Pokemon Black 3 White 3 Are Bad Ideas And Here's Why

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 74

  • @MafidellaPlus
    @MafidellaPlus 9 месяцев назад +3

    hi chat

  • @yangwenlifangirl
    @yangwenlifangirl 8 месяцев назад +2

    I am actually confident that they will expand the lore or backstory of Team Plasma more in the upcoming Unova game, as they have done with previous villain teams. Remember how they expanded the backstory of Team Rocket, such as in HGSS when Giovanni is revealed to be Silver's father. In ORAS, they added a backstory between Archie and Jirachi, and the Project AZOTH project being research by Team Magma. It was also revealed that Maxie and Archie were actually part of the same team before. Their lore was further expanded in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, revealing them as the founders of the Diamond and Pearl Clan. Lastly, Team Galactic has a backstory, originally depicted as a good organization under Rowan's ancestor, which was inherited by Cyllene, essentially the plot of Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
    My prediction is the revelation of the backstory about how Ghetsis lost his other arm and his eye, as well as the story behind N's cube that has been with him since he was young and whole lore about the King Harmonia in Abyssal Ruins. I also want to see the backstory of Colress, especially why his hair looks like the logo of Union Circle in Pokémon SV or N's pendant necklace.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад

      I gotta say that you make some very interesting and valid points, but I feel like this kinda info could be given within BW Remakes tho!!!

  • @toonishigh
    @toonishigh 9 месяцев назад +2

    Id rather have no remakes and game freak taking more time actually making their newer games functional

  • @HedeccaTamer
    @HedeccaTamer Месяц назад +1

    Hear me out, here's how you do BW3
    Call it Pokémon Crimson, make it a single sequel overall
    -Play as a student from Cherry Academy run by Director Ava, built where Black City/White Forest was (which location used to be there is left ambiguous)
    -Juniper, Burnett and Fennel have reformed the Aether Foundation and are researching Paradox Pokémon with the Dream Machine, recontextualizing the Dream World
    -Bianca is the full time Professor
    -Friendly rival is a classmate, jerk rival is a Blueberry dropout, secondary jerk rival is an edgy classmate
    -Story revolves around classmate jerk obsessing over the original dragon, climax is he steals the Dream Machine and brings it back, pure Dragon type but its ability can make its second type Ice, Electric or Fire (haven't worked out the details but that's not my job)
    -Climax involves the four main characters in a boss battle vs "original dragon", it retreats to the Giant Chasm to be caught in postgame
    -Something something future paradox original dragon as a mechanical dragon as well

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  Месяц назад +1

      There are definitely some good ideas here!!! I love the idea of Juniper Burnett and Fennel leaving and going off to do bigger things with researching, and I love that Bianca would be the professor!! Gives her a perfect role in the game!! I love the idea of the rival being a blueberry dropout!!! Adding some good backstory and drama to him.
      However, adding in Aether Paradise, and the Dream World, AND Paradox Pokemon throws this out of the realm of reality, I don’t think gamefreak would go back to either old organizations, older specific pokemon like paradox Pokemon. Plus Paradox pokemon only exist in area zero due to the machine Sada/Turo created, them being researched a far away region aka Unova wouldn’t make sense
      The Dream world makes a lot more sense than the rest since it was actually related to Burnett and Fennels research. I think that’s somewhere that could be more utilized!!!

    • @HedeccaTamer
      @HedeccaTamer Месяц назад +1

      @@EganMediaVideos I am in two minds about paradoxes to be fair, but given the Indigo Disk giving that link, Aether being American organization looking into the supernatural, I feel like the dream world stuff fits perfectly into both.
      Maybe the original dragon isn't literally a paradox mon, but the different aspects fit together for me.
      And besides, GF kept Looker going for a bit, had Colress AND Grimsley appear in Alola, I mean Colress could've returned to Unova and mentioned Aether and the organization could've relocated.
      Unlikely from the GF perspective yes but narratively fits together.
      Also thank you for the kind words!

