World of Warships - Hindenburg Strikes Back
- Опубликовано: 23 янв 2025
- The Hindenburg is a ship that doesn't get a lot of love but I wanted to take her out and see if it could get some retribution for the HE penetration video. We're on North and I just try to do the best I can for my team. I engage around B and sling HE to set some fires with the enemy pushing the east. Game progresses nicely and I try to inform about shot selection. Hope the game was fun to watch and have a wonderful day!
Tier X German Cruiser Hindenburg Replay for replay submission
Streaming at / notser around 18:00 UTC/2:00pm EDT on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday - Игры
The HEY is back!
Hindy is probably my favorite among my T10 ships. It's a jack of all trades and very adaptable to many situations. And like yourself, I went with an agility build instead of concealment mod, albeit with the boosted propulsion instead of the -20 rudder shift.
Great game!
That's a beast among tier x ships
Great video Notser, don't know if you will see this given the fact the video is a few days old at this point but really appreciate this video. I am really enjoying the german cruiser line right now and was worried about the tier 10. This video really give me confidence that a German cruiser played well can still have a big impact [and be fun while doing it ;-) ]
Nicely done! (Both gameplay and video, of course!)
Hindenburg is my favorite cruiser, hands down. May not be the best at everything but it does allow you to address many situations during a battle.
i have the Hindenburg since about a week, maybe 2 and I gotta say it is the most fun cruiser I have played so far. With DE you can make your HE work and against unangled targets the AP is just devastating to anything you face. And you can also charge in. I just love this ship!
Fantastic Hindenburg game Notser, you are a cruiser master.... Much better than the battleship gp earlier lol. can't wait to start going up against u and play along side you. 1 month away...
The nice thing about the Hindenburg is that it has a withering rate of fire, and those 8" HE shells are excellent at setting fires. The really bad thing about the Hindenburg is that it is remarkably easy to hit its citadel, which of course causes extensive damage. This is especially true if the enemy ship is the Yamato. The Hindenburg is not the sort of ship that one can sail casually to within a moderate range of the enemy. If the skipper is skillful, and the enemy not so skillful, then the Hindenburg can do a lot of damage. Otherwise, the Hindenburg blows up about as readily as the airship Hindenburg did at Lakehurst, New Jersey in 1937.
Oh the joy of a high tier cruiser :)
Notser this was a perfect explaination, I mean PERFECT, of what you are doing and why, I was VERY impressed, In fact I stoped the video to write this message. this is what I was talking about yesterday. Recently your explainations have been at the same level as flamu or aerroon, honestly sometimes slightly worse, sometimes slightly better, This video you by far surpassed them, In fact it is one of the best ones I have EVER seen and I watched over a thousand videos on WOW. This kind of video is perfect for making the community more informed, it is also very entertaining. If you keep this up I will not tell people to watch notser, flamu, or aerroon, like I have been in the past. I will simply tell them to watch notser first he is by far the best and if you get time check out flamu or aerroon they are good too. Again thanks for the videos and making the community better, you have also taught me many things that have improved my play
Hindenburg has slightly higher HE damage per minute and starts slightly more fires. I think you don't really need to make excuses for taking DE on this ship.
Let's look at the HE and fire damage of these ships. Let's assume that both ships use Demolition Expert and Fire chance flags.
Hindenburg HE: 12 guns, 8.8 second reload, 2500 alpha damage, 17% fire chance
Damage per minute = (60 / 8.8) * 12 * 2500 = 204,545
Fires per minute = (60 / 8.8) * 12 * 0.17 = 13.91
Zao HE: 12 guns, 12.1 second reload, 3400 alpha damage, 23% fire chance
Damage per minute = (60 / 12.1) * 12 * 3400 = 202,314
Fires per minute = (60 / 12.1) * 12 * 0.23 = 13.69
that is if no shell shatter
They have the same shell caliber so the same amount of shells will shatter.
I like cookies
I dont get your point mister tier 9 German CA... :/
He is 50% CV 50% CA... i mean: *Aer* roon (air and... u know.... ehm...)
Hey Notser ...thanks for the vids :)
I love the Hindenburg, don't understand the hate against it. I won't ever be against buffs to it though :)
I wouldn't mind a small speed increase of 3 or 4 knots though, she can feel rather sluggish at times
That sounds a large increase in speed! I'd prefer to have better AP performance in terms of doing more damage to targets with a slight angle. German AP has the best alpha damage, but seems to perform the worst in terms of angles.
3 or 4 extra knots is not what I would call a "small" speed increase :P
im applying WG logic here, so its small >.>
I would like a slightly higher ap pen at short range, atm the hindenburg has a far lower damage potential against close range broadside ships than any other t10 CA.
I don't understand why the hindenburg is considered the worst X cruiser. It's a friggin beast, my best performing X cruiser last time I checked. It's tanky, fast RoF, accurate, stealthy. Just fantastic.
