Another beautiful song coming from Iceland - real, honest, touching...and strong! I can't understand any word - but Icelandic is such a wonderful language and a real treasure in all this globalism :)
Takk Bubbi fyrir að leifa lögunum þínum að vera svona aðgengileg á flestar plötur eða geysladiska en þetta er meiriháttar þúsund þakkir.Gangi þér allt í haginn félagi
thanks for help. i will listen more carefully next time. in other songs i can understand the words when text is included. bubbi sounds like a complex individual. i mean this in a good sense. problems and solving them is a source of inspiration.
+michladd24 I tried translating it into English. It's up above. I tried to put it into the same format as the Icelandic text provided by Noj Moj, but the computer turned the whole thing into a paragraph.
Lyrics : Lag og texti: Bubbi Morthens Er síminn hringdi þá svaf borgin. Ég sat sem lamaður við þá frétt. Ég fylltist reiði - síðan kom sorgin sumar fréttir hljóma aldrei rétt. Ég var orðinn edrú þegar hann fæddist aldrei gleymi ég þeirri stund. Sú tíð var liðin er ég drukkinn læddist um húsið heima með svarta lund. Og núna sit ég hér á að svara þér sit við þetta borð og þú segir mér að sonur minn sé ákærður fyrir morð. Faðir minn heitinn var harður maður með hjartað vel falið og ráma rödd. Okkar heimili varð hans drykkjustaður við forðuðumst að verða á vegi hans stödd. Þannig liðu árin uns ég fór að heiman úti var veröldin svo risastór. En ættardrauginn ég dæmdist að teyma drykkjan fylgdi mér hvert sem ég fór. Ég og mín kona ólum upp þrjú börnin eftir bestu getu og tíminn leið. Stundum var vöndurinn eina vörnin ef villtust börnin af réttri leið. Hann hef ég elskað frá fyrstu stundu frá fyrstu mínútu í lífi hans. En syndir feðranna drenginn minn fundu og færðu honum að gjöf ólukkukrans. Sonur minn er ekki illur maður engin sál veit sinn lífs veg. Sem lítill drengur var hann góður - glaður nú græt ég hans örlög - hryggileg.
I gave a shot at the translation. I'm not a professional Icelandic translator, so I'm sure there are errors: Sins of the Fathers. The phone rang as the city slept. I sat paralyzed by the news. I was filled with anger - then came sorrow, some news never sounds right. I became sober when he was born, I never forgot that moment. Time passed I tiptoed around the house ill tempered. And now I sit at this table so I can respond to you. And you tell me my son is accused of murder. My late father was a stern man, with a heart well hidden and a husky voice. Our home became his place for drinking, where we avoided his path. So the years passed until I left, the world was so huge. But the tribal ghost I judged lead to drinking, it followed me where ever I went. As time went by my wife and I raised three children as best we could. If the children strayed from the right path the rod was the only defense we had. I loved him from the first moment, the first minute of his life. But my son found the sins of the fathers, bringing him the gift of the wreath of misfortune. My son is not an evil man, no soul knows the course he took. As a small boy he was good - happy now I weep for his fate - tragically
Lyrics! 2/3 My late father, Was a hard man He had his heart well hidden And a hoarse voice Our home was his drinking place We avoided awaking his attention. That's how the years passed, until I left home Outside the world was so giganticl. But my family ghost I had to carry My drinking followed me Wherever I went. And now I sit here supposed to answer you, sitting by this table and you are telling me that my son is accused of murder
Án efa, ahrifaríkasti textinn sem saminn hefur verið um þetta málefni. Skrifaður af manni sem hefur verið á staðnum og veit og skilur. Úrvalsefni sem ég hlusta á reglulega ár eftir ár.
Lyrics 1/3 The phone ran, The City was sleeping, I was numb, as I heard these news. I was so angered Then the sadness took over Some news don't Ever sound right I was already sober, When he was born I will never forget That momnent But that moment was over As I sneaked around drunk Around the house With a black temper. And now I sit here supposed to answer you, sitting by this table and you are telling me that my son is accused of murder
Our home was his drinking places forðuðumst to be standing in his path. So it took years until I left home outside world was so huge. But the family ghost I judged the teams drinking followed me everywhere I went. Me and my wife grew up three children its best time and way. Sometimes it was a terrible one instrument protection if children go astray from the path. I loved him from the first moment from the first minute of his life.
