I had a friend who was killed in that tornado. Her and her newlywed husband. They were getting ready to leave the following weekend on their honeymoon cruise....they both lost their lives. As did many others. May they all Rejoice in Heaven..
@@deetjay1 God didn't cause the tornado. The poor couple were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your comment is hateful, ignorant and uninformative.
What an amazing video. Thank you for sharing this and also for quietly filming it instead of shouting "Holy shit!" every ten seconds like every other filmer does. Well done.
@@mq-r3apz291believe it or not it was already on the ground at the beginning of the video. It was just invisible you couldn’t see the condensation(clouds) around it.
Those are xalled "horizontal vortices"...they're like sideways tornadoes. They are evidence of a huge amount of "shear" (*) in the lower atmosphere & usually a sign that it is a violent tornado that's capable of causing EF-4 damage or worse. (*) shear is present when different layers in the atmosphere are moving in very different directions and/or very different speeds. This is what causes the twisting motion iin the atmosphere, and if there is a strong updraft, supercell thunderstorms are possible, and funnel clouds/tornadoes are a possibility. On this day, the levels of shear were extremely high, and updrafts due to convection were very likely. This was the recipe that produced one of the two biggest tornado outbreaks on record.
Yeah it's like these idiots are oblivious to this insane storm! Imagine driving down the street and all of a sudden this 1.5 mile wide wedge with little cones and stovepipes coming out of it like tentacles forms right in front of you! This has to be one of the craziest videos of the Tuscaloosa funnel I've ever watched!🤦♀️
@Southeastern777 i mean, the tornado and the debris is probably at least a mile away from her and not moving in her direction, there's really no danger in stopping there to watch.
My mother’s family is from the area around Tuscaloosa and had other tornadoes in the area they live. I live in the Pacific Northwest now, but I grew up in Texas and went through a lot of these storms. I’ve only seen two tornadoes in my life, but nothing like this!
It entered Tuscaloosa County at the SW corner and traveled through the entire county leaving at the NE corner as it entered Jefferson County. It devastated some of the oldest residential areas and skirted by the University of Alabama campus. Those leaving the campus had no idea where they were because all street signs and landmarks were gone.
@@F5Storm1 It's amazing how similar this twister looked to both the 91 Andover tornado and the 74 Xenia tornado. While it's very common for strong supercell-formed tornadoes to be multi-vortex, you usually have to look at the damage field or look at the tornado while it's forming or dissipating to see the rest of its funnels. It's incredible how visible and detailed the multiple vortices both horizontal and vertical were throughout this entire tornado's lifespan.
It's how tornado formation works, they all start horizontally, updrafts and downdrafts oppose each other and create swirling wind, if you ever push water together with your hands you'll notice a momentary whirlpool.
That interstate basically runs East/West at that ppint so the cars heading "towards" it were far enough south that there was no threat to them. From this vantage point, the tornado is roughly 2 to 3 miles north northwest of the camera...
Right? All that debris. There could be human bodies swirling around up in there. I read somewhere that it's debris falling that kills a lot of people caught in the path of a tornado.
@@La_Ru-yg8es whilst the stuff falling from the sky can kill (tractor trailers have been lifted and thrown 500m) it’s the debris ball at ground level within the tornado that is far more destructive and deadly. Cars, bricks, concrete slabs and 2 by 4’s are spun around and used like a battering ram to flatten anything in its path. But just as deadly are smaller items like nails and stones which are propelled at 200mph or more and do terrible damage to victims. It’s this debris, coupled with the speed of the tornado winds which leave the tell tale tracks of tornadoes behind on the ground
@@mikefriend1514 Right! I know sometimes even people sheltering indoors get whacked. I've selected a small interior room in my basement, concrete enforced all around, in case we ever need it. Even that isn't 100% effective, but, it's the best I can do. No windows and I'm tricking it out this spring with stuff to hide under. But, in NE Ohio we don't get as many as the Great Plains. (We do get some, though. In 2003, a little F0, as this was prior to the implementation of the enhanced Fujita, came within a half mile of where we lived. It was strong enough to move a train car off the tracks.)
