2024 was 100% a bad year on a personal level. I acted out of total honesty and I lost. hopelessness is pretty high on my list of emotions. you're not alone
It’s crazy… I lost my Father ( worst day of my life) and it still feels like a good year. I guess there really is always a silver lining I’m greatful for my growth, and the more forgiving view I gained of my father. He’s mostly his good traits now and my little grievances are just clearly so small that know he did the best he could do- and that means ALOT. I’m sorry for your misfortune, may the waters of life taste sweet henceforth, even when they’re bitter. ❤
Lost my job, got falsely accused and handcuffed, had an embarrassing burnout at work, then an existential crisis... and finally. I prayed and I'm still praying. The only thing that's made me feel comfortable in my body and some joy. I know what I need to do. 🙏🏼 Jesus help us
2024 was a year where I hit a quarter life crisis, which I'm not sure is good or bad. I've been constantly burnt out from work because I kept asking myself, "is this constant stress worth it on myself?". My family is super divided and won't let me progress in my schooling. I want to be a history teacher but there is so much schooling, my school barely helped us with scholarships, and my Mom is super pushy into getting me into the trades despite me not enjoying anything I've tried. Right now, I'm working Amazon part time (full time is too rough) and might work at a coffee shop part time to get some social skills back instead of being alone in a delivery van or my apartment all day. Being alone in your head is the ultimate prison and keeping yourself busy is the cheat code into getting out.
Happy new year bailey. Seeing this youtuber getting through life reminds me of when I was in high school. It was a tough time for me. Both mentally and physically, I wasted 3 years after that. Then wasted another 5-8 unemployed. It reminds me times I had to survive on bare minimum. I somehow got job as a high school teacher few months back. It seems to be going better now. Acceptance is a good thing sometimes.
Damn, "On the other side of everything you have ever feared is everything you've ever wanted." Damn, second half of your video is filled with gems. Thank you!
True, good realization. We can't see the future. We can't fight the randomness of life. Instead, we can prepare our mindset, character, subconscious, temperment, personality, etc, or our "persona" in general, to what life throws at us and to what it turns out to be.
You are not alone. This year was the absolute worst year of my entire life. I am really trying to let go of control and move forward but it is so hard. I feel so traumatised by it, and have never experienced anything like it. I am sending lots of love and support
4am here in Europe. Honestly, no idea how I ended here, but I guess "everything happens with a purpose". And yes, 2024 is a shitty year and I believe socioeconomically, 2025 will be even worse. Good luck to everyone. See you in a year, hopefully on the same channel but with video "2025 was good for me". Cheers
I had the most toxic job this year and it burned me out. I was so burned out that I couldn’t even board the flight to see my family. I just slept because I couldn’t do more stuff anymore
Your important insights on the art of "letting go" is key. A desire for "control" is actually the opposite and comes from deep rooted , often subconcious, fears that we have to face (of which the first step is acceptance aka letting go). Recognize that you are not your fears nor your thoughts but simply choose to experience them. Notice how disarming this disassociation can be. Wishing you and everyone reading this a fruitful healing abundant year. God bless,
A quarter-life crisis is a real thing - I went through one myself. And you're right in learning to let go, as it's a sensible thing to do when there are conditions/constraints at play that are beyond your control. What you've been through is not a reflection of you, so there's no need for you to be hard on yourself. And for that matter you're not giving up per se, but you're leveraging this season of life to decompress from everything you've had to endure at this point, while letting what's right for you to appear/manifest in it's own and proper time. If you didn't use this time to work on your issues/triggers, then it could bite you in the ass at a later point, when you achieve success and financial prosperity, as money and success don't change people as much as it reveals true colors, and amplifies everything about you for better and for worse. When your dreams do come true, you don't want past, unresolved issues and triggers ruining the party. Thus, God/universe/life forcing you to slow the f*ck down and work on you. I can say with honest certainty that you are not alone. In fact, you're probably in the process of attracting and manifesting friends and people in your life, that are right for you and the larger arc of your life trajectory. Learning to be happy can be hard, when your life up to this point has conditioned you to always have your guard up - but working on this, is part and parcel to you decompressing. On a lighter note, if I wasn't up here in Canada, I would offer my candidacy to be your Kitchen B*tch. I could easily make you a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries, to pair with a Moscato. However, I'm drawing the line at peeling your grapes. Alas, boundaries are a thing. Cheers and Happy New Year!!
Wow I love this vid my year was pretty similar it was a rollercoaster with huge ups and downs and even some trauma jus like 2023 but I’m now realizing all of it was to make me a stronger person and learning experience for anything that life will through at me! I’ve also been learning to let go with meditation and this video was perfect timing thanks for an awesome genuine video 💯❤️☮️
I had a vary similar experience. When I was in collage, I was about to get my undergrad in chemistry and I was applying to Pharmacy school to be a pharmacist. One day the left side of my body just stopped working. It turns out it was multiple sclerosis but apparently that is hard to diagnose and on an MRI a lesion in the brain looks alot like a tumor. So they thought I had brain cancer for a few days before they found it was MS. I thought I was gonna die and for like 6 months after I was super motivated and I did a few things but then it wore off. I thought it was a bad idea to go to Pharmacy school and get that much dept not knowing if I would be stable enough health wise to pay off the debt. So now I just work at Walmart and live entirely alone. I thought it was a bad idea to have kids because who knows if I could support them. So 10 years later I'm in my mid 30's now and have no family and a dead end job. My life is miserable. Don't do what I did. Do not let your health prevent you from doing anything. You probably take things for granted in your life and you have to stop before they are gone. You still are young and beautiful so find people who care about you and build a life with them that does not depend on your career or success, or even physical health. Its possible but it just might not be your ideal dream, but if you don't take what you can get you will get nothing, like me. And I don't want anyone to end up like me.
What A beautiful comment. And the heart that prompted it. You have that. It's something. In fact, without that, the good heart, career, kids, etc would mean damn all. Have you read read the short novella/longish short story Death of Ivan illych by Tolstoy? I highly recommend this spiritual classic. It deals with a man who had family and material success and status and so on, but in the end, on his death bed, he realized it was a huge waste of time, and that it's the love u give and receive that really matters. It's Tolstoy's handling of these themes that makes a masterpiece.
