I’ve had non-stop chronic migraines going back as far as I remember and started debilitating me in high school. Teachers thought I was skipping when I was crying my eyes out in a dark, cold room playing some commentary quietly because no noise makes me focus more on my pain. But finally, after over 10 years of crippling pain and failed Botox and spinal taps and being pressured to do marijuana in my state where medical isn’t even legal (and didn’t help much anyway, unless in fab form and that only kept the slurring headaches at bay), I finally may have found something that will work for me. Wish me luck!
I’ve never seen anything give so much attention to cluster headaches. Thank you!!!! Diagnosed 3 years ago after a decade plus of misdiagnosis for sinus headaches.
I have a headache that you guys did not mention. Its called new daily persistent headache and i had this for 2 years now. Since the day the pain started it has never gone away, like i mean not one day off, not even a min without feeling pain. I dont understand how this is possible. It has changed my life in so many ways and i wish more reasearch would be done.
actully before i got the headache i went to the gym every single day and i can't say i had the best diet but it wasn't bad either. but after the headache i just can't work out anymore... but my doctor says i should try to get back at the gym but its so hard while having a headache all the time. recently my meds also became illegal in my country, and my new meds does not work as good as the old one.
Thedarkmickey Ahh dang man. Must suck. I'd say try to remove caffeine and other substances from your diet that might cause headaches. Also make sur you daily water intake is alright, and maybe check to see if you need glasses? That used to cause frequent headaches for me but then I got contacts! If all else fails maybe try cannabis as it's a natural pain reliever, almost no side effects etc... good luck man! Hope you get better and are able to go to the gym again! 💪
Hey man I have that too! Have your doctors checked for POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) or EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). I have both of those and my doctors think I have the daily persistent headaches because of those two illnesses.
I get headaches from anything. Too loud,too quite,too bright,too dark,too much water,too little water. It sucks. Plus it is frequent too. About 4-5 per week
This explains so much. Normally after school, I get a bad headache, makes sense because during school I am EXTREMELY stressed, then I come home and feel super relaxed while watching youtube or playing a game. i also hav shitty posture.
I used to get migraines and cluster headaches. Nothing really helped until I lost a significant amount of weight. Haven't had any trouble since. When I mentioned this to my doctors, I was told they hadn't said anything for fear of hurting my feelings! I hope this might help someone-- my pain made me nearly suicidal and is no joke to sufferers.
Migraines can be triggered by eating spicy and aromatic herbs in pizza or any other food like chicken or biryani or eating too sweet or sour cream or cheese.
I have had cluster headaches for about a year now. The description of a drill going into your eye is pretty accurate. Lucky for me they mostly only last about 15 minutes, but I get at least one per day. And yes, they do wake you up at night.
I don’t get headache massively often, but when I do I get migraines that literally are so painful they don’t just hurt in my head, all across my body mainly head and chest
ErubielThePreacher_Jw Witness I do and my remissions only last a month. The way I try to fight it off is attempting to fall asleep. If I fall asleep the pain is gone when I wake up but sometimes it comes back so I just have to sit there and suffer.
I suffered from mild to severe headaches at least 3 yes a week since I was almost 11, I've tried to determine their triggers in an attempt to avoid them since treating them is out of the realm of possibility.. Anyways, my triggers are: lack of sleep, oversleeping, low blood pressure, hunger, heavy meals, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress (which is a chronic condition of mine), boredom, excitement, sadness, overwhelming joy, crying, laughter, noise, bright lighting, cold weather, humid weather, odors and heavy perfumes, physical activity, lack of physical activity, caffeine, lack of caffeine, colds and periods... Yay!😀😀I deduced that I can avoid excruciating pain by refraining from ..life! 😃
I get headaches after I have seizures. I have epilepsy. Also, about 3 and a half years ago, I suffered a terrible headache, for more than 24 hours. I literally had to get up at 3:15 AM to take Tylenol for it, it was that bad. Thankfully, that helped. This headache happened because the temperature was potentially up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit at times. It was at the end of June. This says I live in the Northern Hemisphere.
i suffer from migrain headaches everyday i take migton for it its brought me to my kness but i am still fighting and gna fight nothing can stop me if anybody out there has a disabling headache just fight bite on ur mouthpiece and fight and work hard ur not alone
You forgot to mention that migraines can also cause visual disturbances, some of which can be disabling also. Thankfully my migraines are very rare but when they do happen, taking 1 or 2 Naproxen tablets and laying in a dark room for a few hours prevents it getting worse. If I get one I'm put out for the day though that's a fact as I lose a lot of my vision. Fastest I've recovered from one was about 6 to 8 hours, slowest recovery was 3 days after a particularly bad one. Bright lights and stress are my triggers so I tend to avoid the sun when I can.
