10:26 had me crying 😂😂😂 but yes Lee..I have faith that our mental health will gradually improve! You will even begin to look back at the things that they have did to you and notice how trivial they were and slowly the healing will begin.
I suffer from depression and anxiety. No meds. High blood pressure and diabetes. Their toxic ways absolutely will make you mentally and physically sick. Since he moved out I get stronger in EVERY way. It's very real!
If you listen to Lee he clearly says " climb the mountain of Pain and when you reach the summit you have won the battle". Everybody keep claiming!!!!! Don't look back!
I did as well…. I thought I was having a heart attack and I thought he was poisoning me ( he wanted to cook all the time)….. At the time I was in my early 30s chest pain, high blood pressure, damn near 300 lbs, high cholesterol, skin issues ,sleep apnea my hair started falling out…. My mother told me “You used to be so beautiful.” My daddy was concerned about my appearance…. He knew it was my husband….
Everyone that is reading this please listen" My cortisol levels where always high. I now have every stress related disease that you can possibly think of. Physical as well emotional. I am now on oxygen, and I am not a smoker, and I am not yet 60. Please take Lee's advice. PTSD is a real thing.. Care for yourself, because someday you may have that person gone, and finally have something to live for.
oh trust me, I know this. With my mother, I had chronic tonsillitis and when I moved away from her it got less to the point where I never got it again. I've had other health issues too. Eliminating toxic people is definitely better for our health for sure.
@MentalHealness it's horrible but I'm currently tryn my hardest to leave and find housing of some sort so I can continue to heal & work on my health...Thank you Lee so much for spreading so much awareness & truth ❤️
Omg this is so true. I was constantly sick the entire marriage. 21yrs I had bv , anxiety, panic , stomach problems, pelvic pain, back pain. Blood pressure was high. Sleeping problems. I never put it together until after the divorce. He left me, and I was devastated. But I noticed my health started improving.
Yup be is from the constant cheating with no protection… every thing else is part of the new marriage vows we took … and didn’t realize lol. I up and left a year ago.
Yes Lee!! I agree with you! When I was in a relationship with my ex, my Fibromyalgia got worse, I broke out with skin rashes and all kinds of infections like boils! Since I left him, my body has done a complete 360! Thank you Jesus!
I have fibromyalgia, sciatica, insomnia, arthritis, spinal stenosis, frayed meniscus, rotator cuff tendonopathy. All of these for 15+ years. Some for over 30 years. Married 38 years.
ABSOLUTELY!!! I developed migraines, uncontrollable nerve twitching upon approaching home, then physical shaking when I looked at him. Not to mention, my knees began aching doing g simple tasks like getting out of bed and trying to stand up from using the restroom. I couldn't wear my high heels anymore. I could barely wear flats. It's been almost 4 months no contact; no migraines, no nerve twitching and shaking and I'm BACK IN MY HEELS 💪🏾
I’m soo proud of you, stranger. I’m not back in heels yet but I had stomach problems and pains & I might have some life long problems but they started getting better immediately, INCLUDING nooo moree sleep sweats the first week. 44 lbs lighter, easily from not stress eating alone.. I hope you’re living your best life, love🎉
When I was with my ex narcissistic boyfriend. I started having migraine headaches! I didn't have them before I met him. But, they were so bad, and I knew in my heart it was the relationship! Afterward, I left him, went NoContact, and never had another migraine headache again!
Panic attacks systematically with palpitations and visits to the emergency room at the hospital just to be told that I simply had a panic attack. Daily anxiety and intense headaches that required intravenous painkillers. I ended up with depression and medication due to emotional abuse. Once I cut off contact, all symptoms disappeared.
If you don't realize health issues are being caused by your partner...then you are on the brink of becoming so broken and beaten down, where you won't have the strength to leave. Beware.
I was a wreck before we started a relationship and he knew that. currently, a psychologist said i am "one step away from completely losing my senses". Exact quote. And yes, chronic autoimmune illnesses have been there for years. And he gave me STD i cannot seem to get rid off. And he left me with a cat that has a chronic illness. He brought her home as a gift for me, called her his daughter, but disowned her after 3 month when she turned out to be sick and in need of a serious surgery. Now needs a special diet and multiple medical check ups. And it's all on me. He won't chip in or even show any interest. If i was pregnant by him, i would be left with the kid as a single mom. Oh my God, i dodged a huge bullet. Thank You God for watching over me!
In my past relationship, I didn’t eat a lot and I lost weight. Ppl like this will cause you to stress out. The red flags I see is when they disrespect their mothers. If I see that, it’s a no go!