I would also like to say that, yes, you still have time to have kids, and maybe a change of career. People do. Btw sorry if this is a little intrusive or what have you. Your comment impressed me so I felt need to respond.
Thank you for sharing your experience throughout this year. For me this year was horrible, but I thought there were not people like me, who felt this year sucked. Here I am, 40 years old, home alone, waiting for next year. I had to remember how to let go, once again, and it feels so unfair. The other person is having a great time right now, and I'm here letting her go, depressed and hopeless. I hope we all can have a better life soon.
I will try to keep this short and need to get this off my chest. Life For the past 3 years was like walking on a hot day of summer in the middle of a burning forest with my skin drenched in gasoline waiting to burn up. Only a few months ago my life changed so much for the better it feels unnatural, strange yet at the same time familiar....does that make sense. When i look back i now understand why i had to go through all that suffering and I'm glad for it because it made me the person I'm today. For you Bailey it's only a youtube channel a way to vent all these emotions and thoughts. But to me it is so much more, it showed me its okay to feel the way I feel. Sharing your experiences with such thoughtfulness, detail and care. It takes a lot from a person to open up to millions of people and I'm so proud of you and so proud to be part of this community. Okay enough yapping, Happy holidays everyone 🎉 and take care.
Sorry for commenting twice but I’m currently at 8:03 of your video at having used Adderal for years and seeing it as the answer to me feeling normal and able to do things like “focus” changed my life. Then I gained an ungodly tolerance to it and having that tool ripped away from me; man… I still haven’t recovered
Saying this year was a shitshow is an understatement for sure. It's funny how our timelines match up because so much in my life was going wrong and then May 7th was the last nail in the coffin with my cat running away while I was trying to move. Letting go is also a hard lesson for me to grasp so hearing the reassurance at the end made me tear up. It's interesting how our minds make letting go seem like the worst possible thing in the world even if we have done it before. A struggle I think we'll have to deal with for quite a lot longer unfortunately. Being able to literally speak out your emotions is certainly a helpful thing, I'm glad you were able to find that outlet here. As you said, we can't control other people in their responses and we have to let go of our expectations from people. So I hope the negative comments I've seen here don't affect you. Hope you have a happy new year! I hope our journeys this year lead to more peace within ourselves :)
Sorry you lost your cat. I've had a cat that passed, and it's tough cause you love those little guys. Cats are very resilient, so he/her is more than most likely fine. If not already adopted by someone else. I'm not sure that helps, but hopefully it does. Have a good day and a happy new year.
Bailey, as a fellow actor, I can tell you that we ALL feel silly doing what we do! Haha! Acting is a silly way to make a living, that's for sure! And I'm sorry that things didn't work out for you at NYFA here in LA. I've taught film acting there for the past 6 or 7 years, and have worked with the screenwriting students a lot. But, I can also tell you that it's not necessarily a bad thing that you didn't spend all that money to study there. There are a lot of better options out there. Happy to talk to you about that, if you'd like. Best of luck on your journey! Break a Leg, and Happy New Year!
It's okay bailey, we've all hit that point in our life where we didn't know what to do with our life. It comes with growing as a person and wanting to experience something new. Don't give up on figuring out what you want to do, and don't let set backs stop you. If you want to be a screen writer, you should try it and see if you'll like it. I believe in you. 😊😊
Gotta know you're not alone, hahaha. The idea of that is comical. The audience you have is insane. 3.5K may not seem like much, but you're just starting. You're great on screen, natural. Exercise is phenomenal as a whole. The alone thing is understandable from your perspective, I get it. But there are real people out here, haha. That's both a positive and a negative. Happy New Year Bailey (:
Realest shit ever. Felt like I was stuck in the same spot for an entire year even though I did accomplish so much. I miss the way I used to be and wonder all the time if I can ever be that way again.
We love you too Bailey! ❤️ Stay strong - I hope that 2025 is a year of health, wealth, happiness, success and love for you. I’m sorry I didn’t know about your crowdfunding campaign because I would have certainly donated.
It’s so beautiful and so awesome that your mind actually has to block that off in order to maintain going through and just living ordinary life. If you actually saw the infinite beauty of all of creation all at once, you could not live your ordinary life. You couldn't go take a crap, you couldn't go eat your dinner, you couldn't go to work because you would be in tears on your knees crying at the beauty of all of reality. So what consciousness has to do, what your brain had to evolve, is it had to evolve a very pragmatic sort of mind state. The ordinary level of consciousness that you're at is so constricted. It’s really designed to just make you a little slave robot who wakes up on time, goes to work, and just fulfills the duties of life, reproduction, and self-survival. The purpose of art then is to actually widen your scope and to see the beauty of infinite creation.
2023 was the bad one for me. My mom got sick and passed away. I had 2 basement floods. A mouse infestation. And a wasp infestation. Among other things. 2024 was a relatively calm year other than the travesty that happened in November.
Bailey... its good to open up and it good to be heard, but you don't have to do that so publicly. This isn't about pulling through everything with a stiff upper-lip... God doesn't just give us everything we want because we follow Him; in fact He often opens our eyes to how much harder life can be. Sometimes its about being in the trenches, but that's where you shine a strong light to others.
Yes it was, I rather leave the fall and summer in the back burner, I had a shit ass breakup, should have seen the test and shit show and walked, but instead I went through a hell zone too, in my own way, it was pretty crazy all around , on top of searching for work on MY end, so many things could have been better…. I might try to use this as an outlet for journaling like you too, it works, it’s awesome Bailey, you got us :) 🎉
I stumbled on this video from RUclips. Having been through "some stuff" in my life, I want to give you a few lines from a Shinedown song that helped me when I was not in a good place: So have you ever been caught in a sea of despair? And your moment of truth Is the day that you say “I’m not scared” it sounds like you are there. best of luck with everything
Just keep going sweetheart. Your taking care of yourself, and you haven't given up. Start writing, even if you aren't going to school. Screenplays, short stories whatever, it can be very therapeutic and who knows maybe you can get something published.
