More reasons that would cause me to be turned off would be that style of editing seen in the ad and TTS speech, as well as obvious stock footage clips.
True Japanese brands Westernize their names. For example, Toyoda was changed to Toyota when the automobile company entered markets of English-speaking countries because Toyoda is hard to pronounce in English.
Lol, in Latin America it is VERY common for scammers to say that their product is imported from the USA to claim that is good, even if it’s clearly cheap Chinese stuff
@asdrubale bisanzio why, just like weebs calling themselves with japanese name online, they just want to sound cool y'know (toyota one, not sure about that). that's why if you go in any asia country, youngster usually hangout at places that have western name (unless you are in sarawak, malaysia, traditional kopitiam or food court still place to go if you wanna to hangout)
My question is "why does RUclips keep allowing companies like this to continue to scam the public"? Surely, the advertising fee can't override the safety of the viewers. They should start looking into this and hold scam advertisers accountable.
Do you know how many soft core corn channels RUclips allows to be monetized. There are also many channels that are harmful to children’s development that make millions every year. RUclips doesn’t care about harming people. It only cares about censorship of ideas they disagree with,
@gtm624 been checking it out now, OCT/21/2024, and it is a scam. even if I click on a few RUclips REVIEWS, not much is coming up, well, ads for this device is about all, and even this is ONLY 5 COMMENTS, i mean come on, who are we fooling, i was born at night perhaps, I was not born last night! HHO in the USA! ....{{{ AND in my in depth search I had not seen that EXTRA CHARGE!!!! WOW, that is a game changer for sure, and a deal breaker I must think and say! And I was about to order this, but now will not. RUclips IS NOTHING BUT A HUGE AD FOR THIS BULLCRAP, AND THAT IS WHAT IT IS! IF TRUE, WOULD AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN HEAD LINE NEWS, AND IT IS GOING BACK WHAT, YEARS, AND I NEVER HEARD OF IT, i call this bullcrap and nothing more than that!!!}}}
@@poisonempress hes wrong theres no slow down in service in wifi while useing the ryoko even when ken claims that it slows down it dosent even when low bars show on wifi symbol the aray ov satlite to tower to ryoko position satilite pics closest toer to you and ryoko and it does not slow down atoll ken young and really nieve about alot about ryoko he dosent hasent learned due your research assume nothing and hes only pointing out problems with ad they buy premade clips to use so cheap for them lowers ad cost to sell ryoko s
I fell for the ad, too. Your video was clear I'd made a mistake. I contacted them to return my unopened unit within 30 days. The unit cost $89. Bottom line, it cost me $27.64 USPS postage to Lithuania, I provided them the required tracking/customs number. There is a 15% restocking fee and a $10 handling fee for USD. $89.00 unit - $13.35 restocking - $10 USD handling - $27.64 postage=$38.01 refund. Lesson learned, but I wonder if there's a U,S, law against this kind of "legal" scam. Lithuania??
@@dondavidson482since the guy replying to you didn't answer. I'll say so Company are obligated to refund product when returned, especially if they were not used because the customer bought the wrong product or they shipped the wrong item
In the EU you can return anything within 14 days of delivery, no questions asked. AFAIK companies have to give you full refund, with no fees attached. Not sure who’s gonna pay for the shipping, though
"They were disgusted with the company's more grabbing attitude" Naw, they were disgusted that the company was raking in the money and they weren't getting a slice.
@David Wang Hopefully you got a refund on this crap and/or weren't serious about the product and expectations. I'm sure either way you could easily argue about the false advertising.
I think you were too nice on them. This is definitely a giant scam. I particularly like the consistent ‘no hidden fees’ lie, until the minute after you’ve been charged!
I don't know, it's just so damn hard for me to feel bad for anyone who falls for that crap, seriously. Just ignoring the fact, that it all looks and feels like a scam product, especially the whole underdog who invents X Caro - who would think something would give 'em free unlimited Internet? Do they a bunch of fairies will come and get that thing connect or something? Anyone should be able to realize, that this sucker is propably using mobile data ( and realize: that is a portable WiFi router, which are very generic and not very expensive) and that no cellular company will just give em data for free. It's like the Nigerian prince got a bunch of money for ya scam and its variants. It's just damn hard for me to feel bad for anyone who falls for such scams, when all you need to avoid them is the bare amount of common sense.
@@RestoreTechnique Technically you could and you'd propably even win in most countries. However it's kinda pointless, since they usually aren't registerd in your country. Which makes the whole story way more complicated and INCREDIBLY expansive. If you won, you may get all your money back, but the upfront cost is immense. Also, most of those companies are usually inside of China. Which makes the whole process even more complicated and expansive. The chances of winning are way down over there and even if you won, you might not even get your money back completely. So yeah, nobody is gonna do that and no lawyer would think this would be a good idea. Best practice would be to have just a glimpse of common sense left. That way, those obvious scam product won't have any chance to scam anyone. Unfortunately, humans are the most stupid creatures that have ever lived on that planet, so those companies will always find someone to rip off.
@@sagichdirdochnicht4653 Yep I'm assuming this is the case like with shitty mobile game transactions its all about getting that short term profit. Its very easy to simple change company names as well. Since this product is just drop shipped anyway, they just need to pay for advertising and their crappy website. Usually these sites have crappy payment systems so you won't be able to use something like PayPal either, so hopefully u pay with a credit card or something, those are probably the only way you can refund and also hurt them, but for them, just a few transactions is enough to make it worth it
Thanks. My mom, who seems to have faulty scam spider-senses, sent me an email asking about this product. This is pretty much what I expected but it's probably more palatable for her coming from a 3rd party source. You did a great job with this video too - entertaining, thorough, and informative.