@alfredpeter1 sings about the sins of the fathers, He sings that his father was a drunk and beat his family, he moved out only to be a drunk him self. until he had a son, So he's been trying to stay sober. His son like he says was a happy boy with no problems, then the sins of the fathers found him and the son became a drunk and is being accused of murder. Kinda making this song sound not so good.. But if you'd understand what he is actually saying word by word. Beautiful song, and a sad song .
kan nogen vaer saa venlig aa oversaette litt av songen paa skandinavisk, tysk eller engelsk? det laater saa veldig fint. jeg tror det er slet ikke saa umuligt aa laere islensk, men man kan ikke laere alle spraak i bara et liv. i agree with all those who love the sound, but it probably means so much more to know what he's singing about. I alle fall, eg kommer tilbake. tusend takkk for posting Alfred
4/3... Yeah, not letting a thing go!!! My son, is not an evil man No soul knows its life's way. As a small boy, He was a very good boy Now I cry his fate Very horrible fate(his very horrible fate, there is a repitition there.) And now I sit here supposed to answer you, sitting by this able and you are telling me that my son is accused of murder repeat And you are telling me That my son Is accused of murder
Glæsilegt lag Textinn er finnst mér sniðin að manni sem ég þekki mjög vel og sonur hans sem fetaði ógæfubrautina myrðir unga konu og ég veit að faðir drengsins og Bubbi þekkjast mjög vel og kæmi mér ekki á óvart að innblástur Bubba sé sóttur í það mál Hann hef ég elskað frá fyrstu stundu er mjög dramatískt enda elskum við öll börnin okkar og örlögin haga því ansi oft að lífið breytist í martröð en á endanum elskum við öll okkar hversu mikið sem örlögin haga lífi einstaklingana
But the sins of the fathers boy found and brought him a gift ólukku crown. My son is not an evil man No soul knows its way of life. As a small boy he was good - happy now I'm crying his fate - spine says.
computer in icelandic is tölva, its a new word made from two words tal and völva, tal means to speak and völva is just a kind of a mythical rely wise woman. so tal + völva = tölva. television in icelandic is sjónvarp, two icelandic words put together sjón means sight and varp means projection. :)
Well i think it is about love, it is about the love between a father and son. Even though he has committed murder and he is regretting the mistakes he made when bringing him up.
argh, det skulle se lidt bedre ud... men alligevel... Min døde far var en hård mand som skjulte sit hjerte og havde en rusten stemme. Vores hjem var hans drikkested og vi forsøgte sø at undgå ham. Så gik tiden og jeg flyttede hjemmefra verden derude var så enormt stor. Men familiedjævlen kunne jeg ikke løbe væk fra alkoholen kom efter mig, hvorhen som jeg gik.
3/3.... there is more... Me and my wife raised the three children, At the best we could Time passed. Sometimes spanking Was the only protection If the children got lost on their way. Him I have loved. From the first moment From the first minutes In his life! But the sins of his fathers. Found my boy. And gave him The bad luck charm And now I sit here supposed to answer you, sitting by this table and you are telling me that my son is accused of murder.
@Linaria Þú skrifar ótrúlega vel, mjög góður árangur hjá þér :-) Til hamingju!! Kærasta mín frá Danmörku er einnig að læra okkar undursamlega tungumál, henni finnst einnig málfræðin mjög erfið.... ...ekki það að danskan sé eitthvað auðveld, mér finnst danska allavega erfitt tungumál... vá hvað er ég að röfla... ;-) kv. RNA niðurbrot
Is the phone rang the city slept. I sat paralyzed as with the news. I was filled with anger - then came grief Some news never sounded right. I became sober when he was born I never forget that moment. The time was past when I crept drunk the house live in a dark grove. And now I sit here to answer you sit at this table and you tell me my son is charged with murder. My father was a hard man named with heart well hidden and Rama voice.
saw Bubbi as a warm-up artist for Imperiet på Sardines in Oslo 1988, never forgotten this God-given artist.
when I arrived in Iceland, I felt an overwhelming feeling of being home.
I'm Yorkshire born , but Iceland is in my heart - I love this song
Jónas sig
I remember Bubbi and Gcd in Reykjavik 1993... i was 19 years old and the sun did shine, i lived there for one year, some day il be back :)
Another beautiful song coming from Iceland - real, honest, touching...and strong!
