What is the Funniest Homebrew Item or Mechanic you've seen? #1

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 211

  • @hellhounds2034
    @hellhounds2034 4 года назад +102

    The Slapfish. an entire red salmon (female) with cord around the tail. it's immortal, indestructible, and is a +1 great club. started as a joke and quickly turned into the most cared-about-weapon in the entirety of my D&D campaign. so much so that it's now transcended across ALL my campaigns. this fish is alive and sentient. it has severe separation anxiety and whenever the wielding player comes up with his BS weapon ideas (it got annoying), the fish would evolve itself into a different fish to fit the need. need a rapier? now it's a sword fish! want a greatsword? now it's a sailfish! how about a tactical nuke? fly up high, drop the fish, and have it turn into a Mola Mola!

    • @winstonpan6051
      @winstonpan6051 4 года назад +10

      Holy shit that sounds epic lmao

    • @Manoto17
      @Manoto17 3 года назад +2

      You dare insult the son of a shepherd?!

  • @Tristan1062
    @Tristan1062 3 года назад +10

    “The Wand of Fuck” not what you’d think. It cast fireball at 5th level with a range of self. Naturally as a rogue with Evasion I used it to ‘suicide’ bomb people and take no damage.

  • @ThePrincessAsshole
    @ThePrincessAsshole 4 года назад +118

    Ah yes, the Deck of Fake Shit. One of my greatest/unholiest of homebrew items. Thanks for reading my story, it was fun to come back to that months old comment. Havent done another oneshot yet, but I might if I get the time (and if I dont brainfart on the combat like last time)

    • @chiliwithonel
      @chiliwithonel 4 года назад +15

      I need to know all the options in the deck of fake shit because omg I may wanna use that

    • @PinPointPyro
      @PinPointPyro 4 года назад +9

      Do you happen to have a list of what the deck od fake shit contains? Cuz I adore that idea so much!

    • @ThePrincessAsshole
      @ThePrincessAsshole 4 года назад +20

      Since some people are interested this, here's a big list of what each card in the deck do! So if you wanna use this piece of shit, then go for it lmao
      1 The Mark - When drawing this card, the next 2 words that get said, will suddenly imprint themselves upon the drawer of the card`s body. Roll a d20, it determines how much of the body will be covered by these magical tattoos. A Nat 20 will cover the entire body, and a Nat 1 will place the 2 words over one area of the body (the DM can choose ;) ). These tattoos cannot be removed by any magical means, but will disappear after 1 year.
      2 Spicy - The DM rolls a 1d6. It determines what random building or large object fucking explodes.
      3 True Form - Your appearance is now cursed. For 24 hours you look like a clown. Everytime you attack, your weapon emits honking. You also gain disadvantage on Intimidation rolls (unless the person you are trying to intimidate has a phobia of clowns).
      4 Monster - Suddenly, 1d8 cans of Monster Engergy(tm) drink begins to fall from sky, and everyone within a 30 feet vicinity of the card drawer must make a Dex save or take 1d6 bludgenoing damage from getting hit in the head by a fucking can. Also, the energy drinks heal 1d4 hitpoints each.
      5 The Wine - You get the drunk status effect. You have disAdv on attack, dex and int rolls for 2 hours but you have a temporary breath attack (30 feet cone, Int save) that if target fail will also become drunk. Who doesnt like more drinking buddies? ;3
      6 Dignity - You shit your pants. Disasv. on ALL Cha rolls (until you change them).
      7 Fortress - Everyone within 30 ft gets this sudden urge to fortnite-dance for 10 minutes (or 2 turns during combat). As the vibes are too strong to deny when dancing, everyone affected by this cannot attack, cast nor react until the dancing stops.
      8 The (Plot) Armor - You will survive ONE attack that could kill/ko you.
      9 Dignity 2 - The same but now everyone within 60 ft of you shits their pants. Same effects as the first Dignity card.
      10 The Cannon - You find a nerf gun (magic weapon) in front of you, 1d12 piercing, ranged. Dex-based weapon.
      11 Snorlax - Without much of a warning, you fall unconcious and sleep for 2 hours. You gain the ability to speak and cast in sleep, but this goes away once you wake up. You can also sleepwalk but your speed is halved.
      12 The Noid - You are suddenly teleported into an medieval Ikea and you will have to spend 30 min (or 3 turns during combat) dashing back to your original location. The IKEA can work as a furniture shop if the DM so desires (because what adventuring party doesnt want to buy furniture to bring with them on their adventures?).
      13 Shinji - This card inflicts the person with the Loser status effect, causing them to temporarily lose their self esteem. It causes disAdv on ALL ROLLS. You need to rolls a Nat 20 to get your esteem back, as this effect cannot be removed by normal means.

  • @NameIsDoc
    @NameIsDoc 4 года назад +71

    Concentrated healing potion. - partially based on the potion seller meme, this is a moderately small bottle thick viscous fluid meant to be defused in water to make healing potions. The higher the concentration the better the potion. However if you consume it without defusing it in water and fail a con save you will "heal" in various horrifying ways. It was used twice by my brother maliciously. First was a bandit who only got force fed a single swallow. His eyes nose and mouth healed over choking him to death. They threw the entire bottle into the mouth of a particularly large monster once and while it eventually died it was super charged for a few rounds healing wounds instantly. It's eyes did get grown over but because it was strong could use an action to rip open its mouth again it slowly (like 8-12 rounds of combat) mutated and turned into a mass of spreading tumors.
    With the bottle gone they never sought out another concentrated dose. Instead buying the normal stuff at stores by trained professionals.

    • @Attaxalotl
      @Attaxalotl 4 года назад +2

      that sounds like the nerfing gun from the SCP wiki. Not in concept, but in how you used it for things the creator of it did not mean it to do.

    • @NameIsDoc
      @NameIsDoc 4 года назад +2

      @@Attaxalotl its more like that one necklace in my opinion

    • @dogf421
      @dogf421 4 года назад +2

      fuck it, akira potion

    • @Attaxalotl
      @Attaxalotl 4 года назад +1

      @@NameIsDoc Oh yeah! I completely forgot that that necklace existed! It's exactly like that.

    • @baxterbruce9827
      @baxterbruce9827 3 года назад +2

      *writing this down*

  • @masonwadd3096
    @masonwadd3096 4 года назад +49

    Wooden knife that only cuts wood.

    • @BusterBuizel
      @BusterBuizel 4 года назад +6

      What if you light it on fire, 500 degree knife style?

    • @masonwadd3096
      @masonwadd3096 4 года назад +1

      @@BusterBuizel I'm assuming it would catch on fire, being made of wood, but it was a magic item.

  • @timothymanuel9197
    @timothymanuel9197 4 года назад +17

    the stick of slapping, does 1d4 of damage, but on a crit, the target is hit back 30 feet and has to make a dex saving throw not to be knocked prone, and a laugh track plays as well

    • @nomobobby
      @nomobobby 3 года назад +1

      New definition of "slapstick" that sounds awesome.

  • @gazelle_diamond9768
    @gazelle_diamond9768 4 года назад +118

    The concept for the "bizarre" items almost sounds like fantasy SCPs.