I got an EPO w no contact in November. And since that day, I have not had one single argument with anyone else in my life or in my dealings with any person at all. Nothing. Peace. I wasn’t the problem.
I’ve mainly suffered from cardiac issues. A very serious one called SVT which causes your heart rate to increase above 100 bpm, which is the normal and it feels very scary so please you all get away from those toxic individuals your health first. You don’t want to be in and out of the hospital.
I'm only 33 and have a lot of health problems that I know came from childhood trauma. I was diagnosed with major depression at 15 and still have it. I also have fibromyalgia, as well as other things.
I'm not even going to go into everything I have from a lifetime of abuse. I do know that was one of the reasons, besides being exploited, cheated on, and lied to, I made him leave. I told him I needed to heal and couldn't do it while he was here. I was afraid I would die or be disabled, and he would take advantage of my children, or would abandon me when I needed someone I could count on to help me. He "didn't understand" when I told him why. His reaction was, "I would never have left you." Right. I knew better. His cheating was what ended it.
I would break out with rashes. Also my digestive system was horrible. It’s been 7 months no contact and my body is almost back on track. My anxiety would be through the roof. Mind you, I did not suffer from anxiety. Plus when he would spend nights with me, once he left my place I felt a heavy darkness. Almost like a cloud of depression. I finally realized how I would flinch being around him. Enough finally was enough.
Like ur literally cutting life down and life is so precious im thankful that God wakes me up to another beautiful day and be able to smile on good days even on bad days cause it can't rain all the time. Great topic today.
Hi Lee ❤ I just want to say a BIG thank you for your story and for helping us with your platform. I know i mention before about how im in a great marriage now and im grateful for my husband, but honestly i never healed from that relationship before him and it haunted me for years. I do believe sometimes the worrying about did contribute to my cancer diagnosis 2 years ago. Yes i was diagnosed with stage 3/4 Breast cancer while pregnant with my daughter November 2022 and thank God im in remission now. But now i want to get healing for that trauma that man put me through and im so grateful i came across your channel 🙏 ❤ because i really need it and im getting teary eye just thinking about the years i went through going through this alone. I feel i can be transparent with this community and thank you Lee for being bold enough to come forward with your testimony and resources so we can get answers and help, real heal. Your amazing 👏
I’ve been divorced for a year, he moved to another state so we don’t interact much, when we do it’s always about the kids. We got in an argument on Friday and that night I became very sick. Fever, chills, etc and I’m still sick. It’s to the point now where if I have to engage with him my body immediately rejects it, he’s just such a threat. I was sooo sick every year that passed in our marriage. I’m truly amazed I made it through it. My nervous system is so wrecked.
I’ve never been so sick as when I was with him. I don’t realize my body was screaming at me - had gastric and pelvic pain since the beginning - for nearly 7 years - saw so many doctors , in and out of the hospital, , CT scans, ultrasounds , MRI’s , many surgeries including a hysterectomy at the end and an autoimmune disease that affects my joints and muscles. He is a parasite and tried to kill me from the inside out. That was just the physical - I can heal from that - it’s the psychological , emotional, mental and spiritual abuse that is taking a longer recovery. Since I’ve been apart from him all my pain is gone. No contact 39 days. Pure poison. I got out , I survived
I have 3 things for everyone: 1) your brain cannot feel anxiety when you are tasting sour. Eat sour candy after triggers or when you think you are going to be triggered. 2) Vitamin D3 helps flush cortisol. You can help it's effectiveness by adding magnesium to help it absorb. 3) Your brain has only so many receptors, it can only receive a specific number of messages. You can overload it in a different direction to minimize the effects of your brain chemicals. Ex: you can overload your brain with dopamine and adrenaline by riding rollercoasters, and after the effects of the cortisol will be lessened.
I had memory loss and sharp pain in my head and stomach had to get a biopsy. Shortness of breath. Out of control diabetes. Yeah I know how did the narc make you have diabetes...well they don't help food habits around me.. had to give them money over my meds. High blood pressure. STRESS! the paranoia was out the roof! Didn't feel safe around them.
I once knew a women who was with a narcissist for several years before I even had encountered a narcissist myself. She has fybromilagia. When I was with the narcissist in my life, I gained weight from stress, had high cortisol levels, complex PTSD, severe anxiety (more than usual). When you leave a narcissist things won't disappear, the long lasting effects can last for years dependent on how your healing journey goes. A lot of people think they're healed but are still connected to narcissist because they ''expect'' a narcissist to hoover (so they have hope the traumabond will stay to exist).