I feel your pain, but hopefully there's plenty of joy too. I've been stretching myself from one extreme to the other all year, and when I stop letting the toxic culture shout their BS into me for long enough, I realize that I'm gonna be fine, much better than fine. I discovered who I am and maybe even more important who the people around me are this year, and even though I'm still metaphorically blindfolded to this petty chimp war going on around me, I understand enough now to see through the dumptrucks of bullshit that I need to traverse every day, and I know where to go for guidance now. Alone, in nature, without the weak energy little people tugging at me in every direction.
2024 was a very personally tough year, bad year, I can also easily say. It forced me to be as realistic as possible, and I realized that being a best friend can mean many things. It was really bad for an older lady I know. She is not dead, but she is much more in touch with her mortality and how medical field can easily set you up for failure and did in her case. She needed a real friend and they were all fake in a a very real sense. A real friend is honest with himself or herself and doesn't at least often project his or her experiences on you. Intelligence is independence.
I'm sorry life came all over you like that, I hope this year life is more considerate to you. I liked your Forrest Gumpy approach of just running your problems away. It's like that saying "the problems haunt me but I'm faster" 😂 I might've made that up, idk
yeah fuck 2024 With every shitty year you experience, you lay the foundation for better years to come through learning and getting more resilient to the shit life throws at you. Appreciate what you have and work on what you want to achieve, don't compare yourself to others but only to your past self
So, here's my story then. I have prolactoma which is actually not that bad of a disease but a disease nonetheless. Getting a diagnose was frustrating as hell. Because the tumor was pressing one of my eye nerve, my vision was blurred and it was causing constant headache all day. After a very stressed one year, I got my small brain surgery. Interestingly my worst day ever was not my surgery day but the day I got a date for my surgery. I never have hated my life more than ever that day. I remember the feeling of the disappointment when I woke up in the morning and saw myself still alive and not died during the sleep. Whatever, got the surgery successfully but, there is always a but:D, my left eye did not turn anymore. I passed a scary 3 months that I thought I will stay squint forever but it healed itself mostly. However, after fixing the physical health, the psychological wave crashed in. I just could not work anymore. My brain was gone, thinking about everything. I tried working but let alone doing the work, I couldn't even get up from my bed for like 2 hours. I was just laying on the bed doing nothing. That was really devastating by it. For the context, I had a stuttering problem which means I am really really bad at socializing. Since I was alone most of the time, I started to like studying/working. I even study to pass time when I am bored. As a result, I was defining myself as a character who is good at working if it make sense. As a result, the life had lost its meaning for me there. I gave up everything and sat at my parent's house with the hope that my mind will calm dawn one day. And it actually did (shout-out to Dr. K). I thought a lot in that time about life, religion, life goals, etc. It was really similar to these videos. After 2 years sitting and thinking, I sent application and got a job offer that matches with my passion too as a hardware engineering. 3 months later, I was not stuttering anymore and was not half panic attacking when I am talking to people. That year, 2023, was best year of my life. Actually seeing the results of the improvements I made for the last couple of years was amazing. I knew I was thinking and acting different but never observed them on action before. I can fall in sleep fast, wake up quickly, focus whenever I wanted or not care about random people doing random shits because I am realizing most of the things they do had no impact whatsoever in reality if you don't care. As it is said, letting go is a hard big part of it. Being able to live the moment is so much better, taking the life as it comes. Similar to the phrase "everything happens for a reason", I am using "it is a tradeoff" phrase. It could be bad, good, willingly or unwillingly. It is a tradeoff and it is up to you to whether you use the thing you got from the tradeoff or not. About the past year, 2024 was shit for me too but whatever. If you have read up until this point, happy new year my friend. I wish you achieve some of your goals in 2025.
Sounds like my life, and I can tell you to focus on acquiring new skills. Focus your mind on new things you like to do/explore. If it wasn't acting, try something else, try several things. You'll eventually figure it out.
I understand. 2024 was the worst year for me too. Yet tomorrow it will be a new year that will be the start of a new dawn. I do very much hope you and I have a chance to speak one day. I find you intriguing Bailey. I hope I have the privilege of knowing you.
Smartphones for women are like pron and have destroyed dating. No women talk face to face with men anymore, all women are glued onto their cell phones 24/7. I'm a 56 introvert here, never married and have no kids, thank god. I've given up on women ever since smartphones came out. Women have really killed dating globally. It's all about trashy hookup culture, O. F. and more and more women have turned into lesbians which have destroyed man and woman in being in a long-term relationship. Women really have destroyed marriages. We need to really ban smartphones and women would approach men just like it used to be before. Good luck with that.
For what it's worth even from first sight here, I think you'd be a great actress, just based on the sheer bravery it takes to post a video this personal for us all to see. If you really get that spark of life from it, please pursue it.
I think it's awesome you started running, healthy for ya. That would be scary. Wow you are ambitious 😎, it's ok to take a break, just don't give in to the negative self talk. Sometimes we do need to let go. You're doing well. happy new year.
The Good: When you find out most people are full of Sh(t. The Bad: You have to deal with those people. The Ugly: They come in groups, and they always try to pull you back to the fold. Happy New Years! Flush this year down the toilet and don't forget to jiggle the handle, LMFAO.
You matter, each of us does. Be honest, be strong, be wise. There are many lies but the truth grows as the seed was planted, slowly, but surely and maybe secretly.
Meditation works I'd suggest shinzen young a journey to true spirituality. It's not just about sitting. It's about taking what happens while seating out into life but the first few weeks can be rough start small. 10m here or 10m there. Yapping is healing some do journals some do youtube. It works either way.
You're a dominant type and for you, because you're still a woman, it makes sense to explore your feminine side. It's not meant to insult you, it's just a side you can explore.
instead of thinking of what job you want to get into. You could think of things you want to build or do. You could make a product instead of feeling like a wage slave. I wish someone told me a while ago that there's companies called profit-sharing companies and employee-owned companies that help you earn more. I wish I had started making my own product a long time ago. Instead of being treated like disposable at a corporation.