    • @springtrap1156
      @springtrap1156 4 года назад +10

      The way you quote bizarre makes it seem like you’re about to make a jojo reference

    • @blackgriffinxx
      @blackgriffinxx 4 года назад +8

      It remind me of a show warehouse 13 but more random .

    • @gabrielhiyodo6144
      @gabrielhiyodo6144 4 года назад +1

      Oh it would be awesome

    • @gazelle_diamond9768
      @gazelle_diamond9768 4 года назад +3

      @@springtrap1156 Your next line is going to be "Is that a JoJo reference?!"

    • @springtrap1156
      @springtrap1156 4 года назад +3

      Is that a- NANI?

  • @Allie_Boballie
    @Allie_Boballie 4 года назад +3

    I was running some 5e modules for a group that had mostly only started playing TTRPG's recently. I became worried when I read that the next module on our que had some pretty gnarly cursed items right at the beginning, and most of the players had never even encountered curses as a risk before. I felt they needed a warning, but if I said "Hey, be more careful about picking up and attuning to random items," that would be too obvious, they'd know for sure that cursed items were coming up and my already choice-paralysis ridden group would be bogged down by paranoia too.
    So I invented the Cursed Pet Rock. Mixed in with a treasure hoard before the next module was a 1lb smooth rock that had a magical aura, enchantment school. The demon hunter ranger attuned to it immediately to check out what it did, and I informed her that she is effectively charmed by the rock and unable to unattune to it. Her character would see the rock as her pet, and if she ever failed to keep it comfortable, happy and healthy (simply by not abusing it, discarding it, or neglecting it,) she would suffer disadvantage on all ability checks due to stress until the rock was once again "safe and comfortable," or she unattuned via Remove Curse or a daily will save allowed by the item. Effectively, I wanted it to be a roleplay inconvenience and take up an attunement slot.
    It didn't last long of course, but the group still remembers that time that the badass demon-slayer picked up a rock and called it her pet for a week before eventually throwing it into the ocean one day. Of course, the group didn't exactly take it to heart and ended up learning about cursed items the hard way later. But at least I tried, and we got a fun story out of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @BusterBuizel
    @BusterBuizel 4 года назад +26

    During the first campaign I ever DMed my players were in a dragon city with a magic bakery. These players have slain giant worms, squads of soldiers, and even a tank up to that point but the worst item/enemy they ever fought was a flying loaf of bread. It nearly killed the party’s rogue as it dropped him from about a hundred feet up. Upon defeating it the rogue ate the loaf and thus gained featherfall

    • @WriterKing92
      @WriterKing92 3 года назад +2

      How did they even get into a fistfight with a loaf of bread to begin with? Did someone insult the bread’s baker, or something!?

    • @BusterBuizel
      @BusterBuizel 3 года назад +2

      @@WriterKing92 It was an experimental piece of magic to make the bread lighter. Well, it grew wings instead and the party had to track it down to give it back to the baker

  • @shanerasmussen5225
    @shanerasmussen5225 4 года назад +77

    The "Bizzares" from the last story sound similar to Warehouse 13 Artifacts, cool.

    • @austerespace1366
      @austerespace1366 4 года назад +9

      Oh man I love that show

    • @benjamintim3542
      @benjamintim3542 4 года назад +5

      Probably the last good SyFy original

    • @atheismgaming17
      @atheismgaming17 3 года назад +2

      Someone else? 3 someones? I must be dreaming. I adore that show.

    • @shanerasmussen5225
      @shanerasmussen5225 3 года назад +1

      @@atheismgaming17 I'll be honest, I watched the first episode of Warehouse 13 entirely because Saul Rubinec (Artie) is the guy who kidnapped Lt. Data in Star Trek TNG episode The Most Toys. I kept watching cause it was great.

    • @atheismgaming17
      @atheismgaming17 3 года назад +1

      @@shanerasmussen5225 Yeah. I got into it just because my dad pulled me into it. I stayed because it was fantastic.

  • @garcara_galaxy3143
    @garcara_galaxy3143 4 года назад +44

    Pickle juice of healing. A jar of pickle juice that has 3 doses, when you drink a dose you can either heal 2d4+2 or end one status effect. The party's barbarian was in a tavern and when he walked in he said "I talk to pickle guy". This led to the creation of the best npc I have ever created. A man who goes only by pickle guy. He ate a magical pickle once that gave him the ability to make magical pickles. Most are useless like the pickle of full and balanced breakfast, a pivkle that gives you the energy to go on with your day. The pickle juice of healing is the the pickle juice from the magic pickle that he ate that gave him all his power. Pickles can only be bought from this man if you sleek the secret words of pickle pickle pickle.

    • @FartOfAsspiration
      @FartOfAsspiration 4 года назад +5

      Can I use Pickle Guy in my campaign as a pickle salesman in a tavern?

    • @garcara_galaxy3143
      @garcara_galaxy3143 4 года назад +4

      @@FartOfAsspiration sure I would love it

    • @ComicBookGuy420
      @ComicBookGuy420 4 года назад +2

      🤣 the best ones are done by accident aren't they

    • @stm7810
      @stm7810 2 года назад

      As a trans femme person I want pickles! this is a great character!

  • @nvfury13
    @nvfury13 4 года назад +13

    A few from my games: Potion of NyQ -Instantly puts you into a fully restful sleep (long rest, with 5E), heals 2d6 and cures any non magical disease. Comes in Green and Red, and tastes Green and Red.
    Skull of Knowledge - These skulls will answer any question, but there is a twist; they have 30 in four Knowledge skills, and 30 Bluff. If they don’t know the answer to your question (pretty much any question about anything other than their four areas of expertise) they will answer with a lie.
    Drunk Casting - A homebrew mechanic I came up with that caused drunk casters to roll whenever they cast and either cause a combined effect of two random spells or a random magic effect.

  • @joshmccormack9375
    @joshmccormack9375 4 года назад +8

    The wand of illusionary pirates. Once per day this wand can summon up to 1 d4 pirates

  • @FartOfAsspiration
    @FartOfAsspiration 4 года назад +10

    Xannthiss the green Dragonborn's "finisher" would be:
    "I force his jaws open and breathe poison down his throat." REPTILE WINS. FATALITY.
    (Yes, I know poison isn't acid and black dragons are the acid breathers, but just cut me some slack- I love Mortal Kombat.)