It' s considered the worst because it doesn't have a area of gameplay where it excels in if you compare her to the other cruisers.
But that jack of all trades approach is why i like her so much. And like you its my best performing T10 cruiser.
It is considered the worst tier 10 cruiser because it has the lowest average winrate and second lowest average damage (with Moskva and Zao dealing 10k more).
It is tanky? Zao and Moskva have higher survival rates.
It is stealthy? Only the Moskva has worse concealment.
She is not a bad cruiser like the Yorck or Pensacola. But all other t10 cruisers are just better, that makes the Hindenburg the worst t10 cruiser.
Shh! We can't say that! If we keep calling her underpowered, she'll get more buffs!
1) Hindenburg is also the ship that attracts the most noobs, it looks OP on paper.
2) Zao and Moskva also rarely go face to face with BBs.
3) True. Hindenburg is almost as bit as Bismarck though, so it'd be silly if that changed. Hindenburg stealth is adequate, though.
4) No. Seriously, the only people who say that either don't know how to play it or never played it. DM is good because it has powerful HE and AP, but put a semi-decent BB against it, it'll just die. Moskva is fine as long as it doesn't get flanked, but if the enemy team is even remotely aggressive, it'll die a fiery death. Zao needs its team, period. Hindenburg does none of the things the other cruisers can to the same degree, but it does do all of them AND has better tank (i can count the amount of citadels I take weekly on one hand). Also, Minotaur is a dd and doesn't count.
Don't get me wrong, I don't consider Hindenburg the BEST cruiser, but I consider none of the cruisers "the best", merely "best in what they do". If you judge a Zao for its bow-tanking capability, AA or Hydro, it's a bad ship. If you judge a DM for its brawling capabilities, it's a bad ship (sure, DM CAN brawl, but in a 1v1 vs a Hindenburg or a BB, guess who runs away). If you judge a Moskva for its brawling capabilities, AA or concealment, it's a bad ship.
For my playstyle, Hindenburg is the best. I don't have the patience to hide behind islands and play the sneaky DM. I don't have the patience to spend half the match reversing in a Moskva when all the enemy BBs keep me targeted 24/7. I don't have the patience to rely on my team to spot dds and keep my Zao at max range when BBs look in my direction.
I play the Hindenburg because I don't have to do any of that. I wanna kite 2-3 BBs? I can keep them all on fire and not take citadels because I don't have to show full broadside to get all guns on target. My team isn't capping because there's a Yamato on the cap? Fine, I'll just go brawl it and maybe finish it off with torpedoes in case for once it doesn't run away. Half the enemy team is targeting me because I went the wrong way? Np, I can kite it all AND kill things while my team caps the match, no need to rely on concealment.
That said, the only ships I "fear" at tier X are tier 9-10 CVs, DM and Shima. DM only on open water, though, not like they'll stick around to find out whether I'm good at torpedoes.
Very informative video, Notser! Please do more like this; these are the types of videos I watch 3x as part as my training ;)
Also, what is your thoughts on Moskva AP aim? Water line? Mid-ship? Superstructure? I usually fire just above the waterline and I enjoy 7-8k salvos regularly.
,,Ship is pretty good
Pretty good"
I like how you explained your mistakes in this video...BTW that would make a great new series..."OH SHIP!". GJ! keep it up n thanks.
Wait, is the music in the back ground from Arpeggio. Kongōs theme?
eyyy Hinden 27mm armor buff I love it
Why do i like your video?
Cause i get shit load of information and practical Demo. You can apply for professor post in your university. Lads will love it.
I want the Hindenburg pretty badly. I have Des Moines, and it's a really strong ship and fun to play. I've played Hindenburg a few times on test, and it seems very, very strong. I get a kick out of guys like UrPeaceKeeper from Whiskey'sGamingLounge calling it Battleship Hindenburg.
End of Internet - HE Hindenburg [*]
This is how i play my hindi using all the tools at my disposal. He Ap Torps Hydro ALL the tools
A little like M48A1 in WOT, jack of all trade but some obvious disadvantage too. If the speed is 2kt faster, 1km more stealthy, a little better rudder and turning, then it will be pretty good. Now is "OK", but most of the time you can afford some trade off to get some "good", not just be "OK".
Honestly, I can get behind a 1-1.5 knot speed increase, but it's very easy to break the Hindenburg.
The only real disadvantage the Hindenburg has, is its lack of identity. It used to be AP damage, but with more and more people flooding T10, people learn you can negate that with 15° of angling. You might say its beast AA, but you meet like 1 cv every 10 matches...
@Notser as far as i know BB canons concerned no one can pen a cruiser turret with HE. yamato with HE gets to 99,6667 MM. and lowest turret armour is UK with 100 MM as far as i know.