Robots will likely replace surgeons in the near future, so it's unlikely to be much of a career. That doesn't mean there aren't other clinical careers you could have.
speaking from my own experience, thinking you have to have it all figured out is a spook. go for something professionally that you can get more easily and will take less time. take the next step from where you are currently standing
You sound like a wonderful person. I don't mean to be preachy, but I'll throw my two cents into the pot. I want to be a surgeon. I want to be an actor. I want to be a dancer. Those are all great things to be, but those are just jobs. People, and I mean a LOT of people, have this idea that their entire identity is wrapped up in what they do for a living. As somebody that has worked in minimum wage retail their whole lives, I can say with total honesty that so, so many people judge you based on what you do. When meeting a person for the first time, the first question out of their mouth is usually "So, what do you do?" But it's all subtext. What they really mean, even if they don't know they're doing it themselves, is: "Who are you?" Your answer will formulate their opinion of you in an instant. But I've known so many people, people that are barely scraping by, that are truly happy. They find that joy in the right places. They find it in their partner, in their husband or wife. They find it in their children. They find it in their faith. I throw that last in lightly, as I know not everyone has it. These days it's become popular to mock, to deride, and belittle those who have it. But I have seen with my own eyes how powerful it can be. They say exactly what you say, only they add one more element. "I am not in control. God is." Again, I'm not trying to be preachy or convert anyone. It's just food for thought. I don't go to church myself, but I know a lot of wonderful people that do. I've had coworkers and friends die (three of them from most painful types of cancer), and I've seen how the people in the congregation came together to support their families. When people are lost in the darkness, they head for the brightest light they can see. It's why cults can be so dangerous. And yes, I know that some churches are little more than cults, but most are not. Most are filled with people trying to find hope in a hopeless world. People like us. As you can tell by this essay, my outlet is writing. I doubt I'll ever make much money doing it, but I do it anyways. I do it because as you said, everyone needs a way to vent the things that build up inside of them. That is MY vent. But I'm not "a writer." Even if I were to make six figures a month doing it, I still wouldn't be "a writer." That's a job. I write. It's not who I am. As Popeye said, I am what I am, and that's all that I am. Thank you for attending my TED talk. And good night.
I don't believe in personality tests I score differently on them consistently imo they less a personality test and more a mood test your channel is cool though I like your vids, I find it rather wholesome and relatable thanks for sharing your thoughts and personality with us, it is pleasant happy new year to you as well
I beg to differ. I’ve taken like 10 and always scored the same result. These personality tests work on the premise that you do know yourself. If you don’t know yourself and you give everytime different answers to the same questions because you’re hesitant or not exactly sure, or just moody about it, then of course you would get different results each time. But doesn’t mean they are unreliable
@@wisecat324 No, they work on the premise that my personality can be boiled down to vague questions and my living experience is that I will answer those vague questions different depending on specifics that that these tests can't cover So inveriable they only test my mood more than personality I have yet to encounter a "personality" test that does not include questions that when I am honest with myself I have behaved differently in the past compared to reflecting on how I would answer those questions in the moment. Of that I am exactly sure, no hesitation. But yes I agree...the results are ultimately unreliable
@@wisecat324 Upon reflection I think I would like to say perhaps I did not communicate my thoughts well in my first post or in my reply to you I concede that you are correct in pointing out that I am skeptical that "personality tests are reliable" But I believe there are valid reasons to be suspecisious of claims that a finite series of multiple choice or worse yes or no questions can accurately quantify what a I mean when I talk about my experience with my personality I don't believe "personality" as a subjective and reflective experience is a fixed set of values that can be scored I don't agree that "personality tests" quantify anything significant other than categories that will lend themselves to self report surveying stastics Having said that I don't mean to communicate the idea that a personality test has no value at all, quite the opposite I think they can be very useful both stastically and individuality But for me personally that value is limited in terms of actually quantifying the thing it is trying claims to measure I feel the same way about "political compass tests" and "intelligent quotient tests" I think they are tests, they provide insights But in my experience they expose more limitations in measurement methods than they assign some empirical metric as a test result score For example I would never take one of such self report tests and concede that the score is objectively accurate such that my personal, experiences, beleifs and feelings at the time of taking that test are completely irrelevant to the results Or to put it another way I don't think such tests capture the breadth of what they endeavor to measure, nor that those metrics necessarily quantified by a set of fixed invariant values If that rambling wall of test makes sense at any rate happy new year thanks for your reply that forced me to organize my own thoughts on the matter more to my own satisfaction
Don't fall for the scam of chasing a career. If you don't know what you want to do already there is no guarantee you will ever find out. Just gonna end up spending money and digging yourself into a hole.
2024 was 100% a bad year on a personal level. I acted out of total honesty and I lost. hopelessness is pretty high on my list of emotions. you're not alone
same for me
It’s crazy… I lost my Father ( worst day of my life) and it still feels like a good year. I guess there really is always a silver lining I’m greatful for my growth, and the more forgiving view I gained of my father. He’s mostly his good traits now and my little grievances are just clearly so small that know he did the best he could do- and that means ALOT.
I’m sorry for your misfortune, may the waters of life taste sweet henceforth, even when they’re bitter. ❤
2024 was so bad that no matter how good 2025 is it will not be enough. This shit ruined my life. There is no going back
Lost my job, got falsely accused and handcuffed, had an embarrassing burnout at work, then an existential crisis... and finally.
I prayed and I'm still praying. The only thing that's made me feel comfortable in my body and some joy.
I know what I need to do. 🙏🏼
Jesus help us
story on the false accusation?
Wish i could give you a hug Bailey - life aint always fair or kind but roll with the punches knowing good times will also happen x
2024 was a year where I hit a quarter life crisis, which I'm not sure is good or bad. I've been constantly burnt out from work because I kept asking myself, "is this constant stress worth it on myself?". My family is super divided and won't let me progress in my schooling. I want to be a history teacher but there is so much schooling, my school barely helped us with scholarships, and my Mom is super pushy into getting me into the trades despite me not enjoying anything I've tried. Right now, I'm working Amazon part time (full time is too rough) and might work at a coffee shop part time to get some social skills back instead of being alone in a delivery van or my apartment all day. Being alone in your head is the ultimate prison and keeping yourself busy is the cheat code into getting out.
Happy new year bailey.
Seeing this youtuber getting through life reminds me of when I was in high school. It was a tough time for me. Both mentally and physically, I wasted 3 years after that. Then wasted another 5-8 unemployed. It reminds me times I had to survive on bare minimum. I somehow got job as a high school teacher few months back. It seems to be going better now. Acceptance is a good thing sometimes.
Damn, "On the other side of everything you have ever feared is everything you've ever wanted." Damn, second half of your video is filled with gems. Thank you!