I used to have cluster headaches... It was from 2 to 10 days of constant pain. I felt when an episode was going to start, If I drank a few pills of ibuprofen when it was starting, it was usually milder and short-lived... If I couldn't take Ibuprofen when I was feeling it was going to start, then it would last for days or weeks. The pain was crippling, couldn't concentrate, could think, my productivity at work reduced. It would then remiss for a few months and back again. My doctor recommended killing two nerves molar nerves. I haven't had an episode in two years.
I have a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that gives me bad headaches every day, all day for years. I'm used to when the headaches are not really bad, and Paracetamol/ibuprofen helps a little bit that's it.
I suffered migraine about 3 years. Still uncured. Usually before sleep i watch movies or twitch on my phone, that will make me easier to sleep. But dont do that. The RGB screen/color from phone will cause headache for some reason (dont know to explain how) Another tips i did get from a pharmacy, take potasium suplement or if you cant, take bananas as replacement for the suplement. (eating too much medicine can lead you to kidney problem too). Hope it helpful.
I once got a headache for a while when I lived in my friend’s house when my house was still being built. It was near summer, I think, and they had no AC.
Only ever experienced around 4-5 migraines in my 18 years of life so far. No other headaches. What happened to me was really odd, though. After focusing on an object it gradually starts fading in and out of my vision. Followed by extreme pain concentrated around an eye. I basically couldn't move and just had to lie down and sleep. Not long after, vomiting. Soon clears up after vomiting and a good rest.
Migraines are hereditary. Everybody on my Mother's side of the family suffers from this. As if feeling a drill splitting your head into two is bad enough, it's gets even worse when you have to throw up. You'll even cry in the process.
I can't find any description that fully matches the headache i have. It's crippling. It feels like a hot rod through my right temple and into my eye. I don't think it's throbbing, it's really sharp constant and intense pain. It's been waking me up and then i can't sleep. Sometimes sitting up helps reduce the pain but only slightly. It appeared randomly (as far as i can tell) and lasted for three days then took like a day making me think it was getting better by being very low grade and now it's back as bad as ever. It also changes intensity over the course of the day, usually light enough at night for me to get to sleep and then the intensity increases again and wakes me up about 5 hours later. (3am) It's driving me nuts.
I only once had a migraines like experience and it was horrible. It began with flickering lights in the corners of my vision and ended up with a lot of pain in my head. I ended up taking painkillers and lying down in a completely dark room till I fell asleep.
I suffer many times from a sinusitis headache. The thing that is common among all white headaches, is that they only pass when I take a pill against it
I've had a constant fluctuation between sinus pain and migraine for nearly 5 years. It undermines my potential in education and sports and it's really annoying.
I have Migraines, and they only last few hours. But mine's hereditary (for some reason). They're never fun, I can still function it's just not as much as I normally can. I hope no one else deals with this- it's not fun.
I have a bad headache all the time. 24/7. There is hardly a time in which I don't have a headache. I'm not even joking it's ALL the time. Constantly. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night it's still there. I have tried so many things. I've went to a neurologist, tried out every major preventative, had an MRI scan, went to an allergy specialist, fixed my sleeping schedule, ruled out dietary triggers, live a stress free life, I've controlled my emotions, went to the eye doctor, got treated for depression and I've also tried many home remedies and CBD oils. I've practically tried everything. The only things left for me to try to fix this horrible problem are expensive treatments that my "insurance" doesn't cover such as botox and invasive surgeries. If any of you know what I'm going through, want to suggest something, or just feel bad then please let me know. Pray for me as I've had this condition for over 2 years now. It's agonizing.
Few weeks back I was sick and I got these headaches and the pain was bizarre, it was like there wasn't actually physical pain but it felt like a cold pain as in freezing. The pain was to much and it wasn't like anything I felt before. After I got better I still had those headaches for about a week or so later. Almost everyday for 2-3 hours each time, then suddenly disappearing..i have no idea what happened.