  • @levi1929
    @levi1929 4 года назад +1

    Very, very early in a campaign I DMed I gave the cleric an item called the Waxen Staff. Inspired by the wabbajock, the Waxen Staff has a completely random effect depending on the cleric’s percentage roll.
    While fighting a Leviathan on the high seas, my cleric rolled a 97 and turned the creature into tons and tons of fresh seafood that we all enjoyed after a hard fought battle. 🍤🍜

  • @fredjones167
    @fredjones167 4 года назад +3

    I am using the bizarres. The possibilities are virtually endless

  • @gnarthdarkanen7464
    @gnarthdarkanen7464 4 года назад +8

    Always love oddities in D&D... I love getting them, and I love inventing them to torment the Players around my Table(s) with them... Some are useful once you think about them a bit, and others... not so much more than a laughable distraction...
    AND I thought every GM had a custom variant of the DoMT and the Cloak of Useful Items... Maybe it's just me.
    "Rapid fire crossbow"... This is exactly what it sounds like, and they DID (IRL) exist. It suffers (in game) from approximately "half damage" of a regular crossbow, BUT you can sling up to 2 quarrels in a second of combat... not so easily done with a regular crossbow... Unenchanted, the thing will hold 20 quarrels at a time, but there is the "Hollywood magazine" enchantment if you can find it in the game (one way or another)...
    "Demonic Express"... This appears (usually described elaborately) to be an ordinary credit card... The activating word "Charge" teleports anyone within 20 feet of the card to the middle of a battlefield under the direct cavalry charges of an army of light and an army of darkness... Survive three to five rounds of mass combat from both sides (GM's fiat) and you are returned...
    ...It was a gag-item/trap for Players who like to tread beyond acceptable "meta" foolishness...
    "The Whiskey Elemental"... Basically, this has two parts. First, it's a reasonable sized decanter of everfill, of whiskey... fairly straight forward. Second, there's a "Wyrd" (look up Water Wyrd in the MM for stats) made of whiskey inhabiting the thing... He or She (GM's fiat) may be of about any personality, though I found "Mischievous" to be most amusing most of the time... AND with basically a private elemental domain of alcoholic beverage, makes for a delightful (if occasionally annoying) traveling companion... They don't (at my Table at least) much care for changing "masters", but can be warmed to (usually)...
    ...yeah... we've had fun. ;o)

  • @jaytonobrien6325
    @jaytonobrien6325 4 года назад +2

    One of my favorite homebrew item from a oneshot (that i had to leave early because of irl problems). We the party and tag along npc (DM's way for him to keep us on track; we were a bunch of noobs with very weird characters and backstories that is crucial we do waste our time) just completed a mission and we got our item. Our dm made all of us at the table roll for perception/(any) detection and/or identify checks/spells. We all failed to identify what this black mass of a ball we were all looking at. Then dm's npc chips in describing what he sees. We try again and barely pass. Later on i had to leave and seeing how i wasn't going to be playing anymore i gave the dm the ok to kill off or use my character how ever he wanted but he'd have to at least tell me what was the mcguffin that we were holding onto. He didn't tell me he just told me that it was nutrual, self-aware, and our homebrew item... damn bitch made me want to keep playing

  • @chiliwithonel
    @chiliwithonel 4 года назад +1

    My DM for the past few campaigns has a penchant for making up ridiculous potions; she sells them to us through the "Botion Man". Highlights include
    -The Laser Potion, custom-crafted for our paladin named Laser. He vowed not to use it when we fought Tiamat, but we ended up killing the cult leader before Tiamat was awakened, so he never used it. Our DM informed us after the campaign that it would've made him shoot laserbeams out of his eyes for a minute that do 2d4 damage to whatever he was looking at.
    -The potion of Small Puddle, which was literally just water that you could pour out to make a small puddle, but with the magical effect that it would soak completely through the shoes of whoever stepped in it, thus giving them wet socks, regardless of waterproofing.
    -The potion of Spice, wherein the drinker would have to roll a con save for spice level, and everything they ate for the next hour would taste that spicy.
    -Literally just the fizzy lifting drink from Willy Wonka

  • @Knitboy1997
    @Knitboy1997 4 года назад +1

    Hive-mind: [Cantrip]
    1-st level spell that was a hybrid between "find familiar" and whatever cantrip you wanted. Basically you conjured a "beehive" from which said cantrip was casted every second (if it dealt damage, it was every 6 seconds). Plot was basically "catch the BBEG who stole the magic formula and wanted to use it for evil". Here are some uses I have seen:
    >halfling druid using [gust] to fly around, using his cape as a sail
    >cleric using [mending] to repair an orphanage ("a bee" flew out of "beehive" and when "casted", it caused a piece of rubble fly back to its space)
    >warlock trying to destroy said orphanage using [eldritch blast] (since he had only four level slots, he automatically got *4* "beehives")
    >wizard was using [mold earth] to shape the excess rubble (cleric was unable to keep up with warlock) into blob, that was chasing terrified children while his familiar parrot was repeating "I am gonna eat ya! I am gonna eat ya!"
    >bard was using [ray of frost] to try shot druid down
    AAAnd thats when I decided to change all my players alignment from lawful good to chaotic evil (beside cleric)...

    • @Knitboy1997
      @Knitboy1997 4 года назад

      @Kat Murphy Well, I didnt mention it, because it was kinda disguting... She was flying naked...
      And she didnt bother to land before "visiting the ladies room". Instead she flew over those scared kids and screamed "Little boy!" and "Fat Man!" while "cosplaying a pidgeon"...

  • @julyol119
    @julyol119 4 года назад +2

    The death duck sounds like a perfectly fine SCP XD

  • @owenyoshida9202
    @owenyoshida9202 3 года назад +1

    The best magic item my DM gave to my party: the bagpipes of invisibility. While playing the bagpipes of invisibility, the player becomes invisible, and remains invisible until they cease playing. The only catch is that the bagpipes still make noise. This makes the item useless for infiltration and combat (you need both hands + mouth, blocking verbal and somatic spell components) but they are amazing for confusing the shit out of people while the other party members do what they want. Our bard has used them several times.

  • @aakodiak117
    @aakodiak117 4 года назад +3

    I recently gave my party what they thought was a Deck of Many things, which an NPC was trying to threaten them with. Well, eventually they decided to use it, only to find out that it was actually a Deck of Many Rick rolls, cashing the card to hover in the air while blasting the song and shining spotlights into the sky...

  • @slothguy1634
    @slothguy1634 3 года назад +1

    Finishers lead to someone in my party collecting heads. Goblin heads, drow heads, owlbear heads, you name it he has it

