I used to obsess about the past and the future. Two things changed this. The first was realising that my memories were, at best, a recollection of an interpretation, and therefore not objectively real. The second was the realisation that what I call 'the future' is merely a list of things that I'm not happy with in the present moment.
I love how simply, yet comprehensively enough, you have framed those two abstracts. Especially "the past" - I 100% agree with it, even more so after I learned how our memories are created, stored, recalled and re-stored. As for the future, the definition also fits perfectly when it comes to things we wish we had (more money, partner, being more fit, sun instead of rain and so on). But how would you frame fear of the future which causes anxiety? Eg. when we just got diagnosed with a serious illness, or we got fired from the job while having no savings, or even simple fear of what will people think about us when they see few pimples that showed up on our face over night?
Hey@@kalash_nikov Great name by the way. Like you, it was reading about how memories are created, stored, recalled and re-stored that made me realise that my memories were not 'real', but a by-product of my own worldview. I used to have a very negative outlook on life and this caused me to see everything that happened to me as bad. Things only changed when I realised that it was all a story that I was telling myself. Now I tell myself a different story. As for your question about fears for the future... I used to think of events in my life as either good or bad, which is ultimately the root cause of all anxiety and regret. Now I just ask myself the question "What can I learn from this experience?" As a result, I no longer fear the future. Whatever happens is an opportunity to learn and become a better person. And the 'worse' an experience is, the more there is to learn. This may sound like a naïve worldview, but I have had serious illness in the past, periods of unemployment AND financial difficulty. (Pimples, too!) What made these experiences difficult wasn't the experiences themselves, but my underlying belief that there was nothing of value to be gained from them.
@@md1trk Thanks for sharing your views and thoughts. Your approach is not naive, it's a healthy view of the future and all events life make us face. Beautiful thing is that basically all major religions, philosophies, gurus, etc. say the same things, just served in a different way. My problem is that I know those truths, but I still find it hard to internalize them. I guess it will just take time to replace 34 years of unconscious programming with a new conscious one (I was interested in those topics for many years, but only in the past year I started putting in actual work - think and journal about those things). Just like you, I started paying more attention to how my brain works when I got diagnosed with genetic disease about 8 years ago. But the more deliberate work I put in, the better results I see. All the best brother.
I LOVE Peter Crone. So on point with everything he says, especially the human civilisation. It’s pitiful to watch what’s going on around us, how lost we are in our insecurities and ego. Wonder what it’s gonna take for this to change. Peter Crone an absolute legend, I am so glad I found him. Thanks for sharing this
This guy is exactly on the money. I have done this work recently (working on belief systems) and it completely transformed my life and inner world more than anything else I have ever tried (everything else tried was pretty much a waste of time or even counter productive). As you believeth, so shall you be!!!
“The #1 priority and prerogative of any ego is to be right. I mean having done this for 20 years, it was just fascinating to me to consistently see that pattern… People would rather be right about their inadequacies, insecurities, and limitations, than actually create the life that they apparently espouse about wanting to have. And when you see the madness of that, you really see one of the fundamental flaws of the ego, which is self-righteousness.” 💯
I learned this lesson a long time ago, “ when you change the way you look at something, what you look at changes.” Most powerful moment of my cognitive growth. 👏🙏❤️
@@husseinfaiz3397 perspective is 99% of every interaction we have. When we are confronted with life’s difficulties, we can chose to fight against, or we can chose to embrace the lessons. Hence, when you change your perspective, the situation itself changes.
The first step for me in changing my life was accepting the fact that I wasn't going to be able to do it myself. Once I gained enough humility to accept and believe in whatever help was on offer (12 step programs, spiritual / religious communities, and one-to-one therapies), I was willing to do the work and ready to appreciate life on life's terms. 5 years of rigorous (often painful) work and I have broken free of much of my childhood trauma and personal issues.
I'm a hypnotist who primarily works with fighters. Boxing , Muay Thai and MMA. He spot on about changing unconscious programs and having an immediate positive response in competition without improving any skill sets.
