COMING OUT - LGBT Youth Homelessness

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Blake Keller / COMM 208.

Комментарии • 109

  • @buckroberts77
    @buckroberts77 7 лет назад +115

    It is our duty as older LGBTQ Community to protect and take in our LGBTQ Youth under our wings and help them fly as high as their dreams take them!

    • @Chrominator2004
      @Chrominator2004 2 года назад +5

      Damn right!

    • @jjbentley9
      @jjbentley9 2 года назад +4

      Definitely 😁

    • @joshfulcifan1015
      @joshfulcifan1015 2 года назад +5

      Buck Roberts - Damn right! Innocent lives are being murdered. Just to let everyone know - I am a practicing Christian and I don't only love LBTIQ - I think they are beautiful! See we are not all bad.

    • @flowersandcandyflowersandc9093
      @flowersandcandyflowersandc9093 2 года назад +3

      Great point.

    • @indianloveswhitney8408
      @indianloveswhitney8408 2 года назад +2


  • @eddiegardner8232
    @eddiegardner8232 3 года назад +66

    You are a handsome young man. Hope you have found someone to share your life with in peace, and put your family’s problems behind you.

  • @opuscat999
    @opuscat999 3 года назад +35

    A beautiful young man who is remarkably well adjusted for going through such a traumatic experience. Congratulations. I am proud of you.

  • @Harleylover14
    @Harleylover14 2 года назад +35

    He is so cute. I hope he is doing well.

  • @ericgumafelix612
    @ericgumafelix612 2 года назад +2

    I never wanted to be gay. This is not a choice. Its never easy. Be strong kid. Pray hard. God can be your sourceof strength.

  • @Chrominator2004
    @Chrominator2004 2 года назад +30

    I am lucky and proud to be born in an accepting family who are proud of me. What THE HELL IS THE BIG DEAL ABOUT BEING GAY? CAN'T WE ALL JUST LIVE IN PEACE AND HARMONY?! 🤘🏻😡

  • @m.vaishali5160
    @m.vaishali5160 2 года назад +9

    Your story is very heart touching. Remember one thing that if you are right don't be afraid of anything and anyone because God is always with you and and pray and believe in God. God bless you 💐

  • @deatheternal720
    @deatheternal720 2 года назад +32

    I just came out to everyone recently and it made me cry my fucking eyes out when my parents were like "Dude, we knew, we just wanted you to be honest"

    • @lordnikon6809
      @lordnikon6809 2 года назад +4

      And you really thought you had a secret? Lol

    • @deatheternal720
      @deatheternal720 2 года назад +2

      @@lordnikon6809 um? You know nothing about me. Literally no one but my parents seemed to know until I started dressing like I do now. Please gtfoh.

    • @lordnikon6809
      @lordnikon6809 2 года назад +3

      @@deatheternal720 Parents always know.. So chill out. You did not have a secret.

    • @deatheternal720
      @deatheternal720 2 года назад +1

      @@lordnikon6809You're projecting so hard it's depressing.
      It's pretty obvious that no one knew except my parents. Please let your ego settle down and stop thinking you know everything about every one.

    • @lordnikon6809
      @lordnikon6809 2 года назад +2

      @@deatheternal720 No projecting here. Just being real. It's evident. Just own it and chill. Your parents didn't just realize it because you started dressing or styling different. They've known since you were little hence their "duh" attitude. Glad to know they love you unconditionally.

  • @flowersandcandyflowersandc9093
    @flowersandcandyflowersandc9093 2 года назад +9

    It's sad that parents put gay kids out of the home.

  • @timothyxosullivan
    @timothyxosullivan 2 года назад +7

    I do not understand how parents can be so mean to their children. They are your own flesh and blood.

    • @geertvannieuwenhove
      @geertvannieuwenhove 2 года назад

      That's basically very simple to answer: Martens had en ideal image in their head of what their son or daughter should be or do in life, without thinking that that person has or will have when their adults, has a mind of his own... And from people born and raised in the beginning of the last century who witnessed first and second war, they just lack the ability to understand that not just material things evolve and advance, but that lifestyle do that too and they want to hang on desperately to that mental image, that is their world. I speak out of experience with my parents and grandparents. It doesn't makes it all right, but I understand from where lack and inability to accept that someone can be different than you (not speaking race or anything else) and have a different sexual desire, comes from.