I suffer from Hemiplegic Migraines, which mimic a stroke. The pain usually starts in my neck and shoulder on my right side, this can last for days or weeks with the pain getting increasingly worse, then BAM......I feel like I got hit on the side of my head with a sludge hammer (again on the right side). After the intense pain subsides, which sometimes it's bad enough to make me scream and curl up in the fetal position, the left side of my body goes numb and paralyzed, I even get the droopy eyelid and mouth, my speech is also broken and I have a hard time finding words (even simple ones, for example I couldn't think of the word "stove" so I had to describe it instead) and I stutter for a bit after these migraines hit. I also suffer memory loss after the migraines, the bigger the migraine, the more memory I lose, the first Hemiplegic Migraine I had I couldn't remember my address or phone number so I was afraid to drive in case I got lost and wouldn't be able to find my way home or even tell a taxi where to drive me to take me home. It took 6 months for most of my memory to come back, it's been years since that first migraine and I still haven't gained my full memory back. I know for sure they are not strokes because the first time I ever had one, I was actually already in the hospital for a back issue, so I had Doctors look at me right away. After I had a couple more, I had two CT scans, which confirmed I did not have a stroke. Something that I find helps with the pain is ice/cold, putting a ice pack on the spot where the pain is coming from can decrease the pain. However this *DOES NOT* help for everyone and in some cases can *increase* the pain. You just have to try different things to see what works best for you and/or talk to your Doctor about what "at-home" treatments may work for the type of headache or migraine you're experiencing.
I actually deal with what is known as atypical migraines where I get the aura, but not the headache part. Sadly this condition runs in my family history and I'm the only person who has them because of how genetics skip generations.
i had a headache 3 weeks ago and it was culster and my first time having cluster and it was painful and i didnt know what to do it last for 4 days or 3 and i wanted to know and study it so i can be prepared next time and this video helped me a lot thank u sooooo much
3 years ago I had constant headache. Sometimes I wouldn't have it from a day but it rarely happened. I went from doctor to doctor but they couldn't find out the reason. So I continued to have them for a few years until they suddenly started to "come" less and less. Now I usually get a headache once a month now.
The thing about bad pousture is too true especiely if you play games alot then please take a break to get something to drink every hour or run around house/apartment it Will help a lot
I get tension headaches. I usually take a nap and when i wake up its gone. Sometimes if i wait until night and go to sleep the headache persist throughout the day so then i have to take ibprophen and then the ache is gone.
lately i’ve been getting constant teeth headaches 🤕 i have overcrowded teeth and have some baby wisdom teeth growing in, and i’ve started grinding my teeth really badly the past few months.. i have really long dull headaches and faceaches that suck so bad 😑 any one have advice to help stop teeth grinding??
I deal with cluster headaches a lot through my right eye its very painful It happens sometimes when I haven't worn my glasses and the pain is really unbearable sleep usually helps though its difficult to sleep
The pain of having a cluster headache is not the pain itself. But the disruption of your events around your life. You skip work , call in sick . All these are more emotional damages. Reputation damages , trust damages. As you are the only 1 who really knows your headache. No 1 else does.
I've had daily headaches that never end for 11 years now. Most days, I can go by without noticing them, but other days, my head hurts so bad that I just want to lay down and rest, or I just feel like I could pass out any moment.
My Migraines suck though I'm kinda lucky in that mine tend to only last hours and I don't suffer from any noticeable sound sensitivity from them, my baseline sensitivity is high so it may just go unnoticed if a do get it, but I always have blinding light sensitivity, and almost always nausea, and most emergency migraine meds take too long to kick in to be of help which mean they're usually debilitating
My migraines are not only on one side, they hurt my neck, the back of my head and the middle of my brain. I had one last for 10 days while training in the field in the Army and went into shock, hospital hit me with a sumatriptan injection and instantly it was gone. I had another odd one at the tender age of 17 and went unconscious and was blind for 5 hours after I woke. I get mild to severe migraines about 7 times any given months and some triggers are anything that causes rapid high or even sometimes low blood pressure, bright lights, nitrates, and chocolate sometimes. On rare occasion it evolves into a crazy headache that feels odd like an ice cream headache x100 that is such an intense pain it makes me projectile vomit. Fun stuff.
When i had my braces removed,the next day i had a really bad migrane. This was probably because of the drill vibration. My friend had the same after he had his removed so this must be common.
Hey, I have a serious question. I have never experienced a headache in my life. I am 15 years of age and everyone around me has had a headache. I still don't know why I have never had a headache.
I get these headaches were it happens around 1 of my eyes and it’s sharp and constant pain, they last around 2 hours and happen once a fortnight. It’s very painful and I generally feel very thirsty when it happens even if I’m not dehydrated at all
idk, but when i have migraine, i listen to white noise, usually static, and sometimes binaural beats, it helps me relax, specially when the headache doesn't let me sleep
Can somebody answer why putting pressure on a headache takes the pain away not forever but temporary? Ex. Putting pressure with your hand on the headache
Yodi Gaming Generally headaches are caused by the tightening of the muscles between your scalp and skull. It's called a tension headache and is usually caused by stress, sinus issues, etc. Massaging the tense muscles relaxes them, therefore relieving some of the stress. Some other reasons is because it regulates blood flow, and simply, because it distracts you from the headache. The temple is a popular spot because of how sensitive it is.
