Elements Miniseries Megareview (Adventure Time S9E2-9)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3,6 тыс.

  • @MeganNarwhal
    @MeganNarwhal 6 лет назад +4329

    The best part of this miniseries is Marshmaline the Campfire Queen. Two puns in one. How much better can you get without overdoing it?

    @MXALOVE 4 года назад +77

    39:10 “We’ve seen her invisibility”
    Me: 🗿hmmm...

  • @mateusfranco5938
    @mateusfranco5938 3 года назад +5

    Marceline explains in an episode later that she tried to turn Bonnibel back but she refused, so Marceline gave up and accepted to be with her, even if it was in Marshmeline form

  • @123JFree123
    @123JFree123 2 года назад +9

    My guess for Betty’s dress for the date would be that it is the same dress she had worn on the date back when he was originally Simon.

  • @froogletanimations1086
    @froogletanimations1086 3 года назад +4

    I love how you look through the tiniest little joke or detail

  • @CupertinoEffect
    @CupertinoEffect 7 лет назад +45

    I had mixed feelings, honestly. Which is weird because I agreed with just about everything you had to say about the miniseries, and somehow ended up feeling drastically differently.
    I liked all the psychological subtext. I liked that the question of if Ice King should be considered his own individual rather than explicitly a warped version of Simon and whether he should be changed back or if his transformation should be accepted tied into the themes of the previous episode and the candification, especially since it applied those themes to a morally grey situation instead of one where changing them back is the obvious correct solution. I liked most of the episodes individually and there's no particular one that I think was especially weak. But the miniseries as a whole didn't really do it for me. Like what you said in the Islands review about the miniseries not being greater than the sum of its parts, looking at the whole picture of Elements I'm left feeling a little underwhelmed.
    Unlike Stakes (and many other storylines in Adventure Time in general) where the nuanced details like themes and character growth are comparable in quality to the vessel through which they're delivered (IE the text to the subtext), the story of Elements didn't really grab me at any point. It was a McGuffin quest that forced Finn and Jake to go to the elementals, hang out for a bit to give the audience an idea of how their element is being represented, and then move on. The dramatic stakes never felt very high because it's foreground conclusion that everything was going to be reversed, and anything that was a little bit intriguing as far as what it would mean in the greater plot of Adventure Time like Betty's plan with Ice King is pushed to the back, practically serving as a B plot. A well-constructed B plot, but a B plot that is forced to take a backseat to what the narrative considers important nonetheless. Disregarding the smaller details and looking at it from the perspective of the grander story being told, who cares if Jake dies or if Finn is overtaken by the fire element? Neither of those things are treated with any weight that implies permanence and the fact that they'll be reversed is obvious. Betty betraying everyone to try and get Ice King back says a lot about her mental state, but from the perspective of the story it's not that great a twist, it's not that big a deal, the elements are going to be returned to normal by some other method anyway, so who cares? The difference in how it happens is pretty much just cosmetic, and while it's a cool thing you don't see coming that LSP is the anti-elemental, what difference does it really make? The Elements storyline comes to an end because it runs out of new themes to show us and there's a lumpy "off" switch that could have been flipped at basically any time. I guess she needed the gems anyway, but the writers didn't *have* to make her need them. If Betty destroyed the gems then they probably would have glanced over their response to LSP and it wouldn't have mattered. Nothing in the miniseries felt like it mattered at all. In Stakes it was pretty obvious that the vampires would be defeated or at least neutralised as threats, but there were other story threads at play with uncertain outcomes and real intrigue as far as what the consequences of the events would be. It had all the little details, but it had them in a great story. This didn't have that, I don't think.
    As far as atmosphere, the scope felt sort of small and meaningless. Counter-intuitive for something affecting all of Ooo. I know that it's implied that parts of what take place in the elemental kindoms is actually places outside their usual reach, but because we don't get to see any major landmarks that are usually neutral to the kingdoms aside from the tree fort, everything feels so localised and isolated. The impact of showing the Candy Kingdom turning into candy, the Ice Kingdom turning into ice, etc... well, there isn't an impact. The reasons that the new Ice Kingdom was such an awesome setting were almost entirely divorced of it being ice-based at all. The Candy Kingdom was more of a candy hodgepodge with weird frankenstein candy designs than normal, but it feels like that choice was mostly made because otherwise turning candy people into candy people would have been pointless. Evidence for that being the reason for that choice: Fern, Lemongrab, Neptr, Shelby and Beemo don't match the hodgepodge theme at all and are more or less normal candy people, making me think the choice was made for other characters out of necessity. Slime Kingdom never had a strong identity before and it doesn't have one now. Fire Kingdom had most of its distinct visual features like the odd antiquated royal furnishings and portraits removed, and what was left received a palette swap. The most interesting visual effects of the elements were on the people who weren't associated with any specific element, and yet all we get to see of the elemental spread is the four kingdoms that are already comprised of those elements, without getting to see the equivalent of what happened to those people happen to other major non-elemental landmarks. The scope feels so small and the concept feels underutilised. In the style of showcasing a few of the Ice Kingdom residents as Finn names them to show the audience what's happened to the Ice Kingdom, why not show a few recognisable landmarks that the Skyhooks Squad is passing over while the expositional dialogue is going on? It would indicate that they're actually moving great distances, which wasn't demonstrated at all since the Fire Kingdom and the Candy Kingdom are apparently walking distance from each other, and it would be an opportunity to SHOW us that the entirety of Ooo has been overtaken rather than telling us. I assume I don't need to say the name of the first rule of storytelling I just alluded to, everybody knows it by now. On top of that it could be used for some visual flair and fanservice that the miniseries was dearly missing. What does Castle Lemongrab look like? What does Wizard City look like? What does the gigantic shipwreck desert look like? What does Dungeon Train look like? I don't know the answer to any of these questions, because as far as I can tell those places don't exist in this miniseries and any interesting way that any debased versions of familiar settings could have been drawn by the wonderfully creative artists on the show will remain a mystery forever and the scope of the elemental overload will be ridiculously undersold. It seriously feels like Fire Kingdom, Ice Kingdom, the Candy Kingdom and the tree fort are all clustered right at the centre of Ooo where the borders of the elements meet and everything is going on within walking distance from everything else. Slime Kingdom is randomly off somewhere else with no sense of geography or connection to the rest of it. Adventure Time was never good at geography, and that's fine because everything exact location in reference to everything else isn't important, but even without knowing where everything is the show always gave the sense that Ooo was huge and diverse and everything was very far away from everything else but the distance between them was riddled with secrets and details through which to adventure. Here everything is a stones throw from everything and nothing ever happens until Finn shows up at which point his protagonist magic makes the next plot thing occur while it's on camera. Why didn't the Fire Kingdom invade earlier? Why didn't PB sing her song earlier? It feels like if Finn and Jake didn't show up then nothing would have happened and the world would be stagnant. Time wasn't even slightly important. I just don't buy into the world Elements sets up.
    Stakes had the character-building and nuanced, ahem, elements in it, but it also told a story that felt important, large scale and alive. Those other elements were well-incorporated into the story, and the focus was placed on them in just the right way for it to flourish without any one thing stealing the spotlight from any other thing that needed it. An episode where the scope was entirely isolated to Finn's mind and has the psychological elements as its crown jewel with not much else of consequence happening would be Hall of Egress, and while it was foreground conclusion that Finn would escape eventually, there was an uncertainty as to how, as to what anything meant or what purpose it served, as to what effects this story would have on Finn and, by proxy, on the world of Adventure Time as a whole. There was a great story told that parted the veil of Finn's mind but can be enjoyed divorced of that with its unsettling atmosphere and literal events that were parallel to the allegorical happenings in the episode able to pick up the slack. The Elements miniseries had the character element, but so much of the focus was put onto the adventure and the concept and the visuals and none of those things were particularly great. The character element did its best when Finn and Jake were literally, and by extension narratively, removed from all of the other things and put on a random cloud in the middle of nothing, because that's the one episode in this thing that understood where to point the focus and what's probably the strongest part of the miniseries had some time to breathe. The rest of the time what are great ideas in theory are bogging each other down because the focus doesn't know what to do with itself and all the cool ideas aren't being used to their fullest potential.
    It might sound like I hated Elements, but actually I really liked it. It was cool. But it wasn't fantastic. There were a lot of things that kept me from liking it more. But I still liked it.

    • @uncivilizedelk
      @uncivilizedelk  7 лет назад +14

      Thanks for taking the time to type out that lengthy and super solid criticism! Love your points and the discussion you bring up, and a big part of why I liked Elements (just barely) more than Stakes is because the fun "element" in Elements really resonated with me. What I agree with you most is the lack of scale and magnitude, as well as proper world-building; Ooo was made to feel really small and stagnant, which is a sensation I've never felt before while watching AT (Finn climbs a tree to check that the entire continent is cleared of elementification, lolwut?). I also concur that there was so much jumping from thing to thing that a strong central focus could never be established, and only emerged when Finn and Jake were literally stripped from the rest of the miniseries (though in a way, that made "Cloudy" feel even more contextually powerful for me).
      While I'm unsure if I would like Elements to have been an entire ~25 episode long season, I do think that would have allowed for so much more exploration, focus, and world-building. The 8 episode duration mixed with the "necessity" to jump into all 4 elemental zones made all the finer details of the world rather moot. The problem lies in that no matter what, Elements would feel like a "detour" because in the end everyone will revert, and only the characters trying to solve the problem will be the ones who have any dynamic character growth to them. So yeah, hypothetically if Elements could be any number of episodes, making it longer but not too long would certainly be a careful balancing act.
      Anyway, I really appreciate your thoughts!
      I'm sure the rambling could go on forever, maybe I will one day make a follow-up video on criticisms of Elements where I heavily feature your comment? It's just such great discussion material.

