Responding to Star Wars Explained's Mando Season 3 Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 441

  • @Aarhead
    @Aarhead Год назад +283

    When Rags was trying to remember Finn’s name my first thought was, “ How could he forget Poe’s name?” I guess my mind is trying to forget the sequels too.

    • @StarMiners0416
      @StarMiners0416 Год назад +22

      I legit forgot Finn's name and entirely forgot who Poe was. Even despite all the meme clips and that whole "Somehow he's returned joke", who that character was completely escaped my mind.

    • @xipheonj
      @xipheonj Год назад +8

      I always forget about Poe but I'll never forget what they did to Finn. I was so hyped at the end of the first one, seeing him use the lightsaber, imagining him and Rey both becoming Jedi with Finn being the more lightsaber combat focused one and Rey focusing on the force powers. They went so far in the opposite direction I got whiplash, effectively writing him out of the next two movies instead and just making Rey the new Jesus Chuck Norris.

    • @arkeshn729
      @arkeshn729 Год назад +6

      ​@@xipheonjI was hoping it took both of them to beat Kylo. Instead Kylo was a weepy joke of a Sith.

    • @tyvamakes5226
      @tyvamakes5226 Год назад +2

      @@xipheonj I think you should also not forget about Poe's waste. Completely wasting the friendship with Finn, downplaying his role in the sequels and being a Butt Monkey after ep6.

    • @xipheonj
      @xipheonj Год назад +1

      @@tyvamakes5226 I forget about him because he never really stood out to me in ep7, he was just kind of there. He was supposed to replace Han Solo but they had the real one so he was just a side character in that first movie.
      Finn however had a very interesting role in the first one and I really wanted to see more of him, to see how he would develop. Poe went from boring to bad so I didn't care. Finn went from interesting with high potential to bad so it affected me significantly more.

  • @sukamadik5983
    @sukamadik5983 Год назад +186

    We know Rags secretly loves Mando season 3

    • @unformedeight
      @unformedeight Год назад +37

      He just wants to a be a contrarian and intimidates everyone on EFAP to fall in line

    • @nhagan001
      @nhagan001 Год назад +30

      Rags secret phrase when he is about to ruin a grandma is “this is the way”.

    • @evald1474
      @evald1474 Год назад +19

      When watching new Mando episodes with MauLer and Fringy, Rags has to hide the fact that he's furiously wagging his tail and salivating whenever a Filoni-created character appears onscreen.

    • @vileluca
      @vileluca Год назад +3

      @@unformedeight imagine being intimidated by such a wee doggo.

    • @tyvamakes5226
      @tyvamakes5226 Год назад +1

      @BenitoMussoliniGaming Are there even moments where Rags is very infuriated and not the "annoyed infuriated"

  • @evald1474
    @evald1474 Год назад +135

    Mando S3 Explained:
    Cult member, exiled for taking off helmet, walks into pool and drowns to rejoin cult. His adopted 50-year-old baby pilots the corpse of a friend who sacrificed himself to beat soldiers who can't aim. Meanwhile, the cult fights lizards and birds with smithing tools and climbing equipment and appoints a new leader who they hate because she has a sword and saw a big creature in the pool. They all decide to revisit their home that they abandoned because somebody told them it was poisonous and beat more soldiers who can't aim and their leader who cloned himself.

    • @matthewcollins4773
      @matthewcollins4773 Год назад +29

      Don't forget, they go back home immediately after being given a new home for defending a town against pirates who got their entire operation wiped out because they wanted to drink in a school.

    • @robertbeisert3315
      @robertbeisert3315 Год назад +4

      I wanna go back to, say, mid-2015

    • @noank9175
      @noank9175 Год назад +11

      Can't believe you forgot to mention that the cult also saves its members from dragons that live in a desert.

    • @Maximum_777
      @Maximum_777 Год назад +9

      What's sad is legitimately, no joke, with the two things that have also been added by the other replies in this reply section, that's it, that's everything, oh and Jack Black was there.

    • @KhorneBrzrkr
      @KhorneBrzrkr Год назад +11

      This abstract sounds like an AI generated story

  • @SheevTalks
    @SheevTalks Год назад +82

    You know what I want? I wanna write a story set in the Star Wars universe with the exact same premise as this one: a hardened mercenary who’s part of a battered and beaten warrior culture, doing odd jobs to survive in a post-Imperial world, who comes across a child in need and begrudgingly accepts it into his care. Over the course of the story, he learns to soften up and see the child as less of a burden, and more as its own kin. Throughout the show, we could have actual development for BOTH characters, and explore the dynamic between them in a meaningful way. I want to write this story because I’m so tired of people saying they’re tired of that premise. You’re not tired of the premise; you’re tired of seeing it executed poorly.

    • @TheCapedWanderer
      @TheCapedWanderer Год назад +7

      THE DEAD SPEAK! Hi Sheev. Yeah it’s a fine premise, when I saw the very first poster I thought that’s a nice idea be a shame if someone were to ruin it. I really knew we were in trouble in episode 2 when they creature-featured a rhino. A rhino? A rhino. Unaltered, unalien, an ordinary Earth beast. No ideas, guys? No ideas. They can’t even create creatures, what hope do they have of developing characters? They’re not making Baby Yoda speak because they haven’t got anything for him to say; they know they’ll pop the market bubble as soon as they give the little doll dead cliche lines like the rest of the mannequin characters.

