760
    @abdirahiimabdi3760 4 года назад

    I am so liked her talk

  • @GautamaBuddha9
    @GautamaBuddha9 4 года назад

    we should not afraid of problems, problems are part of our life, and problems are like washing machine, it twist, it spins but in the end it comes out with neat n clean. so problems make you stronger n stronger...
    our mahatma gandha said, a bare foot is better than the person who doesnt even has foot.
    bill gate also said, if born as poor its not your mistake but if u die as poor its ur mistake.
    remember this......if the disable people can achieve their goal or can get success then, why not the people who are physically good,,,,,the scientist hawking never considered poor to the people who are physically good and he was a greatest scientist in modern days he was a disable person too....so be happy with problems to learn something from it....
    remember one thing...if you can handle the problems then those problems become a great blessings in life.....thank you...

  • @anthonya361
    @anthonya361 4 года назад +7

    Your a great speaker and I really resonate with this talk, great job :)

  • @klayvonisme
    @klayvonisme 4 года назад +1

    Great job, thank you!

  • @1.5Koreans0.5American
    @1.5Koreans0.5American 4 года назад +2

    Who else agree that leaders recognitions is important?
    100% agree that leaders should give recognitions to the team members. 💯

  • @scifisurfer8879
    @scifisurfer8879 4 года назад +8

    In my experience working for many different companies, big and small, over a period of the last thirty years, all I've seen is companies go through the motions, but it's as phoney and plastic as the scripts call center workers are forced to use.
    Also, I think constant recognition/praise really devalues positive feedback. That doesn't mean feedback or some kind of sincere "thank you" should never (or nearly never) issue forth from on high, but a little goes a long way.
    Also, I would argue there are certain cultural assumptions being made here which are not universal at all.

  • @irvgeezy
    @irvgeezy 4 года назад

    This is gold.

  • @maryjaneabalos
    @maryjaneabalos 4 года назад

    We are sure that if we are righteous we will be rewarded by God for He judgeth the Earth

  • @sanketdongare3212
    @sanketdongare3212 4 года назад +1

    I like your consistency 😊😊😊

  • @shaguftasheikh5337
    @shaguftasheikh5337 4 года назад

    Amazing talk to keep the world moving forward with peace and satisfaction. Thank you.

  • @hervva
    @hervva 4 года назад +1

    Every boss should hear that

  • @frankieoceansxiv8192
    @frankieoceansxiv8192 4 года назад

    If you allow your applause to go off of on your self worth you give full power to be destroyed by silence. I know who the f I am even through the silence. I need no outside validation because I validate myself.

  • @vincent3060
    @vincent3060 4 года назад

    You shouldn't put the light in the shot, it confuses the lighting sensors in the camera, and it makes everything darker as a result, darker than it actually is in real life.
    The camera is also focusing more on the background then on your face.
    The background is clearer than the foreground.
    If you want light coming from the back, use a mirror on the left wall, and put the light to the right of the camera, so that the light from the mirror hits you on the back.
    That or just turn off the back light.
    or don't, this is just a suggestion.
    The background is clearer then your face.

    • @itslukewilliams
      @itslukewilliams 4 года назад +1

      Maybe that’s just how she wanted it

    • @vincent3060
      @vincent3060 4 года назад

      @@itslukewilliams She wants her face to be blurry?

    • @JaysonT1
      @JaysonT1 4 года назад

      @@vincent3060 Too many wannabe directors.

    • @vincent3060
      @vincent3060 4 года назад

      @@JaysonT1 I worked on photography and videography, I'm just saying that her face is out of focus.
      Who wants that?
      This is a Ted Talk, it's supposed to be high quality, isn't it?

  • @chonchobar378
    @chonchobar378 4 года назад

    Good lecture

  • @nathanrocks2562
    @nathanrocks2562 4 года назад +3

    Try telling that to your Drill Sergeant!

  • @Bretw4ld4
    @Bretw4ld4 4 года назад +4

    Never thought I needed to be pat as a pet.
    I know my work is good, otherwise I just would be kicked out of the team.
    It's simple as it.

    • @scifisurfer8879
      @scifisurfer8879 4 года назад +1

      There's a part of me which thinks it would be interesting to do a response video to this, but on the one hand, I don't think she's trying to give bad advice, and on the other I have no resources to shoot or edit a video. Besides, I have no particular need or desire to be in front of a camera.

    • @JaysonT1
      @JaysonT1 4 года назад

      1. Not everyone is in your situation

  • @Akemi406
    @Akemi406 4 года назад

    excuse me I wanted information to the Macarena Achaga's ted tal please

  • @9094mtz
    @9094mtz 4 года назад +1

    Love it.🤩

  • @mehmood020
    @mehmood020 4 года назад +1

    Good way to boost your team morally

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +1

      And a good way to reward mediocrity and prevent real progress.