So True, I kept getting bacteria infections with my ex husband. I didn’t have that problem before and had that problem since I stop sleeping with him 😢. I’m 1 1/2 years out. 🙏🏽🙌🏽🫶🏽
Been 5 months no contact and moved back home w my parents and caught myself after my dad asked me about my coworkers , I lied and said that one of my coworkers was a girl instead of a guy. And then I really thought abt wait I don’t have to lie anymore crazy to fall back into a sense of ‘what’s normal’ again
I believe that. I stopped taking food or beverages that he prepared bcoz my body felt off & I honestly thought he was poisoning me coz I believed he would do that. But this sounds more real coz I was stressed tf out
Thank you for your prayers. Bro, I said I would leave him and he sent a a short about Forgive forget and move on. I didn't even know he got married 5 days before, on Christmas day. Mind fog yep..Please keep praying. He literally just sent a video....
I wasted 40 years on my mother. The same mother who poisoned me with illegal drugs at just 13 years old. Way too many totally unforgivable things to even mention. Her and my father broke up multiple times but the big one when I was about 14. Yet they are still friends. He's her flying monkey. She's leaving him in her will??!! Considering they are born just one year apart. Wth. My dad spent my so called inhereriance on drugs and ended up with hep c and asking if he could sofa surf and my house until his latest gf kicked him out. But according to my mother we don't remember about that episode. Toxic. Vile. Bullies. Physically and mentally abusive. My whole life I'm such a late developer. I was so poorly as a child. My mother wouldn't let me out in the sun! I chucked them out my life last September.
Since my husband took off is mask, my immune system started to be very low. I also gained weight that I'm unable to lose even if I exercice everyday. I also always have a soar throat.
It started with high pressure, eventually got off the high blood pressure and anxiety meds. Unfortunately, the high blood pressure was a symptom of something more serious, I developed congestive heart failure. All due to stress and narcs.
My ex started back messing with his child mother, also his ex wife. I told him and his flying monkey family that I thought he and her looked good together. Idc, who he was with. As long as I wasn’t with him. I was glad that he was someone else problem and situationshit 😊
7:27 yes!!!! He always told me To give up on my dance dreams and GROW THE F*CK UP! Made me feel terrible For something I’ve done for 27 years. Now I’m out I’m dancing and teaching ❤
This is so true!!! It was so bad I had to take almost two month leave from work because I couldn’t function . And while waiting on my benefits to deposit (it took weeks) he said he was going to help while I was out . Barely helped and ended up getting locked up. Which could’ve been a sign to leave then ! I was so small and didn’t noticed then I gain hella weight after . It was horrible name I’m still bouncing back from it all because it became a horrible cycle that now is getting undone.
I wish more people realized just how sick they can make you. I’ve had broken heart syndrome, autoimmune issues, migraines, and hypertension. I have permanent damage to my kidneys from my inability to drink or eat because of the abuse. My WBCs have been elevated due to constant inflammation in my body and I’m now being evaluated for possible leukemia. All of this outside of the severe depression and anxiety. I’m in healthcare and I know how abuse can kill you, but I never thought it would happen to me. My physical health is broken and so is my spirit. I feel like narcissists are capable of killing you by physically abusing you and by emotionally abusing you because either way it feels like a slow death. I once was so healthy. I had no health issues, I ran marathons and was genuinely happy, but all of that is gone now. If you’re in a situation like this, please do everything you can to leave. I know it’s not easy, but you have to save yourself.
@MentalHealness i endet my marriage after 15 years Ur Videos helped me a lot Starting 2 see things clear,stop making excuses,taking fake srys and promisses even know it hurts so bad. I started getting sick years ago and it got worst. I started 2 remember situations during watching ur Videos and then saw it from a different perspective. I really believed him but it was all a le and game....its so sad And sometimes i still cant believe it. Its like reality slap me in my face and still i dont want 2 realise. Its insane I try 2 do everything in every way but it always has the same ending. And he got worst after break up We have 6 Kids but only 1 whos willing 2 play his game 4 love and attention Its so sad i cant be mad at my child He just wants 2 be loved by his daddy. I keep watching ur Videos and just keep on fighting Hope it will be over.... I really want 2 thank u 4 ur work!!!! Its hard but without u i wouldnt even started to get out ! Thank u!!! Best wishes from germany:')
Get out before you get sucked in. I had inactive stage 4 cancer for 7 years. After a little under a year with the narc, it returned. The stress was ridiculous and I did not understand it until I dumped him and realized that there was nothing wrong with me, but there was a whole lot wrong with him. Well, I Am not perfect, but I know it and he doesn't think there is a thing wrong with him 😅 Don't stay with people who don't care about you at all. You are alone in these relationships and being alone and not in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about you is far less lonely than pretending you are in a real relationship. You can't love a person you don't even know and we never know these jackasses! On a different note, f those people who have called you a down grade because you are a black man. Awful.