    • @laisphinto6372
      @laisphinto6372 Год назад +1

      they also didnt deliver on it

    • @KalaxusMageslayer
      @KalaxusMageslayer Год назад +7

      the ancient wolf and cub trope is a timeless classic, attempting to swap out the wolf and cub ending with the mass produced generic happy ending robs the story of its emotional impact..
      to then tack on a straight to dvd sequel style extra season that focuses on neutering the wolf swapping out cub for a purse dog while the focus shifts to Paris Hilton is just so beyond a simple 'disconnect from their intended audience' I would find it much better easier to believe that Mandi 3 was intentional sabotage by KK as revenge against favro or a parting middle finger to the Disney board from favro. Lizzo and Jack Black wasn't an accident, it was live bonfire burning of Disneys profits and stock price.
      Not saying no one could be that dumb, just that getting that much dumb out before it could be stopped its just so unlikely....

    • @dancingvalkyrie
      @dancingvalkyrie Год назад

      I just want the child to be a real child and not a dumbass puppet

    • @darthskarr8975
      @darthskarr8975 Год назад +4

      Go play Star Wars TOR's Bounty Hunter main story quest. Narratively really good. It's about an aspiring bounty hunter (you) trying to make a name and a rep for yourself and teamed up with a group of technically inclined specialist who are going to help you get into the Great Hunt by handling the IT, middle-man and support stuff whilst you do the field work and bounty hunting. However, a rival who plans to win the Great Hunt via cheating decided to assassinate your team to try and sabotage you - nothing personal; just eliminating the competition before they reach the starting line - and ended up missing Mako, the protégé of your now deceased team leader, who teams up with you as your sidekick to get revenge on said rival - by winning the Great Hunt with sheer skill and eventually killing your cheating rival.
      And that's just Act 1. Act 2 has the Mandalorians (*EU George Lucas Mandos, not crap Filoni Mandos) offering you to join them after winning the Great Hunt whilst revelling in all the prestige and privileges you've earned by winning the Hunt - only for it all to come crashing down because the Republic secret service began framing you for a multitude of crimes and atrocities you didn't commit because the last target of the Great Hunt you took down was a Jedi Master with a lot of friends who now want revenge, by painting a target on your head the entire galaxy can see. Act 3 is a continuation of this, except the Sith Empire (whom you had dealings with previously in the story) took keen interest in hiring you - not exactly asking but demanding - because the Republic frame-job gave you a rep sheet so heinous that it made the Sith very interested in acquiring your services exclusively. So the final act can go two ways; either you willing or begrudgingly do bounties for this particularly vicious Sith Lord - including going after the Supreme Chancellor - or either work to clear your name, publicly prove the Republic secret service tarnished your name and eventually eliminate the Sith that forced you to work for him, or embrace this maniac psycho persona the Republic framed you with and make it a real rep sheet worth fearing, or a combination of the two. TOR has a lot of choices in its main stories which, although not always having a tangible effect in the game world, often has long reach narrative related consequences when you least expect it to. For example; an early target of yours was the allegedly fastest quick-draw artist in the galaxy which you have the option to beat him at his own game (basically being a faster draw than them and getting the first hit in) though you don't have to do it that way, and later said quick-draw artist's friends would track you down because your rival accused you of shooting him in the back (or something). If you did beat him at his own game, you can convince his friends that you did beat him fairly and that your rival lied to them to come and either kill you or just slow you down, and thus avoiding a fight with them. Or you can just start blasting.

  • @wizardcat7654
    @wizardcat7654 Год назад +71

    You know how you(Rags) usually bring up how it would be cool to see remnants of the clone wars scattered throughout the galaxy? That the droids would be so ubiquitous that orgs. would use them all the time? There is this neat little strategy game called Empire at War and in the expansion there is a faction called the Zann Consortium and he uses old abandoned droid factories to produce soldiers for himself.

    • @joesmutz9287
      @joesmutz9287 Год назад +3

      After WWI, the US destroyed almost it's entire airplane fleet in order to "return to normalcy"
      After WWII Britain scrapped most of the Royal Navy, including some of it's most decorated ships (RIP Warspite)
      I can see the Empire scrapping it's Clone Wars stuff to say "the war is over". It also gives the advantage that it strips the local planets of their defenses while centralizing all the military power (the favorite tactics of tyrants)
      All this to say, the lack of battle droids and stuff around the galaxy honestly makes sense

    • @wizardcat7654
      @wizardcat7654 Год назад +5

      @@joesmutz9287 Sure but thats not really what happened in this world. We have been shown time and time again that stuff from the past persists. And you cant erase everything

    • @scorpixel1866
      @scorpixel1866 Год назад +2

      ​@@wizardcat7654The Soviets encountered a damn FT17 when invading Afghanistan, AKs were probably easier to come by than running water in several parts of the world.
      Ships and airplanes are extremely costly to run and maintain, everything else can easily "fall off the truck"

  • @funny4052
    @funny4052 Год назад +25

    I love this minute and a half Lego reminiscing session with a 50 minute breakdown of some video in it

  • @mulchmachine6398
    @mulchmachine6398 Год назад +117

    When season 2 ended I remember thinking “well those last few episodes were kind of rough but at least it stopped before it could worse.” Those were happier times.