  • @robinthrush9672
    @robinthrush9672 4 года назад +20

    OK, I never got to use this item for anything story related, other than the only female player in the game trying to retrieve the Tomb of Horror's Cursed Gem of Wishing from the pocket dimension. I "won" it because my mini was Syx from Mana World (don't look her up at work).
    Brassiere of Holding
    This brassiere acts as +1 padded armor.
    This brassiere at first glance seems no different than any other brassiere that has been enchanted to provide a perfect fit. However once attuned it begins to reveal its secrets. Thought to have been created as a joke by a lunatic mage, The brassiere of holding is exactly what it sounds like. Once attuned this brassiere creates an entrance to a vast personalized pocket dimension within the wearer’s cleavage. The size of the entrance to this pocket dimension directly related to the size of the users breasts, and any item placed within the wearer’s cleavage is transported to this pocket dimension. Due to the nature of the personalized pocket dimension and the attunement the wearer must undergo the wearer is able to see any object placed within this pocket dimension within their minds eye and study it in detail. The brassiere can hold up to 1000 pounds, and has no limits on the size or shape of the object, though the object must be able to fit within the wearers cleavage to be placed within or removed from the pocket dimension, though it has found that this can be worked around through the use of an Enlarge/Reduce or Polymorph spell. The brassiere will always weigh the same, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the brassiere requires an action.
    If the brassiere is overloaded, 1/10th of the extra weight is added to the wearer’s chest. It should be noted however that while tempting for some, overloading of the brassiere can lead to the wearer falling prone and being unable to get up due to the weight. If the brassiere is pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and the contents of its pocket dimensions are scattered in the Astral Plane. If the brassiere is removed the items remain within the pocket dimension, and can only be removed if the same user dons the brassiere again, no other user has the ability to access another’s personalized pocket dimension. Breathing creatures inside the pocket dimension can survive up to a number of days equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.
    Placing the brassiere of holding inside an extra-dimensional space created by a handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.
    Additional warning: it has been found that men cannot attune to the brassiere of holding, whether due to misandry or as part of the joke by the lunatic mage, should any men or non-gendered species, attempt to attune to this artifact, they will be irrevocably transformed into women, developing a humanoid appearance regardless of original species. Thus it is recommended that only women handle this artifact
    (Final notes: it was found that if one attempts to remove the brassiere without permission of the wearer, they will be forcibly trans-located to the pocket dimension, unable to leave until the wearer facilitates their escape. This does not seem to be the case if the wearer is deceased.)

    • @stm7810
      @stm7810 2 года назад

      What happens with trans people, gender fluid folks or plural systems using it? Interesting item.

    • @robinthrush9672
      @robinthrush9672 2 года назад

      @@stm7810 Turns the male trans into female and makes females show heightened secondary sex characteristics. Has nothing to do with their identity. The males/non-gendered races still have the identity from before attunement. Could even use the item to explore being trans if you force it on someone's male PC.

    • @stm7810
      @stm7810 2 года назад

      @@robinthrush9672 so trans women could use it to get female bodies to match the gender they are? cool!

    • @robinthrush9672
      @robinthrush9672 2 года назад

      @@stm7810 Yeah. There are other items, potions, and spells that do that. There's a cursed belt of sex change in Baldur's Gate 1 (proving that not all curses are always bad) that works on both sexes and Edwin gets changed into Edwina in Baldur's Gate 2 for being a greedy, evil SoB at one point. I also have a Ring of Femininity in one of of my campaigns that turns men into women.
      I've actually heard of trans-activists complaining about the existence of these sorts of things _because_ it resolves the trans issue and I guess they want the struggle for some reason (as if these things are cheap for a normal person even in Faerun).

    • @stm7810
      @stm7810 2 года назад

      @@robinthrush9672 Interesting, and that belt sounds like it also changes gender if it changed Edwina, either that or that's some extreme transphobia Edwin had to put up with.
      My problem is that this stuff seems to be too based in the binary, but that's understandable. in the campaign I ran just as a piece of fun magic I decided there was a cantrip called "transify Gender" where you spent 1 hour making a contract with a god to change your body, and the name and pronouns that everyone uses for you to match who you really are, cannot be used again unless you somehow change as a person such as if you're gender fluid, you go through a trauma or experience that changes your sense of self or if you're a plural system and someone else fronts.
      Dysphoria and lack of gender euthoria sucks so why put up with in fantassy, it's not like we go to these games for realism, there's not a dysantery and PTSD mechanic.

  • @Spiceodog
    @Spiceodog 4 года назад +2

    deck of illusionary monsters as shown in the Dm guide, but with a 10 chance it's not a illusion

  • @roberteltze4850
    @roberteltze4850 4 года назад +1

    I once played a half-ogre, big dumb brute. He was given a magical secret door finder, he could just 'tap' it against any wall or surface where he thought a secret door might be concealed. In reality there was nothing magical about it, it was just a simple sledgehammer.

  • @thetweefirebug
    @thetweefirebug 4 года назад +5

    Thank you, I was looking for something to watch, and Dave delivers!

  • @clownfish5371
    @clownfish5371 4 года назад +1

    Toy Greatsword - Sword that is a toy greatsword. Weak at cutting but does amazing blunt damage somehow and everytime you hit ANYTHING with it, it makes a squeak noise. Putting it on the ground? Squeak. Beating an enemy to death with it? Squeak. Dealing the final blow to the last boss? Squeak.

  • @necromancyfan4425
    @necromancyfan4425 4 года назад +2

    I made a homebrew item which is basicly a bag of holding, but a cursed version
    It's filled with very random shit and will spit it out at random moments, and if you want to pull something out, there's a chance that you'll be pulled in instead
    The only way to rescue a character is to pull him out which would trigger the chance again...
    At one point in my campaign there were every party member inside the bag and the last one managed to pull them out, if this wouldn't have worked they all would have sufficated
    Another time the bag spit out an endless amount of paper sheets until someone would tie it up, after a while they lost the bag and it was lost under a mountain of paper which would grow every second (in the middle of a little village) they never went to this village again haha
    Sorry for bad english

  • @crowsenpai5625
    @crowsenpai5625 День назад

    5:07 I’m imagining whenever this Warforge grapples someone, it’s accompanied by the sound of a Hydraulic Press.

  • @hogfry
    @hogfry 4 года назад +1

    The magmuffin of cleansing.
    It was an enchanted indestructible except when eaten bran muffin that gave anyone who ate it immortality but at a mysterious unknown price.
    Our whole first arc was to retrieve the Magmuffin for a (fairly horrible: see secretly the BBEG) dying king.
    We were in a race with several groups to find the magmuffin from a lich wanting to reverse his death to an insane dragon cult that wanted to make their dragon Lord even more powerful.
    When we finally retrieved it our paladin fastened it to a rope and used its indestructible nature to turn it into a +1 flail of dietary regularity.
    It caused anyone struck with it instant diarrhea on a 19 or higher.
    We ended up returning it to the king after a year long quest, got our reward, and f-ed off to go murder some dragon cultists we had beef with.
    After we left things went bad with the king. He ate the Magmuffin and the mysterious side effect was revealed.
    Everything he touched turned to bran. He would spend eternity with regular healthy poops but never know the joy of delicious foods ever again.
    He then went insane, turned his son into 7 year old sized muffin statue, and sent his forces off to kill us to death until we died from it.
    The whole thing was so silly but it was a really good campaign.

  • @stm7810
    @stm7810 2 года назад

    I use the finisher move thing as A DM too, it's fun, and destructable walls and all are technically in the game with AC and HP for any material.
    Some items I've made include
    An endless ball of rainbow yarn, not strong enough for rope, but I was hoping the players could come up with clever uses for it since it was an early thing.
    A jar of candy that could be freely taken from as comfort food with no real effect, and once a day could summon the favourite treat of someone at 1HP or less to heal them up slightly and keep them going, so long as they weren't fully dead yet.
    The gum of fresh breath, a single use item which would give 24 Charisma for the next hour because your breath smells so nice, but which deals periodic cold damage due to the chill of the mint.
    The saddel of constipation, prevents you or your horse needing to ever stop to relieve yourselves, not mechanically really useful, but just fun.
    Weed, acts like a reverse good berry, heals more, but makes you crave a ration.