Im just sorry I work like a Hebrew Slave all the time I know I couldn't be going through my life being cut down sick, anxiety, cancer, stomach issues, headaches. This is sad.
I'm so Happy for YourTube I still tap in and your Growth is Cool keep going being authentic will always win but that the Narcissist who wanted to acknowledge others feelings Proud of ya ❤❤❤My question is Are You Happy inside
I have been with husband for 7 years now. I've been sick eith random sicknesses on and off for years. We broke up for 2 months and it was hell for so many reasons. But I wasn't sick anymore. I workout but not consistently. When we were apart my body looked great like I worked out everyday. Now that were back together my body keeps getting infections and my face and body are puffy again.
When I tell u my life is so private and under the radar I mean just that. I come out but I'm very selective about who I'm around and where I go. Being around things and people that doesn't serve me absolutely not. Now knowing this is a real thing I think being totally away from things like that is more positive for me. I know life be lifing for everyone but I don't know if I can handle my life being cut down due to a toxic friendship or relationship. But I guess it's real
Absolutely made me physically, mentally, financially and in constant fight or flight mode 😮💨😮💨
When loving them is killing you😔
Yes 😢 💔
Absolutely...just wanting the basics of love. Makes us sick. 😢
10:26 had me crying 😂😂😂 but yes Lee..I have faith that our mental health will gradually improve! You will even begin to look back at the things that they have did to you and notice how trivial they were and slowly the healing will begin.
I suffer from depression and anxiety. No meds. High blood pressure and diabetes. Their toxic ways absolutely will make you mentally and physically sick. Since he moved out I get stronger in EVERY way. It's very real!
Minus diabetes, me too
I’ve never been diagnosed with anything but now am taking meds for depression and anxiety. 15 years with this fool.
If you listen to Lee he clearly says " climb the mountain of Pain and when you reach the summit you have won the battle". Everybody keep claiming!!!!! Don't look back!
You are absolutely right. It happened to me. I felt as though I was literally going to die. No cap.
I did as well…. I thought I was having a heart attack and I thought he was poisoning me ( he wanted to cook all the time)….. At the time I was in my early 30s chest pain, high blood pressure, damn near 300 lbs, high cholesterol, skin issues ,sleep apnea my hair started falling out…. My mother told me “You used to be so beautiful.” My daddy was concerned about my appearance…. He knew it was my husband….
Everyone that is reading this please listen" My cortisol levels where always high. I now have every stress related disease that you can possibly think of. Physical as well emotional. I am now on oxygen, and I am not a smoker, and I am not yet 60. Please take Lee's advice. PTSD is a real thing.. Care for yourself, because someday you may have that person gone, and finally have something to live for.
oh trust me, I know this. With my mother, I had chronic tonsillitis and when I moved away from her it got less to the point where I never got it again. I've had other health issues too. Eliminating toxic people is definitely better for our health for sure.
So very true..I've recently received some pretty bad diagnosis's and i do blame alot on the stress from the abuse
@MentalHealness it's horrible but I'm currently tryn my hardest to leave and find housing of some sort so I can continue to heal & work on my health...Thank you Lee so much for spreading so much awareness & truth ❤️
Omg this is so true. I was constantly sick the entire marriage. 21yrs I had bv , anxiety, panic , stomach problems, pelvic pain, back pain. Blood pressure was high. Sleeping problems. I never put it together until after the divorce. He left me, and I was devastated. But I noticed my health started improving.
Same here! Yeast infections,inexplanable pains,ptsd,chronic fatique,shaking,panick attacks,insomnia,etc etc
I stopped having sleep sweats within the first week and I also slept for more than 5 hours for the first time in over a year and a half
Yup be is from the constant cheating with no protection… every thing else is part of the new marriage vows we took … and didn’t realize lol. I up and left a year ago.
Yes Lee!! I agree with you! When I was in a relationship with my ex, my Fibromyalgia got worse, I broke out with skin rashes and all kinds of infections like boils! Since I left him, my body has done a complete 360! Thank you Jesus!
I just left my kids dad 1. month ago and I'm already feeling the differerence
I remember that. My narcissist friend would say that I have a bad attitude. But one month later after leaving my emotions changed for the better!