Ken, I absolutely LOVE your videos!!! You’re the best consumer product advocate I’ve seen since the late 1970’s and early 1980’s when David Horowitz used to run a very similar show on TV. Please keep making more videos. You are REALLY helping the lone consumer in a day and age where it has never been more needed! You’re a true American hero!
Got a spam mail and thought, "This just sounds like my phone’s wifi hotspot. What’s the deal?" Started googling, and every article I ran across gave off that scammy vibe. Tons of satisfied customer reviews that screamed "ghost written," photos that looked stock, and nothing nowhere talking about data plans or costs. Finally came across your review confirming all my suspicions. Thanks!
As soon as I saw that fake ‘private jet’ set the ceo guy was standing in, I immediately recognized it was the same one Instagram "influencers" were paying to use to fake flying first class a year or two ago. lol
Roaming SIM cards like that tend to have higher prices. I only used one (and not this product) for China as not only did I not have to hand over my passport and first-born to the CCP to get a SIM card, it was outside the Great Firewall and while EUR25 for 3GB (at the time) seemed expensive it was far cheaper than just using my UK SIM at 20p/MB. VoIP worked over it well, so I just used a client on my phone which routed my calls via my own server and diverted my mobile number to a VoIP number to receive calls without roaming fees.
I almost bought one but saw the 500MB reference and researched what happens after the 500MB is gone, saw the data plans and decided to stick with using my cell phone as a hotspot. Thank you, Ken, for confirming my decision!
@@MrBennieagray Being throttled isnt end of world. There is cases when even slow speed connection still can be usefull, like text messages (many years ago people chatted in ICQ on GPRS and it was totally fine) or remote sensor.
@@Vednier your right, but I'm sure you will agree with me that a company shouldn't lie about their product and they shouldn't trick you or make small print contracts where they basically say that in the end they are going to theoretically sell you something and in the end they don't promise what they give you like when you but a 2TB USB, but in reality the USB has 10GB and the rest is virtual memory.
@@MrBennieagray Right, i totally agree with that. All i wanted to say is that if you simply throttled, then even after your traffic limit is used up there is still some usage in this device. Also, i think you can use any SIM in this one, so at least you getting fancy cellular router for yourself.
I love that they’re advertising this as something new… I had a thing like this 10 years ago when I moved home and was waiting on broadband installation.
This whole video can be summarized in a sentence: It's a 4G modem with a wifi hotspot, and an expensive data plan that you see only after you order it.
These devices were quite popular in Japan for single people because you would only need one internet contract - you can power your home WiFi off it and your smartphone off it when out of the home.
I've had problems when buying from Chinese companies and others, but never a problem buying from Japanese companies. I wish I had known that Muama Ryoko wasn't from Japan. Would have saved me some money.
Japanese names are signature of quality. People are trying to hide under our name. Big brands like DJI uses Japanese names. You are attacking my country for no reason. Sorry if we did some messed up things to your country. But please don't give nagative stigma to our land.
@@voltgaming2213 Mine was the opposite intent. I was ridiculing those who are not of Japan but use Japanese sounding names to suggest 'quality' of their inferior products.
I'd like to hear a "developed from alien technology recovered from area 51" backstory, and when it doesn't work, they can say it's too advanced for modern users.
just found your channel yesterday. Dude i cannot stop watching your videos! You are really underrated. Amazing content! thank you and keep up the good work :)
Totally enjoyed your input on the Muama Ryoko. After searching for a few minutes on the internet trying to figure out where the thing got it's WiFi from, I finally ended up on your site....which saved me from spending more time searching. You are so right....'There's no such thing as a free lunch'!😊
I'm in the Arizona desert and my phone often drops my internet connection for hours. There are only expensive $79-$110 internet providers and phone data plans out here. Thank you for the review. I definitely won't be ordering this device. I live on social security so any purchase, such as this one, takes money away from my food budget.👍
@@wolfetteplays8894"consoomer culture" sounds like what someone who wants to lower the age of consent and is ok with a 60 year old guy hitting on a 16 year old would say
Great video! The only thing I have to say is that using a phone as a hotspot often isn't a viable option due to some carriers disabling or heavily throttling mobile hotspots. If this kind of functionality is something you use regularly, a dedicated device may be a good solution. Just probably not this one.
Thanks! You've brought me back from the Dark Side...and their stale cookies! I had a Lit Mobile for a couple of years. It worked great, (BUT) it took almost as long to grid charge as to Sun charge...which was about 9 hours from one light to four lights. So, I gave it to my roommate and bought a Jackery 200.
Just looked this up because of their ad which now talks about a military person who lost a leg but refused to leave the military, invented this, yadda yadda. This crap should just be illegal.
Very helpful for me. I saw the commercial and thought, this is too good to be true, so I thought about looking it up on RUclips. All I can say is, thank you!
What frustrates me is that we have strong protections in the UK for advertising, making sure they are accurate etc. A 'company' like that is breaking numerous laws, but RUclips also keeps allowing these ads despite them being so obviously a scam. It's devaluing RUclips and baffling why they and the UK advertising agency are powerless to step in
Often, these scam companies headquarter someplace where their tactics either aren't illegal or are poorly enforced. It limits what other countries can do about it since they can't impose their laws on other countries. The internet allows people from just about any country to advertise and sell almost anywhere, and its pretty hard to block, especially when these shady sellers might be riding the coattails of larger sites like Amazon and EBay. As for RUclips, I suspect that they could do a better job of enforcement, but they prioritize profit over protecting people who mostly "pay" by watching ads.