  • @lenarianmelon4634
    @lenarianmelon4634 9 месяцев назад +1

    Your points are valid and I can see your logic behind them, but I personally don't think they're good enough reasons as to why something like BW3 in the future can't happen. The overarching theme of your reasons seem to be that "This is too risky and would make the story too different from the original arcs" but there's nothing bad with having a completely different story and theme since it's already been quite some time before the last games and simply basing the location in Unova could be enough as a continuation. We know Game Freak has been trying more risks with storytelling recently, like in SV the whole professor ordeal and the legendary being present the entire game. Or you know, all of LA.
    Point 1: With Team Plasma they don't have to be the driving force behind the story anymore, or they could turn into something different. For example Team Plasma in BW2 split and the ex team plasma congregation in Driftveil didn't dissove and could now be somewhere the story could start with. With regards to the significant members of Team Plasma like Colress and Ghetsis, they don't have to be involved as much as they where in the prequels. I mean N was practically absent for most of BW2.
    Point 2: The Original Dragon doesn't have to be in the past for it to exist, I mean it would be cool I guess but even if it'd make more sense we almost had it anyway in BW2 in the presence of the Kyurem forms.
    Point 3: Just because the Gym Leaders are replaced doesn't mean they're gone and have to skimp out on the characters that replace them. Another example again, in BW2 Lenora and the Restaurant Triplets were replaced and that wasn't really an issue as they were still technically present in the game, just not the main story. With Blueberry Academy they can literally just not be accessible, or if the rumors of TPC extending their dev time is true they might actually just place it there regardless. In this regard it really depends on how much they care.
    Basically I'm saying that it doesn't have to be what BW2 was to BW, but also doesn't have to be Legends Arceus as well or ORAS. It can have aspects from all of those. It can be a sequel that retells the story of the original games while being a highly experimental game.
    And personally the one thing I didn't like in Legends Arceus was the fact that being in the past meant that there were no characters from the original DPPT games existed and I'd prefer it if they did something different again but in the end that's just my opinion. Very likely it won't be anything exactly like we've seen before. There's no second sequel-like, no second ORAS-like, no second Let's Go-like, and no second Ultra-like, and I hope to God no second BDSP-like games so why would there be another second Legends-like game.
    Anyways that's my own rant to why it totally can be a sequel in a way.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      My reasonings aren't just "it would be to different from the original arcs" I just believe that it would be redundant to try and continue the story thats been finished FOR YEARS!!! Ontop of the potential to ruin said story
      Point 1: If it wasnt team Plasma, it would be a team trying to re do the works of them, which is basically just Team Plasma again but with the argument of "well technically its different"
      Another Evil team rising up in Unova also is just bad writing, the ENTIRE REGION witnessed Team Plasma be beaten TWICE, i would like to believe that the citizens of Unova are smarter than to try it again.
      Point 2: The most logical reasoning would be to see it in the past, as for the BW2 bit, shoulda woulda coulda
      Point 3: Even if we got new gym leaders there wont be much story to them, theres no way that NOW out of EVERY PREVIOUS TIME TO DO SO that we would get fully detailed story arcs for them.
      Thank you for the comment!!!