    • @wb6892
      @wb6892 4 года назад +1

      @@AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE I agree with this video, but I whole heartedly agree with your comment as well. Seen it happen.

  • @remindertostayhealthy5804
    @remindertostayhealthy5804 4 года назад +1

    I enjoyed this

  • @archenema6792
    @archenema6792 4 года назад +5

    This must be the basement of the Paris Opera House, because I keep seeing the Phantom.

  • @renukaburri8222
    @renukaburri8222 4 года назад

    It's nice.But why haven't you ever called bts for Ted talks.They are one of the world's greatest inspirations.People listens to them with full excitement and follow their advice.pps call bts

  • @scifisurfer8879
    @scifisurfer8879 4 года назад +1

    I'll make one other comment, and again, I'm not really trying to shoot down the lady who did this TEDtalk, so just take this as a comment in parallel with her video.
    Most businesses are run by people who, from what studies and statistics tell us, are somewhere on the spectrum of sociopath. Beyond that, as a company grows and becomes significant, it starts to have positions of power. Positions of power tend to draw people who crave power, and once again this means a lot of these positions are filled by sociopathic spectrum folk.
    I'll remind everyone: sociopath ≠ psychopath.
    The higher the level the position, the more likely the person filling it is this way. Ultimately, they give out regular praise or other things this TEDtalk speaker has, does, or might suggest because it's the latest trendy corporate-speak / corporate-think thing.
    I think the biggest reason all of this human-focused stuff tends to feel fake is the people doing it are ultimately just going through the motions.
    Now, maybe in some companies, or around certain highly specialized, high-level positions, emotion and creativity and so on are recognized as key, but for most of us, either you keep your nose to the grindstone and keep delivering whatever results are prised, or you're basically considered to be of inadequate value.
    Honestly, if you really want to do the world some good, find a way to round up all the sociopathic tendency folks in companies and replace them with normal, feeling (as well as thinking) folk.

  • @rashiagrawal7107
    @rashiagrawal7107 4 года назад +1

    If anyone in this comment box knows any good youtuber for b.com(H) plz suggest ✌️✌️

  • @triple3299
    @triple3299 4 года назад

    Pls give me indonesian caption

  • @valerieorlik8674
    @valerieorlik8674 4 года назад

    I was recognized as working girl. Excellent vidéo. Trustfull in a better future. I Wish you courage in those trouble days. Be careful with coronavirus using mask

  • @AriAzHandle
    @AriAzHandle 4 года назад

  • @markstansbury6795
    @markstansbury6795 4 года назад +3

    I can assure you that i dont need to be told im good at what i do. I make my employers money and thats all they care about.

    • @alexb2612
      @alexb2612 4 года назад +2

      Yeah but I bet you would make more if you had a pat on the back now and then.

    • @Bretw4ld4
      @Bretw4ld4 4 года назад +1

      @@alexb2612 never needed it. Never will.

    • @miguelmadrid6782
      @miguelmadrid6782 4 года назад +1

      @@alexb2612 not necessarily, especially now days as an essential worker. Employers are taking advantage in most cases of their employees. Thinking that they can run a business with the lowest payroll and endorsing more tasks towards the employee. Even though some employees are amazing at what they do, they still do not get promoted or even paid a bit extra.

    • @JaysonT1
      @JaysonT1 4 года назад

      I worked with some of the worst co-workers who claimed how good they were.

    • @youmustmonthebiff
      @youmustmonthebiff 4 года назад +1

      Bretw4ld4 oooh, a tough guy.

  • @scapegoatiscariot2767
    @scapegoatiscariot2767 4 года назад +2

    What could be the possible sense in putting a light in the camera shot? You're supposed to film with the sun behind you, not in front of you. No. Just no.

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 4 года назад

    Discover and Understand the DIFFERENCE, between "LIFE (The Real Self)", and the human PRIMATE.... Don't allow yourself "LIFE (The Real Self)", to become ENSLAVED to the human PRIMATE.... DOUBLE LOGIC in the human GENOME, adversely affects ALL human activity, including 'THOUGHT' and 'REASON', as well as being the Source of 'SUFFERING' and 'DEATH'.

