Barbara Anderson is a treasure with enormous institutional memory. This is simply the best exJW discussion out there. Watch every minute of this. It’s well worth your while.
I was an Elder in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church for over 15 years and it is amazing how similar my wake-up experience is to so many Ex-JWs. I love this platform and send love and support out to all those watching and following Fifth.
This is the most balanced, informative interview I've seen on the history of the jw organisation. It has only reinforced to me the realisation, that all those years I served /sacrificed, I was serving a group of imperfect, some good, some bad men. What a waste! Barbara you are an amazing person, thank you for all your efforts to champion the rights of children.
This one single important interview is extremely priceless. Current active JW's all day long telling individuals how spiritual sick those friends are and making snap judgements on people, have no idea what's really going on at the top, not a clue. I think this day may mark a turning point. This wonderful lady is telling us what really went down even inside the writing department and service department and legal department and governing body. This is really monumental.
How can ANYONE watch this and then hit the thumbs down button? I'm shocked to see 14 have done just that. The ability to listen, learn, and use critical thinking, or just plain 'ol common sense, is clearly lacking in those 14 people. Not to mention the lack of a heart, love, or compassion! SMH Shame on them!
Being brave and compassionate comes with a great price: Dear Mrs. Anderson, in standing up for hundreds of thousand of children, loses her own child and grandchildren in the process. My heart aches for her because of this. She doesn't deserve it. May Christ ease for her the emotional pain this must cause.
Wow. What I love is that Barbara tell the facts withouth JW bashing. So many ex JWs are so full of anger, and resnetment. Lets move forward and be advocates for children's rights.
Processing feelings of justified anger is a normal part of coping with/overcoming complex trauma. It takes courage to allow one's self to feel ALL of the suppressed emotions that result from years of spiritual, psychological, emotional, financial and often physical and sexual abuse that are commonplace within high control l/high dysfunction groups like JWs. Expressing anger - in a way that is safe - is a part of healing and reconnecting to one's sense of self. Folks who are newly out, especially, are typically going to go through an angry phase and require the compassion of the folks who are long time out and have processed their anger. ❤❤
Absolutely fascinating interview. What a gem of a human being Barbara Anderson is! Cliff, thank you for conducting this livestream/video. Keep up the great work. I know you’re doing great things in Australia. We appreciate everything you do.
This was an amazing interview. This should be aired on national television for everybody to see. How is it that the organization can continue to get away with this🤢😣
Soy mexicana y actualmente estoy inactiva, tengo poquito más de un año. Gracias Bárbara por apoyar a esas víctimas, el Creador te bendiga por lo que haces. Yo me siento libre en ahora por haber tomado esa desición, aunque me deprimí al saber esto. Se que hago lo correcto. Investigo con varias biblias y estoy aprendiendo cosas que ignoraba, cosas buenas que nuestro Sr. Jesús nos dice en su evangelio, esa es la verdad.
This is the best interview on the internet, bringing light and insight into the JW organisation. This interview was instrumental in my awakening. Thank you both.
What an inspiring lady! Cliff, both you and Barbara can say you've done the right thing and made a difference for the better for so many. Thank you both.
They should have had Barbara at the Australian Royal Commission hearings. And then on to the rest of the countries that could put her knowledge to work exposing the JW.Org.
Thank you Barbara for all the hard work you have done in helping children and exposing WT. Christ use us all in different ways and you have certainly been used to blow the whistle on the disgusting practices of this org. Thank you fifth for bringing this amazing interview with Barbara, i hope that you can do it again with her as she has so much to share.
I have known of Barbara for about 20 years. Both my girls were molested and their story is your story. He is dead now so emotional healing is put away not gone. Keep talking and informing.
Ms. Anderson is a hero because she's had to sacrifice a lot in order to help and warn the public. The hypocrisy and manipulation of this organization is shocking and infuriating.
Estimado Fifth: Gracias por esta entrevista. Barbara, una mujer valiente, honesta, equilibrada, inteligente, educada y no obstante habla con mucha claridad, dice las cosas claras y veraces. Por favor, si puedes transmite a Bárbara mis palabras. Nuestro querido Ray Franz y nuestra querida Bárbara Anderson nos ayudan a tener pensamiento propio. Muchas gracias.
I really love Barbara very much. She is really a great inspiritation to me. Her life experiences are very interesting. Im happy to see her and to think I read some of the things she has written when I was serving Jehovah in the late 90's. Im old enought to be her son and even though her son is so indroctrinated and not able to talk to her. I would say if i could meet Barbra I surely give her a hug. I am thankful for her explanations that set us free from false teaching. I love you Barbara and your work including your communication skills.
BRING HER BACK AGAIN...I BET she's got more stories and things to tell ..including about the Russell's. Please bring her back...we need to know these things ... So sad that her own son can't see her courage and loyalty to what is right before God. Dare I say it again..."BRING HER BACK"!!!
I agree Barbara should be brought back and go into more detailed on why the then President of the Watchtower, Nathan Knorr, would appoint a recognized PEDOPHILE, as Ted Jarvis was, on the governing body??? I’m stunned and flabbergasted!
@@jushaup426 Do you mean Ted Jaracz? If not, could you tell me a little more about Ted Jarvis? I’ve never heard of him, but I remember Ted Jaracz being a member of the GB.
max - Sayler After 27yrs in the organization! Myself and my wife decided to fade away after research and what really did it, is what they did and how they treated that ex elder of 40yrs of service.he put up a bunch of videos exposing the false teaching of wt, he’s from Canada his name is Eric Wilson he is on you Y T. WATCH HIS LATEST VIDEO! A Jehovah’s Witness elder on trial for apostasy! Totally sad and disgusting.