@@La_Ru-yg8es here in the UK we don’t get the crazy weather you guys experience. I mean it’s a stunning display of nature’s power but I’m grateful not to have to live in tornado alley or suffer the horrors of Moore, OK or Greensburg, KA. Glad to read you have a storm shelter located in your basement. If you are below ground you are 99.9% sure to survive even if everything above ground is swept away.
@@mikefriend1514 I just recently learned of the "Strid" y'all have there in Yorkshire! They said it's the most dangerous area of a river in the world, and it's deceptive looking! So, no crazy weather, just rivers that want to eat you. 😁
What a horrible tornado, right up there with the Joplin disaster. Why this was not rated an EF5, I don't know. I get the whole wind speed and damage thing, but this is one of the most damaging tornadoes that I can remember in modern history. God bless those that have lost their lives and loved ones. I hope this sort of event never happens again, but if it does, please be prepared and give yourselves a chance.
Beautiful footage....but the contrast is knowing there were most certainly people being tossed around among that swirling debris cloud. It just breaks my heart and makes me sick to my stomach to think about it. What a day that must've been for everyone in the deep south. On another note, I find it fascinating how this and other storms that day generated those massive horizontal vortices. I'd really like to know more about the conditions that caused them.
Maybe a very late reply but the tornado did cause some EF-5 damage in areas, though small thats why it was rated a high end EF4 as most damage was Ef-3/Ef-4
11 years ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday. One of these came down the 69 with more "rain" then I've ever seen before or since wasn't until I went outside that I realize it wasn't just rain hitting our windows tree branches (big and small) twigs and a bunch of other crap I had to clean up but considering the damage to our house was minimal I was one of the lucky ones we just went without power for a few days.
Ok guys when did tornado's grown arms I was like OMG here's were I found it at 5:45 and that's crazy! what you looking at is a sub vortices and they are like arms of the tornado idk what they do here's my guess I think they are used to pick up stuff if you agree like this comment 👇
I dont want to make light of what happened, but for me this is still the coolest looking tornado ever. All the little tubes and tentacle everywhere. they show perfectly what i've seen in computer simulations that tornadoes arent just one vortex but a combination of a bunch of smaller vortices all wrapped up together, like a braided rope.
I was there and trust me there was nothing "cool" about that lots of people died and it took years to even begin to repair the damage not to mention the psychological impact of seeing rubble and foundation where homes and buildings used to stand or the fact that one of those tornadoes hit the water treatment plant and a large area smelled of sewage for years. This may have been Cool to watch but not cool to live through
When these type of events happen, it's makes you look inward at what needs to change cuz while you're in the midst of it , You're calling out to God probably more times than you've ever have in life.....and that's FACTUAL 💯
For the same reason storm spotters were filming next to it. It was not in the tornado’s path. The tornado may have looked close but it was still enough of a distance away it didn’t affect that general area.
I agree with others, this is one truly evil tornado and an excellent video! I have to ask what is happening at 5 minutes and 8 seconds into this video (5:08)? As the debris comes slingshoting around the vortex, there is a large chunk of debris that looks like a whole house that comes flying around the tornado before taking a high velocity plunge to the ground. Anyone know what exactly it is?
I’ve watched several documentaries about this tornado. If I remember correctly, an eyewitness reported an entire house, or at least the better part of one, being lofted into the air.
62 حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا : هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ نحو الفضاء الخارجي مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ... اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا : فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا
ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين ) وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... ) وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم ) وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم ) وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون ) وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين ) وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين ) وقال تعالى ( ذلك بان الله هو الحق وان ما يدعون من دونه هو الباطل وان الله هو العلي الكبير ) يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا امريكا انتهت وكل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ الا الصراخ منادين يامغيثنا اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك
That’s a big tornado in Tuscaloosa Alabama, this was April 27 2011, it was near Livingston Alabama, Birmingham got a tornado as well, but that’s a big monster tornado in Tuscaloosa Alabama, I was born in close to Birmingham, I was born in 2006, I was living close to Birmingham when that tornado happened in 2011.
I have 2 times in my life seen a Tornado in the Netherlands ! Weak EF0 Landsprout Tornadoes ! That was a monster ! Belgium, Luxemburg, The Netherlands and Germany have the most Tornadoes in Europe ! Sometimes we have strong Tornadoes !