  • @Amanoob105
    @Amanoob105 4 года назад +1

    We have that "finishers" rule in our game. One of the better ones (yes, one of mine, I'm so proud of it) in later games was the time I describe how I swing my sword at the leaders head and in one swipe it's gone from the shoulder. At which point I realise that my sword feels a lot heavier at the end of it than it should.
    What follows is i mite different depending on if I'm telling it, or the enemy leaders troops. For them it's me yelling like a maniac while I wave their leaders severed head about on the end of my weapon.
    For me it's more me trying to get the dam thing off while my LG character was having a mild freakout that there's a dam head stuck to the end of it.

  • @dragonwithsword841
    @dragonwithsword841 4 года назад +1

    in the campaign my gf dms, she made an item thats the talking skull of a historian who explains lore and can give you a bonus to checks relating to lore. His name is Indiana Bones and he is great. we fed him toast, and it just fell right out of his jaw

  • @Koel_Hellion
    @Koel_Hellion 3 года назад +2

    For me my dm made my barbarian named Kyle activate his rage via drinking a can of Monster energy every single time

  • @angel_vii
    @angel_vii 3 года назад

    Our group was a very close group of friends. Our DM worked VERY hard putting together an amazing campaign for us, including tons of art he created for our characters, landscapes, NPCs, anything of note really.
    He always gave us a "well fed" buff because our sessions started off with a meal I prepared. The buff was based on the difficulty and tastiness of the meal I'd made that week. Our other 2 friends took turn bringing alcohol. It was always a great time. And it was fun having my meals rated on a 1-5 scale. Usually a 4 or 5.

  • @BlueFangbluser
    @BlueFangbluser 4 года назад

    One campaign I was running for my group of friends was somewhat like a sandbox game. It was taken serious, it was super easy. I wasn't really focused on being a challenge more just doing what ever they they wanted to do no matter how impossible. They aquired a massive sum of gold and wanted a legendary magic item so I created one of my favorite items yet that could actually work in a balanced situation. The orb of possibilities. Think of what you want to happen, anything, litterally anything, put your hand on the orb. The orb will show you the possibilities of that thing happening, along with the possibilities of many other, undesirable outcomes. The orb shows you the probability (dice roll) of the thing you want happening. So say in combat you think "I want to get an extra attack on that enemy next turn." Touch the orb, the orb tells you there is a 50% chance you get an extra attack, and a 50% the enemy gets an extra attack on you. Your choice weather or not you accept it.
    The thing is it had no limit. The more outrageous or improbably your wish, the hard the dice roll you have to succeed. An extreme example being: One player said "I want to be an all powerful limitless God" touches the orb. He had the choice to roll 10d20s and if he got nat20s on all 10 he can be an all powerful god. If not you die on the spot. The risks players are willing to take for random things is amazing if you give them the chance.

  • @abadidea5984
    @abadidea5984 4 года назад

    My personal favorite item I've given my players was from a 4E game. The item was called the Belt of the Obese Wiseman. While wearing the belt, you could tap your finger onto the buckle as a free action and instantly refresh any encounter or daily powers you have already used. However, each time you tap the buckle to use this ability, you gain 50 pounds. If you weigh over 300 pounds, you can no longer use the belt.

  • @therighttrousers343
    @therighttrousers343 4 года назад +4

    Could you spit out a gold tooth, and then cast heat metal on it, while grappled?

  • @backonlazer791
    @backonlazer791 4 года назад

    I made magical joints that healed anyone taking a smoke (as a bonus action) for 1d4. Each joint burned for 1 minute regardless of how many smokes were taken, after which it was spent. Essentially, you could potentially heal 10d4 health with one joint, or significantly more if you pass it around. A pack of 5 cost 25 gold, meaning that they were significantly more cost efficient than normal Potions of Healing. Of course, they would cause a mild buzz, giving each smoker disadvantage on ability checks for one hour, but I'd say that's a small price to pay. I don't think my players ever realized how powerful they were, since they only really used them once in a battle against a Dracolich. And yes, one of the characters did use the Dracolich's fire Breath Weapon to light up a joint.

  • @ZarHakkar
    @ZarHakkar 3 года назад +1

    "Hey killass, wanna see me play D&D"

    • @IaeyanElyuex
      @IaeyanElyuex 3 года назад

      Sounds a lot like VideoGameDunkey's Not Game Boy game.

  • @johna.8660
    @johna.8660 4 года назад

    I am the DM running a game in my own homebrew world (originally set to 5e rules, now Pathfinder 2e). My players are a group of friends, and we meet regularly online every Sunday to game. Well, about a year ago, they came across a magic item that I had homebrewed, called the Bag of the Lost. Basically, it functioned as a Bag of Holding except that whatever you placed in the bag was forgotten about, completely. It was only when you reached into the bag, and retrieved an item, that you'd remember the item existed. I thought it'd be a fun item that my players would get a kick out of. Oh, did they. The knife-thrower (homebrew class) proceeded to cautiously stick her hand into the bag. I told her that as far as she knows, she's never had a hand there. She goes it with, and says that she removes her arm from over the bag. A few of the other players tried to convince her that her hand was in the bag, but she roleplayed it well. I tell her, "you now have a hand where you didn't a moment ago; only now do you remember that you actually have two hands." What happened next could also qualify as a "most unexpected outcome" story as well. She immediately started proclaiming that the bag was a deity! "Where once I had no hand, the Bag has given me one! We need to tell others about the Divine Bag!" (cue me trying not to bust a gut laughing) She gets some of the other group members to see for themselves how miraculous the bag is. Every. Single. One. puts their hand in the bag, and forgets they ever had one. Only to be convinced that she has discovered a god when they pull their arm away (thus removing their hand), and 'the bag grants them a hand where they previously had none.' There is now an entire religion dedicated to the Holy Bag in my world... because they took it upon themselves to spread the word of the Divine Bag, and how the Bag giveth, and the Bag taketh away. Best. Roleplay. Ever.

  • @DrelvanianGuardOffic
    @DrelvanianGuardOffic 3 года назад +2

    I didn't even realize that finishers were homebrew. I thought it was a canon mecahnic that was just optional based on the DM.
    Did no one at Wizard's of the Coast ever think that players should be able to describe how they kill an enemy?

  • @jukesdtj656
    @jukesdtj656 4 года назад

    0:47 My DM likes to do these too, and one time me and my party, having just beaten a troll, came back to a bridge that two ogres were guarding, demanding anyone who cross it pay a toll. So, with our recent success and the new loot we got, we took them on. The Celestial Warlock Aarakocra flew around healing everyone, the Battle Master Fighter Dragon Born took one on alone, and me (A Blood Hhunter of the Profane Soul Dragonborn) took the other one on with the Human Assassin Rogue (This last person was pretty new to D&D) At first, the Fighter was doing very well, scoring a crit and doing massive damage, but then he decided to disarm the ogre, who then proceeded to pick up the Fighter and throw him into the river, although they failed and through him to the other side of the bridge. Me and the Thief were chipping away at the other ogre and doing good damage, while the Warlock kept me healed. Then when the Fighter got back to the Ogre again, it threw him, again. As he was in the river I finished off the first ogre by shoving my Glaive through its knee, twisting, then sliding to the side as a I did so, making it fall to the ground as I looked away triumphantly. Then the Fighter went to attack the other ogre again, and got thrown, again. I then finished off the second ogre as well by taking ITS knee as well, and earned the personal title of "Kneecap Slayer."