American company if you complain and regulate the ads they will probably just cut your access to the platform, and googles services if it goes far enough. They are a huge company and unfortunately it's used by a ton of people
Thank you Ken for informing people on scam products. With you I found out what I was looking for. I hope you will get rewarded for helping out others and revealing the truth. God bless!
@@ComputerClan Yes, they consider my average of 7 Mbps up to be "excellent." Sucks when I'm trying to develop a website or upload video files or the like.
Not sure what Charter's highest upload speed is here or if we have it, but it's double what ours is, too, and we don't even live in a city. Multi -stream cable modems can only do so much.
This is the first time I've seen one of your videos and I gotta give you props on not telling us all to like comment and subscribe. A simple "if you like the video, you know what to do" sounds allot nicer.
Well, with cooking oil and lying in the sun, you definitely will get darker, you'll start to smell nice and delicious too after a while as your skin literally starts to fry in the sun, umm, don't use cooking oil, it's not a good idea.
Yeah, I agree that the advertisers for the device was a Scam. There has been quite a number of falsified advertisement. Computer Clan is speaking the truth. I like your videos exposing the the scammers. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for doing what you do. I almost fell for this but did catch one ad saying you can "add more data at any time." So I decided to investigate & found your video. Will be subscribing because I don't have money to burn but need find a wifi option for people who travel in campers.
thanks a lot, just discovered your channel. It's great and useful!!! I was about to buy one. After seeing your video I think you were soft: roku it's a scam!!!
Ryoko , I think you mean … cause roku rules I have 3 …one is an ultimate and all work perfectly and are cheap …my internet provider sucks tho , yeah Im looking at you cox! Paying for 200 mbps and on occasion will get 50 but usually am resetting my router multiple times a day to try and get 10 down and hope for 5 up …. Damn I’m only 51 and ranting like an old timer ….
Great video as usual! I love these, I recently got youtube premium so i kind of miss seeing crappy ads for fake products on youtube and being like "oh this is fake af but I hope Ken sees this one" :)
Thanks Krazy Ken, I was considering the device myself but decided to do some research. Don't want one now. Your U tube video was very comprehensive and easy to understand.
Just checked out your review 👍👍 Excellent information! Love these type of information reviews that are legit that prevent consumers from getting scammed!
People are crying that 5G kills ya until your phone is faster than your home web and you have a data plan including unlimited hotspot download... I love the future.
Anyone concerned about the radiation from any kind of phone tower can always buy clothes that have RF blocking material built into the lining, it's like a faraday cage in your clothes that shield you, and if 5g does prove to be dangerous, there will be a boom in sales of this kind of clothing.
Some years ago in south Africa in some cities they started using 3G connection to sync the traffic lights. In each traffic light there was a 3G modem with a SIM card in it. All these SIMs had a data plan and everything on them, since they were state sponsored nobody really counted and the data traffic through them would only be a few kbytes a month if used as intended. However after a while people started to steal them out of the traffic lights and sell them as "unlimited data SIM cards". Since they were virtually untrackable because there was no subscriber tied to it (since the "subscriber" would be the traffic light or the government) they were sometimes used in terrorist operations too, like bombs jerryrigged to a phone. It was a few years until they were finall all purged out of circulation, but until then you could in fact score an unlimited untrackable data plan SIM card.
Taking care of this type of SIM should be very easy for MNO (mobile network operator). Lock those on very same cell tower (maybe + couple ones nearby) device with this type of SIM initially appears. Secondly, limit data to 16kbps per SIM or something like that.
Thank you for this video. I've been watching you for a couple years but defs after this video was uploaded and this one helped me find out the details because the scammers are still going strong trying to sell this to senior citizens. My dad has been bombarded by advertisements for this and in his case the creator of this magic tech moved from Japan to Atlanta GA where my dad is.
Thanks! This was really helpful! My father asked me to check into this for him. He also bought one of those annoying fans last year. He really needs to stay away from the informercials, I tell ya! LOL! In his defense, he works night shift, so . . .
Thanks for the video. I went to Verizon and they were very honest and explained me how a hotspot works and what the plans are and how long you can go on a plan
3:53 just to clarify, your phone isn't actually routing the cell signal, but rather routing the internet traffic. It happens on a higher layer of the OSI model.
The concept of a "swamp cooler" has been around for quite a while. One of the first concepts of refrigeration is "moisture absorbs heat". I would imagine marketing to a lot of Asian countries this would be appealing. That being said, it is also based on the idea that there isn't a ton of humidity in the air, so that kind of goes out the window, and I promise after more than three decades in this business that tiny thing isn't going to cool much, if anything!
Excellent job. My girlfriend texted this and asked if it was good. It took me three minutes to see that there was a charge for data. You put the Burning Scabbard of Truth through it. Thank you.
I am SO GLAD I saw your video, as the device seemed too good to be true (AND YOU PROVED IT WAS!!). I will always check with YOU before purchasing any tech advertised. Sadly, this company (Muama Roko) really made it hard to find a legit review, as I had to search and search through all the bogus ones (which claimed it was a wonderful device) to find you. I will be subscribing to your no-nonsense reviews from here on out.
RYOKO,HAS found another hope feind . fortunately I did not have $ and I Google d it.and read your evaluations.. So many untruths LIES. From Adam on up to the present.. thank you again for your help. I would have taken the BAIT
When I was watching a video on my iPad I saw an ad for the Blaux portable AC or whatever the name is. But it's only spring and it's not even that hot rn where I live.
Hell yea theres a real free lunch. I keep finding these big metal containers that are just filled with food and other slightly used odds and ends... I haven't paid for food in months and all the vomiting is doing wonders for my figure.