Also there is a tube that connects to the brain that brings it oxygen in the back of your neck and it is behind some muscles that move your neck. If you stay with your head in a strange position (it can be as small as tilting your head for to long.) It tenses the muscles and puts pressure on the tube. When massaging that part it eases those muscles and takes off the pressure.
Ive had a Cluster Headache for years, its always there but the intensity comes and goes, i must down a dozen tabs a day to keep it at bay the best i can. Oh and Tinitus, really bad, my ears actually hurt like earache all the time, yea i feel like going under a train half the time.
I’ve had some really really really bad headaches before. Like I’ve had splitting headaches before and they were nothing to this one headache I had. I wanted to rip my head apart. Not as bad as a cluster headache tho. Maybe it was a mild migraine?
I can tell when im gonna get a migraine hours before it hits me, i always keep pills on me but even with the pill i still feel weak and nauseous with the pain atleast gone. I will rather get a regular headache than migraines.
Just today I have a headache. Actually, it started last night, then I woke up with a bigger headache and it kept me company all day, it's like my body decided to make a nice prank for april fools. Two pills of ibuprofen didn't do anything, so I just kept going with the pain. But it's just the tensive headache, cluster headaches hadn't been bothering me for months (yeah, I get those sometimes too).
A dark, silent room and sleep is what works best for my migraine. Then I just wait for it to pass. What do you do?
Sit as still as possible in darkness by a open window in fetus position praying to not throw up and for the pain to go away sooner rather than later.
Why was this uploaded on april fools??
Because it had a headache...
ok bye.
I’ve had non-stop chronic migraines going back as far as I remember and started debilitating me in high school. Teachers thought I was skipping when I was crying my eyes out in a dark, cold room playing some commentary quietly because no noise makes me focus more on my pain. But finally, after over 10 years of crippling pain and failed Botox and spinal taps and being pressured to do marijuana in my state where medical isn’t even legal (and didn’t help much anyway, unless in fab form and that only kept the slurring headaches at bay), I finally may have found something that will work for me. Wish me luck!
They forgot to mention some people with migraine get blurry and or spotty vision
Watching this with my migraine
i feel u
Ryan W I got one hell of a headache right now, in the top, front part of my head. I need some serious pain relievers right now
Ryan W if you watch with a headache I think it can get worse.
Ryan W same
I get em all the time but if you have a migraine I wouldn't be on your phone or computer I'd be sleeping
Types of headaches that last for years: *Children*
Omar Asousy I feel ya lol I'm a single father of a 2 1/2 year old, and I seem to be getting headaches more often
Omar Asousy
I can relate. I’ve been in the RUclips comment section.
A life time*
Krazy Oh snap
Omar Asousy lmfao
you can also get a headache when you cry for a very long time
I’ve never seen anything give so much attention to cluster headaches. Thank you!!!! Diagnosed 3 years ago after a decade plus of misdiagnosis for sinus headaches.
I thought that you were going to talk about jake paul
MagicTaco lol but true
You know gives me headaches? *RUclips DRAMA*
I have a headache that you guys did not mention. Its called new daily persistent headache and i had this for 2 years now. Since the day the pain started it has never gone away, like i mean not one day off, not even a min without feeling pain. I dont understand how this is possible. It has changed my life in so many ways and i wish more reasearch would be done.
Thedarkmickey ahh shit must suck. Have you ever tried changing your diet? And exercising more?
actully before i got the headache i went to the gym every single day and i can't say i had the best diet but it wasn't bad either. but after the headache i just can't work out anymore... but my doctor says i should try to get back at the gym but its so hard while having a headache all the time. recently my meds also became illegal in my country, and my new meds does not work as good as the old one.
Thedarkmickey Ahh dang man. Must suck. I'd say try to remove caffeine and other substances from your diet that might cause headaches. Also make sur you daily water intake is alright, and maybe check to see if you need glasses? That used to cause frequent headaches for me but then I got contacts! If all else fails maybe try cannabis as it's a natural pain reliever, almost no side effects etc... good luck man! Hope you get better and are able to go to the gym again! 💪
Thx for repling and for the advice man, really appreciate it!