Been storm chasin since 1990. One big problem is even if you know the roads like the back of your hand, like I do in s.Kansas and n.Oklahoma, you can only go where the roads go. That tornado goes wherever the f--k it wants.
That's a nasty beast! The multiple vortex and their tentrals showing. Not something I would want anyone, including my enemies to have to endure. Those poor souls. 😢 May the victims RIP and their families find closure to their pain and be Blessed with the Peace and Comfort of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name do We Pray, Amen.
EF- 4 wind speeds up to 250 EF-5 300 plus mph in circular motion...That's Ike a Bugatti at top speed going through your living room repeatedly for 1 minute, cuz these beast are tracking at 50 to 60 mph ..Nothing on this planet can withstand that unless you're underground ...and that's FACTUAL 💯
@@RejectedInch Dammit...the Diablo and the newer Lamborghini's go faster than 190 ,190 is slow and I was speaking hypothetically or in generalities but it caught your eye for some Dam reason, and pot is for ppl attending Woodstock or a Beatles concert..I don't smoke pot, I only smoke Fidel Castro cigars...and that's FACTUAL 💯
Damn... I was a young kid when this Tornado tore through Tuscaloosa. It's serpent-like Horizontal Vortices... it's not good. That's a tell sign that it was going to be a violent Tornado.
They can give me a job making $45 a hour. Just sitting at a desk an answering phone calls. I promise on Jesus if I had to move to Oklahoma to do it. I will turn it down.
Ohio glitter Twister I saw that in the thumbnail. I got family in Oklahoma. They say seeing tornadoes there. Is like seeing stray dogs in Mississippi lol
@@rosievortex2808 Yeah, and what a lot of people don't realize is the fact that Alabama has just about as many violent tornadoes as Oklahoma, however, Oklahoma has more tornadoes overall. Alabama is also known as the "Tornado Death Toll Capital" of the US since 1950, a state where 700+ deaths have been confirmed from tornadoes. Oklahoma and Alabama have both had 6 E/F5 tornadoes that were at max strength in the state, however, Oklahoma has had 7 total while Alabama has had 9. Alabama is the heart of Dixie Alley.
@@Benjaminberino Sadly, yes. And strong winds, possible tornadoes are predicted for us, in Bama today, Jan. 11, 2020. Pray for us all. The waiting is the hardest part. Very stressful. God is in control. Praising Him for His mercy. ✝️
@@urdirtyness5132 I've lived in Oklahoma my whole life and have never personally seen a tornado. Comparing them to a common sight such as a stray is absolutely ridiculous, trust me. This is a side of effect of the modern age of media... Things seem way more prevalent when they're shown front and center especially when everyone has their own personal video recorder.
The earth is a dangerous place. We are not safe anywhere. That is just the truth. Every region has it's threats. We just have to be prepared the best we can and deal with it.
I had a friend who was killed in that tornado. Her and her newlywed husband. They were getting ready to leave the following weekend on their honeymoon cruise....they both lost their lives. As did many others. May they all Rejoice in Heaven..
Eloise Maguire that's awful
So sorry for your loss Eloise
Eloise Maguire how very 😢 sad
With the guy that caused it? How nice...
@@deetjay1 God didn't cause the tornado. The poor couple were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your comment is hateful, ignorant and uninformative.
What an amazing video. Thank you for sharing this and also for quietly filming it instead of shouting "Holy shit!" every ten seconds like every other filmer does. Well done.
It must be a scary experience
They deleted where the guy filming prayed for the Lots to be with the people of Tuscaloosa!!
Or repeating things like "TORNADO ON THE GROUND!" or "Large, violent tornado!"
It doesn't look like a tornado is about to form then BOOM slams to the freakin ground. TERRIFYING!
@@mq-r3apz291believe it or not it was already on the ground at the beginning of the video. It was just invisible you couldn’t see the condensation(clouds) around it.
That thing had tentacles like serpents. Truly evil. May God bless those that lost their lives and the loved ones left behind
I agree, this is most evil looking storm I've ever seen!
Those are xalled "horizontal vortices"...they're like sideways tornadoes. They are evidence of a huge amount of "shear" (*) in the lower atmosphere & usually a sign that it is a violent tornado that's capable of causing EF-4 damage or worse.