True, good realization. We can't see the future. We can't fight the randomness of life. Instead, we can prepare our mindset, character, subconscious, temperment, personality, etc, or our "persona" in general, to what life throws at us and to what it turns out to be.
You are not alone. This year was the absolute worst year of my entire life. I am really trying to let go of control and move forward but it is so hard. I feel so traumatised by it, and have never experienced anything like it. I am sending lots of love and support
4am here in Europe. Honestly, no idea how I ended here, but I guess "everything happens with a purpose".
And yes, 2024 is a shitty year and I believe socioeconomically, 2025 will be even worse.
Good luck to everyone. See you in a year, hopefully on the same channel but with video "2025 was good for me".
You speak extremely well, well done on getting through a tough year
I had the most toxic job this year and it burned me out. I was so burned out that I couldn’t even board the flight to see my family. I just slept because I couldn’t do more stuff anymore
Your important insights on the art of "letting go" is key. A desire for "control" is actually the opposite and comes from deep rooted , often subconcious, fears that we have to face (of which the first step is acceptance aka letting go). Recognize that you are not your fears nor your thoughts but simply choose to experience them. Notice how disarming this disassociation can be. Wishing you and everyone reading this a fruitful healing abundant year. God bless,
A quarter-life crisis is a real thing - I went through one myself. And you're right in learning to let go, as it's a sensible thing to do when there are conditions/constraints at play that are beyond your control. What you've been through is not a reflection of you, so there's no need for you to be hard on yourself. And for that matter you're not giving up per se, but you're leveraging this season of life to decompress from everything you've had to endure at this point, while letting what's right for you to appear/manifest in it's own and proper time. If you didn't use this time to work on your issues/triggers, then it could bite you in the ass at a later point, when you achieve success and financial prosperity, as money and success don't change people as much as it reveals true colors, and amplifies everything about you for better and for worse. When your dreams do come true, you don't want past, unresolved issues and triggers ruining the party. Thus, God/universe/life forcing you to slow the f*ck down and work on you.
I can say with honest certainty that you are not alone. In fact, you're probably in the process of attracting and manifesting friends and people in your life, that are right for you and the larger arc of your life trajectory. Learning to be happy can be hard, when your life up to this point has conditioned you to always have your guard up - but working on this, is part and parcel to you decompressing.
On a lighter note, if I wasn't up here in Canada, I would offer my candidacy to be your Kitchen B*tch. I could easily make you a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries, to pair with a Moscato. However, I'm drawing the line at peeling your grapes. Alas, boundaries are a thing. Cheers and Happy New Year!!
Wow I love this vid my year was pretty similar it was a rollercoaster with huge ups and downs and even some trauma jus like 2023 but I’m now realizing all of it was to make me a stronger person and learning experience for anything that life will through at me! I’ve also been learning to let go with meditation and this video was perfect timing thanks for an awesome genuine video 💯❤️☮️
I had a vary similar experience. When I was in collage, I was about to get my undergrad in chemistry and I was applying to Pharmacy school to be a pharmacist. One day the left side of my body just stopped working. It turns out it was multiple sclerosis but apparently that is hard to diagnose and on an MRI a lesion in the brain looks alot like a tumor. So they thought I had brain cancer for a few days before they found it was MS. I thought I was gonna die and for like 6 months after I was super motivated and I did a few things but then it wore off. I thought it was a bad idea to go to Pharmacy school and get that much dept not knowing if I would be stable enough health wise to pay off the debt. So now I just work at Walmart and live entirely alone. I thought it was a bad idea to have kids because who knows if I could support them. So 10 years later I'm in my mid 30's now and have no family and a dead end job. My life is miserable. Don't do what I did. Do not let your health prevent you from doing anything. You probably take things for granted in your life and you have to stop before they are gone. You still are young and beautiful so find people who care about you and build a life with them that does not depend on your career or success, or even physical health. Its possible but it just might not be your ideal dream, but if you don't take what you can get you will get nothing, like me. And I don't want anyone to end up like me.
What A beautiful comment. And the heart that prompted it. You have that. It's something. In fact, without that, the good heart, career, kids, etc would mean damn all. Have you read read the short novella/longish short story Death of Ivan illych by Tolstoy? I highly recommend this spiritual classic. It deals with a man who had family and material success and status and so on, but in the end, on his death bed, he realized it was a huge waste of time, and that it's the love u give and receive that really matters. It's Tolstoy's handling of these themes that makes a masterpiece.
I would also like to say that, yes, you still have time to have kids, and maybe a change of career. People do. Btw sorry if this is a little intrusive or what have you. Your comment impressed me so I felt need to respond.
Total turd sandwich of a year. Everyone that can’t afford therapy is gonna become a RUclipsr in 2025.
Thank you for sharing your experience throughout this year. For me this year was horrible, but I thought there were not people like me, who felt this year sucked. Here I am, 40 years old, home alone, waiting for next year. I had to remember how to let go, once again, and it feels so unfair. The other person is having a great time right now, and I'm here letting her go, depressed and hopeless. I hope we all can have a better life soon.
I will try to keep this short and need to get this off my chest. Life For the past 3 years was like walking on a hot day of summer in the middle of a burning forest with my skin drenched in gasoline waiting to burn up. Only a few months ago my life changed so much for the better it feels unnatural, strange yet at the same time familiar....does that make sense. When i look back i now understand why i had to go through all that suffering and I'm glad for it because it made me the person I'm today. For you Bailey it's only a youtube channel a way to vent all these emotions and thoughts. But to me it is so much more, it showed me its okay to feel the way I feel. Sharing your experiences with such thoughtfulness, detail and care. It takes a lot from a person to open up to millions of people and I'm so proud of you and so proud to be part of this community. Okay enough yapping, Happy holidays everyone 🎉 and take care.