Re the voice in your head is not you. “Kinda curious what sort of crap I’m going to come up with today”!! 😂😂😂 I needed to hear this today! Too funny. Thank you ❤🙏
"You don't know what you're going to think next." The idea of not knowing what your own internal voice is going to tell you next any more than what Peter or Chris is going to say next smacked a whole bunch of sense into me. Trying to control your response to whatever external stimuli are agitating or limiting you in the moment is about as easy as trying to swerve a freight train off the tracks to avoid hitting an obstacle. It's not going to happen, and the more energy you put into trying to control the situation, the more you become increasingly tense, uptight, and completely at the whim of your instinctual responses to external factors. In that same vein, I've been attempting to drive into my subconscious over the past few months the idea that "your world is a direct result of your thoughts," primarily because I'm well aware that to a large degree, perception is reality. (I've been listening to USS's Turquoise 1:11 at least once a day - the track resonates deeply with me for a variety of reasons). After a wildly successful April (At least by my low standards), I'm now coming up against a lot of avoidance, time wasting, and general self-sabotage again. It's disheartening and frustrating to say the least, to have been flying so high for a few weeks and now (seemingly helplessly) watching myself slide back down to a lower frequency. At least this time I am in the process of developing a better framework to slow my inevitable descents and facilitate the eventual climb back out the other side. Thanks for your help on that, Chris. You are right in saying that your audience (or at least I, for one) come from a different sphere of the internet than what you typically encounter. Doomscrolling (in ALL the formats), watching various wildly handsome role-models and wisdom-speakers interact with each other, writing occasional poems, and throwing an unconscionable percentage of my wages at more books than I will ever be able to wade through are pretty much all I use the intertubes for lately. Social media got to be far too much for me sometime last year. I avoid it like the plague, precisely because I know that (in its current iterations) it typically toxifies everything it touches; I already stuff my body and mind full of enough toxins each day. Thanks for yet another incredibly insightful and just plain useful video. I'm getting backlogged with all the bits and pieces I have to unpack from your never-ending stream of amazing content.
This guy is cool and has the ability to make incredibly valid points and laugh at the same time. I think the point they were referring too is flow state of mind.
There is a point beyond what was discussed here. When you learn about your own limitations, you become aware of what you are and more importantly who you truly are. After that moment where you have transcended most of your patterns, you begin to see other peoples or animals(other beings in general) and how their patterns limit them and how they “destroy” the Earth as Peter said. But beyond that point, if your destiny is to get there in this lifetime, you get to view everything not just in terms of a limited pattern that needs transformation, but just how the Universe is manifesting its wisdom through that apparently limited pattern (be it war or racism). Hope this adds to this great conversation!
Your humble to the average man without being derrogative and thinking the norms cannot comprehend good advice from those have a higher understanding of life. Thank you amigo.
I liked pretty much all the episodes on this podcast so far, and must admit this is likely (one of) my favourite(s)! The ones with Sloss are a class of its own! Thank you for having awesome guests and talks. Best regards from Zurich, Switzerland.
Absolutely spot on. That state of mostly fearful of making a mistake and then being punished..... becoming aware of that and the people pleasing that follows is fully liberating ... thank you ... you really compliment one another to bring the messages across for the highest good of us all.
Dude you’re an amazing host. I am currently binge watching Peter Crone & i happen to watch this podcast. You asked the right q to him. Thanks & 💜fr Australia🙏🏽
This is truly fabulous! I love this message-a-plenty... I needed this today and thank you! I’ve been working with my subconscious for about 15 months now. It can be quite challenging... overcoming the self is a winding path.
This is soooooooo important to tap into. I would recommend anyone who hasn't found this mode of thinking to do so. Become aware of the tenths of seconds, nether mind the seconds.
"that's why you were here Peter," and the point of the finger...! So true! perhaps kindness is possible protocol. No joking aside what if we could be kind with ourselves what if we could just for a moment look within not seeing any lack or being obsessed with projecting a delusional system of healing, rebuilding another that we could just be with another and be kind. However sadly, i not achieved this yet, so I wait and raviously consume videos like many others in hopes that I can be what I am not.. keep up the good work you are needed, i appreciate your time. perhaps the salvation of our world lay within us not being who we are. Mercy
I once got invited to a group doing metaphorical thinking sessions, was the best fun I have ever had, at the time hadn't realised just how much it was about tapping into the subconsious, going to be running some sessions soon.