  • @privateerburrows
    @privateerburrows 4 года назад +3

    This is waaaaay too simplistic.
    As much as I love true, heart felt recognition, I absolutely hate formulaic, dishonest and manipulative recognition tokens. You are pushing for formulaic expressions of recognition.
    Yes, you ARE.
    True recognition doesn't need to be encouraged; it happens naturally. So what you are encouraging is "a formula".
    If you were honest, you'd be posing the question of why are so many managers OBLIVIOUS to the good work some people are doing. You confuse recognition with EXPRESSING recognition. If I have a boss who recognizes the quality of my work but doesn't Express it, I'm okay with that. Much better than someone making expressions of recognition but which are not coming from the heart.

  • @supersonictumbleweed
    @supersonictumbleweed 4 года назад

    Corporate HR? Maybe your corporate HR

  • @kevinm8865
    @kevinm8865 4 года назад

    Meh. Some decent content but if you consider yourself to have a "high" (certainly is subjective) emorional IQ, you know this already.
    Nevertheless, it's good to get this out for those that need a refresher or doubt know. Thanks for sharing!

  • @mmoarchives2542
    @mmoarchives2542 4 года назад

    team members need to stop complaining and realize it's your job to do things and be glad you have a job

    @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +3

    Maybe people need to earn recognition instead of requiring it? Food for thought?

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +2

      @elijah long Definitely. What goes around comes around. The only true means of progression is through the external doing of positive and virtuous acting. Those who only beg and plead for goodness will never see it come to them if they do not do good to the world around them.

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад

      Karmaic principles or Sir Isaac Newton's law of "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" in full effect that everyone should be able to observe within a single lifetime.

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +1

      @elijah long I'm so glad there are people like you who still seem to have common sense about them haha... the world will be changing very rapidly, and I think it will be people like us who are not just followers of the status quo, but people with a mind of their own which will live and prosper in the new world that awaits us. Here's to a better and more moral planet in the decades to come. There might be times of suffering and turmoil ahead, but in the end it should be for the good of humanity.

    • @vidredd5497
      @vidredd5497 4 года назад

      I don't think she is saying to earn it first, but recognise it as it is done. I know a lot of people who deserve it, but their workplace doesn't recognise the work they do. These employees often leave to a workplace that appreciates them, by showing it.

  • @captainnemo2150
    @captainnemo2150 4 года назад +2

    The help is insignificant

    • @captainnemo2150
      @captainnemo2150 4 года назад

      @Cal calli cause anyone can be the "help"

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад

      @Cal calli Every sentence ends with a full stop dear, and you don't put a space between the last word or letter and the full stop. Use my comment as a guide if you need.

  • @owenthecook
    @owenthecook 4 года назад

    Undo recognition and praise? Is this ‘participation trophy’ for adults?
    How about the good old pep talk: “Tommy, I know you have given your best, but you are just not up to the bar, we gonna let you go. Hope you do better somewhere else.”

  • @blanktank999
    @blanktank999 4 года назад +3

    Schools of whining fish cant be singled out

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +2

      I'd be inclined to agree. Reward should be given upon proven excellence, not mere existence.

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад

      @elijah long Amen. As a great devotee of many spiritual practises I couldn't agree more. As Above, So Below, and as Within, so Without. We all share the same source of origin, but so many of us have lost the way and have become completely absorbed by the manipulations of an external world and animalism that I would find myself hard pressed to call even half of humanity as truly "human" any more. We should all be like angels if we knew our true being and purpose.

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +2

      @elijah long And you my friend. I am not a Christian but I believe at least that Jesus was an enlightened person that knew the secrets of reality and our part in this physical world. What really matters is how we live our lives, and if we can all live like Jesus did then we've done our part.

    • @archenema6792
      @archenema6792 4 года назад +1

      @@AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE As an ordained Pelagian cleric, I must say that your opinions sound quite similar to those of many of our adherents. 👍💚

      @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 4 года назад +1

      @@archenema6792 I wasn't aware of that sect previously, but after looking into it I completely agree. Humanity could never really be doomed just by it's existence or origins, there is always going to be a way forward, and as far as I can tell Jesus' teachings in the New Testament speak entirely about the perfection of man and how living like him can bring us all to such a state that we are destined to be at. There is no logical or reasonable reason to presume that we would be created flawed or be doomed to be flawed through the acts of our ancestors and thus remain flawed without the ability to redeem ourselves through our own actions and virtuous living. Just because perhaps 90% of humanity doesn't seem to be able of living according to the law of the heavens, doesn't mean that some of us cannot.

  • @johndonaldson3619
    @johndonaldson3619 4 года назад

    The reward is they THEY GET PAID 0 its a JOB!

  • @quswarabid
    @quswarabid 4 года назад

    Is she going through some chemotherapy? She looks like she is wearing a wig. Am I the only one?