11:00 Welcome to the team! Rofl, that is hilarious. Glad you now have more than one day job bro. hahahaha. Keep up the awesome videos and you have a great sense of humor. Now subscribed.
Even my 70yo dad has one of those, it was made by huawei and offered by his carrier. Looks very similar, same format, small screen... I thought those devices were popular enough that people know what they are and won't be fooled by such false advertising.
My family has used a similar product years ago while travelling when all of us wanted to use the hotspot with only one local sim card but didn't want one phone to have it's battery drained, we called it the wifi egg haha
I figured this was a scam, I wondered who’s the company supplying the free data? LOL But I still had to do some research anyway and thanks to this video it confirmed my suspicions! Sure be nice if these scammers had to spend some time behind bars some day!
This guy is legit and not a click-bait-youtube-scammer lol. I feel well informed and blindsided by a bunch fluff. Good job dude. I'm totally subscribing
"No limits." Enjoy ._.
Subscribe for more. 🔔Ding!
No no no no, no no no no, there's no limits. Or something.
I already wrote this, but just in case you wont see it: When i saw the beggining i was like: why the hell is Ken holding a knockoff Ipod?
Hey ken, you should do a review of the blaux Heater you found at 11:47
Whenever an ad says that ”people are going crazy” or ”the internet exploded today” you know its BS.
Or take by storm
...or Big Tech companies are trying to have it banned.
@@alextoolstudio ...especially take/taking by storm
hate this trick! How to get for free!
More reasons that would cause me to be turned off would be that style of editing seen in the ad and TTS speech, as well as obvious stock footage clips.
It's almost like they think if the name is Japanese-ish then people will think it's a good product.
So that means if was called uwguyfcuebi7ug8fyy8ey9f98hf8ge fetuses will like it?
True Japanese brands Westernize their names. For example, Toyoda was changed to Toyota when the automobile company entered markets of English-speaking countries because Toyoda is hard to pronounce in English.
What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan.
Lol, in Latin America it is VERY common for scammers to say that their product is imported from the USA to claim that is good, even if it’s clearly cheap Chinese stuff
@asdrubale bisanzio why, just like weebs calling themselves with japanese name online, they just want to sound cool y'know (toyota one, not sure about that). that's why if you go in any asia country, youngster usually hangout at places that have western name (unless you are in sarawak, malaysia, traditional kopitiam or food court still place to go if you wanna to hangout)
My question is "why does RUclips keep allowing companies like this to continue to scam the public"? Surely, the advertising fee can't override the safety of the viewers. They should start looking into this and hold scam advertisers accountable.
Google doesnt care
Google and RUclips are scams themselves. As long as they’re getting paid, they truly don’t care.
Do you know how many soft core corn channels RUclips allows to be monetized. There are also many channels that are harmful to children’s development that make millions every year. RUclips doesn’t care about harming people. It only cares about censorship of ideas they disagree with,
@gtm624 been checking it out now, OCT/21/2024, and it is a scam. even if I click on a few RUclips REVIEWS, not much is coming up, well, ads for this device is about all, and even this is ONLY 5 COMMENTS, i mean come on, who are we fooling, i was born at night perhaps, I was not born last night! HHO in the USA!
....{{{ AND in my in depth search I had not seen that EXTRA CHARGE!!!! WOW, that is a game changer for sure, and a deal breaker I must think and say! And I was about to order this, but now will not. RUclips IS NOTHING BUT A HUGE AD FOR THIS BULLCRAP, AND THAT IS WHAT IT IS! IF TRUE, WOULD AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN HEAD LINE NEWS, AND IT IS GOING BACK WHAT, YEARS, AND I NEVER HEARD OF IT, i call this bullcrap and nothing more than that!!!}}}
As a general rule, if the ad has a backstory, my bs detector goes crazy.
yeah, keep your backstory for your sites not your ads, I want to know about the product not some sob story
@@poisonempress hes wrong theres no slow down in service in wifi while useing the ryoko even when ken claims that it slows down it dosent even when low bars show on wifi symbol the aray ov satlite to tower to ryoko position satilite pics closest toer to you and ryoko and it does not slow down atoll ken young and really nieve about alot about ryoko he dosent hasent learned due your research assume nothing and hes only pointing out problems with ad they buy premade clips to use so cheap for them lowers ad cost to sell ryoko s
Their accent says they are indians.
@@clockwood4171 says the person with horrible spelling
@@ZydraTheFox I think my brain just melted…
I fell for the ad, too. Your video was clear I'd made a mistake. I contacted them to return my unopened unit within 30 days. The unit cost $89. Bottom line, it cost me $27.64 USPS postage to Lithuania, I provided them the required tracking/customs number. There is a 15% restocking fee and a $10 handling fee for USD. $89.00 unit - $13.35 restocking - $10 USD handling - $27.64 postage=$38.01 refund. Lesson learned, but I wonder if there's a U,S, law against this kind of "legal" scam. Lithuania??
Why did you want to return the product. I am in Canada (both of my parents were born in Lithuania :)
@@dondavidson482 "why did you get rid of this useless scam" gee I wonder
@@dondavidson482since the guy replying to you didn't answer. I'll say so
Company are obligated to refund product when returned, especially if they were not used because the customer bought the wrong product or they shipped the wrong item
In the EU you can return anything within 14 days of delivery, no questions asked. AFAIK companies have to give you full refund, with no fees attached. Not sure who’s gonna pay for the shipping, though
@@soffici1stocking fees are for sure a thing in the EU 😂
"They were disgusted with the company's more grabbing attitude"
Naw, they were disgusted that the company was raking in the money and they weren't getting a slice.