Great conversation. I've only recently subscribed to your channel and already loving the podcasts, all of which are excellent. I've watched a lot of Peter's interviews and always find him thought-provoking. I love your relaxed style, which covers the broad, the deep and the diverse. You've easily got the potential to become the UK's version of established creators in this space like Tom Bilyeu or Lewis Howes (with your own individuality, of course!). It would be good to see you interview someone who takes you right out of your comfort zone and stretches your already strong skills and naturally moves you forward. Russell Brand would be a great conversation! Keep up the great work 👍🏼🙏🏼
We just need to let go of what we THINK we know that is NOT so. Self-hypnosis is super powerful to affect permanent change in our subconscious mind. Neuro-Linguistic Programming deals with language pattern we often are unconscious of But are crucial. We are innately wise and powerful beyond belief. Stay PRESENT.
@39.50 absolutely!! Realising this is life changing even if it's hard as hell to keep making this connection when you face those hard moments and days.
17:27 - 🎶"These are the Daves I know, I know, these are the Daves I know..."🎶 (Carlin's last special: "... and your uncle Dave goes up Into outer space, with all the other uncle Daves..." 😂😂😂 He's right- (almost) EVERYONE has an uncle Dave. I do! He rocks!😂
55:27 Don't forget we make if official with institutions (governmental, financial, economic, military, religious, industrial, educational, legal). These headwinds are tough to overcome.
Wow. This is mega expanding for me. I am working on uncovering my “programming” sometimes I think Ive made progress and Im figuring it out and then I just somehow go back to square 0.
Key Takeaway for Me: -Ask “what if X limiting belief is not the case?” First be aware of your limiting beliefs, and then sit with them, and challenge them
When you start to think that you're responsible for all your programming When you try to control your thoughts, you put a lot of pressure on your mind . And it might lead to anxiety. I think we shouldn't do too much inner work. However, I don't how much is too much.
A question I would love to hear you ask him is "how do you help people who think they cannot be helped? Those who believe they are never going to be successful." He mentions it when speaking of the golfer but never said HOW to help those people.
12:36 - This gets fun to dive into: For me, I can recognize that "blast" impulse, and it is just a thing I speak to myself and helps me feel better/vent that frustration. But then, often, I see people and I think, *THAT is stupid, irresponsible, and endanger others- F U ¡ð!ot!!*, as if it's my problem to be concerned about "others". The there's times where I'm surprised and/or frustrated, /taken aback, and I think, *You know what buddy, I don't know what kind of day you're having and why you did that, but good on you, I genuinely hope everything's okay. You do you.* Just weird I can experience all of those from the same input. But I do get frustrated with the level of pure ignorance consistent with many of these instances. (Being aware, and fair that I have MY "derp-derp" qualities.
17:10 - I have ALWAYS shared with passengers up front, "I don't think it's ✌️cool✌️ or ✌️impressive✌️ to scare or ride like a douche: I just want to share the experience of riding. Anyone who thinks the other thing is ✌️cool✌️ is immature and more dangerously, irresponsible. Now, if you have the skill, proven, and the passenger ASKS for it, (i.e., you're a professional stunt rider, and -if you are- you're not in a place where endangering others, like on public roads, might be possible- have at it! But that's not the example here. A fellow rider spooked a newbie buddy, causing him to ditch the bike, with minor scratches. He never rode again. NOT. COOL. BRO.
I have a strong gut feeling each time I see those type of feel good gurus. Money making new age spiritual advisors giving you the usual ancient feel good phrases and stories and claim victory when you return to the equilibrium of your life naturally. There is thousands of books made by such people and there is hundreds more being written right now. Socrates told these truths... We all know them. But by paying such a guy we believe we are doing something to help and it actually might...
Invalidating, victim shaming, gaslighting. "I will try to slow down and make time to notice how I feel. I know that my feelings matter and I will value the truth and wisdom they contain. Others may try to invalidate my experiences and feelings, but I will hold on to my truth". You can't get to me!
Our first parents were perfect. Then they rebelled. The wages sin pays is death. Therefore, they began to die and because they could not reproduce perfect offspring we all begin dying at birth. Quite the pickle.
Press Subscribe for more jawline heaven.
It's hard to bear, let me tell you
I used to obsess about the past and the future. Two things changed this. The first was realising that my memories were, at best, a recollection of an interpretation, and therefore not objectively real. The second was the realisation that what I call 'the future' is merely a list of things that I'm not happy with in the present moment.
I love how simply, yet comprehensively enough, you have framed those two abstracts.