  • @pubcle
    @pubcle Год назад +98

    Mandalorians are neat as hell, when done right and used as an actual part of Star Wars. I miss the old Mandos, the pre-2008 Mandos. The culture is... _somewhat_ represented in The Mandalorian but it's not handled nearly as well as it should be. The author who created the Mandalorians in all that they were known as, Karen Traviss, the author who made them popular left Star Wars because of Filloni's actions during The Clone Wars. It feels like spitting on her work further to make this show honestly sometimes. Filloni can actually write good stories if someone else would just take the ability to write lore away from him.
    The culture of keeping the helmets on wasn't a stronger thing before this, it was the tradition of wearing armor and the importance of keeping armor, armor is your second skin, to keep and bear. To lose it is an immense shame. Sorta like shields in the Spartan culture. You carried it with you and kept it close wherever you went. It's not that you have to keep your helmet on 100% of the time, though generally removing it for less than family or outside of home was sometimes looked down upon.
    Darksaber is stupid. The Mandos did have a "strong shall rule" ideal, but it had a bit more complexity and depth to it with clans - families.
    I've hated baby Yoda for other reasons. Grogu is cute, that's it. It damages the lore and impact of Yoda, it removes so much intrigue or interactions among characters. There are ways to make silent characters work in interactions but you have to get them to interact in meaningful ways. You can see tons of silent but incredibly well-done interaction in Genndy Tartakovsky's work, including his Star Wars work in his very short form snippets.
    Worst of all is what Filloni has done to Stormtroopers. He took the parody and made it reality. I remember the jokes but also that stormtroopers used to be menacing, dangerous, actual and very serious threats to most characters.
    His understanding of Star Wars is less than surface level, and I think that's why some of these bigger channels like him so much. Their understandings are as deep as his, shallower than the puddle from a shower.

    • @RealMothman98
      @RealMothman98 Год назад +11

      Hard agree. A lot of the newer stuff they've done with the Mandalorians has been shit and this show is no exception. It honestly hurts that this is the depiction of Mandalorians that's become popularized rather than the versions from Traviss' books. The Children of the Watch in particular feel like the hick cousins to actual Mandalorians.

    • @pubcle
      @pubcle Год назад +13

      @@RealMothman98 I can't imagine what it must be like for her watching this, seeing her children that she loved so much she wrote languages for, lore books, spent time as consultants and wrote songs for, religious beliefs, tactics, history, all getting butchered. Most artists at least don't live to see their lovingly crafted stories getting slaughtered.

    • @daralenoach
      @daralenoach Год назад +2

      I don't remeber much of it, so could you remind me some of the negative points of the mandos in clone wars? I seem to remember the madalore stuff being decent or at least not terrible in clone wars, but it's been years since I saw it.

    • @CaptainCastle
      @CaptainCastle Год назад +7

      Powerful Karen Traviss. Bloodlines was so fucking good.

    • @pubcle
      @pubcle Год назад +13

      @@daralenoach Pascifists, complete rejection of every single aspect of culture she wrote, no longer a culture but now a race of humans specific to a single planet, complete abandonment of ideas, absolute pants-on-head government policy, suddenly the leader pacifist was Kenobi's lover, just scratched out every single last element of Mandalorian lore and culture and spat on it.

  • @mrminecraftcubeable
    @mrminecraftcubeable Год назад +24

    Rags won the argument

  • @DrViperVideos
    @DrViperVideos Год назад +56

    Star wars, a pioneer in film making, changing the industry forever.
    Now star wars has special effects worse than its competition and is using real modern day celebrity cameos like lizzo. Wtf happened..

    • @321cheeseman
      @321cheeseman Год назад +3


    • @jaapster1337
      @jaapster1337 Год назад +2

      @@321cheeseman More specifically kathleen kennedy. But yeah, disney happened

    • @nhagan001
      @nhagan001 Год назад +3

      @@jaapster1337 I want to blame Kathleen Kennedy, but then I realize that while Bo Katan was more of a focus in S3, the formula of Mandalorian was still in the same, and still be written by Filoni and Faverau.
      With the only episodes I can say are the opposite are the Andor ones.

    • @jaapster1337
      @jaapster1337 Год назад +1

      @@nhagan001 That's completely fair. I think kennedy was mostly involved with the movies, so that's my bad. But we can agree that it's fucked beyond believe. Billion dollar franchise reduced to streaming service trash

    • @DaMaster012
      @DaMaster012 Год назад

      Star Wars was left in the hands of feminists.

  • @joesmutz9287
    @joesmutz9287 Год назад +8

    Old School Legos are really something
    The modern sets are fantastic too, but in a different way
    The new ones are models, designed to sit there and look good. They're designed to be tough and detailed
    The old sets were playsets. Designed to be built, broke, and built again
    Lego is just a great company

  • @sambagogo777
    @sambagogo777 Год назад +17

    He came across as being the kind of guy who fawns over his extensive Funko Pop collection every night.

  • @silverscorpio24
    @silverscorpio24 Год назад +6

    At least this guy's voice doesn't grate my eardrums like Organized Chaos's.

  • @redbearington3345
    @redbearington3345 Год назад +6

    "goofy star wars fun."
    When I'm thinking about star wars, goofy is never a word that comes to mind.

  • @dragonturtle2703
    @dragonturtle2703 Год назад +23

    Is it just me, or is the dark saber breaking a sort of “let the past die, kill it if you have to” sort of thing?

    • @strategicperson95
      @strategicperson95 Год назад +6

      Kind of.
      Though in all honesty the Darksaber wasn't a great addition to lore, especially when Filoni added more things to it beyond it was a war trophy taken from the Jedi Temple.