    • @CupertinoEffect
      @CupertinoEffect 7 лет назад +4

      Thanks! I've come to trust your opinion as a content reviewer quite a bit, so you supporting my rebuttal is pretty vindicating. If there's anything that I explained poorly that could stand to be clarified for the sake of argument should you decide to make a follow-up, let me know and I'll try to explain my arguments better.
      Keep up the great work ^ ^

    • @lucayoung_
      @lucayoung_ 5 лет назад

      I really liked your comment, just like I liked the various points covered in the video. I really enjoy the rich universe of Adventure Time and recently I watch the miniseries of the elements and the Elemental episode (I know, I'm so late, so much so that the series is over, but I always find it fun to comment on our favorite stories). I was fascinated by the elements, in counterpoint that I was disappointed with the development of the same ones in the series. I may not be as accurate and insightful as you are in your analysis, but I will express my opinion here as well. I believe there was character development that was out of the elemental contamination, but the narrative only extended to that point. The rest passed like a flash, trying to present and finalize an idea quickly. I had the impression that the miniseries elements were just a device to explain and finalize certain subject, ignoring the potential that covers not only the elementary but also the whole rich world of Ooo. So I was delighted, for I can imagine hundreds of possibilities involving all this. Another disappointment was in relation to Patience St. Pim which to me is a great character with great potential, but was used only as a narrative resource for the trigger of the plot. She appears very little and is only taken from the scene at the end. Anyway, I still see a lot to develop and this can be done in the comics.

  • @Monkie_
    @Monkie_ 7 лет назад +53

    Okay, I think that the mushroom war has something to do with Prismo's boss. It might seem random but I think it makes sense to link the two because both are shrouded in mystery and also it would explain Prismo's and the Cosmic owl's reaction.
    My hopes are that Betty and Normal Man's plotline leads us to learn more about Golb because there is so much mystery and dammit I want to know what the deal was with "Puhoy," in season 5
    I have no idea where they are going to go with the Lich plotline now and how it links with BMO and if the hand has anything to do with it. I also wonder who would win in a fight between The Lich and Orgalorg... just a thought I've had for some time now.
    We have the whole Jake thing to deal with now. I think we might see a return of Jake's actual mother because there is bound to be a story there.
    Oh and I haven't forgotten about Marceline's mother yet. We still need the facts: why did Hunsen Abedeer knock up a human?
    Speaking of Dad's, I doubt this will get revisited but I'm kinda curious about Finn's dad and how he's doing with that seemingly omnipotent comet.
    Will Maja ever awake from her coma?
    I almost forgot about the whole Fern thing and how he is still has that curse octopus thing that was waiting for "the reckoning" whatever the hell that is.
    Not to mention I want to know exactly why everything is the way it was in that graybles episode where we saw the future of Ooo because holy shit was there way too many questions in that episode
    And I bet you all forgot about poor Johnnie, LSP's boyfriend that she trapped in another dimension and nobody remembers him beside Princess Bubblegum
    But those are the least of my concerns. My most pressing worries is will Huntress wizard and Finn ever hook up because we've seen her lurking in the background for some time now
    I'm too excited about all of this but no doubt some of these are going to be left unanswered because the episodes left are very few. I would love if everything from this point was focused on progressing the plot but I wouldn't be surprised if we took a detour to find out about Shelby's girlfriend or something as seemingly inconsequential as that. Hey, I'm not complaining though whatever happens I will be on board as long as the quality remains.
    I fucking love this series.

    • @__nog642
      @__nog642 7 лет назад +1

      I wouldn't say the shapeshifter is Jake's "mother". Pretty sure it's either male or sexless. But hey, you never know.

    • @flamethekid
      @flamethekid 7 лет назад

      well you got one thing solved so far the Lich's story line is finished for good and the Lich's evil is gone and only his happy sorta adorable husk is left

    • @CrimsonNeo
      @CrimsonNeo 6 лет назад

      You forgot that The Lich's hand is every universe now.

  • @Ghoti_god
    @Ghoti_god 3 года назад +3

    I think it’s funny how jake is the “big brother“ but is often the one in danger whenever the situation isn’t purely physical. So it’s makes sense that he’s super susceptible to the emotional manipulation set upon by the elements

  • @captloki13
    @captloki13 7 лет назад +25

    Who knew Ice King's life is so interesting?

  • @GingerbreadGerard
    @GingerbreadGerard 5 лет назад +36

    For me, most of them reminds me of the seven sins and virtues. Candy: gluttony
    Fire: wrath and pride
    Slime: sloth
    Ice: prudence but I'm iffy about it (it's a virtue tho)

    • @MichaelJW72
      @MichaelJW72 3 года назад +4

      I’d say fire goes with wrath and ice with pride. Evergreen was an arrogant son of a gun.

  • @vincentcioffi834
    @vincentcioffi834 7 лет назад +414

    I've never clicked on a video faster

  • @imanniway8820
    @imanniway8820 7 лет назад +25

    Your analysis skills are on fleek.

  • @vincikeeper1581
    @vincikeeper1581 11 месяцев назад +1

    Stakes is my favourite adventure time arc, and then elements

  • @ryanjanson1202
    @ryanjanson1202 4 года назад +4795

    I love how BMO goes "I'm going to start treating him as an equal" as though BMO viewed him as lower than him the entire time

    • @PolyAgain
      @PolyAgain 4 года назад +186

      Remember that money episode? the rp rly shows that fact

    • @buttons5036
      @buttons5036 4 года назад +310

      It was hinted at when Neptr wanted to help BMO with the case, and BMO told Neptr that they're not alike in the episode called "BMO Noire" in the fourth season of the show.
      That piece of dialogue stood out as odd to me, and when he said he'd treat him as equal in this miniseries; I remembered that episode and it made sense.

    • @SalemsRising
      @SalemsRising 3 года назад +148

      To be fair, BMO is pretty self absorbed so it’s not surprising

    • @aerodynamiccow3597
      @aerodynamiccow3597 3 года назад +17

      Ah yes the BMO master race

    • @devorahmoreno2581
      @devorahmoreno2581 3 года назад +64

      @@SalemsRising I'm convinced in *SPOILER ALERT* the future 1000 years in the future when he is depicted as the 'king of Ooo' but he's literally... alone... was him DECLARING HIMSELF king of Ooo... he doesn't do anything kingly or leaderly... he's a recluse on a mountain surrounded by junk... old junk from his friends adventures...

  • @wallypure6835
    @wallypure6835 4 года назад +886

    My favorite parts are:
    "Four way elemental pizza" and "are you a toucan?"

    • @ViIvaNunner
      @ViIvaNunner 3 года назад +30

      my favourite joke was "and then life giving magus checked an even darker shade of grey against my face!' '(what's going on?)"

    • @Feral_cockroach121
      @Feral_cockroach121 2 года назад +10


  • @_Tzer
    @_Tzer 5 лет назад +4284

    i think lumpy space princess's star thing being attracted to the enchiridion and not fitting in the lich was a bit of foreshadowing to elements

    • @HerohammerStudios
      @HerohammerStudios 4 года назад +14


    • @harroldbogharry9867
      @harroldbogharry9867 4 года назад +512

      Herohammer Studios lumpy space princess didn’t fit in any of the elements so the star not fitting in the enchiridion meant that she wouldn’t fit in the element series

    • @GlacialBolt
      @GlacialBolt 3 года назад +216

      her star was long as shit

    • @chrisdaniels60
      @chrisdaniels60 3 года назад +129

      @@GlacialBolt That explains why she isnt very smart

    • @unicornwizhez4115
      @unicornwizhez4115 3 года назад +78

      Shit I never thought about that!!!!! It’s not just a rip on LSP 😭. This show never ceases to be a masterpiece

  • @Iron-Griffon
    @Iron-Griffon 4 года назад +6515

    I just realized that BMO never thought of Neptr as an equal.

  • @RealKirb
    @RealKirb 4 года назад +5341

    The only reason Charol kept her memories when she got turned to ice is because she is part of the water cycle and water is meant to freeze

    • @iaminmisery8732
      @iaminmisery8732 4 года назад +195

      I thought she only goes through the rain cycle not the whole water cycle.

    • @fredisguzman6834
      @fredisguzman6834 3 года назад +344

      I also was thinking that ‘water retains memory’

      @PHYREXIANFISH 3 года назад +434

      Her matter did not change, only her STATE of matter. She was made of the same stuff before, she simply solidified.

