Clinica "Implantodent International" Romania. Advanced implantology (Zygomatic Implants & All-on-4).

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Clinica Implantodent International reprezinta cea mai noua investitie reaizata de dr Chemal Taner, fiind o clinica dentara moderna, cu servicii stomatologice complexe, in special in domeniul implantologiei orale. Pacienti romani si straini vin in aceasta oaza de confort si liniste, pentru a-si trata eficient si in siguranta, provlemele dentare complexe, cauzate de pierderea dintilor. Tratamentele de implantologie avansata cu implanturi conventionale si zigomatice pe care le realizam de multi ani, ne recomanda ca "prima alegere" in reabilitarea imediata si fixa a edentatiei totale.
    Implantodent International Clinic is the latest investment by Chemal family, a modern dental clinic with complex dental services, especially in the field of oral implantology. Romanian and foreign patients come to this oasis of comfort and tranquility, in order to efficiently and safely treat complex dental problems caused by the loss of teeth. Advanced implantology treatments with conventional and zygomatic implants that we have been doing for many years recommend us as the "first choice" in the immediate and fixed rehabilitation of total edentation.

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