(*) shear is present when different layers in the atmosphere are moving in very different directions and/or very different speeds. This is what causes the twisting motion iin the atmosphere, and if there is a strong updraft, supercell thunderstorms are possible, and funnel clouds/tornadoes are a possibility. On this day, the levels of shear were extremely high, and updrafts due to convection were very likely. This was the recipe that produced one of the two biggest tornado outbreaks on record.
I'm shocked that this funnel was only rated EF4. That's an insult imo!
Serpents don’t have tentacles you god damn idiot
@@Rusty4u lol I don't even think animals with tentacles and serpents are in the same phylum.
Fast moving, sound, tendrils and incredible view of debris-Amazing video of horrific tornado! Great Video!
Horrible tornado indeed, it even did the "dead man walking" multi-vortex dance right before heading into town. A true nightmare of a storm.
That was a badass tornado, so devastating. In these tornado videos I can never believe it when I see people driving TOWARDS IT!
They clearly aren't driving towards it.
Yeah it's like these idiots are oblivious to this insane storm! Imagine driving down the street and all of a sudden this 1.5 mile wide wedge with little cones and stovepipes coming out of it like tentacles forms right in front of you! This has to be one of the craziest videos of the Tuscaloosa funnel I've ever watched!🤦♀️
Nobody was driving towards it. The tornado was on the other side a distance away. That’s why the storm spotters set up in that area.
@Southeastern777 i mean, the tornado and the debris is probably at least a mile away from her and not moving in her direction, there's really no danger in stopping there to watch.
One of the best tornado footage ever, period.
My mother’s family is from the area around Tuscaloosa and had other tornadoes in the area they live. I live in the Pacific Northwest now, but I grew up in Texas and went through a lot of these storms. I’ve only seen two tornadoes in my life, but nothing like this!
I knew this thing had horizontal vortices but seeing the tornado from this angle, it really had a ton! And all that debris...awful.
A lot of intense rising and sinking air in and around the tornado, extremely turbulent area of the atmosphere
It entered Tuscaloosa County at the SW corner and traveled through the entire county leaving at the NE corner as it entered Jefferson County. It devastated some of the oldest residential areas and skirted by the University of Alabama campus. Those leaving the campus had no idea where they were because all street signs and landmarks were gone.
@@F5Storm1 It's amazing how similar this twister looked to both the 91 Andover tornado and the 74 Xenia tornado. While it's very common for strong supercell-formed tornadoes to be multi-vortex, you usually have to look at the damage field or look at the tornado while it's forming or dissipating to see the rest of its funnels. It's incredible how visible and detailed the multiple vortices both horizontal and vertical were throughout this entire tornado's lifespan.
Your filming was wonderful
My God the roar of that monster
My son was born this year and he’s already a weather expert. He’s obsessed with tornadoes and hurricanes. My god he was right. This is terrifying 😮
I still think this is the coolest looking tornado ever.
What's up with the tornadoes trying to form sideways?? I don't think I've seen that before
It's how tornado formation works, they all start horizontally, updrafts and downdrafts oppose each other and create swirling wind, if you ever push water together with your hands you'll notice a momentary whirlpool.
Amazing how people on the road are oblivious.
One of the most fantastic footage of an incredible tornado . But by far the best footage of the Tuscaloosa tornado. Wow, the tendrils...
I'm amazed at the amount of traffic going by 😱
Sandra Smith, Their going away.
That’s always what I think when I watch videos like this. Who in their right mind would drive anywhere close to that monstrosity?
That interstate basically runs East/West at that ppint so the cars heading "towards" it were far enough south that there was no threat to them. From this vantage point, the tornado is roughly 2 to 3 miles north northwest of the camera...
Mostly diesel trucks. I guess they have to "keep on truckin".
Not seen this before. One of the best. Horrifying when zoomed up close
Right? All that debris. There could be human bodies swirling around up in there. I read somewhere that it's debris falling that kills a lot of people caught in the path of a tornado.
