So I like the idea. I think this would be nice for take apart put together from job site to the next. I think their latching system is a bit too slow though if this was packout it would be quick & easy. I agree with everyone that 1k seems high but there’s not* many if any lower cost competitors with carts this versatile & compatible on the market for cheaper. Seems like they’re competing with the Festool market more than like packout market since it’s tough to compare this to other toolbox systems when they don’t offer a cart like this
I’m 100% team DeWALT and have a lot of toughsystem 1.0 and 2.0. The DXL is a pass for me. I do remodeling and property maintenance. These boxes are to big for mobile contractors but would be great if you work in shop or in your garage
Not even sure who this dxl is really made for. It’s not really that mobile due to its size. May work as a stationary/sometimes mobile unit inside a big shop or whatever but for that price you can get alot of mobile cabinet/top tool boxes. Looks like another dewalt money grab/pit just like their ridiculous lines of drills 😂😂😂. I’d get it if it were like $500 but $1000? Naw.
$1K for plastic but can’t fit your power tools. I’m sure it barely holds a 100 pounds each shelf, it’ll crack the plastic. What is the purchase of this “mobile” unit if it can’t hold your tools properly. A mechanic wouldn’t buy this, unless it’s metal and can hold hundreds of pounds. A woodman wouldn’t use this because of the same reason. Putting this in your truck wouldn’t make sense for the same reason. I really don’t know the use of this. And the cost is way too high. Maybe for $300, I wouldn’t mind just to throw some basic tools in there but it still wouldn’t fit most of the basic tools unless you get a few more sets. Return it and get the $1K back, that’s a lot of wasted money if there is no good use for it.
Lmao! I have my 60v recip saw, 60v grinder, cordless framer, multi tool saw, air tool oil, box of screws in the big drawer alone and still have room to put more stuff in there.
“It’s huge, it’s expensive but it looks frickin awesome” That last part makes it all worth it 😂
So I like the idea. I think this would be nice for take apart put together from job site to the next. I think their latching system is a bit too slow though if this was packout it would be quick & easy. I agree with everyone that 1k seems high but there’s not* many if any lower cost competitors with carts this versatile & compatible on the market for cheaper. Seems like they’re competing with the Festool market more than like packout market since it’s tough to compare this to other toolbox systems when they don’t offer a cart like this
Nice video.
Thank you kindly!!
love the size and design but not being able to fit a drill ruins it for me, and for 1k...
Yeah some nice features but….
I’m 100% team DeWALT and have a lot of toughsystem 1.0 and 2.0. The DXL is a pass for me. I do remodeling and property maintenance. These boxes are to big for mobile contractors but would be great if you work in shop or in your garage
This is also great for commercial electricians, HVAC, fitters, ect ect ect. Or yes, shops and garages. Very nice and well put together.
Just take the batteries off your tools and it'll work 🤷🏽♂️ Right ?
Not even sure who this dxl is really made for. It’s not really that mobile due to its size. May work as a stationary/sometimes mobile unit inside a big shop or whatever but for that price you can get alot of mobile cabinet/top tool boxes. Looks like another dewalt money grab/pit just like their ridiculous lines of drills 😂😂😂. I’d get it if it were like $500 but $1000? Naw.
100% agreed… I am really trying to like this but seems a no go…. Very narrow use scenario.
$1K for plastic but can’t fit your power tools. I’m sure it barely holds a 100 pounds each shelf, it’ll crack the plastic. What is the purchase of this “mobile” unit if it can’t hold your tools properly. A mechanic wouldn’t buy this, unless it’s metal and can hold hundreds of pounds. A woodman wouldn’t use this because of the same reason. Putting this in your truck wouldn’t make sense for the same reason. I really don’t know the use of this. And the cost is way too high. Maybe for $300, I wouldn’t mind just to throw some basic tools in there but it still wouldn’t fit most of the basic tools unless you get a few more sets. Return it and get the $1K back, that’s a lot of wasted money if there is no good use for it.
100% agreed!
I travel all over as a technician who works primarily in hospitals. This would be perfect for the jobs we do.
Absolutely the directed use case scenario. Looks optimal for maintenance, mobile technician in a single facility/joined facility.
Lmao! I have my 60v recip saw, 60v grinder, cordless framer, multi tool saw, air tool oil, box of screws in the big drawer alone and still have room to put more stuff in there.