  • @HuhJuhWuh
    @HuhJuhWuh Год назад +17

    my biggest issue from ssn3 was the fact they name dropped Boonta Eve several times but we didnt get a podracing episode

    • @patrioticcat5768
      @patrioticcat5768 Год назад +5

      If we would have gotten one I would have clapped because I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!

    • @alexhayden219
      @alexhayden219 Год назад

      Criminal. Though, if they'd done it, the execution likely would've been even more criminal.

  • @TheL0ngbeard
    @TheL0ngbeard Год назад +10

    I for one absolutely love the Darksaber being destroyed even if purely because all the videos about how important it is and who it really belongs to, that tried to make it deeper and more impressive than it really was are completely null and void now.

  • @Blizz3112
    @Blizz3112 Год назад +43

    I love how EFAP fans know EXACTLY what to deliver to Rags for criticism... XD

  • @sanemaniac7416
    @sanemaniac7416 Год назад +7

    We need a whole video of Rags talking about old legos.

  • @half-bakedpotato1078
    @half-bakedpotato1078 Год назад +9

    Come on, the “May the force be will you,” outro was like a sneeze. You could feel it coming a mile away

    @DEUS_VULT_INFIDEL Год назад +13

    Speaking of Beyblades, a few years ago me and my brother had a funny experience.
    It was a lazy day, neither of us were doing anything, so we decided to turn on the TV and see if there was, by some miracle, anything interesting on.
    We found an episode of some later generation of Beyblades on some network or other and were baffled that it was STILL going, so we tuned in.
    The first, like, 20 seconds or so of our first exposure to Beyblades in some sixteen years was the image of an arm reaching down, jostling up and down, its hand out of frame, some questionable grunting, and I'm pretty sure the word, "Mom", was thrown around in there somewhere.
    We were dying for a few minutes after that, cracking jokes about the suspicious methods they've employed to maintain audience interest.
    I love Beyblades.
    Edit: Bro, the Extreme Team lego guys are all wearing assless chaps and no pants, wtf.

    • @viruschris3160
      @viruschris3160 Год назад +1

      Do you remember the name of that Beyblade series so I can check this clip out? Sounds so hilarious.
      Or a link to the clip.

      @DEUS_VULT_INFIDEL Год назад

      @@viruschris3160 I don't unfortunately.
      I do remember that it turned out the character was just struggling to carry some boxes, but I don't remember why.

  • @cappadocius9379
    @cappadocius9379 Год назад +25

    When this was first announced I was excited to get a Bounty Hunter show with no Jedi stuff. To see this capable Bounty Hunter hunting and tracking dangerous people. So disappointed this is the crap we got.

  • @BananaHammocks
    @BananaHammocks Год назад +25

    rags shitting himself mid video made me laugh harder than i have in a good while

  • @imaginarymask
    @imaginarymask Год назад +3

    I had a Johnny Thunder lego set! Completely forgot about it till your reminder. Thanks for the throw back.

  • @bulbafett5001
    @bulbafett5001 Год назад +4

    Disney Mandalorian Culture makes me want to rip my hair out. It's so freaking stupid. The EU lore wasnt some Tolkein esque masterpiece but at least it was better put together. Culture was simple, they hadn't abandoned their homeworld, it just got massively fucked up by the Empire and bombed pretty hard back to the stone age. The Helmet thing was more a 'WHen we're with offworlders keep it on' to maintain a cultural identity but it wasn't some stringent religious doctrine.
    Hell the majority of hte reason why they wanted to make Boba Fett their Mandalore was he has galactic name recognition and none of the other clan leaders wanted to deal with the hassle of ruling.

  • @Kyeudo
    @Kyeudo Год назад +6

    I owned one of those Johnny Thunder Lego sets. My brothers and I loved the red jewels and the mummy bits.

  • @toddstone230
    @toddstone230 Год назад +4

    I still want to know if Pizza Deliveries come with crackers

  • @wcw2793
    @wcw2793 Год назад +6

    Dude! I loved Johnny Thunder sets! It was like Lego’s version of Indiana Jones mixed with The Mummy. Wish we could get a movie with that character!

  • @phluphie
    @phluphie Год назад +3

    More Rags! That like 3 in one month. you really are a good boy, Rags.