Hey man I have that too! Have your doctors checked for POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) or EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). I have both of those and my doctors think I have the daily persistent headaches because of those two illnesses.
I get at least 2-3 headaches a week and it’s because my sensitivity to light and sounds.
Maybe it's because you watch RUclips
Is that why your pic is you (I’m assuming) with sunglasses?
That must be tough
Dave Ave no, I just like this picture of me
Nash Hoover nope. It happens at school all the time.
I get headaches from anything. Too loud,too quite,too bright,too dark,too much water,too little water. It sucks. Plus it is frequent too. About 4-5 per week
Have some aspirin
Dope Black same
Even people’s faces 🤷🏽♀️
Perfume is the cause of most of my headaches
??? Spongebob and Patrick built ass
Febreeze and Axe are the worst culprits for me.
Yea man sometimes they are
This explains so much. Normally after school, I get a bad headache, makes sense because during school I am EXTREMELY stressed, then I come home and feel super relaxed while watching youtube or playing a game. i also hav shitty posture.
I rarely get headaches, but the moment I get a headache this video shows up in my feed
I used to get migraines and cluster headaches. Nothing really helped until I lost a significant amount of weight. Haven't had any trouble since. When I mentioned this to my doctors, I was told they hadn't said anything for fear of hurting my feelings!
I hope this might help someone-- my pain made me nearly suicidal and is no joke to sufferers.
I have a headache that last for over years it's called depression
Greasy edgy
Deression in 2017?
Migraines can be triggered by eating spicy and aromatic herbs in pizza or any other food like chicken or biryani or eating too sweet or sour cream or cheese.
I have had cluster headaches for about a year now. The description of a drill going into your eye is pretty accurate. Lucky for me they mostly only last about 15 minutes, but I get at least one per day. And yes, they do wake you up at night.
Just thinking of headaches is making me feel a tiny pump of pain in my head. Nonetheless, very useful video.
This other one known as "children" lasts around 18 I heard
This is the best learning channel on youtube.... Thank you
I don’t get headache massively often, but when I do I get migraines that literally are so painful they don’t just hurt in my head, all across my body mainly head and chest
Oh you lucky headache free people.
Wow my father got headache since few years and u uploaded the video
How do people go a whole year without a headache?? I get them pretty much every day.
According to my chiropractor the average amount of headaches per year is 1-3. Those lucky bastards.
clutchxplaybio those lucky people i get a migraine every 2 times week that last 3hours(pills) to 13hours(untreated)
Be thankful you don't ahve cluster headaches.
ErubielThePreacher_Jw Witness I do and my remissions only last a month. The way I try to fight it off is attempting to fall asleep. If I fall asleep the pain is gone when I wake up but sometimes it comes back so I just have to sit there and suffer.
I suffered from mild to severe headaches at least 3 yes a week since I was almost 11, I've tried to determine their triggers in an attempt to avoid them since treating them is out of the realm of possibility.. Anyways, my triggers are: lack of sleep, oversleeping, low blood pressure, hunger, heavy meals, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress (which is a chronic condition of mine), boredom, excitement, sadness, overwhelming joy, crying, laughter, noise, bright lighting, cold weather, humid weather, odors and heavy perfumes, physical activity, lack of physical activity, caffeine, lack of caffeine, colds and periods...
Yay!😀😀I deduced that I can avoid excruciating pain by refraining from ..life! 😃
Your video is more helpful than show's on TV and please make another video of this there are some things that are not covered I think
Thanks Infographics. Very informative video.
I get headaches after I have seizures. I have epilepsy. Also, about 3 and a half years ago, I suffered a terrible headache, for more than 24 hours. I literally had to get up at 3:15 AM to take Tylenol for it, it was that bad. Thankfully, that helped. This headache happened because the temperature was potentially up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit at times. It was at the end of June. This says I live in the Northern Hemisphere.
i suffer from migrain headaches everyday i take migton for it its brought me to my kness but i am still fighting and gna fight nothing can stop me if anybody out there has a disabling headache just fight bite on ur mouthpiece and fight and work hard ur not alone
You forgot to mention that migraines can also cause visual disturbances, some of which can be disabling also.
Thankfully my migraines are very rare but when they do happen, taking 1 or 2 Naproxen tablets and laying in a dark room for a few hours prevents it getting worse. If I get one I'm put out for the day though that's a fact as I lose a lot of my vision. Fastest I've recovered from one was about 6 to 8 hours, slowest recovery was 3 days after a particularly bad one.
Bright lights and stress are my triggers so I tend to avoid the sun when I can.