  • @RiskandRitual
    @RiskandRitual 9 месяцев назад +3

    I feel like a lot of the points you make in the vid are very tunnel visioned.
    "We can't bring back team plasma because they'd be losers, we can't bring back past antagonists because I don't want to see their characters ruined, we can't bring back the original dragon because it'd be cooler to see it back when it was first around". (I'm paraphrasing here)
    I think it's a serious disservice to the great character writing and plot of the first two games to automatically write off a potential 3rd because you only envision one outcome for it.
    Seeing team plasma further fragmented or resurrected by extreme loyalists of ghetsis would be cool, I also want to see the current state of unova after the terror they faced and how they've grown and changed.
    Ghetsis and N and their ties to the original king of unova is something I think needs exploring and is worth reintroducing them to the story. Ghetsis still has room to be an antagonist (minor or major) and N doesn't need to be either friend or foe, but could be used as a plot point to explore and deepen the lore of unova and explore character relations with people like Hugh, cheren, bianca, alder, and maybe even Hilda, Hubert, rosa, and Nate. When I think gen 5 and unova, I think ghetsis and N, they're intrinsically linked to the character of the games and can only serve to enhance future installments.
    As for Colress, he doesn't have as much reason to return in a possible continuation but a small Cameo either with just the protag of those games, ghetsis, or even the professors would make sense while still keeping his character in tact.
    As for the original dragon, I've been on the legends kyruem train since legends Arceus. I always thought it would be dope to see the dragon and the region in their prime. But I don't think legends kyruem as a concept invalidates the original dragon being in black and white 3. I want to see the dragon regardless and it could be done phenomenally in a sequel just the same as they could mess it up in a legends prequel. It's really just up to whoever they get to write for the games that determine their overall quality, saying it'll be bad because of "x" or "y" is just 1 idea for the outlook of those games out of millions of possibilities.
    Whether or not we get legends kyruem or black and white 3, both have the ability to fuck up one of the best plots Pokemon has to offer. But I don't think it's exclusive to one or the other. Both could bring amazing ideas, events, plotlines and fun to the table but both could suck as well. Having a narrow view of how a game is gonna turn out without exploring the other possibilities is a disservice to both yourself and to the unova games as a whole.
    (Btw my idea for a new unova game would be black and white 3, but with time travel elements so you can live out the story of unova's original kingdom and the return of the original dragon in the present side by side)
    Thanks if you actually read all this.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад +1

      For the same reason you believe it to be a serious disservice to write off a 3rd is the same reason i think its a bad idea. We love everything that BW 1 and 2 did, the potential to ruin everything it built up has the chance to come to life with a 3rd BW. I personally believe it's better to leave things as be.
      As for Ghetsis and N's ties to the original king of Unova, that would be WAY better explored in a Legends game where we go back to the past!!!! I would love to see that concept!!! And all the other characters u mentioned could be seen in a Legends game too!!
      And im gonna stick to what i said in the video, Colress has no reason to go back to Unova, his research was not proven to be not fruitful in Unova so theres no reason for him to go back.
      As for the original dragon, I personally just think its better done in a Legends game, and i dont see how anything a Legends game could mess it up.
      As for the "both have the ability to fuck up one of the best plots Pokemon has to offer" I disagree entirely. BW3 has the potential to ruin everything that already happened, Legends Kyurem CANNOT ruin stuff that happened within the future.
      And Time travel could be very messy
      Thank you for the comment!!!!

    • @RiskandRitual
      @RiskandRitual 9 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for responding, I enjoy actually getting to discuss this.
      I guess essentially what I was trying to convey is that, yes a legends kyruem style game could be great for many reasons. including, seeing the original dragon in its heyday, exploring the dynamics of unova's original kingdom and it's connection with Ghetsis and N just to name a few. But I don't think a legends game is exclusive in being able to do these things. A sequel, with the proper writing and care can answer all the questions we still have about unova while also letting us as players and fans, re explore the unova region and see how our favorite characters have grown in the time between when we last saw them.
      If they follow the same format as legends Arceus, then while yes we get to meet the original king and dragon and learn more about Ghetsis and N we would also be forced to leave behind the well written characters of unova in exchange for meeting ancestors of them. And if I'm honest, while it was a cool thing to meet the ancestors of fan favorite characters in Arceus, most of them felt bland and boring. I'd much rather continue exploring the characters in unova than meet pale look alikes from hundreds of years ago.
      Think about how much unova could change in 5 to 10 years. Grimsley has already stepped down from the elite 4, clay has a daughter now, cilian and his brothers have been training to reopen they're gym since Black and white 1, benga is entirely unexplored and could be champion, elite 4 or a gym leader by now, bianca was working under professor juniper and could be a professor. It's limitless where they could go.
      I guess I'm just confused why you seem so sure they're going to ruin the character of already existing people when they probably have more of a chance to fuck up brand new characters they'd need to create for a legends game?
      Also Colress like I said probably doesn't need to come back but I think him returning would be cool and with a time skip he may even find new reason to return to unova to undergo new research. Time has a way of changing people.
      Oh and time travel can be messy yes. But it can be done well if writers take their time to do so.
      Thanks again for responding.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      @@RiskandRitual You cant mess up characters that don't exist yet, and even if they do make make Legends Kyurem, The characters in that game wont be the ones we already know, they're all gonna be different, Like Volo isn't Cynthia