  • @LemonCreature
    @LemonCreature Год назад +2

    Hearing SWE say connecting Dinn and Grogu to the larger Star Wars Universe, I just can't help but ask: do they really need to be? Seriously, does every plot and every character in anything have to link up to the main story or some huge high stakes plotline? Can't we just have a show about normal people just living in the Galaxy/setting and having whatever may be going on at the time be a backdrop for their daily tribulations? It's fine if a character/group gets swept up into a big event, but it's also unrealistic for everyone to tied to everyone/every major character to some degree.
    Did Dinn really need to meet Luke Skinwalker of all people? Did he need to meet Bo? Did Ahsoka really need to be in the show and tease Thrawn? What would be wrong with Dinn just going about a normal life of bounty hunting? What if he spent a couple seasons just developing as a character with different jobs testing his values/what he would do to get paid? What if he got swept up into some shady dealings with the Empire Remnants trying to gain some footing or maintain law and order in areas that the New Republic couldn't occupy/manage and had some of the more extreme Rebel factions from the Civil War trying to vie for power in that area? What if some crime lords or new factions started springing up with the Empire now fallen from power, and the New Republic apparently being spread too thin to cover everything/not having the resources or influence to properly manage all of the Empire's old territories meant they (and the various Empire Remnant factions) had to source out to 3rd parties? The possibilities for directions are endless :v and despite my mentioning them, they don't need to include the Empire Remnants or the New Republic either... or even other Mandalorian.
    As I said above, why not just start small with jobs to evaluate Dinn as a person and test him while all of these events sort of play out in the background but not directly involve him with any of them. Make new characters and new faces for us to see, make the Galaxy feel bigger. I shouldn't be seeing so many familiar and very famous faces pop up all the time, it cheapens what came before, and it also makes the Galaxy feel REALLY small. Dinn should have his own personal story going on, not be a puppet pulled around to make the plot go forward.
    Andor got this shit right by making the Galactic Civil War setting/period feel bigger by showing us normal people wrapped up in smaller, more character driven storylines, taking place on new worlds while also properly utilizing an already existing one (Coruscant - the center of the Empire's power and what was once capital to the Republic), and it was DAMN good at it too. Andor didn't need Luke, or Han, or Vader, or even Tarkan to show up to get me to like the show, it just told a compelling story in the setting I used to love.
    Imagine if you played a Table Top RPG, and some guy who was the DM just constantly brought back old villains, factions, and heroes (sometimes even from the dead) just so they could have their OCs or a popular character constantly be involved in EVERY plot (in a significant way) and to get you hyped up because you liked them in a previous story (even if it makes no sense for them to be involved now in the current story). Every character always has to appear again, and every plotline HAS to relate to the grand scheme of things and whatever magic bullshit is in the setting. On top of it, the stakes must always exponentially go up! That's Disney Star Wars.
    Okay bad rant over. Pardon my poor abilities to convey my thoughts/points lol. Back to watching I go.

  • @kitkat2849-b3h
    @kitkat2849-b3h Год назад +6

    21:45 something definitely came through lmao

  • @officerbucktuddrussel394
    @officerbucktuddrussel394 Год назад +9

    To me the whole 'they never take off their helmets' rule sounds like one of those off the top of your head ideas you have while your brainstorming session that kinda sounds cool....and then throw away after 2 seconds of thought.

  • @__Grig__
    @__Grig__ Год назад +3

    21:45! Hol up....rags showed a bit too much trust in that exhaust.....

  • @Gorbz
    @Gorbz Год назад +2

    I want to see Star Wars with Stomtroopers that are as dangerous as Obi-Wan suggested they were in A New Hope, rather than Stormtroopers who get stunned from a slap to the helmet, or stumble and fall over, or just stand around and wait to get hit.

  • @jolean_cujoh
    @jolean_cujoh Год назад +4

    This is the closest we will get of a Mando critique from Rags.
    When will that Mando video be released, Ragu? 😔

  • @Genubath1
    @Genubath1 Год назад +1

    Idk if in this is reflected as much in the movie as in the book but the conflict at the end of the Hobbit isn't necessarily that everyone wants the arkenstone because it magically bestows legitimacy to rule like the darksaber. Thorin went insane because of Dragon-sickness so he became obsessed with the Arkenstone. The conflict was that all of the other factions wanted a piece of the giant mountain of gold that Thorin's company was sitting on. The Arkenstone was used as a bargaining chip to get Thorin to negotiate.

    @PVEDAYZXB Год назад +1

    Lol best outro from the best doggo 🤣 great video as always rags.

  • @The_Rude_French_Canadian
    @The_Rude_French_Canadian Год назад +1

    I still can’t get over how many people died on coruscant in that train station crash and all the buildings being blown up by gunships…just to save Grogu…the writers have NO sense of consequences and what makes a hero a hero…

  • @sophisticautistic5453
    @sophisticautistic5453 Год назад +4

    Isn't Star Wars Explained that guy who blocked a bunch of Star Wars fans on Twitter for no reason other than blocking those who disagree with him?

    • @999999SkyGuy
      @999999SkyGuy Год назад +1

      He got into an argument between Jeremy's channel from G+G.
      Star Wars Explained blocked everyone who followed them on Twitter.
      Problem started when they (SWE and his wife) realized *ups, we blocked our own fans as well."
      The new marketing idea didn't work out for Star Wars Explained.
      When someone pointed out his practices. A third uninvolved person had to intervene, who lately didn't "guest" on EFAP (hint: Stormtrooper helmet and white clean room) a lot.
      Instead of admitting that a mistake was made or correcting false statements, nothing was resolved between SWE and G+G. Neither of them behaved as an adult and they didn't try to resolve the conflict.
      If your format is going to point out flaws in other content creator's work better make sure you don't make mistakes while critiquing them either.

  • @wolfdreams1545
    @wolfdreams1545 Год назад +4

    21:45 A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

  • @nowone666
    @nowone666 Год назад +1

    I've literally named my characters in games after Johnny Thunder, I couldn't believe it when you said the name, I've never heard anyone else mention him ever in like 20 years.
    I used to love the Orient Expedition LEGO sets. I only had the balloon and that one temple with the onion shaped roof with an indiana jones boulder... doggo here gave me a nostalgia trip goddamn

  • @WyattRumore
    @WyattRumore Год назад +1

    Missed opportunity to animate the burp

  • @lolbuster01
    @lolbuster01 Год назад +3

    Damn, remember Knex? I had the roller coaster kit and that was rad.