I used to have cluster headaches... It was from 2 to 10 days of constant pain. I felt when an episode was going to start, If I drank a few pills of ibuprofen when it was starting, it was usually milder and short-lived... If I couldn't take Ibuprofen when I was feeling it was going to start, then it would last for days or weeks. The pain was crippling, couldn't concentrate, could think, my productivity at work reduced. It would then remiss for a few months and back again.
My doctor recommended killing two nerves molar nerves. I haven't had an episode in two years.
I usually barely ever get headaches. But as soon as I got hit in the head on Tuesday, I've had headaches for DAYS. Literally!
your voice is kinda nice
I have a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that gives me bad headaches every day, all day for years. I'm used to when the headaches are not really bad, and Paracetamol/ibuprofen helps a little bit that's it.
My cluster period just ended. I cluster attacks really are debilitating and one of the worst pains out there.
I suffered migraine about 3 years. Still uncured. Usually before sleep i watch movies or twitch on my phone, that will make me easier to sleep. But dont do that. The RGB screen/color from phone will cause headache for some reason (dont know to explain how)
Another tips i did get from a pharmacy, take potasium suplement or if you cant, take bananas as replacement for the suplement. (eating too much medicine can lead you to kidney problem too). Hope it helpful.
You and your team are amazing people
I once got a headache for a while when I lived in my friend’s house when my house was still being built. It was near summer, I think, and they had no AC.
Only ever experienced around 4-5 migraines in my 18 years of life so far. No other headaches. What happened to me was really odd, though. After focusing on an object it gradually starts fading in and out of my vision. Followed by extreme pain concentrated around an eye. I basically couldn't move and just had to lie down and sleep. Not long after, vomiting. Soon clears up after vomiting and a good rest.
Migraines are hereditary. Everybody on my Mother's side of the family suffers from this. As if feeling a drill splitting your head into two is bad enough, it's gets even worse when you have to throw up. You'll even cry in the process.
I can't find any description that fully matches the headache i have. It's crippling.
It feels like a hot rod through my right temple and into my eye. I don't think it's throbbing, it's really sharp constant and intense pain.
It's been waking me up and then i can't sleep. Sometimes sitting up helps reduce the pain but only slightly.
It appeared randomly (as far as i can tell) and lasted for three days then took like a day making me think it was getting better by being very low grade and now it's back as bad as ever. It also changes intensity over the course of the day, usually light enough at night for me to get to sleep and then the intensity increases again and wakes me up about 5 hours later. (3am) It's driving me nuts.
I only once had a migraines like experience and it was horrible. It began with flickering lights in the corners of my vision and ended up with a lot of pain in my head. I ended up taking painkillers and lying down in a completely dark room till I fell asleep.
I suffer many times from a sinusitis headache. The thing that is common among all white headaches, is that they only pass when I take a pill against it
Thanks, so useful
This vedio was necessary for me ...so thanks
I've had a constant fluctuation between sinus pain and migraine for nearly 5 years. It undermines my potential in education and sports and it's really annoying.
Great video!
Suffered a migraine before, it was killing me like hell. It was the worst imaginable pain to my brain ever!
I have Migraines, and they only last few hours. But mine's hereditary (for some reason). They're never fun, I can still function it's just not as much as I normally can. I hope no one else deals with this- it's not fun.
I’ve had a constant headache going on 4 years now and still going.
I have a bad headache all the time. 24/7. There is hardly a time in which I don't have a headache. I'm not even joking it's ALL the time. Constantly. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night it's still there.
I have tried so many things. I've went to a neurologist, tried out every major preventative, had an MRI scan, went to an allergy specialist, fixed my sleeping schedule, ruled out dietary triggers, live a stress free life, I've controlled my emotions, went to the eye doctor, got treated for depression and I've also tried many home remedies and CBD oils. I've practically tried everything. The only things left for me to try to fix this horrible problem are expensive treatments that my "insurance" doesn't cover such as botox and invasive surgeries. If any of you know what I'm going through, want to suggest something, or just feel bad then please let me know. Pray for me as I've had this condition for over 2 years now. It's agonizing.
Few weeks back I was sick and I got these headaches and the pain was bizarre, it was like there wasn't actually physical pain but it felt like a cold pain as in freezing. The pain was to much and it wasn't like anything I felt before. After I got better I still had those headaches for about a week or so later. Almost everyday for 2-3 hours each time, then suddenly disappearing..i have no idea what happened.
I suffer from Hemiplegic Migraines, which mimic a stroke.