@David Wang
Hopefully you got a refund on this crap and/or weren't serious about the product and expectations. I'm sure either way you could easily argue about the false advertising.
Well yeah greedustry
Hate the scam can't knock the hustle.
It wasnt even true.....a made up story to make us like the ryoko
I think you were too nice on them. This is definitely a giant scam. I particularly like the consistent ‘no hidden fees’ lie, until the minute after you’ve been charged!
I don't know, it's just so damn hard for me to feel bad for anyone who falls for that crap, seriously.
Just ignoring the fact, that it all looks and feels like a scam product, especially the whole underdog who invents X Caro - who would think something would give 'em free unlimited Internet? Do they a bunch of fairies will come and get that thing connect or something? Anyone should be able to realize, that this sucker is propably using mobile data ( and realize: that is a portable WiFi router, which are very generic and not very expensive) and that no cellular company will just give em data for free.
It's like the Nigerian prince got a bunch of money for ya scam and its variants. It's just damn hard for me to feel bad for anyone who falls for such scams, when all you need to avoid them is the bare amount of common sense.
Agreed, this is such fraud. These companies should be sued.
@@RestoreTechnique Technically you could and you'd propably even win in most countries. However it's kinda pointless, since they usually aren't registerd in your country. Which makes the whole story way more complicated and INCREDIBLY expansive. If you won, you may get all your money back, but the upfront cost is immense.
Also, most of those companies are usually inside of China. Which makes the whole process even more complicated and expansive. The chances of winning are way down over there and even if you won, you might not even get your money back completely.
So yeah, nobody is gonna do that and no lawyer would think this would be a good idea. Best practice would be to have just a glimpse of common sense left. That way, those obvious scam product won't have any chance to scam anyone. Unfortunately, humans are the most stupid creatures that have ever lived on that planet, so those companies will always find someone to rip off.
Yep I'm assuming this is the case like with shitty mobile game transactions its all about getting that short term profit. Its very easy to simple change company names as well. Since this product is just drop shipped anyway, they just need to pay for advertising and their crappy website. Usually these sites have crappy payment systems so you won't be able to use something like PayPal either, so hopefully u pay with a credit card or something, those are probably the only way you can refund and also hurt them, but for them, just a few transactions is enough to make it worth it
Their backstory sounds exactly like the wireless ap extender video you did in the past.
Literally just got the ad for that extender before this video lol. But it was sold by a sight like my fave flavor something flavor.
And the charger one
Their thumbnail ad and title was like those shitty ass ads of those dumb mobile war games
And like Bill Gates started Microsoft in his garage (yeah right)!
You mean RangeXD?
Thanks. My mom, who seems to have faulty scam spider-senses, sent me an email asking about this product. This is pretty much what I expected but it's probably more palatable for her coming from a 3rd party source. You did a great job with this video too - entertaining, thorough, and informative.
Ken, I absolutely LOVE your videos!!! You’re the best consumer product advocate I’ve seen since the late 1970’s and early 1980’s when David Horowitz used to run a very similar show on TV. Please keep making more videos. You are REALLY helping the lone consumer in a day and age where it has never been more needed! You’re a true American hero!
Weren’t you in that movie I f***ed the 80’s? Haha 😂😂
@@kevinwilkins7031 Sorry, been in the hospital. (I have terminal cancer) At least I was there…little boy.
Got a spam mail and thought, "This just sounds like my phone’s wifi hotspot. What’s the deal?" Started googling, and every article I ran across gave off that scammy vibe. Tons of satisfied customer reviews that screamed "ghost written," photos that looked stock, and nothing nowhere talking about data plans or costs. Finally came across your review confirming all my suspicions. Thanks!
As soon as I saw that fake ‘private jet’ set the ceo guy was standing in, I immediately recognized it was the same one Instagram "influencers" were paying to use to fake flying first class a year or two ago. lol
Even these guys aren't as clever as they think they are ... its probably bunch of college kids who tried a get rich scam
Bow Wow was busted for doing that 😂😂😂
Lol.. great stuff!
Thanks almost bought one!!!
Wow. My jaw dropped when I saw those data prices
Me in Germany:
Yeah how horrible!
Roaming SIM cards like that tend to have higher prices. I only used one (and not this product) for China as not only did I not have to hand over my passport and first-born to the CCP to get a SIM card, it was outside the Great Firewall and while EUR25 for 3GB (at the time) seemed expensive it was far cheaper than just using my UK SIM at 20p/MB. VoIP worked over it well, so I just used a client on my phone which routed my calls via my own server and diverted my mobile number to a VoIP number to receive calls without roaming fees.
Right!!? I'm so sorry if anyone got this. They are duping people.
I almost bought one but saw the 500MB reference and researched what happens after the 500MB is gone, saw the data plans and decided to stick with using my cell phone as a hotspot. Thank you, Ken, for confirming my decision!
What happens after the 500mb is gone?
@@Tom_Lube most likely get throttled
@@MrBennieagray Being throttled isnt end of world. There is cases when even slow speed connection still can be usefull, like text messages (many years ago people chatted in ICQ on GPRS and it was totally fine) or remote sensor.
@@Vednier your right, but I'm sure you will agree with me that a company shouldn't lie about their product and they shouldn't trick you or make small print contracts where they basically say that in the end they are going to theoretically sell you something and in the end they don't promise what they give you like when you but a 2TB USB, but in reality the USB has 10GB and the rest is virtual memory.
@@MrBennieagray Right, i totally agree with that. All i wanted to say is that if you simply throttled, then even after your traffic limit is used up there is still some usage in this device. Also, i think you can use any SIM in this one, so at least you getting fancy cellular router for yourself.