I have fibromyalgia, sciatica, insomnia, arthritis, spinal stenosis, frayed meniscus, rotator cuff tendonopathy. All of these for 15+ years. Some for over 30 years. Married 38 years.
ABSOLUTELY!!! I developed migraines, uncontrollable nerve twitching upon approaching home, then physical shaking when I looked at him. Not to mention, my knees began aching doing g simple tasks like getting out of bed and trying to stand up from using the restroom. I couldn't wear my high heels anymore. I could barely wear flats. It's been almost 4 months no contact; no migraines, no nerve twitching and shaking and I'm BACK IN MY HEELS 💪🏾
Same her ptsd,chronic fatique,shaking when around him and my body turning ice cold.
Returning yeast infections etc..terrible😮
I’m soo proud of you, stranger. I’m not back in heels yet but I had stomach problems and pains & I might have some life long problems but they started getting better immediately, INCLUDING nooo moree sleep sweats the first week. 44 lbs lighter, easily from not stress eating alone.. I hope you’re living your best life, love🎉
This is true this happened to me with my kids father.😒
When I was with my ex narcissistic boyfriend. I started having migraine headaches! I didn't have them before I met him. But, they were so bad, and I knew in my heart it was the relationship! Afterward, I left him, went NoContact, and never had another migraine headache again!
Panic attacks systematically with palpitations and visits to the emergency room at the hospital just to be told that I simply had a panic attack. Daily anxiety and intense headaches that required intravenous painkillers. I ended up with depression and medication due to emotional abuse. Once I cut off contact, all symptoms disappeared.
If you don't realize health issues are being caused by your partner...then you are on the brink of becoming so broken and beaten down, where you won't have the strength to leave. Beware.
I was a wreck before we started a relationship and he knew that. currently, a psychologist said i am "one step away from completely losing my senses". Exact quote. And yes, chronic autoimmune illnesses have been there for years. And he gave me STD i cannot seem to get rid off. And he left me with a cat that has a chronic illness. He brought her home as a gift for me, called her his daughter, but disowned her after 3 month when she turned out to be sick and in need of a serious surgery. Now needs a special diet and multiple medical check ups. And it's all on me. He won't chip in or even show any interest. If i was pregnant by him, i would be left with the kid as a single mom. Oh my God, i dodged a huge bullet. Thank You God for watching over me!
oh my goodness
In my past relationship, I didn’t eat a lot and I lost weight. Ppl like this will cause you to stress out. The red flags I see is when they disrespect their mothers. If I see that, it’s a no go!
I got an EPO w no contact in November. And since that day, I have not had one single argument with anyone else in my life or in my dealings with any person at all. Nothing. Peace.
I wasn’t the problem.
You never was the problem, You was the person suffering the "problem".
Dang Lee I never been so tired and sick before. Then shes like why dont you take me out anymore. The blindness to my pain and suffering is crazy😬
Yes, so true. Eventually you start DANCING again!
I’ve mainly suffered from cardiac issues. A very serious one called SVT which causes your heart rate to increase above 100 bpm, which is the normal and it feels very scary so please you all get away from those toxic individuals your health first. You don’t want to be in and out of the hospital.
Ditto, damn near felt like I was having a panic attack while driving
@@HumbleWorldTraveler this too, it is the absolute worst
I noticed everything he said he hated .. he loved .. He pretty much meant the opposite of what he said
That’s the same thing my Narc husband would do….. I got tired of his nonsense I truly felt he was doing it on purpose….
I watched my mom’s health fail more and more with each betrayal by my dad. She died at 60, alone, without him by her side.
Cut them out of your life!!
I'm only 33 and have a lot of health problems that I know came from childhood trauma. I was diagnosed with major depression at 15 and still have it. I also have fibromyalgia, as well as other things.
I already had anxiety did the Ex NARC make it worse YES, Single life is Beautiful ❤
I'm not even going to go into everything I have from a lifetime of abuse. I do know that was one of the reasons, besides being exploited, cheated on, and lied to, I made him leave. I told him I needed to heal and couldn't do it while he was here. I was afraid I would die or be disabled, and he would take advantage of my children, or would abandon me when I needed someone I could count on to help me. He "didn't understand" when I told him why. His reaction was, "I would never have left you." Right. I knew better. His cheating was what ended it.
I know someone who died from being with a narc. The person left him but still died.