The pain usually starts in my neck and shoulder on my right side, this can last for days or weeks with the pain getting increasingly worse, then BAM......I feel like I got hit on the side of my head with a sludge hammer (again on the right side). After the intense pain subsides, which sometimes it's bad enough to make me scream and curl up in the fetal position, the left side of my body goes numb and paralyzed, I even get the droopy eyelid and mouth, my speech is also broken and I have a hard time finding words (even simple ones, for example I couldn't think of the word "stove" so I had to describe it instead) and I stutter for a bit after these migraines hit. I also suffer memory loss after the migraines, the bigger the migraine, the more memory I lose, the first Hemiplegic Migraine I had I couldn't remember my address or phone number so I was afraid to drive in case I got lost and wouldn't be able to find my way home or even tell a taxi where to drive me to take me home. It took 6 months for most of my memory to come back, it's been years since that first migraine and I still haven't gained my full memory back.
I know for sure they are not strokes because the first time I ever had one, I was actually already in the hospital for a back issue, so I had Doctors look at me right away. After I had a couple more, I had two CT scans, which confirmed I did not have a stroke.
Something that I find helps with the pain is ice/cold, putting a ice pack on the spot where the pain is coming from can decrease the pain. However this *DOES NOT* help for everyone and in some cases can *increase* the pain. You just have to try different things to see what works best for you and/or talk to your Doctor about what "at-home" treatments may work for the type of headache or migraine you're experiencing.
I have hemiplegic migraines. Let’s just say the pain is one of the least concerning effects of the condition
I actually deal with what is known as atypical migraines where I get the aura, but not the headache part. Sadly this condition runs in my family history and I'm the only person who has them because of how genetics skip generations.
Depression... *that explains a lot...*
cardi b, politics and 2018 hip hop are the cause.
Wu Tang is for the children
Tyler modern hip hop is just terrible
I agree
Jason Armstrong just like every other music genre has gone down the drain
There would be days where I would wake up and feel so tired even though sleeping for 8 to 9 hours my head will feel so heavy .
i had a headache 3 weeks ago and it was culster and my first time having cluster and it was painful and i didnt know what to do it last for 4 days or 3 and i wanted to know and study it so i can be prepared next time and this video helped me a lot thank u sooooo much
Very nice and educational video but I would like to know the background music or if it was made by you.
3 years ago I had constant headache. Sometimes I wouldn't have it from a day but it rarely happened. I went from doctor to doctor but they couldn't find out the reason. So I continued to have them for a few years until they suddenly started to "come" less and less. Now I usually get a headache once a month now.
Thats funny.... I just had a headache yesterday and was trying to get rid of it yesterday
The thing about bad pousture is too true especiely if you play games alot then please take a break to get something to drink every hour or run around house/apartment it Will help a lot
Peppermint oil and ibuprofen liquid gels help with my weekly migraines
You are doing a video about headaches! Seriously!😆
I get tension headaches. I usually take a nap and when i wake up its gone. Sometimes if i wait until night and go to sleep the headache persist throughout the day so then i have to take ibprophen and then the ache is gone.
try some chiro for tension headaches, worked for me but you have to stay with it
Catching up on infographics videos. Video marathon I guess?
lately i’ve been getting constant teeth headaches 🤕 i have overcrowded teeth and have some baby wisdom teeth growing in, and i’ve started grinding my teeth really badly the past few months.. i have really long dull headaches and faceaches that suck so bad 😑 any one have advice to help stop teeth grinding??
does that happen when your asleep?because that happen to my mom so she has a mouth guard thing for when she sleeps now!
I deal with cluster headaches a lot through my right eye its very painful It happens sometimes when I haven't worn my glasses and the pain is really unbearable sleep usually helps though its difficult to sleep
I am very interested in why these things cause headaches.
The pain of having a cluster headache is not the pain itself.
But the disruption of your events around your life. You skip work , call in sick . All these are more emotional damages. Reputation damages , trust damages.
As you are the only 1 who really knows your headache. No 1 else does.
I've had daily headaches that never end for 11 years now. Most days, I can go by without noticing them, but other days, my head hurts so bad that I just want to lay down and rest, or I just feel like I could pass out any moment.
Are you ok now?