Especially "the past" - I 100% agree with it, even more so after I learned how our memories are created, stored, recalled and re-stored.
As for the future, the definition also fits perfectly when it comes to things we wish we had (more money, partner, being more fit, sun instead of rain and so on).
But how would you frame fear of the future which causes anxiety? Eg. when we just got diagnosed with a serious illness, or we got fired from the job while having no savings, or even simple fear of what will people think about us when they see few pimples that showed up on our face over night?
Hey@@kalash_nikov Great name by the way. Like you, it was reading about how memories are created, stored, recalled and re-stored that made me realise that my memories were not 'real', but a by-product of my own worldview. I used to have a very negative outlook on life and this caused me to see everything that happened to me as bad. Things only changed when I realised that it was all a story that I was telling myself. Now I tell myself a different story.
As for your question about fears for the future... I used to think of events in my life as either good or bad, which is ultimately the root cause of all anxiety and regret. Now I just ask myself the question "What can I learn from this experience?" As a result, I no longer fear the future. Whatever happens is an opportunity to learn and become a better person. And the 'worse' an experience is, the more there is to learn.
This may sound like a naïve worldview, but I have had serious illness in the past, periods of unemployment AND financial difficulty. (Pimples, too!) What made these experiences difficult wasn't the experiences themselves, but my underlying belief that there was nothing of value to be gained from them.
@@md1trk Thanks for sharing your views and thoughts.
Your approach is not naive, it's a healthy view of the future and all events life make us face. Beautiful thing is that basically all major religions, philosophies, gurus, etc. say the same things, just served in a different way.
My problem is that I know those truths, but I still find it hard to internalize them. I guess it will just take time to replace 34 years of unconscious programming with a new conscious one (I was interested in those topics for many years, but only in the past year I started putting in actual work - think and journal about those things).
Just like you, I started paying more attention to how my brain works when I got diagnosed with genetic disease about 8 years ago. But the more deliberate work I put in, the better results I see.
All the best brother.
WOW! Powerful words of clear concise wisdom from experience. Thank you!!🙌
This is brilliant
I LOVE Peter Crone. So on point with everything he says, especially the human civilisation. It’s pitiful to watch what’s going on around us, how lost we are in our insecurities and ego. Wonder what it’s gonna take for this to change. Peter Crone an absolute legend, I am so glad I found him. Thanks for sharing this
He’s been so absolute to have on speed dial .. lol
I wish..
This guy is exactly on the money. I have done this work recently (working on belief systems) and it completely transformed my life and inner world more than anything else I have ever tried (everything else tried was pretty much a waste of time or even counter productive). As you believeth, so shall you be!!!
Peter Crone gets it.
“The #1 priority and prerogative of any ego is to be right. I mean having done this for 20 years, it was just fascinating to me to consistently see that pattern… People would rather be right about their inadequacies, insecurities, and limitations, than actually create the life that they apparently espouse about wanting to have. And when you see the madness of that, you really see one of the fundamental flaws of the ego, which is self-righteousness.”
I learned this lesson a long time ago, “ when you change the way you look at something, what you look at changes.” Most powerful moment of my cognitive growth. 👏🙏❤️
Elaborate on it a little bit more please
Dr Wayne Dyer, one of his best quotes” If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”
@@husseinfaiz3397 perspective is 99% of every interaction we have. When we are confronted with life’s difficulties, we can chose to fight against, or we can chose to embrace the lessons. Hence, when you change your perspective, the situation itself changes.
Famously said by Max Planck and beautifully quoted by Wayne Dyer. Very true 🙏🏻🥰
The first step for me in changing my life was accepting the fact that I wasn't going to be able to do it myself. Once I gained enough humility to accept and believe in whatever help was on offer (12 step programs, spiritual / religious communities, and one-to-one therapies), I was willing to do the work and ready to appreciate life on life's terms. 5 years of rigorous (often painful) work and I have broken free of much of my childhood trauma and personal issues.
Awesome conversation! Some parts reminded me of Michael Singer wisdom.
I'm a hypnotist who primarily works with fighters. Boxing , Muay Thai and MMA. He spot on about changing unconscious programs and having an immediate positive response in competition without improving any skill sets.
Re the voice in your head is not you. “Kinda curious what sort of crap I’m going to come up with today”!! 😂😂😂 I needed to hear this today! Too funny. Thank you ❤🙏
We reconcile our past and superimpose it onto the future to protect ourselves from it, through fear it becomes perpetuated... DAMN.