    • @gracegrapes7772
      @gracegrapes7772 3 года назад +82

      @@PHYREXIANFISH wow your smart i thought the same thing but i didnt know the words because i suck

      @PHYREXIANFISH 3 года назад +33

      @@gracegrapes7772 Thanks bruh

  • @MarcDoesNotKnow
    @MarcDoesNotKnow 3 года назад +460

    Icified people/creatures remembering their old selves actually make sense. Ice preserves stuff. Pretty cool

    • @PokeyKart123
      @PokeyKart123 2 года назад +17

      Then shouldn’t the slime people also have their old selves? Slime sticks to stuff or vise versa

    • @riroufudo
      @riroufudo 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@PokeyKart123 pretty sure the ice carol has memories because she's water

    • @chrisgarrett6305
      @chrisgarrett6305 11 месяцев назад

      @@PokeyKart123I’m pretty sure they do. All that really seems to be different ,apart from their names and being slime, is that they want to be assimilated.

  • @braedoncottrell5389
    @braedoncottrell5389 4 года назад +573

    Ice king in the suit and glasses was my favorite he has ever looked. In fact, I think he looked better than most new looks for cartoon characters. It was great

  • @neosdgod
    @neosdgod 4 года назад +572

    14:55 remember when Ice King was explaining that he knows a lot about Finn and Jake and one of the facts stated is that Jake is too afraid to cry for real because he's afraid of true emotion

    • @MikeyJBlakeJR
      @MikeyJBlakeJR 3 года назад +35

      Great callback! Really supplements his more-developed character at this point in the series

    • @Feral_cockroach121
      @Feral_cockroach121 2 года назад +3

      Honestly I relate to that one-

    • @killrcupcake2994
      @killrcupcake2994 2 года назад +10

      Was that the episode where he paralyzes them and tries to be besties?

    • @BlackDiamond2718
      @BlackDiamond2718 2 года назад +5

      That is why i loved ice king. And why i thought betty should have taken simon as ice king. Ice king bonded with finn and jake as ice king. Same could work with ice king and betty.

    • @popdog165
      @popdog165 Год назад


  • @kagoru5550
    @kagoru5550 7 лет назад +2956

    A cute thing to note about PB and Marcy in this mini series is the fact that Marcy has on the same outfit from "What Was Missing", and in the same episode Marcy sung "I'm Just Your Problem" where the first lines are:
    "Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess, is that what you want me to do? Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect, like all your loyal subjects do. Sorry I'm not made of sugar, am I not sweet enough for you?"
    Marcy literally became everything she said Bubblegum wanted and she was kinda right

    • @greentea4498
      @greentea4498 7 лет назад +20

      Kagoru Holy shit.

    • @TehPompkinHead
      @TehPompkinHead 7 лет назад +71

      *punched in the emotional gut*

    • @gman4736
      @gman4736 7 лет назад +13

      Kagoru dang I JUST realized that

    • @wonyoung43
      @wonyoung43 7 лет назад +16


    • @Nero-xm3xp
      @Nero-xm3xp 7 лет назад +6


  • @WilfredCthulu
    @WilfredCthulu 7 лет назад +2915

    (Roughly quoted)
    "This Simon guy sounds real great, but I'm Ice King!"
    I really wonder how Marceline would feel about hearing that.

    • @Ecliptor.
      @Ecliptor. 7 лет назад +227

      i'm pretty sure marceline is well aware of ice king's insanity

    • @freshlymemed5680
      @freshlymemed5680 7 лет назад +150

      Shes aware of those things, doesn't Marceline talk about Simon and calls Ice King, Simon but Ice King is just there as ignorant as ever.

    • @Baris_oz
      @Baris_oz 7 лет назад +80

      I think he meant that he wonders how Marcelie would react emoutinally.

    • @kennethsatria6607
      @kennethsatria6607 7 лет назад +80

      Wilfred Cthulu I think she just prefers calling him Simon, bit accepts ice king as he is and as a friend...

    • @CombatSportsNerd
      @CombatSportsNerd 7 лет назад +94

      That's why she's a stronger character than Betty.
      Unlike like little Miss I'm going to to pull a Barry Allen and fuck the timeline Marceline actually adapts to her misfortune.

  • @kappapride6332
    @kappapride6332 3 года назад +2896

    The Cosmic Owl and Prismo reacting to Betty looks like two bros binging a show and gasping at plot twists and it just sounds funny to me

    • @Feral_cockroach121
      @Feral_cockroach121 2 года назад +84

      Same, I laughed too hard when they popped up on screen-

    • @Cheese-Slime-Sheriff
      @Cheese-Slime-Sheriff Год назад +24

      *le gasp* GOSSIP
      this is 100% how they reactes

    • @goatashes8501
      @goatashes8501 Год назад +1

      ​@@Cheese-Slime-Sheriffno way you actually commented this

    • @Mugruncher
      @Mugruncher Год назад +7

      I got an “oh fuck we’re in trouble” vibe

    • @caldercockatoo2234
      @caldercockatoo2234 Год назад +2

      @@goatashes8501They did just comment that, is that a problem?

  • @maxleroux
    @maxleroux 3 года назад +400

    Princess Bubblegum is also older than all of the other elementals combined, since Patience didn't really age while she was on ice. When Patience St. Pim froze herself all those years ago at the start of the Mushroom War, I think she inadvertently threw the whole elemental reincarnation cycle out of balance and it's been seriously screwed up ever since.

    • @FishwicksREAL
      @FishwicksREAL Год назад +16

      This confuses me.
      Patience froze herself and therefore no ice elemental reincarnation.
      so why does PB live forever if the other candy elementals in the past don't?
      why would the reincarnation be a gum person?

    • @schemar17
      @schemar17 Год назад +31

      ​​@@FishwicksREALyeah the lore breaks itself here because PB came into existence with the mushroom war. But candy elementals already existed, so you can be whatever species and still be a reincarnation like with fire elemental from evergreen time not being on fire. With PB I assume her mutation gives her a longer life span

    • @kamilkaymakc2589
      @kamilkaymakc2589 Год назад +16

      ​​@@FishwicksREALpb may not be a typical elemental or an elemental at all, like it is possible mushroom war era of candy elemental died and his remains mutated (mother gum). The real candy elemental might be hiding somewhere because they are afraid of being hunted by pb.
      Or nature does not need to send a new candy elemental because there is a person with elemental powers around, maybe she counts as a elemental by the nature, even if she has not been chosen for this by it.

    • @superguy9834
      @superguy9834 11 месяцев назад +5

      I think PB lives forever because PSP hasn't died yet. Fire and slime live together as Ice and Candy do, and if Patience ever croaked, I think PB would become mortal again.

    • @40watt53
      @40watt53 11 месяцев назад +20

      Y'all I think the cycle just doesn't have to always be in sync, after all, the elementals in Patience's time weren't all the same age

  • @thetetrisking
    @thetetrisking 6 лет назад +1705

    I just realized that when Finn is in fire mode, his robo-arm is just a regular fire arm

    • @umbreonfoxy4264
      @umbreonfoxy4264 6 лет назад +27

      Yep that right

    • @Wilb738
      @Wilb738 5 лет назад +2

      Maybe it melts?

    • @youngveggies6558
      @youngveggies6558 5 лет назад +118

      You should probably keep in mind that robots such as bmo were affected by elements. It makes sense considering everything is converted into an element.

    • @SirWigglebott0m
      @SirWigglebott0m 5 лет назад +5

      It's still the robo arm
      Just on fire

    • @oliverganski3509
      @oliverganski3509 4 года назад +5

      Turtle boi 33:15 no robot arm

  • @dillonbodnar2393
    @dillonbodnar2393 4 года назад +379

    It was important to show Fern and Lemongrab approaching the fire kingdom warriors because those two are the biggest warriors themselves in the candy kingdom. Even though their fighting spirit was eliminated by the candy curse, this clearly shows how they subconsciously tried to fight back through kindness instead of power or anger, by forcing juice on the fire kingdom people, which could possibly put out their flames

  • @DJFlare84
    @DJFlare84 6 лет назад +843

    I think Ice Carol was unaffected because she froze herself, and wasn't frozen by Patience. As she said, she literally WILLED herself to evaporate into a cloud person.

    • @trashbeast
      @trashbeast 5 лет назад +85

      she also could've naturally froze just cause its cold

    • @Exantho
      @Exantho 5 лет назад +6

      That's what i was thinking

    • @KirbyKips
      @KirbyKips 4 года назад +24

      I wouldn’t be surprised if she just turned into hail from the extreme cold. Evaporated water turns to clouds and then eventually produces rain, snow, or hail depending on the weather.

    • @ndJssFlurt
      @ndJssFlurt 4 года назад +24

      Yeah! She's literally made of water, it makes sense for her to be unaffected by the Ice element emotionally.