@@La_Ru-yg8es whilst the stuff falling from the sky can kill (tractor trailers have been lifted and thrown 500m) it’s the debris ball at ground level within the tornado that is far more destructive and deadly. Cars, bricks, concrete slabs and 2 by 4’s are spun around and used like a battering ram to flatten anything in its path. But just as deadly are smaller items like nails and stones which are propelled at 200mph or more and do terrible damage to victims. It’s this debris, coupled with the speed of the tornado winds which leave the tell tale tracks of tornadoes behind on the ground
@@mikefriend1514 Right! I know sometimes even people sheltering indoors get whacked. I've selected a small interior room in my basement, concrete enforced all around, in case we ever need it. Even that isn't 100% effective, but, it's the best I can do. No windows and I'm tricking it out this spring with stuff to hide under. But, in NE Ohio we don't get as many as the Great Plains. (We do get some, though. In 2003, a little F0, as this was prior to the implementation of the enhanced Fujita, came within a half mile of where we lived. It was strong enough to move a train car off the tracks.)
@@La_Ru-yg8es here in the UK we don’t get the crazy weather you guys experience. I mean it’s a stunning display of nature’s power but I’m grateful not to have to live in tornado alley or suffer the horrors of Moore, OK or Greensburg, KA. Glad to read you have a storm shelter located in your basement. If you are below ground you are 99.9% sure to survive even if everything above ground is swept away.
@@mikefriend1514 I just recently learned of the "Strid" y'all have there in Yorkshire! They said it's the most dangerous area of a river in the world, and it's deceptive looking! So, no crazy weather, just rivers that want to eat you. 😁
What a horrible tornado, right up there with the Joplin disaster. Why this was not rated an EF5, I don't know. I get the whole wind speed and damage thing, but this is one of the most damaging tornadoes that I can remember in modern history.
God bless those that have lost their lives and loved ones. I hope this sort of event never happens again, but if it does, please be prepared and give yourselves a chance.
Beautiful footage....but the contrast is knowing there were most certainly people being tossed around among that swirling debris cloud. It just breaks my heart and makes me sick to my stomach to think about it. What a day that must've been for everyone in the deep south. On another note, I find it fascinating how this and other storms that day generated those massive horizontal vortices. I'd really like to know more about the conditions that caused them.
Could be the very best tornado video I have ever seen....truly remarkable....😳👍
That thing had more horizontal diagonal and vertical vortices than other tornado hands down, should have been rated an EF5
Definitely should have been a 5. Even Dr. Forbes said it should have been
Thats why I call this tornado Medusa. ❤
F5Storm1 factual
Maybe a very late reply but the tornado did cause some EF-5 damage in areas, though small thats why it was rated a high end EF4 as most damage was Ef-3/Ef-4
@@jedimindtricks7589 tornadoes are rated based on the worst damage.
"thats not good mike"
Broke my heart
11 years ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday.
One of these came down the 69 with more "rain" then I've ever seen before or since wasn't until I went outside that I realize it wasn't just rain hitting our windows tree branches (big and small) twigs and a bunch of other crap I had to clean up but considering the damage to our house was minimal I was one of the lucky ones we just went without power for a few days.
Ok guys when did tornado's grown arms I was like OMG here's were I found it at 5:45 and that's crazy! what you looking at is a sub vortices and they are like arms of the tornado idk what they do here's my guess I think they are used to pick up stuff if you agree like this comment
Шикарнейший торнадо👍 Стихия беспощадна, жаль только людей, через которых он прошёл..
that's so apocalyptic, just imagine seeing that coming right toward u.
Amazing video. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely terrifying
The worst thing about this one is that it became rain wrapped at the end.
Incredible how fast this tornado grew!
The wither storm in real life:
why on earth did that tanker just stop their for ??
that dunce should be stripped of his license for blocking a lane on an interstate
@Michelle: there. Not their.
@@danielsanford4109 the spelling police are out again..more dangerous than this tornado!
Excellent footage there!
I dont want to make light of what happened, but for me this is still the coolest looking tornado ever. All the little tubes and tentacle everywhere. they show perfectly what i've seen in computer simulations that tornadoes arent just one vortex but a combination of a bunch of smaller vortices all wrapped up together, like a braided rope.
I was there and trust me there was nothing "cool" about that lots of people died and it took years to even begin to repair the damage not to mention the psychological impact of seeing rubble and foundation where homes and buildings used to stand or the fact that one of those tornadoes hit the water treatment plant and a large area smelled of sewage for years.
This may have been Cool to watch but not cool to live through
Wow... that roar...