Magnum Opus 777 omg. How long ago did you both was the Australian royal commission that did it for me....I watched Eric....totally disgusting...I was in over 40 yrs...being shunned now...
@@maxinemortimer714 Hi max wow! 40yrs.? we went to the memorial and it just wasn't the same anymore! there is more to the story but i don"t want to bad mouth anyone and we'll turn the other cheek and i we care very much for these brothers and sisters of ours,. year after year meetings and out in service and look at we ended up finding out! last saturday we decided that was it. we are not leaving the Christ or Jah! his word is truth and our love obedience honor and praise still belong to them. but man is just a greedy evil liar we are both hurt and disgusted at present. no wonder they don"t want us to research anywhere else except!!
This it's an Empire that extend and control life far beyond what the mayorities of people's might think from and extended to government and corporate governance . Excellent connection to conduct this interview
How did I miss this! The Dateline special is what woke me up when I watched it May 23, 2018. Coming up on my 'freedom' anniversary. SO thankful to this wonderful brave lady that she exposed that organization for what it is...damaging and harmful! Greetings for So Cal.
Gracias por ponerlo en español, esta sra en el año 1999 fue una de las que sin saberlo me ayudó a salir de la secta , leí cosas de ella por Internet y me ayudó, gracias por ponerla 💞
Great interview! Loved it! Barbara’s such a wealth of information. One of the few left that know the organization’s history, lived through it and came out the other side. Kudos!
Wow this was an excellent video. Barbara is truly a wonderful person exposing this cult. She is too nice 👍 I would love for you to have her back on the channel in hour increments to share more of the specifics “dirt” so to speak on the various GB and elders involved in the child abuse cases. She has a long history with this organization, so I’m sure there is more specific detail for her to share. Thank you 🙏
Merci beaucoup Barbara Ton amour de la justice, ta compassion, ton honnêteté, ton courage font honneur à notre Père céleste. Très bel encouragement pour moi. Merci de France
She has a book out. And one on about Maria Russell’s writings. But you’re right. I want to see the book about Charles and Maria’s marriage come to light.
Os escritos de Maria Russell Por Barbara Anderson eBook (PDF), 1174 páginas Este item ainda não foi classificado Os escritos de Maria Russell Preço: $ 11.95 O documento eletrônico The Writings of Maria Russell contém o último trabalho da Sra. Russell, um manuscrito não publicado de 600 páginas e um gráfico do final dos tempos, destinado a um livro intitulado O Propósito Eterno, que descreve suas crenças teológicas posteriores. Para ajudar a entender o desenvolvimento de um cisma entre Maria e seu marido, o pastor Charles Taze Russell, e sua separação da organização religiosa que eles fundaram, uma INTRODUÇÃO esclarecedora é incluída, bem como uma varredura de seu poema de 1890 noventa e seis páginas, The Wonderful História; dois livros, This Gospel of the Kingdom e The Twain One, ambos publicados em 1906; onze de seus artigos na Torre de Vigia de Sião - todos destinados a um excelente estudo comparativo. Este documento eletrônico contém cerca de 1150 páginas para revisão por pesquisadores sérios da CT e Maria
Barbara didn't do this just "being a mother" (my Mum didn't stand up for me when I was abused and she still has been blaming me up today ...). Barbara did that because she's a deeply human and ethical person. Unfortunately, people are not turning into one of them just because they're becoming parents. Still, a lot of us had to grow up with parents with a serious lack of emotion or ethical minimum standards. I'm so sorry that Barbara and Joe have to suffer the lack of their family members (including their grandchildren) due to the WT policy. They don't deserve it. No one really does.
Any organization either religious or secular that would dictate to its members that they must shun non-members, even family members is not a mentally healthy group and should be avoided at all cost. I believe that :HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER" trumps any religious dogma that says you must shun your parents. When will people awaken to the fact that you don't need to belong to an organization to have a relationship with the creator?
I appreciate this interview and I appreciate Barbara’s focus on the much needed issue of child abuse... But as you stated Barbara, If religion harms people by their dogma then the courts can get involved...Well what about disfellowshipping? We need to take this to court... The horrible consequences of disfellowpping on a human psyche on family’s on lives. Can we somehow take this on, what can we do?
Learning the truth about CT Russell and Maria is what did it for me. She was an abuse victim, he was a malignant narcissist, and to this day her name is dragged through the mud. I would love to see a book published about their marriage. I owe so much to Barbara’s research. I loved the Brooklyn Daily Eagle articles. They were instrumental in my awakening, and I’m hoping will help wake up my husband.
That’s a lie. Russell’s wife wanted to bring feminism into his magazine because those was the era of women’s suffrage. His message was nothing like the JWs.
What does his marriage have anything to do with his bible teachings. No. Sorry. So many bible characters like Moses did things contrary to God and he still taught truth.
John, I used to feel the same. I read the court transcripts on their separation suit. Charles repeatedly lied under oath, and only admitted truth when backed into a corner. He did the same thing in his suits against Ross, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, and the Washington Post. He felt no compunction about deceiving to get ahead, especially when it came to money. The narrative about Maria being a feminist came from Charles, AFTER he lost the separation suit. He couldn’t fool the judge and jury, but he knew he could deceive the congregation. (Psa. 5:6) When you compare his version with the court transcripts it’s plain to see the deception. There no mistaking it. I urge you to investigate. I have all the Studies in the Scriptures, I’ve read stacks of Zions Watch Tower articles. I can share some of my research with you if you are interested.
