Contoh Procedure Text (Recipe, How to Make Pizza) Bahasa Inggris Materi Kelas IX SMP

  • Опубликовано: 12 окт 2021
  • Contoh Procedure Text
    Procedure Text merupakan Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9.
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Комментарии • 110

  • @firnandadwicahyani9107
    @firnandadwicahyani9107 2 года назад +1

    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dought,tomato sauce,spices,slide beff,cheese.
    3. Grate the cheese and spirnkle on top.

  • @dananggaming77
    @dananggaming77 2 года назад +3

    Danang Adryansyah 9E
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, seasoning, sliced ​​beef, cheese
    3. Grate cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @oktavianriskyr.1737
    @oktavianriskyr.1737 2 года назад +2

    M.Oktavian Risky Ramadhan || 9D
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dought, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beff, cheese
    3.Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @muslichsaja7795
    @muslichsaja7795 2 года назад +1

    selly arida musfiroh 9c
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough,tomato sauce,seasoning,sliced,beef,cheese
    3. Grate cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @novaauliarahma1686
    @novaauliarahma1686 2 года назад +1

    Nova Aulia Rahma
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, sliced beef, cheese
    3.grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @isnaayubilqis4637
    @isnaayubilqis4637 2 года назад +1

    Isna ayu bilqis 9b
    1. How to make pizza.
    2. Dought,tomato sauce,spices,slide beef,cheese.
    3. Grate the cheese and spirnkle on top.

  • @renatasabila7019
    @renatasabila7019 2 года назад +1

    Nama:Renata Sabila Putri
    Kelas:IX C
    1. how to make pizza
    2. dough, tomate sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3. grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @pashaaditya3658
    @pashaaditya3658 2 года назад +1

    Nama:Pasha Adytia Candra Saputra
    Kelas:IX E
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough, tomato sauce, seasoning, sliced beef, cheese
    3.Grate cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @dhohankurnia3518
    @dhohankurnia3518 2 года назад +1

    [29/11 22:23] Newing: Akhmad danis arsyad9C
    1. How to make pizza
    2.Dought,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beff,cheese 3.Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top
    Dhohan Kurnia ramadhan 9c
    1. How to make pizza
    2.Dought,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beff,cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @galangfajarrifana606
    @galangfajarrifana606 2 года назад +1

    Galang fajar rifana IX A
    1. how to make pizza
    2. dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3. grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @dianwindy1114
    @dianwindy1114 2 года назад +1

    Nama : Dian windy aulia
    Kelas : IX B
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @bagaszaidannabil1899
    @bagaszaidannabil1899 2 года назад +1

    Nama:Bagas zaidan nabil
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheese
    3. Grate the cheese on the sprinkel on top

  • @force_2512
    @force_2512 2 года назад +1

    Nama : Rakha Raifan F.
    Kelas : 9B
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough, tomato sauce, seasoning, sliced beef, cheese
    3.Grate cheese and springkle on top

  • @hestiputriariyanti757
    @hestiputriariyanti757 2 года назад +1

    Nama: Hesti Putri Ariyanti
    Kelas: 9E to make pizza
    2. daugh, tomato sauce,seasoni,slide beef chess
    3.grate chees and sprinkle on thetop

  • @rivanadi3120
    @rivanadi3120 2 года назад +1

    Rivan Adi Setiawan to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,seasoni,slide beff chess
    3.grate chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @hanafatimatuzzahra6664
    @hanafatimatuzzahra6664 2 года назад +1

    nama : hana fatimatuz zahea
    kelas : 9A
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dought,tomato sauce,spices,slised beef,cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @shmafrll
    @shmafrll 2 года назад +1

    Muhammad Shouma Al Farel 9A
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @idmteck4076
    @idmteck4076 2 года назад +1

    Nama:M Daffa Arga .S.
    kelas:IX E to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,seasoning,sliced beff,cheese
    3.grate cheese and sprinkle on top.

  • @rakhafairuz945
    @rakhafairuz945 2 года назад +1

    Nama:rakha Fairuz majd
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough, tomato sauce,seasoning,sliced beef,cheese
    3.Grate cheese and springkle on top

  • @titinagustinatinaagustina7746
    @titinagustinatinaagustina7746 2 года назад +1

    Titin agustina 9e to make pizza
    2.Dought, tomato sause,spices,slide beff,cheese
    3.Grate the chees and spirnkle on top

  • @novalriyantoo2008
    @novalriyantoo2008 2 года назад +1

    Nama: Noval riyanto
    Kelas:IX E to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,seasoning,sliced beff,cheese
    3.grate cheese and sprinkle on top.