I love that they’re advertising this as something new… I had a thing like this 10 years ago when I moved home and was waiting on broadband installation.
This whole video can be summarized in a sentence: It's a 4G modem with a wifi hotspot, and an expensive data plan that you see only after you order it.
There you go👍🏾
To the front of the class sir!! Hahhaaaa
His video is more informative than the simple way you are looking to explain
Wow, that's both concise and informative, thanx 👍
@@Sparkzloco718 and yet the simple way he explains saves 14 mins 🙄 for ahat I ecpect is the same message basically
O no, you have used all your plan on a single Speed Test
It happened to me...
"everyone is going crazy over this!"
Everyone: never heard of it
Never heard of it
Good review!!!! Thank you for the honest, in-depth, and intelligent review!!!
These devices were quite popular in Japan for single people because you would only need one internet contract - you can power your home WiFi off it and your smartphone off it when out of the home.
As an Asian person, I realized it is a scam just by looking at the Japanese-ish name.
Ahh then I guess it's really a bad idea to buy a product whose name is Sagi, lol
I've had problems when buying from Chinese companies and others, but never a problem buying from Japanese companies. I wish I had known that Muama Ryoko wasn't from Japan. Would have saved me some money.
Japanese names are signature of quality. People are trying to hide under our name. Big brands like DJI uses Japanese names. You are attacking my country for no reason. Sorry if we did some messed up things to your country. But please don't give nagative stigma to our land.
@@voltgaming2213 whose country have you messed up before please in light me
@@voltgaming2213 Mine was the opposite intent. I was ridiculing those who are not of Japan but use Japanese sounding names to suggest 'quality' of their inferior products.
I'd like to hear a "developed from alien technology recovered from area 51" backstory, and when it doesn't work, they can say it's too advanced for modern users.
"No hidden fees!"
"Thanks for your order, and now for the hidden fee"
"No limits!"
"Thanks for your order, and now, here's your 500MB limit"
just found your channel yesterday. Dude i cannot stop watching your videos! You are really underrated. Amazing content! thank you and keep up the good work :)
Totally enjoyed your input on the Muama Ryoko. After searching for a few minutes on the internet trying to figure out where the thing got it's WiFi from, I finally ended up on your site....which saved me from spending more time searching. You are so right....'There's no such thing as a free lunch'!😊
I'm in the Arizona desert and my phone often drops my internet connection for hours. There are only expensive $79-$110 internet providers and phone data plans out here. Thank you for the review. I definitely won't be ordering this device. I live on social security so any purchase, such as this one, takes money away from my food budget.👍
This one might have a cheaper plan then! 😏
Disconnect from cellular data. Take advantage of being away from consoomer culture
Check if you can get a discount for wifi due to your income. At least $30/month . Call your phone company and ask them directly
@@wolfetteplays8894"consoomer culture" sounds like what someone who wants to lower the age of consent and is ok with a 60 year old guy hitting on a 16 year old would say
Cox offers discounted service based on income
Great video! The only thing I have to say is that using a phone as a hotspot often isn't a viable option due to some carriers disabling or heavily throttling mobile hotspots. If this kind of functionality is something you use regularly, a dedicated device may be a good solution. Just probably not this one.
No limits... for the marketing department to scam you. Great video Ken!
Thanks! You've brought me back from the Dark Side...and their stale cookies! I had a Lit Mobile for a couple of years. It worked great, (BUT) it took almost as long to grid charge as to Sun charge...which was about 9 hours from one light to four lights. So, I gave it to my roommate and bought a Jackery 200.
Just looked this up because of their ad which now talks about a military person who lost a leg but refused to leave the military, invented this, yadda yadda. This crap should just be illegal.
Very helpful for me. I saw the commercial and thought, this is too good to be true, so I thought about looking it up on RUclips. All I can say is, thank you!
What frustrates me is that we have strong protections in the UK for advertising, making sure they are accurate etc.
A 'company' like that is breaking numerous laws, but RUclips also keeps allowing these ads despite them being so obviously a scam. It's devaluing RUclips and baffling why they and the UK advertising agency are powerless to step in
Often, these scam companies headquarter someplace where their tactics either aren't illegal or are poorly enforced. It limits what other countries can do about it since they can't impose their laws on other countries. The internet allows people from just about any country to advertise and sell almost anywhere, and its pretty hard to block, especially when these shady sellers might be riding the coattails of larger sites like Amazon and EBay. As for RUclips, I suspect that they could do a better job of enforcement, but they prioritize profit over protecting people who mostly "pay" by watching ads.
American company if you complain and regulate the ads they will probably just cut your access to the platform, and googles services if it goes far enough. They are a huge company and unfortunately it's used by a ton of people
Thanks for making this. I’m tired of seeing their ads.
and I've never seen their ads
Now after you see this video you stopped seeing them?
youtube vanced or adblock lol
@@gneurshk4906 Or just start paying for the content you watch with RUclips Premium
@@richardmillhousenixon This man is an undercover RUclips employee
When I read the 500MB SIM card notice, the red flags started popping up. Thanks for clarifying the data plan portion.
That God we still have honest people in this World left👍🏼👍🏼
Thank you Ken for informing people on scam products. With you I found out what I was looking for. I hope you will get rewarded for helping out others and revealing the truth.
God bless!
What's really annoying me: That upload speed is still twice as fast as I get through Charter/Spectrum's highest cable Internet speed in my metro area.
@@ComputerClan Yes, they consider my average of 7 Mbps up to be "excellent." Sucks when I'm trying to develop a website or upload video files or the like.
Yeah cable internet has terrible upload speeds.
