Hyracotherium 伐 Dinosaur Park Primeval Zoo New Update

  • 郈訇郅邽郕郋赲訄郇郋: 12 迮郇 2024
  • New Update in Dinosaur Park Primeval Zoo
    What is Hyracotherium?
    Hyracotherium, sometimes called Eohippus, was a tiny ancestor of modern horses. It roamed the Earth around 55 million years ago, during a time called the Eocene epoch.
    It was about the size of a small dog, had a slender body, and lived in forests. Its feet had several toes, which gradually evolved over time into the single hoof that horses have today.
    This little creature played a big role in the evolutionary history of horses, showing how they evolved from small, forest-dwelling animals to the large, grassland-adapted creatures we know today.
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