  • @hanafififaizal2731
    @hanafififaizal2731 2 года назад +1

    Nama:A faizal hanafi
    1.How to makebpizza
    2.Dough tomato sauce seasoning sliced beef cheese
    3.grate cheese and on top

  • @ataniarizqka8744
    @ataniarizqka8744 2 года назад +1

    Atania Rizqka Zaeda 9A
    1. how to make pizza
    2. dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheese
    3. grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @jokikaze.
    @jokikaze. 2 года назад +1

    Haifa Yordani Alfaris 9A
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,chees
    3.grate the chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @m.abdullahshiddiq6006
    @m.abdullahshiddiq6006 2 года назад +1

    Nama=M.Abdullah Shiddiq
    Kelas = IX A
    1. How to make pizza
    2. dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheese
    3. grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @finofiana196
    @finofiana196 2 года назад +1

    kelas: 9c to make pizza
    2.dough, tomate sauce,seasoning, sliced beef, cheese
    3.grate cheese and spirinkle on top

  • @winterbear7601
    @winterbear7601 2 года назад +1

    nama:syailafasya s. rahma
    kelas:9b to make pizza
    2.dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese.
    3.grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @fabianjanuar9802
    @fabianjanuar9802 2 года назад +1

    Fabian Januar 9E
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce,spices,slide beef,chess
    3.Grate the chess and sprinkle on the top

  • @endahyunifa57
    @endahyunifa57 2 года назад +1

    Raditya ardian dwi putra 9A give instructions how to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheese
    3.grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @zuliana8564
    @zuliana8564 2 года назад +2

    Zuliana 9E to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,seasoni,slide beef chess
    3.grate chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @sevarinaadinda7756
    @sevarinaadinda7756 2 года назад +2

    Nama : Sevarina Adinda M
    Kelas : IX B
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, seasoning, sliced beef, cheese
    3. Grate cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @Miminpuput
    @Miminpuput 2 года назад +1

    NITA KHARIM SUKMA WARDANA 9E to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,spices, sliced beef cheese
    3.grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @ilhamarba882
    @ilhamarba882 2 года назад +1

    M.ilham arba Prakoso
    1 How to make pizza
    2dough tomato sauce seaaoning ,sliced beef,

  • @danisarsyad6860
    @danisarsyad6860 2 года назад +1

    Akhmad danis arsyad9C
    1. How to make pizza
    2.Dought,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beff,cheese 3.Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @nailasyifaazzahra3265
    @nailasyifaazzahra3265 2 года назад

    Nama : Naila Syifa Azzahra
    Kelas : 9A
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, seasoning, sliced beef, cheese
    3. Grate cheese and spirnkle on top

  • @cerelliayuliana1263
    @cerelliayuliana1263 2 года назад +1

    Nama: Cerellia Yuliana
    Kelas: IX B
    1. how to make pizza
    2. dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3. grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @zakikhusnul4447
    @zakikhusnul4447 2 года назад

    Nama: Muhammad khusnul zaki
    Kelas: 9c
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3.Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @nazrililham1121
    @nazrililham1121 2 года назад

    M Nazril Ilham 9c
    1. How to make pizza
    2.Dought,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beff,cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @febi.dwi.f
    @febi.dwi.f 2 года назад +1

    Nama : Bayu Aprilla Bintang
    Kelas : 9E
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough, tomate sauce, seasoning, sliced beef, cheese
    3. Grate cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @alqowlnsr1323
    @alqowlnsr1323 2 года назад +2

    Alqo Wulan Sari 9E
    1. how to make pizza
    2. dough, tomato sauce, spices, slide beef, chess
    3. grate the chess and sprinkle on the top

  • @aryponi2831
    @aryponi2831 2 года назад +1

    Nama : Muhammad Ari Fadli
    Kelas : 9D
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3:Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @rafinanda6743
    @rafinanda6743 2 года назад

    Nama: Muhammad rafinnadal
    Kelas:9c to make pizza
    2.dough, tomato sause, Seasoning, slicet beef, cheese
    3.grate cheese and Sprinkle on top

  • @rafayogapratama1585
    @rafayogapratama1585 2 года назад

    Rafa Yoga Pratama 9A
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, chees
    3. Grate the chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @tatandyskhi3776
    @tatandyskhi3776 2 года назад

    Annadhea rezkia 9c
    1. How make pizza,
    2. Dough, tomato sause, seasoning, slide beef, cheese
    3. Grate cheese and springkle on top

  • @ahmadbahrululum8791
    @ahmadbahrululum8791 2 года назад

    Ahmad Bahrul Ulum 9A
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheess
    3.Grate the chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @dzakimaulana1253
    @dzakimaulana1253 2 года назад +1