    • @RiskandRitual
      @RiskandRitual 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah characters that don't exist can't be messed up. But if you make new characters for a legends game they can fall flat or be unsatisfying like how many new characters in the Pokemon franchise turn out.
      Here's the thing, new characters can suck, and continuations of characters can suck just as much. If both are true then either a sequel or prequel can exist and accomplish the same things. You can't say we can't do a black and white 3 if the same reasons you use can be applied to a legends kyruem game as well.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      If the new characters suck then they cant ruin what happened in the future

  • @Lusius8879
    @Lusius8879 8 месяцев назад +1

    the issue with black and white remakes... is that they effectively FORCE a black2 white2 remake as well. Unlike all previous games (and those that followed where applicable, which is effectively only usum)... the 'third version' this gen is a completely seperate game. Sure, they are set in the same region... but most of not all of the game is altered in some way at least to be a unique experience.
    As for black3 white3... let me get through your points.
    Hear me out; what if, instead of the third downfall of team plasma... black3 white3 sees the player HELP team plasma recover their image. black2 white2 set up the story of 'reformed plasma'. Wouldn't it be a surprising take to have a pokemon game WITHOUT a villainous organization?
    As for Ghetsis... Here is the other turn the game could take. Return Ghetsis to his black white role... a shady mastermind controlling everything from 3 layers behind the curtains. And here is the real twister; make it a Sonic Forces situation (but then actually well written)... The villain genuinly wins and half the game is fighting off the powers of Ghetsis. Not only would this twist the game's formula to be... anything but "oonga boonga fight 8 gyms". It would also put extra strength to Ghetsis. No other pokemon villain actually won at any point. The only 2 debatable cases would be Cyrus in platinum (as he got stuck in the distortion world, a reformed universe free of emotion... exactly as cyrus wished)... and ironically enough Ghetsis in black white, albeit for extremely short duration.
    Colress... yeah no, in no way could he EVER return as a villain. It would go as strongly against his entire character as humanly possible. However, this does not exclude him. Lets return to the Ghetsis point... say Ghetsis truly took over Unova... Colress could act as a major ally in such a game.
    N... should make a cameo and not much more. His story is done, wether people like it or not. Give him some post-game fight like black2 white2 did and call it a day. Make him a treasure hunt for the fans. But do NOT give him a major role. I fully agree here. MAYBE he could briefly show up in a Ghetsis-wins game to help for a very short moment, before going off again.
    Next up, the OG dragon... yeah I agree that legends kyurem would be a leagues better option for that... maybe... HOWEVER... What if we first get a Legends Kyurem style game, and then have Ghetsis use the OG dragon to win in black3 white3. Alternatively, the OG dragon COULD be used to restore balance in Unova in a black3 white3 game, after it was officially revealed in a Legends Kyurem game.
    However, I do wanna point out a flaw with the Legends Kyurem arguement... The OG dragon has been such a MAJOR hype, yet the story clearly says the dragon was owned by the brothers long before The Split and thus was a major part of the kingdom. I see very little way for a Legends Kyurem game, without 1 of 2 situations happening. Either 1) the dragon gets revealed very early in the story, thus removing a lot of the strength of the effect of finally revealing it (unless you make it unrecognizable as the OG that split in the tao trio)... or 2) getting the dragon being the main story of the game, and thus taking place BEFORE the kingdom, meaning you don't get to explore it.
    Now for the minor points...
    getting new characters would be nice, but in no way gives ANY strength to the black3 white3 arguement.
    seeing unova expend further would be nice, but there is no reason why that can't be done in a Legends game or even a remake.
    blueberry academy is basically done. There's not much a black3 white3 game could really do with it, outside of "hey look, you know this right?"