Hard to believe this happened exactly one year ago. Scary footage. Mother nature can be evil at times.
Almost 10 years ago now
Nature is never evil, nature is beautiful and magical, and occasionally reminds us who is still in charge.
No, this happened 11 years ago.
Mincraft kid;oh look the witherstorm
Great video of an EF4 that should have been rated an EF5. The vortices were incredible.
Incredible, But DEADLY...
When these type of events happen, it's makes you look inward at what needs to change cuz while you're in the midst of it , You're calling out to God probably more times than you've ever have in life.....and that's FACTUAL 💯
It was a living breathing entity…
At around 5:58 you can see what looks like a car or truck chassis flying hundreds of feet in the air on the left side of the tornado!
looks like a one of those big pieces of irrigation equipment kinda
Even though it's 10 years ago, and was a high end EF4, this is basically the "Xenia Tornado" of modern era...
5:30 it’s a wither storm
Why on earth are people driving on the interstate??!!
For the same reason storm spotters were filming next to it. It was not in the tornado’s path. The tornado may have looked close but it was still enough of a distance away it didn’t affect that general area.
@@Brandon-lw1wx But they don't know that it won't affect them like the storm spotters do so they shouldn't be taking that chance.
A whole heck of alot of u-turns just taken by a whole heck of alotta semis....my God, what a monster.
2011 was the tornado apocalypse
I agree with others, this is one truly evil tornado and an excellent video! I have to ask what is happening at 5 minutes and 8 seconds into this video (5:08)? As the debris comes slingshoting around the vortex, there is a large chunk of debris that looks like a whole house that comes flying around the tornado before taking a high velocity plunge to the ground. Anyone know what exactly it is?
I’ve watched several documentaries about this tornado. If I remember correctly, an eyewitness reported an entire house, or at least the better part of one, being lofted into the air.
Just looks like a roof
حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا :
هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار
ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء
وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة
ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة
ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ نحو الفضاء الخارجي
مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات
وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا
ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ...
اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا :
فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد
ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا
فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا
ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر
انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم
قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين )
وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... )
وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم )
وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم )
وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون )
وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس
مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين )
وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين )
وقال تعالى ( ذلك بان الله هو الحق وان ما يدعون من دونه هو الباطل وان الله هو العلي الكبير )
يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ
الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ
وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا
امريكا انتهت وكل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ الا الصراخ منادين يامغيثنا
اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك
@0:53 and on those truckers are looking right at in and keep charging right toward it.
That is called a subvortist tornado
The tornado is growing arms in the thumbnail
That’s a big tornado in Tuscaloosa Alabama, this was April 27 2011, it was near Livingston Alabama, Birmingham got a tornado as well, but that’s a big monster tornado in Tuscaloosa Alabama, I was born in close to Birmingham, I was born in 2006, I was living close to Birmingham when that tornado happened in 2011.
This is the same large tornado that tracked all the way thru northern sections of Birmingham!!
Really good chance more than one piece of that debris was somebody.
Dolori. Sono🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
I have 2 times in my life seen a Tornado in the Netherlands ! Weak EF0 Landsprout Tornadoes ! That was a monster ! Belgium, Luxemburg, The Netherlands and Germany have the most Tornadoes in Europe ! Sometimes we have strong Tornadoes !
Did you just say an EF0 was a monster lol
@@erko78 no this Tornado in the video was a monster
Where are the sirens? This thin was huge! So sorry for anyone who had to go through this!
The tornado may have cut the power to them. Seen that happen in tornado footage before.
@@Veganerd_the April 26th 1991 Andover Kansas F5 tornado was an example.
natural lighting.
best for not noticing what you are putting in your body.
Check please lol
Awesome big monster Tornado
Absolute Chad of a tornado.... Damn....
This torandoe is amazing
@Public Enemy nation: tornado. Not tornadoe.
Ugh those tendrils make this look like a Stephen Gammell creation.
Sinister Twister
It’s a shame you took out the three times that he prayed for the Lord to be with the people of Tuscaloosa!! Shame on you media
Great video good job it was just like being there 🙂
I was actually there and trust me it's not
Been storm chasin since 1990. One big problem is even if you know the roads like the back of your hand, like I do in s.Kansas and n.Oklahoma, you can only go where the roads go. That tornado goes wherever the f--k it wants.