I saw and read about Barbra when I woke up in 2016 after I saw the shunning conventions John Cedars did.Then the ARC I knew I wouldn't eturn I binge watched videos I made my decision in one night I was through I was in & believed this crap from the age of 16 -51 so to gain your freedom mentally & emotionally is never to late.
@@geminitwix freedom has never better,no guilt about counting time missing meetings because I'm to sick to attend& no matter what u are marked as spiritually weak.Im free and so are my two daughters that were raised JW's.No more fake friends that don't know what real unconditional love is if it slaps them in the face.
@@dantoinettetaylor1663 Thank you I knew something was wrong at the Congregation level.Seeing the crooked lying GB's was it.The rotten from the top down.My pioneer exmother in law encouraged me to go on JW.Fools.I saw the Shunning convention I saw it as cruel for the first time.I finally understood why they pressured you not to miss meeting it's the way u wake up I wasn't been forced fed the garbage anymore.
Wow. Mrs. Anderson, you are an amazing women. I guess it’s fair to say you’ve acted upon your own crisis of conscious. I am grateful. You have given us a voice.
As of 2020 even though they "ok" therapy they do not want you to tell your therapist about any injustice you face in the congregation as it "will bring reproach on Jehovah". There would be no reproach if they didn't treat the sheep so horribly.
Muchas gracias Barbara. Me ha encantado tu exposición y honestidad. Eres una mujer francamente valiente. Mil gracias por aclarar tantos asuntos, como este tan delicado, como el de los casos de abusos de menores. Muy buena información. Gracias Barbara te mando todo mi amor y bendiciones desde Mallorca España. ❤️❤️❤️
Wow. I got choked up when she mentioned Harry Peloyan’s name. I attended the same congregation as him. I had the utmost respect for him. Harry was a genuine and charismatic man. I truly miss him.
Wooo sorprendente..... Como me gustaría que mi madre y mis herman@s vieran estos vídeos principalmente éste para que abran sus ojos a la realidad pero imposible con ellos😔 Eres una gran valiente Barbara al hacer lo correcto claro que si y de seguro lo seguirás haciendo siempre...😊
i would love to spend hours picking Barbara's brain on all sorts of topics. What a great woman. If only Jehovah's Witnesses were full of people like her it might be something I would want to go back to.
Superb Interview. I just love her realistic approach and her courage to do the right things towards this whole tragedy. I wish my sister would watch this interview. Perhaps it would wake her up😢
I got to meet Barbara last year at the Witnesses Now For Jesus 40th Pennsylvania Conference when I gave my hour long video-taped testimony! She's an incredibly amazing gal! 👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️
Chanel 8 ---- she does because she was at & started (with her awesome husband) the WNFJ Conference 40-years ago! The original! Now their in other States! Nope, the Watchtower didn't take our faith! They freakin tried their darndest though! Lol! 👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️
@@exjwborn-in2134 that's so many leave God altogether because of the WT and fear.i have been watching witness now 4 Jesus conference 2019.been blessed.and hearing ex jws share their testimonys.
Cliff !!!! I love your interview style because after you ask a question, you LISTEN and DON'T INTERRUPT! You are unique in that, and you are a true treasure.
Absolutely wonderful hearing this as a former Jehovah’s Witness. Fifth keep doing your thing. Truth on the past ordeals for us all we’ll continue opening doors to true light on this 100 yr old organization that has stolen many older ones youth!
excellent interview..thank you both for all your efforts......I will mention that my husband and I left the organization about 4 yrs ago after being part of it for over 22 yrs.. .. we faded …. have not been disfellowshipped and have not disassociated.. primarily because of wanting to maintain family relationships..( we would disassociate in a heartbeat if these relationships were not in jeopardy).. I just want to say I really appreciate honesty and fairness in whatever I read and listen to....I am a proponent of looking at things from all perspectives within the framework of love, compassion and kindness... and I feel this interview fits into the framework of my thinking. One thing that I have had a difficult time with in reading or listening to all of the information on abuse is that little is ever mentioned regarding the mental health issues involved.. so much of it seems one sided to me, focusing on the abused ( i understand this to some extent, but there is so much more involved)… I feel for the abused but I also feel for the abusers.. I work in healthcare and have seen so many issues and learned an incredible amount regarding human nature and human behavior...I used to be very opinionated and strongly for and against many different things... i have learned to level out in many areas.... my mantra has become " to seek to understand, rather than to judge and be dogmatic".. I have found throughout my experiences that many people do things they really don't want to do and in fact hate themselves for it..There are so many underlying issues and experiences people have been through that cause them to deal with others and life in very dysfunctional ways..All of us have dysfunction in our thinking and behavior .. some of it is less noticed and some of it is more ….or less accepted.. Unfortunately, none of us can choose which dysfunction ails is a product of our upbringing which we have absoultely no control over....These experiences often are at the heart of distorted thinking, prejudice and inappropriate behaviour...I feel for those on both sides of the abuse because I feel both have been victimized in one way or another.. I feel it is important to approach this subject with a view of love toward all involved.. I urge all to ask themselves the question.. "have you ever done something you really regretted or despised and in fact hated yourself for .. but for some reason or another could not gain mastery over?"... I have often met people who stuggle with these things but have never learned or been able to receive the help they needed to get to the heart of the issue to heal and gain mastery over evil sin....Unfortunately we live in a world that has cultivated a culture of "looking good, rather than being good"..this tends to foster secret sins and digress from transparency and honesty.. I feel people need safe environments in which to admit their inadequacies, sins, fears etc.. until this is offered people will continue in secrecy and never get to the heart of their behaviors.. and obtain healing.. People need love and support to work through issues, not shame and behavior modification which merely encourages them to hide their sins.. This, I feel this is a serious flaw in how JW religion ( and many others) deal with sin in their organization...Nothing good comes from secrecy, hiding things one is not proud of. I am currently reading a very good book titled SOUL CARE by DR ROB REIMER... I highly recommend... I send peace, love and joy to all..Lora
No quería que finalizara está entrevista..! Que extraordinaria mujer ❤️ mi aprecio profundo hacia ella. Es impactante todo lo que cuenta y eso que sin todos los detalles. Es acá cuando entiendes que esta "religión" es sólo una más entre tantas y que lo que vale es lo que hay en tu corazón. Todas manejan con engaño a sus creyentes para beneficio de sus líderes, sea cual sea en la que estés engañado, es muy satisfactorio quitarse el velo y librarse del secuestrador de tu mente
This is a really great video. Thank you Barbara Anderson for your experiences and all of the work you have done over the years, before and after leaving WT. you are a source of great knowledge.