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад

      I heavily appreciate a different answer for once on the internet with some genuine creative ideas and not just entirely disregarding everything i said in the video. Probably my FAVORITE COMMENT YET!!! You got a great view of it all!! While i will say I overall still think BW3 should not be a thing, these ideas are amazing

  • @geo_dragon6008
    @geo_dragon6008 9 месяцев назад +2

    I personally love to see either Legends Kyurem or Black and White 3, more Unova for me to happily consume lmao
    In terms of the new potential villain for BW3, Team plasma needs to go right now, its been a while since we got a genuinely evil team that isnt just random hoolagins, stans and students. Mabye the villain...could be someone who wants to bring back the Original dragon...to wish back their beloved brother back...
    (Idk lemme fantasize lmao)
    More characters and locations doesn't hurt if you ask me, Bw2 introduced like Colress, Roxie, Marlin so doesn't hurt to introduce new ones for BW3 :p
    As for Blueberry Academy, it would be a really nice postgame bonus if you ask me, and Blueberry Academy is in Unova so it makes sense lol
    Another note, they could bring Terastillization in main land Unova, it would give Unova and Paldea even more connections, heck mabye they could make Terastillization super important to the plot!
    I wouldn't say all of this is a good or bad ideas, im just spit balling my thoughts here, i saw the how to remake Pokemon Bw video, really cool video!
    Thank you for coming to my ted talk lmao

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад +1

      I appreciate your TED Talk and I don't disagree with anything here in this comment, its just that everything you and I talked about is not enough to write a whole story around. And honestly i think the best way to take in new Unova content would be with a Legends Game

    • @geo_dragon6008
      @geo_dragon6008 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@EganMediaVideosLegends Kyurem would be soo goood!! I just need more Pokemon Legends in my life lmao

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад +1

      @@geo_dragon6008 im right there with ya

  • @Big_Dai
    @Big_Dai 9 месяцев назад +1

    Honestly, it's GameFreak we are talking about.. they'll find a way to ruin yet another PKMn release.
    Kids, it will never get as good as it was YEARS ago, and that's considering each generation did the minimum!!

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      Ill be honest after the story/character writing in S/V i genuinely think their next games will be insane

  • @matthewlewis662
    @matthewlewis662 9 месяцев назад +2

    A lot of your points are refutable. As for letting team plasma and Ghetsis’ villain arch die, I completely agree. However, I believe Colress, has good motive and means to try to bring the Original Dragon back. He has strong interest in the power of Pokemon and has traveled far and wide for his research. What if he sees the Originql Dragon to be the Ultimate power and he desires to harness it. As for a villain organization, a scientist with the genius of Colress can easily get a strong following. I already touched on the Original Dragon so I’m gonna talk about the blueberry academy, Elite 4, and gym leaders. The answer to this is the Blueberry Academy. 2 of the characters in the Indigo Disk are descendants of the gym leaders we know. A lot of these characters can become gym leaders as well. There’s enough people in the young cast to account for the gym leaders.Crispen (fire), Lacey (Fairy, Ground, or Electric), Drayton (Dragon, Opelucid), Cheren ( Normal, was new to being a gym leader the last time we saw him so could be closer to the end of his tenure), Roxie (Poison, also young so could be brought back), Marlon (Water, Young so could be brought back), Amarys (Steel), and 1 more. And Benga (Alders Grandson) could be the new Champion who beat Iris. Not to mention Blueberry academy puts Terastalization in Unova and heavily was pushing for competitive play. Strong likelyhood of it being the Unova games having terastalization. But because Terastalization is new to Unova it would only make sense if the game took place slightly after the Blueberry academy… hence a game understood as Black 3 White 3