Yep thats me..severe pstd,chronic fatique,panick attacks
I would break out with rashes. Also my digestive system was horrible. It’s been 7 months no contact and my body is almost back on track. My anxiety would be through the roof. Mind you, I did not suffer from anxiety. Plus when he would spend nights with me, once he left my place I felt a heavy darkness. Almost like a cloud of depression. I finally realized how I would flinch being around him. Enough finally was enough.
Yes my blood pressure was sky high with him 3 days no contact
Like ur literally cutting life down and life is so precious im thankful that God wakes me up to another beautiful day and be able to smile on good days even on bad days cause it can't rain all the time. Great topic today.
I literally have PTSD. I fidget a lot and flinch like crazy. I constantly apologize, and sleep in a fetal position…..
Hi Lee ❤ I just want to say a BIG thank you for your story and for helping us with your platform. I know i mention before about how im in a great marriage now and im grateful for my husband, but honestly i never healed from that relationship before him and it haunted me for years. I do believe sometimes the worrying about did contribute to my cancer diagnosis 2 years ago. Yes i was diagnosed with stage 3/4 Breast cancer while pregnant with my daughter November 2022 and thank God im in remission now. But now i want to get healing for that trauma that man put me through and im so grateful i came across your channel 🙏 ❤ because i really need it and im getting teary eye just thinking about the years i went through going through this alone. I feel i can be transparent with this community and thank you Lee for being bold enough to come forward with your testimony and resources so we can get answers and help, real heal. Your amazing 👏
Thank you so much!
I’ve been divorced for a year, he moved to another state so we don’t interact much, when we do it’s always about the kids. We got in an argument on Friday and that night I became very sick. Fever, chills, etc and I’m still sick. It’s to the point now where if I have to engage with him my body immediately rejects it, he’s just such a threat. I was sooo sick every year that passed in our marriage. I’m truly amazed I made it through it. My nervous system is so wrecked.
@@Dti_lover-y7o TRE (Berceli) helps! Also, to calm down BEFORE obligated meetings with these MONSTERS! I have similar situation
I’ve never been so sick as when I was with him. I don’t realize my body was screaming at me - had gastric and pelvic pain since the beginning - for nearly 7 years - saw so many doctors , in and out of the hospital, , CT scans, ultrasounds , MRI’s , many surgeries including a hysterectomy at the end and an autoimmune disease that affects my joints and muscles. He is a parasite and tried to kill me from the inside out. That was just the physical - I can heal from that - it’s the psychological , emotional, mental and spiritual abuse that is taking a longer recovery. Since I’ve been apart from him all my pain is gone. No contact 39 days. Pure poison. I got out , I survived
I have 3 things for everyone: 1) your brain cannot feel anxiety when you are tasting sour. Eat sour candy after triggers or when you think you are going to be triggered. 2) Vitamin D3 helps flush cortisol. You can help it's effectiveness by adding magnesium to help it absorb. 3) Your brain has only so many receptors, it can only receive a specific number of messages. You can overload it in a different direction to minimize the effects of your brain chemicals. Ex: you can overload your brain with dopamine and adrenaline by riding rollercoasters, and after the effects of the cortisol will be lessened.
I use all 3 of these myself, and they work for me. I love you all, and I hope you all have an outstanding day/evening. ✨️💖
Thank you for this
I take magnesium and D3 as well - it helps!!!
The abuse from a narcissist can cause brain damage.
High blood pressure and heart attack
Thank You Mr. Lee, This is So True!
Mr Lee please do this one at least once or twice a year to remind us and for your new subscribers. Thank You!
The truth is they lie😢. It's all about them.
I had memory loss and sharp pain in my head and stomach had to get a biopsy. Shortness of breath. Out of control diabetes. Yeah I know how did the narc make you have diabetes...well they don't help food habits around me.. had to give them money over my meds. High blood pressure. STRESS! the paranoia was out the roof! Didn't feel safe around them.
4:04 this is so true you have to perform some kind of cost benefit analysis
I was sick a lot. Since my divorce 18 years ago, I have not had a cold!
Yeah my stomach hurts after doing stuff with him.
Yep my hair was falling out and irregular cycles became anemic
Well darn I tell you Lee its like your telling my story word for word I went through all of that in that order
🙏🏽 stay strong
Absolutely 💯
Lord have mercy. My anxiety was off the chain, which led to other internal illnesses and self-doubt.
He sent me to the hospital making crazy. So now im on a pill trying not to take it.
I once knew a women who was with a narcissist for several years before I even had encountered a narcissist myself. She has fybromilagia. When I was with the narcissist in my life, I gained weight from stress, had high cortisol levels, complex PTSD, severe anxiety (more than usual). When you leave a narcissist things won't disappear, the long lasting effects can last for years dependent on how your healing journey goes. A lot of people think they're healed but are still connected to narcissist because they ''expect'' a narcissist to hoover (so they have hope the traumabond will stay to exist).