  • @charlie9901
    @charlie9901 2 года назад +13

    Hi ... just seeing your vlog now. My heart breaks for you. Noone should have to go through what you experienced. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully this will help other youths. Hopefully, you are in a much better place now. You deserve it. Please post again ... I would like to hear.

  • @spaRKLES88604
    @spaRKLES88604 2 года назад +12

    This stuff tends to happen when there isn't a good family in place. Love your kids enough to look past the outside. This "gay" or "Trans" thing isn't going away

  • @dannyrowland1660
    @dannyrowland1660 2 года назад +4

    His Dad is not a real Dad no Dad that beats his own child is nothing

  • @CarlosAndGabriel
    @CarlosAndGabriel 2 года назад +17

    Rough story to carry when you're that young.

  • @kathytorrez747
    @kathytorrez747 2 года назад +2

    So sorry you had to go through that my grandson is gay and we accept him the way he is 101% I have his back you be who you are God loves you no matter what God bless you ❤️❤️❤️

  • @ryanscottlogan8459
    @ryanscottlogan8459 2 года назад +6

    How sad.I hope he has a safe decent place to live now.❤️

  • @tanchye1720
    @tanchye1720 2 года назад

    I would feel blessed if I have a son like him. Understanding life & good looking too.
    Live you life.

  • @terrystrahl6006
    @terrystrahl6006 2 года назад +3

    It's really sad what LGBT have to go through in there lives, and it is so uncalled for , what ever happened to L-O-V-E )) 😢

  • @joesphbalint5023
    @joesphbalint5023 2 года назад

    That’s a tough story to hear, sounds like an awful situation to be in. Glad to hear your dad has come around. Your mom sounds like a great person, schizophrenia is such a hard illness to live with.

  • @daniel_8181
    @daniel_8181 5 лет назад +19

    gorgeous guy ...wish you the best!

  • @mohe5482
    @mohe5482 2 года назад +1

    Thanks and god bless

  • @karipentzin6063
    @karipentzin6063 2 года назад

    .. the society itself can be very cruel and very often the worst of people, the ones judging all the others are the ones not knowing themselves at all.. and how can a person call him/herself a parent if turning his/hers back on the child of his/hers own blood.. that kind of a person isn't even human and shouldn't even be accepted as a member of the society..
    .. this brave guy seen here shows his heart being pure like his soul as well.. we do need more good guys like him in this world..

  • @michaelmiller1215
    @michaelmiller1215 2 года назад +2

    His dad should have been kept in jail permanently.

    • @anonymous-cx7ng
      @anonymous-cx7ng 2 года назад

      My parents are Muslim they abused me all my life and they didn’t get punished we have no justice where I live