The bigggest thing for me is that im somewhat 33 and in the same place that I was at 22 :(
Having ADHD with medication that no longer works sucks man
I feel you, I'm at 30 at same place as 19
@@TinyMaxferthanks man, how you doing now?
love the fact the she is very convincing😁....talking about general problems society is going through in real time, love it....
your a very powerful woman. don't every give up, thank you for sharing. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Happy new year Bailey! Wishing you a brighter and happier future ❤
Sorry for commenting twice but I’m currently at 8:03 of your video at having used Adderal for years and seeing it as the answer to me feeling normal and able to do things like “focus” changed my life. Then I gained an ungodly tolerance to it and having that tool ripped away from me; man… I still haven’t recovered
Saying this year was a shitshow is an understatement for sure. It's funny how our timelines match up because so much in my life was going wrong and then May 7th was the last nail in the coffin with my cat running away while I was trying to move.
Letting go is also a hard lesson for me to grasp so hearing the reassurance at the end made me tear up. It's interesting how our minds make letting go seem like the worst possible thing in the world even if we have done it before. A struggle I think we'll have to deal with for quite a lot longer unfortunately.
Being able to literally speak out your emotions is certainly a helpful thing, I'm glad you were able to find that outlet here. As you said, we can't control other people in their responses and we have to let go of our expectations from people. So I hope the negative comments I've seen here don't affect you.
Hope you have a happy new year! I hope our journeys this year lead to more peace within ourselves :)
Sorry you lost your cat. I've had a cat that passed, and it's tough cause you love those little guys. Cats are very resilient, so he/her is more than most likely fine. If not already adopted by someone else. I'm not sure that helps, but hopefully it does. Have a good day and a happy new year.
Whenever i hear people talk about health i feel bad for all the neglect i went and still go through
Bailey wishing you and family a happy healthy & prosperous new year 2025
Bailey, as a fellow actor, I can tell you that we ALL feel silly doing what we do! Haha! Acting is a silly way to make a living, that's for sure! And I'm sorry that things didn't work out for you at NYFA here in LA. I've taught film acting there for the past 6 or 7 years, and have worked with the screenwriting students a lot. But, I can also tell you that it's not necessarily a bad thing that you didn't spend all that money to study there. There are a lot of better options out there. Happy to talk to you about that, if you'd like. Best of luck on your journey! Break a Leg, and Happy New Year!
It's okay bailey, we've all hit that point in our life where we didn't know what to do with our life. It comes with growing as a person and wanting to experience something new. Don't give up on figuring out what you want to do, and don't let set backs stop you. If you want to be a screen writer, you should try it and see if you'll like it. I believe in you. 😊😊
Gotta know you're not alone, hahaha. The idea of that is comical. The audience you have is insane. 3.5K may not seem like much, but you're just starting. You're great on screen, natural. Exercise is phenomenal as a whole. The alone thing is understandable from your perspective, I get it. But there are real people out here, haha. That's both a positive and a negative. Happy New Year Bailey (:
Realest shit ever. Felt like I was stuck in the same spot for an entire year even though I did accomplish so much. I miss the way I used to be and wonder all the time if I can ever be that way again.
We love you too Bailey! ❤️
Stay strong - I hope that 2025 is a year of health, wealth, happiness, success and love for you.
I’m sorry I didn’t know about your crowdfunding campaign because I would have certainly donated.
It’s so beautiful and so awesome that your mind actually has to block that off in order to maintain going through and just living ordinary life. If you actually saw the infinite beauty of all of creation all at once, you could not live your ordinary life. You couldn't go take a crap, you couldn't go eat your dinner, you couldn't go to work because you would be in tears on your knees crying at the beauty of all of reality.
So what consciousness has to do, what your brain had to evolve, is it had to evolve a very pragmatic sort of mind state. The ordinary level of consciousness that you're at is so constricted. It’s really designed to just make you a little slave robot who wakes up on time, goes to work, and just fulfills the duties of life, reproduction, and self-survival.
The purpose of art then is to actually widen your scope and to see the beauty of infinite creation.
She should smoke some dmt
2023 was the bad one for me. My mom got sick and passed away. I had 2 basement floods. A mouse infestation. And a wasp infestation. Among other things. 2024 was a relatively calm year other than the travesty that happened in November.
One of the lesson's I've been taught with vlogging is to address the camera like it's your best friend.
Hang in there; everything is going to be okay.
fifty seven year old virgin listening and watching
Pain is the only thing that connects our body to our soul
Bailey... its good to open up and it good to be heard, but you don't have to do that so publicly. This isn't about pulling through everything with a stiff upper-lip... God doesn't just give us everything we want because we follow Him; in fact He often opens our eyes to how much harder life can be. Sometimes its about being in the trenches, but that's where you shine a strong light to others.
only 3 memorable events happened in 2024 for me , and one of them was braking my elbow on some ice, sooyhee i will agree that this was a shit year
2025: rubbing hands together like the meme
Yes it was, I rather leave the fall and summer in the back burner, I had a shit ass breakup, should have seen the test and shit show and walked, but instead I went through a hell zone too, in my own way, it was pretty crazy all around , on top of searching for work on MY end, so many things could have been better…. I might try to use this as an outlet for journaling like you too, it works, it’s awesome Bailey, you got us :) 🎉
Happy New Year, thank you for sharing your journey.
Happy New Year Bailey!❓
I hope 2025 is a great year for you, Bailey! Happy New Year!
I stumbled on this video from RUclips. Having been through "some stuff" in my life, I want to give you a few lines from a Shinedown song that helped me when I was not in a good place:
So have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
And your moment of truth
Is the day that you say “I’m not scared”
it sounds like you are there. best of luck with everything
Just keep going sweetheart. Your taking care of yourself, and you haven't given up. Start writing, even if you aren't going to school. Screenplays, short stories whatever, it can be very therapeutic and who knows maybe you can get something published.
2024 started off nice. Then it got really bad really quick. Now I'm having to restart everything
I feel your pain, but hopefully there's plenty of joy too. I've been stretching myself from one extreme to the other all year, and when I stop letting the toxic culture shout their BS into me for long enough, I realize that I'm gonna be fine, much better than fine. I discovered who I am and maybe even more important who the people around me are this year, and even though I'm still metaphorically blindfolded to this petty chimp war going on around me, I understand enough now to see through the dumptrucks of bullshit that I need to traverse every day, and I know where to go for guidance now. Alone, in nature, without the weak energy little people tugging at me in every direction.
2024 was a very personally tough year, bad year, I can also easily say. It forced me to be as realistic as possible, and I realized that being a best friend can mean many things.