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      It genuinely feels like you didn’t listen to the points I made at all in my video
      Colress found his answer to what makes Pokemon strong in the Sun and Moon Games, he said himself “bonds” make Pokemon stronger. Using science to re create the original dragon that’s unrelated to bonds would be an awkward and total departure from his character.
      And ONCE AGAIN it does not matter who comes to be new gym leaders or elite 4 BECAUSE THATS NOT ENOUGH OF A STORY TO MAKE A NEW GAME!!!
      Also no other remake except for Gen 6 ORAS has the new gens gimmick in it. There was no Dynamaxing or quick and strong style attacks in BDSP. Also to say that Terastalization is going to be in the game means that they are going to be the VERY NEXT GAMES that come out or overall before Gen 10. And that’s a FAT and non existent CHANCE

    • @matthewlewis662
      @matthewlewis662 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@EganMediaVideos I did watch the video which is why I’m able to refute some points. As for Colress, you’re right. I just looked it up. I played USUM and forgot that he revealed that to us so I concede that that’s a bad idea. As for the characters to take the past characters places, you’re wrong. Because the older characters can still be present to formulate a story for the new game alongside the new characters. For the last thing you said, Terastalization is ALREADY IN UNOVA because of the events of the Blueberry academy that’s located in the Unova region. So as for there not being a chance for a story that takes place slightly after the events of the Indigo Disk is on the contrary, very likely. On the other hand, us receiving another Legends game before the next system is an absurd idea. Legends was a Tech Demo and was supposed to be the Gen 4 remakes but they didn’t have enough time so they outsourced and changed course. It was a mistake that was liked. But because development was so far in that they had to change course goes to show you how long these games or DLCs are in development. The trailer for BDSP came out, there were reports of people from Japan Screaming for Black and White 3 and Let’s go Johto. With that in mind, it seems more likely that the next Legends title will unveiled in Gen 10. Also, a little side note, since gen 7, each generation has had 3 main series games meaning Black and White 3 and a Johto remake are likely the 2 more games and gen 10 will be announced on 2026 (pokemons 30th anniversary)

  • @WildWeavile
    @WildWeavile 9 месяцев назад +1

    Idk about Ghetsis, but I agree about the other 2, who have already moved on, and regressing them into a position as the bad guy would be wrong...but Ghetsis... bro, would double down into his insanity. That is literally what he did in BW2. As he tells N that had he not betrayed him, Unova MIGHT have stayed unharmed physically. But in BW2, he was willing to commit to freezing the earth SOLID and build his empire ON TOP of all of the dead bodies.
    So yeah, the moment he hears about something, he could exploit and weaponize it to get revenge and try again to rule the world. This time with a new team, that SV has kinda set up...one more powerful...and fitting for seeking the original dragon...AN EVIL TEAM OF DRAGON TAMERS!
    In Hassel's school event, there is a dragon tamer who tries to convince him to go back home because his dad (the old master of whatever they are from) is supposedly dying and he needs to take his place. Hassel knows this BOUCHE but still tells her that he doesn't want to go home because he enjoys being a teacher. She basically tells him that he is stupid for not honoring his family's legacy, and he basically tells her that she knew that she lied. Then, a back-and-forth happens, which results in her basically saying that she appreciates Hassel's determination but ultimately will come back each day to ask him to rejoin, which he responds by basically telling her he will always say no. She then leaves, and Hassel apologizes for the aggressive behavior that we witnessed.
    If She was lying to Hassel about his dad being dead...where was she taking him?
    I feel this would make sense if it was Ghetsis who sent her to recruit any dragon tamers to help create a new army for a new team plasma, most likely with a new name.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      I see your perspective on Ghetsis and actually really like it!! And everything with Hassle, THATS SO INTERESTING!! I never caught that while playing the games!!! You have a good eye!! thank you for the comment!!!