Wow and wow this is by far one of the best interviews I've ever watched I'm truly stuck for words, you can see quite clearly Barbara's heartfelt feelings if only she was allowed to run the Watchtower things would of been alot better and one of the key reasons that made me decide not to associate with this organization any longer was when i found out about the totally evil attitude of the service department.
I really admire and appreciate everything Barbara has done. She is an amazing person. I love your channel. Please keep going. You're helping so many people.
Hi there been out for many years however I left for love I was raised in the truth from infancy . I regular pioneered for 14 years Participated on many circuit/district assemblies. I have had little to no contact with fam and friends since. So I am desperately trying to find friends. Hoping any and all might befriend me!
Mrs. anderson has a way with words and a fantastic memory and brain to be able to speak this long about this important situation...thanks to her for all her work...
Fifth is the man! Even the deeply experienced Madame Barbara Anderson couldn't prevent a small smile as he flipped easily into his Spanish-language announcement.
I haven't been watching any of these video's but I served at bethel the same time Barbara and Joe were there. My wife and I were friends with her son and daughter-in-law. Its nice to see her here, and hear some of her stories even if its four years old.....
Barbara Anderson is a treasure with enormous institutional memory. This is simply the best exJW discussion out there. Watch every minute of this. It’s well worth your while.
P.S. love institutional memory. Am a word nerd 🤓 😜 🤪
I was an Elder in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church for over 15 years and it is amazing how similar my wake-up experience is to so many Ex-JWs. I love this platform and send love and support out to all those watching and following Fifth.
The nature of religion belief and practice are the same everywhere, espessially abrahamic religions
I wish I knew how to wake up my uncle, an SDA.
Fifth, I like how u let ur guests speak without much interruption. U just let them tell their story; a powerful story.
Yes I agree
I agree! I like the interview technique
I like how he does that but this interview could’ve been steered a little more because I got lost some of the time
@@DavidMalenkiI think he didn’t want her to lose her thought.
I absolutely love how you just let her speak without interrupting, you can tell she was genuinely speaking from her heart.
Fifth always does good interviews 👌 I agree with you
Fantastic information from Barbara, who acted on her conscience despite having been in the middle of the org.
Very brave lady and a huge thank you.
This is the most balanced, informative interview I've seen on the history of the jw organisation. It has only reinforced to me the realisation, that all those years I served /sacrificed, I was serving a group of imperfect, some good, some bad men. What a waste! Barbara you are an amazing person, thank you for all your efforts to champion the rights of children.
Well said, thank you 🧩🐞
This one single important interview is extremely priceless. Current active JW's all day long telling individuals how spiritual sick those friends are and making snap judgements on people, have no idea what's really going on at the top, not a clue. I think this day may mark a turning point. This wonderful lady is telling us what really went down even inside the writing department and service department and legal department and governing body. This is really monumental.
This woman is amazing. Thank you for sharing her knowledge and experiences.
How can ANYONE watch this and then hit the thumbs down button? I'm shocked to see 14 have done just that. The ability to listen, learn, and use critical thinking, or just plain 'ol common sense, is clearly lacking in those 14 people. Not to mention the lack of a heart, love, or compassion! SMH Shame on them!
Being brave and compassionate comes with a great price: Dear Mrs. Anderson, in standing up for hundreds of thousand of children, loses her own child and grandchildren in the process. My heart aches for her because of this. She doesn't deserve it. May Christ ease for her the emotional pain this must cause.
Wow! This woman is a time capsule. What an incredible gift, very insightful.
Thank you so much for having Barbara speak and definitely we should get involved to help protect and advocate for the rights of the children.
Wow. What I love is that Barbara tell the facts withouth JW bashing. So many ex JWs are so full of anger, and resnetment. Lets move forward and be advocates for children's rights.
Anger comes from what we experienced
Duped into believing we r cared for when we were actually prey
Processing feelings of justified anger is a normal part of coping with/overcoming complex trauma. It takes courage to allow one's self to feel ALL of the suppressed emotions that result from years of spiritual, psychological, emotional, financial and often physical and sexual abuse that are commonplace within high control l/high dysfunction groups like JWs.