It was really bad for an older lady I know. She is not dead, but she is much more in touch with her mortality and how medical field can easily set you up for failure and did in her case. She needed a real friend and they were all fake in a a very real sense. A real friend is honest with himself or herself and doesn't at least often project his or her experiences on you. Intelligence is independence.
I'm sorry life came all over you like that, I hope this year life is more considerate to you.
I liked your Forrest Gumpy approach of just running your problems away. It's like that saying "the problems haunt me but I'm faster" 😂 I might've made that up, idk
A Stoic recognition, i.e. what you can and can't control. Letting go is central towards building trust and confidence. Keep at it :)
yeah fuck 2024
With every shitty year you experience, you lay the foundation for better years to come through learning and getting more resilient to the shit life throws at you. Appreciate what you have and work on what you want to achieve, don't compare yourself to others but only to your past self
So, here's my story then. I have prolactoma which is actually not that bad of a disease but a disease nonetheless. Getting a diagnose was frustrating as hell. Because the tumor was pressing one of my eye nerve, my vision was blurred and it was causing constant headache all day. After a very stressed one year, I got my small brain surgery. Interestingly my worst day ever was not my surgery day but the day I got a date for my surgery. I never have hated my life more than ever that day. I remember the feeling of the disappointment when I woke up in the morning and saw myself still alive and not died during the sleep. Whatever, got the surgery successfully but, there is always a but:D, my left eye did not turn anymore. I passed a scary 3 months that I thought I will stay squint forever but it healed itself mostly. However, after fixing the physical health, the psychological wave crashed in. I just could not work anymore. My brain was gone, thinking about everything. I tried working but let alone doing the work, I couldn't even get up from my bed for like 2 hours. I was just laying on the bed doing nothing. That was really devastating by it. For the context, I had a stuttering problem which means I am really really bad at socializing. Since I was alone most of the time, I started to like studying/working. I even study to pass time when I am bored. As a result, I was defining myself as a character who is good at working if it make sense. As a result, the life had lost its meaning for me there. I gave up everything and sat at my parent's house with the hope that my mind will calm dawn one day. And it actually did (shout-out to Dr. K). I thought a lot in that time about life, religion, life goals, etc. It was really similar to these videos. After 2 years sitting and thinking, I sent application and got a job offer that matches with my passion too as a hardware engineering. 3 months later, I was not stuttering anymore and was not half panic attacking when I am talking to people. That year, 2023, was best year of my life. Actually seeing the results of the improvements I made for the last couple of years was amazing. I knew I was thinking and acting different but never observed them on action before. I can fall in sleep fast, wake up quickly, focus whenever I wanted or not care about random people doing random shits because I am realizing most of the things they do had no impact whatsoever in reality if you don't care. As it is said, letting go is a hard big part of it. Being able to live the moment is so much better, taking the life as it comes. Similar to the phrase "everything happens for a reason", I am using "it is a tradeoff" phrase. It could be bad, good, willingly or unwillingly. It is a tradeoff and it is up to you to whether you use the thing you got from the tradeoff or not. About the past year, 2024 was shit for me too but whatever. If you have read up until this point, happy new year my friend. I wish you achieve some of your goals in 2025.
the world is a crazy place, talking to a camera alone in your room doesn't even come close to the level of crazy that exists in the world.
It was such a tough year, thanks for sharing this
Over 50. Hands down worst year of my life. Reflecting on it tonight and bam! RUclips algorithm performs some magic. Amazing.
clicked, listened and sheesh so much stuff going on in life and mind in a yearrrr
lots of love xx
Yea, they messed us up bad. They know it, angels showing them.
Yeah this year was one of the most emotional shitshow years for me too. It was insane. So glad it's over now. Goddamn it was exhausting.
It’s weird because you can still feel lonely being married and having children. Meaningful Friendships can be really hard / non existent
2025's our year baby!
I think you could be an actress. Before you even mentioned it, you reminded me of Molly Ringwald from the 80s, but with a faster manner of speaking.
You will find your way
Your voice is beautiful! Wishing you the best! Wishing you a great day!
feeling blue in winter id to some degree normal , its part of growing , high percentage of people who are not sad are numb by hedonistic lifestyle
This year i tried to complete FSB (literally russian CIA) training programm to become an agent but failed. So 2024 definitely was a shitty year.
Sounds like my life, and I can tell you to focus on acquiring new skills. Focus your mind on new things you like to do/explore. If it wasn't acting, try something else, try several things. You'll eventually figure it out.
I understand. 2024 was the worst year for me too. Yet tomorrow it will be a new year that will be the start of a new dawn. I do very much hope you and I have a chance to speak one day. I find you intriguing Bailey. I hope I have the privilege of knowing you.
Smartphones for women are like pron and have destroyed dating. No women talk face to face with men anymore, all women are glued onto their cell phones 24/7. I'm a 56 introvert here, never married and have no kids, thank god. I've given up on women ever since smartphones came out. Women have really killed dating globally. It's all about trashy hookup culture, O. F. and more and more women have turned into lesbians which have destroyed man and woman in being in a long-term relationship. Women really have destroyed marriages. We need to really ban smartphones and women would approach men just like it used to be before. Good luck with that.
For what it's worth even from first sight here, I think you'd be a great actress, just based on the sheer bravery it takes to post a video this personal for us all to see. If you really get that spark of life from it, please pursue it.
You are not alone, let's see what 2025 has in store for us
I think it's awesome you started running, healthy for ya. That would be scary. Wow you are ambitious 😎, it's ok to take a break, just don't give in to the negative self talk. Sometimes we do need to let go. You're doing well. happy new year.
9:52 🎉🎉🎉
I hear you.
Real shit Bailey, you're not alone.
they overlook ebooks like Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki because its insights on attraction challenge conventional thinking
The Good: When you find out most people are full of Sh(t.
The Bad: You have to deal with those people.
The Ugly: They come in groups, and they always try to pull you back to the fold.
Happy New Years! Flush this year down the toilet and don't forget to jiggle the handle, LMFAO.
We are natural beings. We need natural things.
Food, water, shelter, toys. That's about it.
💯. I feel like you'll figure something out, find a way to really thrive. I hope you can at least.