  • @MasciareIIi
    @MasciareIIi 9 месяцев назад +3

    Wake up babe new Egan video dropped

  • @kinin4400
    @kinin4400 9 месяцев назад +9

    This video was interesting....
    I strongly disagree with the notion that Black and White 3 would be a bad idea. In my opinion, they present an excellent opportunity to offer a fresh experience while revisiting the Unova region. I believe a sequel can avoid the pitfalls mentioned in the video, such as compromising established plot points and characters for nostalgia. There's no need for Black and White 3 to follow that path.
    The concerns raised in the video, like turning characters like N into villains despite their established redemption, are valid. However, I don't see why a sequel must necessarily tarnish the past games. What we desire from a remake is the chance to revisit the region and interact with characters from the previous games, and a sequel can fulfill that desire without harming past events.
    Black and White 3 could choose not to involve Team Plasma at all, introducing an entirely new antagonist group with different goals. Following the model of Black and White 2, the game could expand the Unova region, offering a distinct story while delving deeper into the region's lore. This approach would make the trilogy of Generation 5 games feel more explored and lived in.
    In summary, I disagree with the concerns about sequels inevitably ruining past plot points. It all depends on execution, as demonstrated by Black and White 2, which expanded our understanding of the region without compromising the integrity of the previous games. Why couldn't they take a similar approach again?

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад +6

      A very well crafted reply!!! It’s comments like these that I genuinely look forward to reading!!! And honestly I think I’m just scared that they will somehow ruin the reputation of Gen 5 with sequels. It’s definitely my own fear being projected in this video

  • @matthewlewis662
    @matthewlewis662 9 месяцев назад +2

    Bad idea or not, it’s coming. Think about it, why would they introduce terastalization in Unova with the blueberry academy, descendants of Unova gym leaders, and make Blueberry academy exist 10-15 years after the events of Black 2 White 2 without capitalizing on it? Now do I think they’ll call it B3W3? No. I think it will be called something else but understood as Black and White 3 and released either later this year or next year

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      First off, just because a gimmick was introduced and DLC just so happened to take place in Unova doesn’t mean the game is happening, the same goes for the fact that we don’t know how much time has passed, the 10-15 years is pure guess.
      And like I said in the video, blueberry academy is not enough to make an entire story for a new game. If it wasn’t enough to make a whole story for a DLC, it can’t be one for a whole game

    • @matthewlewis662
      @matthewlewis662 9 месяцев назад

      @@EganMediaVideos It would be a missed opportunity especially since terastalization is the 2nd most liked gimmick and can easily be incorporated into a Unova game. As for DLC, why would they make a Unova games story have to do with the Blueberry Academy? Makes no sense. The story would be based on the Original Dragon. I don’t think the original Dragon would have 2 forms so separating the game into BW3 doesn’t sound appropriate (unless they consider the copies a time paradox like in SV and make the Original Dragon in White 3 the “True Form” and the one in White 3 the “Ideal Form” and they both be related to the idea of paradox Pokemon ). I think it would be called Pokémon Grey if anything.

  • @ZBisson
    @ZBisson 8 месяцев назад +1

    As someone who’s never played a game from before Gen 8, I’d much rather remakes to a sequel.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад

      YOU ARE THE PRIME EXAMPLE!!! This is why Remakes are NEEDED!!!

  • @tsuna_o7
    @tsuna_o7 9 месяцев назад +1

    You should play and do a review/video on pokemon reminiscence. Its not the normal type of videos you make but the game is so awesome and unique and it has a really cool story

  • @Starriaaa
    @Starriaaa 8 месяцев назад +1

    An idea he had for BW 3 evil'steam could be expanding upon the shadow triad. Maybe team shadow.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад

      It's not a bad idea but would be so out of left field

  • @kylekyleson3971
    @kylekyleson3971 9 месяцев назад +1

    I think the biggest reason not to make BW3 is that BW2 came out twelve years ago and didn't even sell very well. Game Freak can't rely on most players to have played BW2, so sequels would need a story could be understood without playing the previous games. A new story like that most likely wouldn't be able to build on the existing story in any meaningful way, so it would defeat the purpose of making sequels in the first place.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      THANK YOU!!!! YOU UNDERSTAND THANK YOU!!! But that’s also why a legends game would work because people LOVE THAT CONCEPT

  • @BlueRage0
    @BlueRage0 9 месяцев назад +1

    I want to watch your previous video again I liked it, I still think the black and white remakes need a new name there will be paradoxical things with the Character Creator and other details that wouldn't make any sense involving the younger character it's my own opinion though but I don't know how to fix it. I'm also worried about Ingo and Emmet.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much for watching my previous video!! it genuinely means a lot to me!! And absolutely!! Your opinions are totally valid!! Thank you for the comment and thank you for being awesome!!!