    • @josemariscal3989
      @josemariscal3989 4 года назад +1

      DJFlare84 Patience St Pimm should’ve been killed or better yet, at least frozen and never returned again

    @BGPDCSF 7 лет назад +919

    'I really like what Ice King said to Betty "look lady, I don't know you and you don't know me, but we're the only two sane ones left in this messed-up world. Or, maybe the rest of the world's okay and we're the ones losing our marbles." As with a lot of their quotes, this one hit me hard. And in the context, with both of them loosing themself to the sad and mad world of wizarding, it was so sweet and sad.

    • @r.r815
      @r.r815 6 лет назад +18

      @GachaAnthonny no but at the same time she's not stupid

    • @firewarrior8298
      @firewarrior8298 5 лет назад +37

      I feel like ice king has slowly been regaining his sanity throughout the show

    • @LordDaret
      @LordDaret Год назад +10

      @@firewarrior8298 maybe not his sanity, but definitely his clarity. He was starting to keep his mind straight and focused.

  • @aaroncritz6469
    @aaroncritz6469 3 года назад +264

    Okay but hear me out- The people who are iced- turn cold. They don't lose their memories BECAUSE- those memories- event the happy ones- are turned into cold reminders of their past lives. The people who are fired- are hot headed. Their memories fuel their rage. People who are slimmed don't honestly change that much, simply because of how literally versatile they are. Finally- those who were candified- became happier. Simply because- and yes- pun intended- their memories got sugar coated. Their minds got literally glazed over-.
    Yes i'm late- but not really- this is just the first time I thought to ever say something about it.

    • @MahouShoujo-Studios
      @MahouShoujo-Studios 3 года назад +19

      That's pretty much what I thought. It makes sense too. When you're happy, you don't think about sad times or anything troubling. Being overly happy would probably make you forget about those memories completely. They don't even have to be sad memories, just memories that might be troubling or even memories that have the slightest bit of complexity that can't just be suppressed.
      When you're sad or even apathetic, you probably do remember happy memories, but instead of viewing them as happy, you might view them as a time of "being better" even if you don't know why. All you know is that you're not happy now. You still have all of your memories, but the feeling that those memories contain is either erased and washed up.
      When you're angry, you're incompetent and any type of memories, happy or sad, aren't even thought about. All you see is red, and all you know is that you want to take it out on someone even if they have nothing to do with it.
      I'd argue that slime is self-indulgence, lazy, or over contentment with how things are. You're being passive in a situation where conflict is needed. Being sluggish, lazy, and unbothered by generally everything. You kinda go with the flow, which makes sense as to why Jake was susceptible to it. You still have your memories, but they're not at the forefront of your mind. They're not your main focus, so you don't think about it all that much. All you want to do is have fun, indulge yourself, not necessarily be happy since that requires too much energy, but to be satisfied with no sense of self-preservation which is why Slime Princess doesn't fight against it. She just doesn't care enough.
      All of these things are what people have felt at a certain point in their lives, so it makes sense that this is what the elements would be based on.

    • @finnianquail8881
      @finnianquail8881 Год назад +7

      Use less hyphons

    • @TheOldEverglades
      @TheOldEverglades 11 месяцев назад


    • @halmittens
      @halmittens 11 месяцев назад +3

      please refrain using more than 3 hyphens LMAO

    • @cross977
      @cross977 3 месяца назад

      ​@@halmittensHYPHEN BEAM -------------------------

  • @peeweeherman9411
    @peeweeherman9411 6 лет назад +980

    You call her Betty But I prefer the name Weird lady

    • @Kuumin
      @Kuumin 5 лет назад +16

      Weird Letty

    • @sirsmiteful6285
      @sirsmiteful6285 5 лет назад +11

      Peewee Herman 8:23 Kill Bill Bride’s outfit when she’s in Japan?

    • @ablekitten5744
      @ablekitten5744 5 лет назад +11

      @@sirsmiteful6285 no I dont think it is I think it is just supposed to match the magic hat

    • @sirsmiteful6285
      @sirsmiteful6285 5 лет назад +7

      Able Kitten fair enough. Also, is magic woman a magical girl? *insert thonk*

    • @LittleIdiot858
      @LittleIdiot858 5 лет назад +4

      I prefer toucan

  • @ukalistaxd9464
    @ukalistaxd9464 3 года назад +205

    I just noticed that Uncle Gumbald, Aunt Lolly and Cousin Chicle were intentionall separated from the group of candy-fied creatures...

  • @spiderslayer3640
    @spiderslayer3640 3 года назад +186

    I wish Rainicorn was Candified from the start, just so they could call her CandyCorn

  • @mr.knightthedetective7435
    @mr.knightthedetective7435 5 лет назад +4918

    Imagine if Marceline was in fire kingdom during the accident...

  • @sugaramped5544
    @sugaramped5544 7 лет назад +1392

    Idk if this means anything, but Marceline once told bmo a story about how her bestfriend (pb) was becoming a potato, and she was trying to cure her. But once she had the cure, her bestfriend became a potato tower, and she accepted her faith as a potato aswell, so they both became potatoes. I think that might be a hint to how Marceline became a marshmallow. Maybe she wanted PB to change, but after realizing she couldn't, she gave in.

    • @kevinblack3206
      @kevinblack3206 6 лет назад

      SugarAmped uh

    • @DeedooElNinoPolla
      @DeedooElNinoPolla 6 лет назад +78

      This was a sadly under rated comment

    • @ipostwater6491
      @ipostwater6491 6 лет назад +63

      **well duh**

    • @MCStormerboy
      @MCStormerboy 5 лет назад +71

      This is defenetly the case. Why else make such an comparison right after the events took place.

    • @Bubbe144
      @Bubbe144 5 лет назад +12


  • @luigi-1545
    @luigi-1545 2 года назад +299

    The saddest part about Elements was Patience cutting short Betty's attempt to bond with the IK outside of Simon. They looked so cute and like something could've been born there and maybe just maybe avoid so much tragedy.
    Patience is a cvnt.

    • @Pinkmuccus
      @Pinkmuccus Год назад +28

      I agree. its one of the few times you see her just loving ice king because she loves Simon. she accepted him and allowed herself to be happy just in that one little moment. 'don't wanna stare at happiness too hard y'know.'
      it broke my heart they couldn't just stay that way.

  • @xmagic2323
    @xmagic2323 6 лет назад +636

    I think that
    CANDY: Makes you forget your past and accept the present, without shackles of future or past people are happy and docile
    "All The Candy People"
    ICE: Forces you to focus on the past, unable to forget memories and impossible to remove yourself from depression and pain
    "Patience Still Having her 'Party'"
    FIRE: Allows you to remember and think but causes you to focus on things you can't control and be angry at it
    "Finn Fighting His Heroic Rage"
    SLIME: Amplifies your emotions so that people can live an a euphoric high the closer they get to the elements
    "Slime Princess Absorbing People"

  • @animated_finn
    @animated_finn 6 лет назад +299

    Poor slime princess, she is too short to hold the other princesses hands :)

  • @lemagna3086
    @lemagna3086 3 года назад +1612

    Theory: If ice King was elementified, and was transformed back he would transform into simon. And maybe if the ice crown was also elementified i would go back to giving a wish

    • @halis4o
      @halis4o 3 года назад +79

      This is a good theory!

    • @Judith-2001
      @Judith-2001 3 года назад +80

      Lsp does do something to sweet pea , so there a good chance it would have an effect on Simon.

    • @chamberstommy
      @chamberstommy 3 года назад +26

      @@Judith-2001 *wait*... why didn't sweet pea turn back into the lich?!

    • @StarCrossedGaming
      @StarCrossedGaming 3 года назад +146

      @@chamberstommy I guess its the same way pb didn't turn back into a wad of gum, the candy people didn't turn into piles of sugar and jelly beans, and how marceline kept her vampirism. The magical essence still exists, just no longer corrupted and elementified. sweet pea is the lich, just not dead and bloodlusted

    • @MikeyJBlakeJR
      @MikeyJBlakeJR 3 года назад +4

      @@chamberstommy good question. I was wondering the same thing

  • @jackconlon6844
    @jackconlon6844 6 лет назад +920

    Betty's outfit was the magic hat (yellow with the blue strap).

    • @myles5096
      @myles5096 5 лет назад +34

      Jack Conlon or from kill bill

    • @squeegie3524
      @squeegie3524 5 лет назад +9

      But in another clip she was wearing the outfit and the hat.

    • @matthewgallaway3675
      @matthewgallaway3675 5 лет назад +25

      I thought it was April O'Neil.

    • @tylermoore4581
      @tylermoore4581 5 лет назад +11

      @@myles5096 definitely was reminded of the Bride, too. (Uma Thurman's character)

    • @batmangummies5393
      @batmangummies5393 5 лет назад +1

      Matthew Gallaway same

  • @barabajagal
    @barabajagal 5 лет назад +740

    I think Fin being the most susceptible to the fire realm helps further the connection between him and Flame Princess
    coming back 3 years later to say i think this is a lame take now lol

    • @petermarsella6537
      @petermarsella6537 3 года назад +175

      I think it's more a matter of ideals aligning. BMO, a happy-go-lucky character, was more susceptible to candification than Finn and Jake, while Jake, a more laid-back character, was more susceptible to slimification. Finn meanwhile is more of a fighter, so naturally he was the most susceptible to the fire kingdom

    • @devorahmoreno2581
      @devorahmoreno2581 2 года назад +57

      I genuinely think it has something to do with Finns anger as well. He shows it many times and in moments of frustration he does the Finn scream "rrrRRRRRRagggghhhhh!!" Exactly as he does when he is turned to flame. His rage even goes to affect how he view bubble gum (in the sense it took him a moment to calm down even when he thought of her, the fire burned up the thought first.)