  • @MrSonicHedgehog
    @MrSonicHedgehog Год назад +1

    Okay as far as the argument about the Arkenstone Rags, it was also mentioned how important it was to the Dwarves in the original Hobbit novel back when it was written by Tolkien

    • @debanydoombringer1385
      @debanydoombringer1385 Год назад +1

      It was important as an heirloom but didn't hold some great power to unite the Dwarves. It was important to Thorin because it belonged to his family but it didn't corrupt and it wasn't all powerful.

  • @dorcasmutton6335
    @dorcasmutton6335 Год назад +1

    You know, when you were talking about how baby yoda and the main character can't change to do merchandising stuff, it reminded me of Gundam. Now I don't know a whole lot about Gundam, I've only just started watching 00 and put a model kit together not too long ago. But I do know the model kit market for gundam is massive. And one of the suits in 00, the main character's suit, is super popular. One of the most popular suits in all of Gundam. But, you know what happens partway through Gundam 00? They upgrade that suit, and completely change it. It doesn't have the same appeal afterwards as the original, but it's still cool. But people still buy the original, even moreso than the final suit! My point is, if they're worried about merchandising stuff, they've done enough to establish those characters and it's stupid to freeze them like that for this reason. They'll still sell. Let them grow.

    • @debanydoombringer1385
      @debanydoombringer1385 Год назад

      Whew! I thought you were going to go the route that Gundam is just a stupid show for merchandise like Transformers was. My favorite is the orphan saga. Seriously sad and sick stuff, but man it's good.

  • @ethanrogers8298
    @ethanrogers8298 Год назад +1

    I think my one issue is Rags writing off the darksaber and the influence Symbols can hold.
    Which isn't to say it was done well in Mando, it by all accounts wasn't, but Rags doesn't touch on it. Just writing the idea off.
    The issue with the darksaber isn't that it's cringy/edgy. It's the lack of actual history, both in universe and meta wise.
    It's not the ancient weapon of the Great Warrior King of Mandalore, reforged from the saber of a slain Jedi master (maybe grandmaster) in single combat at the start of the Mando-Jedi war. Lost at the end to the Jedi when a Republic assassin killed the Great King as he led his troops. Reclaimed in the modern era by a new, self styled "Warrior King" or what have you.
    It was just a saber, made by a jedi only notable for his plantet/race of origin and its distinct design.
    It doesn't have the weight to serve as the badge of office for Mandalore's leader.

  • @teenybopper598
    @teenybopper598 Год назад +1

    I love all the new Rags content!! We are blessed!

  • @d4arken3ds0ul
    @d4arken3ds0ul Год назад +1

    The funny thing about the darksaber
    Is its juat a different version of the crown of mandalore from the okd republuc…
    Same idea
    Whoever wears this face mask IS mandalore and is in charge
    Thats why revan took it during/after the mandolorian wars
    So the mandalorians wouldn’t be as united

  • @gagefisher4785
    @gagefisher4785 Год назад +2

    Rags is a cultured LEGO doggo!

  • @ValtheJean
    @ValtheJean Год назад +1

    Damn you Rags, I never noticed before but you're totally right, he absolutely does look like SciManDan and now I can't unsee this XD

  • @Quickdrawingartist
    @Quickdrawingartist Год назад +3

    Who remembers Bionicle?

  • @TS-qr3rk
    @TS-qr3rk Год назад +1

    I feel like some people dont think anything that exists is bad. The only thing they dont like are things that actually have high quality because they dont know how to consume those things, they are too used to shoveling slop.

  • @timothytorigian7932
    @timothytorigian7932 Год назад +1

    Rags, May the force be with you!

  • @EpicJasonX9000
    @EpicJasonX9000 Год назад +5

    I was always more of a fan of Lego Space especially with Ice Planet. those sets were also some pretty cool shit, pun intended. ^-^

    • @joringedamke5597
      @joringedamke5597 Год назад

      I'm a Bionicle fan. So much fun creating new creatures.

  • @chyanna6470
    @chyanna6470 Год назад +1

    the dark saber reminds me of south park stick of truth....he who holds the stick controls the universe

  • @trailduster6bt
    @trailduster6bt Год назад +2

    I still didn’t like episode 3 because why in the hell would Dr. Pershing and all the ex-Imperials not have any outlet for discussing problems other than a droid?! The whole conflict of the episode could have been resolved if the New Republic just debriefed Pershing on what he was working on Operation: Paperclip style. The whole episode is about the New Republic being in competent and terminally beuracratic to the point of benefiting an evil Imperial bureaucrat over a good hearted person who doesn’t know how to manipulate the system.

  • @agustinfandino8950
    @agustinfandino8950 Год назад +1

    Holy fuck Johnny Thunder was my first lego, I didn't even knew it had a name. The whole dino lego set was great!

  • @STPstudio47
    @STPstudio47 Год назад +1

    8:47 I think the darksaber itself could be cool if it was used in a different way. In some clone wars and rebels episodes it's fine, however the way they changed it into a ticket for being a ruler instantly is just so simple and flat. And the heavy thing is also very weird, things never were like this until that show

  • @atamisirli3620
    @atamisirli3620 Год назад +1

    9:05 Duel Masters Is cool Rags.
    That Card game is still alive and kicking in Japan.

    • @Xeno_Solarus
      @Xeno_Solarus Год назад

      Duel Masters is f*cking great, wish it was more popular. Played the GBA games all the time.