@@Pixels_and_Points 7 isn't horrible or anything, you can get by, but its insane they think that its "excellent"
Not sure what Charter's highest upload speed is here or if we have it, but it's double what ours is, too, and we don't even live in a city. Multi -stream cable modems can only do so much.
This is the first time I've seen one of your videos and I gotta give you props on not telling us all to like comment and subscribe. A simple "if you like the video, you know what to do" sounds allot nicer.
I don't know why i just like these types of videos, and you explain them well and very entertaining.
Fantastic Video... I love your narration and entertaining style of telling the story.... Excellent Work
Thank you for checking out all these products and letting us know if it’s worth buying.
Oh, i thought I could just apply cooking oil on my skin. Thanks Ken!
You can still do it, but you won't get a good result.
He's Krazy!
The fact about the oil is commonly known, I however never heard about that free lunch Ken is talking about. 🤔
Well, with cooking oil and lying in the sun, you definitely will get darker, you'll start to smell nice and delicious too after a while as your skin literally starts to fry in the sun, umm, don't use cooking oil, it's not a good idea.
@@onidaaitsubasa4177 use Crisco
"Cooking oil is not an appropriate substitute for tanning lotion"
Wait what
Very thorough. Great work! I like your attention to details. Keep up the great videos.
Just got the ad today, amazing how these products stick around and how many people have never learned the whole thing about no free lunches.
Yeah, I agree that the advertisers for the device was a Scam. There has been quite a number of falsified advertisement. Computer Clan is speaking the truth. I like your videos exposing the the scammers. Keep up the good work.
I love these debunk videos. It's fun watching someone try these weird products.
Thank you for taking one for the team😀
Me pleasure
Just found your channel. I think it is great. Thank you for the information that you do in an entertaining way!
Dude your content is amazing and so entertaining I literally can already see u achieving a million subs in no time
Thank you for doing what you do. I almost fell for this but did catch one ad saying you can "add more data at any time." So I decided to investigate & found your video. Will be subscribing because I don't have money to burn but need find a wifi option for people who travel in campers.
thanks a lot, just discovered your channel. It's great and useful!!! I was about to buy one. After seeing your video I think you were soft: roku it's a scam!!!
hello verified person, first like!
@@azharaliabbasi2666 stfu nobody wants your router
This piece of crap was advertiesed on my YT 😃
Ryoko , I think you mean … cause roku rules I have 3 …one is an ultimate and all work perfectly and are cheap …my internet provider sucks tho , yeah Im looking at you cox! Paying for 200 mbps and on occasion will get 50 but usually am resetting my router multiple times a day to try and get 10 down and hope for 5 up …. Damn I’m only 51 and ranting like an old timer ….
Great video as usual! I love these, I recently got youtube premium so i kind of miss seeing crappy ads for fake products on youtube and being like "oh this is fake af but I hope Ken sees this one" :)
You are very good in your presentation, analysis and exposing scams. Please keep it up.
4:38 lol that timing like my phone network lost signal when you were talking about this
So good it seems like all the spammers in my junk mail folder are talking about it
Quick question:
Do all scam products come from the same scam company, or do they only use the same scam advertising company?
The scammer is the advertiser. They just forward orders through to a custom manufacturer.
Now that’s the biggest misleading ad I’ve seen today. Well put. 👏🏼
Found this channel by accident. You’re great. Have subscribed and looking forward to more 👍🏻
Thanks Krazy Ken, I was considering the device myself but decided to do some research. Don't want one now. Your U tube video was very comprehensive and easy to understand.
Just checked out your review 👍👍 Excellent information! Love these type of information reviews that are legit that prevent consumers from getting scammed!
People are crying that 5G kills ya until your phone is faster than your home web and you have a data plan including unlimited hotspot download... I love the future.
I'm old enough to remember how everyone was supposed to get brain tumors from the first generation of cell phones.
Thats how it is here in the UK. £26pm gets me unlimited 5g (300-500mbps) but i cant even get 200mbps for double that over fibre
Exactly it’s bs 5G literally doubles the 4g radiation, but the difference is 4g emits nothing bassically
Anyone concerned about the radiation from any kind of phone tower can always buy clothes that have RF blocking material built into the lining, it's like a faraday cage in your clothes that shield you, and if 5g does prove to be dangerous, there will be a boom in sales of this kind of clothing.
@@onidaaitsubasa4177"if" 5g isn't dangerous stop talking out your ass
That's why product reviews are so important, thanks to people like you I don't lose money on bad products.
Thank you Sir.👍👍👍😁😷
You are one of the best reviewers Simple to undestand and you look in all facets , and ins out !!
You are fantastic !!
You said the right thing, my friend, because nothing in this World 🌎, is not Free at all.
chief, you are the last person i would ever expect to make a kill la kill reference
literally had to do a double-take
That kill la kill reference really through me off. I didn’t know Ken watched anime
He's a weeb
Some years ago in south Africa in some cities they started using 3G connection to sync the traffic lights. In each traffic light there was a 3G modem with a SIM card in it. All these SIMs had a data plan and everything on them, since they were state sponsored nobody really counted and the data traffic through them would only be a few kbytes a month if used as intended. However after a while people started to steal them out of the traffic lights and sell them as "unlimited data SIM cards". Since they were virtually untrackable because there was no subscriber tied to it (since the "subscriber" would be the traffic light or the government) they were sometimes used in terrorist operations too, like bombs jerryrigged to a phone. It was a few years until they were finall all purged out of circulation, but until then you could in fact score an unlimited untrackable data plan SIM card.
Taking care of this type of SIM should be very easy for MNO (mobile network operator). Lock those on very same cell tower (maybe + couple ones nearby) device with this type of SIM initially appears. Secondly, limit data to 16kbps per SIM or something like that.