"You don't know what you're going to think next."
The idea of not knowing what your own internal voice is going to tell you next any more than what Peter or Chris is going to say next smacked a whole bunch of sense into me.
Trying to control your response to whatever external stimuli are agitating or limiting you in the moment is about as easy as trying to swerve a freight train off the tracks to avoid hitting an obstacle. It's not going to happen, and the more energy you put into trying to control the situation, the more you become increasingly tense, uptight, and completely at the whim of your instinctual responses to external factors.
In that same vein, I've been attempting to drive into my subconscious over the past few months the idea that "your world is a direct result of your thoughts," primarily because I'm well aware that to a large degree, perception is reality. (I've been listening to USS's Turquoise 1:11 at least once a day - the track resonates deeply with me for a variety of reasons).
After a wildly successful April (At least by my low standards), I'm now coming up against a lot of avoidance, time wasting, and general self-sabotage again. It's disheartening and frustrating to say the least, to have been flying so high for a few weeks and now (seemingly helplessly) watching myself slide back down to a lower frequency. At least this time I am in the process of developing a better framework to slow my inevitable descents and facilitate the eventual climb back out the other side. Thanks for your help on that, Chris.
You are right in saying that your audience (or at least I, for one) come from a different sphere of the internet than what you typically encounter. Doomscrolling (in ALL the formats), watching various wildly handsome role-models and wisdom-speakers interact with each other, writing occasional poems, and throwing an unconscionable percentage of my wages at more books than I will ever be able to wade through are pretty much all I use the intertubes for lately. Social media got to be far too much for me sometime last year. I avoid it like the plague, precisely because I know that (in its current iterations) it typically toxifies everything it touches; I already stuff my body and mind full of enough toxins each day.
Thanks for yet another incredibly insightful and just plain useful video. I'm getting backlogged with all the bits and pieces I have to unpack from your never-ending stream of amazing content.
This guy is cool and has the ability to make incredibly valid points and laugh at the same time.
I think the point they were referring too is flow state of mind.
There is a point beyond what was discussed here. When you learn about your own limitations, you become aware of what you are and more importantly who you truly are.
After that moment where you have transcended most of your patterns, you begin to see other peoples or animals(other beings in general) and how their patterns limit them and how they “destroy” the Earth as Peter said.
But beyond that point, if your destiny is to get there in this lifetime, you get to view everything not just in terms of a limited pattern that needs transformation, but just how the Universe is manifesting its wisdom through that apparently limited pattern (be it war or racism).
Hope this adds to this great conversation!
19:19 you can't become good enough to fix feeling not good enough 21:00 suffering is optional 22:30 talk and listen to yourself better
“Transcending the code”…. Brilliant. 👏🏻
Also, I do want to compliment Chris on the great content hes putting out. You are killing it. Maybe 2021 is going to be prosperous for us after all.
My pleasure. Some mindgains to be made!
Your humble to the average man without being derrogative and thinking the norms cannot comprehend good advice from those have a higher understanding of life. Thank you amigo.
I've listened to nearly interview Peter has done. You asked some fantastic different questions. Thank you for that!
I liked pretty much all the episodes on this podcast so far, and must admit this is likely (one of) my favourite(s)! The ones with Sloss are a class of its own! Thank you for having awesome guests and talks. Best regards from Zurich, Switzerland.
Absolutely spot on. That state of mostly fearful of making a mistake and then being punished..... becoming aware of that and the people pleasing that follows is fully liberating ... thank you ... you really compliment one another to bring the messages across for the highest good of us all.
Ok, this is one of my favorites. Definitely looking more into Peter Crone.
Dude you’re an amazing host. I am currently binge watching Peter Crone & i happen to watch this podcast. You asked the right q to him. Thanks & 💜fr Australia🙏🏽
This is truly fabulous! I love this message-a-plenty... I needed this today and thank you! I’ve been working with my subconscious for about 15 months now. It can be quite challenging... overcoming the self is a winding path.
This is one of favorite podcasts so far this year... Keep it up Chris!
My name is Dave and I approve of what this man is saying.
Hahaha ,that’s good news for you
This is soooooooo important to tap into. I would recommend anyone who hasn't found this mode of thinking to do so. Become aware of the tenths of seconds, nether mind the seconds.