I can't understand any word - but Icelandic is such a wonderful language and a real treasure in all this globalism :)
Its about a son that becomes a murder
@@heschesizde3503 sure... but i'd say it's more like; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. kinda like cats in the cradle in a way.
Takk Bubbi fyrir að leifa lögunum þínum að vera svona aðgengileg á flestar plötur eða geysladiska en þetta er meiriháttar þúsund þakkir.Gangi þér allt í haginn félagi
Nydelig sang. Begynner å forstå noe tekst, inspirerende og flott. Takk fra Norge
Good, nice relaxe song.
I discovered Bubbi about 2 years ago , wish I'd found him a lot earlier . Love this song in particular.
Best bluessong ever. This is fantastic. Im hard core blues. This is so sad.
thanks for help. i will listen more carefully next time. in other songs i can understand the words when text is included. bubbi sounds like a complex individual. i mean this in a good sense. problems and solving them is a source of inspiration.
með því betra frá Bubba.
Nice song with strong lyrics and pleasant singing voice.
Margt má segja, en fæst ekki sagt í heilli ritgerd. Takk Bubbi fyrir ad verma hjarta mitt med yndislegum løgum thínum geggnum tídina.
Can't understand a single word in this song, but I LOVE IT!!!!! Would love to have the full English translation!.
+michladd24 I tried translating it into English. It's up above. I tried to put it into the same format as the Icelandic text provided by Noj Moj, but the computer turned the whole thing into a paragraph.
I think it’s about his first born child being accused for murder but it’s also about how much he appreciates him
Lyrics :
Lag og texti: Bubbi Morthens
Er síminn hringdi þá svaf borgin.
Ég sat sem lamaður við þá frétt.
Ég fylltist reiði - síðan kom sorgin
sumar fréttir hljóma aldrei rétt.
Ég var orðinn edrú þegar hann fæddist
aldrei gleymi ég þeirri stund.
Sú tíð var liðin er ég drukkinn læddist
um húsið heima með svarta lund.
Og núna sit ég hér
á að svara þér
sit við þetta borð
og þú segir mér
að sonur minn
sé ákærður fyrir morð.
Faðir minn heitinn var harður maður
með hjartað vel falið og ráma rödd.
Okkar heimili varð hans drykkjustaður
við forðuðumst að verða á vegi hans stödd.
Þannig liðu árin uns ég fór að heiman
úti var veröldin svo risastór.
En ættardrauginn ég dæmdist að teyma
drykkjan fylgdi mér hvert sem ég fór.
Ég og mín kona ólum upp þrjú börnin
eftir bestu getu og tíminn leið.
Stundum var vöndurinn eina vörnin
ef villtust börnin af réttri leið.
Hann hef ég elskað frá fyrstu stundu
frá fyrstu mínútu í lífi hans.
En syndir feðranna drenginn minn fundu
og færðu honum að gjöf ólukkukrans.
Sonur minn er ekki illur maður
engin sál veit sinn lífs veg.
Sem lítill drengur var hann góður - glaður
nú græt ég hans örlög - hryggileg.
Miss you very much... i love iceland...From Brasil..
Também gostei
Så jävla bra låt...
I gave a shot at the translation. I'm not a professional Icelandic translator, so I'm sure there are errors: Sins of the Fathers. The phone rang as the city slept. I sat paralyzed by the news. I was filled with anger - then came sorrow, some news never sounds right. I became sober when he was born, I never forgot that moment. Time passed I tiptoed around the house ill tempered. And now I sit at this table so I can respond to you. And you tell me my son is accused of murder. My late father was a stern man, with a heart well hidden and a husky voice. Our home became his place for drinking, where we avoided his path. So the years passed until I left, the world was so huge. But the tribal ghost I judged lead to drinking, it followed me where ever I went. As time went by my wife and I raised three children as best we could. If the children strayed from the right path the rod was the only defense we had. I loved him from the first moment, the first minute of his life. But my son found the sins of the fathers, bringing him the gift of the wreath of misfortune. My son is not an evil man, no soul knows the course he took. As a small boy he was good - happy now I weep for his fate - tragically
+James Hendin thank you so much for translate the song!
I'm Icelandic and this is quite accurate, well done
Þakka þér fyrir!