  • @JamiePokemonTrainer
    @JamiePokemonTrainer 9 месяцев назад +13

    they are never going to make BW3. That was never a possibility. Older fans need to accept that if Unova is coming, it be BW remakes. It makes no sense to do a late sequel to games that new players never played. And no, they not going to port BW and its sequel. It makes more sense to do BW remakes so that new fans get to experience what older fans experience.

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад +3

      GOD BLESS YOU!! I think you’d LOVR my last video I made where I talk about Gen 5 remakes!! Genuinely think you’d love it based off your comment here

  • @una3450
    @una3450 8 месяцев назад +1

    Broke: Black and White 3
    Woke: Black and White 1.5
    Set between the 2 year gap showing the emergence of new pokemon in Unova and the rise of Coleress and resurgence of Team Plasma. Have Plasma take some sort of a victory going into Black and White 2 to give them some street cred. It seems Cheren was looking for them at the start of B2W2 so something was already afoot. Maybe have an interaction with the main player from BW1

    • @una3450
      @una3450 8 месяцев назад

      Even better. InvolveJohto, where N goes after the first game. You might be able to get a Plasma vs ROcket war lol

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад +1

      It's definitely a fun idea!!!

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад

      @@una3450 THIS HOWEVER feels like a CRAZY fanfic!! But that does NOT mean its a bad idea

    • @una3450
      @una3450 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@EganMediaVideos I think it makes more sense than bw3. The biggest challenge would be handling the villain team. I'll be honest it was also motivated by the johto leaks

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад

      I don't know about it making sense, Team rocket has been gone for YEARS, plus it would be random of all of a sudden team rocket or for team plasma to take over a different region. Plus N never went to Jotoh after BW

  • @JasonPlaysPokemon
    @JasonPlaysPokemon 9 месяцев назад +1

    love you schledia

  • @lishaizion
    @lishaizion 8 месяцев назад

    Neo Plasma. Years later

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  8 месяцев назад

      What about them..?

    • @lishaizion
      @lishaizion 8 месяцев назад

      @@EganMediaVideos oh I was thinking a different way to tackle team plasma. Is having no original members show up. More like a new group further in the future stealing the name for similar yet more corrupted ideals. Perhaps having them not fully understand the extent of what they are dealing with. Having them praising and praying to ghetsis where in this game he would be dead already. Just spit balling here. And they would be known as Neo Plasma like the Neo Nazis of our time.

  • @Past-j8w
    @Past-j8w 9 месяцев назад +2

    Nice video, hope your channel grow more in feature, i will always support your work, also do your best in making the best vedios and making more entertaining content like this new video 😁😉 (●'▽'●)

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much homie, it’s comments like these that give me the confidence to keep on going with this and make more videos, you a real one!!!

  • @Cedr1c0
    @Cedr1c0 9 месяцев назад +1

    OMG first!

    • @BeesKneesMF
      @BeesKneesMF 9 месяцев назад +2

      OMG second! We should kiss!

    • @Cedr1c0
      @Cedr1c0 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@BeesKneesMF omg totally, come here bb 😘😘😘

    • @EganMediaVideos
      @EganMediaVideos  9 месяцев назад +1


    • @Cedr1c0
      @Cedr1c0 9 месяцев назад

      @@EganMediaVideos you tryna join? We got a spot..👀

  • @pogchamp9669
    @pogchamp9669 9 месяцев назад +1

    i do not care