  • @ATLcentury334
    @ATLcentury334 2 года назад +2

    This brought a tear to my eye. I, too, was thrown out of my home by my parents. In the year prior, I started dating an older guy I met through college. We were going to gay clubs a few times a week. My parents were suspicious, my friends curious. I had 2 friends I met through my first job. We used to be together almost every weekend, until I suddenly “had other plans”. I discussed it with the guy I was dating. He thought it was a risk to come out to them. I wanted to be honest, so one night I asked one of them over. She was a very beautiful girl, we were the same age. I couldn’t get the words out. She said “John, do you want me to start? Are you gay?”. I was in shock. Then she said “it’s o.k. Because Cathy and I are too”. I thought I was going to pass out. I told her about who I was seeing, and the clubs he’d taken me too. Then we called Cathy, she was away at college. We talked forever. Cathy was coming home the next weekend, they had never been to a gay nightclub and wanted me to take them and introduce my boyfriend. We had a great time, they both liked my b.f., and the evening was a success. Over the next year, our lives changed. Then everything came to a screeching halt. My folks came home from their yacht club one Sunday. My mother looked angry. She was trying to antagonize me. They she blurted out the question every gay teen dreads, “John, are you gay?”. I tried to tell her what I was going through. Then my folks started screaming at me. “You’ve got 30 minutes to pack what you want, leave your house and car keys on the kitchen table, and get OUT!”. My head was spinning. I ran up stairs, opened my suitcase and tried to pack what I thought I’d need. I went down stars, left my keys, and slammed the door behind me. I called my b.f. from a pay phone. He drove as fast as he could. When we got back to his house, I exploded into tears. He hugged me for what seemed like forever. In the middle of the night I woke up. His nose was pressed up against mine, his eyes were open. I asked “what are you doing?”, he answered, “I just wanted to see if you were o.k.”. The tears started again. I’ll f.f a bit. My b.f. didn’t want a live in situation, so after a few months, I moved. For the next 4 years I couch surfed, never finding a real home. During that time, I went to the funerals of 2 b.f.’s. I decided to see a shrink. It helped. After my regular Thursday appointment, I used to take my self out to dinner. I had to start being good to ME. Then it happened. I was day dreaming, walking around Tiffany’s. Wishing for a watch, or a beautiful ring. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and a guy with dark brown hair, eyes and a moustache smiled at me. “See any thing you like?”. I thought, who the hell is screwing with me? He introduced himself, and asked me to join him for a drink. We sat and laughed, and talked until closing. We exchanged numbers. I thought, well that was nice. The following Monday I was at my folks for dinner.............. yes, we made up. I was helping my mom when I got a call. It was Matt asking if he could take me to dinner. Anywhere I’d like to go. I told him I was having dinner with my folks and asked for a rain check. He sounded disappointed. My mom asked who it was. When I told her, she picked up the phone and told me, you don’t turn down an invitation like that. We talked the night away again. On our way out, he picked up a menu. I asked what he wanted with it. He smiled and said “in 10 years, we might want to remember tonight”. I laughed at him, nervously. Fast forwarding again, that night was 32 years ago. We can’t believe we’ve been together this long. We’ve been through a lot together. When I ask him why he picked me, he always says the same thing, “because you make smile”. I know I’m lucky, I have to watch when I say I like something because most times within a week, he’s gotten it for me. When we bought our first house, he let me pick it out. Everything was going wonderfully until 5 years ago. I wasn’t feeling well. After months of seeing doctors, I checked into a hospital for exploratory surgery. When I woke up, Matt was sitting next to me holding my hand. I asked how was everything. A tear started rolling down his cheek. He said “it’s cancer”. I lost it, he lost it. I started treatment right away. It included a 2 month hospital stay. I ve never fully recovered. It’s been hard, but I still know I’m lucky. Matt gets a large bonus check every Christmas. Every Christmas Eve, we visit the gay youth home charity shop. We leave a good part of his bonus for the kids staying there. I know it’s hard, but I hope all of you know i told this story because it WILL get better. Be true to yourself, be good to yourself because you deserve it. I wish you all love and peace.

    • @swiftie05
      @swiftie05 2 года назад +1

      Thank you so much @John Keating for this beautiful story and I hope you recover from cancer soon, keeping you in my prayers 🙏

    • @jerrylee8261
      @jerrylee8261 2 года назад +1

      John, what a beautiful post. Very disappointing at the end. It's funny how you met but one thing puzzles me-why did you give him your parent's phone number? I'm assuming you did not live with them.

    • @ATLcentury334
      @ATLcentury334 2 года назад +1

      @@jerrylee8261, it was a weird situation. At that time I was living with a roommate, a fellow waiter who lived in an old house, not far from where I worked. He did not have a phone, but said if I wanted to install one, it was o.k. if I did. I was suspicious why someone 10 years older than me didn’t have a phone. It wasn’t too hard to figure out. So I would give out my folks number and they would always check with me at work if I had any calls, which wasn’t too often because I work almost all the time.

    • @jerrylee8261
      @jerrylee8261 2 года назад +1

      @@ATLcentury334 You have puzzled me again.😊About phone-What did you mean by-It wasn't too hard to figure out? Sure is hard for me.😊 I haven't figured it out yet. Sounds kinda sinister.