@@i1_1x nope
@@Mewhunter5 well thats unfortunate, I get headaches and migraine everyday too, it ruins your life, it isn't cool
My Migraines suck though I'm kinda lucky in that mine tend to only last hours and I don't suffer from any noticeable sound sensitivity from them, my baseline sensitivity is high so it may just go unnoticed if a do get it, but I always have blinding light sensitivity, and almost always nausea, and most emergency migraine meds take too long to kick in to be of help which mean they're usually debilitating
My migraines are not only on one side, they hurt my neck, the back of my head and the middle of my brain. I had one last for 10 days while training in the field in the Army and went into shock, hospital hit me with a sumatriptan injection and instantly it was gone. I had another odd one at the tender age of 17 and went unconscious and was blind for 5 hours after I woke. I get mild to severe migraines about 7 times any given months and some triggers are anything that causes rapid high or even sometimes low blood pressure, bright lights, nitrates, and chocolate sometimes. On rare occasion it evolves into a crazy headache that feels odd like an ice cream headache x100 that is such an intense pain it makes me projectile vomit. Fun stuff.
When i had my braces removed,the next day i had a really bad migrane. This was probably because of the drill vibration. My friend had the same after he had his removed so this must be common.
Hey, I have a serious question. I have never experienced a headache in my life. I am 15 years of age and everyone around me has had a headache. I still don't know why I have never had a headache.
I get these headaches were it happens around 1 of my eyes and it’s sharp and constant pain, they last around 2 hours and happen once a fortnight. It’s very painful and I generally feel very thirsty when it happens even if I’m not dehydrated at all
I had a headache all day before this came out
If you experience a series of migraine at puberty, does this mean when adulthood it will no longer come back? Or is the effect doing to be double?
Can you do a video explaining why I can only breathe with one nostril, is it normal congestion or is it another type of you know what
idk, but when i have migraine, i listen to white noise, usually static, and sometimes binaural beats, it helps me relax, specially when the headache doesn't let me sleep
Can somebody answer why putting pressure on a headache takes the pain away not forever but temporary?
Ex. Putting pressure with your hand on the headache
Yodi Gaming Generally headaches are caused by the tightening of the muscles between your scalp and skull. It's called a tension headache and is usually caused by stress, sinus issues, etc. Massaging the tense muscles relaxes them, therefore relieving some of the stress. Some other reasons is because it regulates blood flow, and simply, because it distracts you from the headache. The temple is a popular spot because of how sensitive it is.
Oh ok thank you so much!
Also there is a tube that connects to the brain that brings it oxygen in the back of your neck and it is behind some muscles that move your neck. If you stay with your head in a strange position (it can be as small as tilting your head for to long.) It tenses the muscles and puts pressure on the tube. When massaging that part it eases those muscles and takes off the pressure.
I had a migraine a few days ago. I had the lights off and my sister had to whisper to me because regular talking was too loud 😣
Make a video about the flu or clogged nose
Wow I have a side headache it's been bothering me all day!
This video gave me a headache 😩
I used to get headaches every day during/after school... they seem to have gone away... it was around my left eye/forehead
I get cluster headaches so often yet I haven’t seen a doctor
Ive had a Cluster Headache for years, its always there but the intensity comes and goes, i must down a dozen tabs a day to keep it at bay the best i can.
Oh and Tinitus, really bad, my ears actually hurt like earache all the time, yea i feel like going under a train half the time.
What about hemiplegic/basilar migraines?
I’ve had some really really really bad headaches before. Like I’ve had splitting headaches before and they were nothing to this one headache I had. I wanted to rip my head apart. Not as bad as a cluster headache tho. Maybe it was a mild migraine?
Will you ever make South Korea vs Japan?
sometimes i get migraine attacks and they are so bad that i only can lay in my bed and cry until it ends and thet can take around 6 hours
Filip Dahl You’re not alone. I am here for you and do are many others.
try 16 hours and every. single. day.
for 9 years straight.
Is that cluster headaches?
I have a freaking headache after sleeping for like 6hrs
Gianna Granick I usually throw up everything that i have eaten and if i drink something i will vomit again
Does she nyone know what software or app they use to make their videoes or something like it to make informative animations thank u
Hey, Infographics Show, are you guys planning to release a Best April Fools Pranks video? That’d be cool :) Hope you guys reply.
I get tension headaches all the time. Sometimes severe sometimes mild. Its like a big rubber band around my forehead tightening constantly
I can tell when im gonna get a migraine hours before it hits me, i always keep pills on me but even with the pill i still feel weak and nauseous with the pain atleast gone. I will rather get a regular headache than migraines.
ive had a nonstop headache since i was 11 years, i dont even remember how it feels to not hurt. it sucks.
Just today I have a headache. Actually, it started last night, then I woke up with a bigger headache and it kept me company all day, it's like my body decided to make a nice prank for april fools. Two pills of ibuprofen didn't do anything, so I just kept going with the pain. But it's just the tensive headache, cluster headaches hadn't been bothering me for months (yeah, I get those sometimes too).