Islensku, one of the grandest germanic languages 💙
spot on....redaing your translation made me actually listen to the lyrics....deep and dark lyrics!
Eitt af bestu logum Bubba sem hafa snert marga
Lyrics! 2/3
My late father,
Was a hard man
He had his heart well hidden
And a hoarse voice
Our home was
his drinking place
We avoided awaking his attention.
That's how the years passed,
until I left home
Outside the world was so giganticl.
But my family ghost
I had to carry
My drinking followed me
Wherever I went.
And now I sit here
supposed to answer you,
sitting by this table
and you are telling me
that my son
is accused of murder
sorglegt gott og fallegt lag bubbi er awesome
ahhh, alltaf gott að hlusta á bubba
Án efa, ahrifaríkasti textinn sem saminn hefur verið um þetta málefni. Skrifaður af manni sem hefur verið á staðnum og veit og skilur. Úrvalsefni sem ég hlusta á reglulega ár eftir ár.
Lyrics 1/3
The phone ran,
The City was sleeping,
I was numb,
as I heard these news.
I was so angered
Then the sadness took over
Some news don't
Ever sound right
I was already sober,
When he was born
I will never forget
That momnent
But that moment was over
As I sneaked around drunk
Around the house
With a black temper.
And now I sit here
supposed to answer you,
sitting by this table
and you are telling me
that my son
is accused of murder
Það syngur enginn fallegar en þú Bubbi.
einfach schön
Our home was his drinking places
forðuðumst to be standing in his path.
So it took years until I left home
outside world was so huge.
But the family ghost I judged the teams
drinking followed me everywhere I went.
Me and my wife grew up three children
its best time and way.
Sometimes it was a terrible one instrument protection
if children go astray from the path.
I loved him from the first moment
from the first minute of his life.
bubbi er besti söngvari
Átakanlegur teksti tekin trúlega beint úr raunveruleikanum.
Capo el bubbi es el mejor vecino
Must go to Iceland and se Bubbi! :)
i'm chilean but my heart and mind are from iceland ❤
You are welcome here 🤗
Bestur 💜
@alfredpeter1 sings about the sins of the fathers, He sings that his father was a drunk and beat his family, he moved out only to be a drunk him self. until he had a son, So he's been trying to stay sober. His son like he says was a happy boy with no problems, then the sins of the fathers found him and the son became a drunk and is being accused of murder. Kinda making this song sound not so good.. But if you'd understand what he is actually saying word by word. Beautiful song, and a sad song .
Ekta blues. ❤
Þvilíkur maður ,, og geðveikt lag og texti
ég elska tig bubi
This is a song about the loss of hope that comes along with alcoholism
kan nogen vaer saa venlig aa oversaette litt av songen paa skandinavisk, tysk eller engelsk? det laater saa veldig fint. jeg tror det er slet ikke saa umuligt aa laere islensk, men man kan ikke laere alle spraak i bara et liv. i agree with all those who love the sound, but it probably means so much more to know what he's singing about. I alle fall, eg kommer tilbake. tusend takkk for posting Alfred
Bubbi is the nuts
@shylien amazing story.
Mikil boðskapur
4/3... Yeah, not letting a thing go!!!
My son, is not an evil man
No soul knows its life's way.
As a small boy,
He was a very good boy
Now I cry his fate
Very horrible fate(his very horrible fate, there is a repitition there.)
And now I sit here
supposed to answer you,
sitting by this able
and you are telling me
that my son
is accused of murder
And you are telling me
That my son
Is accused of murder
Glæsilegt lag Textinn er finnst mér sniðin að manni sem ég þekki mjög vel og sonur hans sem fetaði ógæfubrautina myrðir unga konu og ég veit að faðir drengsins og Bubbi þekkjast mjög vel og kæmi mér ekki á óvart að innblástur Bubba sé sóttur í það mál
Hann hef ég elskað frá fyrstu stundu er mjög dramatískt enda elskum við öll börnin okkar og örlögin haga því ansi oft að lífið breytist í martröð en á endanum elskum við öll okkar hversu mikið sem örlögin haga lífi einstaklingana
Öll löginn sem þú hefur verið að syngja eru mjög fallegt
@andreaissexxxy it is...
But the sins of the fathers boy found
and brought him a gift ólukku crown.
My son is not an evil man
No soul knows its way of life.