    • @ATLcentury334
      @ATLcentury334 2 года назад +2

      @@jerrylee8261, if a grown man in his 30’s doesn’t have a phone, that means it was probably disconnected because he didn’t pay the bill.
      I wasn’t going to get in that roommate mess that I’d had quite a few times.

  • @demonuellekellerman8558
    @demonuellekellerman8558 2 года назад +7

    I'm lesbian,and I'm Muslim so my story is worst than yours.You see?Not everything is bad! Everything will be okay 👍

    • @JamilmariamX
      @JamilmariamX 2 года назад

      Astugfirallah!!! 😡👎

    • @anonymous-cx7ng
      @anonymous-cx7ng 2 года назад

      Why are you Muslim your religion is literally extremely misogynistic

    • @peak6829
      @peak6829 2 года назад

      @@JamilmariamX why are you pressed about another person’s preferences? Keep your opinions to yourself ☺️

  • @berniecasey7592
    @berniecasey7592 2 года назад +5

    You're Beautiful I wish you Joy and success & Happiness

  • @brucesarver9328
    @brucesarver9328 7 лет назад +9

    Really great things turned for the better for you!

  • @thealexprime
    @thealexprime 10 месяцев назад +1

    Que gatinho. Sera que ainda ta vivo ?

  • @greathornedowl3644
    @greathornedowl3644 2 года назад +7

    Wow, congratulations on coming out. Tough decision, but glad you got that weight off your shoulders. You are a stunningly handsome young man. Now live life, follow your dreams. Be happy.

  • @woodythecow73
    @woodythecow73 2 года назад +8

    It's sad to see that nothing has changed for the better. So 😥sad

  • @redshield2117
    @redshield2117 3 года назад +7

    I will marry him and keep him safe

  • @maxwellsmart4422
    @maxwellsmart4422 6 лет назад +12

    I am shocked he made it with such a screwed up family.

  • @erdidongel1453
    @erdidongel1453 2 года назад

    i like his eyebrows

  • @denisethorbjornsen7493
    @denisethorbjornsen7493 2 года назад +3

    I'm praying for you

  • @denisethorbjornsen7493
    @denisethorbjornsen7493 2 года назад +1

    That is to be treated with love and respect and dignity omit the word not

  • @neosenyai
    @neosenyai 2 года назад +1

    Cómo se llama el muchacho? What's his name?

  • @eradicator187
    @eradicator187 2 года назад +2

    I am so sorry that happened to you Blake.

  • @vomm
    @vomm 2 года назад +9

    But he did not talked about homelessness? Hard story, though. I hope he found someone who loves him no matter what.

  • @CK-ok2sq
    @CK-ok2sq Год назад

    Damn he’s cute. Nice hair, eyes, facial hair and personality.

  • @sonebone3887
    @sonebone3887 2 года назад +1

    This guy isn't blake keller...who is he??does anyone know 🤔??

  • @anonymous-cx7ng
    @anonymous-cx7ng 2 года назад +1

    I’m a girl from a Muslim country my life is so much worse than yours I basically never had a life

  • @muruganbalakrishna1772
    @muruganbalakrishna1772 6 лет назад +8

    i will marry him.....

  • @amygriffith8224
    @amygriffith8224 2 года назад +1

    I smiled when i read: 5% of the US population is gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, i feel special, im trans ftm and bi. :)

  • @donaldpoliti4340
    @donaldpoliti4340 2 года назад +2

    We are unable to speak without using the word "like" or the the stupid words "you know"

  • @davidblack2693
    @davidblack2693 2 года назад +2

    32 yrs ago I was a homeless teen from 1988 to 1991

  • @josephlenehan4461
    @josephlenehan4461 2 года назад +1

    Jos and Toady 😀 TV

  • @petermartijnheite-bauwens1632
    @petermartijnheite-bauwens1632 2 года назад +2

    gay or not ..... i should be proud to have such a handsome son!!!