    • @BossStar1995
      @BossStar1995 2 года назад +19

      That, and it also fits with probably what's going on his head all the time since he discovered his biological father, suffering from trauma of every shape, size, and severity, and of course puberty. Basically, I think Finn has a surplus of repressed rage boiling in his soul, and the Fire Element caught that.

    • @Bobbytree-rt3nt
      @Bobbytree-rt3nt Год назад

      I never felt right about finn being turned, personally it just bugged me that finn who has grown a lot over the years and has become less senslessly violent, only violent when he needs to defend the ones he loves. It felt out of character to me, especially since Sweet P was never candified, Its because he was the lich right? A reincarnation of the catalyst comet, same as finn. So shouldn't his natrually magic body resist the elements? Also Also, didn't betty case "The Most Powerful Flame Shield" like Cinnamon Bun, who resisted the fire because of said flame shield. Pretty significant plot hole. And on a side note I also personally didn't like how jake "died" in the prior episode he was genuinely vulnerable about how scared and worried he was about his pups and lady. And yet in the next episode he is immediately no care in the world cheering with the slime people and willingly being absorbed into SP. It just left a bad taste after such a sweet moment of vulnerability. (Also this is just my opinion, things I thought were holes in the story and things I just didn't like. If you like it, that's great and I respect that)

    • @Lee-of4gt
      @Lee-of4gt Год назад


  • @mallemaroking2965
    @mallemaroking2965 5 лет назад +1348

    The reason Ice King reacted so harshly to the two Finns joke was because he had enough of classic Simon left in him to realize that there were also two of himself, Ice King and Simon. The comment about the one on top being fake was a subconscious way of saying the Ice King, the personality on top or being presented was not the true Simon, and only a fake, magic mutated form of himself.

  • @otherinc.1927
    @otherinc.1927 7 лет назад +303

    Did anyone else notice at 54:22, the shape of the continent of Ooo is a phoenix. Civilization, society, and life rising from the ashes of a dead world.

  • @barjancynthia5091
    @barjancynthia5091 3 года назад +161

    I think the reason why PB didn't take their all memories, because they remember what was "wrong" with them, what was causing them pain and, in some cases, suffering, and that's why the candified people were extremely loyal to her. In my opinion, PB had has some messiah-complex, and in this miniseries, I clearly saw that.
    (Sorry for grammar)

    • @andrewsanusi8462
      @andrewsanusi8462 Год назад +8

      Yeah it’s kinda like a cult in a way as cults as usual pray on weaknesses and act like they care about you but in reality there just manipulating you to become super dependent on them.

  • @jcs6387
    @jcs6387 6 лет назад +706

    It wasn't just a joke about two Finns. Ice king said "they've got a picture of your best friend on them" Finn's shirt had Ice King on it, so when Finn put on the second shirt Ice King interpreted it as Ice King not being Finn's best friend. That was why he screamed

    • @vitorsantos2427
      @vitorsantos2427 6 лет назад +5


    • @umbreonfoxy4264
      @umbreonfoxy4264 6 лет назад +58

      But after he said “oh I get it, the top ones fake”

    • @cking4869
      @cking4869 5 лет назад +8

      J Cs That... is still just a joke. Actually, you just explained the joke

    • @lavena888
      @lavena888 5 лет назад +1


    • @nathancorliss9347
      @nathancorliss9347 5 лет назад +26

      @@umbreonfoxy4264 Because if the top "best friend" is fake, then the Ice King is still Finn's best friend.

  • @alphaamoeba
    @alphaamoeba 5 лет назад +308

    14:16 can we have some Fs in chat for Pengy

    • @ablekitten5744
      @ablekitten5744 5 лет назад +3


    • @ZoeyRoseArt1
      @ZoeyRoseArt1 5 лет назад +2

      AlphaAmoeba F

    • @werh227
      @werh227 4 года назад +13

      It's kind of odd actually, Ice King only ever called his penguins Gunther, with different pronunciations.

    • @kurumachikuroe442
      @kurumachikuroe442 4 года назад


    • @clickmaestro595
      @clickmaestro595 4 года назад

      Maybe cuz of the crowns influence

  • @ScoobyFan0521
    @ScoobyFan0521 4 года назад +158

    Achoose gooses' rhyme should have been: "what's the point in having friends, when in time everything ends."

  • @homebrewHousehold
    @homebrewHousehold 4 года назад +639

    only now did i realize that lemongrab has the same voice as mr.meseeks

    • @ashtonalderman5606
      @ashtonalderman5606 4 года назад +103

      Lemongrab is voiced by justin roiland
      The same guy who voice acts rick, Morty, mr. Meeseeks, and many more

    • @cancanbanter2009
      @cancanbanter2009 4 года назад +37

      Ashton Alderman also Blendin Blandin

    • @alejandrotenorio80
      @alejandrotenorio80 4 года назад +5

      I already knew that and I’m happy I do

    • @girtheurkenrobot2794
      @girtheurkenrobot2794 4 года назад +10

      He was the creator of Rick and Morty and voices both the main characters.

    • @maximillion322
      @maximillion322 3 года назад +6

      Justin Roiland voices anywhere between 60% and 100% of characters in a given Rick and Morty episode, including Rick and Morty themselves. He also voices Lemongrab

  • @piercelindenberg8156
    @piercelindenberg8156 Год назад +62

    The later episode "Ketchup" implies that Marceline went to Patience St. Pim to stop the transformations before PB fully transformed, but when she saw the transformation complete, she let herself be transformed too.

  • @seven6998
    @seven6998 Год назад +58

    50:27 i feel like ice king’s glasses flying off as he exclaims that he is his own person and deserves respect can be seen as a metaphor. Simon’s glasses fly off and ice king is being his own person. Its a great touch even if it wasn’t on purpose

  • @pastelgalaxee3149
    @pastelgalaxee3149 6 лет назад +402

    When Simon shrunk the crown and did a comb over, I automatically smiled.

  • @Oshawatt
    @Oshawatt 5 лет назад +190

    37:22 everything changed when the fire nation attacked

    • @imsickoflifeanditstactics5063
      @imsickoflifeanditstactics5063 2 года назад +11

      Only the avatar, the master of all four elements could stop them. Vut when the world needed him most, he vanished.

  • @bohemianprince7944
    @bohemianprince7944 3 года назад +639

    Betty's outfit is permanently like that to show the damage, and lasting effects, from her brush with magic.
    Even when she tries to shed down her facade of Magic Woman and be herself, she can't.
    She is not Betty. She is Magic Woman.

    • @sammygecko_
      @sammygecko_ 3 года назад +31

      Nice Parallel with Ice king !!! Cool!!!
      I’m sad I was never able to watch the show/get into it because gosh this writing is so cool and creative

    • @MikeyJBlakeJR
      @MikeyJBlakeJR 3 года назад +26

      That's a great point. Just like Ice King isn't Simon-he's Ice King-Magic Woman isn't Betty, she's Magic Woman

    • @KaminoKatie
      @KaminoKatie 2 года назад +1

      It's like poetry.

    • @devorahmoreno2581
      @devorahmoreno2581 2 года назад +4

      @@KaminoKatie sad twisted poetry... 😭😭

    • @Feral_cockroach121
      @Feral_cockroach121 2 года назад +4

      Idk why “ Betty “ being called Magic Woman makes me laugh-

  • @skollseye7068
    @skollseye7068 5 лет назад +554

    He's definitely mixing up the 4 temperaments in associating with the elements. Phlegmatic was candy, and sanguine was slime. It seems easy to associate "sweet" behavior with candy, but in reality slime was the most active, social, and enthusiastic. Aspects of calm, peacefulness, and apathy very clearly correlate with the candy element, as even more than "happiness" they show an extreme adaptability and trend towards absolute complacency of their dystopic society. In terms of happiness, candy embodies contentment, not joy, so phlegm makes more sense for them.
    Great connection though, I think the 4 humors exactly describe the emotional states of the elements!

    • @turothecreator3067
      @turothecreator3067 4 года назад +1


    • @SimulatedGoat
      @SimulatedGoat 3 года назад +18

      @@turothecreator3067 yah

    • @sagerose6836
      @sagerose6836 3 года назад +3

      @@turothecreator3067 are you just ignorant...

    • @the_last_ballad
      @the_last_ballad 3 года назад +25

      If you look at the circle depicting the 4 temperaments, and rotate it 90' clockwise, it lines up perfectly with this interpitation.
      On the other hand, if you mirror it, it fits into the given one, so take that for what it's worth...