"that's why you were here Peter," and the point of the finger...!
So true!
perhaps kindness is possible protocol.
No joking aside what if we could be kind with ourselves what if we could just for a moment look within not seeing any lack or being obsessed with projecting a delusional system of healing, rebuilding another that we could just be with another and be kind.
However sadly, i not achieved this yet, so I wait and raviously consume videos like many others in hopes that I can be what I am not..
keep up the good work you are needed, i appreciate your time.
perhaps the salvation of our world lay within us not being who we are.
Thank you for another beautiful interview 💛
I once got invited to a group doing metaphorical thinking sessions, was the best fun I have ever had, at the time hadn't realised just how much it was about tapping into the subconsious, going to be running some sessions soon.
Great conversation.
I've only recently subscribed to your channel and already loving the podcasts, all of which are excellent. I've watched a lot of Peter's interviews and always find him thought-provoking. I love your relaxed style, which covers the broad, the deep and the diverse. You've easily got the potential to become the UK's version of established creators in this space like Tom Bilyeu or Lewis Howes (with your own individuality, of course!). It would be good to see you interview someone who takes you right out of your comfort zone and stretches your already strong skills and naturally moves you forward. Russell Brand would be a great conversation! Keep up the great work 👍🏼🙏🏼
This episode is real real good! “How good could we be if we just get out of our ways” I FREAKING LOVE IT
We just need to let go of what we THINK we know that is NOT so. Self-hypnosis is super powerful to affect permanent change in our subconscious mind. Neuro-Linguistic Programming deals with language pattern we often are unconscious of But are crucial.
We are innately wise and powerful beyond belief. Stay PRESENT.
One of my favorite interviews with Peter Crone, @chris great questions! You nailed it!
gratitude #stocism "External things are not the problem. It's your assessment of them. Which you can erase right now."
@39.50 absolutely!! Realising this is life changing even if it's hard as hell to keep making this connection when you face those hard moments and days.
Listening to this after seeing Cbum's latest video - hadn't heard of Peter Crone before.
17:27 - 🎶"These are the Daves I know, I know, these are the Daves I know..."🎶
(Carlin's last special: "... and your uncle Dave goes up Into outer space, with all the other uncle Daves..."
He's right- (almost) EVERYONE has an uncle Dave. I do! He rocks!😂
This was a lifechanging interview, Chris. Nicely done.
I get a lot from Peter's interviews - this one cracked me up more than usual haha! thank you!
I could pick this guys brain for hrs. So great.
Subscribed Chris . Love Peter Crone . Two Brits even better 🇨🇦🇬🇧
This was excellent! Loved this episode, very insightful and helpful for me to go deeper and higher in my self work💜💙🧡
That point about complete acceptance is huge. It's definitely not a self help platitude I'm aware of. Maybe because it's a tough pill to swallow.
Nothing feels so good as the resonance of truth. Thank you! Pure soul food
17:57 "... it's part of my book". I really want to get your book. I cannot find it. Can someone please provide a link?
He's not released it yet. I hope he does soon!
I asked the same thing...haha where is this book! Lol
Yes this needs to come out
Good to hear Peter has picked up the brilliant work of Byron Katie “The Work”. “Who would you be without that thought?”
Great podcast
Really really enjoyed this one
55:27 Don't forget we make if official with institutions (governmental, financial, economic, military, religious, industrial, educational, legal). These headwinds are tough to overcome.
Thank you both very much for sharing your wisdom & giving us a better image to aim at!
Brilliant podcast! Thank you.
Thanks for this, I'm super challenged by Peter's observations
Chris's point about our emotional set point is an interesting perspective.
As a Dave, I approve of your analogies.
Wow. This is mega expanding for me.
I am working on uncovering my “programming” sometimes I think Ive made progress and Im figuring it out and then I just somehow go back to square 0.
Peter Crone is a physical manifestation of wisdom. Love his work.
This channel is excellent!
Key Takeaway for Me:
-Ask “what if X limiting belief is not the case?”
First be aware of your limiting beliefs, and then sit with them, and challenge them
Such a good podcast
Great conversation, thanks so much!
Thankyou so much for this.
So nobody's going to argue how this guy looks exactly like none bald version of Jason Statham ?