That's a nasty beast! The multiple vortex and their tentrals showing. Not something I would want anyone, including my enemies to have to endure. Those poor souls.
May the victims RIP and their families find closure to their pain and be Blessed with the Peace and Comfort of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus' Name do We Pray,
EF 3-5!? Another Big Beast!
Ok no offense but
oh hey, caseohs brother is here, he had a big forehead though
Rip to the people that died
He really hungry
Bruh ☠️☠️
EF- 4 wind speeds up to 250 EF-5 300 plus mph in circular motion...That's Ike a Bugatti at top speed going through your living room repeatedly for 1 minute, cuz these beast are tracking at 50 to 60 mph ..Nothing on this planet can withstand that unless you're underground ...and that's FACTUAL 💯
Lamborghini max speed is 218.1mp/h. Tuscaloosa recorded hightest winds were 190 mp/h. THAT's factual. Quit the pot, dude. Is not healthy.
@@RejectedInch Dammit...the Diablo and the newer Lamborghini's go faster than 190 ,190 is slow and I was speaking hypothetically or in generalities but it caught your eye for some Dam reason, and pot is for ppl attending Woodstock or a Beatles concert..I don't smoke pot, I only smoke Fidel Castro cigars...and that's FACTUAL 💯
Hang on, Toto. We're headed back to Kansas.
But this is one helluva video.
Shocking amount of debris
Damn... I was a young kid when this Tornado tore through Tuscaloosa. It's serpent-like Horizontal Vortices... it's not good. That's a tell sign that it was going to be a violent Tornado.
You see vortexes you know you’re really COOKED
2011 the tornado apocalypse
Grosso. E🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
There's a video taken at about 6:12 more less I think of it barely missing a guy in a parking garage.
Smdh at those that just blindly drive right toward an obvious tornado.
They can give me a job making $45 a hour. Just sitting at a desk an answering phone calls. I promise on Jesus if I had to move to Oklahoma to do it. I will turn it down.
This took place in Alabama though.
Ohio glitter Twister I saw that in the thumbnail. I got family in Oklahoma. They say seeing tornadoes there. Is like seeing stray dogs in Mississippi lol
@@rosievortex2808 Yeah, and what a lot of people don't realize is the fact that Alabama has just about as many violent tornadoes as Oklahoma, however, Oklahoma has more tornadoes overall. Alabama is also known as the "Tornado Death Toll Capital" of the US since 1950, a state where 700+ deaths have been confirmed from tornadoes. Oklahoma and Alabama have both had 6 E/F5 tornadoes that were at max strength in the state, however, Oklahoma has had 7 total while Alabama has had 9. Alabama is the heart of Dixie Alley.
@@Benjaminberino Sadly, yes. And strong winds, possible tornadoes are predicted for us, in Bama today, Jan. 11, 2020. Pray for us all. The waiting is the hardest part. Very stressful. God is in control. Praising Him for His mercy. ✝️
@@urdirtyness5132 I've lived in Oklahoma my whole life and have never personally seen a tornado. Comparing them to a common sight such as a stray is absolutely ridiculous, trust me. This is a side of effect of the modern age of media... Things seem way more prevalent when they're shown front and center especially when everyone has their own personal video recorder.
Amazing footage!
So much debris, you could see a sheep 🐑
really scary! so bad that tornadoes are da worst thing you da ever imagine. Even the fire/police vehicles had to use their own sirens to warn others.
Regardless of the fact i pray for this people every time the tornado season gets there!!! Dont know why they wont move to another state.
@Southeastern777 LOL what a moronic comment
The earth is a dangerous place. We are not safe anywhere. That is just the truth. Every region has it's threats. We just have to be prepared the best we can and deal with it.
Esse é top
what the heck
Most evil looking ever.
Everything happens for a reason
I bet that in that gas tanker was was scared and praying he sure was lucky!
he was a moron!
@@JasonHenson1975 why?
Ohio Players song, Zoom it in, Zoom it out, Zoom it in, Zoom it out, rollercoaster!!!! Whew weee.......
The Lord Jesus Christ word
That is called a subvortist tornado
That is called a subvortist tornado