  • @dyproxus1806
    @dyproxus1806 4 года назад

    A special monk mechanic. Regardless of whatever monastic tradition the monk knows, that tradition will be swapped out for the Way of the Drunken Fist every time the monk gets a buzz. The only downside was that you could not go back to your first tradition until the hangover phase. This has led to some of the wildest bar fights I’ve ever seen or heard of in DND. Granted we would have to fail will save at first (which was hard when Wisdom was a higher stat, but the DM at the time was eventually lenient enough (and entertained enough I might add) to allow this switch seamlessly.

  • @Corosar
    @Corosar 4 года назад +1

    My pathfinder DM has created a list of items that are very slightly magical. usually the effects do nothing in the end or end up being a pain for those using them but they are designed to be "wha the fuck" items. I think the DM said that he has a list of 400 of these strange items and often takes in ideas that he loves. For example. I came up with the ring of kobolding. Which basically when worn makes a character act as though they are a yipping kobold. There are so many items that we just sat there going "WHY" to and its never an end of hilarity for us.

  • @LibertyLocalizer
    @LibertyLocalizer 2 года назад

    I crafted several items. My favorites are the mustache of disguise (makes it impossible for people to recognize your while just making you look like yourself with a bad fake mustache) and fedora of ratio (grants you the vicious mockery cantrip)

  • @fx232
    @fx232 4 года назад

    We're currently playing The Jungle of Chult, our guide is a one armed dwarf names Hugh, he lost his arm to a red dragon and one of the stipulations of being our guide was that we help him slay the dragon. We agreed and set off to find the dragon's den, along the way Hugh almost dies and tells us to use his axe that was lost in the fight, he said it's name was Bob and needed to be called out. Long story short, we get to the dragon, search for the axe but couldn't find it, decide "screw it, let's just kill the dragon." Well, we almost all get killed and the dragon tells us if we do a favour for her that she'd leave Chult. As we're walking out of her den, we pass by a small lake and we call out "Bob", and we see bubbles form on the surface of the water and see an axe rise to the top and float on the surface. My Water Genasi bard uses shape water to pull it towards us, the barbarian grabs it and we decide to go back and kill the dragon anyway. The axe ended up being a dragon killing weapon that dealt 2d6 extra damage to draconic creatures, and thanks to that, my bard persuading dwarf ghosts to assist us, and our rogue getting a massive critical hit with a powerful poison, we slayed the dragon. It was only after all the excitement that we realised the axe's name was Bob because it floats and bobs in the water.

  • @stay-at-homeson8668
    @stay-at-homeson8668 4 года назад

    Bless the beautiful mind of whoever came up with that damn saltshaker

  • @SniperSpy10
    @SniperSpy10 4 года назад +2

    Stone Tablet of The speechless, (works best over discord)
    when ever a player picks up the item they re muted in the discord call, and can only talk via text chat, they can declare they have put down the object at any time and get unmuted.
    In game it will be a stone tablet which will have written on it anything they player wants to say, and they are sent to retrieve it, forcing the players to struggle with carrying it or forfeit the reward

    • @bagseys
      @bagseys 2 года назад

      God that would be perfect for our dnd session if we were doing homebrew, whenever I can i will definitely use this if I ever DM

  • @ChessPieceRook
    @ChessPieceRook 3 года назад

    i love listening to homebrew stuff, as i'm trying to develop my own tabletop RPG system, and i'm thinking of adding in a compendium of optional suggested homebrew additions to the ruleset

  • @nobodyimportant2470
    @nobodyimportant2470 4 года назад

    One home brew I like comes from the Meat Shield web comic. Trudy the transforming battle ax, a 2 hand battle ax that will transform as a bonus action into any mundane heavy melee the user desires. No magic damage but gives the owner more options

  • @Combes_
    @Combes_ 2 года назад +1

    A magical feather, don't even know what's it's power.

  • @WaxyLT
    @WaxyLT 3 года назад

    Never played before but I have a fun idea for a campaign where everything in the world is based on idioms and figures of speech (It's not spending that's built into the world, but just a design choice on my part). I want to have a tabaxi that's will encounter the party and give some homebrew curses that are sure to antagonize my party for a session or two, since his main gimmick will be word-based curses (based off of "cat got your tongue?")
    Curse of singularity: any time the afflicted PC speaks using a plural expression, or refers to a group of things, one of the objects in that group will be erased from existence. For example, of a character said "hand me some ammo!" Instead of something like "give me a bullet," then one bullet will be gone forever. I'll make sure to warn them before the go asking for "both of their friends to come here," because that would lead to a totally unfair insta-kill without death saves.

  • @LupentTallic
    @LupentTallic 3 года назад

    I like the idea that last setting with the items that have small sometimes very strange abilities due to the fact that they've been exposed to magic for so long. I think in my next campaign I'll include those and called them curios

  • @dr4c0r3x5
    @dr4c0r3x5 2 года назад

    Dragons have been known for their creed and to keep their gold safe when they had to interact with "lesser creates", dragons collectively created the Dragon Hord Bag. This bag worked for dragon bloodline creatures but for others they would quickly find out about the features, said features related to the parts of a dragon; eye, scales, wings, tail, jaw, roar and the mysterious seventh feature I never got to relieve.

  • @danielsmith1602
    @danielsmith1602 4 года назад

    I am currently building a home brew 5e that will have a lot of odd items. The concept of the game is going to be a trickster deity (Jeff the Cockroach) has taken a liking to the party. So far a few that I have created is:
    Gingy’s cage: at dawn every day if, the previous Gingy has been destroyed, the cage creates a new Gingy inside it. A Gingy is a sentient gingerbread man that deals 3D8 poison damage if eaten. When released Gingy will seek out the first unfriendly creature or person it can find and will actively attempt to force itself down that target’s throat while screaming “eat me!” Over and over.
    Book of devouring: a sentient book that seeks out any other book or parchment including scrolls and spell books and devours it destroying what ever it devours. A player attuned to the book can spend 1 minute holding the book and thinking about a topic. Once done the player can read any information pertaining to that topic from books previously devoured. Can not be used as a spell book.
    And lastly:
    Strappy the backpack: a semi sentient expanded bag of holding that if left unattended will put anything and everything it can get inside itself. This does include thing like lit torches, rocks, and loot.