Expressing anger - in a way that is safe - is a part of healing and reconnecting to one's sense of self. Folks who are newly out, especially, are typically going to go through an angry phase and require the compassion of the folks who are long time out and have processed their anger. ❤❤
Absolutely fascinating interview. What a gem of a human being Barbara Anderson is! Cliff, thank you for conducting this livestream/video. Keep up the great work. I know you’re doing great things in Australia. We appreciate everything you do.
Wow I’m amazed how smart Barbara is. I can’t remember what happen last Tuesday. Thank you for this video.
Teriann Wootten I was thinking the same thing, how does she remember all these little facts it’s amazing
This was an amazing interview. This should be aired on national television for everybody to see. How is it that the organization can continue to get away with this🤢😣
Osttich heads in sand
Fearful of truth
The number one most informative exjw interview on RUclips so far IMO. This angel knows her stuff. -Blessings
James Journeyman agreed! Thank gawd for Barbara 🙏🏻🐞
Soy mexicana y actualmente estoy inactiva, tengo poquito más de un año. Gracias Bárbara por apoyar a esas víctimas, el Creador te bendiga por lo que haces. Yo me siento libre en ahora por haber tomado esa desición, aunque me deprimí al saber esto. Se que hago lo correcto. Investigo con varias biblias y estoy aprendiendo cosas que ignoraba, cosas buenas que nuestro Sr. Jesús nos dice en su evangelio, esa es la verdad.
Fascinating interview. What an incredible source of information Barbara is. She is brilliant.
This is the best interview on the internet, bringing light and insight into the JW organisation. This interview was instrumental in my awakening. Thank you both.
Honestly I have read her book and been on her site but this interview was like a bombshell! I could listen to her forever. Great job again Cliff!
ditto Leslie!
@@ldgga2529 Barbara Anderson Uncensored: Eyewitness To Deceit
What an inspiring lady! Cliff, both you and Barbara can say you've done the right thing and made a difference for the better for so many. Thank you both.
Barbara is amazing.
They should have had Barbara at the Australian Royal Commission hearings. And then on to the rest of the countries that could put her knowledge to work exposing the JW.Org.
ron slaughter I was told that someone should get this kind of information to the major networks so it can come forward on a much larger scale
ron slaughter Don’t advertise for jwdotorg
ron slaughter and the IICSA in England and Wales
Thank you Barbara! We need get this out to the people! Im sending this to Oprah! #Oprah
Thank you Barbara for all the hard work you have done in helping children and exposing WT. Christ use us all in different ways and you have certainly been used to blow the whistle on the disgusting practices of this org. Thank you fifth for bringing this amazing interview with Barbara, i hope that you can do it again with her as she has so much to share.
Thank you Barbara. You are amazing. A living history book. Please make sure this is recorded for posterity 💖💕🎻💖💕🎻
I have known of Barbara for about 20 years. Both my girls were molested and their story is your story. He is dead now so emotional healing is put away not gone. Keep talking and informing.
Great interview. Hugs Barbara. I'm putting the link to this interview under our latest video and we encourage everyone to watch it.
Ms. Anderson is a hero because she's had to sacrifice a lot in order to help and warn the public. The hypocrisy and manipulation of this organization is shocking and infuriating.
Estimado Fifth:
Gracias por esta entrevista. Barbara, una mujer valiente, honesta, equilibrada, inteligente, educada y no obstante habla con mucha claridad, dice las cosas claras y veraces. Por favor, si puedes transmite a Bárbara mis palabras.
Nuestro querido Ray Franz y nuestra querida Bárbara Anderson nos ayudan a tener pensamiento propio.
Muchas gracias.
Best interview ever awesome thank you xx
I really love Barbara very much. She is really a great inspiritation to me. Her life experiences are very interesting. Im happy to see her and to think I read some of the things she has written when I was serving Jehovah in the late 90's. Im old enought to be her son and even though her son is so indroctrinated and not able to talk to her. I would say if i could meet Barbra I surely give her a hug. I am thankful for her explanations that set us free from false teaching. I love you Barbara and your work including your communication skills.
BRING HER BACK AGAIN...I BET she's got more stories and things to tell ..including about the Russell's. Please bring her back...we need to know these things ... So sad that her own son can't see her courage and loyalty to what is right before God. Dare I say it again..."BRING HER BACK"!!!
I agree Barbara should be brought back and go into more detailed on why the then President of the Watchtower, Nathan Knorr, would appoint a recognized PEDOPHILE, as Ted Jarvis was, on the governing body??? I’m stunned and flabbergasted!
@@jushaup426 Do you mean Ted Jaracz? If not, could you tell me a little more about Ted Jarvis? I’ve never heard of him, but I remember Ted Jaracz being a member of the GB.
Love her! She's a jewel of information! If the video was longer I'd still be listening.
This was an amazing interview Cliff & Barbara. I can't praise Barbara enough for the work she has done and continues to do!
Sad I was raised in the truth left at the age of 16 stayed out till 40 and got back in very disappointed . The lite just got to Brit..
I have so much respect for you Barbara. Thank you for being such an intelligent and courageous woman. 💜
Catching up from the 🇬🇧 Thank you both for continually sharing the Truth and the “truth”.
Thank you. This is good information!
The Facts will set you free: thnx Barbara for all your research and profound in depth experience a d expertise on the matters discussed
This was one of the most interesting interviews. ❤️
Wow, so informative, reinforces my decision to leave jw some months ago....
max - Sayler
After 27yrs in the organization! Myself and my wife decided to fade away after research and what really did it, is what they did and how they treated that ex elder of 40yrs of service.he put up a bunch of videos exposing the false teaching of wt, he’s from Canada his name is Eric Wilson he is on you Y T. WATCH HIS LATEST VIDEO! A Jehovah’s Witness elder on trial for apostasy! Totally sad and disgusting.