  • @shinbo6443
    @shinbo6443 7 лет назад +314

    The line of Achoos Goose fits in with the apathetic aspect though, he didn't care enough to put any effort in to make it catchier

  • @Airitzu
    @Airitzu 3 года назад +94

    Another bit of LSP foreshadowing is that in the intro the candy is spreading towards her, yet the first episode she appears in, she was supposedly turned into slime. Meaning when the candy touched her, she wasn’t effected by it.

  • @Hamantha
    @Hamantha 6 лет назад +1555

    Calling Ice King "Simon" is like calling Darth Vader "Anakin" they have they and body technically but they are not the same person at all
    And it just doesn't feel right

    • @raebort2525
      @raebort2525 4 года назад +78

      But we know Darth Vader will never come back, yet ice King has a chance. The comparison doesn't entirely apply due to the two characters holding very different positions in their respective stories.

    • @okandwhatno4979
      @okandwhatno4979 4 года назад +59

      And also the fact that Ice King doesn't randomly kill people for saying his real name

    • @cyrusmuller6502
      @cyrusmuller6502 4 года назад +30

      Except Vader or rather anakin came back as well as death Vader just doing things because anakin thought he couldn’t go back they are one and the same it’s more closer to Vader anakin Simon and ice king are on different sides of the same coin only one can ever be seen but they know they are one and the same

    • @mohammadabdelrahman786
      @mohammadabdelrahman786 4 года назад +14

      @@raebort2525 wait.... Did you watch star wars???

    • @sofig1237
      @sofig1237 4 года назад +4

      @@raebort2525 ,,

  • @MDoorpsy
    @MDoorpsy 6 лет назад +265

    46:20 Ironically, PB had the hardest time actually learning to use her powers in earlier episodes.

    • @_BlackeyeGaming
      @_BlackeyeGaming 6 лет назад +39

      It's not that she had a hard time learning her powers, candy is one of the weakest elementals and the hardest to use, even the original candy elemental only used jelly beans. PB learned to MASTER the candy elemental through her vast scientific knowledge and therefore was more attuned with the candy elemental

    • @nghkazuha6804
      @nghkazuha6804 5 лет назад +7

      @@_BlackeyeGaming candy is NOT the weakest of elements. infact if you get creative with it just like soda, mints, and etc it can be the most powerful element. aside from fire.

    • @hannahm3548
      @hannahm3548 5 лет назад +15

      @@nghkazuha6804 I feel like it is more of a double-edged sword since the user's perspective of the power itself correlates with the power of the candy elemental.

    • @stingerjohnny9951
      @stingerjohnny9951 5 лет назад +3

      Hannah Mireles So it’s more nuanced than ice or fire, which are generally simple and brute force in their offensive capability.

  • @nolyyn
    @nolyyn 3 года назад +84

    "Finn has to finish this quest without his best friend by his side..."
    and, worse, he has to deal with LSP along the way.

    • @catalyst539
      @catalyst539 2 года назад +12

      LSP wasn’t too much of an annoyance- she actually helped him more than get in his way.
      (but yeah overrall LSP is usually a jerk)

  • @duykhangtran4406
    @duykhangtran4406 6 лет назад +184

    If Betty destroy the ice crown, Simon won't come to help Marcy, Marcy wont kill the vampier which mean there're no island which mean no Finn, ect. If she stop the mushroom bomb, the whole world will be similar to farm world and we all know how it end.

    • @Drankcum
      @Drankcum 5 лет назад +5

      there would be no funky adventures anymore??

    • @darinajorgensen4492
      @darinajorgensen4492 5 лет назад +25

      Duy Khang Trần I doubt it, Don't forget in the farm world timeline, after Simon died the crown plunged the world in ice for 400ish years. By doing that it destroyed civilization. If Betty destroyed the crown, the world would have been the same as it is now. (Of course if she could stop the mushroom war from happing) But that what I think

    • @Kikiorwhatever
      @Kikiorwhatever Год назад

      According to the new Fionna and Cake episode, you're 100% right.

  • @banzar1529
    @banzar1529 7 лет назад +112

    The way Prismo and Cosmic Owl reacted towards Betty doing what she was doing, was probably because she was committing a cosmic crime i think.

  • @Syrius_Li
    @Syrius_Li 4 года назад +262

    I recently finished the show. I honestly forgot they were hangers, I thought they were barbed wire

  • @jalfire
    @jalfire 5 лет назад +1376

    N.E.C.T.R - Never Ending Cake Throwing Robot
    legit got heartbroken when nectr threw a pie

    • @lorenz0c0rdova65
      @lorenz0c0rdova65 5 лет назад +77

      I thought it was NEPTR for the longest time...

    • @SigmaStudios99
      @SigmaStudios99 4 года назад +160

      @@lorenz0c0rdova65 It was, N.E.P.T.R (Never Ending Pie Throwing Robot!) (correct me if I'm wrong.)

    • @lorenz0c0rdova65
      @lorenz0c0rdova65 4 года назад +9

      @@SigmaStudios99 ah yeah ty

    • @SigmaStudios99
      @SigmaStudios99 4 года назад +9

      @@lorenz0c0rdova65 Yeah well still I don't actually know but that's what I assume and will assume.
      Also your welcome :)

    • @bigpapa9885
      @bigpapa9885 4 года назад +5

      Lorenz0 C0rdova that’s because that’s what it is

  • @SeaLavender1
    @SeaLavender1 5 лет назад +87

    Personally I believe Prismo and Cosmic Owls reactions are because what Betty is doing, trying to go back and change so many major events, might be considered a cosmic crime

  • @onelazynoob15
    @onelazynoob15 Год назад +86

    I think Prismo and The Cosmic Owl's reaction to Betty say she will stop the mushroom war stems from the fact that an alternate timeline where Finn wished for the Lich never existed created a mess so big they needed the Maid to clean it up. Creating these alternate timelines might also create alternate Liches which exist as an existential threat to all of existence.

  • @chaincat33
    @chaincat33 7 лет назад +70

    50:58 It's probably because Betty was going to commit a cosmic crime on a scale never seen before. She was going to create a completely new reality, and possibly obliterate one in the process. It's a violation of the natural order being done so carelessly, only Prismo is actually allowed to do that.

  • @decidueyefan3844
    @decidueyefan3844 5 лет назад +396

    Fiona and cake version of the intro
    Adventure time
    Come on grab your friends
    We’re going to very
    Messed up lands
    With Fiona and Cake
    Ice Queen and Eddy
    Who knows how it will end
    It’s adventure time!

    • @tiger493
      @tiger493 4 года назад +15

      Charles Brown jr that’s really good

    • @alejandrotenorio80
      @alejandrotenorio80 4 года назад +8

      I wonder what paitences gender swapped version would be

    • @michaelsarmiento4661
      @michaelsarmiento4661 3 года назад +7

      You mean Benny.

    • @michaelsarmiento4661
      @michaelsarmiento4661 3 года назад +10

      @@alejandrotenorio80 The name of Patience St. Pim's gender swapped counterpart is Patrice St. Pim.

    • @MichaelJW72
      @MichaelJW72 2 года назад +2

      I assume before Ice Queen went nuts, her name would have been Simone.

  • @YourBeefFriend
    @YourBeefFriend 3 года назад +78

    I really like your “reviews” because it just feels like geeking out about adventure time with a friend lol. I just watched like 6 hours of your content. So good job my guy!

  • @Death089100
    @Death089100 6 лет назад +93

    If Sweet P reverted back to having 2 horns, why didn’t Ice King revert back to being Simon? Sweet P wasn’t affected by any of the elements (except LSP) but Ice King was already affected by ice in a way

    • @sloth1021
      @sloth1021 4 года назад +26

      The magic crown his still on his head so isn’t he still under the influence of the crown

    • @levinseve3471
      @levinseve3471 4 года назад +17

      Chatsberry refers to wish magic as "the real deal" implying that it is immensely potent. I think due to this and the amount of time the crown has been worn by Simon meant that even an anti element wouldn't effect it.

    • @alexanderluna4598
      @alexanderluna4598 4 года назад +21

      Ryan Eves the ice crown is not elemental magic it’s manufactured magic. It only has elemental powers because of the wish imprinted upon it. Therefore since it is not an elemental item, it is unaffected by the elemental changes.

    • @coconutyt4636
      @coconutyt4636 3 года назад +3

      Because the lumps revert characters, not objects, and as long as Ice King has that crown, he ain’t changing back

    • @zarkahmed3199
      @zarkahmed3199 2 года назад

      @@coconutyt4636 BMO would like to disagree

  • @cinnamonskys4444
    @cinnamonskys4444 6 лет назад +97

    Ice king might have returned all the hooks but then... stole them again for something

  • @kylewhite9383
    @kylewhite9383 4 года назад +85

    Jake:”You don’t want to stare at happiness too long.” Finn: “Why?” Jake: “Because it stares back, man” 😂🤣 you got me adventure time!

  • @qpgaming646
    @qpgaming646 5 лет назад +374

    Your explanation of the transmogrified princess bubblegums personality kind of reminds me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, because all throughout the book it describes her voice and mannerisms as overly and falsely sweet when her intentions are truly not.