Ooomg this is so good, a real 🍰👌🏻🥰🙏🏻
The opening was hilarious ahahah, great podcast as always!
Brilliant episode.
When you start to think that you're responsible for all your programming When you try to control your thoughts, you put a lot of pressure on your mind . And it might lead to anxiety. I think we shouldn't do too much inner work. However, I don't how much is
too much.
This was sooooo good.
TY Both 💟
Thank you for this video Sir!
Great conversation
54:30 That's basically what all sages have been saying at least from the time of the ancient Greeks.
thank you chis and peter
Constraints are not based in fear they are based on shame. Fear simply guards the door 🚪 to get to shame the filled child.
A question I would love to hear you ask him is "how do you help people who think they cannot be helped? Those who believe they are never going to be successful." He mentions it when speaking of the golfer but never said HOW to help those people.
See what crap im going to come up with today 😏
Inspiring.. thank you 💫
I like his jacket!
31:30 wow that just woke me up
Am I the only one who can't unsee Peter as a real life version of Giga Chad?
Great conversation and cool guest, Chris.
Dat jaw man
@@ChrisWillx Had to rewind the video few times because I was catching myself being too focused on it.
Great 👍
Whoa, I'm overloading on alpha male handsomeness. Great segment lads.
Please, continue
Mmmmm yes.
12:36 - This gets fun to dive into:
For me, I can recognize that "blast" impulse, and it is just a thing I speak to myself and helps me feel better/vent that frustration.
But then, often, I see people and I think, *THAT is stupid, irresponsible, and endanger others- F U ¡ð!ot!!*, as if it's my problem to be concerned about "others". The there's times where I'm surprised and/or frustrated, /taken aback, and I think, *You know what buddy, I don't know what kind of day you're having and why you did that, but good on you, I genuinely hope everything's okay. You do you.*
Just weird I can experience all of those from the same input.
But I do get frustrated with the level of pure ignorance consistent with many of these instances. (Being aware, and fair that I have MY "derp-derp" qualities.
17:10 - I have ALWAYS shared with passengers up front, "I don't think it's ✌️cool✌️ or ✌️impressive✌️ to scare or ride like a douche: I just want to share the experience of riding. Anyone who thinks the other thing is ✌️cool✌️ is immature and more dangerously, irresponsible.
Now, if you have the skill, proven, and the passenger ASKS for it, (i.e., you're a professional stunt rider, and -if you are- you're not in a place where endangering others, like on public roads, might be possible- have at it!
But that's not the example here.
A fellow rider spooked a newbie buddy, causing him to ditch the bike, with minor scratches. He never rode again.
I have a strong gut feeling each time I see those type of feel good gurus. Money making new age spiritual advisors giving you the usual ancient feel good phrases and stories and claim victory when you return to the equilibrium of your life naturally. There is thousands of books made by such people and there is hundreds more being written right now. Socrates told these truths... We all know them. But by paying such a guy we believe we are doing something to help and it actually might...
Is your book out yet?
Where can i get his book? :) Thanks!
I wanted to know the same thing. I cannot find it anywhere!
@@regulardude7961 me too!
Not out yet apparently. He’s been talking about his book for over a year it’s killing me 😅
Invalidating, victim shaming, gaslighting.
"I will try to slow down and make time to notice how I feel. I know that my feelings matter and I will value the truth and wisdom they contain. Others may try to invalidate my experiences and feelings, but I will hold on to my truth". You can't get to me!
Road rage is probably a bad example other people can literally kill you with bad driving but I get where he was going with that
Profound at 39:00
Pat Cash and Hugh grant in one
Cannot find peter's book..can someone please send a link
He's not released it yet.
if somebody calls me a racist, I call him an idiot. Damn, they hate that.
Igitur quī dēsīderat pācem, præparet bellum!
I played chess against my subconscious brain, and lost
Our first parents were perfect. Then they rebelled. The wages sin pays is death. Therefore, they began to die and because they could not reproduce perfect offspring we all begin dying at birth. Quite the pickle.
Rolled gold Waffle!
🤭 our minds really can be a jungle, can’t they…. The only time it’s not so is when we are connecting…. Connection is the answer
How rich do you need to be to get help from Peter?
Brand Pitt level.
$4200 mastermind
if the subconscious mind plays such a big role does giving someone feedback matter?
How does that not be : rescuing :
“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” some Greek
Jesuit actually !.