  • @SkyLimit101
    @SkyLimit101 4 года назад +2

    ... one player was able to have a gigantic spoon as a weapon... was not the weirdest thing I’ve seen in DND but god damn it was funny when the player said “I’m going to smack him with my spoon” and rolled a Nat 20,

  • @TheTownGuard
    @TheTownGuard 4 года назад +1

    The Feather of Souls. Been a while since I spoke about it, but it was seen in a one-shot with my cousin. They walked into the treausre room on a pirate vessel and found a magic stone that would open a portal anywhere. they rolled 200 on 2 d100s. The portal brought them to Roland's lair. Upon a pedestal of lich bones was an elegant feather. Something drew them closer to it, and they ended up taking it. My cousin channeled his magic power through the feather and his firebolt came out the size of a house. They ended up getting killed by it when a fireball consumed half the city they escaped to. The feather will see more usage. And if anyone wants to use it, it is an artifact and it multiplies the spell's effect by 10 at level 9. All spells used are instantly level 9. The feather will force the wielder to claim a number of souls based on the level of spell slot used. Slot level times 10. level 1 spell slots will make you need 10 souls etc.

  • @JohnDickinson
    @JohnDickinson 4 года назад

    In 3.5, a dragon magazine had a list of alchemy items. One was dehydrated water, 1 oz. of grey powder, add a drop of water, it becomes a gallon if water. My character used these to enhance arrowheads, so that when it pierces the flesh, it floods the wound with 8 pounds of water.

  • @Metalchemist2
    @Metalchemist2 3 года назад +1

    Party is sneaking around some boss's place, finds main treasure chest. on wall next to it is the key, written in common above the key are the words, key to bedchambers.
    The key itself is actually a wand of transform into mimic, a universal key that turns whatever its' used on into a mimic, ready to attack whoever tries to interact further with said object with lock.
    1 use.
    the party didn't even think to check the key but almost got caught when using the key on boss's bed chambers. . . the boss didn't survive. what a waste of a perfectly planned prank.

  • @nes819
    @nes819 4 года назад

    I made a fistsized cristal bal caled "Cataclysm" it's basicaly a holy handgranade but with efects enspired by the table of cataclystic effects. I changed the mechanic into needing a D20 fot the effect and a D100 for the duration (including permanent).
    My players ended up turning their hubcitty into a dead magic zone for eight months.
    It's easy to use. Just throw the bal and watch the world burn.

  • @shanerasmussen5225
    @shanerasmussen5225 4 года назад

    Playing Palladium Fantasy I made frequent use of a fan site known as "The Domain of Practical Magic" which has items like magic boots whose only power is that they fit perfectly, keep feet dry and comfortable at all times (even if standing in arctic water), and the boots are immune to damage from wear, they aren't indestructible though. Then there were the "mooncycle bandages", which were only for women obviously, and removed all pain and chance of stained clothing from the specific bodily function. There were dozens of such items (I can still find the page via wayback but I'm not sure it's complete anymore).

  • @ryanmccoy8980
    @ryanmccoy8980 3 года назад

    "Got to DM one time" *cries in perma DM*

  • @PyroGobbo
    @PyroGobbo 4 года назад

    The holy lamp. When you light it at night you a moth following you. If it is properly fed and cared for it turns it a bigger moth with divine powers (3 first level spell slots it can use to cast cleric spells).

  • @nathanpfirman625
    @nathanpfirman625 Год назад

    The sole purpose of this channel is to be amazing

  • @ComicBookGuy420
    @ComicBookGuy420 4 года назад

    Essentially an NPC goblin version of puss in boots (with the eyes) that had insanely high charisma and using "The Look" could convince almost any character to do anything with a high enough persuasion check
    Brought for three gold coins per character, we got it as a joke mascot (it was a character I came up with when i was watching shrek stoned)
    Cut to near the end of the campaign, this mascot has become a running joke between our group, and in some ways the heart and soul of our Mercenary Guild
    He tries "The Look" on the big bad, and after rolling low gets booted off a cliff🤣

  • @lockwoan01
    @lockwoan01 4 года назад +1

    My group's Main DM will homebrew certain items as need be. For instance, druid Dragonborn has Tenacious Studded Leather Armor - if hit with a non-magical attack from piercing, slashing or bludgeoning weapons, damage is reduced by three. Then there's my mother's tabaxi monk, and her magic talons/claws - basically, in addition to her regular monk attack damage, she can also add her racial claw attack damage on top of it - 1d6 for Martial Arts, plus 1d4 for Magic Talon, plus 3 for Dex Mod (doing 5-13 damage per blow).
    In side campaign, sub-DM has made as an Artisan Skill/tool is the art of Bonecrafting - basically, due to a distinct lack of wood, folks make arrows from bone.
    In a Guard campaign I'd like to do, it's my intention to give my players a "hidden" first level of Fighter - proficiency in all armors, shields, simple and martial weapons, Fighting Style, and Tavern Brawler, as well as 10 hp and a d10 hit die - as part of Guard Training. Also, if the character gets weapon/armor proficiency from race/subrace or class/subclass, said weapon/armor is treated as +1 counterpart. If both race/subrace and class/subclass carry same weapon/armor proficiency, +2 instead. If class/subclass is proficient with the shield, they get 2 shield abilities - Shield Shove is a reaction they can do to an enemy coming up to them, with the target needing to pass a strength save or be shoved back five feet, and then there's Shield Bash where, as a Bonus action, they can strike the target for 1d6 plus strength mod - that being said, a failure on either ability results in the shield's bonus AC not applying until Guard's turn/next turn. Also, magic users (of any sort) get War Caster with non-magic users getting a free feat. Then, at Level 5, they get Extra attack if they didn't normally get it (or a slightly weakened form if they get it at level 6 from subclass). The general idea is to make things like a cop show - save a baby from a burning building, stop a riot, go on a doughnut run, stop a dragon from destroying the city - the usual cop things.

  • @royboy1951
    @royboy1951 3 года назад

    I made the wand of cheese. It acted like a normal spell casting focus but it turned any other food to shape like cheese.

  • @Mikowmer
    @Mikowmer 4 года назад

    In a homebrew campaign I was in a while back, dwarfs had two racial abilities. The first and most well-known one was that if a dwarf had skin contact with the ground, they could not be moved by any outside source. Oh, they would still take the hit, and all of the damage that entailed (and possibly more, depending on the scenario, Newton's Laws still applied after all), but they were just immobile. (Didn't want to be carried on a carpet? Just sit on the edge of the carpet, place a single finger on the ground, and watch everyone else go flying!) The second, secret racial ability was dependant on a ritual being performed on a dwarf that would remove all of their magic. However, it had a side effect: Any magic targetting the dwarf simply... failed. Didn't matter whether it was for good or for ill, it just failed. (Those of you who are good at reading comprehension might notice that any magic not targetting the dwarf could still affect the dwarf, as my dwarf found out when a party member critically failed with a fireball and hit the dwarf instead of the enemies around him. oops...).

  • @woomygamez940
    @woomygamez940 3 года назад

    A homebrew mechanic I use, if my players sneak up to an enemy and the enemy isn't plot important or strong, the players had a chance to one shot them

  • @BusterBuizel
    @BusterBuizel 4 года назад +1


  • @tamur466
    @tamur466 4 года назад

    That Doom gun reminds me of my evil druid, who's weapon was a bag of devouring which shot bone balls that did 2d6 damage. I was the only one immune to the bag and those who took my bag need to make a will save or reach into the bag.