Magnum Opus 777 omg. How long ago did you both was the Australian royal commission that did it for me....I watched Eric....totally disgusting...I was in over 40 yrs...being shunned now...
@@maxinemortimer714 Hi max wow! 40yrs.? we went to the memorial and it just wasn't the same anymore! there is more to the story but i don"t want to bad mouth anyone and we'll turn the other cheek and i we care very much for these brothers and sisters of ours,. year after year meetings and out in service and look at we ended up finding out! last saturday we decided that was it. we are not leaving the Christ or Jah! his word is truth and our love obedience honor and praise still belong to them. but man is just a greedy evil liar we are both hurt and disgusted at present. no wonder they don"t want us to research anywhere else except!!
@@unclesalty7778 do you have the link to that video thanks
Chanel 8
Hi it’s on YOU TUBE it’s called A Jehovah’s Witnesses elder goes on trial for apostasy his name is Eric Wilson from Canada. Very disturbing.
What a wonderful and insightful interview. Thank you Barbara ♥️ I love the facts and background info.
This it's an Empire that extend and control life far beyond what the mayorities of people's might think from and extended to government and corporate governance . Excellent connection to conduct this interview
How did I miss this! The Dateline special is what woke me up when I watched it May 23, 2018. Coming up on my 'freedom' anniversary. SO thankful to this wonderful brave lady that she exposed that organization for what it is...damaging and harmful! Greetings for So Cal.
I appreciate how you dont have intro music you get right into it ...
Gracias por ponerlo en español, esta sra en el año 1999 fue una de las que sin saberlo me ayudó a salir de la secta , leí cosas de ella por Internet y me ayudó, gracias por ponerla 💞
Thank you.
Insight, beyond measure.
One two three four FIF! Thanks for this great interview! Maybe they have grieved the spirit of the Constitution?
Great interview! Loved it! Barbara’s such a wealth of information. One of the few left that know the organization’s history, lived through it and came out the other side. Kudos!
Wow this was an excellent video. Barbara is truly a wonderful person exposing this cult. She is too nice 👍 I would love for you to have her back on the channel in hour increments to share more of the specifics “dirt” so to speak on the various GB and elders involved in the child abuse cases. She has a long history with this organization, so I’m sure there is more specific detail for her to share. Thank you 🙏
Excellent interview! Very insightful. My deepest respect to Barbara Anderson. Thank you for sharing. ❤
Una señora muy honesta y coherente gracias por, su excelente información desde Alemania!!
Damn she is so smart. Her empathy towards the organization is refreshing. It’s a lot of sick people in the org. Amazing interview
Merci beaucoup Barbara
Ton amour de la justice, ta compassion, ton honnêteté, ton courage font honneur à notre Père céleste.
Très bel encouragement pour moi.
Merci de France
Barbara Anderson needs to write a book!
She has a book out. And one on about Maria Russell’s writings. But you’re right. I want to see the book about Charles and Maria’s marriage come to light.
Os escritos de Maria Russell
Por Barbara Anderson
eBook (PDF), 1174 páginas Este item ainda não foi classificado
Os escritos de Maria Russell
Preço: $ 11.95
O documento eletrônico The Writings of Maria Russell contém o último trabalho da Sra. Russell, um manuscrito não publicado de 600 páginas e um gráfico do final dos tempos, destinado a um livro intitulado O Propósito Eterno, que descreve suas crenças teológicas posteriores. Para ajudar a entender o desenvolvimento de um cisma entre Maria e seu marido, o pastor Charles Taze Russell, e sua separação da organização religiosa que eles fundaram, uma INTRODUÇÃO esclarecedora é incluída, bem como uma varredura de seu poema de 1890 noventa e seis páginas, The Wonderful História; dois livros, This Gospel of the Kingdom e The Twain One, ambos publicados em 1906; onze de seus artigos na Torre de Vigia de Sião - todos destinados a um excelente estudo comparativo. Este documento eletrônico contém cerca de 1150 páginas para revisão por pesquisadores sérios da CT e Maria
Barbara didn't do this just "being a mother" (my Mum didn't stand up for me when I was abused and she still has been blaming me up today ...). Barbara did that because she's a deeply human and ethical person. Unfortunately, people are not turning into one of them just because they're becoming parents. Still, a lot of us had to grow up with parents with a serious lack of emotion or ethical minimum standards.
I'm so sorry that Barbara and Joe have to suffer the lack of their family members (including their grandchildren) due to the WT policy. They don't deserve it. No one really does.
Any organization either religious or secular that would dictate to its members that they must shun non-members, even family members is not a mentally healthy group and should be avoided at all cost. I believe that :HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER" trumps any religious dogma that says you must shun your parents. When will people awaken to the fact that you don't need to belong to an organization to have a relationship with the creator?
Both of you were great! Thank you! You're a great listener Mr. 5th
I appreciate this interview and I appreciate Barbara’s focus on the much needed issue of child abuse...
But as you stated Barbara,
If religion harms people by their dogma then the courts can get involved...Well what about disfellowshipping? We need to take this to court... The horrible consequences of disfellowpping on a human psyche on family’s on lives.
Can we somehow take this on, what can we do?
Love Barbara Anderson!
