How loyal was Trump to Pence? Most importantly, how loyal was Trump to God? What Trump and MAGA did on Jan 6 was theirown selfish way, and definitely not God's way. If you listened to Pence's interview here...which you should do before you comment on it...his highest loyalty is to God, first over himself, everyone and everything. And he relies on God's counsel through constant prayer and fellowship with Him. On Jan 6, he prayed and was guided to submit to the authority of God first, then to the Constitution. He kept his oath to defend and faithfully execute laws and provisions written in the Constitution. He hid under God's grace, stood steadfast against Satan's lies and attacks, was able to be obedient, good and faithful servant. For that God will reward him. That's not defeat in God's eyes - It's a victory for Christ and His salvation over shame of the enemy, Satan. Evil world ruled by Satan will never reward God's chosen ones because they are not of the world. Because the world hated God first without cause, they hate all of God's children born of Him. Pence is a man of God, used by Him to carry out His plan for America on the earth before He comes back. I rejoice for my dear brother in Christ, Mike Pence for his victory on Jan 6 and thereafter, and I pray the Lord continually supplies him with His grace, life and wisdom, and will grow in him unto maturity in His life, being blessed with every spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. God will always need vessels like Pence who love the Lord and incline their ears to hear His voice lead the country by His will only.
Let us wait and see they have new footage on January 6 Pelosi and the head of police 🚔 wow different story. Intersting that the prisoners that are locked up for January 6 just have a 10 million lawsuit about the govt govt. Corruption .swamp Biden biggest govt of child trafficking .
Politics is fickle, a fad, vain and empty. No matter what or who, only God determines the outcome. Christ is living in dear Brother Mike Pence, a man of deep faith and prayer, doing God’s work for His plan and purpose for the building up of the Body of Christ. Which more meaningful, an eternal weight of glory. Thank you for choosing Mike Pence to serve as the Vice President carrying out Your plan for bringing in Your Kingdom on earth. God bless him and his family with grace of Christ.
What a sad story Pence is. Playing it safe doesn't always pay off. Sometimes loyalty matters.
How loyal was Trump to Pence? Most importantly, how loyal was Trump to God? What Trump and MAGA did on Jan 6 was theirown selfish way, and definitely not God's way. If you listened to Pence's interview here...which you should do before you comment on it...his highest loyalty is to God, first over himself, everyone and everything. And he relies on God's counsel through constant prayer and fellowship with Him. On Jan 6, he prayed and was guided to submit to the authority of God first, then to the Constitution. He kept his oath to defend and faithfully execute laws and provisions written in the Constitution. He hid under God's grace, stood steadfast against Satan's lies and attacks, was able to be obedient, good and faithful servant. For that God will reward him. That's not defeat in God's eyes - It's a victory for Christ and His salvation over shame of the enemy, Satan. Evil world ruled by Satan will never reward God's chosen ones because they are not of the world. Because the world hated God first without cause, they hate all of God's children born of Him.
Pence is a man of God, used by Him to carry out His plan for America on the earth before He comes back. I rejoice for my dear brother in Christ, Mike Pence for his victory on Jan 6 and thereafter, and I pray the Lord continually supplies him with His grace, life and wisdom, and will grow in him unto maturity in His life, being blessed with every spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. God will always need vessels like Pence who love the Lord and incline their ears to hear His voice lead the country by His will only.
Let us wait and see they have new footage on January 6 Pelosi and the head of police 🚔 wow different story. Intersting that the prisoners that are locked up for January 6 just have a 10 million lawsuit about the govt govt. Corruption
.swamp Biden biggest govt of child trafficking
Politics is fickle, a fad, vain and empty. No matter what or who, only God determines the outcome. Christ is living in dear Brother Mike Pence, a man of deep faith and prayer, doing God’s work for His plan and purpose for the building up of the Body of Christ. Which more meaningful, an eternal weight of glory. Thank you for choosing Mike Pence to serve as the Vice President carrying out Your plan for bringing in Your Kingdom on earth. God bless him and his family with grace of Christ.
I can’t think of anyone in politics whose opinion matters less than pence.
What a traitor he turned out to be!!!!!
Okay boomer
Only Mike Pence knows God's fake