Wait what?
Sweet, Commander Keen!
Thank you for this video. I've been watching you for a couple years but defs after this video was uploaded and this one helped me find out the details because the scammers are still going strong trying to sell this to senior citizens. My dad has been bombarded by advertisements for this and in his case the creator of this magic tech moved from Japan to Atlanta GA where my dad is.
Thanks for the update after watching your amazing video I decided to stick to my iPhone as a hotspot please keep this content coming I love it 🙏🏽
Thanks! This was really helpful! My father asked me to check into this for him. He also bought one of those annoying fans last year. He really needs to stay away from the informercials, I tell ya! LOL! In his defense, he works night shift, so . . .
lol, my teacher was playing a video in class then an ad for this came up 😂
lol I feel that
Thanks for the video. I went to Verizon and they were very honest and explained me how a hotspot works and what the plans are and how long you can go on a plan
Every time I see a sketchy ad, I checked this dude’s channel to see if he’s covered it. Hasn’t let me down yet. Lol
Thanks for the heads up…love the way you break down complicated tech…also your sarcasm was funny and super entertaining.
I knew this was too good to be true. I'm so sick of these con artists! Thank you so much for getting to the bottom of this! 2 👍👍
3:53 just to clarify, your phone isn't actually routing the cell signal, but rather routing the internet traffic.
It happens on a higher layer of the OSI model.
The concept of a "swamp cooler" has been around for quite a while. One of the first concepts of refrigeration is "moisture absorbs heat". I would imagine marketing to a lot of Asian countries this would be appealing. That being said, it is also based on the idea that there isn't a ton of humidity in the air, so that kind of goes out the window, and I promise after more than three decades in this business that tiny thing isn't going to cool much, if anything!
I love how it's name is itself is almost a scam. No way is a swamp cooler gonna cool you down of you're in a swamp.
Excellent job. My girlfriend texted this and asked if it was good. It took me three minutes to see that there was a charge for data. You put the Burning Scabbard of Truth through it. Thank you.
I am SO GLAD I saw your video, as the device seemed too good to be true (AND YOU PROVED IT WAS!!). I will always check with YOU before purchasing any tech advertised. Sadly, this company (Muama Roko) really made it hard to find a legit review, as I had to search and search through all the bogus ones (which claimed it was a wonderful device) to find you. I will be subscribing to your no-nonsense reviews from here on out.
RYOKO,HAS found another hope feind . fortunately I did not have $ and I Google d it.and read your evaluations..
So many untruths LIES. From Adam on up to the present.. thank you again for your help.
I would have taken the BAIT
When I was watching a video on my iPad I saw an ad for the Blaux portable AC or whatever the name is. But it's only spring and it's not even that hot rn where I live.
It's not even a true AC. It's literally a minature evaporative cooler, but it's a shitty one at that.
@@darthgamer6080 ikr
0:44 Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
Hell yea theres a real free lunch. I keep finding these big metal containers that are just filled with food and other slightly used odds and ends... I haven't paid for food in months and all the vomiting is doing wonders for my figure.
Hey, didn't I see you at the great hobo-raccoon war?
@@SudrianTales we dont talk about the war of much blood, fur and the diapers...oh god the diapers.
just subscribed great reviews... Fun shaming the scammers. Love The Drone Review .... Mick from across the pond, Keep up the good work
11:00 Welcome to the team! Rofl, that is hilarious. Glad you now have more than one day job bro. hahahaha. Keep up the awesome videos and you have a great sense of humor. Now subscribed.
When i saw the beggining i was like: why the hell is Ken holding a knockoff Ipod?
“Ryoko” can either be a girl’s name or mean “travel” (旅行). “Muama” doesn’t mean anything in Japanese.
"Muama" can be translated in Arabic as meaning "full of holes," funnily enough.
Awesome review thanks a million for shedding light on this SCAM
You are awesome and glad you explain so well for us non-techy people. Keep up the great work!
He said it! He said the thing! “There’s no such thing as a free lunch!”
My high school economics teacher rammed that acronym up the classes ass my entire junior year. T.I.N.S.T.A.A.F.L.
Dumpster diving food 🥑🥝 🍰🎂 🍩
I don't but some do
Even my 70yo dad has one of those, it was made by huawei and offered by his carrier. Looks very similar, same format, small screen...
I thought those devices were popular enough that people know what they are and won't be fooled by such false advertising.
I had a freedompop one when I was kind of homeless.
@@memeco50 Shit, dude, hope you're ok now.
My family has used a similar product years ago while travelling when all of us wanted to use the hotspot with only one local sim card but didn't want one phone to have it's battery drained, we called it the wifi egg haha
ur not from japan
@@realcartoongirl what? when tf did that come into relation with the comment
@@Sungblox he use anime girl picture
I figured this was a scam, I wondered who’s the company supplying the free data? LOL But I still had to do some research anyway and thanks to this video it confirmed my suspicions! Sure be nice if these scammers had to spend some time behind bars some day!
This guy is legit and not a click-bait-youtube-scammer lol. I feel well informed and blindsided by a bunch fluff. Good job dude. I'm totally subscribing
Outstanding review! Many thanks!
So its a device we all already have built in to our phones.
"Cooking oil is not a substitute for tanning lotion"
he's correct though
@@samsungphone9932 what
i was kidding duh
@@samsungphone9932 ah, thank goodness you were not gonna do what my neighbor did
Thank you. The content is very informative and delivered in a humous manner. I enjoyed the review.
Great review! I knew this was bogus! Thanks. BTW… MOST of these types of scams are on RUclips ads!!! That’s where I saw this thing!