  • @CooperDooper38
    @CooperDooper38 Год назад +1

    Dude, Johnny Thunder was the shit! He was so awesome back in Lego Racers, too

  • @spacemichael1177
    @spacemichael1177 Год назад +2

    Huzzah! A new rags vid!

  • @joshlong7125
    @joshlong7125 Год назад

    I still have that Johnny Thunder Egyptian set built on a shelf in my parent's house.

  • @ActionBob
    @ActionBob Год назад +2

    Your the best rags. I'll finish this right after I'm done with mando.

  • @velociraptor3313
    @velociraptor3313 Год назад +2

    Hello Rags I just want to say thank you for the great content mate, I haven't watched anything when it comes to Disney Star Wars. I'm into the old EU and the George Lucas era of Star Wars, also your EFAP videos on Disney Star Wars are amusing. Anyway keep up the good work Rags, and take care mate. P.s. kick Jay and milk a Rhino.

  • @edh.2948
    @edh.2948 Год назад +2

    I get the feeling that the SWE guy 'loves' Star Wars and talks about it the exact same way Chris Chan 'loves' and talks about Sonic or Sailor Moon or whatnot. He mimicks the behaviour of a fan, but if you try to discuss the games, movies or whatever with him he only ever talks about the most superficial details and vague positive feelings

  • @TheAdarkerglow
    @TheAdarkerglow Год назад +3

    Hi Rags!

  • @tgiacin435
    @tgiacin435 Год назад +1

    I want to say the darksaber was a thing before the 08 clone wars cartoon

  • @paragonaesir1957
    @paragonaesir1957 Год назад +1

    I've been a Star Wars fan for a *very* long time, nigh on 20 years now.
    The Darksaber was a mystical blade back in the hayday of Star Wars, created by a Jedi Mandalorian, the only one to have ever existed.
    It was up there with Darth Revan and the Old Republic stuff I adored (and still do), so I've got to disagree that it's "Shadow the hedgehog of lightsabers"
    I do wish they didnt bring it up in the Disney Star Wars at all, I wanted it to remain mystical and lost to the ages.
    And by the way, the reason I think Star Wars fans like me cling to the Mandalorian and Andor so hard, is because Disney has given us nought but pure s for the last few years, so even a mediocer story will rile us up.

  • @TheCapedWanderer
    @TheCapedWanderer Год назад

    When I saw the very first poster I thought that’s a nice idea be a shame if someone were to ruin it. But I really knew we were in trouble in episode 2 when they creature-featured a rhino. A rhino? A rhino. Unaltered, unalien, an ordinary Earth beast. No ideas, guys? No ideas. They can’t even create creatures, what hope do they have of developing characters? They’re not making Baby Yoda speak because they haven’t got anything for him to say; they know they’ll pop the market bubble as soon as they give the little doll dead cliche lines like the rest of the mannequin characters.

  • @mihaisfira7612
    @mihaisfira7612 Год назад +1

    Rags you're tearing me apart! You throw shade at Duel Masters and in the same breath you mention old school lego Adventurers. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.

  • @SwiftNimblefoot
    @SwiftNimblefoot Год назад +1

    The "wears helmet all the time" thing was just a result of Boba Fett never taking it off. Filone missed that this was not due to a creed, just a cinematic choice to make his character look menacing and cool. We saw in the prequels that Jango and later young Boba did take it off... and so did other Mandalorians in Clone Wars. Filoni did all this at first to make his new character cool, and then as he had to expand the world, this made less and less sense but he cannot back out now.

  • @someman8772
    @someman8772 Год назад

    Was not expecting a Duel Masters reference in 2023 from Rags.

  • @4llfor1
    @4llfor1 Год назад +1

    9:36 oh, that brings back memories

  • @RangerRobin0404
    @RangerRobin0404 Год назад +1

    They will absolutely rebuild the DarkSaber. It'll be the DarkerSaber.

  • @connorhull9215
    @connorhull9215 Год назад

    There was a passing moment of interest for the video being covered when youtube recommended me this coverage. But that was before years of EFAP-based PTSD kicked in and I realised exactly what kind of arguments we were going to be getting.
    I've got my bingo card. Time to see how bad this gets.

  • @PresidentCrees
    @PresidentCrees Год назад

    Perfect, i just started rewatching a bunch of your content. I was fiending

  • @christianthrasher8677
    @christianthrasher8677 Год назад +1

    Cool to see another great video from my favorite dog on RUclips

  • @wcw2793
    @wcw2793 Год назад +1

    For all it's flaws, at least Season 2 had a solid ending for the show and send off for Grogu. So bad that it was all wasted with Book of Boba Fett and Season 3. BoBF and Season 3 really feels like this is where Filoni and KK took full control from Favreau as punishment for the Luke scene in Season 2. That's why Vizsla's death felt like Jon's way of saying, "sorry guys, I tried and I'm officially out of here!"