    Nama:dzaki maulana aufa

  • @aldillaseptiakusumawardhan8359
    @aldillaseptiakusumawardhan8359 2 года назад +1

    Aldilla septia kusumawardhani 9a
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheess
    3.Grate the chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @rifdahbelva4047
    @rifdahbelva4047 2 года назад

    Rifdah Belva Setiawan 9E
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough, tomato sauce, spices, slide beef, chess
    3.Grate the chess and sprinkle on the top

  • @ahmadarifin3030
    @ahmadarifin3030 2 года назад

    Rahma indira.9c
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced,Beef,cheess
    3. Grate the chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @intanardiani2333
    @intanardiani2333 2 года назад

    Intan ardiani 9A
    1.How to make pizza.
    2.Dough,Tomato sauce,spices,slide beef,cheese.
    3.Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @ahmadkhamdani4598
    @ahmadkhamdani4598 2 года назад

    Ahmad khamdani 9a
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough,tomati sauce,saesoning,Alice's beef,cheese
    3.Grate cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @kurniasafira8577
    @kurniasafira8577 2 года назад

    Kurnia safira 9d
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dought, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beff, cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @abisutiyopambudi8696
    @abisutiyopambudi8696 2 года назад

    Abi Sutiyo Pambudi 9A
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dought: tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @slmauzlftin
    @slmauzlftin 2 года назад

    Nama:Salma uzlifatin nikmah
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dought,tomato sauce, spices, sliced, beef, chees
    3. Grate the chees anda sprinkle on the top

  • @rendybucex8396
    @rendybucex8396 2 года назад +1

    Rendy Syaifullah m 9D
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dought,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beff,cheese
    3.Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @oktaviaramadhani7034
    @oktaviaramadhani7034 2 года назад

    Oktavia ramadhani
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dought,tomate sauce,spices,sliced,beff,cheese,
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @auliacania5509
    @auliacania5509 2 года назад

    Aulia cania oktaviani 9A
    1. how to make pizza
    2. dough,tomato sauce, spices, slied beef, chese
    3. grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top

  • @istifasalaysaazzahra5740
    @istifasalaysaazzahra5740 2 года назад

    Istifa salaysa azzahra
    1.How to make pizza
    2.Dough,tomato sauce,spices,sliced beef,cheess
    3.Grate the cheess and sprinkle on the top

  • @yaulandamargareta8962
    @yaulandamargareta8962 2 года назад +1

    yaulanda margareta to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,spices,slide beff,cheese.
    3.grate the cheese and spirnkle on top.

  • 2 года назад +1

    Terimakasih ilmunya

    • @Mrs.Nadzir
      @Mrs.Nadzir  2 года назад

      Terimakasih kembali kakak

  • @faisolsyah3221
    @faisolsyah3221 2 года назад

    Muhammad Faisol Aminnudin Syah
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, chees
    3. Grate the chees and sprinkle on the top

  • @febeinoattha8479
    @febeinoattha8479 2 года назад

    Febrino favian attha9C to make pizza
    2.dough,tomato sauce,seasoning,sliced beef,cheese
    3.grate cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @nikhlatunmutamimmah3998
    @nikhlatunmutamimmah3998 2 года назад

    Nikhla 9E
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, spices, slide beef,chess
    3. Grate the chess and sprinkle on the top

  • @erwinsakti6621
    @erwinsakti6621 2 года назад


  • @a_nurchannel5787
    @a_nurchannel5787 2 года назад

    Kalau durasinya pendek mungkin bisa di tag ke RUclips shorts Bu guru 😊

  • @themirahagi7620
    @themirahagi7620 2 года назад

    Themi Rahagi
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, seasoning sliced beef, cheese
    3. Grate cheese and sprenkle no top

  • @ariandradaffa4549
    @ariandradaffa4549 2 года назад

    2.dough,tomato sauce,seasoning,sliced beef,cheese
    3.grate cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @nailarahma4828
    @nailarahma4828 2 года назад

    Naila rahmatul janah 9A
    1.How to make pizza.
    2.Dough,tomato sauce,spices,slide beef , cheese.
    3.Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top.

  • @naylaacsc
    @naylaacsc 2 года назад +1

    Nama : Nayla Sabrina R
    Kelas : IX B
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top

  • @mutia3062
    @mutia3062 2 года назад

    Mutia Ayu Pertiwi 9E
    1. how to make pizza
    2. dough, tomato sauce, spices, slide beef, chess
    3. grate the chess and sprinkle on the top

  • @rahadewilintang4550
    @rahadewilintang4550 2 года назад

    Rahadewi Lintang 9B
    1. How to make pizza
    2. Dough, tomato sauce, spices, sliced beef, cheese
    3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top