  • @suedenim
    @suedenim 4 года назад

    The Torch of Light would be a very nice item for a medieval household. Reliable light that won't set the house on fire if there's an accident?

  • @thelasttemplar4993
    @thelasttemplar4993 3 года назад +1

    4:53 theirs a app that has those items and I use it for fun some times

  • @averagebot935
    @averagebot935 4 года назад

    This reminds me of a homebrew class i made based off of CoD Zombies. When at level 3 i got Juggernog, they all either laughed or cried, since it gave me a d20 hit dice lol

  • @LinkJTO
    @LinkJTO 4 года назад

    This happened to me in my last session, mine is more strategic than funny but the way the dm described it was what made it amazing, I played a wizard who had the homebrew item the ring of the architect, it had 3 effects but I will only tell the one I used, it acted like an evocation wizard for only 2 people, me and one other player had 3 people on us so I cast fireball center on us and used the ring to save us, this is how the dm described it, from the perspective of the other player you see your ally cast a familiar spell, you wonder where he will cast it then you see him SPIKE IT IN THE GROUND

  • @yojimbo_ejh
    @yojimbo_ejh 4 года назад

    For me probably T. Trousersmith's reverse stripper pants. The magnetise on instead of ripping off

  • @Attaxalotl
    @Attaxalotl 4 года назад

    If a metal gear fails a dex check or save by less than five, it loses 1/2 of it's health. If it fails by five or more, it instantly dies.
    I added this to add an element of hilarity to the giant robot chase scenes. My players have used some rope, oil of slipperiness and thunderwave in combination to force multiple metal gears to make a dex check that they will almost definitely fail.
    Most of them did, and they averted a fight against a pair of knockoff MG-Rays, a Quetzal metal gear hunter, and about ten Gekkos. They actually plan to call in air support and *steal* Sahelanthropus when it shows up

    • @Attaxalotl
      @Attaxalotl 4 года назад

      They did it.
      Those geniuses stole a metal gear. They already had one they were using as a paperweight (they shrunk it, then forgot about it) and I have go maybe have them not hang on to it? Via something...

  • @cheshirecat3504
    @cheshirecat3504 4 года назад

    In my games i have a fun little mechanic i call a critical die. I made a custom d20 with 10 sides being ones and 10 sides a 20. During Critical moments in the game, players are given the option to use the die if they wish to take the chance, there is also on super critical 20 painted gold, and a super critical fail painted metalic black. Super crits in combat deal 4x damage while super fails cause disasterouse effects. Out of combat the super crits will give great bonuses beyond what i would give for a regular natural 20. And super fails.... well better be a hafling for lucky

  • @minihooperprod.8332
    @minihooperprod.8332 3 года назад +1

    Reroll is sooooo goof

  • @powerrangerturbo1
    @powerrangerturbo1 4 года назад

    So, I used that first one in my first campaign I DMd, but I hadn't known that was something people did. I just thought it would allow more entertaining combat

  • @MinorLG
    @MinorLG 4 года назад

    I have several Deck of many things Esq items. The deck of some things, the deck of a few things, the deck of things, the random stack of a few cards...

  • @IC1101-Capinatator
    @IC1101-Capinatator 2 года назад

    11:30 Sounds like the Stone of Purpose from another video.

  • @festivecarrot5996
    @festivecarrot5996 3 года назад

    That salt shaker is the same one as the rock lol

  • @Gamewizard13th
    @Gamewizard13th 4 года назад

    I kickstarted reroll in the beginning so this is funny when I see this ad

  • @jacobpieters4500
    @jacobpieters4500 4 года назад

    I give my players finishers too, mostly I'll describe them if it's just bandits or something.
    But, if the fight is long and hard (like me when I see Ryan Reynolds, or hear Dave's voice) I'll let the killer describe the kill or incapacitation.

  • @thelasttemplar4993
    @thelasttemplar4993 3 года назад +1

    4:45-4:55 hey I have the app for that stuff

  • @samusaron5000
    @samusaron5000 2 года назад

    The bizarres are the best thing I've heard in a long time.

  • @samuelearl8014
    @samuelearl8014 4 года назад

    Hahaha, Hide your dumpsters!

  • @MrRipper
    @MrRipper  4 года назад +6

    This video is sponsored by Reroll, please visit them at reroll.co or search for them in your app store :)

    • @GoldSnafuArts
      @GoldSnafuArts 4 года назад +2


    • @davemakesnoises
      @davemakesnoises 4 года назад

      Well done bro lol

    • @TyphoonUK
      @TyphoonUK 4 года назад

      This comment may need editing Ripper Team. Misspelling of the sponsor link ^^

    • @davemakesnoises
      @davemakesnoises 4 года назад +2

      @@TyphoonUK i'd have changed it myself already if i could smh

    • @TyphoonUK
      @TyphoonUK 4 года назад

      @@davemakesnoises gosh darn

  • @liamhartill7226
    @liamhartill7226 4 года назад

    Am item that I came up with for a campaign that didn’t get off the ground was talking healing potions that would tell you how to fight and would criticize your actions in combat an example of it would be your a barbarian swinging an axe and the potion would tell you “ya a great way to clear out large groups of enemies would be to cast fireball so why haven’t you done it yet

  • @tinkerbellthecat8185
    @tinkerbellthecat8185 2 года назад

    I had a one time use magical mashed potatoes that turned people into a pile of mashed potatoes

  • @PresidentMystry
    @PresidentMystry 4 года назад

    Ah yes. The beautiful homebrew horror stories

  • @leoblessinger7913
    @leoblessinger7913 3 года назад +1

    The deck of random crap drawing a card results in a random non magic item

  • @fabiansuckfull9446
    @fabiansuckfull9446 4 года назад

    So here's a homebrew that I'll still have to wait and see as to how it will play out (It's our current campaign): Due to 100 years of war my world has some incredible war weapons. One such weapon is called the thunder tube, or, as my players call it: the boom tube. It's a tube with a 4in diameter that focusses a thunder wave through itself when triggered. Idea being you stuff a bunch of ball bearings into it and go tally ho on them goblins.
    Now last Sunday I introduced them to the idea that this world also has a close equivalent to real world chemistry by having an NPC introduce them to sodium. So right now our artificer is talking about all the different war crimes he's going to commit with his magnesium boom tube. I'm just glad I haven't given them one of those yet...

  • @jonathancoster6576
    @jonathancoster6576 4 года назад +1

    For me I made two home brew items a ring and a talisman necklace for the ring it was set to work with monks in that it grants 1d10 clones at the cost of 2 ki and each clone only had one hp only but attacking just like my full character as for the talisman it grants any reptile pc the ability to turn into cr 5 or lower dinosaurs combined with my kobold monk and the ring I had a pack of Dino monks

  • @otakubancho6655
    @otakubancho6655 4 года назад

    Loved the deck of fake shit story!😂😂😂

  • @sagacious03
    @sagacious03 4 года назад

    Neat video! Thanks for uploading!