    • @skeletalmixer1019
      @skeletalmixer1019 4 года назад +6


    • @joshuagarcia241
      @joshuagarcia241 3 года назад +4


    • @sammygecko_
      @sammygecko_ 3 года назад +8

      Yeah but everyone thinks she’s a bitch, even the people that follow/work for her. She wasn’t hiding her prejudice, rather wore it proudly on her sleeve especially if it would help her tower over others.
      PB is a monarch and kind of like a “goddess” (or a Demi-goddess like the one that made humans in Greek mythology) and slowly learns how to humanize herself and her thinking (I think. I never watched the full series, just on the sidelines)

    • @banano2210
      @banano2210 3 года назад +4


    • @Lolbama2012
      @Lolbama2012 2 года назад

      I believe you'll find book 5 was called Harry Potter and the Audacity of this Bitch.

  • @QrowVang9801
    @QrowVang9801 7 лет назад +865

    Candy, Ice, Fire, Slime...
    Long ago the four kingdoms lived in harmony but then everything changed when Patience attacked

    • @xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx
      @xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx 7 лет назад +11


    • @kaitlynpeckham7992
      @kaitlynpeckham7992 7 лет назад +14

      Wait.... did you just make an avatar reference how have I never thought of that best comment ever

    • @mightsmallperidotslime3663
      @mightsmallperidotslime3663 7 лет назад +3

      Magic Wizards haha Avatar

    • @smegleymunroe863
      @smegleymunroe863 7 лет назад +8

      Well there was a lot of tension between Fire and Candy, with PB even going so far as to sabotage Fire Kingdom’s weapon stockpile

    • @lukerobinson3853
      @lukerobinson3853 6 лет назад +2

      Magic Wizards is that an undertale reference

  • @dalemuneqita
    @dalemuneqita 4 года назад +59

    "Elements might just be my favorite mini series in Adventure Time"
    Stakes: *say sike right now*

  • @SnowieKitten
    @SnowieKitten 5 лет назад +320

    "The inter-dimensional being that impregnated his father" yknow,,, i never thought i'd hear that sentence

    • @jacobaltredes7384
      @jacobaltredes7384 4 года назад +18

      Mpeg!writers: allow us to introduce ourselves

    • @captainbirch9835
      @captainbirch9835 4 года назад +6

      Especially not from a cartoon network series

    • @sammygecko_
      @sammygecko_ 3 года назад +5

      I really wish I thought the same or was at least mildly surprised.
      It was mainly LSP commenting about Finn having a “Tight butt” that really threw me off.. (just... contextually more than concept)

    • @sammygecko_
      @sammygecko_ 3 года назад +1

      @@captainbirch9835 if it was any series, it’d be AT (maybe gimbal idk.)
      There have been a couple MPreg episodes on kids cartoons.... unfortunately... just not on CN (unless TTG has done anything that I don’t know about,, or anyone else)

    • @lunaboggs6183
      @lunaboggs6183 3 года назад

      @@sammygecko_ he's 18 in the later episodes sooooooooo

  • @animated_finn
    @animated_finn 6 лет назад +703

    “Hopefully the ice king and Betty story will end on a happy note”
    *gets excited*
    *sees finale*
    bett is ded ;-;

    • @austinmattis1217
      @austinmattis1217 5 лет назад +46

      XxCrystalDiamondxX Betty lives on as golb *

    • @ZygardeHM
      @ZygardeHM 5 лет назад +30

      When your fiancé is Leo a dimensional destroyer

    • @manormanman7092
      @manormanman7092 5 лет назад +7

      Could've just made it so they both die.

    • @probablynotviolet
      @probablynotviolet 4 года назад +20

      She ain’t dead my dude she just

    • @nativechatter999
      @nativechatter999 4 года назад +22

      @Brendan does Stuff I just realized that people in Adventure Time use "Glob" as a pseudo-swear word, while Golb is a malevolent deity that exists. Maybe the same thing as "Jeez"/"Jesus"?

  • @sutoraiku9848
    @sutoraiku9848 4 года назад +48

    I’m gonna say the part with prismo and cosmic owl is actually because there changing time messing with the natural balance

  • @JosephBallin320
    @JosephBallin320 6 лет назад +133

    i'm still confused about how flame princess became candy even though she's a fire elemental

  • @legodude146
    @legodude146 7 лет назад +323

    55 minutes? Well worth the wait.

  • @ityourboi7756
    @ityourboi7756 4 года назад +70

    I like how HW was there at the end ,even though she was absent through the whole mini series. What what element did she transform into???

    • @sammygecko_
      @sammygecko_ 3 года назад +19

      Sorry I can only read HW as Home Work and I’m so confused

    • @aug.6259
      @aug.6259 3 года назад +14

      @@sammygecko_ huntress wizard

    • @lunaboggs6183
      @lunaboggs6183 3 года назад +13

      Maybe they used magic to avoid turning. Hiding in a cloud.

    • @lordsubjugator4046
      @lordsubjugator4046 3 года назад +14

      Prolly candy since she lives in the forests which are established to be near the candy kingdom

    • @Feral_cockroach121
      @Feral_cockroach121 2 года назад +4

      @@lordsubjugator4046 What candy would HW be..?
      Maybe that one “ forest “ brand of gummy bears-

  • @SpaceLemon.
    @SpaceLemon. 7 лет назад +695

    Prismo and the Cosmic Owl are worried because maintaning reality and keeping it in a stable state is apparently their jobs.

    • @rjms06
      @rjms06 6 лет назад +32

      i think that prismo would be worried because oldman prismo/jake would be effected i think

    • @asrieldreemurr9968
      @asrieldreemurr9968 6 лет назад +38

      I always thought it was because the mushroom bomb exploding was a set event in space-time, and it's what started the great mushroom war, but it would also remove the alternate timeline Jake who became the new physical body of Prismo from existence, thus destroying Prismo, as for the Cosmic Owl's worry, if I had to guess it's simply because Prismo's one of the few beings he can interact with, without worrying about altering space-time too much

    • @jonnyp1340
      @jonnyp1340 6 лет назад

      haha apparently XD so true

    • @weefle2034
      @weefle2034 6 лет назад

      well now we know EVERYTHING

    • @j025hasseenalot6
      @j025hasseenalot6 6 лет назад

      Al questions have been answered

  • @lassoedthesos5529
    @lassoedthesos5529 6 лет назад +57

    Oh my goodness, what if the baby fire wolf from "Thank You" is cinnamon buns trusted companion? And more important, I'd like to note that fire wolf is a god-tier pun on Rpg DnD Dire wolves, and it must be known!

  • @matthew826
    @matthew826 4 года назад +55

    At 48:21 when he said “LSP can reject magic” It’s weird that In season 1, episode 25 we see lumpy space princess become a cyborg from a ‘magic’ nail used by Finn.

    • @youropinionsareshitandsoar1954
      @youropinionsareshitandsoar1954 3 года назад +14

      I dont think the they expected the show to last long, some parts are questionable and fuzzy in earlier years

    • @Shadonicus0652
      @Shadonicus0652 3 года назад +17

      By what he means is rejecting elemental magic

    • @melviness4769
      @melviness4769 3 года назад +8

      I'm pretty sure its only elemental magic

  • @jewn304
    @jewn304 7 лет назад +103

    50:30 also, the glasses that ice King wore was perfectly timed. When he was wearing it, he said "I'm must be a special person" (I know the dialogue isn't accurate) referring to him being Simon before, then when it was removed by the wind Ice King claimed to be worthy of respect as a different person showing that he is a different individual. It's just a perfect resemblance. Notice my comment :

  • @Super_Panda_BS
    @Super_Panda_BS 4 года назад +37

    I think Betty or Magic Woman's suit is a reference to Uma Thurman's character in Kill Bill, except for the black.
    Also, I realized that I wrote this way after the video was uploaded... I like to binge watch 😬

    • @sammygecko_
      @sammygecko_ 3 года назад +1

      I mean it _is_ .......
      a yellow jumpsuit.

  • @2MeterLP
    @2MeterLP 7 лет назад +130

    I think false happiness is worthless. They seem happy as candified people, but they are empty husks. Id rather my sad but myself then brainwashed happy.

    • @scp--297
      @scp--297 7 лет назад +5


    • @joereddam2729
      @joereddam2729 7 лет назад +7

      force happiness is no happiness

    • @Ecliptor.
      @Ecliptor. 7 лет назад +8

      false happiness is obviously bad for yourself, but you don't do it for yourself in the first place, you do it for others

    • @joereddam2729
      @joereddam2729 7 лет назад

      no.you mean pretend to be happy for others, yes?

    • @JomeiJoshi
      @JomeiJoshi 7 лет назад +3

      I'm false happiness all the time.
      I'd rather be brainwashed happy than be depressed and ugly.

  • @tonygunk8157
    @tonygunk8157 7 лет назад +69

    "Pretty fly for an Ice Guy!"