It also causes reflux and nausea
Y’all he’s talking about chronic issues beyond just STD’s and being drugged/poisoned by them.
So True, I kept getting bacteria infections with my ex husband. I didn’t have that problem before and had that problem since I stop sleeping with him 😢. I’m 1 1/2 years out. 🙏🏽🙌🏽🫶🏽
@@aggray1971 Same here 😢
Hospital 11 times in 2024...never again..feeling great
😮‼️ How many times were you admitted?? Sending healing energy your way✨
Been 5 months no contact and moved back home w my parents and caught myself after my dad asked me about my coworkers , I lied and said that one of my coworkers was a girl instead of a guy. And then I really thought abt wait I don’t have to lie anymore crazy to fall back into a sense of ‘what’s normal’ again
I love me way to much to love someone more than me.
I heard that being in a stressful relationship will completely sick. This is interesting
@MentalHealness this has to be hard to come back from this is really sad
Omg ... Mr. Hammock, you telling the TRUTH !!!
I believe that. I stopped taking food or beverages that he prepared bcoz my body felt off & I honestly thought he was poisoning me coz I believed he would do that. But this sounds more real coz I was stressed tf out
Thank you for your prayers. Bro, I said I would leave him and he sent a a short about Forgive forget and move on. I didn't even know he got married 5 days before, on Christmas day. Mind fog yep..Please keep praying. He literally just sent a video....
The feeling you cannot breathe
.....like your chest is too tight.
Divorced after 27 years in 2018 diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019. Hyper vigilant to this day. Ugh
I couldn't focus I stayed crying and stressed
I wasted 40 years on my mother. The same mother who poisoned me with illegal drugs at just 13 years old. Way too many totally unforgivable things to even mention. Her and my father broke up multiple times but the big one when I was about 14. Yet they are still friends. He's her flying monkey. She's leaving him in her will??!! Considering they are born just one year apart. Wth. My dad spent my so called inhereriance on drugs and ended up with hep c and asking if he could sofa surf and my house until his latest gf kicked him out. But according to my mother we don't remember about that episode. Toxic. Vile. Bullies. Physically and mentally abusive. My whole life I'm such a late developer. I was so poorly as a child. My mother wouldn't let me out in the sun! I chucked them out my life last September.
I was sick with cold and hot, rashes under arms, headaches, vomit and aching last year before I get rid of ex last year👑📖🙏🏾
Great video!!❤ plus they give you all this sicknessand turmoil.....then on top of that they can careless about you!
She hoovered me today and her eyes were going crazy lol trying to blame me for her ghosting me i cut it off today she just walked away pissed off...
Yes, developed kidney failure. 😮😢
I couldn't focus I stayed crying and stressed 😅
lve been watching you for 5 yrs now
♥️ thanks for the support
I feel you on the noise thing. Some sounds make me so angry inside and I don’t know why 🤷🏻♀️ 😂 but on the Narc and illness!! Yes so true. 👍🏼
Since my husband took off is mask, my immune system started to be very low. I also gained weight that I'm unable to lose even if I exercice everyday. I also always have a soar throat.
This is true.I stay sick all the time when I was with him.
I turned into a pathetic sick 🤢 person.
You’re not pathetic 😢 I use to feel the same. They are the ones who are pathetic. You’re amazing❤
Yes it makes your body sick . They dont help ! . They complain their pain is worse than thier pain that you are to blame! . I only love my dogs
It’s the hand measurements high to low for me 🤣😭
It started with high pressure, eventually got off the high blood pressure and anxiety meds. Unfortunately, the high blood pressure was a symptom of something more serious, I developed congestive heart failure. All due to stress and narcs.
I lost my job, turned to drugs cause I needed a way out of the mental abuse from my ex who is a narcissist.
My ex started back messing with his child mother, also his ex wife. I told him and his flying monkey family that I thought he and her looked good together. Idc, who he was with. As long as I wasn’t with him. I was glad that he was someone else problem and situationshit 😊
I was able to stop taking Ativan after leaving my ex
That's so different that u can literally get sick from being in a bad relationship wow
7:27 yes!!!! He always told me
To give up on my dance dreams and GROW THE F*CK UP!