  • @thebigbomberpilot286
    @thebigbomberpilot286 Год назад +1

    Reject the Modern Mandolorians, embrace the Neo-crusaders

  • @LemonCreature
    @LemonCreature Год назад

    Okay, quick comment that has nothing to it, but I totally misheard SWE around 42:18 or so say "the image of Bo and the armor, reigniting the forge..." I was just imagining a literal set of empty/animated Mandalorian armor just being around casually doing things with Bo like it'd be a normal thing. Given Disney's Star Wars' direction and respect to the original source material that was Star Wars, yeah uh... I wouldn't be surprised. Anyway, just a random funny error hearing that on my part.
    "Bo Katan and her armor acted as separate beings, but united as one (when she wore it), ignited the Forge of Mandalore together. Together they flew into the sun and devoured it's light to create a new Darksaber built on hope and unity!" I can imagine it now. Glorious current day Star Wars and it's ceaseless possibilities! (I'm just memeing, I don't think anyone would actually make this for real)

  • @whuskeywolf0032
    @whuskeywolf0032 Год назад +1

    Honestly Mando is way more entertaining to watch than Obi-Wan or The Book of Boba Fettuccine. Still I agree that Disney Star Wars is just one big downwards spiral, need to just end it already.
    Also wonderful video, always enjoy watching the handsome doggo give his take on games and movies like this. ❤

  • @josephjackson9679
    @josephjackson9679 Год назад +3

    Why is nobody talking about how Rag's's managed to shit himself mid-rant and continue almost unimpeded

  • @coldfusionwaffles
    @coldfusionwaffles Год назад

    Right, forgot rags didn't know the glory of M-tron sets, the apex of lego series.

  • @ProjectRedfoot
    @ProjectRedfoot Год назад +1

    Horrific, terrible & nearly-worthless is how my ex used to describe me! I love this channel. It reminds me of the good ol days

    • @ProjectRedfoot
      @ProjectRedfoot Год назад

      *nearly-worthless. She has no idea how much that meant to me! Lmao I'm so weird

  • @13thprotector64
    @13thprotector64 Год назад +1

    The Mandalorians all went downhill after Mandalore the Great was defeated by Revan.

  • @jonathanhaynes9914
    @jonathanhaynes9914 Год назад +2

    Its a dog. Named Rags.

  • @LemonCreature
    @LemonCreature Год назад

    Space Cowboy: "Well well well... if that aint the Slurgh Bhagg calling the Corttle Ploot drrryyyyyyy." I love it, print it now.
    Remember when Cad Bane in Book of Bubububub actually said something almost like that?

  • @TheGingerJonny
    @TheGingerJonny Год назад

    I still giggle when my favourite creators mention each other 😂❤

  • @Ginxcs
    @Ginxcs Год назад

    I had a bunch of Legos as a child, shattered my elbow when I fell and landed on a mega bloks piece, but for the life of me I can't remember any of the playsets I had. All I remember was I had one of the glow in the dark skeletons and he was my favorite.

    • @ithewho6603
      @ithewho6603 Год назад

      I had glow in the dark skeleton too. I only remember that and a shark shaped submarine thingy I inherited.

  • @jackwilliams801
    @jackwilliams801 Год назад

    9:23 Not only do I get pooch points, but my respect for Rags just skyrocketed. LEGO Adventure with Johnny Thunder will never die!

  • @spartanMN300
    @spartanMN300 Год назад +1

    So…I don’t want to question Rags’ knowledge on the Hobbit but I thought Thorin only wanted the Arkon stone because of the significance to him personally. Then later he wanted it just because of greed/dragon sickness.

    • @occultnightingale1106
      @occultnightingale1106 Год назад +1

      I'm gonna question his knowledge of the Hobbit, as the whole point of the Arkenstone is that it represents the highest point of Dwarven Society. By retrieving it from under Smaug's own nose, that represents the Dwarves being capable enough to subvert the dragon's might, which can easily serve as a strong rallying cry for the other Dwarves to come together and retake Erebor. Hell, this even happened in history, with the Hebrews' Ark of the Covenant, and retaking it from their conquerors would rally the 12 tribes of Israel around the leader who had done it. But, Rags just took it as a surface level "shiny rock means king" and didn't consider it further.

  • @gianttheworldender914
    @gianttheworldender914 Год назад +1

    That darksaber wouldn't be so cringe if they hadn't passed it around the star wars galaxy like a cheap whore. It'd be a bit edgy for sure, but that's fine in small doses.

  • @T1S_Mixes
    @T1S_Mixes Год назад

    The Dog of Wisdom has blessed us with another upload. 🙏

  • @jgamer2228
    @jgamer2228 Год назад +4

    Hi rags

  • @bearbrain1123
    @bearbrain1123 Год назад +1

    JESUS even i forgot Finns name... i think that says more about the god awful writing of the new movies and forgetful those characters really are but dw Rags when you were talking about it i genuinely also forgot his name....

  • @Avarn388
    @Avarn388 Год назад +1

    Oh, Star Wars Explained. I used to really like this guy back in the day when he produced good Expanded Universe comments. Until a series of messages came out showcasing how him and his wife are apparently awful people who are easily jealous(namely of Star Wars Theory and his channel) and also complete ideologues. It was especially bad when TLJ came out and SWE tired his hardest to defend that pile of poo. When I saw that and everything, I unsubbed from his patreon and channel. Told him straight to his face that he's changed for the worst, and went about my business. Not surprised he'd try to defend Mando Season three.

  • @Seenospidey
    @Seenospidey Год назад +1

    All Star Wars explained does is spoon feed Wookiepedia pages, blindly love everything, and when he thinks something is bad it “wasn’t for him” 🙄

  • @dreadsleeper
    @dreadsleeper Год назад

    Rags be givin me flashbacks of Rock Raiders.

  • @LukeStudioD2
    @LukeStudioD2 Год назад +2

    oh no, not a dog fart

  • @JadedFett
    @JadedFett Год назад

    The big dude was called Paz Visla? I just referred to him as Chonker Fett.