  • @inkbanditt501
    @inkbanditt501 6 лет назад +43

    Ah I love it when Jake & Finn are referred to as brothers!
    And how instead of “kids” they get called “pups” yaknow, because dog family

  • @kip845
    @kip845 5 лет назад +69

    Jake- 16:42 " I remember father use to make me sit at the table until all the eggs were eaten...."
    Me: *tearing up* "I feel ya Jake😭"

  • @maxinea.sakaki4151
    @maxinea.sakaki4151 Год назад +10

    12:43 Ice king at the end of the reaction says "oh i get it, the top one is fake" that means he really thought both finn heads were real, like the ooze zombie monsters from when the mushroom bomb exploted, some of them with multiple faces, arms, mouths, etc. He is basically having a ptsd panic attack in that moment, is not a simple gag is actually terrifying how even he dosent remember being simon he has some recollection of the trauma that was fighting those mutated ppl.
    Like imagine al those represed memories of what use to be ppl crowling in the grown moving like insects with the miltiple limbs, faces, eyes, mouths, trying to get to you and make you one of them meanwhile them mumble gibrish, in top of that being somone you care about that you know personal info of them to the point of knowing there measurements for clothes. Like ice king even if he has no recollection of simon, he has the spirit of him, he never trully hurt anyone or killed anyone in the series, he just looks for princesses cuz he se to call betty that and the trauma of she disappearing(and he thinking he killed her when he was not in control) and finn, somone you used to fight and that is now ur friend and actually worries about you having the appearance of an ooze? I also would be terrified, also sometimes when ice king takes care or worries about someone else remembers me how simon used to worry about Marceline...

    • @rakstar343
      @rakstar343 8 месяцев назад

      yes that makes sense

  • @MrDreamerK
    @MrDreamerK 7 лет назад +992

    I love how it is MEGAreview of MINIseries : )

    • @rayyydomm396
      @rayyydomm396 7 лет назад +2

      Adventurous Adventurer Augustus z

    • @debodatta7398
      @debodatta7398 6 лет назад

      You failed to mention God Emperor of Dune which extremely heavily impacted and influenced this story and Princess Bubblegum

    • @JosephBallin320
      @JosephBallin320 6 лет назад

      well it's more than one episode unlike the other reviews

    • @jonitemple3607
      @jonitemple3607 6 лет назад


    • @nothing-zv9kd
      @nothing-zv9kd 6 лет назад

      DreamerK ii

  • @ghostsurfer23
    @ghostsurfer23 7 лет назад +306

    In regards to Prismo and Cosmic Owl's reaction, I think it's just because the Mushroom War was such a huge, impactful event, possibly a fixed point in time. No doubt countless realities hinge on it happening. While yes, the multiverse is infinite, I like to imagine in the cosmic scheme of things, there are "core realities", as has been theorized about the way the multiverse in Rick and Morty works. The Mushroom War, while awful from a human/mortal perspective, probably needs to happen.
    As for the personalities associated with the four elements, I don't know much about the four humors, but the way I interpreted it was that each of the elementals became a reflection of how they feel inside. Bubblegum we've seen several times would like to forego being a leader and a scientist in favor of a simpler, fun-filled life. "Too Young" is the best example, but we also see it in Burning Low and the Pajama War. Flame Princess is a dignified and empathetic ruler, but she has very chaotic roots. "Fire's purpose is to burn" she once said in reference to herself. She only is the way she is now through conscious effort. Slime Princess, from what little we've seen of her, seems to be a party girl at heart, so Slime Kingdom became one big party. And Patience we know the least about. However, it isn't that much of a stretch to assume her animated, extroverted exterior hides a lot of doubt, pessimism, and apathy. That's often the case for people; they overcompensate for their emotional shortcomings by making their personalities more aggressive and "out there" to distract people from the truth. But that's just my interpretation.

    • @uncivilizedelk
      @uncivilizedelk  7 лет назад +46

      I like that interpretation a lot, though I never got the impression that PB did anything that would be fun purely for her own sake. If anything, she just magnified her imperialistic tendencies.

    • @ghostsurfer23
      @ghostsurfer23 7 лет назад +22

      True, but it can be seen in all the candified people. They all have a disturbing child-like innocence. They're TOO innocent, unchecked in their detachment from the world. While Bubblegum's imperialistic tendencies were amplified, she did it with this same pseudo-naivety.

    • @rowknan9848
      @rowknan9848 7 лет назад +5

      Ghostsurfer421 Well it could be that Finn was around to stop the Lich.
      Remember the Lich was around as a catalyst comet/primordial monster before the Mushroom War. The Mushroom War just gave the Lich a body. It's entirely possible that he would have found a way to kill everyone after he got (or found) a body. Remember Finn wouldn't have the tools to stop him here and the Ice Crown wouldn't be there to save him. Prismo, the Cosmic Owl, and the Universe all would've been fucked.

    • @TEC0Y
      @TEC0Y 7 лет назад +15

      Uncivilized Elk Cosmic owl and prismo probably had an extreme reaction for the same reason prismo was scared of his boss. (prismo mentions his boss during "crossover" I think). Like jermaine, they have a career in the supernatural. Like martin, certain things are cosmic crimes. C.O. and prismo were probably shocked because of their general responsibility in handling these two things.

    • @CombatSportsNerd
      @CombatSportsNerd 7 лет назад +8

      it's kind of intriguing that we need bad things to happen for good things to occur

  • @lalakuma9
    @lalakuma9 4 года назад +31

    "Goodbye boys! It's better this way!"
    This is why I love BMO 🤣🤣🤣

  • @yaumelepire6310
    @yaumelepire6310 7 лет назад +26

    You know, both my Grandfathers (that's both on the paternal and maternal sides of the family tree) having Alzheimer's disease, I can definitely see the wisdom in Tiny-Manticore's advice to Betty. But the problem is Alzheimer's doesn't leave a new person, just a shell drifting more or less consciously through life...
    tl;dr: I hope Betty finds a cure for Ice King and herself, so that they can retain their powers but still regain their minds.

  • @blue.melodyy2060
    @blue.melodyy2060 4 года назад +82

    You do not know how upset I was when I saw “Marshmaline The Campfire Queen”.

  • @ToozdaysChild
    @ToozdaysChild 7 лет назад +62

    I interpreted Cosmic Owl's and Prismo's reactions to mean that the Mushroom War is incredibly important to the cosmos/timeline.

    • @youngfellow959
      @youngfellow959 5 лет назад +1

      That was my theory

    • @kristophersnyder2949
      @kristophersnyder2949 5 лет назад +2

      The only universe that the mushroom war never happened in was the farmword universe, which almost had the lich take over the multiverse.

  • @charlottetalaat5651
    @charlottetalaat5651 7 лет назад +165

    an hour long video

    • @PhilipJFryII
      @PhilipJFryII 7 лет назад +8

      We have been blessed indeed.

  • @skylerb97
    @skylerb97 4 года назад +61

    The “let me call you sweetheart” thing is actually somewhat terrifying. I kinda stopped watching the show midway through 2011, as I felt like I was growing past a few CN shows, even as a 13 year old
    so I pretty much only had a viewing experience of back when it was a “Boy and his shape shifting dog” show, I heard from a few of my friends who still watched, and RUclipsrs in the animation reviewer community that the world got more fleshed out and it developed an overarching story. And I read brief summaries of it here and there. But for some reason I’m just diving deep into it now two years after I saw clips of the finale.

    • @Firesgone
      @Firesgone 3 года назад +8

      I'm in a similar situation. I stopped as I kinda grew out ot TV but still saw the transition. It was fairly subtle actually. I stopped somewhere in the middle of all the seasons and am only here because I heard that it finally ended and I want to catch up

    • @skylerb97
      @skylerb97 3 года назад +2

      @@Firesgone interesting to hear somebody who had a similar experience

    • @Feral_cockroach121
      @Feral_cockroach121 2 года назад +2

      I feel so outta place cause..
      My mum didn’t let me watch it-

    • @chunkymonkey7983
      @chunkymonkey7983 2 года назад

      @@Feral_cockroach121 What, why not lol

  • @Artsouls1111
    @Artsouls1111 7 лет назад +101

    Since the new episode Bonibel Bubblegum we learn crunchy is actually Cousin Chicle. So that means that at least one of the evil candy members bonibel created was turned back into docile candy form since in episode Graybels 1000 Plus we see him emerge out of that candy capsule. Now we have to worry about the punch bowl/ piñata. The moment LSP turned everything back to the way it originally existed was when the 3 candy citizens went missing. Though why PB didn’t suspect something was up is either a plot hole or ignorance. We see missing posters for the 3 missing candy citizens. Maybe she was busy contemplating how she almost candy-fied the world, and feels guilty/burdened.
    On another note PB in her pure candy elemental tower form said “ im connected to all candy though-out all the galaxies” which might hint at there being candy life elsewhere, maybe due to her candy seeding probes. Just my thoughts probing around.

    • @miniyodadude6604
      @miniyodadude6604 5 лет назад

      Wow, very insightful comment coming back to this video

  • @CactusBerto
    @CactusBerto 4 года назад +92

    “The inter dimensional being that impregnated his father”
    hmmmm yea makes sense ok