Made me feel terrible
For something I’ve done for 27 years. Now I’m out I’m dancing and teaching ❤
This is so true!!! It was so bad I had to take almost two month leave from work because I couldn’t function . And while waiting on my benefits to deposit (it took weeks) he said he was going to help while I was out . Barely helped and ended up getting locked up. Which could’ve been a sign to leave then ! I was so small and didn’t noticed then I gain hella weight after . It was horrible name I’m still bouncing back from it all because it became a horrible cycle that now is getting undone.
TMJ, anxiety ,GI issues ended after narc parents died
I wish more people realized just how sick they can make you. I’ve had broken heart syndrome, autoimmune issues, migraines, and hypertension. I have permanent damage to my kidneys from my inability to drink or eat because of the abuse. My WBCs have been elevated due to constant inflammation in my body and I’m now being evaluated for possible leukemia. All of this outside of the severe depression and anxiety. I’m in healthcare and I know how abuse can kill you, but I never thought it would happen to me. My physical health is broken and so is my spirit. I feel like narcissists are capable of killing you by physically abusing you and by emotionally abusing you because either way it feels like a slow death. I once was so healthy. I had no health issues, I ran marathons and was genuinely happy, but all of that is gone now.
If you’re in a situation like this, please do everything you can to leave. I know it’s not easy, but you have to save yourself.
U r so right😢
i endet my marriage after 15 years
Ur Videos helped me a lot
Starting 2 see things clear,stop making excuses,taking fake srys and promisses even know it hurts so bad.
I started getting sick years ago and it got worst.
I started 2 remember situations during watching ur Videos and then saw it from a different perspective.
I really believed him but it was all a le and game....its so sad
And sometimes i still cant believe it.
Its like reality slap me in my face and still i dont want 2 realise.
Its insane
I try 2 do everything in every way but it always has the same ending.
And he got worst after break up
We have 6 Kids but only 1 whos willing 2 play his game 4 love and attention
Its so sad i cant be mad at my child
He just wants 2 be loved by his daddy.
I keep watching ur Videos and just keep on fighting
Hope it will be over....
I really want 2 thank u 4 ur work!!!!
Its hard but without u i wouldnt even started to get out !
Thank u!!!
Best wishes from germany:')
I was truly happy before I met him. Also my mental and physical health decline more and more over 2 years. I getting my peace and health back now❤
He really told me our whole relationship the kind of woman that was gross. Then cheated on me with exactly that! Twisted and evil
Get out before you get sucked in. I had inactive stage 4 cancer for 7 years. After a little under a year with the narc, it returned. The stress was ridiculous and I did not understand it until I dumped him and realized that there was nothing wrong with me, but there was a whole lot wrong with him. Well, I Am not perfect, but I know it and he doesn't think there is a thing wrong with him 😅 Don't stay with people who don't care about you at all. You are alone in these relationships and being alone and not in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about you is far less lonely than pretending you are in a real relationship. You can't love a person you don't even know and we never know these jackasses!
On a different note, f those people who have called you a down grade because you are a black man. Awful.
That's sad ur life is being cut in half due to toxic relationships.
@@MentalHealness I literally ordered me some Jordans online I stopped opening up the box just to tune in cause this was interesting
@@MentalHealness when did FEDEX deliver on Sunday's? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@MentalHealness there is no amount of love in this world that u taking ur life down like that I love me Im not going through no type hell like that.
Im just sorry I work like a Hebrew Slave all the time I know I couldn't be going through my life being cut down sick, anxiety, cancer, stomach issues, headaches. This is sad.
I'm so Happy for YourTube I still tap in and your Growth is Cool keep going being authentic will always win but that the Narcissist who wanted to acknowledge others feelings Proud of ya ❤❤❤My question is Are You Happy inside
You are angel for victims @Lee , you are not narc aware but narc conqueror ❤
This is so true😷
Amazing yesterday I was dancing in the living room, en thougt haven’d danced in a wile and O my god ditched some bad energy i feel much lighter ❤
thank you!!!
Yes I’m going through it right now
I have been with husband for 7 years now. I've been sick eith random sicknesses on and off for years. We broke up for 2 months and it was hell for so many reasons. But I wasn't sick anymore. I workout but not consistently. When we were apart my body looked great like I worked out everyday. Now that were back together my body keeps getting infections and my face and body are puffy again.
I had a stroke 2021 being around toxic family n fake friends
When I tell u my life is so private and under the radar I mean just that. I come out but I'm very selective about who I'm around and where I go. Being around things and people that doesn't serve me absolutely not. Now knowing this is a real thing I think being totally away from things like that is more positive for me. I know life be lifing for everyone but I don't know if I can handle my life being cut down due to a toxic friendship or relationship. But I guess it's real