The Purple Herrerasaurus (looks like Galactical Dinosaur) at Dinosaur Park Primeval Zoo

  • 郈訇郅邽郕郋赲訄郇郋: 12 迮郇 2024
  • Explore the captivating carnivorous charm of the Herrerasaurus as its vibrant purple color variant takes center stage in the newly unveiled scrapbook, adding a touch of excitement to its visual profile
    What is Herrerasaurus?
    Herrerasaurus is an extinct genus of dinosaur that lived during the Late Triassic period, around 231 to 220 million years ago.
    It was one of the earliest dinosaurs and belonged to the group of theropods, which are generally characterized as carnivorous, bipedal dinosaurs.
    Herrerasaurus is notable for its significance in the study of dinosaur evolution, representing an early branch in the dinosaur family tree.
    Fossils of Herrerasaurus have been found in Argentina.
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