Aion Ranger PVP 3.0 Vol. 2
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Aion Ranger 3.0 PVP
Server - Lantis/Лантис, Russia, Official Server
Character - Sward
There is no armory on russian server.
My equipment:
1. Fair Warning - Hang On
2. Altaria - Falling Again Игры
Хорошее видео, Свард. Приятно видеть тебя еще в строю :0)
great video :) and really nice gameplay :P
Look in your options,There is a toggle for where you want the bars..
Awesome gameplay, gz.
Sward Gj Man =) you are very good...i am currently playing in EU as a ranger and training in pvp :P i cant wait EU to go in 3.0 =)))
lol Ranger is one of the Best PvP Classes!! GET OVER IT!!! Ranger WAS and will be forever THE BEST!
Чем то похож на Симку)
Хорошо играешь!
Давненько это было. Посмотрел... вспомнил... ну его в баню )))
One Question what do u think ? Balic weapon with Courage insignias bow fused under ?
or LVL 60 ap bow with Courage insignias bow fused under?
Great video
Свард, ты лучший лук.
How you use lightning arrow build and explosive arrow too ? btw you need more 2 space for them.... can you tell me is this privite server or original russian ?
back in beta and 1.0 - lower 2, it was pretty much a hidden agreement to never use pots in pvp. no one except noobs used them. i miss those days
how were you able to move your hp and mp bar to the top left corner of the screen?
*speaks slowly* I'ts all about magic...
Lol, although i'd like to hope it was magic, because that would make me very special, its not :D
Go to the options and it's in the Game Options section on the right side, look for it. There's also other cool option to help out your gameplay ;)
отступление красиво используешь
хмм...за музыку плюс) А сама игра мне тоже нравится)
How do you have all the Gearterstigma Pls tell me :P
good good
In the options settings :)
Where i can see your stigmas please ?! ^^
at 3.0 who much stigma slot?
шмотки со стволом есть , а ручки то еще не выросли :( Дружище , ты не убер тру лук , хочу тебя огорчить (
forgot to say ... 2:55 - 3:00 fucking perfect jumpshot xD to the ones that say jumpshooting is not worthy in the 3.0
Volume 3 ??? xD
any way to check your equipment ?
It's called trying to stay alive . .
Every class is viable in pvp. Obviously ranged has an advantage over melee, but skill plays a huge role. Ranger is probably one of the easiest classes to play but extremely dull, imo. I'm a chanter and ive beaten every class and lost to every class. It pretty much comes down to how well you can play your class and the gear you have. :p
wich bow do you use?
Sward привет, как можно с тобой связаться по скайпу или асе, чтобы получить пару советов по игре за лука?
that was quite rude :(, and btw nice gameplay
is this a server?...
if not link me your char page please
Yeah I had a friend tell me a hour later lol, thanks though.
every class got so op in 3.0
after i hitted 60 with my temp, i just killed a really good sin ( full 50e set +10-12, GBG accs)
and i was on my miraju set lol
just had my kahrun mace, was +0 at this time, and my C2 Shield +5...
But still, i love Sin and Temp s:
Ranger was, and is still second nubest class.
why cant people just fight straight up and move around instead of running to go heal or something.
полагаю, точка м деф\крит?
all ur traps work what is ur MSB?
самый обычный лук с большим дамагом. Bestspiritmaster хорошо сыграл.
I dunno what class you play but YOU my friend must have gotten owned from the back too many times .
0:22 wtf skill :@
what remodel is that? :D
Swaaard u left from aion?
dat song. men, go to option menu...then, check the game t a bohe right corner of the`ll find IU - Bottom in a box...just change bottom to TOP...and that`s it...XD
Тебя с таким пингом не доканывают? А то у меня тоже пниг от 12, называют читом :D
that's a private server?
but its lame how the ranger fires behind lol ! not even facing the enemy !
Kpum :P
russian servers dont have char pages
@bullseyextxt 6 normal and 6 advanced
no srsly how I'm wondering too now lol
private server?
Aion ru is F2P?
круто, но всеравно не каматоз...
2.7 око, дуэли слитые всухую. Что удалил то ?))
nope, just most profitable
Dang ranger has such high DPS but such a weak link can only 1v1 or 1v2. Glad can go in n hatamachi entire group n eat their friends for breakfast
hm what ever lol
каматоз?криворукое тело? вспоминаются времена 1.5 когда каматоз фармил ап на 40+ в решанте на нубах около крепы асмов,1-2 ап норм корейский задрот