Learning the truth about CT Russell and Maria is what did it for me. She was an abuse victim, he was a malignant narcissist, and to this day her name is dragged through the mud. I would love to see a book published about their marriage. I owe so much to Barbara’s research. I loved the Brooklyn Daily Eagle articles. They were instrumental in my awakening, and I’m hoping will help wake up my husband.
That’s a lie. Russell’s wife wanted to bring feminism into his magazine because those was the era of women’s suffrage. His message was nothing like the JWs.
What does his marriage have anything to do with his bible teachings. No. Sorry. So many bible characters like Moses did things contrary to God and he still taught truth.
John, I used to feel the same. I read the court transcripts on their separation suit. Charles repeatedly lied under oath, and only admitted truth when backed into a corner. He did the same thing in his suits against Ross, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, and the Washington Post. He felt no compunction about deceiving to get ahead, especially when it came to money.
The narrative about Maria being a feminist came from Charles, AFTER he lost the separation suit. He couldn’t fool the judge and jury, but he knew he could deceive the congregation. (Psa. 5:6) When you compare his version with the court transcripts it’s plain to see the deception. There no mistaking it. I urge you to investigate. I have all the Studies in the Scriptures, I’ve read stacks of Zions Watch Tower articles. I can share some of my research with you if you are interested.
I like Mr Fenton i just read about him such a loving Christian man
Sorry Penton
Thanks FIFTH. Very relevant. Very important interview.
What a great video! Thank you Barbara for all you do.
Great Job Powerful interview
I saw and read about Barbra when I woke up in 2016 after I saw the shunning conventions John Cedars did.Then the ARC I knew I wouldn't eturn I binge watched videos I made my decision in one night I was through I was in & believed this crap from the age of 16 -51 so to gain your freedom mentally & emotionally is never to late.
Welcome to your freedom Linda
@@geminitwix freedom has never better,no guilt about counting time missing meetings because I'm to sick to attend& no matter what u are marked as spiritually weak.Im free and so are my two daughters that were raised JW's.No more fake friends that don't know what real unconditional love is if it slaps them in the face.
@@dantoinettetaylor1663 Thank you I knew something was wrong at the Congregation level.Seeing the crooked lying GB's was it.The rotten from the top down.My pioneer exmother in law encouraged me to go on JW.Fools.I saw the Shunning convention I saw it as cruel for the first time.I finally understood why they pressured you not to miss meeting it's the way u wake up I wasn't been forced fed the garbage anymore.
Amazing Woman. Fabulous interview. Thankyou. 👏
Wow. Mrs. Anderson, you are an amazing women. I guess it’s fair to say you’ve acted upon your own crisis of conscious. I am grateful. You have given us a voice.
As of 2020 even though they "ok" therapy they do not want you to tell your therapist about any injustice you face in the congregation as it "will bring reproach on Jehovah". There would be no reproach if they didn't treat the sheep so horribly.
Vveeev!! Eeegegggggeggggevvvevveeeeeewrrrgegegrrggegegegegggggggr{eeewrre{errrgrrrrerrrrrrreerrrreerreefeeererrdrrgrrrrgerrgrrrgrrgerrgergddfeddgedgegegerrrrrdrrg
I thought the reason the GB wouldn't release the peodiphile list was because GB's are on the list.Thank you Barbra this dirt runs deep.
Unbelievable. But totally believable now on the outside
Muchas gracias Barbara. Me ha encantado tu exposición y honestidad. Eres una mujer francamente valiente. Mil gracias por aclarar tantos asuntos, como este tan delicado, como el de los casos de abusos de menores. Muy buena información. Gracias Barbara te mando todo mi amor y bendiciones desde Mallorca España. ❤️❤️❤️
Wow. I got choked up when she mentioned Harry Peloyan’s name. I attended the same congregation as him. I had the utmost respect for him. Harry was a genuine and charismatic man. I truly miss him.
Wooo sorprendente..... Como me gustaría que mi madre y mis herman@s vieran estos vídeos principalmente éste para que abran sus ojos a la realidad pero imposible con ellos😔
Eres una gran valiente Barbara al hacer lo correcto claro que si y de seguro lo seguirás haciendo siempre...😊
i would love to spend hours picking Barbara's brain on all sorts of topics. What a great woman. If only Jehovah's Witnesses were full of people like her it might be something I would want to go back to.
Superb Interview. I just love her realistic approach and her courage to do the right things towards this whole tragedy. I wish my sister would watch this interview. Perhaps it would wake her up😢
I got to meet Barbara last year at the Witnesses Now For Jesus 40th Pennsylvania Conference when I gave my hour long video-taped testimony! She's an incredibly amazing gal! 👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️
Barbara a I have not heard her story whether she still had faith after she left jw
Chanel 8 ---- she does because she was at & started (with her awesome husband) the WNFJ Conference 40-years ago! The original! Now their in other States! Nope, the Watchtower didn't take our faith! They freakin tried their darndest though! Lol! 👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️
@@exjwborn-in2134 that's so many leave God altogether because of the WT and fear.i have been watching witness now 4 Jesus conference 2019.been blessed.and hearing ex jws share their testimonys.
Chanel 8 ---- awesome! 👍🏽❤️
Awesome interview. More need to watch this.
Cliff !!!! I love your interview style because after you ask a question, you LISTEN and DON'T INTERRUPT! You are unique in that, and you are a true treasure.
Cliff is a great interviewer
Now, Barbara Anderson is a REAL pioneer!