As a small boy he was good - happy
now I'm crying his fate - spine says.
computer in icelandic is tölva, its a new word made from two words tal and völva, tal means to speak and völva is just a kind of a mythical rely wise woman. so tal + völva = tölva. television in icelandic is sjónvarp, two icelandic words put together sjón means sight and varp means projection. :)
@andreaissexxxy this song is about a father who has a son that killed a man !
Well i think it is about love, it is about the love between a father and son. Even though he has committed murder and he is regretting the mistakes he made when bringing him up.
orð fá þessu lagi ekki lýst!
Hvað með honum og stulkunni?
@erb210290 this song is about a father who has a son that killed a man !
argh, det skulle se lidt bedre ud... men alligevel...
Min døde far var en hård mand
som skjulte sit hjerte og havde en rusten stemme.
Vores hjem var hans drikkested
og vi forsøgte sø at undgå ham.
Så gik tiden og jeg flyttede hjemmefra
verden derude var så enormt stor.
Men familiedjævlen kunne jeg ikke løbe væk fra
alkoholen kom efter mig, hvorhen som jeg gik.
Er ekki í lagi með þig herra merkilegur Bobbi ?
I want more songs with English
eg fyllst reiði og svo kom sorgin sumar fréttir hljóma aldrei rétt, vá hvað þetta er flott
It is called teryaki Soldier..... super ficial artifical... necleted supersoldiers. :)
than you
isländska bluesið þetta er blues 🇮🇸
3/3.... there is more...
Me and my wife
raised the three children,
At the best we could
Time passed.
Sometimes spanking
Was the only protection
If the children got lost on their way.
Him I have loved.
From the first moment
From the first minutes In his life!
But the sins of his fathers.
Found my boy.
And gave him
The bad luck charm
And now I sit here
supposed to answer you,
sitting by this table
and you are telling me
that my son
is accused of murder.
Takk Bubbi
Þú skrifar ótrúlega vel, mjög góður árangur hjá þér :-) Til hamingju!!
Kærasta mín frá Danmörku er einnig að læra okkar undursamlega tungumál, henni finnst einnig málfræðin mjög erfið.... ...ekki það að danskan sé eitthvað auðveld, mér finnst danska allavega erfitt tungumál...
vá hvað er ég að röfla... ;-)
RNA niðurbrot
svo endalaust flott lag!
Instrumental versions please
He is talking about his life background i think
Drykkjan fylgdi mér hvert sem ég fór
mér líka!
klárlega besti söngvari íslands
+Soldis Eva 05 þú ert bara þunglynd soldís
Sóldís Eva
Af sinni kynslóð
Bubbi er kóngurinn
fallegt lag
Þetta lag er svo gott á svo mörgum levels
The song is so much better if you understand the lyrics :)
@KuraiJapaneseStyle hard but not impossible. German has a lot in common with Icelandic :)
Hvernig getur eitthvert spendýr hatað tónlistina hans ? og Leoncie þar með talin
geturu komið á smfés 2k17 plzzz
kannski 2k18 bby
helvítis krakka djoflar eins gott tid frarid í einhvern
@erb210290 thatz amazing
@NorsePaganis Thnxs / Takk fyrir :)
Is the phone rang the city slept.
I sat paralyzed as with the news.
I was filled with anger - then came grief
Some news never sounded right.
I became sober when he was born
I never forget that moment.
The time was past when I crept drunk
the house live in a dark grove.
And now I sit here
to answer you
sit at this table
and you tell me
my son
is charged with murder.
My father was a hard man named
with heart well hidden and Rama voice.
was his name......Ægir(Æsi),with red hair?
maður fær gæshuð á þessu lag
It's not really about love.. it's about someone's son being convicted of murder.
hrein unnun að hlusta á
Lag og texti er : Bubbi
Æðislegt lag eins og Bubba er einum lagið
@MrHoodin ég held að það sé Hiroshima.... ekki nýbúinn :p
aðeins of gott lag :D
What Icelandic cool
Kveðja frá USA
@viago2 Icelandic* Icelandic is not the same as Danish :)
hetjan þin var að gefa ut bok BUBBI ... ER NAUÐSYNLEGT AÐ SKJOTA HANN
Glæsilegt flott
Þetta er svakalegur texti og lag
❤ Áfram Ísland ⚽ ❤
Þetta er blues
eg elska þetta lag og þetta er mjög flott alg
got lagg :D