You matter, each of us does. Be honest, be strong, be wise. There are many lies but the truth grows as the seed was planted, slowly, but surely and maybe secretly.
the truth about attraction in the ebook Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki is so powerful that most people don’t know what to do with it
Meditation works I'd suggest shinzen young a journey to true spirituality. It's not just about sitting. It's about taking what happens while seating out into life but the first few weeks can be rough start small. 10m here or 10m there. Yapping is healing some do journals some do youtube. It works either way.
2024 was the warm-up, 2025 will be the test. Buy a ticket. Get on the ride.
I wish for a happy new year ahead of you 💗
Don't be sad please.. We are your friends... ❤️🌹
You're a dominant type and for you, because you're still a woman, it makes sense to explore your feminine side. It's not meant to insult you, it's just a side you can explore.
Simon says ...
Try being a Dominatrix.
I have complete faith in you, Bailey.
no one talks about the ebook Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki because its take on attraction is too raw and real for most to handle
You’re not alone Bailey.
reading the ebook Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki could completely shift how you see and apply the principles of attraction
instead of thinking of what job you want to get into. You could think of things you want to build or do. You could make a product instead of feeling like a wage slave. I wish someone told me a while ago that there's companies called profit-sharing companies and employee-owned companies that help you earn more. I wish I had started making my own product a long time ago. Instead of being treated like disposable at a corporation.
(Correction) "...Sick & Twisted..."
I had a really difficult year :( Hoping next year is good for everyone! Thanks for your videos Bailey
Robots will likely replace surgeons in the near future, so it's unlikely to be much of a career. That doesn't mean there aren't other clinical careers you could have.
Well done for sharing, you’re not alone. There’s community on here 👍
Have you considered you may have ADHD
speaking from my own experience, thinking you have to have it all figured out is a spook. go for something professionally that you can get more easily and will take less time. take the next step from where you are currently standing
With the help of God, we muscled it to make last year good. This year, we will do the same.
You sound like a wonderful person. I don't mean to be preachy, but I'll throw my two cents into the pot.
I want to be a surgeon. I want to be an actor. I want to be a dancer. Those are all great things to be, but those are just jobs. People, and I mean a LOT of people, have this idea that their entire identity is wrapped up in what they do for a living. As somebody that has worked in minimum wage retail their whole lives, I can say with total honesty that so, so many people judge you based on what you do. When meeting a person for the first time, the first question out of their mouth is usually "So, what do you do?" But it's all subtext. What they really mean, even if they don't know they're doing it themselves, is: "Who are you?" Your answer will formulate their opinion of you in an instant.
But I've known so many people, people that are barely scraping by, that are truly happy. They find that joy in the right places. They find it in their partner, in their husband or wife. They find it in their children. They find it in their faith. I throw that last in lightly, as I know not everyone has it. These days it's become popular to mock, to deride, and belittle those who have it. But I have seen with my own eyes how powerful it can be. They say exactly what you say, only they add one more element. "I am not in control. God is."
Again, I'm not trying to be preachy or convert anyone. It's just food for thought. I don't go to church myself, but I know a lot of wonderful people that do. I've had coworkers and friends die (three of them from most painful types of cancer), and I've seen how the people in the congregation came together to support their families. When people are lost in the darkness, they head for the brightest light they can see. It's why cults can be so dangerous. And yes, I know that some churches are little more than cults, but most are not. Most are filled with people trying to find hope in a hopeless world. People like us.
As you can tell by this essay, my outlet is writing. I doubt I'll ever make much money doing it, but I do it anyways. I do it because as you said, everyone needs a way to vent the things that build up inside of them. That is MY vent. But I'm not "a writer." Even if I were to make six figures a month doing it, I still wouldn't be "a writer." That's a job. I write. It's not who I am. As Popeye said, I am what I am, and that's all that I am.
Thank you for attending my TED talk. And good night.
I don't believe in personality tests
I score differently on them consistently
imo they less a personality test and more a mood test
your channel is cool though
I like your vids, I find it rather wholesome and relatable
thanks for sharing your thoughts and personality with us, it is pleasant
happy new year to you as well
I beg to differ. I’ve taken like 10 and always scored the same result. These personality tests work on the premise that you do know yourself. If you don’t know yourself and you give everytime different answers to the same questions because you’re hesitant or not exactly sure, or just moody about it, then of course you would get different results each time. But doesn’t mean they are unreliable
No, they work on the premise that my personality can be boiled down to vague questions and my living experience is that I will answer those vague questions different depending on specifics that that these tests can't cover
So inveriable they only test my mood more than personality
I have yet to encounter a "personality" test that does not include questions that when I am honest with myself I have behaved differently in the past compared to reflecting on how I would answer those questions in the moment.
Of that I am exactly sure, no hesitation.
But yes I agree...the results are ultimately unreliable
Upon reflection I think I would like to say perhaps I did not communicate my thoughts well in my first post or in my reply to you
I concede that you are correct in pointing out that I am skeptical that "personality tests are reliable"
But I believe there are valid reasons to be suspecisious of claims that a finite series of multiple choice or worse yes or no questions can accurately quantify what a I mean when I talk about my experience with my personality
I don't believe "personality" as a subjective and reflective experience is a fixed set of values that can be scored
I don't agree that "personality tests" quantify anything significant other than categories that will lend themselves to self report surveying stastics
Having said that
I don't mean to communicate the idea that a personality test has no value at all, quite the opposite I think they can be very useful both stastically and individuality
But for me personally that value is limited in terms of actually quantifying the thing it is trying claims to measure
I feel the same way about "political compass tests" and "intelligent quotient tests"
I think they are tests, they provide insights
But in my experience they expose more limitations in measurement methods than they assign some empirical metric as a test result score
For example I would never take one of such self report tests and concede that the score is objectively accurate such that my personal, experiences, beleifs and feelings at the time of taking that test are completely irrelevant to the results
Or to put it another way I don't think such tests capture the breadth of what they endeavor to measure, nor that those metrics necessarily quantified by a set of fixed invariant values
If that rambling wall of test makes sense
at any rate happy new year
thanks for your reply that forced me to organize my own thoughts on the matter more to my own satisfaction
Don't fall for the scam of chasing a career. If you don't know what you want to do already there is no guarantee you will ever find out. Just gonna end up spending money and digging yourself into a hole.
I love the real talk. Thanks