Very rare to see a hindenburg ahead of a minotaur on the team list post game
Mostly positioning, tbh. This map can potentially suck for a Minotaur. Hindenburg hasn't much of an issue here.
If they gave this and the other Tier VI+ German cruisers the ability to mount defensive AA and hydro they would go from meh, to competitive.
05-2020 gg
hinden"borg" lol
since Hindenburg outperforms Des Moines in damage by 3~8 thousands , anyone who says its the worst t10 cruiser is not being honest or objective.
Love your channel notser but I think you should watch your last Des Moines video. Seems like you've been throwing a lot of hate towards that ship lately
I don't get the hate towards the Hinderburg... it's my 2nd favorite TX ship, after the Zao.
My least favorite is the Des Moines, which apparently everyone loves... I don't get it
Jurgen DX DM is a dpm monster and will shit all over any other cruiser within 10km. The trick is that actually getting your DM within 10km requires a pretty different playstyle from other cruisers. But it pays off massively once you get into it.
i still can't make it to work... I particularly dislike the slow shells and the rainbow arcs, makes it nearly impossible to hit anything but a battleship past 12 km :/
I really like to go almost bow in and close within 6 5 km firing only the front guns and then torpedoing, but that's by far the biggest gripe of mine with the DM, the lack of Torpedoes which makes it nearly impossible to deal with a bow on BB in close range, this is why i haven't gone past the Omaha in my regular account, tried the american cruisers all the way to Tx in the PTS, but i guess it just doesn't fit my playstyle... idk
Yeah, DM is all about working island cover and reversing bow on if a BB tries to get aggressive on you. However, you should be firing so fast that unless you're fighting a 100% hp T10 BB, you should be able to do some pretty major damage on them in between the time they have to reload their shots.
DM does not play at all like Moskva, Zao, and Hindenburg where you can just fall back on long range and good arcs to snipe from max range. You do have to take a lot of risks in terms of positioning and deciding when is the right time to engage.
Until now I never did over 200k dmg ;( only (198k) It looks so easy when you are playing :/
I'm sorry but is it just me or does him saying Hindenburg wrong bug anyone else.
current meta in your server* is not conducive to dfaa
04-2023 gg mm
10-2021 gg mm
Weakest T10 cruiser? It has high AP damage, faster reload than Zao, good long range gunnery, murderous AA and in a brawl, torpedoes will give you an edge over a Des Moines & Moskva.
I swear Hindenburg gets its bad name because all cruiser scrubs only know how to use HE. AP is where the Hinden shines more than even Des Moines and Moskva when it comes to raw damage.
While I love the Hindenburg, its AP only works on broadsides, it's shooting much lighter shells than DM, while DM can still cit cruisers at 30-45° angles. Moskva's high AP damage mainly comes from its accuracy. At range it can hit more shells consistently. Aside from citadels i've done to Iowa and the occasional sweet broadside against Bismarcks, Hindenburg doesn't really outperform it when it's AP vs BBs.
The main reason people say it's the worst, is because it doesn't excel at anything. The main advantages of the Hindenburg over other ships are: gun/torp angles, turtleback armor, stock AA range. Other than that, it does everything any other cruiser can, just not as good.
It's a jack of all trades.
9 x 5800hp
12 x 5900hp
Trust me it makes a difference. 10k+ damage every 8.8 sec. just keep broadsiding me ^^ nomnomnom
Yes, the difference is the Moskva's shells are heavier and more precise, the difference only shifts in the Hindenburg's favor sub 6km range. Beyond that, it's roughly equal and at long range, the Moskva wins consistently.
Nothing theoretical about this, it's my experience. Mind you, I mean mostly damage against BBs, cruisers are irrelevant to either of the ships.
High AP damage but low penetration values. Good long range gunnery, but it's still worse at range than Moskva and Zao.
The Hindenburg "gets its bad name" because is has the lowest average winrate of all t10 cruisers and has 10k less average damage done than the Zao and Moskva. Even when comparing the best players with the t10 cruisers, the Hindenburg is the worst t10 cruiser. That doesn't mean it's bad. It just means the other cruisers are better.
All said and done, but keep in mind this is before the HIV (ahem, sorry, the Henri IV) joins the fray. It is almost statistically worse than any other T10 cruiser in game.
Des Moines is by far the worst cruiser of them all. Worst deck armor of all the Tier X cruisers result in a cruiser that can't push in bow on. I just don't understand how the Hindenburg have so bad stats overall, are people just that bad at the game? :D
plyschbyxa1337 The sheer fire rate is what keeps the DM up. Plus, the Hindenburg actually has worse deck armor than the DM in the current patch. 6.4 only makes their bow/deck armor equal.
That is true, that buff is LONG overdue. Might finally be able to brawl properly with my beloved Des Moines.
u want buff hinde ...your primary role is not bb's and you upload videos .i hope wargaming not listen guys like you