+BadDreamFancyDress He was hanging with the post-punk band Virgin Prunes, eventually became Princess Tinymeat, making a weird but fantastic album (more like a compilation of eps) where he is playing with gender identity a lot. Than came back to his real name Daniel Figgis making a couple albums and some serious-oriented music recently (also involved with theatre). To be honest I do not much what he's up to these days.
So lovely - but who WAS he?
.... and where is he now?
+BadDreamFancyDress He was hanging with the post-punk band Virgin Prunes, eventually became Princess Tinymeat, making a weird but fantastic album (more like a compilation of eps) where he is playing with gender identity a lot. Than came back to his real name Daniel Figgis making a couple albums and some serious-oriented music recently (also involved with theatre). To be honest I do not much what he's up to these days.
Thanks - always wondered ;)
@@Neurozumim The album Skipper is a Masterpiece