  • @denisethorbjornsen7493
    @denisethorbjornsen7493 2 года назад +2

    Everybody is a human being and not to be treated with respect and dignity and love

  • @GrupoChucumite
    @GrupoChucumite 2 года назад +1

    I hope you're ok. Our gay youth need to be loved and protected.

    • @JamilmariamX
      @JamilmariamX 2 года назад


    • @GrupoChucumite
      @GrupoChucumite 2 года назад

      @@JamilmariamX Why do you believe they should not be loved and protected?

  • @YannickSulik
    @YannickSulik 2 года назад

    Husband material. So handsome.

  • @lifechoices6643
    @lifechoices6643 2 года назад

    Your father was meant to love you and be your supporter.nichiren buddhist spirituality says that if you follow it, then your family will eventually accept you for who you are

  • @fluxtier_tarter
    @fluxtier_tarter 2 года назад

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why are poepel like this

  • @indianking25.
    @indianking25. 2 года назад +1

    Hugs love from me being gay is hard far the less to be hurt or abuse , your cute just keep doing good and be the best u can i wish i had a bf like u to hug u and remind you how speical u are 👅😉❤

  • @tomflendodo7297
    @tomflendodo7297 3 года назад +2


  • @johnbennett2987
    @johnbennett2987 3 года назад +2

    out of focus.. video sux

    • @MJ-qb5ph
      @MJ-qb5ph 2 года назад

      It’s fine - buy some glasses

  • @ainoncheng4377
    @ainoncheng4377 2 года назад +1

    Because there is a difference between rejecting homosexual conduct and rejecting homosexual people. The Bible tells Christians to be respectful of all kinds of people. (1 Peter 2:17) But that does not mean that Christians must accept all kinds of conduct. choose to live by the moral code set forth in the Bible. They do not approve of the actions that the Bible prohibits. But they neither mock nor mistreat people whose practices differ from their own.

    • @Nonalhomophobie
      @Nonalhomophobie 2 года назад

      "Because there is a difference between rejecting homosexual conduct and rejecting homosexual people. "
      No, there is not. Because this "conduct" is by their nature.
      "But that does not mean that Christians must accept all kinds of conduct."
      That is hate in disguise. If you can accept heterosexual conduct, then you should accept homosexual conduct as well.
      "They do not approve of the actions that the Bible prohibits. But they neither mock nor mistreat people whose practices differ from their own."
      Claiming it is something that has good reasons to be prohibited is already mocking and mistreating them, stop trying to play the tolerant person, you are doing the opposite.

    • @ainoncheng4377
      @ainoncheng4377 2 года назад

      @@Nonalhomophobie would you accept a conduct that is distasteful regardless of the gender? As simple as that...

    • @Nonalhomophobie
      @Nonalhomophobie 2 года назад +1

      @@ainoncheng4377 No, I would not if that conduct was more than simply subjectively distasteful, I would not accept it if it actually had a negative impact on at least one person. But in case you didn’t notice, your opinion of what is distasteful is not enough to disapprove of something. Who does « homosexual conduct » harm and what does that expression even mean ? You said « regardless of gender », so you seem to realize there is nothing exclusive to homosexuals.

    • @ainoncheng4377
      @ainoncheng4377 2 года назад

      @@Nonalhomophobie how about God's opinion of Distatsteful? Would that be enough?

    • @Nonalhomophobie
      @Nonalhomophobie 2 года назад +3

      @@ainoncheng4377 No, it would not be enough, because 1) you did not prove god exists and 2) even if you did, you would have to prove he does indeed find it distasteful and finally 3) he, like you, would need to give his reasons why something being distasteful is reason enough to forbide anything.

  • @bryanjohnson5621
    @bryanjohnson5621 2 года назад

    That dude is messed up

    • @Nonalhomophobie
      @Nonalhomophobie 2 года назад

      Why ?

    • @swiftie05
      @swiftie05 2 года назад

      If you're talking about the father, then yes

    • @JamilmariamX
      @JamilmariamX 2 года назад

      @@swiftie05 No, the crazy boy who likes men

    • @Nonalhomophobie
      @Nonalhomophobie 2 года назад

      @@JamilmariamX You are messed up, like the dad.