Absolutely wonderful hearing this as a former Jehovah’s Witness. Fifth keep doing your thing. Truth on the past ordeals for us all we’ll continue opening doors to true light on this 100 yr old organization that has stolen many older ones youth!
Great video fifth i enjoy every second of it. I can tell Barbara Anderson is a very loving and caring person . Thank you
excellent interview..thank you both for all your efforts......I will mention that my husband and I left the organization about 4 yrs ago after being part of it for over 22 yrs.. .. we faded …. have not been disfellowshipped and have not disassociated.. primarily because of wanting to maintain family relationships..( we would disassociate in a heartbeat if these relationships were not in jeopardy).. I just want to say I really appreciate honesty and fairness in whatever I read and listen to....I am a proponent of looking at things from all perspectives within the framework of love, compassion and kindness... and I feel this interview fits into the framework of my thinking. One thing that I have had a difficult time with in reading or listening to all of the information on abuse is that little is ever mentioned regarding the mental health issues involved.. so much of it seems one sided to me, focusing on the abused ( i understand this to some extent, but there is so much more involved)… I feel for the abused but I also feel for the abusers.. I work in healthcare and have seen so many issues and learned an incredible amount regarding human nature and human behavior...I used to be very opinionated and strongly for and against many different things... i have learned to level out in many areas.... my mantra has become " to seek to understand, rather than to judge and be dogmatic".. I have found throughout my experiences that many people do things they really don't want to do and in fact hate themselves for it..There are so many underlying issues and experiences people have been through that cause them to deal with others and life in very dysfunctional ways..All of us have dysfunction in our thinking and behavior .. some of it is less noticed and some of it is more ….or less accepted.. Unfortunately, none of us can choose which dysfunction ails is a product of our upbringing which we have absoultely no control over....These experiences often are at the heart of distorted thinking, prejudice and inappropriate behaviour...I feel for those on both sides of the abuse because I feel both have been victimized in one way or another.. I feel it is important to approach this subject with a view of love toward all involved.. I urge all to ask themselves the question.. "have you ever done something you really regretted or despised and in fact hated yourself for .. but for some reason or another could not gain mastery over?"... I have often met people who stuggle with these things but have never learned or been able to receive the help they needed to get to the heart of the issue to heal and gain mastery over evil sin....Unfortunately we live in a world that has cultivated a culture of "looking good, rather than being good"..this tends to foster secret sins and digress from transparency and honesty.. I feel people need safe environments in which to admit their inadequacies, sins, fears etc.. until this is offered people will continue in secrecy and never get to the heart of their behaviors.. and obtain healing.. People need love and support to work through issues, not shame and behavior modification which merely encourages them to hide their sins.. This, I feel this is a serious flaw in how JW religion ( and many others) deal with sin in their organization...Nothing good comes from secrecy, hiding things one is not proud of. I am currently reading a very good book titled SOUL CARE by DR ROB REIMER... I highly recommend... I send peace, love and joy to all..Lora
How ironic and heartbreaking that Mrs. Anderson lost her son and her grandchildren because she has tried to protect the public's children.
No quería que finalizara está entrevista..! Que extraordinaria mujer ❤️ mi aprecio profundo hacia ella. Es impactante todo lo que cuenta y eso que sin todos los detalles. Es acá cuando entiendes que esta "religión" es sólo una más entre tantas y que lo que vale es lo que hay en tu corazón. Todas manejan con engaño a sus creyentes para beneficio de sus líderes, sea cual sea en la que estés engañado, es muy satisfactorio quitarse el velo y librarse del secuestrador de tu mente
Hola desde España no entiendo inglés pero leo los sustitulos y es maravilloso saber que a y personas como la señora Barbara
I remember being told women don't serve in those departments with access to information only to elders. Learnt that was a lie!
Great Job 👍 Powerful Interview
Happy Holidays Blessed Merry Christmas
Love Barbara.... She is a knowledgeable and caring person. Very smart women.
This is a really great video. Thank you Barbara Anderson for your experiences and all of the work you have done over the years, before and after leaving WT. you are a source of great knowledge.
Wow and wow this is by far one of the best interviews I've ever watched I'm truly stuck for words, you can see quite clearly Barbara's heartfelt feelings if only she was allowed to run the Watchtower things would of been alot better and one of the key reasons that made me decide not to associate with this organization any longer was when i found out about the totally evil attitude of the service department.
I really admire and appreciate everything Barbara has done. She is an amazing person. I love your channel. Please keep going. You're helping so many people.
Hi there been out for many years however I left for love I was raised in the truth from infancy . I regular pioneered for 14 years Participated on many circuit/district assemblies. I have had little to no contact with fam and friends since. So I am desperately trying to find friends. Hoping any and all might befriend me!
so sad that barbara's son is shunning his parents and yet she's still open and giving
Like she said, he was raised in it. Maybe, he will wake up, or maybe not.
Mrs. anderson has a way with words and a fantastic memory and brain to be able to speak this long about this important situation...thanks to her for all her work...
Thanks Cliff, Barbara Is a diamond
Fifth is the man! Even the deeply experienced Madame Barbara Anderson couldn't prevent a small smile as he flipped easily into his Spanish-language announcement.
I haven't been watching any of these video's but I served at bethel the same time Barbara and Joe were there. My wife and I were friends with her son and daughter-in-law. Its nice to see her here, and hear some of her stories even if its four years old.....
Boston, Massachusetts..... 11 months later (better late than never)! I'm hooked on your interviews! Thank you
Susie Furtado 🙏🏿
Thank you